THE GARFIELD SHOW - BEST COMPILATION SEASON 3 - Little trouble in Big China part 4

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] we're on our way to china yes it is this statuette is at least a thousand years old this one is the key to the treasure of bhutsen sayam and i am keep an eye on them while i decide what to do with them give me my statue they're after us first half of the key to the treasure of futsang long is hidden in the ancient gardens of suzhou it says this is half of the medallion that serves as the key to the treasures of futsang long the other half of the medallion is guarded by the old master of the temple on mount kingshan and i will give it to you you are going to have to learn kung fu the key to the treasure of foods if you know where they went you must tell me i miss it my dear pussycats and dog so much please tell me where i can find them okay well though he's not going to tell us let's get out of here there must be some way to find out where they went [Music] oh my precious babies you're the only ones mama cannot count on what's good a day we have no idea where that boy and the pets are heading actually virgo i think we do thanks for the ride wow behold my friends the great wall of china according to the map the secret cave should be around here i think the pup is finding something it's an old bone that's been here a long time look over there [Music] this must be the entrance it won't budge oh that's right the key [Music] garfield odie normal help me find the treasure or you will never see your master in one piece again that man is your master right well he feeds us we'll help you find the treasure you have my word so what are we looking for exactly the treasure of futsang long according to all chinese legends he is a 10 foot long dragon that guards forbidden treasures ah don't worry odie dragon's doing it up i want to make treasure except for her of course [Music] don't just stand there one of you go inside and see what happens i'll go in i'll come with you [Music] see that beam of light i wouldn't cut it if i were you oops i hadn't noticed thanks [Music] vermin going next hey i'm the three-time winner of the kitten of the year trophy let's get it over with youtube don't you think we should wait and see they're almost on the other side [Music] what is this some kind of riddle i'm not sure there are different animals depicted on the wheel an ox a sheep a rat i'm guessing we need to find the right combination to get to the other side mingy vermin who does she think she is talking to me like that careful normal this floor may not be strong enough to support your ego let me just take a quick peek at myself to make sure everything's perfect oh someone cut the beam of light normal what have you done ah i just looked at myself in the mirror we need to figure out how to get this door open and fast there's got to be some sort of logic rat boar that's my chinese astrological sign of course these are the 12 signs of the chinese zodiac we just have to put them back in order [Music] ding bang you'd better do something in a hurry the rabbit goes between the tiger and dragon what about the ox ah before no after the rat where is that imbecile when you need him the last one is the tiger i think we've solved it this isn't funny [Music] the door's opening [Music] opening into the treasure of food sang long [Music] that's not a real dragon hoodie it's just a big statue on the side susie i have a treasure to steal so i can afford to build a hundred dollar policemen what a ridiculous waste of money especially when you could be spending it all on donuts some of these artifacts are thousands of years old they belong in a these museum look so lifelike it almost looks as if they were real warriors turned to stone oh the eye of the dragon it is the fabled diamond of futsang long the diamond that is what they must have the biggest diamond the world has ever known [Music] [Music] me that big ugly vase [Music] i wanted a diamond stare not into the eye of futsang long it has defeated entire armies that's what the old master told us these statues that's an army do you think they were once treasure seekers everyone close your eyes now it's so beautiful i can't [Music] and take my eyes off of the diamonds [Music] we're alive that's debatable default is going to collapse any second let's get out of here [Music] i think this would be an excellent time to get out of here come on you can make it i can't leave miss bella all by yourself [Music] turn the doors have shut for good now [Music] i know it is silly but i cannot help feeling sorry for her there's two sami's cats too however rotten they were yeah no one deserves to wind up like that i don't even know how to thank you for taking good care of my pets dinner's a good start you got something stuck in your throat coins from inside the vault is there enough there for dinner these are priceless it is a national treasure and belongs in a chinese museum where my people can enjoy it all right [Music] well the dim sum was great but i hope i never go through anything like that again i'm gonna miss dingbang he's a good kid and chyna was a lot of fun nobody's right except for the parts where people were trying to destroy us right well i'm still waiting for an apology an apology for what for sending me there in a box for abandoning me at the airport for throwing me at a 50-story window for pushing normal if it'll make you feel any better i apologize you you do wow garfield that's the first time you've ever done that it almost makes up for the whole experience oh i'm glad you feel that way normal remind me when we get to the airport back home i'll have a package i need to ship to abu dhabi [Music] there's something i've always wanted to tell you [Music] you can't sing [Applause] what did you just say about my singing you're gonna regret this bondo [Music] uh live well animated from the studios of the garfield show it's the first annual golden lasagna awards and here's your host garfield [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tonight because excellence must be recognized we're saluting superior work on the best show on television this one each winner will receive one of these handsome trophies it's hard to believe what's hard to believe normal that i don't have one of those but i will without further ado our first award is best performance by a character in a scene involving food and the nominees are petty grumman in the episode yankee poodle dandy i'll just try one of these whatever they are sir i don't think you want to hmm this is exquisite madam what do you call this tasty treat dog food dog food dog food i ate dog food you know with a little parsley it wouldn't be too bad our next nominee in this category is vito capoletti for his role in mozzarella but please you must forgive me you must i was foolish i admit it if you could somehow find it in your heart to spare me i would be grateful for all eternity well just this once but next time don't forget the black olives and our final nominee in this category is it seems to be me garfield cat is camping out we're going to be out here in the middle of nowhere for two weeks garfield we're miles from any takeout restaurants miles from any markets we'll be making do with just the supplies we brought do you understand and you're okay with that well i apologize garfield i misjudged you okay i'm going to unpack the car here you go little pussycat one hot steaming dish of sausage lasagna just as you requested hmm we had to do that to make up for forgetting the black olives [Music] and the winner is come on come on well how bad yet it's me no why are you disappointed you weren't even nominated in this category i was hoping for a massive write-in vote oh thank you all for this award i'm not sure which of you voted for me i'd invest in performance well i sure didn't but it doesn't matter to me what matters is that i got the award and somebody