Every Monster High Episode EVER! | 6 Hour Compilation | Monster High

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my favorite part of the song the brothers are the best the Jonas Brothers home come and dance send us your video telling us why your school deserves it we must win and action to myself hi my name is Frankie and everyone at Monster High loves the Jonas Brothers I'm the new girl no really I swear I'm like only 15 Hazel oh here are my best school friends Claudine pleasure Jordan's Brothers really need to play our homecoming dance as long as it's not in the full moon because being a werewolf let's just say my clothes aren't the only things that I fears during the full moon I guess I'll turn it over to draculara because she keeps me it's my turn John this brother's rule [Music] it was pretty deep Julia what's up Cave Blood I'm Laguna I love to carve a nice wave in the morning sugar point the camera towards me I'm Cleo what's up I'm Deuce dialing in anyway back to me I'll keep going let's totally still recording homecoming dance today and in the contester I will die even alive and I'll die [Music] so Monster High are you ready to rock something's wrong with Ghoulia she looks upset how can you tell I'm telling you she's upset about something Adele [Music] how's it going oh so you like slo-mo but you're too shy to talk to him [Music] don't worry honey your girlfriends are here to help okay ladies most important thing to remember whatever happens do not be yourself will tell you exactly what to do got it status he's passing coffin Corridor Julia's not ready [Music] compliment him point out how beautiful [Music] [Music] here's what you need to do toss your hair gently then lean it like you want to hear what he has to say but not too close [Music] can't wait until I'm 1700 years old and I can date see just like I said all she had to do was beat herself this way I'm going out with a guy with more than four eyes and he has like eight no I'm late for homie gotta run hey I've got it all right ghouls these are tryouts for my fear leading squad most of you will not survive the cut there is no room on my squad for dead wings [Music] [Music] a party [Music] Frankie congratulations [Music] blow off game what happened to mistress I heard it was poisonous leeches no no I heard it was a scorching case of carnivorous please [Music] oh that's ghastly lie down you little freaks YouTube stop talking my name is loser it is pronounced Czar Lou Zar this is pretty good cow cometry 101 open your books since I don't know where you left off we're gonna do the whole book brother you sir are late I'm Deuce Deuce Gorgon Mr loser I am the authority here you take those sunglasses off in my classroom man you don't want me to do that oh I am sick okay whatever you got it it looks like class dismissed [Applause] hey man I tried to warn you it wears off in a couple hours usually two minutes left it never works sometimes being a vampire really sucks Draculaura you're pretty pumped for somebody without a pulse it's builty clear it's just that it's boring [Music] well everyone knows my boyfriend Deuce is the hottest guy at Monster High yeah of course it is awesome for you but this guy oh fightable here he comes is my makeup all right you look fun like you need some help leave it to Cleo I'm gonna make your first meeting really memorable [Music] [Music] you look horrible I like that in a girl [Music] saw what you did you are like so nice he's been staring at Gill for 15 minutes straight this is going to end badly we need to snap her out of it this clockulus is really hard I'm thinking about going to the library to study later yes the library is the wonderful place to study and to enter knowledge into your brain I I'm I mean if you have one that's it you've been oogling the guy for almost an hour and that's all you've got come on dude Gil's practically a swimsuit model sure like he'd ever talk to me sweetie I think he just did [Music] [Music] thank you thank you I just want to crawl into a puddle and pull it over the top of me is this the book you're looking for [Music] meet me at the fountain at three o'clock Leo you killed them out there I know I guess that didn't bite you're up don't be surprised if they don't clap I'm a tough act to follow I'm a natural good luck you are so gonna need it [Applause] that Spotlight it looks just like the Moon [Music] job but he accidentally hit the spotlight picky don't do such a thing she's totally out of control and I like it [Applause] did they ask you before [Music] day you must look your best if you want to be immortalized you look ghoulish enough you could be voted scream queen of Monster High aren't we supposed to use study how to study coach is covering study howl today what's the big deal he makes you ditch the books and run Labs all period so all that sweat totally ruins your makeup and fur and clothes and bandages picture day duh is bullish or not you won't be hitting the books while I'm here dead you'll be getting ready to Oh Come with me if you want to live outside [Music] [Music] you girls will be released from study hall to get ready for your yearbook photos [Music] a regular scream Queen [Music] guys [Music] not the same green blood flow through our veins laughs this is so wrong Frankie I need an assist [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] no worries we're out dudes [Applause] oh boy where did everyone go go close dismissed nice save where I found a place where they can chill [Music] [Music] at transylvania's secret or she forgot to studying I couldn't my brother ate on my nose yeah right don't even try and tell us you weren't watching America's top monster busted but it was the final power pulls off that was beyond my control seriously guys what am I gonna do well why don't you sit next to Ghoulia are you saying I should she is the smartest girl in school [Music] I know what I would do all right class Penn's it ready and begin [Applause] [Music] one minute left yeah If Only They asked me who got voted off America's top monster I'm really should have studied I rehearsing all night I was born to play this role there's only room for one little lady and that's going to be me that part is mine mine bring it send them in hello we're starting um uh please have your monologues ready next next break a leg break them both [Music] beautiful rose [Music] [Music] I don't you remember what Shakespeare said the quality of Mercy is not strained it drop it as the gentle rain from Heaven it is twice blessed it blesseth him that gives and humidity [Applause] particular's birthday today totally forgot not every day he turned 1600. time to plan a party Frankie's birthday 16 date hey Claudia it's draculara's birthday today but I got plans Frankie 16 days old today we've got to throw her a party can't got swim practice sorry [Music] party everyone [Music] to the party come on let's do lunch [Music] to meet at the mall I saw these totally cute monster Creepers on sale all right young lady oh yes thanks Mr Ware your kids are always skittering on those eye coffins and not watching out yikes I see your point [Music] hello hello what I can't hear you [Music] um oh my gosh I don't know how this happened okay that's new [Music] I'm so sorry [Music] hey I reversed my own polarity for the best goalia thank goodness my girlfriends have got my back [Music] did you try the new sugar eyeballs from the vending machine yes you are who should I email this photo to might as well send it to everyone [Laughter] what did you eat nothing unusual wait I did try the new sugar eyeballs they're cursed you must have gotten an evil eye okay we can fix this thank you guys for sticking by me during this trying time [Music] he's so cute what Laguna thinks Gill is cute what people [Music] did you try the new sugar eyeballs what what I am missing two leading practice because your arm flailage broke a statue excuse me as I recall this was not my fault hey get away from me my office now 1000 year old statue was smashed what happened it was an app here's the honest Terrell's truth [Music] no and that is how Frankie alone smashed this statue I mean the facts of that story aren't such disarray head mistress for 2 000 years that statue has imprisoned one of Monster High's first instructors smashing the statue for read her Professor Irene mate has been married [Applause] Frankie on behalf of the entire stupid body thank you turn trash into clean green fuel wow [Music] whatever Mickey will make me the queen of the Mad Science Fair the throne will be mine I'm clear that's not a throne I think I know what a throne looks like the effects of water on toilet paper oh cool yeah how can you let Cleo rip you off so you've got to stand up for yourself yeah you're not Cleo's servant right it's an injustice you gotta take action Leo is heading for a fall thank you yes my project is superior this is not a throw it's me science project a rehydration chamber say goodbye to our skin thank you not freaky and fabulous all-day waterproof mascara because this could go on all day [Music] oh no what why how a Confluence that only happens every thousand years it's both Friday the 13th and also the 31st of October that's not possible weird huh today is the worst bad luck Day Ever yeah Jinx a perfect storm of bad luck at least until three o'clock when the bell rings it's over 6 more hours no worries cool friends I possess the Amulet of nothing nothing that will protect the wearer me and anyone who is with me bad luck enough if you're wearing it where is it it doesn't go with my outfit so Goya hair is carrying it for help me that was refreshing I don't think I can survive oh she is good [Music] you're right Julia kind of does go with her outfit werewolf or vampire hmm why not choose both we are both totally talking about boys not this time the new movie is coming out do I hope actually try hard three try harder it's the final Sparkle I've seen the first oh I've never seen a movie what's the malfunction 16 days old never had an opportunity ghouls we have a mission to the auditorium coming through here's the first movie Mickey Mouse be perfect Draculaura you plug in the projector Laguna turn up the sound I'll handle the woofers don't forget the popcorn oh the tissues can I help no no don't lick your finger just enjoy the movie uh Hey guys um I do know a little about electricity and um how are we going to watch the movie yeah I was totally sparking at the bolts to see what contact uh how's the movie oh awesome you are gonna love it this makes 1001. found this old book that tells about vampires and guess what come on I already know the facts of vampire life it says that you can turn into a bat hey I've never seen you do that well I uh it says that you'll be able to change when you're old enough oh I'm old enough I do it all the time sure what now okay but um I need some privacy up in the Belfry you know where the bats are as much as I've never transformed in my life think like a bat I'm a bat now no use I never change thank you Laura she did [Music] [Music] the day was so much fun you were amazing class and you got the only a you totally rocked it no idea what's going on well I wasn't sure I could make the track meet because my little brother bit my leg but that's not gonna stop me I'm totally running and I'm gonna win she will not win I was running unopposed in the scream Queen election I think a little campaign gossip will ensure that I get all the votes Claudine outstanding in a field got a major case of carnivorous fleas and is out of the running save your vote and so no one knows I started it I don't tell anyone I know just the gossip Gould to deliver the message I gotta tell everyone wait I can't I shouldn't I want to but I can't maybe just Frankie she's not just anyone doesn't make much sense send to anyone well okay my bad texting and walking [Music] thanks to the best viral text campaign in Monster High history the winner of scream Queen is loading wolf what how could this happen everybody voted for her how to choose Claudine outstanding in her field we'll have a school carnival breathe if you vote Cleo jaundice brothers so two centuries ago Justin Bieber ignored hey ladies check me [Music] don't you know girls are too delicate for track no competition you did not just say that to me today I could totally burn past you on the track ring it Sparky first one around the track twice wins loser cleans the of horror it's [Music] it's my earrings laptop phone makeup bags God aren't you gonna stay and see me flying past your little sister oh bro I can't watch this you had to choose today how come my every afternoon to laugh at you hit it goes bet you didn't realize it was a full moon tonight [Music] you oh blame retardants [Music] according to my horoscope I'm going to meet the perfect guy today and some chiseled solid and dependable oh the first monster that you gaze when your eyes leave this page that's because you always doing I know right it's a curse what a bat it says if I don't meet him before the end of school it won't come true [Music] stop him all over it he went this way [Music] things the boy's Locker will lose him Frankie redirect I'm going to work on Plan B I'm on it [Music] that was worth a go okay okay I'm coming if she steps outside the school then we're too late what's Plan B and then I said come on not even ghosts to our why doctors Labor Day as if but the lady said they only have it in white oh my horoscope was totally right you are the perfect guy such a good listener be positive awesome not I deserve better I studied all night Mr Rudder never gives A's there's nothing you can do wrong it belonged to Pharaoh not a lot in common it gives me the power of persuasion should you be messing around with that Cleo didn't your dad say that all those ancient Idols are cursed I've got this Mr rotter I totally did the work to perfection why didn't I get an A I don't give A's but I deserved you deserve an A plus gotta be a downside seems fishing like convicted by Jehovah please I got this no way too crowded we'll be late for class I could learn to love this power tonight's homework is Neil's been working that Idol like a credit card with no limits yeah but what happens when the bill comes stay you ghouls fussed about nothing there is no curse of the idol I told you I got it what what's wrong you don't got it [Music] survive this tip to keep your keep your egg babies from breaking for one week and he cracks you fail I love eggs give it Flame Boy first I'm going to revamp you total makeover easiest assignment ever Deuce do your thing excellent that'll wear off in a week right yep maybe you should switch Partners why would you say that everyone knows sea monsters are bad parents not true that's an Old Fisherman's tale seven days no cracks or you fail he's just he's just been anti [Music] cute huh a crack you fail crikey I don't understand we did everything right where did you get these top of the library [Music] I know that you and slo-mo will have plenty to moan about okay then we'll go together if you're not the only girl you won't be as nervous Frankie's got your back come on foreign [Music] [Music] just a little jarring for me oh you think that'll work thanks for switching seats heat the light over there really brings out the red in your eyes hey not cool I'm gonna get some villagers whoa you're funny see you at my house at eight your first slumber party you must be freaking out all just harmless fun until we play Truth or Scare then we find out what kind of monster you really are [Music] slumber party slumber party I know there's Truth or Scare learn your friend's deepest Secrets oh Cleo's been dying to find out which boy I'm crushing on what am I gonna do what do we do first we could Truth or Scare yeah amen unless you don't want me to find out oh hey I know time for makeovers it's time for a fight enough stalling time for Truth or Scare Frankie's first what'll it be Truth or Scare um scare I scare you to send a text message to the boys party at my house spread the word I don't think that's such a good idea fine truth who do you have a crush on I'll do it now you sure no way I can't believe you really did it oh your parents will frequent all those boys show up at your house my house Cleo it was your phone [Music] that's the truth oh no well what'd you get on your essay the teacher said he needed to see my parents to talk about it apparent creature comfort and take the Mages to swim here you do not call a parent creature conference with good news you must have totally failed you might have to repeat the class this is terrible I'm in no hoper poor thing I know what can we do I hate I got an idea all he really needs to see is a family member right so let's give them one not me we're all in that class he'll recognize us so cool oh okay slo-mo remember your Laguna's great aunt Lantern yeah and you have two seahorses named Roger and Blinky and you live down under you're Australian so moon with an accent ready apparent creature conference well now you don't have to wait to find out how bad it is trying to help but if I was failing before then I'm sure gonna get expelled now you must be so proud of Laguna she's my best student best easy ever didn't see that coming oh you see told you was good news one more time we're just too perfect only the top three teams get to attend the prestigious Gloom Beach fear leading camp during spring break and then it's on to the finals or should I say weak link to before I locked when I should have locked before I popped and then you got stuck if you ever want to get a fear leading probation you need to go and pull yourself together get me something to drink from Kay the rest of you keep working give me that one you take this one makes me face look blue your face is blue hey Frankie how's fear practice oh great sure it is yeah I'm sure Leo isn't demanding at all or overbearing okay but it's only because she wants the best out of us and it's good to have goals it's on fire you pretend you're not carrying a torch for me but just watch you're going with me to the spirit rally dance [Music] you are dreaming if you think I'm going with you let's get out of here before you get owned anymore he's kind of growing on me now somebody better pinch me that was Dreadful kidding that routine was amazing amazing isn't good enough it has got to be Flawless to get to Gloom Beach as usual I want to show you a new routine we've been working on [Music] what is this some kind of lame joke oh it's no joke your Reign Over Us has come to an end we're going to star in the school's big production of West Side gory that's what all the cool kitties are doing good luck in Nationals why are you still here I'm so new nobody takes me seriously except you and that's why I take fear leading seriously so I'm not going anywhere ugh took you so long [Music] hey I guess since I'm the only one left you gotta take me off probation right mine you're promoted to the team [Music] you've got to get to work on some flyers we're recruiting some new blood tryouts tomorrow morning [Music] every ghoul in school is going to be dying for a spot on my squad so we need to make sure we have enough applications three thousand should be okay for now are you getting all this and no one is to look directly at me unless it's in amazement prepare to do my bidding [Music] don't understand maybe I have been too hard on them I thought I needed to be a strong ruler a tough leader but I guess I was wrong next time things will be different if there even isn't next time idea I can go recruit people rebuild the squad for Cleo I know people [Music] this squad is my legacy my everything join the fear leading team only every spot open hey Laguna sorry love but I'm on the swim team I made Captain can't wait to hear you cheer me on change your mind about going to the dance with me yet no no no no no no no no no no no no yes okay fine whatever did you just say yes to Heath Burns you wore me down I'm not proud who do you want to go with I don't know someone special [Music] no get real he's claudine's brother so so I've known him since before he was housebroken but you like him right I don't not like him but there's a lot to deal with right now we're friends and that's how he'll always see me not if you join the fear leading squad really totally he'll see you as a part of the team okay but Cleo changed okay I'm in yo sorry sister I'm putting my poor down I guess it's just me Draculaura and Cleo them that'll look ridiculous wow my whole social life over before it ever began wait if there's one thing a wolf is it's loyal you're the best Cleo's mellow now right I knew I'd get my team back and to think I was gonna mellow out wait what first things first practice every day nights weekends eight day weeks you told them that Ryan well that never really wonderful we start at 6 00 a.m one more time from the top foreign [Music] guys are an embarrassment to the art of fairleading you you are going to cheer at every school event between now and the game though they're beneath me they're just right for you [Music] [Music] this critical and complex question strikes at the very heart of the world of the post-modern monster Monster High rebuttal [Music] you heard the Gloom Beach judges are coming to check us out tonight someone's trying to get your attention he burns ignore I really wish Claude would look over here oh I bet if we build an austacular pyramid with you on top he totally notice you guys I don't think you're ready for it so cities [Music] [Applause] that was awesome you should have seen your face Pam total Ownage I think some kids have already posted the video of it on fright tube how could I have agreed to go to this green team rally with a jerk like you so don't I'll take you told Heath I'd go with him it burns cool if she goes with me instead uh yeah of course Claude I mean whatever it's settled then pick you up at six so yeah going to the dance with my brother huh what's up Cleo you okay no I'm not okay I'm embarrassed and humiliated my reputation as fear Captain is totally tarnished I don't see how things could get any worse we'll be in touch find Gary Murphy blue Beach [Music] hey little sis what's gotten into you flea problem like you don't know why are you taking draculara to the dance cause Heath was being he okay Claude Sit Stay this is obedience class over here and my family way back over there that's the way I like it so you stay in your yard got it she is one of my best friends so if you do anything anything to hurt her feelings I'm gonna be in your grill like a hamburger understood whoa slow your growl sis sure she's a cool ghoul but I've known Dracula since I was a pop we're just going as friends promise big day today huh Cleo big day why what have you heard um nothing I'm just totally sparking for our big cheer oh yeah right big chair yay I know we haven't been our best lately but we are going to bring it tonight you'll see aren't you gonna put on your uniform of course I was just about to that's the way that's the spirit why just talk when you can cheer it [Music] thank you [Music] why aren't you wearing your fear-leading uniform uniform uniform uniform I said why aren't you wearing your fear uniform the rally is tonight aren't you totally charged up yes of course tonight is a very big night you bet your fangs it is and we've got to be on point for Cleo okay go get changed go go go go [Music] what's up come up can I ask you something gold to ghoul why are you going to the dance with my brother did I do something to you oh no it's not weird is it I hope it's not weird I didn't mean it's not weird just as long as you're going as friends right friends bloodies oh too much drama I can't let this go on any longer tonight I will tell Claude how I feel [Music] hey don't you have a chair to be getting ready for what's the point I don't get into Gloom Beach fear fear Camp none of this matters oh come on you won't know till you know you know stop worrying about it try to have some fun check this out [Music] they're raising money for the football team it's a good cause hey it's Cleo gulia any messages attention God the spirit rally will now commence I know she's testing us duh blue Beach fear Camp is right around the corner and she wants to know that we can think on our feet be ready for anything they throw at us so come on let's show her we've got what it takes [Applause] football team captain [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he is pretending not to notice it that's her way of telling us before let's pick it up a notch [Music] hey girls don't worry about that little spill you're getting a lot better I'm sure you'll make a big splash at Gloom Beach BK thanks Laguna [Applause] hey aren't you gonna dance with Bill