Disney Iceberg Explained

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hey what's going on guys in this video we're going into the depths of the disney iceberg chart this chart's packed full of obscure and interesting facts and theories but fair warning some of these entries get pretty dark towards the end and if you can be sensitive to certain topics this is your warning if you like these kinds of videos please show your support by dropping a like and consider subscribing for more also don't forget to check out some of my other videos thank you guys enjoy all right guys the first thing we got is train station morse code so at the new orleans square train station you can hear a mysterious beeping and what you're actually hearing is morse code this is one of walt disney's first request for opening day and translated the code says to all who come to disneyland welcome here age relives fond memories of the past and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future the second thing we've got is hidden mickeys this one just refers to the many subtle mickey images hidden throughout the disney park rides attractions and disney movies and from what i could find there are approximately a thousand hidden mickeys but they aren't all confirmed and disney has no list or way of tracking all of these but i think it's just pretty cool and fun for them to do that especially at the parks and things with like buildings and stuff like that all right guys the third thing we got is indiana jones rope and i think this one's talking about the sign that says do not pull this rope outside of the indiana jones ride and a lot of people wondered what this actually did if you pulled it and it's actually nothing really special but it is kind of cool basically when you pull the rope there's a sound that plays and it's a man stuck in the well and it's just pretty cool but nothing much to it all right guys the fourth thing we've got is the green stuff and i think this one's talking about disney's famous go away green and they use this color all over the park on all sorts of things like fences garbage cans walls they basically use it on anything that they don't consider the disney vibe and it's supposed to trick your brain into pretty much ignoring it alright guys the next thing we got is jungle cruise maps and so basically on the jungle cruise ride they have a special thing that they give to riders and it's a map that looks like this anyone can get these but they go on a first come first serve basis and you are required to do a quote-unquote disney task relating to the safari to get one but this is just another cool little easter egg they have in the park and definitely a cool souvenir to have alright guys the next thing we got is the mark twain wheelhouse and so basically at the top of the mark twain you can request to go into the wheelhouse and the wheelhouse is basically where the boat is operated by the captain and not a lot of people know you can actually go up there next thing we got guys is make-a-wish events and i'm sure you guys all know about this one disney's been doing this for years but if you don't basically disney has a non-profit organization called make-a-wish and they helped fulfill wishes of kids with serious illnesses and it's been around since 1980. all right guys pluto interacts with service dogs so if someone walks past pluto with disney with their service dog he'll interact with it and it's pretty much just fun for everyone to see and there's not much to it but this is definitely something i like that they do all right guys getting into level two the first thing we've got is tomorrowland edible plants and so i imagine you would not be at a disney park and think hmm those plants look great to eat but if you're the one person who thinks like this i've got great news for you eighty percent of the plants in tomorrowland are edible and at one point they were all edible but i definitely would not recommend eating the plants because that's just weird and the park drenches them in harmful pesticides so the second thing we've got is exclusive buttons and i think this one just refers to the pins and buttons you can get at disneyland they used to have just married or just engaged buttons but i think they're phasing those out now and there's also buttons like these ones from the disney expo but it could be either of these to be honest so oswald the lucky rabbit was the first character to be created by walt disney and bears a striking resemblance to mickey mouse and this is because lucky is actually mickey's older brother representing the originality of oswald the lucky rabbit being the basis for mickey mouse next thing we got is utilidors and this one's pretty crazy to me i never would have thought about this being a visitor at the park but anyway there's just a large and intricate tunnel system for the employees used to get from one side of the park to another and yeah that's pretty much it so the next thing we've got is andy's coming and this one's almost certainly talking about people yelling andy's coming like the woody actors and things like that and basically it's a common myth that if you say andy's coming the actors in the park will stop what they doing and just fall to the ground and this is not true i'm sure this would be fun but if they did this they would just be doing it the whole [ __ ] day so the next thing we've got is manhole covers and so basically there's these things on the toontown ground and if you stand on them music will begin to play and i think that's pretty cool and they're the ones that are customized and have mickey's on them and i think this is pretty cool of them to do it really just sets the vibe and it's another one of those things that makes you really love disney so the next thing we've got is mad tea party cups have different speeds and basically the two cups on this ride have three different speeds and revolutions and yeah i don't know why they do this to be honest because wouldn't you want to have them all at the same speed to make it more fun and like make them fast yeah whatever i don't know