else didn't the next category best performance by an actor in a role involving sleep and the nominees are john arbuckle and what time is it no garfield i will not get up and make you raspberry waffles for breakfast i'll settle for french toast i just got to bed an hour ago i'm going to sleep until that alarm clock goes off in seven hours [Music] three two one ah a good eight hours of sleep i feel like a new man i'm going to go make you raspberry waffles and french toast garfield last july i convinced him it was christmas and the next nominee in this category is odie the puppy [Music] please hold your applause odie the puppy for fetching fido hoodie i'm gonna throw the stick so you can fetch it here it goes boy go get it [Music] [Music] and the last nominee in this category is where do you know it's me again it's for my stellar performance in the snooze reporter wait i think he's finally waking up garfield congratulations you've been asleep for over 11 weeks what do you have to say all right just five more minutes and the winner is me again [Applause] this contest is fixed normal behave yourself i'm sorry this is how i behave our next category is best performance by a mouse oh that's great garfield can't win in this category wanna bet and our first nominee is earth the mouse in the dangerous mission this is a dangerous mission earth you don't have to do it somebody's got to it might as well be me well i wish you all the luck in the world with it thanks squeak [Music] the next nominee is sqweep has the news mouse in the snooze reporters reporter okay we just saw this one we don't need to show it again and our final nominee for the best performance by a mouse is you're not going to believe this it seems to be me for my performance in red cat [Music] here's a piece of cheese for you and one for you and one for you and hi i'm a mouse what do you have for me and the winner is oh no not again no i can't take any more of this it's a travesty of justice excuse me excuse me and the next category is best performance by an overweight orange pussycat with strike whose name is in the title of the show gee i can't imagine who's gonna win we don't have time for clips uh what's that again we don't have time for clevis clips i'm informed that we don't have time for the clip so we'll just do this the fast way the nominees are meet me and me and the winner is hey it's me thank you i couldn't have done it without you [Music] so uh bruno you and your friends weren't invited to the ceremony huh yeah we weren't nominated for anything and we're angry about it hey who is this oh it's just a friend i happen to know this awards ceremony is weak one cat wins every award you should come down here and take care of them yeah good idea we'll be right there come on guys we're gonna go down to that awards ceremony when we get there we'll take care of that cat who keeps winning all the awards you see you can learn valuable information watching the garfield show the commercial is over great i'll go present the last award [Music] thank you thank you and now the award you've all been waiting for the award for the most fabulously terrific super performer ever and the nominees are cody the puppy [Music] thank you and the next nominee is nirmal the cat that's about the response normal deserves and the last nominee is guess who [Music] okay and the winner is hmm and the winner is normal cat can you see normal cat you can't see normal cat i'm normal cat thank you thank you for that wonderful ovation i'm sure i'd be receiving if anyone was here i can't tell you what this award means to me i really need to thank all the people who supported me and helped me over the years and i would if i knew any of their names but i have to admit you like me you really like me almost as much as i do hey hey can't you see i'm accepting an award here you're the cat who ripped these awards so he always wins oh no no no no no no that's not me no no no no no stay back oh guys [Music] you can have this one hey awards are great aren't they they make your relatives really happy and you can sell the trophies on the internet for pretty good money [Music] for that one i'd say you'd be able to get enough for it to buy real lasagna it's a lot better than gold [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i have to get home in time for the news they're running a story on my favorite topic me oh i just realized two bad things when we're not gonna make it in time and two i don't wear a watch the whole town is talking about the caped avenger wait that's the story yeah hi hello watching this and the mysterious feline vigilante known as the caped avenger has become an instant celebrity ever since his first dramatic appearance at this comic book store only weeks ago this video of him capturing a thief has gone viral and is now the second most popular cat video on the internet the most popular this video entitled the cutest cat in the whole i think your singing killed it [Music] well now we'll never hear the end of that news report rupert dorf runs the comic book shop where the caped avenger appeared how's business rupert great people are flocking here hoping to see him in person and tomorrow the new caped avenger action figures arrive i wonder who the caped avenger really is [Music] don't give away my secret identity do you have a message for the caped avenger in case he's watching yeah i hope he'll come to see all his fans tomorrow when his action figure goes on sale i even built this caped avenger signal to call it [Music] that is so cool well i think the cape avenger is a big show off how to get me one of those spotlights [Music] i guess the caped avengers fans love everything about him yeah but you know what they really like they'd all wish he would have a sidekick the sidekick he's right all the great comic book heroes have sidekicks even ultra powerful man gets help from jeff the atomic sparrow gee where could i find a sidekick you have to be strong [Music] and serious but with a sense of humor given me a great idea yes i'm going to hold the auditions [Music] really marlon auditions that's why i'm hearing the caped avenger will be at the park having trouts to be a sidekick i'm gonna go see if he'll pick me oh no if the caped avenger gets a sidekick he'll become more popular his video might even be more watched than mine what am i going to do look i'm dead yes it is too good to be true too strong to be beaten too fat to be on this branch it's not me it's the cape it adds about 10 pounds [Music] hello aspiring sidekicks i suppose you all know who i am [Music] yes and i am here today to find a faithful sidekick to assist me in my heroic activities stop laughing at me now then being a superhero isn't easy you spend your days chasing dangerous criminals falling from buildings dodging atomic ray blasts you spend your nights risking your life and limb every second it glasses my heart to see so many of you willing even eager to put your lives on the line hey yo what is this champagne absolutely nothing i bought huh [Music] no you're not sidekick material goodbye and don't bother leaving a picture a resume why is the kid avenger so popular just because he's got a cool costume and a cool name i can't wait to get that cape defender action figure tomorrow let's go watch his video 10 more times he is like so cool and i am like so sick of that video of the disgustingly cute kitten oh what am i gonna do i know the only one who could beat a superhero is a super villain i'll become a super villain hey hercules why so glum oh they all laughed at my beautiful costume i just wanted to be the captain adventure sidekick how would you like to be the sidekick to the super villain who will defeat the caped avenger oh do i get to wear my superhero costume yeah okay yeah i'm closing up for the night gunther i'm expecting a big crowd tomorrow the caped adventure action figure's arriving who something outside i've got to go investigate [Music] oh [Music] are you still upset i didn't pick you i need a great sidekick the cape adventure can't look foolish the caped avenger is looking pretty foolish today robert you say the caped avenger has a new arch enemy it seems that way i spotted them outside my store and when i checked the caped avenger signal i made this is what i found [Music] signal it makes me look ridiculous [Music] i have to find that super villain and stop him now is when i really need a sidekick will you be my sidekick all right all right i shouldn't have turned you down yesterday we'll get you a great costume [Music] good let's leap into action [Applause] and people are lined up for blocks awaiting the arrival of the new caped avenger action figures the action figures seem to be arriving now [Applause] perfect timing this is going to be a great day for my comic book store many cases of caped avenger action figures sign here you deal with the mailman super chihuahua right yeah whoa the only thing worse than a chihuahua unless super chihuahua i'm getting rid of all these caped avenger action figures [Music] whoever you are you're no match for me and my faithful sidekick slurp and he seems to finally have his very own sidekick [Music] the caped avenger and now he has a partner i just decided i don't want to be a supervillain sidekick any longer adios nothing will stop me from getting away with these action figures except maybe the fact that i don't know how to drive oh what if i push this cut back you masked fiend maybe this wasn't the best idea in the world [Music] nothing can stop me caked avenger how about if this van crashes into the trash collection center wow and i suppose i have to save you two quick get a shot of that and the superhero and super villain landed amidst the crates of the caped avenger action figures which as it turned out no one wanted to buy all interested shifted to the caped avengers sidekick we caught on tape we're told his name is slurp and his fans can't get enough of him his online video is now the most watched ever beating out that one of the sickening singing kitten and the one of the caped avenger well cape avenger may not care about being in first place but i do i'm taking my act to the streets want to join me sure why not meow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] once upon a time prince john had to find a bride and he needed one soon that if you don't marry by your 21st birthday the next in line becomes king oh next in line was the royal viceroy he was not a nice man pop we have to stop that man we have to help prince john find a wife [Music] good burrito hope you had something tasty while i was gone now where were we add one cup of flour to eggs and whisk thoroughly through until smooth add heavy cream [Music] oops sorry wrong book oh [Music] although that one was getting pretty interesting now then so the brilliant cat and the not brilliant dog were determined to help prince john mary so he could be king but time was running out for him to find a bride i have dreamed for a mate who cared about life and beauty and the world around her and me me would be nice you didn't find anyone you could marry [Music] year after year i spend my days alone [Music] no one comes near i'm always on my own the only life i've known [Music] dreaming every night i'll find princess right a woman who'll demand me who'll love and understand me when will she meet me when will she greet me she is the woman who will complete me where is she hiding where's she residing things will be so fine on the day she is mine [Music] on the day she is mine [Music] in all my days of searching i have found but one and she will not marry me you found one yes she is caring and compassionate her name is elizabeth and she is a commoner oh a comic a commenter prince john told the royal food taster [Laughter] [Music] oh wait are you quite finished fine so prince john told the royal food taster about the woman named elizabeth who lived in a cottage in the blue forest to be near the animal she so dearly loved and cared for she would feed the friendly squirrels she would feed the stray cats and dogs she would feed the colorful bluebird [Music] she would feed mice and moles and she would even feed the real disgusting creatures you sometimes find out in the woods [Music] the birds and animals all love you fair elizabeth ah that's because i love them i love you too prince john but i will not be your bride why not the man i marry must show he has extraordinary heart i have heart you are a good man prince john but you have lived a pampered life you have never been called upon to show you possess that quality that is sadly true [Music] how before the deadline could i possibly prove to her i am all that i cannot even prove it to myself sure you can you go out to the blue forest find your lady love and convince her to be your bride you think i should you're the hero of the story act like it ah my cat is right i'm always i shall ride into the blue forest and find her now hold on back in a second [Music] oh by the way thanks i don't know why i thank him i can't talk and he can't hear me [Music] okay now where was i oh yes the prince admitted his cat was right and well if you wanted pizza you should have ordered eight of them like i did [Music] the prince said i shall ride into the blue forest and find her now like a man possessed the prince rode his fiery charger out of the castle then off towards the blue forest he was determined not to return until he reached his lady love and convinced her to become his bride [Music] don't get so happy yet it's not that easy meanwhile the dashing cat thought his troubles were over see how it works pop prince john will get her to mirror him the evil viceroy will not become king and all my problems will be solved [Music] not all my problems will be solved [Music] [Music] and this still is a bad color for me [Music] looks like the prince is heading up into the blue forest so like if he convinces the animal lady to marry him what happens to your plan to become king he won't convince her because he won't get to her there's only one road into the blue forest and i've arranged to have it guarded by someone george the blue forest prince john road determined that nothing would stop him from reaching his fair elizabeth but something could stop him he could be stopped by uh the thing that could stop him was oh wait i'm trying to think uh oh good heavens look what time it is i have to go annoy the mailman i'll be right back [Music] oh it's just you garfield i thought maybe you'd have some trick in mind to scare me you know like dressing up as a fire breathing dragon me sweet kindly me fire-breathing dragon huh hmm here's your mail [Applause] scaring the mailman is not nice but it is part of my job description bill bill bill john has jury duty bill fire breathing dragon huh but as prince john made his way into the forest prince john wrote as a man possessed determined to reach the fair elizabeth a man he encountered warned him of the danger that lay ahead a fire-breathing dragon up the road to peace you can't miss him he's a dragon and he breathes fire i will not be denied my true love i am not afraid of any fire-breathing dragon unfortunately my horse is but i will not be denied deeper and deeper into the force he went but there was no sign of this monster he'd been warned about fire-breathing dragon ha what nonsense what foolishness [Music] what am i doing here [Music] no i wouldn't exactly describe prince john is brave er courageous no stupid you're getting warmer i guess the word that best describes him is barbecued i'd say medium rare [Music] somehow the prince made it back to the castle their spirits were down and taxes were going up attacks on using adverbs attacks on clipping your toenails on a wednesday [Music] prince john turns 21 at noon tomorrow if he isn't married that nasty man becomes king what are we gonna do we're not making