MOUNTAIN SURVIVAL in the Newest DAYZ! - Arma Reforger's DeadZone Mod

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howdy Gamers drewski here and this is Armory forger's version of DayZ expansive map shoddy hit reg mountains and modded gear for you to adapt your Loadout to your survival needs it's very early on and reforger is still a beautiful yet clunky game but every time I return I see that light at the end of the tunnel I'm confident that Arma 4 is going to revive that feeling we all got when we first step foot on janaris or Altus and in today's episode we're joined by my buddy SATA who will show us the ropes on the long range sniping in player ambushes that are possible within this mode also double check you're subscribed when I mentioned in the last few videos we gained 30 000 subscribers in just a month and for me that's a lot so thanks to you guys we blew just passed 1.7 mils on our way to 2 million Subs baby super fast thank you a lot so what makes reporter so special well you'll just have to watch to find out hello welcome to my humble abode oh where are you oh here all right which one's yours a little shed or the magic house no the little shed all right yeah yeah you've got a little little bit of hay in there to like live in yeah munch on you know no but if you've seen the um the edge of the water dude it's like this is like the starfish and all that oh yeah I see them see the coral oh yeah the starfish isn't that actually insane so if we get hungry bro starfish on the menu yeah exactly are those edible I don't know actually I know people eat uh them sea cucumber things yeah like octopus is edible but I don't know about starfish starfish yeah I don't know man you know what I like too is that there's no map like we don't start with a map and I have no clue where I am oh that's what yeah I mean that's gonna be our mission bro actually yes I um I would really love to show you that secret bunker but we do need a map because I know the name of where it is it's a place called wreck on and it's at the south of the map up in the hill and the hill is called something like all mountain or something I'm trying to see if this Shadow is moving to see where the sun is moving but this I don't think oh wait oh okay the Sun is going up right now so it's morning time uh so that's East yeah it's rising in East so we're on the east side I think oh no you know what is this town too so it's this way so I think we're on the south east side of the island and then these are the mountains these this is the mountain that's on the right side of that town the East Side bro I think it's up yes and then there's the castle on the other side of the Town yes yes it's opposite it's opposite that castle yeah so what we want to do really is go up the hill opposite that mountain foot Castle or whatever it's called okay so this is all right and that's where the secret caves are and the bunker the bunkers right on the coast and the the caves are sort of in the middle of that Hill somewhere and in the caves that right at the back there's these well hopefully still but there's these boxes that have got um RPGs and landmines in hopefully well you can oh no we're kind of a melee oh no it is I have killed a few people meleeing before it's quite well it's it's stupid really it looks so stupid remember in ARMA 2 DayZ or there was the uh the ax that you could melee and it had 999 ammunition oh yeah you had to reload it yeah yeah uh which way do we go I guess I guess this way bro I'm actually following you that's your that's your biggest mistake the funny thing about the ax though is if you hit trees and stuff it's it like ricocheted so yeah I can remember that you could you could freak people out like they were being shot at it'd be like yeah because it was uh yeah because it wouldn't it wasn't like an actual melee weapon it just was a point blank like 100 kill gun ah yeah yeah yeah see this is what you know this is you're the man there dude knowing that stuff you know you're the man isn't this actually beautiful oh yeah this is so good looking I think it is really good it's really good loot in here you I think that was the door creaking open behind it yeah yeah look how good the Interiors look too oh mate is 10 out of 10. like the wood panels on these walls are all like imperfect and sticking out I got a very close rifle to an m110 you got the M24 nope I'm coming down to show you you got the M21 nope I gotta here here come come back come back come back got a scar oh nice bro silent Sky Silence with the rco very nice wow this acock's pretty nice too it's a nice room all right you're the man at the moment you've got to protect your boy Sarah if we if we're getting any uh let's find a gun yeah man is there aren't any other guns yeah especially having a PKM just that means I can we can spray like us both we both have snipers or dmrs as well as lmgs or mmgs yeah I mean if we see a vehicle we can just spray it down with these that's the plan all right let's go I'm all right I'm not 100 on this bro but I think to the left here is a cave which might have land mines in okay and to the right