The Restrainer

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hi welcome to this new life today we're gonna be showing you a very special session from our Bible school new life training center I know you're gonna be in for a treat as we have a very special guest Maj Amir Sarfatti share to you Biblical prophecy in light of Scripture and in light of today's events and how it's gonna impact you in your life so I know you're gonna enjoy this probably get a pen get some food relax and enjoy this word I know it will bless you much there's a great honor to be here this morning again and share with you from the Word of God I always want to urge all of you to be good Bereans and to go back home and search the scriptures and make sure that everything that is being taught fits what your Bible says the Bereans 2,000 years ago didn't have the New Testament everything that was taught and given to them had to be searched and examined in the light of the Old Testament what kind of scriptures did they have when they looked when it says they went back home to go only the Old Testament so I urge you not to somehow take the Old Testament as a book that is irrelevant for you it is super relevant and the New Testament could have not been a New Testament unless there was the Old Testament right there the topic of this morning session is the restrainer it is something that intrigues so many people especially those who are into Bible prophecy in end times because the term the restrainer is over there in relations to a very significant time in the future that is going to be fall upon this world we're gonna look into who is the restrainer what is he restraining when did the restrainer start why does the restrainer restraint how does the restrainer restrain but we can only do that if we go into the portion of scriptures that speaks of the restraint so let's go to 2nd thessalonians chapter 2 verses 7 and 8 remember Paul is writing to a church in Thessaloniki this is a city in northern Greece Paul is writing to Thessalonians because he started already talking to them and telling them about the end times there were a very end time minded church and they were a little bit concerned that they might have missed the day of the Lord they might have missed the rapture of the church they were not really in tune with the sequence of events that has to happen so Paul graciously is writing to them the following thing he's telling them first about that day at the gathering of all of us to be with the Lord he's also telling them that the gathering has to be tightly connected with two things one the apostasy within the church and to the rise of a man known to all of us as the Antichrist he's saying the rapture of the church cannot happen until these two things are already somehow in effect and then he says look the mystery of lawlessness is already at work I want you to say the word already already means it is not a future event it is something that was their 2,000 years ago and it is now also it is something that we see actually if you really think about it from Genesis 3 if God lays down a law a rule do not touch this and they want to touch it because they were offered that option and they chose that option that is lawlessness that is a mystery because how can someone who has everything so good and such a great God still choose the opposite so the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only say the word he he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way the Bible says that that mystery of lawlessness is going on but it can only do so because there is someone who restrains something and he is going to be taken and that restraining power will no longer be in effect and then he says and then once the restrainer is removed the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming so we see here an interesting thing we see a world dominated by lawlessness we see a world that has a certain capacity of godly presence that is holding on from something else to happen we see that that presence is going to be removed and we see that that is the point when the lawless one is going to be revealed so if you ask yourself when will the Antichrist rise now you have an answer timewise he cannot be revealed before the restrainer is out of his way okay if the Bible is very clear by the way it's not I mean I marked the now until and then so you understand there are certain things that are already going on now there's certain expiry date expiration date for that and then something else is going to happen now you must understand first John speaking of Antichrist first John chapter 4 verses 1 2 & 3 says beloved do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world by this you know the Spirit of God every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God in every spirit that does not confess that Jesus has come in the flesh is not of God and this is the spirit of the Antichrist which you have heard was coming and is now already in the world you're talking about the spirit of the Antichrist is already in the world denying the fact that Jesus came the 9 the fact that God came to save the world the 9 the fact that his solution for sin the 9 the fact that men are sinners to begin with the 9 the fact that salvation can only come when you actually repent that's the words of Jesus Jesus it's not just coming in the flesh he came in the flesh to a sinful world to tell the world a simple message repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand first John 4 continues with 4 and 6 you are of God little children and have overcome them because say the word hee-hee once again we see that word he who is mu is greater that he was in the world they are of the world therefore they speak as of the world and the world hears them I want you to understand the big churches not necessarily godly churches huge huge influence is not automatically great doctrine and when you see something that is super super trendy super super great it doesn't necessarily you see the world is only going to listen to things that are for the itching ears and so you see therefore they speak as of the world and world hears them and we are of God and he who knows God hears us he who is not of God does not hear us by this we know the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error now let's let's look at the word he in the Greek that is the word it's actually pronounced ho in the Greek and it means the one he the one ho that's what the Greek says Romans eight by the way 31 and 32 what then shall we say to these things if God is not for us who can be against us he and in the Greek is the