he's smiling at you really wish things weren't so complicated friends can totally dance together I mean look at Dracula and plot I guess it is weird you know there's something I've been meaning to tell you well we've like known each other for a long time right and I mean you're friends with Claudine I don't want this to be all weird but ever since you joined the squad the word this is this thing you and I are becoming really good friends [Music] good best [Music] here we come all together now so how's my brother do you don't know nope guys we got a problem Leo's Locker was wide open when I got here that's not the crazy part look at this he left her lipstick in her life she would not be caught in a sarcophagus without lipstick on gotta find it I bet she's in the gym or getting a sporty what I know where to look [Music] it's worse than I thought I never thought I'd see Cleo like this crying no cleaning what's wrong I'll tell you what's wrong with me weak link or should I say weak links ah you cost me an invitation to Gloom Beach fear-leading camp we didn't get in you have failed me she's right except for Frankie none of us gave it our best I'm sorry Cleo we let you down guys what are you doing um it's over we can still get into Gloom Beach what are you talking about every year Gloom Beach selects one fear Squad as a wild card pit Wild Card any squad can get one million hits on fright tube they get an automatic invitation and you notice how I can know stuff it's on their website can make a video of us doing awesome cheers and bullish stunts and pyramids that's a great idea except for two little things like one the deadline is in two days and there's no way we could get a million hits by then and so we stay well I'm not giving up Squad attack [Music] it's going to take dedication check it won't be easy like duh I'll be yelling more than usual what's new wow [Music] everything [Music] here's one only 999 999 to go [Music] hurry up I want to see how many views on video has yeah I could hardly sleep last night I was so excited for only a million hits and we are off to Gloom Beach fear leading chaos the baits at 150 000 already only six people have watched it it's impossible we got a hit yesterday and there's six of us oh I haven't watched it yet what I got busy you think these pores just shrink themselves I can't believe this I'm so sorry come on ghouls we can't give up yet the website says the deadline was three o'clock it's it's over it's not over look you guys picked me up when I thought it was hopeless and now as your beloved and way beautiful reader I'm going to do the same I'm being inspiring in my Freakonomics class they taught us about marketing how things get hot there are things we can do to make this video go viral trust me girls students of Monster High your fear Squad needs your help well that didn't work not now guia Frankie do your thing gotcha [Music] it's only 15 more views at this rate we'll get a million hits in about a million years I'll be too old to go to Gloom Beach by then nothing is working Cleo what are we gonna do we're running out of time oh oh got it we wait until the night of the full moon and then I will uh um what would get people to notice this video oh Michael what is it already [Music] are you serious every time somebody clicks on the video it'll give the viewer the choice to send it to everyone in their address book that's amazing that's total genius why didn't you say anything before foreign [Music] thank you why'd it stop no no no no this can't be happening oh you do something [Music] I can't see what's going on the girls can get into the Boom Beach fear leading competition if they get a million hits on Fry tube and they're way close but they gotta get it by three o'clock Oh I thought it was something I cared about what's not working what down here that the site shut down what so nobody can watch it now yeah go come on [Music] I can't believe this we were so close is we coming through what did I miss schools I want you to know how royally proud of you I am you're gonna make me cry I'm serious the way you came together as a squad to try to make this happen well you guys have got more Spirit than any ghouls I have ever met and that's what fear Squad is all about I'm not crying as if Cleo Cleo check it it's all over the monster news now site fright tube crashed because of all the traffic to a single video your video no way I knew you could [Music] broke the all-time record what does this mean Timmy huh I can look what to say Monster High fear Squad you are hereby invited to attend Gloom Beach [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] believe it I have to start packing right now how many swimsuits should I bring 40 pairs of shoes enough is there a suitcase limit congrats girls I'm so happy for you ah you are so nice oh I wish you could come with us what are you talking about love I go to Gloom Beach Every Spring Break he did says they got the best underwater camping beside the Barrier Reef this is so awesome everybody together we're gonna have the time of our lives okay on three everybody has [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello aren't you guys super pumped I know I forgot something I hope you save some room in there for your cheerleading uniforms wow too tight Gloom Beach is about more than fear leading yeah the north beach is so it's amazing there's a big lake fun games oh too bad we'll be spending all of our time on the South Beach at the fear leading Academy every year the prestigious Gloom Beach fear leading Academy Awards the spirit staff to the best team and every year that team has gone on to win Nationals coincidence hardly we must have that stick [Music] apparently Monster High used to win the spirit stack all the time back when we were good g'day girls I'm stoked about spring break at Gloom Beach can't wait to hit the water back in your natural elements saltwater mate deal is fresh water but you better believe I can still hold my own how about a little song oh I'm just warming up thank you I'll be better [Music] Beach hey it's my dream right [Music] it's my ankle you're going to have to lead the team me you can do it we all believe in you captain [Music] he can't breathe he needs water thank you now that I've got the spirit step nothing can stop me [Music] ladies welcome to Gloom Beach it's even more beautiful than I imagined refreshing how Google could get used to this finally we're all getting the recognition and respect that I truly deserve Mr hack bring our bags around front your cabin is in a slightly different location wild cards [Applause] come on [Music] it is a dumb you said it go it's not exactly the force screaming why do we have to stay here when all the other teams are in luxury Bungalow scary Murphy is a fear leading Legend she must have her reasons so you keep saying [Music] Murphy you're the wild card team not much to look at are you buttercups we were just on a quiet now this won't cut it your posture Dreadful your attitude awful hustle up lady move as the wild card team got a lot to prove turtle doves what do we learn first Advanced pyramid intricate dance routines I've got something a little different in mind for you please we have to prepare lunch for all the other teams I'm sure Gary Murphy knows what she's doing now we gotta mold a lawn this lady's getting on my last nerve scary Murphy's the ultimate cheerleading Guru if she says cut the grass you just say hello foreign [Music] [Music] thank you not bad for a sea water gal that's mate you're not bad yourself you're a freshwater bloke I told the other girls I believe leaves are alive what are you doing here Boom Beach is where all the cool cats and kittens come for spring break South Beach is for fear leading squads only no quitters allowed don't get your bandages in a walk we just came by to tell you congrats for making it to Gloom Beach oh thanks and that's why we're willing to come back what now that your fear Squad is hot again we want to be back on the team I see how bad you want that Spirit staff and wear your best chance to get it you're right to rely I do need you told you to shine my spirit staff after I win it what I'm taking you back if you're the last conniving Kitty on earth now if you excuse me I have to get back to my team you just made some powerful enemies better watch your back [Music] hey Mom and Dad and Dad it's me I'm having an awesome time at Gloom Beach sure it's been a lot of hard work if I dust anymore my arm's gonna fall off mine already did Scary Murphy is playing us none of the other teams are doing this though those girls are from hot why cause they're like tall maybe because they won nationals four years in a row they're our biggest competitions so they still Ramin pot of soup too ladies gulia and I have been working on something Ultra hot hot snobs will do anything to win anything but it wasn't all work we were able to get in some much needed r r at the beach while Cleo and gulia worked out our routine foreign that was not a good time well when I don't know I don't want to talk about it come on now mate you can tell me well I can't tell you this okay I don't want to hurt your feelings the beach was so much fun but we had to do with Cleo's creativity and Julius eye for advanced physics they came up with the perfect routine for us that looks complex that's right kuya it's been scientifically designed to win all we have to do is learn it hey pets how's it going what do you want we just wanted to wish you luck before your big cheer anything else that your routine yeah it's amazing this is an A B practice so see you later Traders [Music] let's get started oh I'm gonna film it on my icon so my parents can see we start with a double Jive hand then foot spring into a triple back layer everything was going great your daughter okay I'm totally confident in our routine as you just saw we're gonna blow smog snorts out of the water hang on a second Frankie I just wanted to say that even though I'm not part of the team anymore I really do want you to win it's so nice of you oh I was just finishing my video letter to my folks I was gonna email it but there's no Wi-fi here oh well you know I can mail it for you just give me the phone Drive thanks you're the best luck wanna watch The Monster High routine again thought so you're welcome by the way so relaxed I can hardly stay awake [Music] don't get too calm we've got the biggest cheer of Our Lives tonight I want you ready to last fearless leader with the routine you and Golia came up with we can't be binal thanks to scary Murphy and her dumb chore she has a plan you just have to believe Jill you've been avoiding me all week what's caught in your neck my parents don't want me hanging out with you what do you mean because your people are from the sea so I'm from fresh water it's forbidden you don't believe that codswalloped do you no what my parents do and they won't allow me to be around you I'm sorry Laguna [Music] come on in the bed please I'm still getting ready what would drag you Laura be getting a letter from my brother just friends huh [Applause] [Music] yeah let's see what a second place routine looks like aren't those your moves that's right it's your routine scientifically designed to win in the hands of the enemy I wonder how that happened my video told you to watch your back Monster High wants the spirit's done yes you do but we stole your room good luck you'll need it it's over after all my hard work our hard work what are we gonna do no one can improvise we just have to remember our Gloom Beach training all we learned was a bunch of useless chores Gary Murphy is a genius just follow my lead I hope you know what you're doing just believe [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] I knew you had something special inside of you sweet potato that's why I was so hard on you I wanted to bring out your best thank you Ms Murphy congratulations to Monster High winners of this year's Spirit staff I can't believe it Best Day Ever [Music] during public not our goals I can barely hear you singing my praises jealous why don't you take a picture it'll last longer Don't Mind If I Do you got some real nerves showing your whiskers around us after what you did is that any way to talk to the new editor of the Monster High fear book you're the new editor and I thought you knew everything everybody reads the fear book and you might say that I have a significant influence on how everyone sees you forever so about a quick shot fine get this over with [Music] perfect [Music] it must have been a quick downpour why didn't I know that torlai is running the fear did you get the text I'm the one who sends the texts you're probably just out of the loop because fear leading took up so much time out of the loop I am the loop Frankie have I become socially irrelevant oh I'm not even asking you everyone's wearing bow as Cleo foreign happening hey D I didn't see that my name is Draculaura he is a letter and apparently you hate letters what are you talking about you empty at Gloom Beach you never wrote back hey I totally wrote back I don't even want to talk to you I'm telling you the truth I wrote you back one of these has the power to see into the future to keep me on top of all Trends yes gulia or unleash one of the several Egyptian plagues but what [Music] I give up [Music] Laguna wait Gil I get it you can't be seen with a sword what a gal it's not me it's my parents it's just it you don't even stand up for yourself mate what you doing out here little fella that settles it there's nothing I can do to regain my rightful place atop the school's social pyramid if anyone did that then they would be the talk of the school for sure me I'm doing it mean my ghouls were all over it really so brief of you Cleo because no one's ever spent the night at Monster High on Friday the 13th Friday the 13th I just sent the text telling everyone you're doing it I could send another one and tell them you're too afraid we're not afraid of anything that's the spirit [Music] thank you I hate Friday the 13th I can't believe Cleo was making us spend the night here [Music] you want to spend the night here on Friday the 13th the school's Charter states that I cannot stop you you face a night of Gastly tell and unknowable Horrors no one's ever made it the whole night thank you unknowable is that bad who knows I'm not sticking around to find out nightmare [Applause] foreign thanks again for staying with me cool friends Toro I was just trying to make us all look bad Friday the 13th is the anniversary of something horrible but once the sun sets a creature is a working he lurks about the halls of Monster High prayling for victims [Music] ladies it's clearly just a rumor we should split throw him off our train meet you in the private area [Music] [Music] I'm sorry oh [Music] he's playing at us he's lying the matter big guy I wonder if the tank isn't the anniversary of something horrible it's his birthday [Music] look at this hair who's your stylist to get you a makeover [Applause] no way those scaredy cats made it the whole night hey Tour live best night ever miss us [Music] that is more than my Royal sensibilities can possibly bear Liam were just talking about how Ultra lame Cleo and the fear Squad are hey those are my mates you're Noggins well maybe you should get better mates then you mean mates like you hey gills Claudine how's things with you and Draculaura she ain't talking to me mother is Claude how's the Stitch with Gill oh better now but it's so complicated you know I heard that Cleo how's Deuce I swear that boy drives me crazy sometimes please can understand my team screen magazine that mature girls like to talk about relationships if you aren't in one you may be left out you do where is he who is he what's his name we want to meet him um well well now why not tomorrow you can meet him then we look forward to meeting your boyfriend totally on him foreign by tomorrow just to make one no problem my dad did it all the time how hard could it be [Music] I guess you'll have to do hey man that's awesome you and Lagoon are cool again I just feel terrible that I lied about my parents being okay with us hanging out if she finds out she's gonna be way upset I know [Music] jealous much oh you're so funny what dance right here it's so romantic aren't you going to introduce us sorry this is um who dude it's been just dying to meet you [Music] what's that two tickets to Justin bider oh you are the best dude have you been reading those lame teen magazines again maybe you don't have to have a boyfriend to fit in with us I don't no you found an interesting and awesome all by yourself that is a relief I'm mean I see all the drama you guys are dealing with and I know that I am just not ready for boys yet even ones I made myself [Music] breaking up with me after all we've been through why [Music] oh they make such a cute couple not in the mood if my brother and my best friend were embarrassing me in front of the whole school I'd be in a bad mood too know as well as I do they don't belong together it's just not right they're just too different [Music] regular almost really be crushing on Claude if she's actually eating lunch with him I don't follow she's a toe auditorian she gets a woozy even at the side of meat I bet claw doesn't even know she's a vegetarian oh Frankie you've given me the best idea cool uh oh and Boom game over that was amazing Lord you know you have a big game tonight what you need is a big fat steak Dracula what are you all staring at Frankie here Draculaura you're just going to chase after her now of course not one of us Claude she's a tiny piece of meat and she faints you knew that would happen didn't you and you did it anyway I hope you're proud of yourself hi tradition to prank the graduating seniors natural tea what are you doing Normie Normie in a monster school just transferred in my cousin Jackson your cousin's ignore me it's a long story well we can't just Stonewall your cousin like that Monster High is about being cool to everyone no matter who or what you are even if what means Normie hey Jackson got a spot over here for you Draculaura I never should have done that to you I don't even know why a while I told myself that you were too different but now I know it wasn't about you at all it was about me being scared of losing my best friend can you ever forgive me that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard um I'm so sorry of course I forgive you silly our friendship is more important than me seeing Claude it's a little weird for me but I'll get over it besides you're the only girl I know who's good enough for my brother it's a hamburger and a hot dog and oh yeah nah I'm good [Music] [Applause] [Music] this will be a perfect shot for the fear bug [Music] next did she call me I'm sorry I don't speak zombie [Music] now hey I just got my fear book want to check it out we look amazing maybe later huh we got a cramp a biteology fine I can recite all the elements in reverse order wanna hear um I'm really late for that thing over there hey congrats there's some gnarly shots of you two in the fair book How great is that awesome looks like our stuff are still rides [Music] Gill everybody needs to know what a great team you are and they will signing all those fear books was hard work the price of Fame Mr Robert you make dead languages live again well I did learn them in their if you're planning on using those for some sort of graduation prank I strongly suggest you reconsider no idea how those got here you better keep your eye on that fear leading team Mr rotter [Music] someone's me favorite Gil which one which one you like best I don't know they're all terrible I know she said he's stylings not that I need to tell you something okay I never told my parents about us how they feel about salt water wait for the big taste pencils down pass your exams to the front how did you do like a coffin sister gargoyle eggs is the fear-leading team planning something I should know about no sir I don't know where these came from I think I know how to fix this no I just won't show them the fear book they don't need to know either you agree with them or you don't and if you don't then you need to do something about it instead of acting like a frightened dingo how do you know who you are anymore I just need Gill and Laguna and then I've got everybody's signature hey you dropped this wait this this what is it recipe for spams yeah if I tell them and they send me away did I lose you forever don't do it for me do it for you you can lie sign my fear book oh oh first year they're putting a online too what yeah they're emailing it to everybody's parents Isn't that cool I think it is what do you think teammate [Music] is behind all of this it makes perfect sense that fraudulent felines trying to set us up when your parents see that pic of you and Laguna in the fair book that you're gonna blow up I gotta call them and explain that it was all a big misunderstanding hey Mom I need to explain something to you and Dad Laguna wait you've always taught me that saltwater people weren't as good as us freshwater people you said that they were untrustworthy uneducated that they smelled terrible hey but above all that that they were dishonest well now I know that you are wrong I have a friend and she's the most honest decent amazing monster I know she's from the sea what did they say they don't feel the same way but I've never felt better so hey um see it's swim practice pal yeah see you there mate [Music] we know it try to deny the most mostly epic plan ever of course it was me that's right gulia the balloons will fall at the end of graduation and one of them contains a spoiled gargoyle egg releasing an ectoplasmic stink bomb Mr Roger is going to think it was exactly then you'll be expelled but why because with you gone the fear Squad is ours for the taking we'll rule the school just admitted your plan to us how dumb is that it's too late graduation already started come on let's go they'll never make it [Music] find the right one in time this is the perfect spot to watch the show smell it I know which one it is why don't we do what do we do best oh [Music] Reaper [Music] [Applause] on your computer when important things are happening 800 math credits each hmm three of our students have achieved their highest math scores in the history of Monster High they are awarded in full scholarships to attend the prestigious tricular calculometry summer camp effective immediately I wonder who those three Uber nerds are [Music] [Applause] [Music] sure my parents are mad now they'll come around I hope you're right freshy salty the worst part about school ending realizing your brother left his old gym socks in your locker gross IP which is why I signed up for auto updates on the ghostly ghostly what's that only like the foremost authority on the Monster High Social Scene if it's happening she blogs about it who is she nobody knows she's like a mystery dipped in secret sauce oh can Gill and Laguna come on Manny can't you give me a break sure Normie what do you want me to break your glasses or your arms against the rules to bully Who you calling a bull did I just walk into the monster preschool no then why are you acting like such a child what would your sister mini think of this Behavior you're not gonna tell her are you leave him alone thanks for hanky I know how hard it is being the new kid here I mean like you don't fit in I fit in my lockers trash cans you'd be surprised what those guys fit me into I'm um Jackson nice to meet you um Jackson we can't let my dad find out that I broke my eye coffin it's just one more thing he'll use to compare me to my older sister nephara thank Ross she's out of the country too she wants through a huge party she blamed it on me and that's why I'm never allowed to have a big party at my place when my dad's out of town Leo's dad out of town big party at her place tonight big party at Cleo's house tonight it's all over the school do you want to go to Cleo's party with me um sure I mean I want to you're nervous around monsters but you'll be with me okay I mean cool whatevs meet you there [Music] like this [Music] [Music] gonna freak out when she sees that yeah for sure where is Cleo anyway she's out getting her how did she send the text about the party well she did it's the ghostly gossip did so clear doesn't even know about this oh no that means we oh my raw um we can explain you throw a party for me [Music] [Music] [Applause] you right now I am sizzling how's Dylan join us on a vacation so far he hasn't returned any of me ticks or emails his folks were pretty aggro about him being with me it's the first day of vacation uh he's probably just busy yeah sure hey Heath have you seen your