is that secret bunker okay it's what would you prefer you're you you know best I actually don't bro I might be complete to be honest I might be completely wrong but I don't think I am let's let's go let's go right and see if we can find that bunker dude I I would guess that the bunker is near a lot of like collected rocks right and it was at the top of a hill you're right I think it might be that in a distance is it yeah yeah look there's the uh is that oh is that the pipe is that the uh one sec oh gosh is yes it's actually gone out of view distance when I zoom in I see yeah I have the same effect I see a pipe coming up off the ground should we get in there so we can get some yeah yeah I'm gonna uh be a bit careful here she'll shut the door behind us yeah I'll shut it remember no Russian [Laughter] what don't don't rush in yeah is that what you're saying yeah yeah don't don't rush in oh they're they're nice trousers there bro look at the camo on there oh that's a PK wait is that a PK unboxing oh no that's a 14-5 or wait I'm confused oh that's a 250 round belt for a PKM that's a biggen okay and MRE look at all that there some biscuits and some oh yeah have you watched those those videos of a hundred year old MREs on YouTube I have seen yes okay oh what is M60 oh there's a RPG there MPG yep oh I don't know if what the hell is that no it's like M2 digital camo saw that's a that's an AK of yeah some sort PMAG that's like a tarkov okay now now bro I know you're a very knowledgeable man what is this thing here dude what do you think that is uh whatever that is don't put your PP in it yeah I mean last time I was here what we were talking about was that's like a kind of control center maybe for missiles and wouldn't it be cool if that Lake down there oh if you've seen like James Bond where it opened the Lake opens up and like the missile comes out straight away I am it yeah this is that town that I was sniping bro down there with dm110 there's quite a lot of activity down there because the Castle's on the other Hill uh-huh yeah I am wait I actually see movement down there okay far that town that you just pointed at there's a shed there's a there's a bridge on the left side of the town immediately right of that there's a shed there's a guy at the shed out in the middle of the street right now so we got down there so we can uh yeah yeah yeah yeah he's um if you look at the bottom left of that town look a little bit more to the right yep right there I say to I see the bridge but I don't see him there's a little bridge and there's a Red Roof house just bottom right of the bridge he's at that house oh yeah I see that yeah dude there's apartments here them apartments are new oh yeah they are whoa are they yeah yeah they definitely yeah they they 100 and they I've never seen that before trying to see if you can tap this guy I don't oh I don't know with this ACOG I definitely don't have the Jonah try the same 21. uh I don't know I feel like I'm not gonna make that shot I don't know the ballistics of this game very well what is going on down here you know what in this town uh there's a you has two there's a fuel truck down yeah there is yeah to the right and there's oh yeah there's two trucks in that town there's one in the center near the big tan building with Red Roof oh I see a guy running Chris Crossing yep just saw him too yep he's unarmed it seems I don't think that's the original guy that I saw though I could probably touch him now if he I don't know if I should shoot he's just just from target practice Yeah if he goes go in that house I might go in that vehicle yep range probably I don't know that's like 400 meters maybe five but then we're also aiming downhill I don't know if that comes into hey Ice yeah I'll probably range to 300 and pray to the arm of Gods uh-huh did he go in that Greenhouse yeah he did there he is coming up popping out he's got a backpack yeah he has got a gun too areas yeah he's got a pistol yeah yeah he's gonna go for that truck yeah yeah should we hit him when he goes in that shot yeah Rosie jumps in oh no oh yeah yep there he goes you ready yeah oh oh come on come on Brian oh you're paranoid he's paranoid looking around if he only knew how lucky he was there bro oh my God so he's literally like yo I shouldn't get in there and I've lost this guy okay oh no he's got in a truck he's in the truck he's in the truck oh he is ah I just didn't quite I just saw his head in the truck my shots were closer than I thought I'd be able to shoot oh wait no people just go and he's still going he's still good he might abandoned or something yeah I can't do that's quite a little way for me now oh that's so close I don't hear you shooting yeah I'm shooting oh that's my last round damn he's out of my sight oh wow I mean that's a far shot that's something like my my bullet time was like two seconds maybe yeah yeah I just dance oh I just yeah I don't think I was quite range right I just saw his head in there like if I was a bit better range I can't believe he just like disappeared from the house I was looking at to do back there hey what you're feeling bro I mean