RISING STORM 2 - The Vietnam FPS That's Worth Playing in 2024

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well hey guys druski here today we're doing some Vietnam Rising Storm 2 I guess it's the other way around Rising Storm 2 Vietnam but probably one of my favorite games to come out in the last 10 years uh this game is about almost 7 years old when may rolls around it'll be seven and we are being surpressed from up this hill do I have anything for that I have smokes you know what I'll just toss smokes up in front of us taking some fire from up there think we're capturing the village right now by laying in these grasses what are these are these like Peppers no they're strawberries I think they're strawberries they're two-dimensional little strawberry things oh we got a flamethrower though that is a extremely dangerous weapon so dangerous that he just team killed on accident Rising Storm 2 always just had a really unique asymmetric style of gameplay that I've always really liked and I wish was in more games and if you never got to play it it had a really good method of keeping the factions very unique with different asymmetric like abilities between the factions the US guys you can spawn in your squad leader similar to something like uh Battlefield uh but then the Vietnamese the North Vietnamese Army and the pavin and all them they have uh they have the ability to dig trenches and and tunnels and uh not trenches but tunnels where you can spawn in at certain points so they can kind of create stealthy flanking routes I don't think I hit that guy at all but also something exploded with naal oh no I did I hit a barrel I guess that caught him on fire yeah they okay so they've set traps here oh that's a Grenade on you buddy grenade oh no oh he just got exploded okay I'm going to sneak down here also this was one of the first games I can remember that had Crouch sprinting which I really like I feel like Crouch sprinting especially for any game that includes trenches is very very important to the feeling of running through a trench and trying to stay low holy crap especially if you want the game to still be kind of fast-paced too but also the graphics are just great too like this is a 2017 game and it does have like obviously some limit ations to 7 years later but is that a bad thing for a seven-year-old or almost seven-year-old game I don't know also it's got a kind of a dead zone to the Weaponry too always had a dead zone to the to the guns which is something from something like Insurgency has Insurgency also has a dead zone like that smoking them out if you want to cross in a second and there's a lot of moments like that where the time to kill is so fast and when you die you don't hear anything so where are we being shot at by ac7 inbound so when you get headshot in this game all you hear is a tiny little and that's it that's all you heard you don't hear yourself scream you don't even hear the battle continue your brain gets turned into mush realism fun immersive realism oh I forgot you can choose the M14 as a Rifleman that's neat this is a community map as well and uh this one's got this like huge Beach area over here you flow in from a like an lhd of sorts I think it looked like a cargo ship that I looked a little closer at it uh then you got like rice patties it's a pretty map very pretty map and I'm getting yep I should I I should have checked the map and noticed that there's nobody to the right I wonder why okay so we have no friendlies inside on the right side I'm going to throw some frags in there and then my friendlies push in you're right where I just threw my frag okay good uhoh we taking Charli oh no oh no we need to get inside before we turn into no no the friendly NP it's friendly nap off oh my gosh did you check your air speed Bud wow yeah good good job just get in just get it I heard a grenade land off to my right right I heard another one that was luy oh was that was that one right I don't I don't know what I just saw oh I forgot the he's toploading it interesting I guess technically there's no uh oh sorry I'm going to type sorry sorry you got to type sorry in these games you got to respect the homies that you take down oh sh oh my god oh almost took my legs off we're looking good we're we're honestly the boys just came together there and and pulled through on this objective I know last time me and the helic pilot didn't really Vibe but maybe this time you know M look at this look at this approach he's going to J hook behind Delta it's going to be perfectly fine nothing can go wrong he's got this plan in his head he's been planning this execution for years he's going in he's doing a great landing he did great he did good landed us 200 M from the je take cover put us on a flank not bad look at this look at us uh-oh where's the viit Kong where'd he go I know he's over here he's I just know that Charles is out there bastards huh oh he's in that rice Patty now oh there he is we are taking Delta the plan b was his name rest in peace should have gone for plan C I don't even think I have to hit like the major organs with this gun if I just hit someone in the Torso they're dunzo they're they're Ronis oh there's one look at them they're so fast that's what you get when you don't have to wear a FL jacket and a helmet and Recon is in the air 87 rounds of ammunition you just you just reload but it's really easy to see the naked shirt dudes against the Green Grass I think did I not drop him he dropped but I I hit him I'm just going to get into this tall grass here and then start going prone I have a feeling inbound take C oh Napalm right there beautiful Commander God bless you we needed some snake and