cousin he was supposed to meet me here you got stood up by Jackson awesome oh but don't feel too bad about it what do you expect he's ignore me just look you can do this she's not dumping you dude she totally is I eat like a pig typical wolf behavior of course Dracula is gonna be too embarrassed to be with me yo this ain't a party party [Applause] [Music] yeah you're the only one electric enough to save me [Applause] but I can change if you just give me another chance I don't want you to change silly and why'd you push me away because you were eating Garlic this party really got out of hand every Monster Who's any monster showed us there's already dozens of pictures up on the ghostly ghostly remember when his sister nephila threw that fashion blamed it on Cleo I'm worried about it getting into trouble she was grounded for a month big shout out to Cleo answering even when I don't know about it I still throw the best parties if your dad finds out my father is out of town he won't find out unless somebody tells him and who would do that [Music] don't worry you're meeting awkward looking little ahead about that you've got bigger things to worry about like how to keep me from telling Dad about this party [Music] I'll do anything you ask that's what I'm counting on prepare yourself little sister this is going to be the worst summer of your life [Music] what's the matter with Julia didn't you hear her parents won't let her go to nepricom this year wasn't today the last day she was waiting all summer for this sad fast is her favorite comic she has every issue except one the scarce and Elusive Dead Fast issue zero only one hobby is known to exist and they were going to raffle it off today at nepricon to one lucky monster and her dream is to be that monster but she can't go I just wish there was something we could do foreign [Music] [Music] Comic Book Lovers great Galloping ghost is it can it be yes it's a mint condition Dead Fast issues to Man or Monster [Music] the shadow culture behold your precious comic book I shall destroy can anyone stop the shadow poacher before it's too late for normal zombie boy has been granted the power of super speed and now those same Powers have been transferred to his number one fan go get him cool yeah and for my final Act of disrespect I shall live through its pristine Pages for drinking a sticky soda from eating cheese [Applause] how did you get up here never matter have a nice trip [Music] you've done it Julian you've defeated the evil Shadow poacher and restored the comic to its rightful place Comic Book Lovers everywhere owe you a debt of gratitude [Music] Leo I can't believe you were able to get that for her it's easy to unravel when you can make all 10 000 of your servants enter that is so sweet if you laugh well she does so much for me I thought I should do something nice for her but don't tell anyone totally ruin my rev you know the only thing good about summer being over fact eight home goals show and tell time let's see what you got cute earrings Google together there you go Laguna everything okay oh yeah it's just oh I haven't heard from Gail all summer I'm worried about him you know oh don't be worried he's probably just busy wow I bow to your Superior shopping ability as much as I love people bowing to me none of this is for me what it's all for my sister never I can't believe she's still blackmailing you for the party believe it she makes me wait on her hand and foot your sister's so mean my gorgeous perfectly shaped ears are burning I don't mind when people talk about me it's when they stop talking about you that you have to worry well well well well very nice I want them what I want all this no way fine then I'll just tell my father about Cleo's huge party when he was out of town he may only ground her for a year you win that's it here according to your watch I mean my watch I'm going to be late for the salon I'll be back miss me I didn't think I've ever met someone as low down and Despicable as nephron just when you thought our day couldn't get any worse Toralei and her girls are back she's gonna be gunning for us we've got bigger problems to deal with like stopping my sister yeah I got more shopping I do but forget it never is Just Gonna Take It Anyways did you see that enough she's always wearing the new trends weeks before anybody else let's go see what nephra Buys so we can steal her look let's go shopping oh what's going on you all look ridiculous these are the hottest trends of the Season they're in all the magazines we're the first to wear them they haven't even seen them here yet it's being a world famous model you already knew that didn't you never of course I knew that I'm resting you please take these from us they can't be replaced hand them over I can pull off this look you guys not so much you're absolutely right thank you now I think I'll walk around the mall and bask and all the jealous looks I get them all again is the Best Day Of My Life um just think about this day couldn't get any better [Music] hey new girl carry your books for you baby my name note is baby it is Abby [Music] I can't believe we're back at school already I like starting school all the mystery and excitement I bet this year is going to be shocked why are these things so small it's the same Locker you had last year yes but I have a whole Year's worth of new clothes new clothes now plus makeup shoes color coordinated handbags books school supplies need a hand [Music] so strong it's from the ghostly gossip new girl gives he burns the cold shoulder I wonder who she is who has time for new ghouls right hey I was a new girl I'm dying to know who I am has anyone seen Laguna you're right kuya she's probably with Gil they haven't seen each other all summer advanced math class how was your summer vacation oh right you didn't get one because you were at math Camp the whole time you're the one who got me sent there by messing around with the test scores serves you right you were trying to get the fairleading team to spend who says I'm done anyway it's not like I learned anything at that stupid Matthew what's the square root of 568 23.832 hey what's wrong [Music] hey Jackson oh hey Frankie miss you at Cleo's party yeah I was gonna show up but I had to change hey new girl RC ice Day do you know who I am mean girl with sandpaper tongue take your seats everyone class Books open to page one hey Claudine was right about new ghouls you want game I give you game [Music] you two principal's office now I like this Noble at me first principle will bring hammer down on you but I I understand perfectly you want war with war with Abby you get War we simply cannot have this kind of behavior Monster High stands for acceptance understanding and tolerance to learn these qualities you will spend the entire day together or not possible these magic bracelets will bond you together you must stay less than three feet apart until three o'clock you will spend every second together until then and I think learn something valuable and if more than three feet apart in the study howl of Eternal homework and fiery demons will descend upon both your homes but mostly that study howl of Eternal homework thing okay being stuck with you is less than the ideal Stitch but I but I fight I don't get it I mean I'll totally understand I'm very understanding it's kind of my thing this I don't get this Frankie acts so nice but then why should those these lies to me it was you who was instigator well I guess you don't want to tell me we'll deal with that later so where are you from in Himalayas oh cool which one I think you would not know okay um I really like your necklace this small talk is not necessary people here talk too much about too little sometimes it's better to just close them out wow rude but I am not rude I am helping to save her breath so confusing Frankie does not like me already we must get to class you're right I can't get another tardy or I'll be in Toad's trouble let's go we'll make her like me more by showing most efficient route to class hey wait we have to stay together I think ah you ruined it I can't drink this but that is how we drink it in the mountains is the best I hoped she would love this hey baby yeah I mean happy uh I didn't introduce myself earlier Burns Heath Burns wow cold hands but I know how to warm your all right [Music] glacial facial this heat he is Hailstone that thinks it is Iceberg yeah that's him does I guess [Music] rules no horseplay in Hall this includes the bull wow you really saved my bolts right there do not mention it [Music] um you know what I usually just sit outside by myself hey Frankie over here oh no I will impress them with my Keen observational skills they are all very pretty no too obvious let's see your eyebrows they are like Mountain you are short like baby yeah this outfit I think you try much too hard what time do these bracelet thingies come out three o'clock Laguna's swim meet is at two o'clock and she needs all the support she can get right now you and your cold-blooded buddy should not come I've been trying all day to be nice to you and now you're rude to my friends hit me with a snowball for no reason perhaps I am not meant to have friends here are you crying it's so surprising well yes you seem so cold I didn't think you cared or like had any emotions I have to go to restroom you gotta stop doing that did you see the new cool and cranky trap together they didn't even realize it was me that threw the first snowball now we just have to get the rest of the fear Squad careful that would have been embarrassing I got it when Julio and her ghouls go down to talk to Laguna after the swim race we'll come from behind and push them into the pool total embarrassment they'll be sorry they ever messed with me come on you threw the snowball at me I should have known it was Toralei that wasn't cool so will you come with me to warn my friends no what why not because I have better blood [Music] [Applause] thanks for coming mates Hey where's Frankie oh she couldn't come she's all tied up ready thank you wow that was awesome thanks Abby I know to you I seem harsh but where I'm from Air is very thin we cannot waste our breath with pleasantries it is just our way looks like you are no longer stuck with me we'll be going now hey wait we were gonna go to the mall and hang at the coffin Bean you want to go with this I would like very much believe we missed that big party last night we didn't miss any [Music] full that's Frankie's Crusher talking about you guys he is not speaking of Frankie Chris Jackson there's a charge over there and shock some sense into him he stood you up at Cleo's party I don't know come on do it hey Heath hey Jackson he's can you give us a minute why didn't you go to the party well I did go I remember being outside trying to get my courage up and then oh nothing I must have been so nervous I blacked out all that loud music and there's just so many people plus you make me nervous me why would I make you nervous I'm the one who gets nervous because I really like you okay anyway I'm I'm sorry if you had a lousy time it's all good the party was cool there was a great DJ there maybe you've heard of him hold hide I don't know the whole fight is the awesomest I got to carry his equipment last night which I totally owned Dad thank you so hey if you'd give me another chance um I'd love to take you out there's a silent movie playing at the Revival house that's a little more my yeah okay that sounds great great I'll see you there at seven Knuckles we're just going to the movies it's a no big deal this is too big a deal for Frankie to do all by herself deuce and I will double with her that and I will go to it'll be a triple Claudine you have got to come tomorrow and miss it well I guess you guys don't need me around to play on this I'll just be going this is so interesting this is historically accurate monster Norman relations were not good in the 14th century you're so smart sorry all my friends tagged along I don't care who else is around God wake up oh man it's not over yet afraid not boring come on The Moldy needs a banging soundtrack oh check that out sorry hey you okay I'm sorry Frankie I can't believe I got stood up again what do you expect from a Norman thought Jackson was different I guess thank you Frankie Frankie oh it's been too long you miss me um do you mind I'm kind of on a date yeah [Music] love the music Jackson you out here not cool what happened oh not again what has happened to me your sister natural still harsh in your mellow totally oh it never happened no you smell like a wet dog hey Jackson wait up you don't need to explain I know that you moved on you're not making any sense it's my fault I get it I don't I was just starting to like you you trouble with one of your boyfriends Frankie Stein dates two boys at same time is there a third we don't know about what what three boys as if if one of you didn't tell the ghostly gossip about this then one of you is the ghostly gossip hey gills what's shaken one of us is a traitor don't look at me please no one loves gossip more than you what about Claudine about your date with Jackson before anybody me what about Cleo that party was probably her idea my phone was broken it couldn't have been me what about Frankie you're crazy Julia half the ghostly gossip's Vlog find out who it is you can't maybe cause you are the ghostly gossip look what she's doing you this needs to stop what if we set a trap we just need something that the real ghostly gossip can't resist something juicy our Diaries okay everyone put your diary in the middle and count down from 10 the diary that's untouched belongs to our traitor ten nine eight look hey you've got some nerve who who are you anyway my given name is spectra vonder guys why are you trying to ruin my life I just got it you know ruin your lives Heaven's no I'm actually a fan of all of you you've got a weird way of showing it I said I sent it to document you let others live through your exploit you could have asked us first I was too shy but you're the ghostly gossip you're famous sadly I must remain a mystery as such I don't have any friends here we'll be your friend Spectra and we'll keep your secret but you have to promise you won't write any more stuff about us most of it wasn't even true my apologies sometimes I only hear half of what you say to my artist [Music] and three boys I don't even have one wait so I'm not the third sorry unbelievable why does this keep happening to me oh my chest I need to borrow your biteology book I left mine I don't have it can you just check yeah but I'm just late for that thing that I'm late for peace what's gotten introduce have any of you noticed him acting strange lately Deuce yes yes we are so he was in the catacombs below the school with Operetta that's slimy that's just not do you need proof it's Locker he stopped me from looking at it but he can't stop Spectra what do you see it appears to be some type of bouquet addressed to my pet oh that doesn't Cleo where are you going a piece of my mind I want everyone to know about this Operetta is trying to steal my man I know you stay away from Deuce y'all are picking on the wrong fiddle whoever Deuce is if he's going out with you then I might could doubt I'd be interested you think you can steal him because you're both Rebels and into the same dumb music maybe you should look married what is that supposed to mean y'all got a spider on your face y'all's music [Music] I've never been so humiliated she really had no idea who Deuce was what if this is a misunderstanding we need to track up and catch [Music] catch comes they built a school on top of it quiet Cleo what are you doing down here surprised we tracked you and your new girlfriend Operetta down here your pets am I what oh no no no no no it's not what you think it's kind of embarrassing but this is was my pet Smokey he was the first thing I ever loved first thing I ever ruined today is the anniversary I was just a boy I couldn't control my powers of course Smokey he was just trying to play foreign I just don't know which one [Music] snapdragons his favorite tree I'm sorry if I was acting weird I accept your apology [Music] don't trust that ghoul [Music] [Music] that Cleo like to hurt my feelings now I'm okay I figure Cleo must play so I'm gonna take her man just cause I can what do you want Holt I think we got off on the wrong foot I know I came on a little strong a little look I don't know what comes over me I mean sometimes I just feel like there's another person inside of me just you know trying to get out stupid huh not at all I totally understand I think we all feel like that sometimes I always wanted an electric guitar here it comes oh man I'm so sorry nothing I near about ran you over that can be such a ice Aid here you go thanks what are you listening to oh graveyard smash you've heard of them they rock my little old face off yo franka yo yourself so Hey listen Franken fine I was thinking you were huh I was thinking that I really like you you know and I thought maybe we could hang out sometime yeah that might be nice really yeah yeah it's pretty crazy how much we have in common I know right are you doing anything lighter oh oh hey I mean I would love to but yeah you seem like a totally great ghoul but I'm with Cleo serious right yeah I think so but you guys are nothing alike total opposites I know she just brings out the best in me you know makes me want to be a better deuce oh so you really like her totally so much and you told her how you feel I got a hard time expressing my feelings and stuff and when I try I I just fumble all over my words I'm so the only way I can express my emotions is through my music I wish I had something like that you okay I'm just so touched by your story you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna help you write a song that tells Cleo everything you've been wanting to tell her then you can give it to her and she'll be as touched as I am really do that for me oh it would be my honor come on where are we going heading down to the catacombs together little old recording studio [Music] foreign huh he's really sweet once you get to know him sounds like someone has her first cry rush and it's not my first what about hey Frankie hey Jackson I just heard that boys are fighting by the creepateria so they're fighting this is it zombie fights us now oh because they were both crushing on Google what if this happens to Holton Jackson five fist plus your face equals epic wins so you like two boys do you and want to know what to do about it talk to your friends wow the oracle's really lazy I think I like two boys two wow good for you some of us are lucky if we can find one much less good as parents to accept us or even keep them in the same school but two boys good on you mate I'm very happy for you okay we still on for tomorrow night hey Dracula Justice actually Claude tomorrow we're supposed to go visit Grandma at the farm we sent her to last year what about the next brother's birthday two other brothers obedience graduation how many brothers do you have which letter hey we're a big family you want to date a wolf it comes with the territory never mind I'm beginning to think that the Oracle is really bad at her job I can't know we're here all right wait oh damn Spectra tipped me off I'm just waiting for the right time to strike now what is it you need you see there are these two did you see them he gave her a thumbs up that doesn't mean anything that does give me a hand will you [Music] you make my life complete our love is stronger than concrete excuse me Frankie I have a boyfriend to destroy in a very public way oh I'm sorry did I answer your question you bet you did Oracle now I know what you were trying to tell me all along relationships are hard enough by themselves why I want to make things even harder I've got to make a choice Jackson or Holt I just gotta tell Jackson I can't see him anymore quick and easy oh look at Jackson just standing there looking all cute maybe I should break up with hide instead you had more fun way I've made up my mind don't do it I get you and I'm smart and kind of a dog come on cut it out this isn't helping I gotta stop messing around you two are tearing me apart we need a moment to think by myself [Music] hey Cleo can't talk right now why where are you going to find Deuce until if it's over over deuce oh Cleo I've been looking all over for you oh dare you embarrass me like that and with Operetta of all gold what let me explain there's nothing to explain you made your choice and may I just say it was a tacky one oh Cleo you're wrong if you just listen for five seconds I get it wasted enough of my precious time with you you fixed to get something done Rod gotta do it yourself [Music] is this a song about me yeah it's all the stuff I wanted to tell you but just didn't know how yeah with Opera as hell it's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard this is what you guys were doing together surprise I can't believe I ever doubted you if I gave apologies I would give you one right now I'll take it song at this at this Friday everyone can hear you and of course be reminded of my wonderfulness oh no I don't sing live ever my voice kind of does stuff to people it's only safe to listen to on a recording I've got to go play this song for all my goals they'll be so jealous yeah I don't understand I'm not sure I do either so you like both of us um Frankie check out what my super amazing boyfriend did how can you like both of us I liked you first but you bailed on me so many times and I was always a red Jackson [Music] yo what is everybody looking at oh wait a bit hard [Applause] in the house are you okay oh what happened Jackson I have something pretty big to tell you okay tell me what's going on maybe I better let you tell you hide what is that guy want to tell me so I what just keep watching a pet we are the same too dude whoa so Hyde and I are the same person yeah afraid so so every time I wake up in some dark alley alone and confused it's all because of him I have so much to say to that guy and I can't even confront him about it because because he's me hey you can tell that stuff to me then I can tell hope well you tell him that it makes me sick that we're the same person he's everything I'm against wow obnoxious crude rude conceited rude crude conceded conceited how does he think I feel I just found out that I'm half normal and half door Frankie doesn't seem to mind she likes Smart Guys Like Me Frank and fun she likes cool guys uh like me she was only hanging out with you because I didn't show up we all know whose fault that is she was gonna break up with you she was gonna break up with you Frankie we can't keep doing this you have to decide between us it's so hard I how can you like both of us when we are such totally different dudes yo wait you're the same guy underneath I think that's what made me like you both she's right yo yeah so I can't pick one of you over the other the stress has got me tearing my stitches out so you're breaking up with us yes well no don't think don't think of it as breaking up I'm just hitting pause until tether there's no room for me oh seriously you guys have to start communicating I want you to start texting and when you work it out I'll still be here oh it ain't right okay okay yeah all right Frankie principal blood good has called an emergency meeting of the fear leading squad come on all right boys remember k-i-t are we in trouble [Music] it is a testament to your hard work determination and discipline that you have once again brought Monster High fear leading back into prominence and I want you to know that you have the full support of the administration as you prepare for Monster Nationals we will not let you fail that is why I am bringing in a new coach the most decorated fear captain in Monster High history never a denial meet the new Queen same as the old Queen okay ghouls I'll let you chat with your new coach never so good to have you back as if from the day [Music] I'll be in my office [Music] never lost at monster Nationals and I don't intend to start now I'm going to whip you into shape starting today foreign [Music] [Music] no I mean she's a big time model in Europe why would she waste her time with a bunch of high school ghouls never denial kicked out of Fashion Week for her monstrous attitude now she's never gonna leave us alone I understand your concern but this is for the good of the school when I told the school board they actually seemed lifelike but my sister is evil I don't think you're helping if you want to win monster Nationals then do what nephrus says I implore you it's your new routine what we already got a routine getting to Nationals and winning it are two