The Graham Norton Show part 2

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order here let us celebrate you this is a bit where I talk for a long time please yeah I'm really enjoying this 30 days but no you are one of the elite your films have grossed almost six billion dollars worldwide that's a lot of money so as well here comes a question when was the last time how much of it did I guess well there's that I was wondering when was the last time you walked in somewhere and people just covered hello how may I help you I mean other countries you can go to where they don't know who you are yeah where England no one says how may I help you but that's just today morning every shot me we said rude what about you have you walked through Britain unmolested no one had taken the canal boat through Britain and not been noticed or you know run into anybody looking was that my choice was that a holiday or yeah I never done it have you know quite how do we be accidental like you hail a cab and then you're like oh this is a canal but I've done it again all televisions here very good Harrison canals but was it not a bit boring yes do you like that that's what I like big burly people come up to me and say are you Harrison Ford my usual answer is I used to be it takes a while for them to figure out where you're pushing the canal but was it very cool being a dad like you must have you must have trounced every other father school gate cuz you know you were Han Solo you're Indiana Jones I mean how how amazing that that's your dad frankly my kids could give a and would not deign to be friends with anybody who did care oh really no but the first parts are absolutely true they've never really cared that much about it because they growing up in the you know in the sausage factory they might my wife is an actress I'm an actress it just doesn't it doesn't really matter to my kids yeah so if it was a bird six billion you did it a lot of people will be resting on the laurels but you are working as hard as ever your latest film and escape we'll talk about in a second and I just wondered that work ethic does that come from the fact that another any fact that I spent it all don't have to go to work no I'd like to work I love working I can't imagine what I would you know what I do all day long if I didn't work occasionally and famously obviously you were a carpenter when you started that I said I was an actor and I became a carpenter because I didn't like the kind of work out it was so do you still do carpentry do you still not so much like so many poncey actors you see like you know they go and maybe after film that I need to go home and have a bath and maybe read some poetry to unwind but Harrison when the director shouts car probably opens a can of beer and builds a shed what's now yeah that's me I didn't ask you I don't how I miss I don't know how I missed this aspect of hair support type so it's not just the shed building and you know other interests end of October it seems like that's a very exciting time to be around the Ford Flockhart household Halloween oh this has become a big thing for you Halloween no you push the boat out here's you and let's do the closer yeah wow you look scary like a woman I had a one-night stand with him Wiggin we went back to your boat it was a ugly Humason waves but that does months of planning go into this the Halloween oh no some planning went into this this I could look at you there that is these are the people I'm the one on the left picture again no no the full uncensored version that's what I I'm the one on the left and that's Calista artfully disguised as a that should be annoyed if you don't remember what I costume was we just throw it together you know we're living in Los Angeles he can find a pea pod costume pretty easily didn't left on the day but but boy we have a twelve-year-old son he likes you know he likes to go trick-or-treating and it just won't turn him out in the street alone so you go door-to-door oh you know maybe wait respectful distance away from the door we're not in it for the candy and I hope to be under the point is there why hope to be unrecognized I think you might get recognized in this one this next one I think you probably are unrecognizable Boleyn please it was the wine that gave me away are you smoking that I haven't gotten that far but now before Halloween Diwali beam Ender's Game opens on the 25th of October now Ender's Game at your new movie big buzz about this because it is your return to space I think that's not what the buzz is about the buzz is about the fact that there are a lot of loyal fans of a book that this is based on and the author of that book predicted 28 years ago the Internet touchscreen technology that we use all the time now drone warfare so it was quite a clever book and it's got excitement it's got savory but it also sort of moral issues in it it does and it's you know it's it's got some very important themes which don't spoil the movie know they don't know they're kind of knit in you might not even notice if you don't care about that sort of thing oh you did all the