The Gaming Creepypasta Iceberg Explained (Part 1)

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if you've been following my channel for any amount of time you'd know that i really like creepypastas especially of the gaming variety and will take any chance i have to talk about them i was looking around for a while to see if anyone had made an iceberg for gaming creepypastas and i couldn't find one so i guess that means i have to make one myself i'm going to start by saying there are so many gaming creepypastas that i couldn't get through and a lot that i just didn't find interesting i spent the last week and a half just listening to reading and watching videos about all the gaming creepypastas that i could remember it was a lot of research but i think it'll be worth it in the end i'm splitting this video into part so it's not really just one long video and also so we can make this iceberg together as i'd love to get everyone's feedback in the comments each video will discuss a different section of the iceberg so without further ado let's start from the top sonic.exe is a story about a haunted copy of sonic the hedgehog the story begins with a man receiving a game from a friend in the mail the disc that he received came with a warning about the game the note told him that he must destroy the game that an evil entity was tied to it and that he wasn't strong enough to do it himself the man notices that the disc has sonic.exe written on it in black marker he weighs his options but ultimately decides to ignore his friend's request and puts the disc in his computer after installing and booting the exe file the narrator sees the familiar sonic the hedgehog title screen appear a split second after pressing the start button the screen changes from the usual happy sonic to a demonic version of the character sonic had black guys with red pupils in the center and they were bleeding the water in the background was now blood red and the sky had gone black in the bottom left corner he saw sega 666. the screen flashed for a second before it loaded into the character select screen from sonic 3. tails knuckles and dr robotnik were all selectable which the narrator denoted as strange since robotnik was typically the main villain of the game and hadn't been playable at that point in time the narrator selected tails and loaded into the first level the level's title was wrong and it was just called hill act one the first five minutes of the game was just a barren level almost like it was incomplete the music was playing backwards and it started to get lower as tails traveled around eventually tails would come upon the corpses of the animals that he and sonic were supposed to save they were all mutilated in gruesome ways the bodies continued to stack up as tails kept moving to the right tails then found sonic who was just standing there with his eyes closed tails approached sonic slowly as sonic continued to ignore him as soon as tales was close enough to almost touch sonic static banned to cover the screen sonic opened his eyes and revealed the same red dots from the opening screen a message flashed across the screen reading hello do you want to play with me the author talks about how creepy this all was but continued to play anyway what followed was the evil version of sonic chasing tales until he supposedly kills him as the screen turns to black the next few levels are the same thing as the first knuckles runs from sonic but isn't fast enough to escape him dr robotnik is the last character to be killed by the evil sonic once sonic had finished killing off all the characters available in the game an image would pop up on the screen with a demonic picture of him the text on the image read i am god the creepypasta ends with the narrator finding a creepy sonic plush sitting on his bed with bloodstains under his eyes sonica dxd would go on to inspire fan art a total recreation fan game and even its own community totally in love with this evil rendition of sonic [Music] mario 64 damned tells the story of a guy and his girlfriend who are both in love with classic video games and collect them they were pondering over some of their favorite games from their childhoods and stopped on the n64 as their favorite console they discussed which games were the best and also both decided that super mario 64 was the best title to release for the console this led to the pair deciding they wanted to find a copy of the game luckily for them the narrator's uncle owned a video game store which meant they can go and find a copy for hopefully a little cheaper than anywhere else it took a while of searching through bins filled with games before they found the one they were looking for super mario 64. they would also need a nintendo 64 which again luckily for them his uncle had one left in stock as they were about to buy the game the uncle warned him that the game and console had been returned on multiple occasions they had always been returned together and the reason why was a little creepy a few of the customers had reported the game was evil and made in hell that was the reasoning for returning them the uncle never quite bought into it but the game and console were sold and returned on 15 separate occasions paying it no mind the narrator and his girlfriend bought the game but received the console for free along with it the two said their goodbyes with the uncle and went on their way home as soon as they returned home the narrator took out the console and began to hook it up to their living room tv the narrator's girlfriend started up the game while he looked through a box of other n64 games she played with mario's face for a bit on the title screen before starting it up when she got to the save file screen there was already a game save on file 1. the save files were all started but empty with not a single star obtained pair decided to delete the first file and that's when the game froze on them but not before a deafening screech could be heard coming from the tv it was loud enough that they both had to cover their ears they quickly shut the console off and the screeching stopped they turned on the console again to find out the first file they tried to delete now had 66 stars on it they proceeded to try and delete it again the screeching started but was louder this time and the narrator had to pull the plug from the wall after cleaning the game which was pretty dusty i started the game again and all the files were empty this time as a new game usually would be the narrator chucked it all up to the game just being dirty the game played normally until they reached the