totally different things in case you've forgotten I've won four of them this choreography doesn't make any sense is it me or does she totally not know what she's doing I know but we've got to try [Music] does this isn't working at all now I have to change the routine and to change the routine again if you keep changing it we'll never learn it [Music] I can't take your incompetence anymore [Music] all right everybody line up I may have made a tiny mistake I thought I could come here and take you to victory at the monster Nationals I realize now that I can't she's leaving so I'm afraid I have some bad news I can't lead you anymore she's gonna quit now everything will be back to normal yay no no no I can't lead you so I'm replacing the entire fear Squad with new members and demoting you to the B Team replacing us with who and with them [Music] let the transition begin I Surrender your gear you deserve them meow Good Luck winning without my world-class routines you're right we can't do it without the book we're giving up we're not giving up we were beaten think of everything we want we're still a team we can still compete I let you down all of you I'm up [Music] well it's gonna take more than some thread in the jolt of electricity to bring this back to life never give up never never gonna oh I remember this was a good cheer cheer who needs us we need us and I need some help will totally help hey guys I was just thinking you're right I mean it's just silly old fear leading I've never lost before it's the new Fielding team I know I had the worst practice of my life the new fear leading team is gonna cost us a title too bad there's nothing we can do I see what you're doing if Draculaura is willing to give it another shot then I will take that as a yes now okay what's the emergency look remember this one never give up I was there this is about more than fear leading it's about us listen to our own cheers anything about surrendering no we can be great together but Cleo we need a leader I failed you failed Legacy that's a captain you didn't fail you won the spirit staff reminder of my failure Camille denial the only Captain to win the spirit stabbing [Music] you couldn't just press the button you had to throw it on the ground I'm sorry I failed again we give up the only thing that disappoints me Cleo is that you're giving up look at them they need you never give up never never gonna but we're a second class team as you were at Gloom Beach but you found a way to win that I guess you're right of course I'm right look you have everything you need to win other I'll help you if you're up for it yes yes thank you thank you [Music] thank you and thank you Frankie Stein now let's reclaim what is ours [Music] we must start practice right away Varsity fear Squad practice only no B Team allowed there are plenty of places to practice at school [Music] okay [Music] it's a text from nephra I've made it against the rules for you to practice on school grounds if we can't train we can't win there's the place where I practice my music it ain't technically on school grounds undergrade [Music] this is your moment don't worry about the competition worry about yourselves kuya you may want to change [Music] what she knows all the moves [Music] [Music] I don't know why I'm still working with you because you are [Music] ready for Nationals dream for this we're ready it's our destiny look all our friends came to support us let's go Monster High get ready to cheer your bleeding hearts out champion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the finale we have Monster High versus Monster High wow they are really good okay but remember ghouls nobody can beat us if we do our best I didn't think you'd make it this far A little sis our routine was the cat's meow good luck topping that I underestimated you rest assured it won't happen again I brought back up you wouldn't dare break apart there Monster High B Team yeah yeah thanks you'll be lucky if that's all they break hey nephara we don't need what's in the bath we can beat them on our own only a denial can beat a denial hey are you okay it's over nephra's taken every single idle amulet and charm from my father's house she has enough spells in that bag to ruin a thousand performances I should have known she'd never play fair forget your sister you just go out there and do your best for a spell don't worry about those you just worry about winning this thing really really pretty much whatever all right girls let's rock here's what we gotta do clock you're on point Abby over here [Music] cute let's even deal with this [Music] oh yeah there's no defense against this one okay one left [Music] [Applause] I wanted to beat you but not like this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] move it out of my way I am the coach of Monster High so technically if this award is mine yeah cheating there is no place for cheating and fear leading never a denial you are hereby stripped of all your previous trophies [Music] yes this belongs to you you deserve it the Champions Monster High [Applause] [Music] I still can't believe it you Gail's a Gloom Beach Champs Sweet Victory we really worked our Boats off now all I want to do is relax and catch some rays yeah we're at the beach science and math ghouls we've got a problem Golia doesn't know how to relax and have fun new Mission help Goya have fun whether she likes it or not step one complete appropriate Beach attire [Music] no those aren't the scarabs we talked about having fun yet you've got boys watching let them see your pretty Undead eyes sorry wait we're sorry we should have let you relax and have fun your way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we should have never tried to change who you were and I must admit your way of having fun is pretty fun yeah you watch slow-mo and Dawn of the Dead play dodgeball you Romulus you're with us I'll take Jackson yes not last you are last Normie no way I'm gonna let a zombie be on my team what do you want why would you let them play zombies are terrible at dodgeball zombie should stick to what they're good at attracting flies and going slowly from place to place you and the zombies versus US you're on winner gets to be permanent team captain and that will be me and I thought you were supposed to be smart it's great that you're sticking up for your blokes but if they win no zombie will ever be chosen for Dodgeball what are you gonna do you zombies stink I'm turning off the air you're a genius [Music] what are you waiting for foreign [Music] now I see why this is fun we can't believe we lost to zombies they're gonna be picking teams for the rest of high school I've never been to slumber party before ah slumber parties are the best sometimes we just need to stay up all night and catch up and give each other makeovers and do each other's toenails and talk about aren't you forgetting gargoyles to gargoyles what is this gargoyles to gargoyle Leo's favorite party game we play it every time we stay over I happen to be undefeated three four five diabolical demon card oh lose 500 points you're out I think I'm going to go into the bathroom and cry a mountain troll ruins your hair and makeup before school pictures claudine's out oh I better go in the other room before I make a scene you know you still have one card that you can play right I have a double trouble card which means I can take any opponent out with me and I choose Frankie oh dang I guess it's just you and me Abby your move okay looks like you've stumbled Into the Fire pools of moment police I have Royal reversal card we trade places you are now in pools of fire what can we call it quick timeout this was good move no we love gargoyles to gargoyles but Cleo is super competitive better movies to let Cleo win what point of playing game if you just let her win your closet go back five spaces a wooden infects your phone lose 1000 points it is over you are out I win oh my God finally a worthy competitor we're playing this game all night oh let's do this hopefully we get to go to Monty's Carlo I hear that little old place is crawling with monstarati I cannot wait to get there and just Frankie star if you received you may not attend the class three don't worry Mr Roger there's no way I'm getting sick Oh man nobody get near her if you catch what she's got no Monty scarlo sorry Frankie I can't risk missing what are you so happy about I'm thinking about all the fun I'm gonna have on the trip Without You The Boss is leaving in 15 minutes must hurry drivers want to go you better get back on the bus before you catch it too I laugh at this notion huh I do not get sick monsters in My Village very party there's got [Music] my dad told me it grows in a catacombs we just need someone to go find it I know this plant but has one side effect just go [Music] finally Abby's not going to make it too bad cause I'm going to have a fantastic time [Music] you said you don't get sick allergic to monster thistle that is side effect all right horses haven't left yet come on no monkeys Carlo Monster High big school big problems there's a thousand different stories in a place like this that's where I come in named Spectra I report the new the truth is always and I'm the Slick sister that'll find it I've been in this racket longer than I can remember and I thought I'd seen it all until he walked into my life got a light name's Burns he's Birds I need your help Spectra I'm in a pickle jar and I can't eat my way out see what's the rumbus you heard about the missing statue of course I am I'm getting flame flammed here dog what do you say will you take the case prove me innocent blood Good's gonna throw me out of school if you don't sure kid the evidence I'll point it in one fire hot direction information was tough to come by it seemed there wasn't a monster at this school that hadn't been wronged by Heath Burns in some way or other that's when it hit me go right to the top suppose you're wondering why you're all here yeah yeah Spectra you're playing us for a bunch of rooms we all know Heath took the statue his burn marks are all over it teaching every person in this room had a reason to frame the flame like you Frankie isn't it true Heath burned your Vitalogy homework last week how'd you feel mad I swear sometimes I could just I see and you Toro didn't Heath splash water on you right before the school pictures Claude and Deuce how many times has Heath embarrassed you at the mall and didn't you guys tell him that he was gonna be sorry but we didn't mean every one of these students had cause for framing Heath so who did it [Music] hello statue cleaners oh here it is blow torches Monday's fine everyone's free to go isn't that the way it always goes seems like the whole world wants to see a burn and the next you freeze a sparrow without a care that's life in Monster High for you the name Spectra hey there yourself honeycomb you're in a good mood I just won me a contest to meet my favorite opera singer Christian the Von Hammerstone that's awesome wait and how are you planning on comforting yourself when you meet well I reckon I'd just be myself I just thought perhaps you wouldn't want to embarrass yourself embarrass myself Christian Devon Hammerstone is a huge star she's Regal everything I am and you're not golly I don't want to make a darn full out of myself I will help you become an elegant Lady of refinement hey it smells delicious please demonstrate the proper way to eat this dish oh That'll be amazing first of all it was a trick question a lady never eats biscuits and gravy one two three I'm as nervous as a non-headed hunter in a room full of guillotine don't be I've trained you to be an elegant sophisticated lady Miss fun hammer Stone it's an honor to God call me Crescendo really you ain't gotta put on no ways just be yourself hey do I detect a bit of new golians in that accent I got family up in Austin we probably know a mess of the same monsters your daddy was the Phantom chromony he was my first vocal coach thank you hey Abby are you ready for finals week oh um are you okay I'm fine telling top of world it looks like you've been crying me never I'm not sad must go late for a class Abby wait what's with her [Music] huh this is the time of year when all girls from Abby's Village go through a challenge the Himalayas they survived at the land and pass various grueling physical and mental tests and women in your grills is the week so that's why she's so sad she couldn't go because of finals poor thing yeah please that'll never work will it yes I'll blood good oh what a great surprise for Abby hey ghouls want help for study biology oh sorry we can't yeah we have to go to the movies [Music] [Applause] Frankie Draculaura what is going on we talked to blood good [Music] at miss any class we know it's not quite the Himalayas but wait Abby you know it's okay to tell us when you're sad we're your friends [Music] hey leaky do you know how to [Music] um bro what's going on you know digging Romulus and I wanted to see if you wanted to catch the new scary router flip dude I'm so there yeah okay Mom I know sorry guys I can't go anywhere till I finish my chores Stone Cold bummer man no way oh yes way you need to who just borrowed my dress without asking um because I look cuter in it oh no you don't oh yes I do must be tough living with two sisters who fight like that you know wolves bro always trying to establish dominance my sisters can turn anything into a competition Romulus you're a genius guys give me a ticket I'll be done with my chores in an hour tops hey sis have you seen how lean why did you borrow something else I don't know about no I just wanted to get some tips I mean everyone knows she's the best at doing laundry oh please she is not the best she said she was oh I'll show her I mean I'm not as good as Claudine she'd have the whole yard done in two minutes huh I can do it in one that's what she said give me that she thinks that just watch me hey quad around for my man you ready to roll hey Mom I'm off to the movies yes ma'am all my chores are just about fish wait he just oh what I'll figure it out before you did oh no you didn't oh I did oh you in your dreams on this episode of MH true monster stories paralyze stripe stripe one of the most infamous students at Monster High this where cats Vengeance strikes fear in the hearts of even the toughest Monster High students what makes this cantankerous kitty purr to answer that my friends we must go back all the way back to the beginning or in the smallest of a litter of six she had to fight for everything she could the entire litter was adopted all of them except Toralei torale I learned quickly she survived using only her with speed and cunning but time eventually catches up with everyone she wound up where a lot of kitties from the street did the pound it was here where she met her Werecat Sisters Persephone and reality together they would rule this place with an iron paw the key is to find out who runs things and then show them who's boss all right things might have stayed that way forever headmistress not stepped in ladies I will a school called Monster High a place where you can learn and grow I think you belong there I'll take that as a yes but as happy as to our life was to be at Monster High you can't teach an old cat new tricks okay same rules apply we find out who runs things then we show them who's boss after that we ghouls will rule the school so who is tarly my friends we may never know for sure this has been MH true monster stories well what do you think where are you kidding I love it ah we're going for smoothies during free period want to join us Deuces by I am I'm in cha totally yeah you're not too busy you're just sitting there on your computer like you do every day [Music] well if you change your mind you know where to find us busy please [Music] Julia I don't know what to do I need to get my hair done for the big superintendent's party tonight but I'm swamped with paperwork [Music] I look fabulous yes nightmare you're pretty too oh it's yours now buddy it's freezing I don't know how but it's perfect Spectra where's the new ghost ly gossip blog coming out sorry the Wi-Fi is out no word on when it's gonna be fixed [Music] [Music] oh you weren't busy at all you're in the exact same spot yeah it's not like the school is going to fall apart if you take a break you know [Music] [Music] this necklace is scary gorgeous I know isn't it great Club got it for me oh can I try it on okay just be careful oh no it's in the deep end I am so sorry I'll get it back I promise oh you don't understand it's in the deep end what's all this about the deep end I dropped Draculaura's necklace down there but but I'm gonna get it back no one no acting so weird about the deep end the deep end Mr high is the deepest in the world no one knows what lurks way down under there well I'm going in I caused this mess and I'm gonna fix it don't have to do this I'll just tell Claude no no no I'm gonna make this right if you're going I'm going with you I don't get what all the fuss is about the deep end is kind of nice it's not a flower [Music] Reckless what he went in here he's got a whole pile of stuff hey you give me that back Frankie it's not worth it [Music] oh thank you thank you by working together we conquered our fears and did the whole school a favor sweet my t97x4 calculator oh I thought I'd never see it again baby take a flyer vote for Glory I won't let you go to waste hey don't be a loser be a reuser sort compostable foodstuff plastic hands we all win when you choose the right bin it's too much trouble Heath be a good sport think and take a moment to sort recycling is so uncool recycling is wet it's so cool one down only 6.7 billion to go hello old friend if there was only a way I could tell everyone how important in the survival we don't know how to be hurt just fine Venus can't you use your power of you know power of pollen persuasion yes to make the people look with my power I can only influence one monster at a time our planet is in trouble we need someone with influence we need oh you're the coolest school in school if you lead they will follow it's a talent but I don't know I can't be seen picking through trash not trash it's recyclables to change the way people think you'd have to make it cool stylish sounds like a fashion show welcome to the first annual Monster High all recycled completely renewable fashion show from trash to fash fools look cool while they save the planet you can't do so recycle reuse and renew let's hear it for the fools I learned something who thought that could happen at school we did great today we sure did I was talking to you I was so embarrassed detention I didn't even know what I did you guys too yes Miss Stein you and your friends have engaged what did we do one of you is responsible and you will remain incarcerated until I get a confession so miss denial you're hiding something confess it was me my pizza see [Music] that is not the crime I was talking about next I just love these perfume samples well it's not it next I only did it because Mr heck was going to dissect those four innocent Froggies I'm telling the truth my brother Diddy my homework was it because I burned that book no burned my locker no the bathroom the theater the pool no no and no wait how did you burn a pool full of water it was an accident whatever whatever is like for real I have no idea what you're saying but no some warnings guilty one of you took my glasses and I demand to know those glasses oh um is you're free to go finally we my fountain pen one of you in your pocket Jackson [Music] ingredients yes master I mean Frankie he sure is heavy ow my back help me open this bad boy huh don't you think you're getting a little carried away here what makes you say that put on your goggles it's gonna get messy [Music] together you always wanted to know how these were made but I don't know if I have the stomach foreign [Music] [Music] we need more power I've got it [Music] my creation is finished and that's my secret Family Recipe guaranteed to reanimate your taste buds wow who knew who knew that Frankie would take her home ick final so seriously yeah it's like she totally became a different goal no nibbling to your Frosty oh Frankie but I'm so delicious smoking hot do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again [Music] dude to slow down you're a voodoo doll and you're holding somebody's stuff if something happens to you they feel the pain sorry it's all good who doofus just gave me a catastrophically good idea I just had to come over and talk to you oh wow you're perfectly awesome I must be dreaming I pinch myself but I wouldn't feel it right let me just write down my number for you would you borrow her pen for me uh okay [Music] the strangest thing just happened felt like there were thousands of needles sticking in me yeah me too there's something Mighty fishy going on around here how weird is it Toralei and hoodoo are Fanning Out ho dude borrowed my Biology book he hasn't brought it back yet she's been using who dude's Voodoo power to torture us all day I've got an idea you want me to try up for the diving team this is the best day ever oh I wanted you to hold on to a bracelet she's so sweet I haven't seen him oh yeah he's at dive in practice for the next three hours foreign do now it won't come off [Music] hey Frankie what's everybody talking about you don't know Mr would vandalize the school how do you know it was a monster Hulk did I just woke up with the evidence all over me when Bloodgood finds out about this she'll throw a holt out of school and if she throws Holt out of school she throws you out of school she's probably looking for me right now I just he would do something like this I kind of caught him red-handed there's no way Holt did this and I hope you through Jackson I need to speak spear bolt catch up with you later [Music] Zach ah what was he doing he was carrying paint out of the back of the school what's with the yelling I've got very sensitive abuse I really really can't believe he did it neither Jackson Jekyll I can still see you we must speak about Holt I know he vandalized the school so if you want to throw us out vandalized I commissioned hope to draw a mural here but he didn't finish I asked around and apparently Mr Oglethorpe turned his music off I so Jackson if you don't mind I'd like hope to get back to work [Music] for today's lesson behold this Paragon of scientific Perfection what a hunk of junk that you're feasting your eyeballs on a device of astounding power a machine so stupendous and amazing Mr hack to the office a dragon has started a fire right be back in exactly five minutes anybody touches the device the whole class gets detention alcohol [Music] a device so powerful and amazing like baby Yik must sniff everything Keith you're going to get us all in trouble relax it doesn't even work was I supposed to know that thing worked in four minutes Mr hack is gonna return and when he sees us like this he's gonna freak there must be a reverse button on machine it's too far to jump how do we get across I got this [Music] I told you I'm on fire baby holy smokes be a good doggy and help the squeeze [Music] all right Abby come on okay now all we have to do is pull the lever and pull away [Music] idea one two three got it [Music] that's it detention for a lot of you okay [Music] guys who your things are getting close I still don't think we should be down here aren't you even curious to see your dad's old high school laboratory they say it's been sealed up since he graduated his skeleton he will get us in I bet it's crawling with Mysteries and danger so don't touch anything what's the worst that could happen doing here I was lonely so I said he could come no way but what seriously somehow everywhere you go nothing but trouble give me a chance I promise not to touch anything whoa okay it's good I'm cool oh come on ghouls it's the nice thing to do oh fine but remember don't touch anything I know I know Frankenstein's laboratory this place is epic oh what's in here he wandered from afar clearly not touching it always thought hack was brainless I didn't know it was science fact that's on me my bad what a horrible Beast did we unleash it's a little kitty what if it's dangerous yeah dangerously cute [Music] hey that tickles are you okay this little guy loves me who loves you we're gonna be best buddies Steve I told you guys it was a good idea to bring him hey what's biting me dear diary I am no good I'm sure I talk funny and I'm probably ugly I couldn't tell you because I can't stand in the mirror and the day started so nice goals Emily Anne of we stop hate is coming to visit Monster High I love her blog yeah yeah she could be here anytime Emily Ann is high