all right guys the first thing we've got in level three is sex and lion king and so i've heard a lot of things about this mainly two but the official explanation is that it says sfx and tribute to their effects team and that's totally possible but it sounds like a good cover story if they're lying and you'll see why i start to doubt this when we get lower into the iceberg alright guys so river country was disney's water park and lots of people wondered why it suddenly closed down one day and the theories that floated around was that the park's water had a brain-eating amoeba in it but the park most likely closed it due to the decrease in demand compared to their main attractions all alright guys okay the little mermaid boner okay so basically this one is making me start to doubt the sfx explanation but basically in the little mermaid you can see something that makes you wonder what's going on over at disney when the priest covering the wedding has a boner and well yeah that's pretty much it but i just i don't know what the [ __ ] world war ii shorts and i'm not talking to wear and kind so disney released a lot of short films during world war ii to promote patriotism and to use during military training and a lot of people would see some of these hitler shorts and think hmm is disney supporting hitler but no he was whenever they did this they were mocking hitler to promote morale in the military and really drive their hate towards germany and the first and most famous of these shorts was donald gets drafted goofy shorts were meant for adults so the goofy shorts were a lot like the other things in this era a little more unleashed for lack of a better term with their subject matter and the best way i can describe it and i hate saying this but it was basically having all the toxic traits that a stereotypical man from the 1940s and 50s would have and that's pretty much it the old snow white ride in 2012 disney shut this ride down and there wasn't much to share about it but it could be said that this ride was maybe just a little bit too scary for children of a younger age and seeing some videos of it it doesn't look anything crazy it's most likely they probably shut this down to a lack of demand or that they wanted to increase happier rides that's why they put a new ride in called princess fairytale hall oh boys we got another funny one so the band tarzan toy is a tarzan toy from 1999 that was banned for another weird thing that disney just happened to make a mistake on and basically i'll just play clip just just watch this so this one's gonna kind of connect with the other ones but the last thing in level three is what made the red man red and this is basically addressing the racist stereotypes with their portrayal of native americans at the time i'm sure this wasn't as bad back then but most companies would definitely not try something like this today all right more racial stuff so the first thing in level four is black stereotypes and if you know about disney you probably know they have had a pretty bad history with the black community in films like dumbo and peter pan there are stereotypical depictions of things about black people and it's just pretty bad next thing we got guys is real bones in the pirates of the caribbean and so basically the pirates of the caribbean ride contain real human bones but years later they were replaced with fake bones and there's still a lot of people that don't believe this and think that they're real bones still on the island so the next thing we got is the rescuers topless woman and in a 1977 home video release of the movie people notice a particular image in one or two of the frames and it was literally a naked woman in the windows like what the [ __ ] disney in 1999 disney issued a recall for the film and can somebody seriously tell me how this [ __ ] keeps sneaking into the final cuts of the movies like sheesh alright guys the next thing we got is song of the south and so going more into depth on the black stereotype century on this iceberg it was released in 1946 and has been talked about ever since for its racist and offensive content people have requested it to be released on disney plus and to home video but home video has never been released and i don't think disney plus will get it either next thing is spreading ashes and so something that disney's had a problem with for years is visitors spreading family member ashes at the parks and it is the happiest place in the world so i can understand why people would want to do that but disney as a business cannot have this happening and they actually have a code word for when this happens and it's hepa cleanup and the custodians at the park will clean up the ashes and dispose of them as far as i know so i wouldn't recommend doing this at disney the next thing is who framed roger rabbit panty shot and this one's talking about the infamous scene in who framed roger rabbit where there's a part of the movie where you can see jessica not wearing underwear this was just explained as some animators being irresponsible and childish when developing the movie and honestly these animators are kind of funny with some of the things they're doing but like being professionals come on this is some [ __ ] i do in a high school project is a joke not a multi-million dollar movie last thing we got in this level guys is a haunted mansion suicide and this is an old theory that upon entering the ride you actually die and it's a pretty creepy ride throughout with the darkness and the tone of death just lingering around and at the end it supposedly makes you commit suicide there's a part of the ride where it turns you backwards and you go off a balcony and this is supposed to represent you jumping to your death all right guys getting into level five the first thing we have is nara dreamland and nara dreamland was a park near nara japan and it was very much basically a knockoff of disney california and after 45 years of operation it shut down in 2006 and it's just completely abandoned now and it's kind of creepy and it reminds me of like chernobyl amusement parks