castle doors opening them started the screeching again but only lasted 30 seconds before the game loaded into big boo's haunt the level didn't quite look right it looked way creepier than it had in previous playthroughs the castle now loomed over mario with blood and rust covering its walls the sky was now a mix of black and red and there were new parts on the castle where there hadn't been previously the narrator started to move mario but as soon as he did something fell from the sky the pair stared in shock at the screen as they saw mario hanging from a noose with cuts all over his body there was blood all over his clothes but the worst part was that mario's mouth and eyes were both sewn shut after the narrator unplugged the console again the pair just sat on the couch for a while to process what they'd just seen the narrator and his girlfriend decided they should call it a knight they decided they would return the game in the morning once the store had opened the narrator lying awake still decided he would try the game again while his girlfriend slept he crept into the living room and started up the console selecting the second game file this time the narrator got more gruesome scenes of mario peach and toad strewn all about the castle mario was strapped to a table and peach along with toad were both already dead the sickening site made the narrator nearly vomit the game continued to show mario pleading for his life to be ended a dark figure simply known as the black mass floated over to mario and began to torture him mario struggled but ultimately could not survive his torment the game ends with the player trying to ascend some stairs and finding a man hanging from the tower it took him a second to realize that the man that was hanging was him he had received the same treatment as mario his mouth and eyes were sewn shut but before he could shut off the game the body double began to scream mario turned and began to wail at the narrator as well the narrator then fell unconscious but not before he saw the black mass hovering over him [Music] the luna game was uploaded to equestria daily a popular brony website is a simple flash game the game wasn't malicious looking in any way so many would go on to download it the game starred luna and had music from super pony beat playing as you jumped around the simplistic world of the game it was a very basic platformer the only goal was to jump from platform to platform after 20 seconds of playing the game one of two very dark images of pinkie pie or applebloom would pop up on the screen these images scared many of the players who didn't expect the jump scare in their brony game a creepy remix of a song from the show would play along with the image when the player tried to shut down the game they found that they couldn't the game couldn't be closed by clicking escape or by pressing alt f4 the only way the game could be closed was by ending the process in the task manager once the game was closed if you checked the folder where the game was downloaded you'd see you had some new images and text files the images were the same pictures you received at the end of your playthrough repeated over and over again the text files on the other hand all said that the end was nigh this was also repeated in multiple files across your folder the game was completely anonymous and no one had come forward which made the game just a bit more creepy it scared many players who all thought it was a virus but it just turned out to be a prank by the developer the game would go on to inspire four more games all with similar gameplay and slightly more creepy images being used the luna game would even get a bit of a story to follow up the creepy prank that scared so many in the brony community [Music] sunny the tragic clown is a creepy pasta about a kid who loves to torture his sims he specifically creates sims just to be killed some were based off of people he knew and some based off famous evil individuals in the original sims if you got your sims moodlets down low enough a clown named sunny would eventually come to your sims lot and try to make them feel better more often than not he would just walk around sadly and not help out at all sonny came to the lot and the author immediately started to torture him as well he was ruining his day and making him more and more sad he was explaining how fun it was to mess with his sims eventually the narrator decides to kill off his sims by starting a fire he put a lit firework in the house and started the fire with his sims inside including sunny this leads to the familiar sound that plays when a fire starts in the sims a few of his sims caught fire and instead of their usual sounds of pain and flailing they seemed more realistic they moved more like a person would instead of how a sim normally would when they were on fire while the sims were screaming in pain they all looked up at the author he was shocked by their pained expressions on their faces they all looked at him like they knew that he was the one who set them on fire when sunny looked at the author he had an evil grin on his face he laughed in a way similar to the joker and wailed while on fire it was a horrifying image that scared the author the pc that the author was playing on shut off he reset the computer and there were visual issues when he started up the sims the game looked different and the sound was completely mute more creepy stuff ensues the creepy paintings in the game keep looking at the author the tv keeps changing to the horror channel and the author keeps receiving creepy messages from sunny the clown sunny the clown would eventually steal a kid like a burglar in the game would the kid sims would scream and cry in an overly realistic way sonny would return and continue until the family was entirely gone the creepypasta ends with all the homes in the game being erased from the world leaving just a graveyard where the author used to torture his sims he had since dropped the game forever and now has a deep-rooted fear of clowns [Music] mario is a creepypasta about a super mario world hack the author downloads from a popular hacking website the game is described as being a mario hack that starts out pretty normally except for the messages in the game being very different one of them reads that mario is the villain and he has kidnapped the princess instead of the usual bowser this whole story makes mario out to be the bad guy it even has yoshi talking about how mario has trapped him in the egg that he was currently in appointed advice block even says i hate you the other advice blocks had different messages