voltage she said you should find friends who make you happy instead of spending it with goals you have to impress I'm sure she'll want to interview someone with an impressive dose of tween esteem I volunteer come on Frankie she'll be here soon Cleo Lego help is my lipstick straight seriously I don't know why you even try Emily Anne will want to talk to someone important to me I feel invisible okay how could you possibly know how I feel oh that was mean to call you I don't know who I am anymore who do you want to be oh hi I'm just me I'm Draculaura and you are a friend I heard Monster High is a fantastic place to come and just be yourself yeah usually but today I don't know most of the time oh I like to organize parties so my friends can laugh and have fun I take care of animals I'm not always perfect exactly not always perfect but you do have some ferocious passions remember them when you feel lost they tell you who you are everyone's waiting to meet Emily Anne where is Emily Ann I'm right here I'm here all day yes I love Monster High you've got some Spooktacular ghouls here like draculara oh cool yeah I know you were just trying to tell me to love my freaky flaws well I don't have any flaws really they're what give us our individuality and make us Perfectly Imperfect just the way we are oh from Cleo big emergency more bandages [Music] poor thing it's who dude he's having a bad day he's a voodoo doll if he's having a bad day everyone is [Music] Frankie you made them you have to fix them what can I do I'm not a full mind reader Scara screams so sad it's Doom I like buttons our only hope is to go inside Ghoulia hits that button we will all be transported into his breasts the mind is like a house each room serves a separate function this area controls speech [Music] the memory Center earlier today you student disembodied president you're not even a real dude right I'll never be real his problem is self-esteem how do we fix that this area controls emotions most important love we just have to connect him to himself work I like you oh thank you Scara I'm cured aren't you looks like our work here is done I don't care what you say to me anymore because I love myself [Music] maybe we should go back in and make a few more tweaks oh to the party of the Millennium tonight at my house we need it everybody's been so stressed over finals oh hold up a sec Peggle big party at Cleo's tonight voltages game on at Cleo's tonight [Music] she's been more stressed than any of us goals we got a problem [Music] it's not that bad look it's caused by all the stress yeah I'm gonna have fun and I'm stuck here with gross dots on my face gonna like me it's gonna be okay if you can't come to the party we are not having it right it seems a bit drastic wait [Music] my great great grand wolf Harry and had an amazing home remedy to cure polka dot fever wow that's great okay gargoyle claw troll whiskers [Music] foreign [Music] got an idea he couldn't get rid of your dots so we made the party polka dots [Music] dress is gone [Music] stay in the history of Monster High if I don't get a scoop soon I'm just gonna live the Gotta Be One Juicy piece of pasta floating around the school hey Dad what's up get out I smell a scoop you you have tickets to see Justin fighter she gets to take her best friend her choice to go with Will Reveal her BFF Frankie's taking me to the Justin Biter concert you clearly aren't you gonna put on your uniform of course I was just about to that's the way that's the spirit why just talk when you can share it she was just being nice to you I'm her BFF Draculaura [Music] you think it's rude if I wear headphones to the concert you Who you calling a ball did I just walk into the monster preschool no then why are you acting like such a child what would your sister many think of this Behavior you're not gonna tell her are you leave him alone thanks she was just being Frankie or Frankie's best friend [Music] he invited you to eat lunch with him and his bloodies don't don't shy we'll go together Frankie's got your back in case he's going to the concert with Frankie what we'd better go settle this I'm not taking my best friend to the concert I'm taking my best friends then why did specter's blog say that you could only take one of us that's a good question in my rush to print a juicy story I may or may not have missed a couple of key facts I better make like a ghost and disappear bye-bye [Music] hey Rebecca what's the deal with all that old-timey junk it is not applies how are you gonna do your homework with that outdated stuff here use my laptop or my tablet I prefer the old-fashioned way of doing things but isn't it like way harder with that stuff I find that it's much more rewarding yes you all should try it what is this crazy thing it's cool you're science project what does it do something to do with electromagnetic pulse or whatever now I'm not supposed to let anybody mess with it especially you I hate this time of year everybody's got a school project due and nobody's paying attention to me um what I won't let anybody near it don't worry I can't mess with stuff I mean what am I gonna do what happened my computer doesn't work my book report is doing the rainbow I might be able to help is it dangerous oh I prefer that just as good as email I will do everything your fancy calculator can do only more fun if you ask me [Music] thanks for helping us Rebecca I hope I showed you that you don't have to be so dependent upon technology gotta check my messages hello thank you where are you girls goings every year the fear Squad works at the coffin Bean for free all the proceeds go to an awesome children's charity I hold the record for the most money until today please here we go this will keep track of all the money we earn for charity we want to get to here to beat last year but we want to get here to beat nephera's record I'll have a small sugar-free vanilla Fango Chino let me have a monster Triple Espresso with extra chocolate sprinkles and two pumps of white chocolate and a Sprinkle smart please we're already almost to last year's total nephara's record is going to be ancient history looks like your record is going to need bandages nephra doubt that I like to call this please Cleo's [Applause] I don't suppose we broke nephra's record we actually owe a bunch of money for damages talk about epic fail it's over wait you're not giving up are you to beat her record we'd need to serve close to 500 customers in an hour I don't even 500 monsters together we do [Music] put your orders ready 106 109. [Music] hey everybody we beat last year's total yay our children's charity is gonna be mega boobs guess that turned out to be your bad luck charm I can't believe the dance is this fright day I have to pick what I'm going to wear them think what claude's going to wear so it matches and then change my mind and pick something else to wear on the court change the clothes outfit then get upset that I have nothing to wear then at the last minute coming back to what I picked out first oh Abby who are you taking to the dance not going nobody is Mystery boys find me gold is no big whoop hey ladies Tabby check it having a serious console here he's if guys knew how amazing and sweet Abby was they would all have monster crushes on her oh I read in Monster beat that the hot new Fang is speed dating what do you just meet a bunch of guys and spend like a minute with each one yeah huh and whoever you spark to you can see them again I'm not knowing about this hurry updating Under This Modern exterior I'm still sort of old-fashioned cool come on what have you got to lose [Music] oh ghouls he's quit messing around this is serious I'm not messing around why you wink at me just met you I'm not I only have two fresh Mr next so hey I was uh wondering if um you are sheep and Wolf's clothing next foreign stuff why don't you let me take you to the dance and I'll melt your heart wait getting down with my bad self you like out of all those guys you met at speed dating why did you decide to go to the dance with he you make me laugh thank you I'm Spectra Vondergeist and this is a Monster High Historia werewolf and vampire high schools have been at each other's throats for a thousand years it can be said that the war ended here at Monster High this is that that story we transferred to Monster High from an old vampire school it wasn't easy you smell maybe it's time to start using soap and water instead of just your tongues we may have been a little rude we werewolves weren't any better this is our turf now got it vamposers [Music] garlic totally gives vampires Mega Monster six so voltageously intense the smallest thing could set off a major battle [Music] what you heard me [Music] you can't do that did I see you growl at this vampire don't forget your place or I'll make you remember [Music] day agree we can't go on like this today the gym Sundown bring your full strength winner gets the school but at Monster High like unique brings us together and by working together we can conquer the Real Enemy Prejudice I'm Spectra Vondergeist and this has been a Monster High history and in case you were wondering vampire werewolf relations have never been better oh I've called me at least once I didn't have any cell reception in the woods how every time you watch casket ball when I'm trying to study so now I howl to laugh you're cute when you're angry hurry up kuya I've seen pyramids built faster than you petals hahaha [Music] yeah is she late again whoa hey and then she was like no way and I was like are you listening oh snap laughs [Applause] nice scooter [Music] where's your new ride [Applause] there's total zombie country [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] burglar you think I stole it no I'm just gonna wash it for her uh make sure you get all the hard to reach places this is [Music] Good Makes Us official safety officers will be the hottest dudes in school you really think she's going to choose the likes of you what dog because we'll have the power to send you to the office for anything the job is for keeping the hallways safe come on dudes let's practice our cup walk they care not for the school next I am a gargoyle it is in my very nature to be strong dignified being safety officer is not all Glitz and glamor although this badge is very sparkly head mistress I am not one who wishes to do this for my own ego I will not disappoint you Monster High my job to keep them safe be it a matter of a simple traffic jam or dragon that has escaped from the catacombs I am always vigilant no you are not supposed to use the cursed amulets in school how am I supposed to pass biology by studying fine I won't use it merci we don't need a whole pass you're our permanent Hall Pass I cannot believe you would try to take advantage of me it is very much against school rules to reanimate old monsters Rochelle can't you let it slide to be a BFF I am sorry my friends makeups of trouble oh it does not feel good maybe this job is not for me had me stressed I am sorry [Music] congratulations you survived my test I had to know the school could count on you even when your besties tempt you otherwise sorry we only did it cause we knew you would pass so not only do you have the job but I'm promoting you to the head of my new safety team Deputy Burns for a 44th Duty question who will protect the school from the safety team so swatchy and cadaver will be getting their new fall collection tomorrow morning and by complex plan of action will make sure I'm I mean we are the most fashionable ghouls in school why can't we just get here super early and wait where that sign says this is the sale of the century zombies are even camping out in the parking lot okay now Draculaura you're here Claudine you start here which puts us at the front of the line precisely when the store opens got it uh yeah we go home now it is getting pretty late oh no the mall's close we're locked in let's call Ghoulia and stem and open up the door we open spot in line we spend the night and our first in line when they unlock the mall in the morning sorry boys [Music] oh no no look [Music] where that sign says it does right yeah but the line starts behind me the stores are about to open slo-mo I have the sign so I'm first he's getting Leah a romantic no me I promised me but Cleo second is okay second me that's it this Idol has the power of teleportation all I have to do is touch you with it like this [Music] did you Google see brain dead Beach last night I was howling wait even I know cooties aren't real they're totally real and if you catch them nobody in school will go near you you've gotta touch somebody else to pass them off before you become an outcast they're just a myth they use to scare kids hootie's all real real scary [Music] it's invisibility it could be anywhere all right you're a traitor to your pack age [Music] she's never been anything but mean to us you're right in the teleportation amulet [Music] be my best fiends everybody just stop this freaking no okay maybe cooties are real but we don't have to play along go ahead give them to me you've got it [Music] no if you want to banish me because I have stupid cooties then go ahead she's right it doesn't matter if she's got cooties she's still Frankie she's our friend I guess you're right ah you guys you're making me feel oh thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa did I do that oh Frankie what is going on don't touch anything until I can figure out how to fix it look at all of them so excited for the coming year I wish I was I'm gonna launch my own scary cool clothing line the word of the year for Cleo in 2013 dominate not of course you're gonna cure scoliosis uh Heath what are you doing what uh not building a fort out of zombies that's for sure operetta's gonna ride a rockabilly Opera Venus is going to organize a cleanup of Gloom Beach Rebecca's gonna rocket jump over Monster High you see every monster I know has a plan for 2013. everyone except me doesn't that make it more exciting not knowing what's coming up maybe there are so many surprises waiting for you in the new year yeah right hey when'd you get to be so smart it's kind of a secret but the Easter's got a pretty big brain in here it's okay not to know what's in store you know what now I'm pretty sparked about 2013. [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you excited of course I am excitement can't you tell Frankie your excitement about tomorrow what's tomorrow that's weird must have lost my signal oh oh Frankie Stein is picked picture day so Frankie you should never underestimate the importance of picture day a photo lasts forever yes like snowman don't snowman melts not they've made properly enough lesson it's time to get to work doing what [Music] laughs [Music] weird I like twins [Music] we're fine it's only eight pictures [Music] sorry Gould I gotta head on to the next school but we were up all night picking out our outfits you'll just have to wait till next when I come back to take makeup food he's coming back next week next week [Music] [Music] no no perfect looking fine Laguna prepare for the date of your life oh um hey Mom uh Hey Dad I'm going on a date with Laguna oh I know she's a sea creature I know what they say about them Laguna isn't like that which is wonderful she is different you always said sea creatures were mean spiteful monsters but Laguna's the sweetest most sensitive ghoul I've ever met oh little green Bros do our hearts not beat the same does not the same green blood flow through our veins you said that sea creatures were disloyal and treacherous but Laguna is the most faithful true protected friend that anybody ever had I try so hard that's what's missing you up don't drongo troll be yourself really is really brilliant huh you are not too damn for Ghoulia well I'm gonna make this right if you're going I'm going with you am I working together we can't get our fears and did the whole school of favor what you're still clinging to those worn out old prejudices you're wrong about this I'm not going to stop seeing her so you're both just going to have to deal with that laughs um I forgot something okay uh bye I'll be back early [Music] now I just have to pass the road test this afternoon and I'll be an official driving ghoul who you get for your test an instructor fender bender wow he sounds tough you need our help essence of scariopheneretti the race car Champion I don't know about this I'll just crack the books yeti on left time to crank up the heat uh guys [Music] drive by playing extreme graveyard Derby I really should be home studying this is studying only it's way more fun [Applause] you never pull over you just go faster oh sorry you will never get a license well I am here next Frankie Stein follow me are you all right how did you do yes I knew you could it was obviously those moves you learned to play in graveyard Derby my Fang dreddy racing potion did the trick nope was my ice Road simulator actually I did it the old-fashioned way I studied congratulations here's your license the four seasons are caused by the Earth revolving around this arm as he frustrated in this vision board your homework assignment is to create your own vision board illustrating one of these seasons and why you think it's the most important Frankie you Abby and Cupid are in the group we can do project at my place sounds super chill yes very cream would totally come in handy one day which season should we pick look spring the season when everything blossoms and grows and Love Is in the Air also in the air pollen and allergic we pick winter a time to be quiet and reflective without pollen we wouldn't have flowers without winter no snow no snow no snow days maybe we should pick summer at least in the spring you can go outside nothing better than evening at the fireplace are you saying winter is better than spring [Music] I think both seasons are great in their own way look how pretty this flower is Ice Flower much more frizzy Gastly don't you understand that you couldn't even have spring without winter or winter without spring wait that's it that's it Abby Cupid and I realized that without winter you can't have spring and as one season turns into the other the important thing is how they work together okay dancers auditions start in five minutes be prepared to impress me oh hey invisibility watch where you're swiping sorry well hi y'all hey Operetta cute outfit thanks hun y'all too you'll be dancing in style I know y'all better bring your A game today I'm feeling pretty good about my chances keep dreaming operator I'm ready for this there's only one lead Dance Part mine it's so cute come on mate don't be like that yeah everyone's got a fair shot it could even be me sweetie I'm not trying to be rude here but you got feet Made of Stone um maybe you could try out for stage manager okay dancers places a five six seven eight [Music] oh honey I need my space to shine here [Music] that was adequate get ready for round two solos Laguna your first [Music] sorry don't be sad Rochelle Howling Wolf those girls are right they are made of stone but you're still a good dancer but a lead dancer must jump leap Twirl in the air I cannot do any of these things operator [Music] maybe you can do that stuff come on I've got an idea the last dancer Rochelle I do not know if I can watch this I just hope she don't embarrass herself [Music] bravo bravo you defy gravity Rochelle you've got the part oh invisibility thank you no problem but it beats me that's why my wedges are the most important things I own now is both informative and enlightening next up skeleta [Music] don't worry Skelita you're gonna do fine the most important object to me is this necklace it was given to me by my grandmother it has been in my family for 10 Generations a story began when the Jefe de brujaria phone number needed to find the perfect gift for her daughter oh man this is gonna be all romantic and sappy then the volcano erupting in the midst of this turmoil she saw something as before she could reach it it was smashed before her eyes the bottom pack was very wise she knew you must find a way to create something good out of pain and tragedy the necklace began that tradition strong women pass it on to young girls who came of age and no matter where life took my family we held on to it and passed it off the necklace away seemed hopeless what an unbelievable Downer doesn't the story have any car chases or anything Skelita tell me how she got the necklace back my Abuelita thought it was gone forever then she remembered the lesson of Bonham Park you can overcome anything if you find the good in it the loss of the necklace that was the proudest moment of her life and when my Abuelita gave it to me it was the proudest moment of my life and that is why this necklace is the most important thing I own [Music] [Applause] the universe tell us another one please [Music] it was an honor using my talents to help commemorate your friend's accomplishments I can't believe quads scored 200 points in one game he was on fire from Beyond the Grave careful flame brain that game ball is irreplaceable I'll hold on to it give it here [Music] there it is it's lost forever there is a way step aside let's Manny show you how it's done we need to calculate the distance down and then count the bars we need a laser what if we spear it hey boy what problems are not always solved with demonstrations of strength I grew up the only girl in a house with seven brothers one day my father called on each of us to help capture an evil creature that was terrorizing Our Town each of my brothers went after the Beast they tried to bring it out the force and oppression but the only thing they returned with were broken bones so one thing to do is not to force your one in but to find a way to force it out oh I see which no I don't let me show you the water is bringing the ball right up to us you see force and aggression are not always the answer oh the ball's not the only thing the water brought up transports helps I think I should hold on to this clued emergency I need as many extra bandages as you can serve they're not for me thanks well careful their designer have you seen Venus she told me to bring a 3000 cc's of distilled water step whatever that means yeah and she told us to bring the largest thermometer we could find what is that ghoul up to hang in there big guy Venus quick we don't have much time my ghostier bandages Cleo this is the us living tree in monster High he's been here for hundreds of years what wrong with it uh him it's it's everything but it can't be hopeless someone must know what to do a teacher a scientist gulia muncher she'll know Mother Nature There's a Great Oak in danger remember what the tree has been to you then love it back to life Leo tell her to get every monster in school out by the tree ASAP thank you mother nature [Music] what's the deal Cleo why are we all standing around this big piece of overgrown firewood come out not firewood Heath he's a living history of who we are I want some of my best stories under this tree I lost five soccer balls up there Julia you used to study here all the time and Claude and I came here on Earth [Music] I can't do it tonight I'm uh studying with Romulus the one with all the tests ah gotta go Vlog just cancel their date right because he induced promised to help Mr hack repaint his hers no they're all going to Gill's house to work on that rap album what why would they all cancel on you at the same time and then lie about their plans and it does sound ridiculous oh I can't wait why did all three of you cancel on us the truth this time rep album what sorry I'm a terrible liar Look Tonight is our guys night out we've been planning it for a while just Bros no ghouls allowed so what are you doing the guy stuff you wouldn't understand dreams Jackson look uh we gotta run Something Fishy going on we need to find out exactly what they've got planned for tonight [Music] huh strange I overheard Claude and Deuce talking about the strategy for some kind of battle Jackson and Gil with pretty aggro towards each other they're going to fight them Julius traced their locations over there oh take that level four lasers right through your defenses I got force field regeneration Booyah Commander we have to retreat I can take this guy well you're not biting this is guys night out come on ghouls let's leave them to their nerd game you Commander you're too long the boys are so weird but you know kind of adorable captain we're going to crash [Music] coming up on tomorrow's show Cleo de Nile remember Cleo you must do it from memory no no no [Music] family recipes what oh tell me everything no no no no yes okay maybe what am I going to do I've got nothing I do appreciate you letting me use