The Future of DayZ? - Arma Reforger's New DayZ Mod

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Armory forgers DayZ is not perfect oh this dude right here are you actually kidding me but it's still something on the new Arma engine that has the new lighting the new textures the new map the new detail the new inventory system that we're likely going to see very much improved in the next Arma game so I'm always excited to jump in these weird mods that pop up but this is just Daisy in Armory forger or more so kind of an arm of wasteland the zombies aren't exactly very Interactive he tried to hit me well the chat at the top left definitely is and that's why it's going to be a little bit uh during this video Arma red forger dead zone is the name if you couldn't catch it at the bottom of your screen with the stamina bar that's slightly off the center interesting game mode let's try it out well hey guys and welcome to Arma reforger DayZ this is a mod for Armory forager or at least a server that I've seen popping up on the server list every now and then and uh I wanted to see what it's like because it seemed really interesting I guess it's Daisy can I chop down trees and build a base I don't know if I can but there is a little bird over there I don't know if I need to like eat food or if it's just uh because I didn't spawn with any oh I have a handgun in my trousers yeah I'd much rather have the handgun than a hatchet oh yeah BDU pants a medical bag of some sort there's a stamina bar at the bottom because yeah we should definitely have a stamina bar I don't know why why mods in Arma always like to add HUD to the game they just add more and more HUD as you go there's a backpack an open vlog backpack okay so they've got little loot tables it seems I'm guessing that I just want to get away from the coast probably the top priority right now but I just don't know where other players like are going or where's the high loot locations and the low loot locations you know I'm not sure this kind of reminds me of the like 80 million Daisy clones that popped up when Daisy first came out there was like there was War Z or something I remember that one H1Z1 was originally a daisy clone then it turned kind of in the Battle Royale or something so yeah at this point I'm just wondering like how easy is it to find other players there's 64 players on this map I have no idea where I'm at I'm pretty sure like I might be uh I don't know now that I'm looking at the map I'm even more lost than I was before yeah this is a this is the big map there's 64 players and this is a huge map so 64 players are spread thin between all these locations like it's gonna be hard to find somebody else hi Kitty what do you want what do you want you want pets oh wow there's a checkpoint up ahead with a truck whoa it's like a military base oh sh okay instant helicopter sound I'm gonna run towards the space really quick I wonder if there's people here if this is an actual point it looks clear whoa okay where's the ammo box there it is it has nothing in it okay okay just a 50 cal bear it just chilling you know totally normal well um okay there's also walks there and they walks in nothing does have these trucks there's a running truck back behind me too dude this thing is so slow no way no I'm not going to this this is so slow never mind like I can run almost as fast as that thing can drive and I'm a lot stealthier on foot we can go see what we can do what what damage we can put upon some poor console players this is cross play by the way like this is uh this is our Marie forger so every everything you see in Armory forgers 100 cross play with Xbox and uh I think that's pretty neat you get a you get a different flavor of people whatever you jump into the mix with console gamers where's this heli wait where is that heli are they Landing I'm so confused they're like right there he's doing some acrobatic flying what the hell is that supposed to be a zombie Sir with all due respect what are you hello he's just chilling there maybe he's a nice guy you know all right you can get really close to them Sprint around nothing oh okay zombie game very scary zombie game oh he's looking he's he's sentient now run all right anti-aliasing must not be turned on because those fence whoa yeah they're fighting let me go to the right here maybe I just love how the loot tables are like yeah give the guy um a Barrett 50 Cals as full as his first rifle that he'll be fine um and then maybe give him an SVD dragging off his backup good weapon balance there maybe I came across like a rare loot spawn location or something but getting a Barrett 50 off the badge seems a little lopsided to me hello yep there's the Dead Guy okay he was shooting zombies maybe he killed that zombie and ran straight into the tent area there it's like a military oh hi zombie it's like a military base area I'm gonna close this behind me stealth mode I think there's a dead guy in the tent there is and I think I just oh I think that's a person standing I can shoot through this bunker oh my gosh you're gone your chest your sternum has been deleted sir the clock on him he's got little pistols he's got mags he's got a helmet like huh there's a helmet there I'll take the helmet oh where did it go I look so dumb now this guy had an rpk yeah I'm gonna get the rpk there is a scar there but I don't think he has any scar mags those are bandages oh he has a vest I'll take the vest all right I'm getting