we've got to get you more ammo haven't we I've got tons of PKM ammo that's the thing I'm I'm ready for a Close Quarters Ambush yeah we need uh do you wanna do you wanna go down into town then bro should we oh wait I see a guy um yeah I see one pixel down there at the at the river where it comes in uh into the sea there is there's a guy right there where the river Hits the Sea he's crossing the Rocks right now [Music] yeah where the river Hits the Sea there's a bridge on the left door yeah yeah yeah this town oh there's a truck truck uh opposite side of the of the of the lake the river where the river meets the ocean again oh yes yeah it's a bit too far for me bro if he's going on the main road he's probably trying to get up the coast will you try an ambush he just yeah he just stopped I'm gonna go up the the um I can't think of what to say I'm gonna go to the right I think he's gonna out oh gunshots don't hear them I need to get a lot closer yeah I'm going towards those two apartments okay I'm still making my way I'm still quite way up the hill bro gotcha gotcha oh wow I can hear his truck he might be coming up to the apartments I'm yeah I hear him I'm above the apartments now okay yep yep I think he stopped here okay I'm I'm very close all right is that you right down there I just proned in the tree line before the apartments oh that must have been you I saw yeah I see are you still prone no I just got up I'm standing yeah I'm directly behind you I'm directly behind you yep yep okay yeah he just stopped okay he's gotta be just in front of us somewhere he's yeah yeah he's got to be kind in them Apartments I'm I have I feel safety in this bush but I don't know you're going in okay I hit a vehicle yeah I'm gonna go the low side here and see if I can look on top of it yeah I'm going right side yeah he's they've got out I hear the vehicle got one yep very nice I'm pushing around the right side okay I'm holding the left on the flicker I'm at the apartment so I'm at the apartments now I've got a PKM and a big tan helmet okay yeah I I killed one his truck's right here I don't I think he went into one building he looted it and then he walked out and I killed him is that you running yeah you hear me I'm down below I'm right beside the truck yeah there's two guys down here two guys no I'm dead oh wait I think I'm still Revival I killed him I think I'm Revival killed it okay I'm coming I'm coming wait did he get back up I think he got back up what the [ __ ] wait there's stairs no no no I think he was the guy that I shot we'll hold tabs select bandage I just I just killed him I just okay okay coming to you yeah I think I can be wait I'm getting back up yes boy what wait so I needed to finish him off I guess yes yeah yes sometimes be careful it's not more bro okay yeah he got up and killed me that's weird I'm shooting him yeah he's so dead bro double make sure okay I need to ban it just double dead ah shoot what's the bandage key six um six and then bandage yourself okay I got it I got it oh man that's lucky I didn't know he was gonna get back up I'm just gonna check this vehicle see if there's anything in there oh mate I'm so glad you didn't die man that was close uh I just saw two guys right next to each other I was like what yeah that was just him getting back up that was weird yeah yeah but I thought that you were the guy that killed him so I was like all right I'm not going to shoot I'm dead I'm dead I'm behind you I'm behind you okay yeah it's just some Barracks buildings here I guess oh oh god oh I'm dead yeah I'm dead dead I'm dead dead okay [ __ ] up the hill for sure yeah yeah oh damn so okay that guy that just sniped us was up the hill with us he must have been yeah he's still shooting at your body he's still hitting your body yeah he's making sure I don't get back up now if I see him I'll make sure he don't get back up there's two of them I'm gonna Rush his ass thing is as soon as I start rushing he's gonna hear oh no oh they get you I I heard him run away so I thought right I'm gonna push and as I pushed out he was just facing me oh my gosh oh I've run out the door and we just oh mate he there must have been two I must have heard someone out dang oh damn bro oh God that got the old heart going bro they were just I wonder like what gunshots like where they were coming from because they were scanning for so long there was no other activity there was some gunshots in the distance but they were very far I mean to be honest it might not have been the sniper that you know I don't know it might be somebody else to come up I really don't know so to the right is that the docks yeah are we right at the dogs where it happened uh we're we're Inland from that place this isn't the town that we were looking at I think this is the next town over I really need to get a gun check it check anything yeah yeah there's gunshots still over there oh I reckon it's probably kicking off though mm-hmm because my instinct is that the guy that killed me was not with that sniper yeah I think it's a lot of different teams that are all kind of fresh spawns and they're pushing up there