The Gnarley Davidson is Back!!!!!!

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wow [Music] great news everybody the gnarly davidson's back i'm so excited about it i want to give a huge thank you to every single one of you guys the facebook post and the youtube video went huge within hours and that was critical to getting this thing back and even when i was downtown hitting the streets there was people driving all over the place looking for this thing and there was people that even came as far as mackenzie to prince george to help look for it and i am so thankful for that another big thing i'm thankful for is the amount of people that offered assistance to help with a gofundme uh to get a new harley-davidson or people that had project bikes that they were willing to give me and i am so thankful for that support and i have a close family friend that put on an offer i couldn't resist so ladies prepare yourselves [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this thing is hilarious first of all it doesn't have a pull start it has or a centrifugal clutch it has a clutch lever just to disengage and you just roll start it which is super fun it's a two-stroke so mixed gas and it's currently missing the baffle so it's really really loud anyways i want to see if it's uh faster than the gnarly davidson so i found myself a massive hill let's bomb it [Applause] it's hard to know but i'm guessing this thing will do 20. maybe 30 times the speed of sound let's whip it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay the verdict i think the new bike is actually a little bit slower on the flat and then way faster on a downhill um first of all i don't think it's running properly at rpm i need to pull the carb off and just make sure everything's clean in there it sat for years in a shed before i got it so it's due for a good clean anyways but the gnarly davidson it has a centrifugal clutch so the engine will propel it up to a certain speed uh where the rev limiter is at and any faster than that the clutch will just disengage so when you're going down a hill it doesn't matter if you rev it up or anything the the bike's just propelling itself whereas the new one it doesn't have a centrifugal clutch so it'll get itself up to speed and then this hill beside me it's quite steep so as the bike was gaining speed going downhill it's actually spooling the engine up with it which probably is not the best because it would be running lean at that point so i'll have to be cautious of that i don't think i'm gonna ride the new bike a whole lot until i get a prof proper uh baffle for it um first of all it'll be way quieter and second of all i have to worry about sparks it's got no spark arrestor in it right now so it's not a huge concern up here in the northwest where it rains like every single day but as i travel around it's something i need to think about and you guys are probably wondering what am i gonna do with two bikes well essentially i don't need two bikes but when the offer came from a family friend i couldn't shoot it down because part of what makes the gnarly davidson so much fun is that i ride it everywhere it shouldn't go in ways that it should never be ridden so it's almost an inevitability that eventually it's going to die or break i hope that day never comes but if it does come now i have the spare bike so i'm really looking forward to that and i'd love a little bit of help from you guys to name the new one i was thinking still gnarly davidson because the whole play on words here is of course from harley davidson but this thing's like super gnarly so that's why i went with gnarly davidson and harley has a whole bunch of different models like sportster and i don't know what else there is i'm not a harley guy but i was thinking maybe um gnarly davidson and then a model number i'm not sure i'd love to hear your guys opinion but this video was mostly just to announce that yes i have the gnarly davidson back super thankful for all of the help and then introducing the new bike so thanks for watching everybody
Channel: Destination Adventure
Views: 17,574
Rating: 4.9634995 out of 5
Keywords: stolen, retrieved, harley, davidson, bike, motorbike, motorcycle, biker, funny, comedy, skit
Id: m2LD7ZXxLsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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