out of here stand up stand up buddy go go go go go go man that is the dumbest looking fast helmet I've ever seen it's probably very early on a production so I don't mean that in a mean way but I look like I'm wearing a little egg for a hat dude I'm taking this thing off as soon as I can this thing looks so dumb it looks like a bowl like a haircut it looks like I just have a really shortcut blonde hair dude they're already finding exploits in Xbox opening Xbox game bar and closing it basically gives auto run while running that's funny people are figuring out ways to auto run with their Xboxes wait you guys take this serious that's the same mood I'm in right now like uh this is kind of a I mean it's definitely the beginning of something right like that there isn't there isn't any modding without kind of goofy game modes like this one I will say like this one I just can't believe how good this game looks though I had a lot of people in the other reforger video that were like oh this game looks like ass this game this game looks terrible it's like do you understand how how much it takes to render far Shadows and and how much it takes to render Shadows like for entire forests like any person that's been experienced in PC games for a while especially games like ARMA 3 Are Gonna Know just how big of an improvement this is like what the hell he must have landed oh no it's flying really low above the trees there's someone in that Tower yo that's crazy I could see them from so far away I'm just gonna try to hit the shot like 900 meters I'm gonna shoot here see where that hits I did I can't even see it I don't know how far that is I could check the map I think this might have range and I don't know where that building is though that building's on oh zoom out zoom out zoom out oh no no no okay there's a big lake it goes I this road goes east to west that's on like the north northwest side of the lake I think yeah it's like there and I'm like here so that's like one two three four five six seven eight eight hundred meters Maybe look at the heli oh gosh yeah I'm not gonna hit that no way okay we're gonna move we're gonna get out of there line of sight as well with this dumb hat dude all right this is the big spooky military base there was 100 people here just a little bit ago I'm [Applause] betting there's someone else here now it's cool about reforger that you can actually sneak now it's like tarkov you can adjust how fast you're walking to be able to sneak through these little Wetland grasses he just walked by foreign how much we could follow him in you know I'm just gonna follow him in distracted from that he's going he's going in right in front of us here he walked all the way to the back he's looking behind himself right now okay he went in [Laughter] he's tracking this poor guy yeah he definitely is he went through that door I've seen the next building already he might have walked through he walks through okay it's an exit here he's up here that kill was a long time coming okay go prone buddy I for some reason like my my controls are messed up a little bit all right I'll get an RPG backpack oh wait no that had to that just replaced my backpack oh no it put his pack into my okay it's weird he's got a much better looking helmet than mine please even if it protects me less just get that dumb helmet off me um man did not have much he had a there's a few nice guns up here though like this scar but I think the scar yeah it's empty it's probably best if I grab this like 249 here let's see what this thing got yeah that's got a whole box mag left I'm definitely going to take this over the uh the 249 or the sorry the M82 I can scope in with the elkan as well so I'm I'm pretty happy with this setup now just to get out of here oh there's a Jeep the Jeep that's gonna be a lot better wait there's a person there the hail okay oh that's glitched person just like logged in is this a spawn area talking one second oh Jesus you just saw me the zombie they were both talking to each other they said something okay six and then bandage myself oh that was so glitchy dude the fence just like just like clothesline 249 Tracer belt this is oh it's a mark 48. oh okay Chelsea look at the screen okay [Laughter] you're probably wondering how I got into this hello yeah I just clicked it on again this game does look pretty good it does these Interiors are nice right way better than Arma 3. yeah I had like people in my last flowers in it yeah it is you know that's exactly what it is you're exactly right M249 belt I just like this guy hey he went to go tell his friend and then they started pushing me the dude had a pistol out started pushing me with a pistol I'm like bro I'm shooting fully auto at you there is no chance yeah and then the fence caught my gun because in this game if you put your Barrel too close to something it goes back and I can't shoot now which is dumb I still should be able to like shoot so if there's a fence there I can shoot through the fence let's try here yeah they're just dumb like allow me to shoot my gun even if I'm like this just make the gun go back yeah yeah it's just it's not fully complete like you should be able to like the fingers still on the trigger oh look at the cut I have in my hand oh that's how bad I get a little infection or something that's really high def actually really high depth oh you need to cover that baby nah nah I'm gonna rub some dirt in it look I can extract Apple oh what's