up your mind um you know that real dumb thing prince john just tried well i hate to say it but i think we have to try too and so the adorable cat and the not too bright dog set off with a blue forest prior to takeoff please make sure that your seat and tray tables are in the upright position and that all electronic devices are powered off are you ready and away we go i hope someone comes by to pass out those little bags of peanuts [Music] they'd gotten about as far as prince john got when [Music] do not be afraid faithful and furry friend there's no reason to be afraid of a fire-breathing dragon all right none whatsoever i'll be back in the castle let me know how things turn out [Music] and there they stood the brave cat in the mediocre dog face to face with the dragon and then and then and then [Music] you know what goes great after pizza a tuna salad sandwich on rye [Music] yo angelo just won another trophy you know how many this makes neither do i they should just give me a trophy for winning the most trophies hey that's an idea i could win a lot of trophies for winning the most trophies oh oh and then i could win a trophy for winning the most trophies for winning the most trophies or not i can't stand cats especially ones who think they're cute yeah and adorable but i am cute and adorable just take a look [Music] we take care of cats who are cute and adorable did i say cute and adorable no no no i meant uh mangy and ugly yuck um disgusting [Music] congratulations you just won this lovely trophy for best performance by a scary dog in a lead role bye um guys let's get that cat this is a bad part of town odie we shouldn't be down here yeah this area is full of folks you don't want to be around see there's normal you're almost being chased by angry dogs if they catch up with him he's a goner oh well you think i should help normal all right come on we can take a shortcut and catch up to him and this was not a smart way for me to run you know guys i'm not really as adorable as i might [Music] garfield wow look at what we have here yeah another cat we don't like looks like we got us a two for one deal here you may think you're good what's he doing beats me sorry i've become infested with mongolian monster fleas they're very contagious quick do what i'm doing [Music] [Music] uh i don't want to get nowhere uh where'd he say they were um mongolian monster fleas let's get away for them all right i think we ought to be someplace else before they come back [Music] garfield you saved my life yeah don't remind me a word of advice normal stay away from places you might get hurt like this neighborhood or my house let's go odie garfield saved my life he really did maybe i had him all wrong i thought garfield didn't like me why did i think that oh maybe it was because all those times he said normal i don't like you today on the show we're going to discuss gratitude gratitude i've heard of that when someone does something nice for you you should display gratitude thank them let them know that you owe them and if someone did you a favor do a favor for them that's the decent thing to do in this world do a favor for garfield oh he's right i should do a favor for garfield i should do lots of favors for garfield he saved my life thanks but i don't need you to do anything for me but there must be something i could do that would please you yeah go away as you wish oh i never thought getting rid of normal could be so easy and it saves on postage i'll celebrate with a couple of desserts i'll tidy up for my friend garfield let's see do i want vanilla chocolate strawberry or pistachio yes all of the above what's going on here normal the vacuum cleaner's too loud what's that getting here garfield vacuum cleaner's too loud my vanilla my chocolate my strawberry my pistachio normal turn that thing off hold on garfield i'll turn this thing off turned it up to super suction [Music] [Music] [Music] garfield liz is coming over and we need to clean up the living room [Applause] [Music] think we overdid it garfield how could you do this but i didn't do it normal did he was trying to tidy up around here and don't try to blame this disaster on cute little normal and don't come back ever wait for your best friend or at least until dinner time oh what am i going to do with this room maybe odie can help me odie odie here boy i don't care what you say garfield i'm gonna help you out after all you did save my life i keep asking you not to remind me normal oh hey hey look who's coming this way she's utterly awesome wanna meet her garfield well i'm pretty happy with arlene nothing's wrong with meeting people she's real good-looking not as good-looking as me but excuse me lovely lady cat do you know my friend garfield this is garfield oh i've heard of garfield yeah he's a hero he saved my life he keeps reminding me plus he's my best friend well any friend of yours is a friend of mine garfield would you like to share a lasagna some evening oh well maybe just a little one size of a small car it's not what you think she found my weakness she mentioned lasagna irene i'll let her go so maybe you lost your lady friend look at the bright side you always have me around buddy i think i figured out how to stop normal from being my friend i saved his life so i just have to get him to save my life then we'll be even brilliant huh well i don't care if you don't think it's brilliant i think it's brilliant so here's what i need you to do i'll take my dear friend garfield a big dish of raisins oh and then maybe i'll get him a pizza with lots and lots of anchovies on it what's wrong nothing's happened to my best friend forever garfield has it what do you mean not yet [Music] garfield's going for a walk in that bad neighborhood where i ran into those tough bully dogs you'll get flattened i have to go help him don't worry my friend i'll protect you he saved my life now i'll save this but the thing to remember in life is to put yourself first because if you don't nobody else will why yes it's important to take care of others but it's also important to take care of yourself you matter too you know he's right i'm normal cat why am i worrying about someone else oh look at the poor cat defenseless kitty walking all by himself i hope nobody bothers him hey i'm not worried nermal will show up and save me and we'll be even and even if he can't save me i'm still not worried i have my mongolian monster flea routine to protect me catwalking alone defenseless with a bad attitude boy when you are in trouble you can't find it [Music] oh you dogs don't scare me my dear friend nerma will show up here any second now to protect me [Music] any second now he's here he's here to save me i just want to tell you i have to take care of myself so you're on your own bye [Music] oh i just remembered [Music] mongolian monster please better run if you don't want to catch them we're not worried not one bit we all went and got flea collars oh [Music] liz says you ought to be up and on your paws in a couple of weeks i can't imagine why you went into that bad neighborhood all by yourself you couldn't have imagined someone was going to come to your rescue could you i'm going to go get your medicine oh and liz says no lasagna or other fattening foods for a couple of months garfield i have the feeling it was in some small teensy way my fault and i'm gonna make it up to you sure so i've decided to stay here and wait on you and be your best friend you're supposed to be in bed garfield not as much as you're gonna be [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks i was almost late for my lunch mayor grafton i have a few questions for you is it true that you have stolen millions from the city yeah well i was never a good man and that you sold city hall to a foreign country oh well actually it was more like a race and that you take bribes you cheat you lie every chance you get well if you've got a quibble over every little thing well