same word Paul who did not spare his own son but delivered him up for us how shall he in the Greek ha shall he not with him also freely give us all things capital H all the time because it's the one in Greek and then in the Greek he who is boss that is in the Greek so we see a pattern and then in the reason why I'm giving you that is because when we deal with 2nd Thessalonians it's exactly the same one now our take you in a journey this morning from Adam to Jesus all the way to the Antichrist there is one two and three as you can see it's a journey that takes us in order to understand what is the restrainer all about where did we have the restrainer even in the Old Testament and how he restrains and what's going to happen also in the future you just understand ever since sin entered the world judgment was required this is it it's a very simple matter Genesis 6:5 to 8 then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart so the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast creeping things in the birds of the air for I am sorry that I have made them so you see God says it is so bad that I really want to destroy them all this is what they really deserve by the way I saw this morning a Facebook post and it shows a room completely empty room and it says this room is full of people that God owes them Grace and it's an empty room because God doesn't owe us anything grace is a gift from God and it's not based on anything we did if anything we deserve what judgment and we deserve to be destroyed and be wiped out but what did I say what word did I say but say but but we have a great God we just saying God is so good and he's not looking for any choose to curse and destroy he is looking for an excuse to bless and he found in that dark world of the time of Noah he found a spark of light but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord think about yourself and who you're surrounded with in the world all around you in the neighborhood in the country in the city and God thought but Edwin and you have to understand something a lot of people think that Satan restrains himself he never did from day one when he comes in the shape and the form of the serpent he never did Satan is out there to deceive the people from day one he deceived them from day one he never held back Satan never restrains himself the Bible says in first Peter 5:8 be sober be village and because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour he's not sitting there waiting he's always on the move from one side to another seeking whom he may devour Satan is not a good boy who can shoot oh I'm gonna you know today I'm a good boy tomorrow he's not restraining himself he is just like we see that Peter wrote he's like a roaring lion he always always looking for someone second Thessalonians 2:9 to 12 the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan according to the working of Satan the Antichrist is going to be according to the work of Satan will all power and signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish you understand it's according to the work of Satan it's not according to the new plan of Satan it's not according to Satan's new strategy it's as he is always there is nothing different on the coming of the Antichrist then all that Satan did in the past and the Bible says he will do all of these things to the people because day look at the word because there is a reason why he's so successful and the reason is called free will they say they they did not receive in other words something was offered through them 2000 years ago and they did not receive it no thank you they did not receive the love of the truth by the way what is it in the scriptures that is called the truth the word Your Word is truth sanctify us in the truth so they did not receive the love of the truth that they may be saved then would they had the option they rejected it and for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie you see Satan is a father of lies he's the deceiver he is a liar and they will only believe the lie if they reject the truth if there is an active part on behalf of every human being when it comes to following the schemes of the devil it's because you rejected the love of the truth so it will so you might be saved so you they believe the lie that and they also may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had not only believed Ally had pleasure in unrighteousness look around you not only that they love to live in sin but they take pleasure in it this is what we want to do don't give me Bible don't give me all of this don't tell me I'm a sinner don't tell me I need salvation don't tell me I need to repent don't be so harsh you know some people one time told me Amir how come every time you teach I feel uncomfortable I said I don't know you have to ask yourself the Word of God is not to make us feel comfortable toward of the Word of God is to tell us like a mirror who we are and to lead us to that which God provided as a solution for all of this but if you think that the Word of God will tolerate everything you do just because in the name of love and tolerance you're wrong you need to feel uncomfortable when you read the Word of God because this is truth and you were being deceived deception and truth cannot walk together John 3 stone 3:16 but I will hop to 17 all the way to 21 for God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved he who believes in Him is not condemned but he who does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God and this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world and Men loved darkness rather light because their deeds were evil for everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light lest his deeds should be exposed but he who does the truth comes to the light by the way comes to the light that his deeds may be clearly seen that they have been done in God Wow you see this is a picture of the world that's why Jesus had to come that's why John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so he was so ever believed in him will not perish because perishing is the immediate result of non-believers of not believing and it's he who does not believe he's condemned but he who believes is not condemned there's two groups in the world there's no one it's not like everybody's saved there is the group of those who believe and they will not be condemned and there's a group of those who reject the love of the truth who love the darkness rather than light and they are already condemned and by the way would Satan business is as usual 2nd Corinthians 11 12 to 14 but what I do I