weird is that like I don't think these do anything blueberry look at that HD Apple one sec though it's actually really impressive that's like a real Apple texture that's a really weird that that don't think about it don't you dare you are disgusting slightly fat looking you're disgusting that's not even like a clear Arrow though you're disgusting why would you ever think that whoa that scared the out of me yo I died I died so fast someone shot me no that's like hacker moves that was a one shot it was a good shot it's probably the one PC player in this entire server what was a guy just do this what up gamer no don't hit me I'm just gonna go past you [Music] laughs don't get up don't get up I'm not awful it's day-z dude I'm impressed with the textures in this game costumes character who killed him oh my God his jacket is like bloody yeah I kind of cut them up a little bit Chelsea [Music] I'm a menace the poor man he's perfectly fine he's perfectly fine his boots are fine he didn't want his boots no I already got boots yeah I'm gonna go talk to his friend now be like hey buddy yeah there's just some crazy Hatchet guy over there I kill him he's dead on this he's dead in the middle of the street wait zombie zombie zombie okay turns just cash I love the idol animation it's so human he just light turned he tried to hit me I have to be in front of him yeah you do or in his vision there's someone shooting at him someone's shooting at him they're angry they're shooting a lot of them oh he's up on that Hill [Applause] bunk we're the guy in the Humvee go oh he crashed he crashed he's in the arm doing that there's always someone to shoot you in the back yeah it might have been him I don't know I mean bro look at where you're at this is Daisy it's like this is everybody's like spending 24 oh there's dude right here oh my gosh what what oh you're kidding me you miss every single shot I wasn't missing oh you weren't dude that was so goofy this is a goofy game that was the goofiest fight I've ever had I've laid from because I'm like I can't run he didn't see me [Laughter] oh wow that lighting maybe it was because he was like wearing armor or something I don't know man he was just eat like I was hitting him yeah it must have been server yep not there no movement out there I think that building off uh oh that's wrong button whoa buddy was that at me did you hit was was it close all right I'll give you I'll give you a chance all right I'll give you a chance laughs look whoop s whoa whoa whoa hey hey chill out there bud chill out all right look both of us are just trying to get some grub you know we're both chilling no worries I don't think I can trust you bro we just grabbing the grub no worries if if you want to chill in that building I'll chill in this but I don't know you have to put that gun down over here would you say there wasn't anything over there no there ain't over here wait how you want to go with this how do you are we are we friends or are we duking it out up to you well well seeing that you have all the weaponry and I have a question I do have a PKM with a few hundred rounds of ammunition I am ready for world war three I don't know what do you want to do bro what do you want to do I'm asking you it's all hey you shot first you're the decider all right [Laughter] this is a gentleman's game this isn't Call of Duty hey is the vehicle coming there's a vehicle coming I'm your friend one sec thank you yeah yeah come here I'll give you I'll give you my PKM come here not lying come here I think I got him but I'm not sure I'm not gonna kill you come on oh he's throwing smokes was that your smoke that's his he's still alive okay okay here here uh there's pecan it's got 100 or 50 rounds left I think well he's stuck out there I might use that smoke I might just try it you know what godspeed you sir I'm gonna try to just push him for for the meme oh no oh no he killed my buddy well he's got friends killed that one all right now to get out of this sticky situation oh I see him I see him oh whoa he sees me too you know I'm just gonna dominance dominance oh I'm out of ammo oh geez if he shoots again I'm suppressing [Laughter] my poor buddy if I got this guy would that spray out of the bunker that's gonna be really funny if I did I don't see him there's a third person picking everything yeah I didn't get him that's the guy that I shot thank you I don't know where this dude went he must have ran out he ran out this backside shoot he just got a car he just drove into that bunker wait is there a bunker here what the heck wait wait wait wait wait I'm confused now he went into the military complex here I think [Applause] there he is up all right well guys that's Daisy reforger hopefully you enjoyed it kind of a goofy game mode but you know what you can still have some fun it's kind of like an armor Wasteland sort of thing uh definitely early on in production definitely prototype phase I don't think the devs are gonna say that this is done in any way with the zombies standing perfectly still but you still get part of that Daisy Vibe and it's console too so if you don't want to play DayZ on Console you have Armory forger Daisy but hope you had fun watching I'll see you in the next one thank you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 521,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mvajFA8wWTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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