to see if they can get some get some grub yeah he was very good though oh there's a Jeep here just that oh we could drive right up there once once we get you a gun like your style brother uh did you go downhill uh from is that you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah damn we've both good at spotting aren't we as soon as we got on that road is that you yeah yeah yeah straight away bro bloody spotted each other immediately it was crazy dude your Uber has arrived thank you sir let's go do a stealth maneuver here uh kidai Kate I'm gonna do we're gonna you have to get up to speed right and then are you gonna spice bar right stealth mode oh this is what I used to do in armor too bro and then now I jump on the uh tow missile on the back or the big uh 50 cal as as I'm rolling up oh Big Town oh there's a there's the truck right there okay wait should we go into this town I guess so uh I got faith in you you're gonna destroy them all yes I I don't know I don't know if we should go into the trees behind we can definitely let's see if we can get you a gun yeah yeah um so I'm gonna pull off to the right here oh [ __ ] yeah this did you I love that little stealth thing that was cool so the thing is I've only got one mag oh they're shooting yep [ __ ] okay this is the last building I'll cross him right I'm crossing the road to your side I'm going uphill uh from this compound into the forest I'm gonna try to flank that sniper yeah bro I'm gonna Vape for you dude okay I see you going out there I'm gonna run to them apartments and try talking to him and then you [ __ ] kill him Roger Roger okay I'm pretty good at accent friendly all right I'm going to the apartments now I'm going to drop that them shots sound like they're up the hill yeah they definitely are that's the sniper guy for sure I'm running to the apartments just fresh bull no gun okay I'm gonna drive my backpack and go super super slick okay bro I've got 30 rounds this is dirty tactics but you know it was fair in Love and War right bro probably just gonna get there's smoke going off there at the uh just in front of the apartments where exactly where we was he's been sniped at and he's put smoke down that's what's going on okay oh this has been like a real bad idea now I'm take your time because I'm gonna really take it slow once I'm up here trying to find this Sniper I'm in a bad spot actually I'm right at the vehicle dude okay okay see this tactic's terrible I'm running away to get a gun I might get killed here just take it slow so you can hear footsteps I'm just running away yeah I think he's been sniped at and he's put down smoke yeah I'm up near where that last shot was yeah I've actually got a little actually I can just I can be sneaky I can be your recon there dude because I think whoever sniped me is probably still sniping yeah bro I've got perfect view now on the entrance to them barracks on the vehicle so I can tell you if I see him okay yeah I don't see anyone down there tells that's a person I've actually got a pretty decent view up that hill as well I might see a guy I don't know what I'm looking at I'm looking at some pixels on a rock yes I just saw that bro like a square Rock right a chopper coming too yep yeah yeah bro I just spotted that too there's a uh just a really like weirdly Square Rock like a little house oh I see a guy I see you I see the sniper I'm about to go flank him I 100 just buy them I saw him buy a few pixels man oh helicopter going over yeah yeah is he on the Rock he's on a rock prone yeah I see him bro I see him holy [ __ ] bro this is load oh all right could you yeah you killed that dude definitely going to be distracted now do you want me to distract him and run out here no I think I'm about to get him I see him right now whoa oh no take your time bro yeah he doesn't see me oh he does he's very dead yes I think this is his mate come to pick him up yep really good job SVD sniper oh you cheeky little boy he has an M9 I had an M9 I don't know if this is him I'm gonna just run into the trees right now that heli is circling who the hell he's coming heady's coming back bro yeah really low really low I'm totally hidden now this Haley's oh he's scanning he's looking yeah how many more SVD Max I think he was out of ammo oh wait no no looks like he's gonna land bro above you the chopper um this guy was out of ammo but he had another AK mag so I've actually I think I can reload please have that chocolate that Chopper just landed oh no what's he doing he's scanning they they've definitely got buddies around here yeah he is I need to get myself a gun here dude man the the amount of pixels that that guy like took up on my screen was maybe five and I just saw this tiny little Shimmer on the Rock and it was him move it was his Alice pack moving a little bit as he crawled around oh shots yeah yeah shots mate I'm gonna go for a ballsy movie I'm gonna run back to them Barracks dude yeah I I'm gonna I'm gonna come meet you down there I'm gonna go clear the forest oh I wouldn't come down here bro I don't want you getting killed that's the thing though all I've got is a MAG so if