can you name one decent helpful thing that you have done as mayor there are so many it's hard to pick just one here you go my little hey those in the pizzas none with the anchovies ah perfect all right dory mush or mozzarella or something [Applause] we'll be back later for dinner i may need to rent a truck what do you mean you can't pull a truck oh our love of being so nice to a cute little pussycattle hey mayo grafton your honor you should pass a law against people not being a nicer to kitty cats huh oh yes yes yes that's my new law a law against a people and not the being the nice uh to cats kitty cats oh mayor you're wonderful then there could even be some money in this here's your sandwich garfield remember our deal i make you sandwiches you take the trash out [Music] another mystery sandwich by arbuckle the only man in the world who puts mayonnaise on salad dressing i called all you reporters here today to announce a new law i've signed it's a law that requires people to be extra nice to kitty cats kitty cats anyone who is a nice work cat will get a ticket and have to pay up i like this law yes and to collect these flies i've called upon our city's official mad scientist professor bonkers yes i have developed a new invention to handle the giving out of tickets the bionic ticket dispenser they are robots programmed to detect when people are not nice to cats [Music] they will identify such people and find them accordingly i'll make them for i mean the city will collect fines from lawbreakers and best of all everyone will be nice to kitty cats [Applause] that's nice garfield but you still have to take the trash out i don't do that kind of work anymore [Music] garfield you come right back here and take the trash out or else ordering cat to do manual labor 25 garfield [Music] this is gonna be great [Music] hungry very hungry oh gee cat are you hungry oh moon agony my whole life is flashing before me and it's a rerun from last season bye-bye oh you poor animal i'm going to get you something to eat maybe some dry cat food or canned artificial meat how about some pork fried dumplings or maybe some uh beef chop soothing chinese food nothing on earth could make me buy you chinese food refusing to feed starving 60 fine i will be back in 10 minutes [Music] hello pagoda palace i'd like to have an order delivered crispy noodles i want crispy noodles i should have gotten the mugu guy pan with extra goo dessert [Music] but i didn't i mean [Music] and i am finding you another 50 for that ugly dress [Music] my favorite all-you-can-eat restaurant no no no that cat is not coming in here again i had to declare bankruptcy the last three times out of all you can eat restaurant dollar fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this is great nobody dares not do as i wish get away from me cat i don't want to get it [Music] stay away from me cats gee everyone's afraid they'll get a ticket if they're around me can't say i blame them [Music] hey garfield isn't it cool nobody's mean to us i mean people aren't usually mean to me because i'm so adorable just what i don't need today normal what they probably mean to you because you're not garfield no don't no no not again let me guess abu dhabi correct mundo and for guessing correctly you have won an all expense paid vacation to a bird daddy make it six because he's so cute see robots no [Music] no nobody will ever come near me not even the pizza delivery boys and i have to be nice to normal i have to get that lot changed city hall this is where the mayor has his office sorry no one allowed inside without a pass help meow he's being mean to a cat the security guard is being mean to a cat go on in thank you huh [Music] best idea i ever had sam the robots are collecting tongue and i wouldn't be surprised if most of it wound up in my pocket if you know what i mean i have a whole plan i drew up here about how i'm going to steal it all i bet people would really like to read this hey you give me that back i'll i'll call you later sam [Music] how dare you steal my plan about street league [Music] wow [Music] [Music] just when you're trying to read someone's always interrupting [Music] uh [Music] boy he's very very crooked you've caused too much trouble for me cat i'm just gonna take care of you mistreating overweight cats one hundred dollars by grabbing [Music] i'm not paying any of these stupid fines besides i'm stealing all the money anyway this was all my scheme to swindle people and [Music] make up please i'm thinking this would not be a good time to plan your re-election campaign [Music] and thanks to a financial plan found in his possession mayor grafton has been arrested and charged with being very very crooked you he was nice work garfield i wonder what's going to happen to those robots that give out tickets i've arranged to have them reprogrammed to do something about your sandwiches mustard on sandwich 50 fine corn beef flies too thin one hundred dollar fine don't take a lot of two hundred dollar fine cheating city out of millions hmm that's wrong but making bad sandwiches that's really a crime [Music] huh [Music] you know i always kind of like ballet dancing but do they have to do it when i'm trying to sleep very good now time for today's lesson ladies welcome to belly dancing for mice and other small rodents today we shall cover pirouettes place the feet slightly about raise the arms and leave it slowly i live to dance yeah well some of us live to eat and eat to live where's vito with my 11 30 a.m pizza delivery did you ever have the feeling that you were being watched good i have a clear view into the house where it looks like [Music] ballet dancing mice 11 30 a.m i'm monitoring the arbuckle home looking for a proper test subject for my new invention the pizza delivery man the perfect test subject first i need to seize control of his mind [Laughter] i'm a hurry mr arbuckle's cat does not like it when his 11 30am pizzas arrive 10 seconds late [Music] it's working i've seized control of his mind you hate delivering pizzas you will no longer deliver pizzas i will no longer deliver pizzas hey it's 11 30 and 10 seconds where are my pizzas no no pizzas for you no pizzas for anyone which i hoped i never hear i hate delivering pizzas i hate making pizzas and delivering pizzas and everything about the pizzas i will never make another pizza as long as i live i will never make another pizza as long as i live vito see it isn't so throw them on the ground stomp on them here here is what i think of pizzas down with pizzas [Music] at last at last i'm getting revenge on that cat for ruining my plans for world domination testing of mind control device unqualified success i press the blue button capture someone's mind then speak it to the microphone to tell them what to do [Music] nathan oh no not now mom i'm working on a plan to conquer and enslave mankind that can't wait nathan first you have to take out the garbage and do your chores but mom don't you but mommy young man garbage first enslaving mankind second oh these kids today where are their priorities take the garbage out yourself mom i will take the garbage out myself mom [Laughter] the effects will only last a few days before they wear off all right now let's see if my invention will work on that dog that lives with the cat [Music] hmm my invention has no effect on the dog named odie i'll try someone else hmm it's a little after 11 30. i'd better start making lasagnas for today [Music] you don't like cats you don't want any cats in your house especially garfield i do not like cats what could have caused vito to do such a horrible thing i can't think of anything worse that could happen i do not like cats i do not want any cats in my house [Music] especially garfield i thought of something worse yes john can't be serious [Music] john what are you doing where are you throwing away all my favorite foods [Music] this is a whole box of crunchy poodle doodles