will also continue to do that I may cut off the opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the things of which we both for such are false prophets deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of Christ and no wonder for Satan himself transformed himself into an Angels of Light he's always receiving he's always on the move to deceive the people to give them the lie so they will not believe the truth Genesis 18 26 and 32 remember Genesis 18 is the story of sodom and gomorrah abraham is there this is the first time I realized Abraham I may not be a Jew but he's certainly the father of the Jews because he started having negotiations with God and bargaining with God so the Lord said if I find in Sodom 50 righteous within the city that I will spare all the place for their sakes and then Moses and Abraham said let not the Lord be angry and I will speak but once more suppose ten should be found there and he said I will not destroy it for the sake of ten what happened in Genesis 18 what was it that changed Abraham stood right there before the Lord and said Lord 50 huh before t oh that was easy how about 30 in 2010 will be that will that be okay 10 and then God don't push it Abe but even ten I'll honor your request and I will restrain myself from judging say that word I will restrain myself from judging the restrainer in this case is Abraham's standing here asking God not to judge them and God restrained himself from judging them do you understand what the restraining is all about judgment if you want another option even in the story of job all Satan was up to was killing destroying stealing and lying but in JA in job 19 we see all that my words were written all that they were inscribed in a book that they were engraved on a rock with an iron pen and led forever for I know that my redeemer lives and he shall stand at last on the earth then after my skin is destroyed this I know that in my I shall see God and then look what job said way before even Abraham look what job said he says be afraid of the sword of yourself for wrath brings the punishment of the sword that you may know there is a job needa he was not afraid of Satan he was not afraid of the schemes of the devil what was it that job was afraid of the judgment of God says hey don't be mistaken you should all be afraid of one thing it's the judgment of God because we all deserve that ever since Jesus came to the world the solution was provided so from Adam to Jesus we see there's a problem of sin judgment is required and now Jesus comes to the world Hebrews 9 says he then would have had to suffer often since the foundations of the world but now once at the end of the ages he has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself and as it is appointed for men say that to die once and then comes what and after this the judgment so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many to those who say that eagerly wait for him he will appear a second time apart from sin for salvation by the way the salvation here is the Romans 8 salvation of the from the body the salvation of the body from this world he will come back no longer to offer himself for sin he already did that in his first coming he will come to save you from this world only if you are eagerly waiting for him awaiting the judgment is now replaced with awaiting what his return do we see that awaiting the judgment is now being replaced with a waiting of his return the restrainer ladies and gentlemen is God's presence in his people who are in this world they are the ambassadors they are the Watchmen they are the businessmen we are God's people and if we are the ambassador of Christ and when people see us they see Christ and if he has the restraining power that means we are the restraining power the believers are the salt of the earth Matthew 5 you are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasoned it is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men the believers are the face of God here on earth John 14 7 if you had known me you would have known my father also and from now on you know him and have seen him Philip said to him Lord show us the father anything as it is and it is sufficient for us and jesus said to him have I been with you so long and yet you have not known me Philip he who has seen me has seen the father and so how can you say show us the father do you not believe that I am in the father and the father in me God is not in temples made by men God is in men made to be his temple see the big difference in their act 17 Paul in the middle of Athens says God who made the world and everything in it since he is Lord of Heaven and Earth does not dwell in temples made with hands nor is he worshipped with men's as though he needed anything since he gives to all life breath and all things he's in us we are the temple for in him we live and we move and have our being first Corinthians 6:19 or you do not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have from God and you are not your own second Peter 3 but beloved do not forget this one thing that with the Lord one day is a thousand years and thousand years one day the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness but is long-suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance that's the God we serve that's the God we love 1st Timothy chapter 2 1 2 4 therefore I exert first all that supplications prayers intercessions and giving of things be made to all men for kings and all who are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and reverence but this is the good and acceptable the sight of God our Savior who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth God desires all men to be saved but it's utterly their choice he didn't save all of them he came to offer salvation to all of them but they must accept it they must believe they must repent it is the only thing he's asking from them so we must understand Satan is the father of lies Satan is the one who wants us dead Satan will lead us astray God wants us to live in peace God wants us to be save and God doesn't want to judge but judgment is required when you sin he offered you a solution 2000 years ago but you must accept it you must receive it you must believe in it you must belong to him in order not to be judged as he said those who believe are not condemned but those who do not believe are condemned already because from Genesis 3 sin entered the world and from that moment we you know what David said in in in Psalm 50 said in sin my mother had conceived me we are being conceived already in seen this is why Jesus had to be born out of a virgin