I can get any like I don't even have much right now okay I'll go into the barracks right now okay I killed the sniper OverWatch yeah let me uh just go in there and see what happens bro because I've got nothing to do I'll take it slow I'll take it slow I'm in the trees just above the barracks now I'm at the vehicle okay this was definitely the guy that got me that's crazy Revenge brother right I'm at the barracks okay I see a gun here if you see any SVD or any mags take them see it might Land look how close it is he's going so close to the forest oh yeah I've got an RPG bro if he comes back I'm gonna go for it oh he's circling right above me he's right above me right now yeah yeah I'll call RPG if he gets if he gets static bro oh I see him I see him I see him but there's all PKS and everything down here bro okay he's definitely scouting out for someone I think that's his only purpose because he's not Landing he's not transporting he's calling out someone's gonna push up here soon yep um I'll run in I'll grab what I can and what do you need bro I can grab just just ak ammo so just any ak ammo there's a law here too bro I just need a rifle there's uh plenty of guns here bro okay guns uh oh I'll come in I'll come in this m4a okay okay I just don't need to get bloody yeah we'll just we'll just go fast let's get in and get out within a minute from now yeah I'm going in the other Barracks now okay yeah there's nobody here dude there's nobody here in Barracks yeah I'm coming I'm this is me running in now okay okay oh yeah that's my yo yo that's my PKM yeah there's another PK here I've actually didn't take that okay uh all right I was a is that there's a police vest here if you need it to yeah I got one I got one thank you though okay I I reckon someone's gonna come here in a second yeah I reckon I reckon he's scouted out yeah should we get in a better position should we get out of here yeah we can we can that was awesome bro so what what the hell happened to you then I just do not know Dad I was wacky the guy that killed me like who the hell was that guy why didn't you take my guns like who was the sniper why was he sitting up there with no ammo like so many questions bro I'm actually heading down to the road now okay yeah I see you I'm uh 200 meters to your right oh Helly again a chalk yeah yeah yeah he comes low if he comes low I've got this RPG bro he's got someone in the co-pilot see that's the same Chopper because he's slightly smoking yeah I'm gonna I'm just gonna binocular him right now now what what is his purpose in life right now I don't know he's just transporting his friends or scouting or he's heading away he's up to oh it's no good in the neighborhood he just Dove below that that Hill yeah he did that on that Hill up there too I thought he was Landing are you in this town dude I know I'm I'm watching over you I'm to your right in the tree line I'm just looking over everything I've got but binoculars actually which I really I like binos I like sitting and looking and the Jeep is like a wait I hear talking I hear talk shows right here no you're right yeah no this guy right here the [ __ ] there's a guy right here on my on the side of the town that we came from he's talking we're up in the forest he no he's yeah oh if the sun direction is South he's East ER he's saying yeah he's saying I won't even shoot you I don't even have a gun bro you're having the most mad experiences he's there's a person here I can't see him I don't know where he is I think he's in a dumpster shut up hello hello I hear you talking hello I can hear you he's Sun direction from me he's South is this you just running we've been watching the town and we were like where the heck did this guy come from my friend pulled you in the dumpster oh you was in the dumpster she was in this Santa that is not you what that is me bro you can't recognized that's funny who is this all right I'm just uh I'm just a friendly person oh well much love brother I mean we're not a dirty thing to you oh man you're a kidded we've had a tough time we weren't very kidded five minutes ago oh man oh nice one bro do you do you know anything about the helicopter that's patrolling around do you have any any any strategic information uh like what I don't know were you playing with friends or are you playing solo no I'm just so low okay here bud let me uh here I've died a couple times so it's okay oh bless you man but this game is amazing I'm glad arm is back here I'll give you I'll give you a I'll give you an M9 there you go please don't kill us man you're too nuts I don't have Mages it's got a few rounds for you okay well thanks guys but y'all have a good day yes yeah it's nice meeting you bro nice meeting you this that's funny take care yeah see that is crazy all right Jeep is over here that's funny yeah cause I was watching over the whole town and then I just hear a voice like out of out of a dumpster you cracked me up man when you said he's in a dumb stuff like what cause the voice was just coming from a dumpster dude that was so weird I instantly just goes is that Santa I'm like what you immediately knew so