this is the perfect cereal it's loud it has no nutritional value whatsoever and it turns milk purple [Music] now on i only serve one food in this house raisins raisins raisin pie raisin bread raisin stew meatloaf but with raisins instead of the meat no no no you can't be serious no no you can't be serious if you want cereal you may have raisin bran but without the bran which reminds me this still can't be happening to me i can't i still do not like cats this day is not going well at all wait does john suddenly not like me i'm lovable or as lovable as i ever was garfield cat i hate garfield cat are you garfield cat bad i hate garfield cat garfield the chat i hate you i don't know why i i i just do what booty do you hate me do you like me [Music] great i don't know what got into john vito not making pizzas that's like vito not making pizzas hmm the mailman with my luck today he's probably returning normal from abu dhabi postage do [Music] what a joy it is each day to deliver them okay here's what i want you to say i hate delivering the mail i'm going to move to spain and become a beautiful senorita i hate delivering the mail i'm going to move to spain and become a beautiful senorita [Music] [Laughter] i can make anyone do whatever i want mom take out more garbage did you see he started acting odd after he was hit by some sort of ray from across the street that's the house where that bratty mad scientist nathan [Music] come on i must take out the garbage as ordered [Music] i will rule the world everyone will take orders from me the most powerful man alive but first i have to go to a little boy's room oh this must be it some sort of mind control machine i guess what's this thing [Music] my invention has no effect on the dog named of course not you can't control someone's brain if you don't have one let's go back the effects will only last a few days before they wear on and back a little more testing a mind control device unqualified success i press the blue button capture someone's mind then speak into the microphone to tell them what to do that's the secret do you realize what this means it means i can control the world i can make everyone do exactly what i want i can make every single person on the planet get into the pizza delivery business i can make the governor proclaim every day garfield a cat day and i further decree that everyone has to give garfield the cat a nice gift he'll accept cash checks and all major credit cards i could sleep all day and i could sleep all night wait a minute i already do that i can make nermal drusilla minerva and ann ivy all moved to some other show yeah we're gonna go and know other people on the six o'clock news instead i could have the entire planet pre-sculptured so it looks like a giant replica of my head okay so we'll have it orbited by a moon that looks like you all i have to do is push the blue button and talk into the microphone and then cody we have a problem i can't talk oh i'm a cat remember humans can't hear me except for those people out there microphones can't either and i was so looking forward to making the world look like me what are you doing in my lab every time i invent something you come along and ruin my plans i just want to rule the world and make everyone my slaves is that so awful uh yeah it is well i won't let you i'll use my disintegration ray [Music] there's nowhere to hide cat prepare to be disintegrated oh i don't like the sound of that wow i could control that mind of his if i could give him an order into this microphone but i can't but i know who can we just need to borrow something from across the street welcome to belly dancing for mice and other small rodents that would include nathan put your hands over your head stand on point then move in time to some music that'll keep him busy for a few days until the ray wears off [Music] wants to stop him from using his mind control device when it does wear out this it took three seasons but we finally got some culture into the show oh yeah i took the disintegration ray i thought it might come in handy the next time we have a guest appearance by ann ivy [Music] oh [Music] boy what a night what oh you may have noticed that i'm a duck yep i'm a duck and you're probably wondering how i became a duck it happened yesterday and it started in this house just down the block i knew someday my handsome prince would come and rescue me and i knew someday i would find the lovely princess to be my bride true love will always find a way the man [Music] are you watching fairytales again no i'm studying my magic spells don't lie to me young lady you were watching fairy tales again i warned you they'll give you bad dreams fairy tales aren't scary aren't they they are if you're a witch have you seen what they do to witches in fairy tales they burn [Music] i can't believe they showed that stuffed again no no i don't want to hear this well study your spells and don't let me catch you watching or believing in fairy tales again i will find somebody someday won't i somebody who thinks i'm beautiful and who really wants to love me and it really does happen doesn't it never more oh [Music] and while all that was going on in our neighborhood we were out in farm country and you know how much i love that i want to go home gloria's making lasagna for dinner then i want to go home you and gloria seem very happy oh we are john we are ever since we started dating he seems happier and healthier that's how i feel and where do you taste the dinner gloria's making oh i have to check on my lasagna i found myself a great little lady john and don't call me doc boy i haven't called you doc boy yet you will well this was going on winona was studying spells oh i almost forgot in case you missed the earlier episode winona had a crush on john she tried to marry him but fortunately we stopped it in time so john could be with liz but she still had a crush on john and couldn't resist sneaking a peek at what he was doing [Music] oh there he is she makes great lasagna it won't matter when garfield's around and they serve lasagna i never seem to get any yeah john arbuckle is so dreamy i wonder who that guy he's talking to is don't worry john you're my brother i'll make sure you don't brother another armbuckle just don't call me doc boy i didn't know john had a brother and he's just as dreamy did you hear that bird i found my handsome prince at last nevermore and off she went to bag herself her very own arbuckle she had the laugh down but she still wasn't great on her spell [Music] i have one more count of milk i'll be back before dinner is served and don't call me doc boy i have it yet better get your place at the table garfield you don't want to be late i've never been late for lasagna and i don't intend to start now oh and i uh still want to go home [Music] hello my name is winona and i'm going to be your ride oh that's nice john's brother can be slow about a gallon and a half later my bride did you say you were going to be my bride you can't say no to me yes i can watch this no i said no to you oh he's even got a sense of humor it goes with my sense of survival if he wants to play hard to get i can play a long round [Music] don't run mr arbuckle this was meant to be i'll tell you why i want to go home odie it's boring here on the farm nothing ever happens help help we were made for each other hey i know who that is that's mrs cauldron's niece so there's noise duck boy are you all right i'm being chased by a witch who wants to marry me marry him yeah and i knew you called me that boy i can't see who these people are but i better cast some spells so they don't interfere like i said winona wasn't the greatest witch but she did have a copy of magic spells for dummies [Music] she turned john into a squirrel she turned me into a duck hey you can't do this to my friends they're all and she turned audiences i guess i should have picked some other kind of animal oh well finally she swooped