this is why the seed of man could have not be part of Jesus being because there's sin already inherited it is there you cannot be born perfect you cannot be born that's why you have to be born okay if we could have been born perfect there was no need to be born again birth of the water is a natural thing that everybody goes through it's the birth of the Spirit that we need to have in order to have all of those things change Hebrews 7 says but he because he continues forever has an unchangeable priesthood therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him since he always lives to make intercession for them this is Jesus he always live to make intercession for us if we believe in him judgment is not there for us because we have a Paraclete a counselor one who sits at the right hand of the Father and daily intercedes for us he's our defense lawyer he's there to say yes this guy is guilty but hey a price has been purchased has been paid this is the deed he can go away we started this teaching this morning with a situation where the restrainer has to be removed how will the restrainer be removed first Thessalonians chapter 4 16 to 18 for the if we believe that we are the restraining power if we believe that we are here and that is why God is slow to anger this is why God is holding on the judgment the Bible says for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words paul is telling the same vessel onehans in the first epistle i tell you how you're going to be removed I will tell you how you're going to have the great separation jesus is gonna come halfway you're gonna go halfway you're gonna meet in the cloud and he's gonna take you to be with him the Bible says he will receive you and he says and and he receive you and Jesus if you remember said Jesus said if I am NOT going to come back I would have told you I'm going to prepare a place for you and I will come back and receive you unto myself so where I am you will also be he could have said I'm gonna come back so where you are I will also be but he actually said I'm gonna come back to receive you so where I am you will also be wherever where is Jesus at the right hand of the Father he's in heaven he wants to come and take us to be with him to come down to be with us he will return but not for us but with us that's the biggest difference between the rapture and the second coming the rapture is Christ comes for the church the second coming is Christ comes with the church why will the restrainer be removed because it's judgment time this is it tribulation trials and testing will usher in the judgment of God and I want you to understand something mankind deserve judgment we already read about it and we already established that but even throughout the judgement God is gonna have something amazing I always tell people the tribulation is for Israel's salvation I want you to say that the tribulation is for Israel's salvation what a minute God is causing so much trouble for them to be saved makes no sense does it well I want to take you all the way to hosea chapter 515 the Bible says and this is as if Jesus is speaking he says I will return again to my place return again that mean he came to earth to a visit in any return I will return again to my place until they acknowledge their offence and then they will seek my face in their affliction they will earnestly seek me how sad it is that only when it's hard only when were in trouble we earnestly seek God when things are okay we tend to forget about him this is why he he he warned the people of Israel when they entered into the land the promised land and Joshua said look you're about to cross the Jordan today into a place you never fought for al you never built him I'm telling you you might follow other God but as for me and my household we shall serve the Lord he says he it's a declaration of faith now when will the restrainer be removed we just heard just before the Antichrist is revealed you're probably saying da of course the Bible said that folks they say in America that if by mid-november you see Christmas lights already out there then you know that Thanksgiving is around the corner in other words when we see already the signs of the soon rise of the Antichrist we know that the rapture is around the corner do you understand that and you're so depressed yeah yeah I know see Jesus gave the disciples a simple but clear sign of his soon return he talked about the fig tree and we talked about it before he says the look at the victory when he's coming back to life when Israel is back in the land when they prosper when we're they're back from all over the world when the land is back to life then you know that that generation shall not pass away this is it Europe is in chaos right now looking for a deliverer already plotting a 10 countries Union that will have his own power and his own military Europe is I believe in I already taught it here many times this is where I believe the Antichrist is going to come because the Bible teaches us that he's going to be of the same Empire the destroyed the temple 2,000 years ago the Roman Empire it's gonna be the same West European entity Europe is ready Israel is back in the land the world is ready moving forward with globalism with one world religion with one they they are actually erasing everything that God set as boundaries and God said as as as principals families boundaries are sex boundaries gender boundaries I mean what is country what are boundaries of a country all of that is being erased the effort is there's no longer need for borders there's no longer need for you to to define yourself who you are you know there's God is not necessarily should we refer to as he he can be she I mean all of those things are being now pushed down the throat to the whole world and if you're not playing by their rules you the troublemaker they're not looking at themselves as those who are changing everything they're looking at you were too stubborn to be stuck with something old-fashioned the world is ready spiritually Europe is ready politically Israel is ready physically and the last question I have for all of you is are you ready as I said before we are the restrainer as I said before the restraining power is to restrain the judgment of God from coming the judgment of God should have come already the judgment of God could have come already but the judgment of God is waiting until we are out of here and then it will come we are here for a reason and for a season and the day is coming and the Bible says and the day is at hand he who promised is also faithful the days at hand we see that we're the only generation