weird he just loves his armor Tony he's having a great time yeah isn't that crazy how people recognize us through just the voices you know yeah I think it's literally just a game though you know like armor fans and yeah you know we've been doing this a while the old time yeah yeah yeah I think just a fresh one truck right there this is spooky I just feel like a graveyard we're driving through yeah dudes that was running as well I think yeah I would really like there's another truck to our left I'd really like to get another sniper yeah I don't I don't know if stuff spawns in it but it might be worth checking yeah yeah oh there is a M21 in here bro you want it uh you take it you take it I feel like you've got more sniper experience than I do I don't know about that brother uh but then again I'm dropping the PKM for that I don't know that's a hard one because I want my RPG this is too hard bro I've got an SVD that's empty so I can grab that but uh let me see yeah I'm going to take the PK okay I'll take the I don't take the M21 just because I've got no ammo for the SVD pack as well that way we can both have something um we need to we'll hit up the next town we'll head up to the next town yeah yeah yeah I really want to do an ambush now I'm really in that mood isn't it all the physicality around the vehicles now yes bro yes yeah there's a big town over this hill we can go oh wait there's a military base to our front left yeah yeah I know where military base is it's just over this hill to our front left we can go up there that's where that Chopper went though isn't it uh he was he was more straight left of us he was I think they were in the town the coastal town that's on the uh west side of this hill to our left I'm in this isn't even the the base either it's down below us mate there's so much gear here really okay cool okay I'm coming in none of it saluted to you sweet I'm gonna shut this front door oh my gosh yeah there's tons of stuff oh SVD oh baby okay okay now we're in business oh we're in business dude I'm that excited I'm gonna flush this toilet nice what are you feeling about us camping out for a little Ambush somewhere dude yeah that road we were driving on or anything when we cut off yeah dude that right up there is a great spot because what happens is that people go up that hill with those big heavy trucks and they slow down oh my you look [ __ ] badass bro what the hell man I'm all ruskied up right now I've got the SVD and the PKM they say talk of you know bro what's going on what's the plan then should you want to uh I look so goofy now with this whole get up of armor why is that up that hill there is another military with like a low wall around it the way I'm facing uh I don't know are my directions kind of oh wait uh I don't know what that is it is a military base that's a that's like a non like that's like a modded in one all right what's the plan then bruv um anybody going up this road we will 100 be able to go get I'm gonna go here jump in the Jeep and we'll go kind of hide it down in those trees and then uh we'll we'll set up an ambush spot now you're talking brother I'm I'm literally gonna the first thing I'm doing is RPG bro that's the first yeah that's the first thing that's gonna happen all right Jeep it's a good spot right here I think so this spot is just up the hill this is the same road we were on before um you know it'd be nice if there's a hole in the fence I know I know how to make a hole in the fence one sec right you don't need a hole you gotta do this so where are you what are you gonna jump over can you jump over yeah probably watch I can 360 it before you go through it with that oh [ __ ] okay ready yeah yeah oh I started doing that start a step I will do it hold on all right watch and learn why do Americans do it right straight in there bro all right I'm gonna stop the Jeep down here so yeah the thing is uh if we go this way they come up this big hill and by the time they get to the top all of their momentum is gone yeah I'm blind Corner yep and I don't know how often but but why would they come this far though this is going Inland this is the only Road out of that Valley yeah so anybody who survives that Valley coming up here they'll run into us but I don't know how often someone will be here yeah but we'll see them from like we have such an early warning here oh look it's a little bunker thing here too bro gear in here oh [ __ ] look there's trenches too oh whoa oh mate we can escape along here dude I've got to just check this because it looks sick wow it's interesting the binoculars I guess because it's not like a pip scope the standard Scopes have that limited view distance but the binoculars don't so I can look through binoculars and have unlimited range yeah we could uh we could have it where you sit on the side of the road they kind of Drive oh wait there is a there's a truck coming SATA it's about a mile out right now um all set up behind you maybe they drive past you like go down the road a little bit they drive past you you hit them in the butt with the RPG or whatever you want to do and then I'll be out in front