up doc boy and carried him off ah let's go get married dog boy [Music] john went off looking for nuts but gloria stuck around a pen oh i don't want to be a horse i want to be that's why well unless we think of something that job is about to be filled the only person who can stop her is her aunt mrs cauldron [Music] you're right none of us can drive but we do have transportation huh [Music] don't worry odie mrs cauldron will know what to do we made it to mrs codrins in no time it was easy for her to change gloria back to gloria [Music] are you all right do you know where you are how many fingers am i holding up cast a long-range spell to turn john back into john [Music] but changing me back to me proved to be more difficult duck into cat duck into cat i can't seem to find it here's duck into aardvark oh you wouldn't want it i didn't think so well the duck spell will wear off eventually we may not have much time i know where she must have taken them i'll take us there this will be a great time to try out my new tricycle brew in no time at all we were airborne [Music] and then even last time than that we were nearing the tower of witchery this is where witches go to marry how to get their warts palace [Music] so you will not take this man to be your lovely with his warlock for sure and do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded witch will it matter if i say no nothing despite this i didn't think so and don't call me doc boy i know pronounce you wait stop the ceremony oh no not again [Music] nona you bad with your girl i just wanted someone to marry me is there anything wrong with that if he doesn't want to rent i guess i'm never gonna find anyone lenovo you're young and by the time i find someone i'll be your age [Music] hey give the kid a break she's got to stop believing in fairy tales why because they don't come true i'm 300 years old and i've never seen a fairy tale come true did you ever believe in them well no well maybe that's why but winona does she believes in true love and happy endings oh those things don't happen in real life they might if you let them happen and in case you haven't noticed you're a witch and i'm a talking cat who got turned into a duck this is not real life hello oh yeah give your niece a break and that's not a bad idea now that's what i call a handsome prince [Music] it's no use i guess some of us weren't meant to ever find true love we all feel that way until we do i always knew you were coming i just didn't think you'd ever show up may i have the honor of this dance [Music] oh well that's pretty much the happy ending of it all winona founded prince glory and doc boy went home and mrs calden wiped out everyone's memory of what happened everyone except me of course someone had to narrate this episode oh and she assures me this duck thing it's gonna wear off in a couple of days or weeks or sometime in the meantime i've decided to enjoy it huh [Music] i've always wanted to fly south for the winter [Music] hmm hey guys wait for me we can stop up for pizza vetos has a discount for ducks [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you get the idea that i like hot dogs i'm sorry pal i'm a lot of hot dogs here's your bill [Music] here's my wallet garfield i said we could stop for a light snack 244 hot dogs is not a light snack here if you leave off the chili [Music] good afternoon mr edge i keep telling you joe call me tyler i'll have the usual did that man say he was tyler edge i didn't hear a word after sorry i'm all out of hot dogs here you go one sick sausage sandwich thanks mr edge tyler i don't have change of a thousand dollar bill keep the change buy yourself a house that is tyler edge i didn't hear a word after six sausage sandwich [Music] cartoonist huh what are you drawing oh nothing really i'm kind of doodling you know looking for a new comic strip character you're tyler edge aren't you well i'm not tyler edge i'm the tyler edge tyler edge tyler edge hmm that name sounds familiar body do you know who tyler edge is of course not you never know anything wait here sorry i need to borrow your computer for a second tyler edge tyler tyler ah here we are tyler edge made his first zillion dollars when he was 16 years old he quickly built the world's largest empire of video games cartoon shows comic books and major motion pictures they call him the man who knows exactly what today's young audiences want to buy thanks i just had to look that up the way you draw is kind of interesting tell you what what did you say your name was john arbuckle no not a good name but okay tell you what bring me a concept and if i think today's audience will go for it i'll make you a very rich man i give you one tip draw and write what you know oh [Music] guys this is the opportunity of a lifetime i want to go right home and go to work okay but on the way home could we stop for more hot dogs i'm thinking maybe a college student who gets stung by a spider and develops spider abilities nah no one would ever read a comic book like that john is having this thing called writer's block do you know what writer's block is odie it's when you stare stupidly at a blank page for days and forget to feed your adorable pets a gerbil a crime-fighting gerbil no no a horse and set in the stone age no two horses and a sailor and the sailor's a robot and they're all fish and radioactive it's been done i'm a failure a failure i can't come up with any new fresh ideas come on odie let's give him a new fresh idea why us of course i get it you think i should drop a comic book about you guys the man is clear on the concept oh it would never work a comic about a cat who eats lasagna and sleeps all day and a dog with a long tongue who would ever be interested in something like that [Music] if i took an idea like that to tyler edge he'd throw me right out of his i give you one tip draw and write what you know huh what you know [Music] i could do a comic about a cat who eats lasagna and sleeps all day yes and a puppy with a long tongue that fetches sticks all the time yes and i could set it in the future and make you both zombie penguins no you're right no zombie penguins this is the greatest idea in the world [Music] and i have so much material for it thank you for agreeing to look at my idea i hope you like it if i like it the world will like lay it on me well it's about a fat orange cat hey [Music] and there's a pea brain puppy here are some drawings i did they're on paper well yeah drawings are usually on paper i can't relate to paper arbuckle i have to see things animated let's go to my animation department oh you mean you're going to have your team of animators animate my comic strip that's fantastic team of animators don't be ridiculous so we got rid of animators years ago it's all done by computers now why pay people to sit and draw all day can you believe it guys you're going to be animated us cartoon characters who would have thought we're working on having the computer create a solid hologram of a character but that's in the future right now it's building computer models based on your drawings all right done now let's see what an episode might look like [Music] [Applause] no i will not go through the stick so you can fix i think it's pretty good well that's because you aren't me first thing the color of the cat is all wrong [Music] maybe blue or beige hey polka dots are popular pink is very big this year i'm hearing they may make the sky pink do you think garfield should be pink like that and i like it i like it now we have to do something about that voiceovers i want some lasagna ah it doesn't fit them i'll try some different ones here but i know we need a celebrity voice i thought i was a celebrity it's very popular these days animated characters voiced by movie stars i'll be back for more lasagna i'm starting to really not like this well okay now what about odie who i'm thinking let's lose the dog [Applause] but odie is an