your raspberry Buffet recipe but I'm never be able to memorize it before class how was telepathy Camp too amazing for words I'm thinking of a number between six 29 scary cool scary screams is telepathic I can give her Ghoulia's recipe cards and she can read them to me from another room here is an awesome girl but carrying everybody's thoughts makes it hard for her to focus all she has to do is read what's on the cards what could go wrong today I'm going to be making my world famous rasgary bufflay okay Scara just read me off the ingredients and we add four cups whole milk a single carton of fresh organic mascara that ghoul was so hot I'd need a gallon of liquid nitrogen to cool her down one gallon liquid nitrogen one gallon of liquid nitrogen number 24 better watch out tonight 24 cups of flour 11 slap bracelets and one smartphone now I'll just put this in the oven and it'll be just a few minutes until tasty time I'll just wait for my A-Plus um [Music] foreign thinking that you're unhappy it doesn't take a mind reader here have a super healthy vitamin replenishing drink before you hit the Dance Floor this sour Scarab blast is divine you should try the seaweed sling here you go two scary Barry and bark shakes making specialty drinks sure seems like a lot of work Frankie oh I like the customizing and if you don't like it I'm happy to make you another did you hear that suddenly I'm totally parked from showing off my moon hi to our live Persephone reality can I get you a smoothie that's why we're here my Fierce feline refueler got a pinch of catnip this is oh no well I'll be happy to make you another this is gonna be fine a little less more to me Bland I put some lemon zest in this one we'll take it out and make it holder extra ice too cold and more oranges these oranges aren't fresh oh sorry I'll cut some right up [Music] oh voltage not bad I'm trying to hate it but me yeah [Music] I'm having whatever they have hey zap one up for me [Music] whoa looks like Mike Jones whatever it is make it fast oh wait you can't you're a zombie hey she was just trying to invite you to a party Toralei she was trying to be nice let me guess it starts at eight but the zombies don't get there till 11. you think you're as fast as me wanna bet on it tell you what oh student Mr hacks class on the other side of school if you win I'll serve food at your party if I win you serve food at one of mine see you at my party if you want to get there on time you'd better leave now we can't let goolia lose to that's corrupt Calico I've called this laser pointer maybe we can get it to chase it down the wrong hole I can hit her with pies come on be pretty funny guys this is cheating she has to do this on her own right Ghoulia there's no rush this cat's got this in the bag [Music] hey Spectra I've got a perfect headline for your ghostly gossip blog zombies serve kitties at high end soiree picture [Applause] [Music] a zombie super highway huh who knew I offer you another Pie song see I tell you it's fun first full moon of the lunar leap year and romance was in the air wear my ring my quality jacket what a flea collar except for Halloween don't go falling into that I gotta get a boyfriend trapped why cause I'm too young [Music] you are balking up the wrong tree little sis he used to puppy suit you welcome to Monster High's full moon sports day [Applause] oh I like him so far but I don't know if he sees me that way you know what I mean oh yeah I got it I got it in your dreams dude stop him Romulus how can I make him notice me do the things he likes to do hey those sticks are for the bonfire not that one oh no slow down [Applause] are you okay go ahead try it [Music] if he can't see how completely horrific you are it's his loss thanks lothar you're such a great friend yeah friend romance can be pretty tricky sometimes for every monster who won't notice you there's somebody right behind you you are not noticing and right behind them they came from the depth of space to take over our minds and our planet [Applause] would have been their alien control imagine if that really happened [Music] what's gotten into you oh nothing nothing yet well did your pet get sick in there medieval aliens are invading our school they want to control us just like in the movie all we need is proof news flashy and Draculaura say aliens invade Monster High so what's wrong [Music] alien implant just like in that movie let me take a look it's just a splinter there's no such thing as evil aliens she's one of them I know [Music] I know would look fabulous with those outfits tin foil hats you better stop before we alienate all our friends [Music] foreign it's just a contaminated lab rat little guy doesn't like his plasma injections [Music] I take it you accept that no aliens are trying to invade Monster High no more spreading rumors all right [Music] you just saw Primus hypotheses and fairness one equation outstanding [Applause] [Music] who he is about to break a million points on the Dead Fast video game [Music] Julia's really brilliant huh you are not too damn for gulia Leo yeah she has lots of crazy potions and stuff maybe there's one to make you smarter but I don't think this is yeah okay Leo's got this super intelligence potion includes antidote [Music] I think therefore I am finally worthy of Ghoulia now if you ladies will excuse me I have a ghoul to impress death mobile Chum nicely done but check the king's Gambit beautifully played and yet check and Checkmate your rebuttal your argument was merely a fuselada and cadillactic verbiage to make your most purile at serveration scene oh the Acme of sagacious proposity the monster choose its Institute of Technology is coming by to look at your fear I've noticed a couple of inconsistencies in your work there much better where's Golia I need to explain this she doesn't like what you've become rude leave yourself but I'm an absolute genius that's what she wanted you she wanted she liked who you were before if you were really a genius you'd know that you left this at Cleo's the antidote what a waste of a perfectly good potion he doesn't even remember being smart I don't know if it was a waste gulia remembers what's this new kid's name Ryder I bet he's a natural athlete from the look of his blog this gets pretty intense Claude would just break a leash to get another guy for school oh man this place has been incredible oh hi Monster High is totally a place where you can be yourself what are we gonna check out first shouldn't show all the sports stuff penmanship class awesome right we've got a whole bunch of old tages activities planned Library Club yarn collecting Club Rock and Pebble Society this is what you guys all do for fun around here I heard so much smoke tacular stuff about Monster High but none of it's true [Music] have you seen Ryder yep oh and I may have told him about scream how it was the most epic thing you could possibly do what no [Music] squeeze hey we said the same thing to you if you wanted to play scream maybe he knows what he can or can't do better than any of us you see are you okay okay that was totally spin Sane I'm good again I don't know you told me that Monster High was a place that I can be myself right well I'm not a sit around kind of dude this is who I am I promise if I need any help I'll ask cool I uh I do need help with something will you light my wheels on fire I wanna I wanna try this jump again ladies it's time for Monster High to pick its annual creature of the year and I'd like your assistance in choosing the winner I've narrowed it down to two members of The Faculty Mr hack and Mr Roder look at me Mr heck he's anti-phibian maybe you should switch Partners why would you say that everyone knows sea monsters are bad parents oh I didn't realize and he takes Royal Delight in our misery your cabin is in a slightly different location laughs fine it's nothing off with the grades then that settles it Mr rotter it is no way Mr rotter I totally did the work to Perfection why didn't I get an A I don't give a and remember when he gave us all detention you and your friends what did we do one of you took my glasses and I demand to know oh those glasses oh Farm yes well I guess I have to start my search over nightmare hand me my files wait the award is for creature of the year right yes well then maybe it should go to nightmare the creature of the year [Music] I just hope the award doesn't go [Music] lead us to freedom for we are helpless without you first I must layeth down the smack on younger sinisterians take one more step and you're all toast put that dumb game down yeah come on it's Friday the 13th tonight oh man I was about to level up make yourself useful and stencil this on that rock hello check it out someone beat me to it what's it say it's superstarion the language of the villains in my video game please do read it on Friday the 13th of the 13th year the city s will return to this spot to take over we have to cancel the dance you want us to cancel the biggest Friday the 13th in history this is not about a party the most evil creatures ever are coming here tonight dog wash this is just like the time you ran through the creepaterius screaming about a meteor everybody [Music] or the time you said Monster High was sinking like Atlantis This Time It's For Real my school look I don't know what's worse those guys or the fact that Heath was right you can't take my friends as slaves well chill out you got the message we left right yeah 13th day 13th year you're gonna take over yes we came to take over the Dance Floor we love to Boogie oh I'm so relieved that they're not evil no that you weren't right evil [Music] or zombies they need their own lane in the hall I I'm gonna run for Student disembodied president then I can help them I'll be your campaign manager lunch and creepateria tastes like yakfi you make better you'll make my birthday a school holiday right wow everyone wants something from me I I want you to lose [Music] this commercial will give you a 50-point bump in the polls I'm Frankie Stein and I want to make Monster High better yes I hate creepateria food yes I know how werewolves feel on the full moon but what really leaves a bad taste in my mouth is our poor treatment of zombies let's go win some votes [Music] zombie time for a breath of fresh air and that's me and that's not all I'll expand the parking lot I'm running because zombies need someone to be their voice you should really hear from someone who's experienced Injustice firsthand [Music] my heart I stand with slo-mo if you do too there's only one way to vote [Applause] [Music] I told everyone voting for me to vote for slo-mo instead he's the best voice for the zombies Frankie you did the right thing about making my birthday a school holiday hey Cleo barely saw you there I mean you're just that forgettable you've got no chance at getting the lead in the school play I was born to play gorothy in The Wizard of Oz aren't you like older than the pyramids this is the part for a young monster like me Good Luck Grand mommy Grand Mommy [Music] this bottle is magical water from the Fountain of you Dorothy is as good as mine [Music] outstanding feel so vibrant such enthusiasm there's something going on with that ghoul I I knew you were using some kind of youth potion give me some pause [Music] I'm sure there's some kind of reversal potion right yes but send it to me foreign [Music] Mr Ware I can explain she cursed me with her crazy potion you should have just let go you are perfect for the part both of you this must be humiliating tonight is going to be an epic night for you kuya your first kiss well that's what do said slo-mo told him that he was going to kiss you on our double date the key is to not rush it thanks just be yourself and nothing can go wrong [Music] we must have released a curse that switched our body oh no the boys are here open just let yourself see we can't let slo-mo kiss you me Leo coming we'll have to figure this out on the Fly what do you ghouls want oh you sound like you're coming down with something how about a hot tea Ghoulia moon what um oh decaf check my purse see if there's anything on reversing curses oh I don't I don't care how silly you think they are gulia what [Music] um look bro she really likes you you kiss them at the same time that way it won't be so weird I know how much your first kiss meant to you Ghoulia looks like it'll have to be another nap [Music] I'm me the kiss must have fixed us cool yeah Cleo well that machine is so noisy and slow and noisy why don't you get yourself an eye coffin I like my old typewriter it gets the job done yeah but you can't download free games like this one I wonder why Draculaura didn't show up for class yeah I hope she's okay last I saw her she was in the schoolyard she seemed rather preoccupied what are you doing did you miss class because of some game I'm turning this thing off oh there's some kind of witch ER Draculaura and your sister seem to be in a wee bit of trouble come on the guys have been playing for like ever come on Frankie join us yeah give it a go Frankie oh you can pick up your lethal Gadget from this blogger's office later degrees I'm terribly sorry but we have to stop this epidemic oh the transmitting combiners to all the other devices Splendid I haven't the foggiest idea what that means but I sure hope it works oh did I guess yo check it I cut this rocking new app it's even better than angry ghouls [Music] ghostly got it to tell the girls hold your horses look at that Mustang that just pulled out [Music] me a new boy oh boy it says his name is art picture more competition [Music] oh hi sugar fancy meeting a coat like you in a school like this nice dry country mouse let me show you how it's done [Music] oh what a clumsy little kitty Kitty mind helping a lady out oh he is so mine oh honey he didn't even notice you I'll have him chomping at the bit by lunch oh Dream On yeah oh I wish somebody would help poor little me down these stairs I'm fixing to trot on over there and have me a lunch day keep your claws off him he's mine you did not I reckon I did oh yeah entertainment you want to settle this once and for all yeah come on which one of us do you like [Applause] [Music] you know what you can have him he ain't my type no thank you very much I've got more horses than that number am I thinking of I don't know one the loneliest number all right Scara what boy has you all wrapped up no invisibility why don't you just go talk to him if I get too close I'd hear what he's thinking what if I heard he didn't like me I couldn't bear it said well invisibility and scary would make like a perfect couple except she's too shy and Billy's too quiet on you whoa whoa whoa Billy's my boy I heard about you and scare well what did you hear don't you like her I'm afraid that if I get too close she'll read my mind and then she'll see just how much and that might freak her out cause she may not like me you gotta be transparent with her it's the only way you'll find out I can't that's what he said we can't even trick her into a meeting she'd just read our minds I think I know how to fix this bad news bro scares already got a date tonight in the graveyard with who some guy Billy has a date tonight in the graveyard will be obviously we can't tell her is something wrong whatever you do don't think of Billy's date tonight in the graveyard Billy has a day with who I'm like oh um I'm sorry I didn't see you there yeah I guess your date will be here soon my date you mean your date but Claude said Draculaura said well I like you I like you too [Music] yeah they're together okay I'm confused I see you two finally got a meeting of Mines it's not easy to surprise a telepath we just told draculara it was a secret say a word it didn't have to laugh can I walk you to class you read my mind you so owe me sorry consider this payback you ruined it [Music] better not be coming to visit I'm coming to visit at time I give my most of value pressure treasure to the granddaughter shows she loves me the most I'll show Grand mummy dearest who loves her best I love her the most [Music] [Music] the Pharaohs curse upon you nephara [Music] oh [Music] jars you know what else she loves [Music] I hereby give my most valuable treasure to the granddaughter who has shown me that she loves me the most foreign [Music] catacombs used to be his old aunt my catacombs if I saw Johnny Spirit I'd be all okay Johnny time's up you're free to return to class but I'm watching you I've seen worse [Music] [Music] [Applause] all bat no vampire hmm tour alive I'm not autographing your stupid poster he's like the baddest dude that ever lived totally he is kind of cute in a scary sort of way he floats around like he owns the place he's just a jerk [Music] this place is my stomping grounds this was my home way before it was yours why don't you get your pasty transparent hands off my stuff and ski dattle on out of here cute tell you what I'll play you for it winner gets the spot bring it are they you ain't half bad and you're not completely terrible call that one a draw hmm best two out of three hey what's with all the racket Johnny [Music] only get five out of nine hot a child Laguna this math problem should be Guppies play for you oh who cares [Applause] of all time okay she's officially gone off the deep end what did you do to her it doesn't matter whose fault it is we've gotta fix this but how we can start by showing her how special she is to us that should make her feel better I'm gonna do some loud crazy gesture to remind her of what she means to me operation drop Laguna is in effect we got you a little something it's the new box makeup's wedges whatever Laguna we fake do your favorite double chocolate and seaweed thought we might find you here whatever's going on with you we're your BFFs just tell us listening to the murmur of the Waves makes me feel better every hundred years the ocean goes through a magnetic reversal causing all of us sea creatures to go through work monster morphosis well just tell us how to fix there Frankie you can't fix it it's part of who I am then what can we do be my friend be there for me listen to me in right this second be quiet kind of glad Gail isn't with you this is so hard to explain especially to a freshwater boy oh no yeah [Music] come on hey watch it excuse me chasing mine oh it was so three lives ago sink it bro hey look out [Music] I say run [Music] dude that was a personal foul [Music] we are a lock to repeat at monster Nationals I think we'll laugh the mate it would appear not [Music] let's watch the world [Music] when mixing on invisibility potion carefully measure reaching gradient or the consequences [Music] oh yeah take it I'm Not Invisible [Music] we almost lost you there oh jolly good romp there top shelf chasing if I do say so even better than yesterday we've still got two minutes till class starts fancy another girl [Music] hey you might need a new hobby oh my raw oh Deuce was so romantic way to go he loves roses what made you send it I did it but I'd like to know who did I must have a secret admirer it's about time about time I find this guy and tell him to knock it off he's so cute when he's jealous have you seen Cleo I need to talk to her why you got a thing for her no I gotta ask her something like if she got your flowers well she did dude you're acting crazy I'm out of here don't turn your back on me when I'm talking to you or what you gonna do something about it you and me three o'clock Cleo's Locker [Music] that's adorable I have to find your secret admirer before someone gets hurt Julia show us Cleo's Locker then fast forward oh no the shot is blocked what do we do the bowling any minute [Music] I really don't care you're my bro Claude but Cleo is with me nobody accuses me of tries to them [Music] wait you're my Rose get back in my locker I'm not your rose I'm Thor news dude and it's Mom ah I'm locker11 yours is 777. hey oops my bad so I don't have a secret admirer Too Tall no foliage and your roots are showing bro he just insulted your ghoul come on three guys brawling over me the perfect day [Music] I got our map who's ready for some voltage is fun a race through a maze I do not race anywhere the team that plows their way through in the fastest time gets their pictures in the Gory Gazette who's in the lead now you you flee brains really think you're going to be our time your record is history you've got 30 minutes what do you think Laguna Lyft does look shorter oh popcorn anyone hey whatever no map no record I just hope that we can find our way out we've been wandering around here forever it's been four minutes love oh what's that he's a Minotaur they're supposed to be fun Za when it comes to mazes I'm Prince [Music] Danny what's wrong I'm lost I'm the only one in my whole family that stinks at bases boss there's all sorts of scary [Music] 29 minutes congratulations girls you're gonna be on the cover [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there are three rules for you to follow do not let him eat cheese he must be kept at room temperature and never never let him get near electricity over you a hand Draculaura he's not supposed to have cheese he's probably thirsty [Music] he can't get cold [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no we didn't follow the rules and and now he's gone [Music] maybe I can jolt him back to life [Music] I know how hard it is to lose a pet oh no he is very much alive what every year he sheds his coat and hibernate he's sleeping but because you broke the rules he started a week early [Music] thank you Feast your eyes ghouls it's called iridescent scream you're late to help us pick for the fundraiser because you got your nails done this polish is made from the extract of the giant mutant octopus ooh no nibbling until you help whatever but if I chip a nail [Music] who stole all the cookies I worked so hard to bake [Applause] [Music] Well's first cookie customer [Music] time to stop cookies [Music] [Applause] look what I found it's my nail polish that little thing what's this clean up this mess immediately wait what do I do [Music] at least it has chocolate chips this is big real big the pep rally for the big game is really important to all of Monster High with our help and this magic amulet it will amplify our voices so we can shatter the chair monitor [Music] [Music] how come you're not yelling oh one of Cleo's amulets okay don't worry ghouls I'll assemble an emergency fear Squad until it wears off you're the best of the best and the only ones who showed up so let's see what you got okay nothing a little hard work can't fit [Music] [Applause] we're no fear Squad we can't stop being ourselves so we shouldn't try and be something we're not I've got an idea for a new routine okay students put your claws together for your new Monster High fear Squad foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wonder what she is like blood God wants Jane blue little to feel extra welcome since she was homeschooled don't be shy you can do this today I begin my observation of the wildest species monster teenagers who knows if my findings are encouraging I may join them in their natural habitat at Monster High I think that's her all right ghouls like we've practiced James huh hey where'd she go oh look because I'm far more excitable than originally predicted breaking out into sudden rhythmic chance the teenagers learn in massive packs and I'm beginning to pick up their monster vocabulary they appear fashionably dressed with what they call fangu's Footwear there's so much I can learn from them the students make several trips a day to their metal tree trunks complicated puzzle shells ma who can tell me where the revolution took place very good Miss uh have either of you met Jane boo little yet no one seemed high enough forever Monster High is fun [Music] still worried that it would not be able to fit in at Monster High I have decided to stay in the catacombs and reevaluate my methods of research I realize this will be a lonely study until I am ready to make friends with the other students foreign [Music] there are creatures living in the catacombs of Monster High and by using my Monster Power I'm able to understand and talk to the animals I am new to Monster High did she just talk to us my name is Jane boo little thanks I'm watching creatures of the stick that's shiver hey Crescent that's meow count fabulous oh dude and Sir Hoots a lot I can tell just by looking at you who your owners are I've been observing them for days [Music] supposed to be here because we can help our owners oh you don't have to worry about me revealing your secret because I won't be staying at Monster High wow well I'm too shy to make friends right we want to be your friend but your creatures I'm more comfortable with