since the time of Jesus Christ that cannot say I hope I made I pray for you could say I see the Day approaching this is why it's so important for all of us to be ready the Lord wants us to be ready not because of anything but to live as a holy life now some of you may not have that well that is why the Lord have you to come over here today today there is an urgency of salvation if I could promise you that you can be saved in the tribulation time then I would say by the way you can either accept him now accept him later same thing no it's not gonna cost you much later your head will be rolling down the aisle but it's okay ladies and gentlemen God doesn't want anyone to perish but all to come today but he wants all to be ready and this is exactly where Jesus gave them the parable of the ten virgins so they will be ready he says if you don't have oil in your lamp you might miss your visitation he's gonna come and you're not going to be there I want to conclude this message by hoping and praying all of us understand that we have such an important role in this world today when the mystery of lawlessness is already at work all of us should be face of Jesus can you hear me and all of us should get ready for the removal straight of the restrainer father I thank you so much for your word for your word is true sanctify us by your truth we understand today that we indeed are the restraining pack brain judgment from coming already upon this world we thank you that we can look at the life of Abraham the life of Moses we can see how you use those men of God to hold back from judging according to your word and in a righteous way father we ask that you will use us in the very short time that is still left for us here users father to lead more people to come out of that darkness to tell them how much it's a lying deception that has death and judgment at the end and father we thank you that you did not destroy this world but you found favor in Noah and that's why we're still alive today we asked her the same grace that he have extended to Noah the same patience you have shown through Abraham and the same love and compassion you've shown through the time of Moses you will also do today until the moment comes and you will remove us out of here we thank you and we bless you this morning in Jesus name we pray a well did that bless you I hope that you got something today if you want to know more I encourage you to enroll in our Bible school check us out at new life training center dot pH and come and discover more of God's ways so again we hope to see you again till next time at this new life the road was clear and defined until now unsure of where to go what to do and where the future may leave you life is full of twists and turns ups and downs but God is a roadmap for each of us learn to navigate your life new life training center discover his ways when I found out that we're going to Myanmar for our mission at first I was so hesitant it's my first out of the country experience I really don't know what I will do they're qualified convenient Ghana culture this has been a very humbling experience for me and I believe for all of us we have really experienced the provision and the grace of God for us in this very you know challenging this is a new place for us I believe that we are really called here for this time [Music] the movies it's not a listening because there is a for a year but but for me it's not a hindrance I demonstrated the love of Jesus by fight by action I'm just amazed hope that how the people respond here the moment that I share the gospel they just received me me and my friends we were praying in a park I was lied to and we actually learned that this woman was mute okay she could speak and as we prayed for her I declare Dom and deaf spirit leave in the name of Jesus all right I declare that and she was able to speak with me when I found out that she got healed I don't know if I be dry but one thing I know is that at large my heart I'm so blessed I'm really I feel so blessed and thankful that God did that modern discipleship starts by building a relationship and on this mission trip I was one of the English teachers and I was privileged to be able to coach three young adults I'm not good at me in teaching especially but God gave me the spray and courage the beach I have used wooden stair and these two students actually was able to receive Jesus as their personal in this I would say that's a miracle already as they begin to learn English and as they learn as they begin to learn more about Christ and it'll be easier for them to reach their countrymen speaking the Word of God in Burmese sharing the gospel in Burmese we were at new life be easy I pastor Bobby Lois Church it was our youth night it was a time when we can present group diamond dynamic games fun with him and just present to them different scenarios or styles and presenting the gospel during night time it was time of impartation and inviting people to receive the baptism the Holy Spirit truly god amazes us with his works and he used me to impart to the young people about the infilling of the Holy Spirit at first I don't know what to do are to say to them I believe that you just have to made yourself available to God eventually to repair the power of God was so strong and they spoke in other tongues and they received from the world this will go a long long way as they as they work in church they're empowered to work under the gift of the Holy Spirit p.m. iron Marte is truly God's miracle for all of us every single thing was truly orchestrated and prepared by God from the park evangelism to treasure hunting to English classes everything was so light [Music] I realize that God really made sure that we get to see all kinds of people here in red barn from all walks of life from the youngest to the oldest you know from those who have heard about Jesus or the issue or those who have not heard about him we got to minister to them and in all these I see that God loves Myanmar he made sure that we are here he made sure that he is experienced and demonstrated through us I believe that Myanmar is never gonna be the same again and God is a great plan for this nation and people and together we can reach one soul at a time with your partnership and your prayers I believe the nation's gonna experience the love of God Ming Lama
Channel: New Life Media
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Id: 2DAFlz2kjb4
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Length: 52min 4sec (3124 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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