discovery island discovery island was an island and it served as a zoo for disney and it was open for 25 years before closing in 1999 and it's been abandoned ever since until they found a man camping on it who claimed he didn't know it was abandoned but okay lol the next one is sexism and i think this one is kind of like the racism one and it's basically just encompassing all of the bad things face towards women disney has promoted over the years the biggest thing i see people complain about is how little the women talk in their movies and i don't think this is necessarily a problem if it fits the script like i don't want them to just talk just to talk you need to do what works for the movie something else i saw was people complaining about the idea of princesses being beautiful and good looking and saying all women need to look this way kind of thing and all women don't need to look like that but guys it's a movie relax i couldn't find much on the cartoons but i'm sure the older they were the more sexist it was as well okay so this one's pretty crazy it says that disney created furries and so all i could find on this one was that they released bambi at a time when furries were getting popular on the internet and the next best piece of evidence i could find was that they were caught marketing zootopia to furries and this increases the likelihood that they had them as a target audience in the past so the mickey sex tape is a conspiracy that disney made a sex tape of mickey in 1936 this is unconfirmed but i would not be surprised to be honest with all the other sex things disney animators have done over the early parts of the iceberg the next thing is alien encounter was going to be based on aliens and alien encounters a ride in magic kingdom and i think this refers to the original plan for the ride which was that it would be based on the movie alien which came out sometime in the 1970s i don't remember and i don't feel like looking it up but anyway they closed it down when they they deemed it not intense enough which was weird because most visitors enjoyed it a lot for the short time it was open and they also didn't really go through with the alien movie idea because it would violate their rule of thumb that they live by and that's that attractions need to be based on g or pg movies next thing we have is cole black into seven dwarfs and okay so this one's really bad but this cartoon was released in 1943 and portrays blacks in a very stereotypical way and i even see some discrimination towards little people and japanese people and part of it kim of the white line is a big controversy surrounding disney and this cartoon series was made in the 1960s by gotta manga in japan and this series and lion king have a unreasonable amount of similarities leading people to think that disney ripped off this japanese original and to this day we're still waiting for an explanation from disney about this the next thing is lost shorts and there's a [ __ ] ton of disney shorts that are lost in time and there's nothing really dark to analyze in them but i also haven't looked at the hundreds that you can find on the lost media fandom and there's a like like i said there's hundreds of them and there's a lot of weird things you can find and the one i liked was of monsters inc and oh my god i can't imagine slowly being this way in the movie no [ __ ] way shows edited for 911 i couldn't find anything about the shows but i could find that disney edited a scene out of lilo and stitch where you could see a 747 flying around dangerously in a city and with this movie releasing in 2002 it was very close to the tragic terrorist attacks in new york on 911 so they change the scene to a spaceship instead of a plane and replace the buildings with mountains all right guys so like i said in the beginning of the video this is where it starts to get a little more dark so the next few entries deal with a little bit harsher information and this is your warning if that sort of thing bums you out or makes you uncomfortable i'm not going to go super deep into some of these out of respect for these people without any further ado let's get into the deeper entries so the first thing in level 6 is black friday and i think this one's talking about the toy story black friday reel and in this video woody was originally a dictator and he murders buzz and this caused like insane uproar in response to it and cause them to completely recreate the character you can't die at disneyland so this is a theory that you cannot die in disneyland property although passings have occurred at disneyland they have not been declared deceased on park property so in 2004 this man was an employee at disney and one day while there was a parade tragically he got run over by a parade float and passed away rest in peace javier in 1966 a young man tried to sneak into disneyland and he got struck by monorail train killing him on impact rest in peace thomas so the bomber art is almost certainly talking about the art you would see on bomber planes in world war ii and there's not much to it but i actually didn't know these were related to disney i always picture the girl paint jobs on the side if you know what i'm talking about they're pretty cool mickey in vietnam is a one minute short of nicki arriving in vietnam and upon arriving he's shot immediately by an enemy falling over on the beach and i guess this one's kind of commentary on the vietnam war during the time period which was extremely violent where an estimated 1.3 million lives were lost this was another tragic incident involving a young man in 2003 when a wheel fell off the big thunder ride at disney causing it to crash disney settled a lawsuit on this and the family donated 500 000 of the earnings to brooks college in long beach for scholarships for animation students i think that's really good of them to do rest in peace marcelo so the mickey mouse gas masks were introduced in the united states when we entered world war ii and they were given to children under 18 years old and this mask was actually designed by walt disney himself so this one's really