important part of the idea ah nobody wants to see dogs how many hit cartoon shows can you name that have a dog all of them for that matter i'm not so sure about a cat [Music] no no no i don't think so wrong definitely not maybe a cat but a different design couldn't we just let garfield be garfield wait i have it i have it arbuckle the most awesome today vision that's it that's it [Music] tyler what is it what is it arbuckle it's the idea that's gonna make me another jillion dollars and you a couple of bucks i think i'll take my idea somewhere else yay john wait you can't leave you're not getting my full vision here here i'll create a solid hologram of them to show you i thought you said that process wasn't perfected well it isn't but i have to make you see what i see see see how awesome it is no it's horrible get rid of it get rid of me i get rid of you [Music] let's get out of here is he gone he destroyed the computer that projected his hologram you'll never see him again good from the neck down he was pretty ugly my entire computer animation department is destroyed it'll take like years to rebuild it what'll i do till then uh i don't know maybe hire some human beings who know how to draw you just might be honest something arbuckle lucky my drawing survived i'm going to go look for someone who will like my idea enough to keep it the way it is well good luck but i think you're wasting your time what do you think guys oh i don't know odie do you think anyone would watch a cartoon show about a cat that eats lasagna and a puppy with a long tongue yeah me neither [Music] [Music] the greatest threat to the existence of this planet came not from without but from within not from outer space but from deep within the earth's core there for thousands of years the sloth people have dwelled dwelled in a kingdom ruled by their leader king glory my people the time has come for us to conquer the beings who live on the outside of our planet [Applause] this will be easy for they are fat and lazy creatures and we shall make it even easier through the power of procrastination procrastination is the act of putting things off until a later time it's the finest way man has invented to get absolutely nothing accomplished [Applause] here we see a demonstration of world-class procrastination garfield please take out the trash i'll do it tomorrow oh and you were supposed to clean out the garage i'll do it next week and i need you to take a package over to aunt ivy's house i'll do it the century after next putting things off and putting them off and putting them off that is procrastination at its finest [Music] even now all across the surface world our transmission antennas are rising sending out the procrastination rays to every corner of my planet rays that will increase to the maximum everyone's tendency to procrastinate [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so the cosmic energy bombarded the earth instilling in every man woman and child a deep sense that everything can and should be done at another time [Music] [Music] hey you're a fireman bob don't you have a fire to put out yeah but i'll do it later [Music] [Music] soon the state had come to a complete standstill prompting the governor to call a press conference with no one accomplishing anything we have a major crisis in order to get to the bottom of this i'm appointing a special committee one of these days not much matter nobody showed up to hear me anyways i think i'll just go home and do nothing maybe do that later with the surface world paralyzed kingdom began sending his sloth people to seize control of the exterior world conquering the surface people will be simple they won't even lift a finger to fight back is there no one up there who will do anything now no one [Music] well there is one possibility the procrastination ray makes everyone into a total procrastinator however if there is someone who already was like that it will transform them into a total non-procrastinator but how could there be anyone who is that lazy [Music] no i am not going to and even as the ray transformed the puppy into a procrastinator it changed the cat into the exact opposite yes i will throw the stick and i'll throw it now now now [Music] go fetch the stick [Music] what do you mean you fetch it later i can't worry about that i have things to do now garfield became the most ambitious creature on the face of the planet he took out the trash [Music] he cleaned up the garage he even took john's package over to aunt ivy's house don't say anything you're not really in this episode [Music] i'm not due for dinner for three more hours but i think i'll have it now one of the advantages of not putting things off but garfield now seemed to be the only one who felt that way i was going to make a pot roast but i'll do it later no no no do it now oh besides i can't go to the market my paycheck has it arrived paycheck i'll get it for you the mailman wasn't delivering the mail i'll get around to it sooner or later probably later how am i gonna get anything to eat i know vito even vito the pizza maker was well you know where this is going ah my little pussycat i shall make you not one not two but ten delicious pizzas yes yes go do that now as soon as i return for my vacation in italy [Music] won't do anything the mailman won't do anything veto won't do anything what has caused this the cat pondered the problem unaware that its cause was but blocks away how could he have imagined that king gorm and the sloth people from the center of the earth were at the park at that moment blocking to the surface massing to begin the total conquest of the world sloth people conquest of the world tell me more they had used the procrastination ray to i'll tell you some other time no tell me now even the narrator won't do anything i said they were at the park before nightfall the people of earth will be our slaves what good are they what do you mean earth people don't do anything what good are slaves who don't do anything [Music] i hadn't thought of that oh i know once they are our slaves i can push this button to reverse the procrastination rays and make them useful [Music] [Applause] so let us enslave the surface dwellers and then i shall push this button here smiley i'll save you the trouble an earth creature actually doing something seize him hey i'm going to prepare dinner and while i'm cooking i'll throw the stick so you can catch it [Music] i can do two things at once i can do ten things at once mr arbor i brought your mail your paycheck's in here [Music] everywhere he ran the brave cat was pursued by sloth people it must be working my narrator's back he ran as fast as he could but soon he was trapped uh oh like he said give me the device and then we will destroy you wonder what happens if i press this button that says procrastination raised for our sight this creature will be eliminated ah but we could do that later [Applause] [Music] whoa nice of them to label this thing like that for me we shall conquer the surface world but we'll do it a few thousand years from now [Music] [Applause] and so the sloth people and their leader returned to their city at the center of the earth not to be seen again for a long long time [Music] oh hi ot looks like i saved the world again and i guess this episode is just about over all we need is the closing joke the closing joke we always like to end these with me saying something funny so the writer is going to send over a line for me to do oh i should be here any minute yep any minute now probably on its way boy i hope you didn't put it off [Music] [Music] you
Views: 1,227,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garfield, garfieldshow, thegarfieldshow, english, us, cat, new, dog, cartoon, oggi, john, comics
Id: zrbi-dPESNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 40sec (7540 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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