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hey guys in this video i will go over the gentian timeline from the ancient civilizations to the current time we play in let's get into it first off please subscribe it all starts with the three moon sisters their names were arya sonnet and canon it is said that they were daughters of pros and song they lived in the lunar palace which i think is today's celestia they were the moons and switched places three times a month if they did not switch places a terrible disaster would occur seeley's also existed and seemingly so did humanity the seelies guided humanity and built great palaces i think some domains are these ancient palaces then one of the sealy's ancestors fell in love with a certain traveler from afar they got together at the lunar palace but only 30 days later something interrupted the three moon sisters and they didn't switch places the terrible disaster happened and the two lovers tried to escape they could not escape and were punished by eternal separation and losing their memory the mighty celies and the palaces they built withered away and became forgotten the disaster also hit the three moon sisters and they turned against each other they all killed each other and only one of their corpses remains the moon we all know is actually a corpse of one of the three moon sisters skipping ahead in time the countless gods in tavat is constantly having wars with each other and humans are becoming more intelligent we have little idea when the events before the arkhan war appeared which came first and which came last but this is a good guess the big gods of tavat is celestia who lives in something you could call the lunar palace many civilizations are created and many die the innozuma region is not islands but one big chunk of land with humans however the kingdom there was swept away by floods and becomes the few islands we know my guess is that it was around this time an ancient civilization lived on what is now tsurumi island they got destroyed by celestia there was only one survivor the berserker he went on a rampage and killed everyone including gods he eventually died old munstot was established by the god of storms d carabian andreas was a powerful being but he became a god after receiving powers from some ancient god andreas the god of blizzards and caribbean the god of storms fought against each other a lot the tanuki and inazuma became sentient and lived there but the kitsune arrived at inazuma and them in the tanuki fought a war around 6 000 years ago in leeway a star fell from the sky creating the chasm morax started to appear at the same time and he was a powerful ruler he found the region of leeway and started terraforming it he was the leader of the adept i some magical beasts he killed many gods and befriended gizong the god of dust together they created gilly assembly the name gilly comes from the first chinese character of gizong and the second chinese character from morax's name which i think was jongly at the time morax also met and befriended the stove god the tanuki kitsune war has probably ended by now the unofficial winner was the kitsune the thunderbird is given a name and becomes god for new people on tsurumi island the thunderbird then kills the island some people seemingly from old monstat created a civilization on the mountain vindagner the civilization was named salvin dagner the people of vindagner didn't really have a god to rule them but they were shipped celestia they had a big white herman sill tree the princess of salvadagner was born under the urban sil tree she was also blessed with the ability to see into the future one day she saw a big black dragon destroying the mountain the people of salvindagnar was worried about the future and asked celestia what was going to happen celestia didn't answer this made the people angry and that made celestia angry so celestia dropped the giant sky frost kneel and destroyed some of the mountain the urban sultry died of this and covered the mountain in snow and frost the only survivor was a traveler who happened to not be at the mountain for some time he wasn't originally from the mountain but from some destroyed nation his name was a man laker hey a new civilization called canria just got created i'm sure it isn't important to the timeline now one of if not the biggest event happened seven seats opened to celestia seven gods could become better than the others they could become archons this war happened more than 2 000 years ago the ark on war some war happened in gilly assembly and gizon dies morax now moves his people south and establishes leeway harbor morax creates maura and teaches the people of leeway how business works some people create the leeway chishing and ganyu a half-adeptine friend of morax joins it as secretary morax hears his doha a geo elemental dragon who lives underground azdaha wants to get eyes and go above ground and morax grants it its wish they make a contract and fought together shao was born and a god used him to kill people morax killed that god and shao became an adeptus morax also killed gods like osile and chi an adeptus called skybracer sacrifices himself to fight a god his antlers repairs mount diana and his blood creates bishouy river aubrya the god of salt is so weak that her own people kill her a village on wu wang hill gets destroyed by an oceanide who was created by the to be hydroarchon the anger and hatred of the dead gods created curses and monsters like the regis vine the yakshas a group of adepti was tasked to slay these curses and monsters they all died or retired except for shao some doctors cured the disease of the hatred and they established wang shang funeral parlor meanwhile in munstadt there isn't as many gods fighting as in leeway only two gods fight each other andreas and the caribbean but they can't really land a single scratch on each other everything outside the city of old monstat is blizzards caused by andreas leonard the adventurer lives around this time he invents the wind glider wine is also invented around this time a nameless bard from old monsta befriends a tiny wind spirit the bar dreams to see the world outside the city to see the birds and to escape the caribbean's tyranny the gun hilda clan a clan in old munstot didn't like the caribbean either and escaped the city but it was too cold outside and they struggled to survive then the wind spirit and the god of time heard their prayers and helped