movies yes yes yes I did free free he's not a way out for all taking a sort of emotion for this film he went to comic-con which must have been like the arrival of Jesus just as he's a carpenter these little things must be did you have security surrounding with all time oh yeah legions it's it's really I'm very proud of the movie they're wonderful actors and it's Sir Ben Kingsley you know we know yes yes and Viola Davis and this young fella asa butterfield who is the star of the film the Ender of the title and I play the character that is the recruiter and trainer of this young man who's meant to be our commander of the international fleet and young people because of their capacity to integrate complex information quickly and evolve strategies which mostly comes out of their experience gaming video gaming like the way we both did the same I'm for that that kind of just like we've never done it controls the Xbox but you know this based on a real psychological reality that they got you know nimble minds but this is a warfare that's practiced remotely but with drones let's say no more I don't want to give away spoilers all right we look at a clip this is you with Anders you're kind of your star pupil and you're running the battle school I think that's all we need to know I think this you know well top test scores in class highest battle room ratings but you have a habit of upsetting your commander I find it hard to respect someone just because they outrank me sir what's your in a difficult position doesn't yes sir you don't like taking orders from Bonzo no sure perhaps you'd prefer to give them yourself sir how'd you like to lead your own army dragon army sure I've never heard of a dragon army we discontinued the name four years ago no dragon army ever won a battle then why not a new name sure because we already have the uniforms and who will be in this army sir misfits like you who might just be brilliant with the right commander native German ladies gentlemen I I smell motorcycle oil and cheap cologne I deduce is the star of Sherlock mr. Benedict Cumberbatch's before I'm waiting at least is he done - sorry traffic was terrible it was you were just were you worried we were the helicopter wasn't working no I was working I'm playing Alan Turing in a film about him and we were filming in Bletchley Park and I literally ran as I was taking off my costume into a motorbike want a motorbike good boy is it New Madrid Lex Lee Bob I'm sorry I wasn't driving if I was driving it it might have happened a little faster driving mr. Magoo serious I don't feel so bad that I mispronounced your name is I please like a mini-me Vinnie Guinean coming we're not doing it again now yeah more dress this way on the motorcycle I got dressed this way on the motorcycle I'll just show you three things up and put them on those let's get now I would have slowed it down trying to get your jumper over your helmet yeah and now you see Jack he loved you Benedict also huge Harrison Ford fan huge have you met before yeah we have embarrassingly I met you at our agents party the eutm than Los Angeles our agent yeah well oh good thing was he dressed as a pea some photographs just disappear I'm really I got a kid you talk to me you talk to each other yeah but I well I might have been asleep did my son Eli so I did a ground I came up Janet I'm a really really big fan I yeah I used to fantasize about you now I used to fantasize about being and solo Indian when I took it very well you just went it takes all sorts very much the other the other strange thing that made bombs people on the couch is of course geek hearts of fluttering there is going to be a new Star Wars film you're definitely in a tourism excited to say you and I think why why are you not in it huh are you noted it Benedict knows because he makes a Julian Assange now and he's seen the script has it been announced let's not lose the temple here it's not working for judges he was really fluent you are you paying to back at this time I didn't get a chance to tell you what a big fan I am of yours thank you that's a bit of a moment thank you guys Sherlock Holmes thing is amazing yeah Kitana on guys that were you in the new Star Wars film you will be so hesitant I'll give you a revelation I'm in it I play Jar Jar Binks and I push our luck off the roof nobody are you and put this layer kind of an old married couple now running a bed-and-breakfast in Nantou that's why I have not quite made the choice but now the love affair in the original storage field we will remember it was so beautiful and the the famous seed in the Empire Strikes Back where no you train you're not turning to stone you turned into something else something else yes I don't remember what it was sorry what we've got the lovely moment when it's about to happen here
Channel: DinoFromTheLastEra
Views: 518,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Benedict Cumberbatch, Harrison Ford, Jake Whitehall, The Graham Norton Show, James Blunt
Id: vhFpPs1tMao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2013
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