disturbing and i'm not even gonna go like at all into details but all i'm gonna say is a woman passed away when she was ejected from her bobsled on the matterhorn bobsleds do your own research on this one if you care to find out rest in peace dolly the first thing on level 7 is the sexual assault allegations and this one covers the allegations that have haunted disney over the years there's too much to cover here but i can tell you in my research i found some very serious allegations and stories against employees executives and visitors another tragic event happened in 1992 when a man took his own life at the epcot after being denied entrance by security he was said to be acting erratically again i'm not going deep into these ones where people lost their lives but the information is viewable online if you wish to find it so this one's pretty [ __ ] crazy too in 2007 the disney channel in new jersey was hijacked by hackers and people expecting their everyday handymanny episodes were unpleasantly surprised by the hardcore porn that was playing instead comcast intensively investigated the incident and i could not find the outcome of the investigation so in june of 2000 there was a crisis involving a 39 year old man his son and a hotel employee the man held the boy an employee hostage at disneyland's hotel after speaking with a female negotiator he finally gave up peacefully thank god black cauldron uncut is talking about a deleted scene in the black cauldron where you can see a rotting corpse and it sounds a lot worse than it is but i can see how this would be a little dark for children of a young age the animal abuse allegations is probably referring to the bird abuse and they had awful conditions for some vultures they housed which ended up passing away as well this landed disney and some employees 16 state and federal charges this is another very sad passing of a young woman at disney in 1973 this young lady passed away at disneyland from being caught between a rotating and stationary wall rest in peace deborah the first thing we've got on level 8 is suicidemouse.avi and this is an old video with an unknown author but it is rumored to be unreleased and made by disney and that has floated around for some time featuring in many creepypastas and the legend goes that upon watching the video it makes you end your life there's really interesting story about it and it looks the credibility it holds definitely is in question but if you guys haven't checked it out the video on youtube is nothing crazy but if it was the real thing it was nothing like the version the theory talked about club 33 is just a very very exclusive club with a 14-year waiting list and a 33 thousand dollar initiation fee and a 15 000 annual fee the history of this is the interesting part because it was once an urban legend and the number 33 was meant to represent the relationship with the freemasons walt is frozen is another legend you guys have definitely all heard for sure but in case you haven't there were many people who believed that walt disney was cryogenically frozen and hidden below the pirates of the caribbean ride so the subliminal messages is something i'm sure you guys are familiar with as well this kind of encompasses all the dirty little messages and easter eggs we find relating to disney like the sex or sfx message in the lion king and the naked lady picture and just things like that the illuminati so all i could find on the connection between disney and the illuminati is that disney is a supposed headquarters of the illuminati and if you don't know what the illuminati is it's basically a secret organization that is said to basically run the world and pull the strings and i can go on about the illuminati for hours there's just way too much info on them so if you want to do your own research on that as well go for it freemasonry is likely talking about the connection between walt being a 33rd degree mason and club 33 there's supposedly no real evidence but i'd also like to add that he was a member of the demolays an international frat sponsored by the freemasons for men of young age so the 1999 hanging i don't know if this one's real but it is said that a child was either hung intentionally or hung himself from the ceiling of the small world ride ending their life i couldn't find anything on this so either it was covered up very well or it never happened it's most likely never happened but it states that riders were suddenly rushed off and told to leave because they found a child's body hanging from the rafters room zero is a creepy pasta and one of the stories written by slime beast and it describes the narrator's life as it begins to unravel after finding more info about the disney corporation and it's a pretty cool series i suggest you guys check them out on your own time also if you're interested abandoned by god is another creepy pasta by slime beast and these things are really long and i don't want to really spoil them because they're really good but i really recommend if you guys are interested in like creepypastas and scary stories and stuff like that you definitely need to check these two out boys that was a big video i hope you enjoyed this it took me a while to make so please show some support by liking the video and subscribing feel free to check out my newest iceberg on stranger things and any other important information will be in the description of the video have a great day peace
Channel: Extended
Views: 88,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disney iceberg chart, disney iceberg explained, iceberg explained disney, disney iceberg, disneyland iceberg, iceberg chart, iceberg explained, pixar iceberg explained, iceberg vid, iceberg charts explained, iceberg charts, iceberg videos explained, new iceberg, iceberg videos, regular show iceberg, icebergs, scary iceberg explained, scary iceberg videos, scary iceberg, horror iceberg, horror iceberg explained, movie iceberg, iceberg, New icebergs, Disney
Id: BqGRN6welK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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