them the gun hillary clan trusted the wind spirit making it stronger other people in munstad is hating de carabian and they form a resistance led by the nameless bard amos the former lover of the caribbean joins the resistance a red-haired warrior joins the resistance too they all rebel against echarabian and they win dekhrabian is slain the nameless bart and amos die in the battle by killing the karabian the wind spirit now called barbados ascends to godhood and becomes archon at the same time andreas decides he won't make a good archon and leaves his physical body to serve the new anemo archon meanwhile in inazuma some people was stranded in in konamia a nation under the dark sea they are struggling to survive a water dragon that attacks them all the time the protection of a sun god helps them survive but the sun god leaves them the thunderbird is sealed away and killed by a the twin gods makoto and a have won the arc on war but only one of them can ascend to arc on hood even though a is better at fighting they decide that makoto should become archon they sacrifice a to do this but makoto revives her with her new powers a becomes makoto's body double and most people think that there is only one god urabashi a god escapes from the gods and find the people of in konami urabashi becomes their new god and creates swatsumi island urabashi lives with the people of watatsumi peacefully for a while but suddenly starts attacking yashiro island a kills it in a big slash creating the musujin gorge a's tengu friend sasuyari dies in this battle the ark on war has now ended mind you that it probably ended different times depending on the region barbados uses the body of his dead friend he also moves the people of munster to cider lake and with the help of the time god creates new munstot he starts terraforming the region turning the big mountain pilot's peak into muskrief a chunk of land he cut off drifted into the golden apple archipelago and became the menacious style barbados wants freedom for the people and decides to not rule over them the red-haired warrior leaves munstad for some reason and people forget about him the rulers of monstart becomes the three big noble clans the gun hilda clan the lawrence clan and this might be a surprise the amen laucr clan the people of monstart worship both barbados and the god of time and the lawrence clan builds the big barbados statue meanwhile barbados just met an elemental dragon called d valen and people worships it as the first of the four winds barbados also meets and befriends morax the aristocrats are slowly becoming more and more tyrants this isn't good one of a's friends kitsune sagu moves to grand narukami shrine and a little later yay mikko is born some of the adept i is no longer needed and they decide to live in juay and karst other adept i wanted to be stone moving to about 1 000 years ago to the time of vanessa in leeway some adept i or human named gu ascends to celestia guwah's friends or family then creates the gua clan while the yakshas fight some evil stuff a young girl is caught in the middle of it and dies the adept i revived her with her energy but she went berserk and they had to prison her in amber as daha begins to forget people when the people of leeway minds a little too much the ley lines takes big damage as daha now goes on a rampage since he can't remember people he destroys a village in deonguayu valley more accent some adeptai seals him in a pocket dimension under nandianman the time god is forgotten by the people of monstart ursa the drake is terrorizing munstot a tribe from natalin is having a hard time dealing with and surviving it they get to the city of munstadt but vanessa immediately gets enslaved by the evil aristocrats the lawrence clan uses vanessa as a gladiator and due to her natalin origins she always wins the wanderers troop a group of adventures is established they travel through davant defeating monsters and playing music they finally come to munstad and try to overthrow the aristocrats it doesn't work and they get enslaved or killed one of the red-haired warriors ancestors ragnvendra comes to munstot and meets a member of the wanders troop this inspires him to fight against the aristocrats and he became known as the dawn knight a person from the wanderous troop the wielder of the bell was spared because he was an aristocrat he did not give up fighting and establishes an underground network an aristocrat called eberhardt manipulated his gladiator into fighting even after gaining his freedom the gladiator was killed by vanessa eberhard manipulated his half-brother parsiphile to kill fellow aristocrats parsifal got known as the phantom thief and fled to leeway and joined a pirate gang eberhard killed his other half-brother ingbert and joins an expedition to sal vindagner and he kills everyone there we don't know what happened to eberhardt himself but he sure got a lot of aristocrats killed vanessa made the lawrence clan mad and they decides to put her against her greatest challenge yet vanessa was joining a war against herself drake everything seems hopeless but barbados grants her power and ursa the drake was defeated and flew away vanessa no makes the rebellion against the monster aristocrats ragnvendran the wielder of the bell joins the rebellion the rebellion goes on for a long time then barbados makes a fake contract with morax and convinces the troops that the aristocrats sold monsta to morax the troops are now against the aristocrats and vanessa wins the rebellion after this they exile all aristocrats from munstad except the good ones the gun hilda clan and the ragnvendra clan vanessa establishes the knights of fevonius and finally she ascends to celestia creating a big tree at windrise the four winds is created d valon is the dragon of the east andreas as the wolf of the north and vanessa as both a falcon of the west and as the lion fang knight the lion of the south now moving to 500 years later i think all of you know what happens now three people in inazuma moved to mount ugu to learn from the tengu there hibiki nagamosa and harunosuke hibiki was in love with a warrior called takamine nagamosa was adopted by a's friend chio haruno suke had also learned arts from the adept i and he created the shikitashu they become known as the yagu 3. the great tengu always wants to protect kits in acai guo a lot of people was called into a battle in kaanria including both a and makato kitsune saiguou and chio and