of them and I'll Attack on the front you attack from the rear yep there's a truck coming man okay okay okay there's a truck I'll let him come past and I'll hit him from behind you yep yep can you pop out of the trees just so I can see where you are okay yeah I see you I see okay I'm gonna go way up here all the way to the very top oh my gosh if this actually works it's gonna be so funny is it really coming is it really coming out it's about let me see I don't know where it is now it's it's it was very far but it was definitely coming this way it hasn't passed that little military base down there the tent that we walked in I don't think it's past that yet I wonder if I can I definitely no no way holy [ __ ] bro I bet oh yep I see them running around they're um they're they're about five degree or look a little bit more to your left a little bit more there's a red flag out there you see that red flag of that base yeah I do they're they're about double the distance I know this is really far but they're about double the distance from us to that flag there's a there's a house right above that flag yeah oh they're at the flag they're a lot closer I was seeing an entirely Tyler person okay they're coming look they're coming they're coming they're they're coming in the truck okay I'm gonna let them come past hit membria yeah perfect and I'm gonna spray them in the front whenever they get to me okay let's go away uh yeah keep your lmg out in case they buy allow like kill the squares yep come on they were a lot closer I don't know where they are now I'm not looking oh here they come they're coming up the road oh my God bro I hear it yeah let it go past you so they'll be they'll be right on me whenever you hit them in the butt yeah oh it's going so slow oh I'm so ready there's one guy you ready yep Ready three two one go he's very dead oh he is more than dead brother he's scared though he's scared oh look at the fire okay okay oh my God what what that was so loud the secondary oh he got more than ambushed oh yeah finish him off make sure hold on I can't leave this guy keep tapping him keep tapping him oh he's got mad gear bro okay I'm gonna look back because I definitely saw other people I saw other people down that Valley walking around oh oh my gosh that was loud are you alive you're fine yeah yeah I'm fine I'm fine I'll just apart from my pants they're not fine now I bet that was heard from really far away oh God I sniped out wait what okay really close to me I think from up mountains uh Castle side okay okay let's hear this trench the trench we can run through the trench really you got sniped at you heard the crack and everything yeah oh yeah property what okay I'm gonna look that way whoa I didn't hear it at all yeah yeah that was a proper picture right next to me really yeah he's got to be up that hill uh yeah right I mean maybe not I'm looking now now you wish you took the SVD right oh that was sick dude that was sick proper Ambush complete I love your style though wait for him to go past hit me yeah he was just there's no way nah there's no way dude it looks pretty this looks amazing look at the Cannons like Rusty Cannon here oh there's a lot of loot there's a lot of Loops I jumped on this tent on accident oh there really is yeah yeah there's an M10 sass oh I've got ammo for you I think if you want it I've got it are you sure you take it yeah 100 you sure you don't want the M10 sass you take it bro honestly I want you to uh there's mags in here dude for the M10 oh my gosh I've got three already too so we're we're set I'm gonna drop this PKM then uh I've got lots of ammo we're gonna if you want to take it take any of that yeah a drop to a MAG in here for the okay M10 gotcha gotcha in back in there there's another M10 mag oh man we're loaded now Sada we're loaded is that another in 10 back oh my God Pryor what I don't think oh man I know like we're the kings of armor but you're being too good to us today you really are our man like come on bro you can't be this good to us it might it maybe it wasn't from up that hill maybe he's in town or something's in the valley yeah yeah I I uh I could be wrong dude but there I wouldn't have reacted if I didn't hear nothing right yeah yeah yeah I I believe you know I I but I it might have been some weird bug but all I heard was as it you know right next to me so it could have been some audio bug but if I was a betting man somebody shot at me then yeah I you know I think too I think nobody's on the Hills because if they were on the hills and they stayed still they would have seen us come up here if they were scanning enough yeah so I don't think he was up high I think he must have been in like I agree I agree if they were up the hill you would have shot Us in that trench the Ambush spot I love it it's gonna forever be known as the Ambush yep we can never use it again after these videos are published [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 925,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: adXUO8VecaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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