nape right now and that is a beautiful little line he made look at that diagonal yeah buddy landed a little long but that's all right still got the point across holy crap it killed so many it killed four we are taking Echo less than I thought I thought the scoreboard was going to go a little bit faster but we're on Echo now get in there boys get in there am I not in am I am I oh in oh I just okay that's a smoke grenade woo holy okay I'm going to load so if you expend the whole mag then you do have to do a full magazine reload but if you are a partial reload I just hear grenades Landing everywhere then you have to uh then you topload which is kind of a cool feature we have taken Echo a little different little realistic I guess no no no no no no so sorry you ran directly into it I forgot my local VoIP hot key as soon as he started running forwards oh there's there's a tunnel there Recon is in the air usually people will forgive you for uh team killing with grenades in this game though just cuz grenades are so hard to see like you'll hear them and uh oh oh saw a little rice hat little pth hat whatever those called Straw Hat we are taking Fox trck almost killed my buddy I think was he just flamethrower I didn't oh yeah he was he's he's toast he's burnt toast oh god oh oh no oh I got killed with a bar although I do like that M14 I feel like that's a little bit better of a of a longrange puncher rather than the spray that the M16 A1 is good at that thing is a good one Tapper are we oh we already capped this nice good job boys but the M16 is great for exactly that like range right there you just spray and it's going to hit somewhere on them that's a grenade don't know who toss that they're marking enemies out there was that that was an enemy but he's dead gosh look at this game though like this is modded map 2007 20 not 7 that's Halo uh 2017 game just looks great and it depends on the map some maps will make me uh definitely uh a little heated just because they're just meat grinders but so was Vietnam uh Maps like this though are really fun really Dynamic and have a lot of pretty Vistas and stuff it's fun to fun to fight through Maps like this lots of little cover lots of micr Trin oh this is a big open spot here I don't like this at all I think a lot of people are going to be hiding right behind this bush in front of me so I'm probably going to pre- nade n out front right around that corner necro careful Recon is in the air I don't know where the VC are if they're not here this is a good spot for them to hide oh look at this place this is cool yeah sneak up this here I see muzzle flash I shot at the muzzle flash a lot didn't hit anything I don't think grenades being thrown over here I wonder if flanking on the left the right call RPGs did I not did I not that's the dude that's the dude I saw earlier okay you know what I kind of like the M14 I don't know I kind of liked it I kind of liked it I'm going back I know I just switched the M16 but I kind of like the M14 it was slapping all right it was it was good it was the best it was the greatest the M14 I told them I told them that the M14 was the best and they went with that that small plastic toy gun instead the I don't know why I turned into Trump P lever crun the drill instructor said ah but it's not just any lever the bolt of the important like a trusty sidekick in the army of Life Precision Power and a dash of classic charm it's the Rival that's got your back a perfect blend of fusion if you will of Steel and walnut wood oh yeah it's all coming together we need smoke so badly oh hey there's some Willy Pete that kind of works we are taking go oh helicopter not a good spawn location going to another one something happen in here but what it is ain't exactly clear there's a man with a gun over there actually it's my cat he really wants attention tell enem me I got to beware just in case honestly that's the m6's job just start pre-shooting it that has to be a you know what I'm going to nade that tunnel did that get in that got in one of those did fire where's that tunnel go to the left I'm just going to hold this cuz if they're coming that way they're going to keep coming yep those little black uniforms are actually quite interesting those were used a lot by the VC and the different armies and uh they had the black uniforms little straw hats and uh TR com chest breaks a lot oh disarmed trap oh my gosh I would have never seen that thing terrifying I would have never seen it all right so with the Marksman kit you get a uh a 2X magnified scope and an M1 grand I'm actually pretty fast look like our guys are already getting hit oh yeah got I don't know what the correct Crosshair aiming point is on this I would guess the cross I don't think it's the tip of the bar maybe it is maybe it's the tip of the bar pink oh I think I dropped him or someone did right as I did I got an assist okay yeah so I hit him in the side or something and there's a way to oh so when you scroll you're ranging okay I hit him once didn't kill him there though got that guy got that guy got that guy yeah Marksman Kit's okay oh a a hand thrown grenade I am 200 M back from the front line what how many how many did it kill did it kill two just two someone's in this Forest I do like that I can toggle between uh sights here that's really cool actually I'm i'mot that this game had a lot of cool features like that oh he's already dead I think I hit him yep got him in the head just got to work this brush here oh I just saw him run oh oh there's a lot of blood coming off that man oh I got him nice Alpha is being attacked he just got killed by I think that's a guy yep oh that was an RPG I've been used to sniping