takamini the kits in acai gua tricked the tanuki god iroi into not going to kanria in munstadt two young men becomes high-ranking knights of fivonius arandolin and rustom arendellin got the line of the south title and rostam got something almost as good wolf pop rostom preferred doing the dirty work in the shadows and he used the secret underground network that the user of the bell made 500 years ago rostem falls in love with a woman called rosalind rosalind then leads to study in sumeru rostem and aaron dylan was called into a battle in canaria and yes it's happening now the biggest moment in the ganchin history the attack on kaanria the cataclysm kaanria is becoming way too advanced without a god and some people there is doing abyssal stuff and it's spreading through teva a kanrion guy named pirro tried to stop the abyssal stuff but failed in munstadt a big black dangerous dragon named durran showed up barbados didn't want to help since it's against his ideal of freedom but he had no other choice him and d valen defeats the dragon on salvin dagner and durhan's blood revives the urban sill tree d-valen gets poisoned by durian a small village in leeway got destroyed by abyssal monsters and is now dunya ruins the fight in cajon ria is hell abyssal monsters everywhere so many people die rostom dies the electro archon makoto is killed the dendro archon dies too takamini and kitsune saigua disappears into the darkness shield becomes corrupted and evil a defeats her and we don't know if chio is alive or not an organization called the abyss order is created it's people from canaria and the abyss who wants to get revenge on celestia gold survives and creates her second masterpiece after durian albedo two travelers from another world goes to tavant but immediately tries to leave when they see the cataclysm an unknown god defeats them and keep them in tavat the piro guy from before becomes the first fatui harbinger when kitsune saigua disappeared the earth and sky kitsune changes into statues the thunder sakura trees are made in in azuma chia's clan has gotten a bad name because of her corruption nagamasa left the yagu3 to try to restore the good name of the clan hibiki leaves the yugo 3-2 and moves to sarai island harun osuke also leaves he is moving to leeway because the adeptai are stronger than the tengu eight takes the role of the electro archon but not many people knew anything was changed because of all the deaths she had gone through a concludes that eternity is the only way to not let bad things happen so she gives her gnosis to yamiko and secludes herself and her pocket dimension plane of euthymia she tries to make a puppet but the first attempt is a mistake the first puppet is abandoned in munstadt when arendellin came back without rustom he gave up on fighting rosalind returns to munstot but when she find out that rostom died she turns into the crimson witch of flames pirro comes to her and recruit her into the fatui the fatui gives her a cryodelusion so she wouldn't die to her own flames the first traveler sibling wakes up and apparently meets the curse dane's life who is from kaanria the sibling then becomes a leader for the abyss order a little later hibiki makes good friends with neko the cat and a pirate called akko the pirate akko wasn't happy about a's decisions and he lead a rebellion against the shogunate on sarai island hibiki helps him and does some powerful magic that she learned from the tengu this releases the seals around sarai island and the hatred of the thunderbird creates an electrostorm and destroys some of the island sarai gets evacuated leaving only the cats akko finds and defeats the magu kenki doll and steals it but the ship it's on gets stuck in the golden apple archipelago when the crew leave the archipelago they leave the doll behind a little later the back aid anooki iroi was tired of waiting for kitsune saiguo he tried to get her attention by destroying kitsune statues as he didn't know she disappeared harun suk came back to inazuma and he turned iroi another tanuki into stone the failed dalai abandoned woke up and eventually met the fatui he became number six of the fatui harbingers in leeway they made the prototype weapons to fight back abyssal monsters now moving to a more recent time stuff that isn't that long ago in munstadt the abyss order stole a statue of the seven this was known as the lost statue of the seven a famous adventure named seamus peg comes to munstot here he joins the church of favonius and married fredrika gunn hilter they had two children jean and barbara kaya is abandoned by his dad at dawn winery because of something with saving kaanrea kaya gets adopted by krapus of the ragnvendra clan this makes kaya and die luke brothers crepus dies of an attack from mrsa the drake golden albedo is still alive somehow they discover an item called the heart of nibirus in a dungeon a little later gold disappears leaving behind a letter for albedo 2 uncover the truth of this world albedo goes to munster to meet gold's friend alice alice makes albedo in the knights of favonia take care of her daughter clee who tao becomes the leader of wang chang funeral parlor and she finds chi-chi in the amber she wants to bury chichi chichi escapes and meets bay zoo who takes her into work at booboo pharmacy the second traveler sibling wakes up and is lost in this new unknown world in innozuma smart people from fontaine creates the mikage furnace and it's harnessing powers from the curse and anger of the dead robashi with fatui influence a decides to start the vision hunt decree the sangino mia people creates a resistance and they constantly fight d valen has become more and more poisoned by the time he fought durin and with the abyss order manipulating him he attacks monstart people have begun to hate him and call him storm terror six months ago in munstot the current grand master for the knights of fevonius varka leaves on an expedition with sheamus peg and many knights of fevonius jean becomes the acting grand master two to three months ago the traveler catches pymon with a fishing rod and she teaches the traveler the language of davant and recommends to find the seven archons to find their sibling and the rest you know thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: CakeCrab
Views: 695,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dB6oQ-OeJ5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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