The Grand Tour: Funniest Moments Of Season 1 [part 1]

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amazon okay insisted that the racing driver in question should be from this side of the pond so we went to something called nascar and we found one and we shipped him to england and then we introduced him to the complicated procedure which involves turning right it's actually based on a machine that's used to test um fighter pilots who want to join the royal air force which we all know is the finest and greatest air force in the world [Applause] is better than the u.s air [Applause] the force air force is better than all the other air forces in the world anyway we're all now in agreement is the best air force in the world so so we're all in agreement the royal air force is quite good what did the porsche do it in and it didn't mince it it was slower than the porsche i told you it's just a melon ball it's slower than my car which was faster than your car yeah 0.2 how long has it taken some of us to evolve from being abes then it's taken two million and a hundred because while the rest of mankind has managed to grasp the concept of arithmetic the president of south africa jacob zuma well how can i put this he sort of hasn't i've got a clip we announced that our membership figures stood at 769 800 and [Music] 700. jacob zuma is actually a bit of a controversial figure here he recently installed the swimming pool at his home and then because he'd use taxpayers money to do that he said it was actually a water storage facility in case of a fire so in other words if he burst into flames he could jump into it and put himself out in 100 and 300 seconds he has also bought himself what he claims is a fire engine nice yep he's also got himself an ambulance yep can't be too careful it's not about the car itself it's about the people who are buying them okay they've got 200 orders so far and the average person who's ordered one already has 64 cars three helicopters three jets and one yacht zuma a mini ferrari as cute as a bunny rabbit with the greatest badge in the history of motion how much is it you know perfectly well how much it is yeah we've forgotten money is vulgar you can't put a price on something as exquisite as that yeah but alfa romeo did put a price on it didn't they what was it sixty thousand pounds what's that that's the engine what what engine is it v8 i'll put a v8 to the beach buggy well no you haven't you've parked your beach buggy quite close it's not in it it isn't in it you've reversed into the v8 but not quite hard enough it's only gone in a third of the way do you have any idea how difficult it is to fit a v8 to a beachbody well it does obviously impossible exactly it's impossible [Music] oh dear did you modify the battery as well oh it's obviously not charging up no because i didn't modify it yeah i'll just see if mine works oh yeah let me just try mine yeah push can i have a push tastes like fish didn't it okay does anybody want a beer have you got some no oh you yes two problems number one he's put a 90 horsepower engine in it which actually is probably only 40. yeah and number two he will not use full power ever well he's got a 90 horsepower engine but a 5 horsepower foot seriously [ __ ] he's gone hammond's gone everyone hammer's gone big one oh [ __ ] me how the [ __ ] did you get down that with my eyes shut what's going on here what's up the throttle is now jamming fully open all the time the internal organs from a land rover discovery mated to the beautiful skin of a glamorous mercedes sl to create a vision of pure what's the word we'd only gone a few miles before richard and james completely changed their minds and realized that the excellent was the best car they'd ever been in no we haven't stopped saying things in voice over that aren't true do you know i thought you'd choose your nose maybe a bit it's worse than i thought can i put the heater on that's not connected is it not what's that dial down there but left to the steering speedometer why have you got that one not that one that doesn't work has he got a fuel gauge not as such has it got a temperature gauge not really there's a lot of wires hanging out of the dash that aren't connected to things i haven't given it an interior [Laughter] i can see the road i can as well no there's a hole in the floor obviously fitting children with harnesses and then videoing them and they're not my children i got i got 45 charge in my phone i got 41 charge i got a different sort of charge while hammond and may had one or two minor issues they both agreed that if i were to put my car into production it would make me a fortune no we didn't agree to that either brian johnson has been run over by some people who think they are playing football but they're not well it's not football though is it because they don't use their feet that's not football that's just people dressing up we play football with our feet that is football what it's not soccer it's football seven five billion people in the world call it football anyway look you can moan and shout all you like the fact is we're british and we edit this show and you'll just get cut out this is a rugby ball the ministry they're only playing [Applause] [Applause] you want to hear this baby fire up get out [Music] has he been swapped for an old lady he's always been he was born an old lady congratulations mrs may it's an old lady typical of italian cars they wait until you really need them and then they go wrong hello darling darling i'm in labor quickly yes i'm on my way in my maserati and it is a long time ago when the continental gt first came out and we all thought that was hideous so now we all love it it's one of the few things we agree on yes yes that's true but i think this is more like you when i first met you i thought you were ugly and now i still think you're ugly a crushing criticism from one so handsome did you hear that was tire squeal from james may jeremy what if he beats me you'll die of shame and i'll die laughing yeah okay specifically we are in dubai which means for the first time ever we are the three poorest people in the tent yeah let's be honest a flap it's not a flat it is a flat a bmw saying that in the future children will only be three inches wide what are you talking about it's for start it's hardly a hardship and that's an enormous space and james may is a wealthy man but that bus driver has bought his car for him where's the justice in that [Music] you're paying for his car do you know that you have paid for it just so you know you paid for his car has james may thank you for buying his car for him this is like being a hippopotamus guys oh man hi james come on i'm winching myself oh that's much better well i said it's much better it's less [ __ ] come on we've got the queen no you're gonna overdo it no it's okay you're rocking it [Music] you idiot you're fine do you think it's okay are you driving you're full it stinks down here god what is this stuff england sorry he came back from france where he'd spent one day saying well i'm brilliant now yeah well i am well now i'm sorry hammond it took me 10 years to learn how to drift a car because because i'm not an aide i did it in one day we went through the the wreckage afterwards and this is all that remains of richard hammond he's just some dust and we know it is hammond because we found this suspiciously white tooth built him on the floor well now you've got him all over your shoes i know even when his dust is annoying anyway on that terrible disappointment it is time to end
Channel: F1Briefings
Views: 1,547,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: laJpHzVtF9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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