with like I've been I've been playing Armor 3 and estasi which uh I've been primarily playing with an M16 so it's a 20in barrel 5.56 shooting ma55 A1 so that's like the fastest velocity you can imagine that thing screaming when it comes out what what huh I'm super confused I've got to look back at the footage how did I miss those first two I understand missing the other like 18 of them but those first two are crazy Nom inbound take cover I do hear VC shooting oh got one wow and I think he's alive I think I hit him just in the arm there's another one there I just saw his little pth helmet come on buddy come on peek up I know you're still in that hole I see your little helmet moving around oh our guys are pushing those holes look at him go oh oh he he got taken out though by that guy man that was cool though I think there must be a tunnel spawn in there or something they just keep oh oh he killed them all good for him and he's down oh man war is heck war is very much heck oh Char is being attacked just got to get on screw you kill 50 enemies with sniper rifles nice there's a dude right in front of me he's right in front of me inbound take cover got him didn't even see him other than just like part of his pth helmet woo I bet this looks terrible on YouTube me running through the brush like that I bet the bit rate is just suffering oh no the the grass to my East is speaking Vietnamese someone just tried to Molotov me I have no idea I have no idea oh hi yeah that's quite a few that is quite a few jeez dude I'm going to get flanked any second now I don't even understand what could possibly be happening in the grand scheme of things in this battle Charlie is being attacked I'm just in a bush and there's people running up to me and I'm just trying to hold the bush and there's more people running up and I'm just killing more and more it's good time but it also is very scary and I don't think this game is fun anymore at this point I don't think I'm having fun I'm just scared this is just I don't like horror games and this turned from a fun little well hey let's go let's go explore the jungle to um I'm about to die in a bush you know it's not exactly the gameplay I take um someone just said here it comes and all caps oh no I'm going to die I'm dead in in one 2 three I'm dead good game is it still worth playing in 2024 hell yeah good game is it a little clunky yeah will you have to hunt for the the right server maybe yeah but damn it's uh it's a it's still a unique game there's still not a first person shooter like it right now nothing nothing comes close to like the just the dynamic feel of like the devs definitely when they made this game they 100% said how do we make this battlefield sort of formula feel different how do we make each faction different how we make each roll different how do we make everybody have a wow damn have a utility this is terrible oh I don't like this at all I don't like this this game isn't fun anymore help me holy crap I hit him I hear grenades everywhere yeah get to f holy oh someone to my left just killed him oh return to the combat area no why now no our team is deciding not even to take or defend Ekko it's not even worth it apparently so they're just going to go straight to F which is an interesting tactical decision can we even see them from here oh yeah we can I'm want to range this out to 400 oh yeah we're picking them this is awesome you know maybe Vietnam was cool go is being attacked Yo No One move up on E we we have to save tickets oh there's still more there's still more a this is an awesome position for a machine gun whoa I think we're getting picked off up here oh my bipod isn't uh I can't really get a good spot here without revealing myself like crazy there we go there's this kind of a spot but I'm going to get head shot any second we have lost Echo oh I got him at the I'm getting shot at dude there was someone ranged like 50 m low and that's the only reason I'm alive right now uh-oh well better replace him come on bipod come on bipod yeah oh jeez oh I don't like this I hate how how much you have to commit to the window they're close they're close just killed one Southwest very close let him let him get close to us boys let them move up the hill lob a bunch of grenades what if I just want to Recon is in the air what if I want to kill them out far away though I'm killing I'm bleeding their tickets I think he means like don't push out to them let them come to us oh did I just see yep yep yep yep yep no why did I on ads why is my brain why is my brain just stupid why am I stupid bomb inbound take cover someone's plinking at me just 2 minutes left it's all we need they're all the bar wire close they're close they're very close left left mama left very close out outside the window holy crap this is insane got to hold him back no woo let's go oh my gosh this game goes hard we got to hold them for one more minute and then we win just one minute damn we're at 42 kills is that it I heard grenades I hear grenades oh grenade just triple killed oh no look at this there's a mess hle here lots of different food bananas M rations cans of food they're doing dishes in the wire boys I'm just I'm just distracted by the mess hle sorry coach that was lucky I B I boded just in time who's suppressing me why am I being suppressed Victory we lose oh we won let's go woo GG good game good game guys damn damn M60 the pig good game thanks for watching I'll see you the next one
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 262,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QdshgFa3C58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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