written in them as well some stated things like but is there anything i can do to change your mind another says this is the selfish way out a message later in the story would say don't you think you've done enough the author completes the first boss level and gets a disturbing message afterwards this leads the author to the final part of the hack where he is on a long road where he can only walk to the right the author ends up in a world with a black background and small doors that he can't enter going right the author ends up in an area where he can only jump off of a ledge and into a pit jumping into the pit the author finds a pipe the game ends there with the idea that mario had died as the game had crashed the story then picks up when the author found a file in the game's folder that he didn't know what to do with before he changes the file from a text file into an image file and this was shown on the screen with the caption of find me herobrine tells of an encounter that a minecraft player had while playing in his solo world the author was playing minecraft alone but due to having a not very powerful pc had to play the game on a very low draw distance this meant that the further away anything was from the author would appear to be in a fog essentially making the world a little more creepy while the author was roaming around the world he saw another character just outside of the fog he tried to follow him but every time he got close the figure would move just outside of his draw distance when he finally did see the other character he looked just like the default character steve but with white pupillous eyes the figure was gone as quickly as he saw it as the author continued with the game he began to notice tunnels were built in his world while he wasn't playing it strange structures kept popping up everywhere and trees had all their leaves removed the entity would appear just out of the corner of the author's eye but always just out of sight when he turned to look at him he tried to turn up the draw distance but nothing seemed to work finally the author went to the forum to try and figure out if this was happening to anyone else the post would get deleted time and time again eventually they would receive a pm from an account called herobrine that simply said stop heroin would become the boogeyman of minecraft back at the beginning of the game's life in the early days of minecraft everything seemed so mysterious and it almost seemed possible that a character could exist just to haunt the player [Music] zelda 64 beta tells the story of a zelda fan who gets his hands on a red nintendo 64 cartridge with nothing but zelda written on it he gets the game from a friend who received it from a woman whose son had gone missing the friend didn't see the value in it and so he gave the game to the author of the story he took the game home and immediately started playing it the first thing he saw was the title screen just had the legend of zelda written on it nothing really in the background no music and no animation it was eerie for a zelda game which usually had this whimsical and fantasy themed opening he also noticed how the graphics were actually more detailed than ocarina of time which didn't make sense since it was supposed to be the beta for that game the graphics were better for the environment but everything also looked more grotesque and realistic the author would roam the world until finding a dungeon of sorts it was well detailed but the building looked gross dingy and rotten there were blood splatters on certain walls of the dungeon to show where traps were located something not common for the zelda franchise with the whole vibe being creepy and far darker than any previous zelda game had been music began to play inside the dungeon the mori explored it moans were mixed with a discordant violin melody that played in the background the moaning wouldn't loop and it seemed to change based on the mood of what was happening in the game the author goes on to detail a fleshy face built into a wall he had to attack it until it died and once it did a door opened behind the face soon after he realized he was in the tutorial of the game and yet to see what the game truly had to offer the world seemed to expand the more he explored it each time he restarted the game it would have a different layout he would get lost exploring the areas he felt familiar with every time he loaded the game there were monsters that were just arms that would come out of the wall and throw him straight into traps if he was caught other monsters in the game were similar to what they would be like in subsequent zelda games for weeks on end the author would explore the world of zelda 64 beta and find something new every time he played he discovered the gods of that world and the lord that it contained he was unable to stop playing the game the game seemed to know he was playing and was creating new things for him to do the game was changing specifically for him and it wasn't content with him to just stop playing [Music] sally.exe is the unofficial sequel to sonic.exe that follows a similar formula the author finds a copy of sonic's am on ebay and is upset that he never had the option to buy the show in his region as i never released the dvds where he lived so he couldn't let this opportunity pass him up he ordered the dvd and it showed up the next day when he put it into his laptop he noticed that the dvd didn't work but instead just opened the files that were located on the disk in the folder was a file called sally.exe this confused the author but he clicked on the exe file anyways it played one episode of the show the episode where sonic and sally kiss it was an odd episode choice but he was surprised that the file contained only one episode when it claimed to be the whole series eventually the author gets bored and downloads a sonic game from the internet starting it up he notices that the usual sega sound at the beginning has been slowed down to almost sound demonic the game started with amy rose a character that never appeared in the sega genesis sonic games the title screen appeared and tails and knuckles were xed out already the game let the author play as either amy who had holes all over her body or cream after amy and cream had gruesome deaths next came sally sally was the author's favorite character and he couldn't imagine anything bad happening to her you started the level anyway selecting her level he was met with the demonic sonic from sonic.exe the corners of the screen began to close in on sally before they crushed her to death sally later