you how about you practice making friends with us it might help you to get over your shyness give Monster High another chance let's get started oops sorry [Music] thank you [Music] she did what let s hope Leo thanks to my new creature friends I feel like I'm starting to make friends with the students of Monster High and when I'm ready I think I'll join them from the secret files of Jane boo little Combs Monster High creature Adventures this week's episode about dialing disaster Draculaura was leaving a message for her boyfriend Claude oh you ready for claude's big birthday surprise party you haven't given away surprise have you please the last thing I want is Claude finding out I'm hiding something from him uh Draculaura I think you forgot to hang up your eye coffin I filed what club hears it and thinks I'm keeping secrets count fabulous soul that Draculaura was freaking out so we filled the other creatures in on the disaster and of course they were all eager to help sir hootslot came up with a plan to erase Draculaura's voicemail but they'd have to get a hold of claude's phone without anyone seeing them [Music] they would have to think fast and move faster [Music] right yeah that's right [Music] hey I've got one message from dracular come on hey got your message thanks for the special cheer [Music] so it's my birthday not like I have anything planned oh thanks guys [Music] art show are due by the end of class today your work will be judged by the board of dedication yes I love the art studio at Monster High it is just like painting in Skies what would be easier if our inspiration model would stand still sorry I have a cold you volunteered to be the model he said I look smoking in a toga sorry we've got to start over nice painting Draculaura but don't you think our inspiration should be a bit larger it's in there I'm just expressing other models besides the toga sells it check me out huh he's aren't a serious business it's just a bunch of colors and squiggles on a pig [Music] sorry must start again this will end soon it must stand still the Board of Education will now choose the Widow yes very impressive then the winner is [Music] a little help here [Music] oh she's gonna love this get ready for another of Claudia's Wild Adventures cool DSS Iowa to London castle by the queen herself when the queen invites you to a royal ball you'd think that maybe someone would be having fun you're a Majesty all right [Music] oh I can explain oh look at him again this is quite fun oh we had a ball and that's when I met legendary ocean Explorer can't wait for the next email to see what happens Helene still thinks the adventures Claudia writes are real she'll be totally embarrassed when she learns that they're not true come on it's not a problem yuck and I had a great hi shuttle I was forced to wrestle him getting the hat back and win it the underwater wrestling championship did you ever hear such a story still don't think it's a problem so we have to break the news gently so she's not totally embarrassed right students clauditorium to hear how Lee latest Adventure took me to his Island to celebrate and that's where stop I'm in the middle of one of Claudia's stories about those stories that kinda completely true made of I I know our sister is a writer the whole school knows oh well then get on with it we should go [Applause] [Music] make an awesome next adventure caddy Noir is a true pop icon we merge from nowhere to become one of the biggest teenage monster stars ever she has it all Talent Fame and a really really long limo but behind all the critical Acclaim is Monster kind's favorite diva hiding a dark secret find out today on Catty Noir Monsters of Music caddy was discovered in a Grade School talent show [Music] but unfortunately she came in second caddy knew that she wanted to caddy practice 13 hours a day she took every gig she could get but it wasn't until her 13th video went viral with 13 million views that she got her big break 13 became her lucky number and having so much so much fun doing what I love but I never forget that I'm just a normal girl caddy was at the height of her career but had her luck run out she canceled her 12th concert on October 12 only 12 days before the show what are you hiding let me explain oh it's 12 o'clock is she two superstitious for her own good could this be the end for Catty Noir what you still love caddy totally well what about her canceling the concert [Music] caddy saved everyone I love you caddy hero her superstitious nature saved all her fans yeah you might want to check your facts next time the truly humble yet superstitious monster Pop stuff quick Talent drive and commitment to her fans there's no stopping this car from rising even higher up next caddy Noir retiring for music at age 16. stay tuned so any one twila's place is really cool you'll see thank you foreign it's easy once you get the hang of it [Music] please be careful with that box it's my dad's the boogeyman you really wouldn't want it to open well I'll grab some snacks Cleo Twila said we're not supposed to open the box it's not like I'm rude or curious and we'll open it okay I'm gonna take a tiny peek [Music] [Applause] [Music] it could have been anybody Twila can you get them back in the box I don't know how I'll handle this listen up nightmares just stuff yourselves back in that box right now [Music] see the instructions here read to return the nightmares to the Box just save the magic word what's the magic word [Music] it's useless go back into the box nightmares please I guess please really is the magic word see I told you hey that was fun got an idea let's open my dad's other boxes no actually how about we just stay in here and study please [Music] you're really fitting in at Monster High you're like a fish in water thanks girls being here it's a wish come true but I'm still trying to get used to not having any powers oh man I wish I had lost my homework oh here it is [Music] monsters who lose very strong powers can sometimes retain smaller versions of those Powers again yeah minor ones but you still have to be careful what you wish for then how about wishing me up a manicure this is gonna be fun I wish for some new boots [Music] GG what are you doing hiding by the fountain just taking a break I'm a little tired yeah from Grant and Olive toralei's wishes you can't let her take advantage of you like that or maybe it's Toralei who needs to be careful what she wishes for because they always have consequences 10 minutes since my last wish okay now I want everyone talking about me you have to be careful with wishes if you're not clear they can yeah yeah I got it GG Now give me my wish okay what is it wow what did you do you said you wanted everybody talking about you and I said you should be careful what you wish for hey Gigi Kenya wish me up a date with you Elizabeth you are going to love it at Monster High I am intrigued to see what it's like living undercover as a regular student by the end of the week you'll be fully prepared for your next movie run Gabby every girl the regular student who was basically average nobody can find out they're going to school with a world famous Huntly with actress I love Monster High totes and don't worry your secret is safe with me there's blood hey you okay what's the big secret you can tell me you can't anybody huh no problem regular school spirit [Music] sorry guys I never played casketball with a big Hollywood actress watching me before a big hauntly would what now [Music] you didn't say anything did you oh god well everybody knows Elizabeth is a Monster High we have got to get her out of here before she is sworn by her fans Elizabeth I am going to fix this yeah Dracula is gonna fix this let's see if Viperine really is the best in the base [Music] you really are the best people one at a time don't touch the wig [Music] we are gonna have such a time tonight at this party I'm loving all this authentic New Orleans cooking spicy I'm gonna film every moment of tonight's party and make my greatest documentary yeah party will be fun but I bet it's small potatoes compared to the mythical Moonlight ghost for believe they say the ghost gorbalay was the most elegant Southern ball in all the Bayou but it only happens once a century 141 East Gator Boulevard [Music] um are we at the right place right here come on like I said seven seven oh no that's all the way on the other side of the swamp by the time we get there the party will be over what what could go wrong [Music] let's follow them maybe there's something else here honey can make a movie about like what the Secret Lives of dust and rhyme [Music] make your own tonight and it's all my fault aside there's no reason we can't have our own party right here really like this place up a bit what just happened Draculaura just led us to the Moonlight ghost s once every Century [Music] my best documentary yet thanks to Dracula today was my worst day ever at Monster High it was the day of the jungle boogie dance you'll fit right in this will be my first school dance who knows maybe you'll even be crowned Queen of the Jungle dance no way that Fraidy Cat is gonna get crowned cause this kid is gonna be Jungle Queen well we're all gonna vote for Jane and make sure she wins kind of hard to be Queen if she's already scared off I was defied not only had I never before but my cool friends were going to nominate me to be the Jungle Queen Jane took adorable you are showing to win Jungle Queen I felt lost nothing made sense I was used to being an observer not a participant little is too scared to show up she should just swing back to her jungle where she belongs horalized words were meant as an insult but they ended up helping me put Monster High into perspective it wasn't so different from my jungle home he tends to press the ghouls the zombies dancing in unison was like a herd moving together and Torah Lies bossiness Over the werecats was much like an alkaline Esther hurting her leadership ah there you are Jane you are right yep Ready to show Monster High how we boogie in the jungle [Music] look at Jane for a little hey everybody do the Jungle Boogie and the Queen of the Jungle dances [Music] what started out as the worst day ever turned into the best night this is cool yeah when have you ever done bad on a test how about that time she didn't use pencil [Music] little is having at school she's finally ready to hang out with the ghouls I I know no no I'm too shy to go to school up there again we've taught you everything you need to know to be friends with them and if you get into trouble we'll be right there to him I'll do it Jane boo little um you Lara could I borrow your new issue of monster beat sure thing wait how did you know that I had it Cleo how'd your big date with Deuce go finally someone asked hey Jane how is it you know so much about us you kids is crowding at the home and just for that we are going to have a snap test today and it'll be worth a thousand percent of your grade Mr hacks never been that mean before probably that toothache that's bothering him oh hey how'd you know back in the jungle I made a habit of observing creatures Behavior here Abby cool this down please excuse me Mr hack this might help your toothache why I feel better you're an amazing Observer want to have lunch with us lunch thanks girls I'd like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are so excited to have you here at Monster High what is that we wanted you to feel right at home [Music] take a picture always sit like this nah we moved all the tables around so we could all be sitting at the same table as you um I have to go let's all give a big monster hi Welcome to our newest student um where's caddy I think she left and we were just going to listen to her new song normal ghoul oh wait a sec it's all here in her music I just wanna be a normal fool do you like my fans and go to school Addie came to Monster High to be a regular student not a pop star we gotta fix this before catty decides to leave Monster High forever hey Kathy having a good day yeah people were acting weird at first but now now you're just a regular student at Monster High we should have realized that not everybody wants to be the center of attention what a diva Locker is a horrible thing to waste I call this meeting of the disappearing Club two order Twila invisibility here so that's everybody [Music] all right hey caddy you startled us I'll be out of here just as soon as the coast is clear oh so you're not here for the disappearing Club The Disappearing club that sounds like [Music] it could be a normal ghoul where'd she go sometimes I wish I could just disappear I know what you mean do you guys have space for one more monster in your club caddy join the disappearing Club oh really wow so what what kind of Disappearing are you into hey don't any of you care about disappearing oh I do I do a demonstration how about you two disappear so I can get an autograph without you interrupting us awesome I'm so sorry I ruined your club but don't worry I'm quitting as long as those other monsters know they can see me here they'll keep coming back I think there's a way we can fix this [Music] there's no point in coming anymore yeah it worked that was amazing caddy I just did what you showed me disappearing rocks [Music] dang y'all we're getting crushed my team makes me want its news Monster High Monster High give up already say goodbye if you got a cheer for US tour line shouldn't you you know cheer for us I'm not really what you'd call a team player [Music] see it's been so easy to get past your team on the field I kind of forgot you Monster High ghouls were even here somebody get me a uniform [Music] [Music] this isn't over yet what other sports do we play against Vampire Academy [Music] I never try to knock a kitten down we always land on our feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh thanks to you can we count on you to play against the Granite City gargoyles tomorrow I gotta admit it was fun working together with all of you to kick some vampire fang but I'm no Joiner feel like we're we're short faces in the dirt tomorrow let's go [Music] science room [Music] [Music] was contagious [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] again [Music] please [Music] zombies [Music] from the secret files of Jane Doolittle comes Monster High creature Adventures this next episode The Coin Calamity it all started in the student lounge after a long day of keeping watch over the hallways of Monster High the secret is when drawing a much-needed afternoon break yourself a limited edition Dead Fast coin collection was complete a beautiful collection gulia I hear those are so rare now do I want some quizzes or maybe some running buddies quizzes it is a creatures knew their mission they had to get Julia's coin back he said to slivered into action things got more complicated for the creatures because Mr hack was Keen for a snack I think it's time for the afternoon crisps [Applause] [Music] oh what's all this then the creatures had to act fast [Music] it all breaks over and I was pretty hungry too later that day Ghoulia went to her locker and couldn't believe her Undead eyes once again the creatures had come through but there were still one more room to make rice where did this come from yes Justice will be served for students and like thanks to the heroics of the secret creatures [Music] is this your first day at Monster High too I am Catherine I can tell that you are also worried will I fit in will they like me come we will find out together welcome to Monster High Claudine Laguna here's your class schedules and Locker assignments hi I'm Frankie come on we'll show you around oh sorry it's a closed practice you know um there's a lot of sports here too I'm open hey guys oops sorry your third period class will be with Mr Rada and the gold keys oh he's all barking no bite speaking of bite here's the creepateria oh look there's Tina fire and scalita pleasure to meet so nice to meet you hey look new scare Master new kids I can't wait for them to see the big surprise means surprise test yeah incloculus oh hey Abby um clockulus yes don't talk their heads off nowtherly one seems nice but think that they are hiding something maybe they do not like us maybe we do not fit in vaulted come on all of this just for us I remember how nervous I was when I was new worried if I would be accepted well you are you are Monster High We are Monster High foreign [Music] [Music] don't you have something a little healthier don't forget your dessert we EDS you call this healthy right now my priority is dealing with the overcrowded creepaterious situation let us put together all right then tomorrow your ghouls are in charge of the new menu [Music] [Music] you should try the vegetarian hot dogs they're scary could we think they're so special with their apples and their what are these things again oranges we've got an idea and this is our low healthy condiments bar complete with a special portion control feature and over there is our Hey where's the veggie bar [Music] what happened in here say hello to your brand new outdoor cream material with all this extra outdoor seating the whole school has a place to eat and thanks to you they'll be eating healthier too keep up the good work ladies hey these oranges are actually pretty tasty [Music] [Music] I see them in your eyes silly I'm a woman of science families are old friends oh hey Iris good game huh go to what's got you showing off things I just set up Manny and Iris I really liked it when he [Music] is the seat taken hey Iris red devil's food ice cream cake coming through oh [Music] [Music] just stand he clearly likes you I don't know he keeps getting distracted minotaurs are just like both they can't help chasing things that are red watch great so all I have to do to keep Manny's attention is get rid of every red thing in the entire School easy I think I got a better idea three two one hey that's a nice color on you will you walk me to Mad Science class sure hey Iris oh hey girls so Draculaura says you've been dating Manny tour for the last two weeks we need details go nanny [Music] dates playing a lot of games together which he wins he takes me to lunch all the time [Music] and last night he took me dancing [Music] if you could call it dancing so Manny's basically just bringing you around to do guy stuff with his friends goal you've got to tell him that tonight you two are doing something that you want to do here he comes now tell him hey Iris I was thinking about tonight and I thought we could get outside and look at the stars uh yeah uh no but I promise the guys would go down and meet him in the catacombs and search for gross bugs anywhere oh oh I'm confused Manny have you ever done anything that was iris's idea oh without the guys well there was the one uh nope what am I gonna do I think Iris would like that [Music] wait what's he doing here yeah so there for you [Music] I think you'll like that one [Music] oh hey Julia what are you working on inner monster 1.0 what does she do the shortest fastest route to any classroom in Monster High how's it work oh you said the apps IQ to 100 in its emotional intelligence to zero so she's totally logical come on we gotta tell everyone about this they're all going to want to download in a monster you totally understand hey Ghoulia yeah I'll get your class in a minute I'm having the most awesome talk with my inner monster so like I was telling you I was so embarrassed totally sometimes I just need to hide behind my screensaver I was so mad I just wanted [Music] wow inner monster it's like you totally get me [Music] she totally Aces inner monster may not be getting us to class any quicker but she does something way better you've totally made an app that understands my inner monster because having someone who is totally in sync with how you're feeling well that's pretty fantastic so she doesn't do exactly what you designed her to do it huh I think ghoulias made a new friend [Music] let me guess many I keep trying to open up to me but every time I ask him to tell me what he's thinking all he says is what [Music] Iris if you two can't have a real conversation I know there are plenty of other monsters out there but she's the boy I like I just wish there was some way I could fix this yes this is exactly the kind of real open conversation I've dreamed of having for so long I just wish I was having it with my boyfriend instead of an app on my eye coffin I know [Music] maybe you could help me understand Mary this could be my last chance to save my relationship sure such moments away from your Fantastic Beauty has been an agonizing eternity that's exactly what I meant I knew that hidden beneath your rugged exterior beat a poet's heart that was the soul mate of my own she really likes you oh good ditto this was beyond the ability of mere words to express the fullness my heart feels for you oh Manny still don't know about those two you don't need an app to express how you really truly feel about me do you oh um yeah I uh well you know I uh yeah inner monster to the rescue he likes you too [Music] there's only two minutes left in the most important grade ball game of the year and we've actually got a chance to beat Centaur attack so don't blow away Nathan just wanted to wish you luck thanks Frankie we gotta be the first zombie unicorn player in the history of grave ball what's your position well mostly sitting down dude I don't actually play for the team the zombie side makes me too clumsy when one of our guys gets hurt I use my unicorn power and heal them don't you want to play totally but every time I ask if I can get in the game I love you bro but you're horrible no way 30 seconds left to score now get in there Manny [Music] [Applause] you got a good timeout all right uh Nathan uh me I'm putting you in the game come out here on the field as a player and heal man you can do this Nathan everyone's counting on you to help the team make the winning play I'm on it moves now I'm on it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] but I only got one thing to say to you hey can you do it again next week [Music] sorry I'm late I miss anything no I was just about to ask cyrina how excited she was for new Tides Eve what's that you don't know but you're a mermaid my mom's a mermaid my dad's a ghost my parents try so hard not to push one of their scarages over the other because new tide safe is only the spiffiest mermaid holiday of the year the queen ball game is always fun [Music] I still think new Tides Eve sounds scary good it kind of giving what's that after hanging decorations on the chains Giving Tree we sit down for a huge messy Feast I had no idea I had to I had two such class on holidays I can't wait to celebrate them both you're in luck mine's tonight [Music] do you want to share your holiday with cyrina you should totally celebrate with Spectra [Music] over here we've been looking all over the school for you mate why didn't you meet either of us [Music] it's a fusion just like me and the best part of it is [Music] the very first fish crawled out of the sea right here during the Ice Age animals chilled out here join me Jane bulletin on a tour of the Monster High pets when it's time for count fabulous to kick back and hang there's no more fantastic place than his perch yes neptuna you have leaned out your bowl in totes terrifying style how he keeps his scary fresh Chrome home just as shiny crescents killer red velvet couch is the perfect place to do what she does best nothing [Music] look like a place you'd like to spend some time toiley's pet sweet Fang and twila's pet Dust Bunny Dustin Julian belongs to Venus and Crescent you must know cushion already since he's harleen's pet these new pets are going to be joining us here and until they get their own creature cribs do you think you guys would be able to share yours great be right back [Music] tonight it took a few tries but the creatures finally settled in with their perfect counterparts well that was easy but I guess I should have known you guys wouldn't have trouble sharing yours [Music] no Deuce is missing too it looks like all the boys are gone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to watch our boyfriends play a silly little game little Indus have been battling it out for 48 hours straight you're going down bottom dweller oh yeah well all I have to say to that is oh no one can stop me now I beg to differ uh Hey we've been worrying about you it looks like you haven't slept or eaten no we've been eating uh paranormal power bar me bro see what I can't see is why you'd put yourself through this what do you get if you win something pretty for me oh even better knowing that I utterly smashed Gil into fish biscuits [Music] yeah