appeared on screen with her eyes stitched shut the author noticed something on the corner of his bed it was a sally plushie but with her eyes also sewn shut [Music] the author was playing games on the xbox live arcade when he got an invitation to an xbox live party chat the invitation didn't have a gamertag attached to it it just said blank has invited you to an xbox live party and when he entered he was the only person in the party the author didn't think much of it as the person who invited him could have left before he joined or could have been a glitch in the system glitches happened often on xbox live and happened just as often in the xbox live party chats whereas the author is about to leave another name popped up in the party it was his name again so there were two of him in the party according to xbox live he thought it was another glitch but said hello anyway a few seconds had passed before an echo of his voice said hello back the author was annoyed but kept talking to himself in chat eventually he would say why don't you come say that to my face maybe i might just do that the voice said back and startled him it was his voice that had responded the other version of him left the chat and he was once again alone the author would receive another message from the other account before his xbox broke with the smell of smoke coming from it he tried to turn it back on and got the red ring of death the problem that a lot of early xbox 360s had the story would end with the narrator getting his xbox fixed and finding dozens of voice messages from the account with his name the final voice message said i'm done waiting i'm coming to get you the last thing the author saw was his avatar on-screen waving but it wasn't at him ben drowned is a story of a haunted nintendo 64 cartridge the game was purchased by the author of the story and follows his descent into madness the author purchased the game while away at college he wanted more games for his nintendo 64 and figured he could find some at a yard sale after searching for a few in his area he decided to check out some over the weekend the author found a few games for a good price but not the game he specifically went out to find that was until he came upon a man standing in his lawn the elder man wore a crooked grin and had a table with paintings on it clearly trying to sell them at his yard sale the author walked over and inquired about if he had any video games the man paused for a moment before retreating into his home while he was inside the author looked through his paintings and noticed that one looked like majora's mask the game he was really hoping to find today the man returns with an old looking grey n64 cartridge the cartridge has majora written on it in black permanent marker it was the exact game that he had been looking for and he was excited even if it wasn't in the best shape the old man gave him the game for free and he took it home too excited to play it popping the game into his console the first thing he noticed was that the old save file was still on the cartridge the file was named ben and the author thought it must have been the old man's grandson or something he ignored the file and started a new one named link underneath it strange things began to happen in the game the townies would all call him link but every once in a while they would call him ben instead which was odd and it must have been a glitch he thought the author went back to the main menu and deleted the first file named ben thinking that would fix the weird glitch issue but it didn't now the townies would call him nothing it was a blank space where his name should be after the author tried to do the fourth day glitch a popular glitch in majora's mask strange things began to happen the main town was now in a twilight zone version of itself the town was empty and the music was playing backwards the occasional laugh of the mask salesman would play very low in the background adding to the ominous feeling link grabbed his neck and the screen flashed for a moment with a picture of the happy masked salesman a few seconds later a creepy link statue appeared and began to follow the author every time he would move the statue would follow him the screen faded and the author was now on top of the clock tower with the skull kid the author fired a few arrows at the school kid before he said that won't do you any good before link was lifted into the air and burst into flames what follows is the author's descent into madness he keeps seeing the happy masked salesman everywhere and the famous lines you've met with a terrible fate haven't you and you shouldn't have done that or repeated over and over again in his head the save select screen has changed to bend around and then would eventually change to your turn the author couldn't sleep as his nightmares were filled with the face of the creepy link statue it followed him in the game and now followed him in his dreams he accepted this was the ghost of ben haunting him ben was a young boy from the neighborhood where the author had bought the game he had drowned as the game has suggested and now he was haunting the majora's mass game cartridge as it was his favorite game the author talks about how he'd used cleverbot to ask if ben had drowned he would post the weird and cryptic conversations he had with the bot some of the conversations confirmed what he had already knew about ben and eventually kleberbot would claim to be ben and that he now haunted his computer the first arc of the story ends with the author explaining how he had sealed away the computer with ben on it and he hoped that the entity would never be able to haunt someone ever again there are two more arcs to the full story and i think i'll talk about those in a separate video all to itself that's the end of part one i hope you enjoyed the video i'll be getting part two up as soon as i can a lot of research goes into these videos and i hope you like them
Channel: Sacrow Gaming
Views: 96,868
Rating: 4.9452214 out of 5
Keywords: The gaming creepypasta iceberg explained, creepypasta iceberg explained, gaming creepypastas, herobrine, sonic.exe, ben drowned, horror youtube, iceberg explained, iceberg creepypasta, creepy iceberg, creepypasta, sacrow gaming, sacrow, horror iceberg, iceberg video, gaming creepypasta iceberg, luna game, mario creepypasta, the gaming creepypasta iceberg, video game creepypastas, the video game creepypasta iceberg, gaming creepypasta iceberg explained, iceberg meme
Id: Or59tNkZYhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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