well um I'm gonna grind you into snake biscuits this game more important than your friendship whoa dude I mean sure I really want to win the game and everything but uh me too but not if my best friend has to suffer an epic Beatdown oh I know how much you want to win so I'm gonna lose this game like no one's ever lost it before prepare to destroy me oh no I'm gonna lose so bad you'll never even see it coming you don't stand a chance of losing to me yeah we'll just see about that I just blew up my own ships weak a vaporized mine bro it's gonna take a while paranormal dude you're never gonna win as much as you're gonna win right now and then Mr Roger was all like back in my day a text was something you kept on a bookshelf teachers hey YouTube I've got to show you girls this new eyeshadow color [Music] don't you think it's time to clean out your locker you make a fair point but on the other hand there's gotta be something here you can get rid of oh how about this that is a textbook Draculaura's Locker needs a major makeover Julia think you can whip up some blueprints I can help with the design when you live in a lamp you learn a thing or two about decorating small spaces great and Claudine will get blood Goods permission and Claude can put it together in shop class it's time to shock up with a huge [Music] thank you [Music] and there's a spot everything School staff clothes hangers makeup and magazine compartments you coming Dracula I just want to hang out in here a little longer so still loving the new Locker it is the coolest vlog bye bye Grace bound filled that entire Locker in one week so it would seem I know I know what I have to do [Music] coming through look at this mob all of them here to try out for operetta's Big Spring musical what do you mean you think I'm not trying out you try to try a year she never gets apart [Music] um give her a break Toralei karoli has been practicing for this tryout for weeks [Music] it's been her dream to get the lead in this show since forever I'm on mine you can't get the part without trying you can't fail without trying either you never know what can happen if you just give things a try [Music] [Music] I give up you should give up everyone should give up I'm sorry Julia maybe next year foreign you're the only one left audition come on in [Music] I still don't get how gulia got the lead in the play I thought caddy nailed the audition caddy wasn't trying out for the lead she wanted to play the supporting role for a change and since gulia was the only other ghoul with the guts to try out she got the lead [Music] thank you [Music] today is the final day to enroll in the monster Exchange program to take advantage of this program and spend a scare Master abroad in a foreign country representatives from all over the globe are waiting to help you sign up look at all these places [Music] any idea where you might want to go Draculaura I don't know I never get to wear somewhere that has more temperatures than just cold and also cold maybe I need to pick a place that has a a lot of art and culture how about Madrid oh very artistic excuse me [Music] I'm not right for me either well it sounds awesome to me I'm signing up right now die a land I don't know maybe do minikin Republic how do I know when I pick [Music] Why not pick a country that has a little bit of everything [Music] but we also have the calming quiet of our country sites in Zen Gardens it sounds like a dream [Music] also it's the only monster exchange destination left spent the whole day imagining yourself in different places and must have lost track of time it's the end of the day mate [Music] [Music] seems perfect in my imagination but [Music] um what if I don't release it in nobody likes me what I made the wrong choice [Music] and I look absolutely amazing in this picture oh you were talking about me [Music] huh who's that oh that's a bunny good one oh how'd you do that sorry about that I just love a good photobomb the name's Lorna Lorna mcnessy oh you're one of the new monster exchange students you're from Lake Loch Ness you might have heard of my dad the father [Music] oh got us again miss mcnessy well someone has to keep you two on your fins for the sweetest most loving bestest father girl could ever ask for that are not going up to the surface Los Angeles don't you remember how much trouble that we picture caused we had every Normie from here to Glasgow invading Our Lake trying to find our Castle [Music] I'll be careful did I mention you're the bestest ah you're dead one hour watch out to stay away from the normies [Music] and didn't get any good side [Music] my dad and I decided it would be best to get away for a while we discovered the exchange program at Monster High it was a chance for me to really explore the surface World beyond the lake and so it was photobombing that brought me here to Monster High sometimes I just can't help myself who will allow us to be the first to welcome you to Monster High and wish you good luck on your first day of school oh today is not by first day I've been here all scare master I'm off see all the view later uh ghouls Lorna wasn't cleaning [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] have you ever seen a place more gorgeous than monster feature yes yes very pretty lots of big feet but now it's time to head to station okay you're right I'm ready for my Monster High adventure oh but you have to serve down the Amazon Big River first [Music] and that one wait where's piggy pantalones yes your guinea pigs all very handsome and well-known but we should really be gone [Music] actually I love it and now I must see the train station I know [Music] spider monkeys foreign [Music] [Music] oh hey do you girls know what happened to Abby I haven't seen her all week I can answer that [Music] come into your life from Monsters she had such a great time she decided to stay an extra week I am all about big head someone size shoes [Music] I can't believe this is my last practice before I leave for Monster exchange you're gonna have the best time going to school in Madrid but I'm going to miss you all so much this has got some big flippers to fill while you're gone hey Gil want to go shopping with me this afternoon Gil you promised you would help me with that right to all the things is that okay of course thanks for understanding Laguna wow Gil and Lorna are fanging out together and you're okay with that why wouldn't I be I'd be jealous like major jealous like super major Mega Big Time jealous Serena [Music] oh [Music] so you're jealous of course I'm jealous sorry it's just Gill's parents would love it if he broke up with me and started dating a freshwater ghoul like Lorna why don't you ask him because that would show him that I don't trust him but I do don't I [Music] oh we're gonna follow them aren't we oh yeah big time foreign [Music] [Music] that's right saltwater boyfriend [Music] The Saltwater merman and I'm a freshwater lake like me and Gill he was helping you figure out how to talk to your freshwater parents yeah I've been trying to find a way to tell my father I'm sorry to have stolen gilloway for so long hardly noticed oh what are you doing down here hey um [Music] if Gillen Laguna can make it work I just know that we can too let's leave these two alone thank you I wish you could see how beautiful it is here at Don Quixote high it's all so educational oh I knew you'd love it in Madrid yeah but I sure do miss you I miss you too Laguna but hey at least I still have this shelter remember you bye [Music] I love the springtime best of all we get to make freaky flowery dresses for the Gloom and Bloom dance I love the dress but I feel like it would look better if my hair wasn't so monstrous if anyone needs to change something about themselves it is me look at how very long my tail is my ears they are so not pointy enough I wish my complexion were Greener look at me no beauty marks perfectly symmetrical face I'm too beautiful oh sorry so you scared us you just wave in and see how scary I can get if I hear anymore haven't you ever wanted to change something about yourself see back in Monster beat you I used to be ashamed of the size of my feet [Music] could not understand the inside of my feet and I didn't want anyone to look at them back in those days I would do almost anything to hide them from the older Bigfoots [Music] until one night when I found the perfect solution to my problems guaranteed to make your feet three and sizes bigger you were embarrassed because you thought your feet were too small what did you think I meant I had the smallest feet in the village the two teenagers cost me all the money I had to save that in my skinny piggy bank they arrived just in time for the monster Pichu jungle Jam everyone would be there including some scratch I think they're working [Music] are you okay would you like to dance [Music] see sure I realized that if slime squads didn't care about the size of my feet why should I he likes me for being me it's silly to worry about a part of me that I can't change so from that moment on I decided to love every part of myself for who I am to think about next time you look in the mirror hey thanks for the talk yesterday Mari I guess sometimes it takes a wise ghoul to remind us that Monster High is all about loving your freaky flaws well for most of us anyway haven't you heard big feet are so in this season [Music] when bloodgoods said we could have the gloom and Bloom dance in the garden I didn't realize that meant we had to work in the garden come on Cleo it's not so bad look around at how happy the plants are making everyone uh careful Lorna that's the rarest plant in the whole garden the corpse flower it only blooms once every 1300 years and tonight we'll all get to see it at the Gloom and Bloom dance I just wish Lagoona were here to see it with me right it read oh Gil I know how you feel I miss my boyfriend back in Roland oh speak of the devil I have to go Lorna it's from Lorna's boyfriend he's he's breaking up with her what do we do this is no time for a ghoul to sit home and mow the dance must go on we're gonna make sure that Lorna has a great time tonight operation help out our bestie mcnessy is a go hey Lona what you need right now is some serious time with your ghoul friends um and your girlfriend I'm not coming out kill disgust [Music] Lorna we're here with the skultimate girlfriend emergency Heartbreak Kid with revitalizing makeup four years of monster beat magazines and the biggest ice cream sundae we could find on short notice no thank you we're gonna miss the corpse flower blossom um can I try something Lorna can I talk to you for a second tonight's the night of the gloom and Bloom dance and I figured you could let me take you to the dance you know as friends kill oh look at this a lucky girl I I'll go to the dance with you as friends but I don't have anything to wear out of the way and here's a little move I like to call the sea slump slide thank you thank you for convincing me to come out tonight it helps to be here with my friends and we finally get to see the corpse flower bloom tonight oh yawn let me tell you I've seen one and trust me corpse flowers stink oh don't be such a Bloom Kill Cleo corpse flowers are supposed to be the most beautiful in the world I just hate that Laguna won't be here to jail here [Music] Laguna [Music] it looks like you to glory mcnessy to the gloom and Bloom dance okay so it is what it looks like Laguna I can explain don't I came all the way back from Madrid early so that I could surprise you at the dance and I come in to find you dancing with another ghoul I have to go Laguna let's hope it's nothing like the last corpse flower I saw that flower wreaked Laguna I I only took Lorna to the dance as a as a friend friend her boyfriend broke up with her and well she needed somebody to frighten up her day you know that's very sweet of you I'm sorry I caused a scene I just I had this picture in my head of what tonight would be like surprising you running into your arms we'd watch the corpse flower finally Blossom oh my God the corpse flower girl we're missing it I'd rather be right here with you hey girl come on here it comes um that's nice oh something or someone [Music] that's not just any ghoul welcome to Monster High you're the guest of honor that's I'ma need a Nightshade a party for me you shouldn't have well I suppose you should have actually I'm kind of a big deal Cleo de Nile no see you know each other let's just say Cleo and I go way back we were two mates ages ago literally it's a long story horror Cleo still a Wallflower I see no day to the dance actually this is my boyfriend Deuce hello Snake Eyes uh hello Cleo you won't mind if I borrow him for a dance you always were so good about sharing your things [Music] and every dance from now on of course [Music] okay Cleo Truth or Scare hmm how about scare hello Claire not expecting that much scare what she doing here I invited Amanita because I know how hard it is to be the new Ghoul at School how do you two know each other we have history draculara your outfits are to die for let me borrow some of these you'll be lucky if you ever see them again oh a model of things I already am actually here I always carry a few shots from my portfolio around for fans [Music] I pick truth how do you and Cleo know each other oh we go way back don't we Cleo because I only bloom once every 1300 years I am a pretty big deal your queen has arrived into it your worshipers are so lucky you have the privilege of enjoying my loveliness all day long and the villagers realized I was much too rare and special to keep for themselves so I was gifted to the denial family my family became trapped in our own tomb I admit it got pretty boring to Amanita spranda I love that out you have to let me borrow it and she did borrow it along with everything else [Music] but that wasn't even the worst part I'm all tuned out let's see if I can root out an Escape Plan you found a way out get help I'll go for help hey I'm gonna borrow this it was nice of Alma needed to go for help except that she didn't come back yeah my bad well I believe that monsters can change Cleo Truth or Scare big scare oh scare I scare you to get along with Amanita fine [Music] yeah she does that welcome Ghouls and monsters to The Greatest Show on Earth prepare for magic mimes and marionettes Danger's high and low no meet your ring Master the newest cool at the freakiest [Applause] [Music] Vlogs still young and everything is riding on this show but first let's do the thing where I back things up a bit it all started two days ago when we were first introduced to the school's grouchy accountant Mr grunderson what brings you up here from your little accounting hole this way for school is running out of money we must cut some programs what do you suggest the Arts programs wasting time and money no more painting especially no more the odds are just as important as learning dead languages and clockulus equations I won't allow it the war of dedication has already given me total authority to make any money-saving Cuts I see it attention students start boxing up your Facebook ERS of this moment the arts classes at Monster High are canceled we were about to discover Monster High's newest arrival roll Mr grunderson says I want to save those classes what if there was some way we could save the art programs like a fundraiser you the flowery feeling I'm having inside I think it means you agree with Frankie and always lay bus [Music] ES sorry that happens when I get nervous my name is gulai p jellington hey trunk oh just what I was looking for all my life my family was famous for our Traveling Show freak do Chic a festival of freaky flaws but now that I found my trunk I can get back to doing what I love the freak Show Must Go On just had a voltageous idea if we put on our own freak to Chic show we could use the ticket sales to save Monster High's art classes I can help I have a knack for making costumes with sets all the stuff you ghouls will need to put on a freaky fabulous fundraiser [Music] thank you we've got work to do I can't believe that accounting troll managed to cut all the odds at Monster High yeah you're telling me now I will never get to show off my stilt skills foreign [Music] [Music] I've Got My Stilts oh I've got something in mind it's some kind of show circus I don't know those ghouls are trying to save the arts program with it and they are going over my head this isn't unauthorized performance unschool properties of the Board of Education to do about it I want you to shut down these ghouls are going to Great Lengths to raise money to save the Arts you must let them perform they are breaking the rules your Googles to proceed but they only have until midnight tonight if they cannot raise the funds the matter will be closed tonight we were going to perform next week we're not ready to put on a show tonight hey speak for yourself Frankie this v-line is ready to shine it's the best I could do Frankie the Board of Education was quite final about this they banged the gavel and everything you all know what they say The Show Must Go On I have the utmost confidence in you ghouls why don't you God it's going to be [Music] because finish a crack crashed circus chic [Music] honey what are you doing I'm not done yet sorry Frankie I'm still I'm staying in my marionettes [Music] pardon me oh [Music] crash course huh we want to learn teach us two calliope the more the merrier I guess there we were with only an hour left before our big freak to Chic circus Spooktacular we had tried to use our freaky flaws to fundraise to save the Arts at Monster High but it looked like we had failed so that's it then you're just gonna give up on the show yeah pretty much believe me Calliope I thought this was going to be the greatest show of our unlives but at midnight tonight the cuts become permanent you don't want to live in a world without art I've been there when I lost my circus trunk I couldn't perform the world was gray nothing made sense have you stopped to think about what Monster High will be like without the Arts we have to keep trying yeah you almost had it before the problem is you were also busy thinking about your own tricks that you forgot that a show takes teamwork you were so worried about the spotlight you weren't paying attention to what your other girlfriends were doing I understand this is not just about any one trick this is about all of us this is this this is these ghouls are giving you a chance to save the odds at Monster High every donation you make using your eye coffin brings us one step closer to our goal we have until midnight to save the Arts so take it away ghouls [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on everyone keep up the donations all right we've seen enough but Mr Gunderson we still minutes you'll never make it in time these cuts are foreign [Music] no no no they are laughing Pac-Man they love you who knew you were such an artist an artist before [Applause] laughs [Music] good sugars this isn't just a show and mistress this is Art this is freakish at Monster High I've learned that a lot of monsters are out there searching for something sometimes when they go looking forward to find something even better welcome to Costa srita home to Reiki jungles exotic animals and batsy Clara in my jungle athletic fearless and fiercely protective of her jungle fancy is always ready to protect her Costa shrieken home [Music] bottom of the location allows her to throw her voice [Music] [Applause] are endangered the ghost orchid and extremely rare and endangered jungle flower and batsy just missed the boat we're glad's Final Destination it's going to uh Monster High a troll Village in goreway Meet stomp Grunt and clobber who's up for some troll games I want to play and their sister Kirsty Kirsty is what you'd call an indoor pool thank you hey what's a rematch [Music] if you think you can beat us at video games I'll beat you number one in the nobody has ever beat your score I know want to play a game what Miss dead fast looks like I'm going to Monster High to take back my title the dawn dancer she lives in boo hexaco easy loves performing the old dance of her people EC's family has the power to have visions [Music] I had a vision there was a place called Monster High you must go to this place you see no I can't leave the family following your vision is the only way to find what it means you to this Monster High but first one more family dance we go searching for something a rare plant a daunting Challenge and a mysterious meaning will they find what they're looking for at Monster High or will they find something even better this is the story of how three new ghouls joined the Monster High Exchange program batsy is searching for an endangered flower that was taken from her home in Costa srika Avid gamer Kirsty is on a mission to find the ghoul that beats her high school and a vision brought easy to Monster High and she's here to find out why [Music] [Music] we can do this the easy way [Music] that we miss dead fast I presume the name the names will probably know me as trollhammer five three zero you beat my high score and I'm calling you out [Music] thank you one more game [Music] bring me to this place [Music] isn't it come with me do you even have any idea how many ghost orchids are left in the world 37 hey didn't see that coming I'm working on a new plant food that should triple the ghost orchids Polynesian so it doesn't go extinct that goes darkid is staying here at Monster High and so am I rock and troll you're so good wanna play something else [Music] now tell me why am I here [Applause] dancing oh they're trying to dance you're doing it wrong and messing up my routine oh this new dance is not working I can show you a dance did you learn to move like that from my family my name is EC Dawn dancer and I just figured out why I'm here three very different ghouls they not only found what they were looking for but they each found something they didn't know they wanted fact he was looking for a plant but instead she found an ally here she thought she came to defend her title but what she really found was a friend and Easy's Vision guided her away from her family in order to pass along a special part of her culture to others [Music] [Music] what in the name of all that is dead and moldy this is the composition class not some ice cream social in which to party down you have no idea how lucky you are to go to a school like Monster High we do appreciate our school we've been enough as punishment you are all to Fridays is explaining why you think you belong at Monster High and remember I don't give A's well I guess we'd better get frighting I think I've got a better idea why I belong at Monster High a voltageous video essay by Mr Robert why do I belong at Monster High well when I was the new Ghoul at School everyone made me feel like I belonged and before long I had more best friends than I could shake an arm I belong at Monster High because I included by students who care about making the world a better place I'm easy I belong here because everyone accepts me and the way that I express myself back in Roland I got a hard time from my family from in love of being on camera but here I'm allowed to be myself I belong Monster High because no matter what you always feel welcomed even if you've been a Teensy bit mean okay a lot of it means sheesh I'm drill hammer five three zero oh I mean Kirsty I used to be homeschooled with my three brothers they were bigger than me and made it so that nobody ever noticed me or my talents I belong at Monster High because here I do get noticed I win and I like to collect um shiny things I know I was so sure that everybody was going to laugh at me I belong at Monster High because they didn't Ryder here I belong at Monster High because they get me if I set my mind to it I can do anything why do we belong at Monster High because every monster is welcome [Music] is for everyone [Music]
Channel: Monster High
Views: 780,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster High, nickelodeon, monster high school, mattel, clawdeen, cleo de nile, lagoona, draculaura, dracula, frankie stein, frankenstein, abbey, ghoulia, ghoul, monster, dolls, toy play, animated, monster high live action, monster high animated series, monster high reboot, reboot, toy, doll, doll play, paramount plus, paramount, cartoon for kids, made for kids, mattel creations, music, songs, full episode, compilation, compilation the, frankie, jonas brothers, jaundice brothers, cartoons for kids
Id: TAZs98t47zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 370min 43sec (22243 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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