Living in the Most HIDDEN Underwater Hideaway! - DayZ

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in this story I joined a server filled with some of Daisy's strongest clans of whom dominate the entire server and four smaller groups into hiding knowing that if they are fined they most definitely won't survive so as the leader of a small group myself I find ways of exploiting these Clans and build one of the most hidden underwater bases in order to survive this entire wipe before we hop into this video though let me tell you about today's sponsor World of Tanks World of Tanks is a free-to-play PC game with over 100 million players worldwide there are more than 800 tanks to choose from each with their own class type such as destroyers artillery light medium and heavy tanks so you will be rest assured that every time you load up the game there is always something new to try across over 40 different Arenas in each of these Arenas you will experience all types of combat zones from Open Fields and deserts steep hills and dense forests all the way to Urban and Industrial zones all of which you can drive your tanks across and with the historical accuracy and inspiration for each vehicle you will feel immersed Within These authentic models all of which are able to be upgraded and modified as urine experience through playing the game so download the game now using the first link in the description and use the code tank Mania to get access to a 7-Day premium account 250 000 credits a premium tier 5 tank and three tier 6 tanks for rental in 10 battles each our story starts with me as a freshie in the north of the map and with nothing to my name I was gonna need to find something to kick start my wife after all other players were already established as the server wiped a day prior oh police how the hell's smokiny [Music] oh here we go okay that's quite far away but we can go there and then go to the trailer and then see about finding a baseball [Music] well that's not bad [Music] okay let's get going this key I had fined gave me an objective and if I could succeed it would give me a major Head Start in our wipe okay so the key is actually in this police station doors are open not good not good man foreign [Music] oh okay not what I was expecting but we can sell this at this stage I had no use for a weapon like this but it could be sold for a lot so I head over to the trader right nearby hey here we are okay let's see what we can sell Okay so we've got 90k pretty much with this 90k I decided to buy the essential items we needed to put our very first base down this way we would have somewhere see if the stash away some gear and start competing with the other players on the server but before leaving I got myself an average rifle to give myself a better Fighting Chance for the gut-wrenching Journey that laid ahead I just had to decide where my destination would be as we needed a new home and fast so I'm thinking we'd build somewhere near the black market and it looks like there's a building on its own right here so let's head to that and see if it's free with a potential Beast location now in mind I started heading that way but I wouldn't be getting there in one straight line instead I would have my first encounter with one of the large groups that roamed This Server there's suppressed shots down there that is not what I want to hear right now [Music] okay we need to wait these guys out a little minute they are very geared I cannot lose any of this stuff that would be disastrous [Music] okay I know everyone I don't know if I killed that guy I don't think I did despite being stuck in the middle of what seemed to be a fairly big Squad I managed to escape and continued on to my desired base location there she is a little building oh I wonder if we can build that I have to check that out [Applause] so there should be a ladder here oh yeah I'm oh I'm making climate perfect question is can we climate okay we've come oh this could be good because people can't dive so they wouldn't be able to swim in here the only way in would be this the only problem is rearmed has new base building and I'm just curious if it would work but this could be so cool we wouldn't really have a lot of space in here but because we're a solo right now stand away from the big groups in a stash like this could actually work in our favor massively [Music] interesting I say we do [Music] authorize [Music] now an eagle cut down some trees and get some logs and some planks um I think we have enough room we're just gonna drop this up on the floor okay [Music] okay oh my God that was sick I did not know what I just did but that was sick what the hell [Music] okay this should be enough let's just get back to the base before anyone sees these cut down trees after getting the logs I needed I began construction it was crucial that no parts of the beer stuck too far above the surface of the boat not only to keep the base concealed but also to keep it safe from soft side readers [Music] boom we're safe oh my God we got a little stash bees this is cute and cozy the Beast may have been secured but I was missing storage so I grabbed the extra money I had left over from the trailer and headed towards the black market oh bro I hate this trailer everything would be cheaper here but it wasn't as if so meaning I was vulnerable to campers so I had to be as fast as possible I guess this will do okay what's guy here this hidden Beast would be the Forefront for this entire story I hadn't planned on doing this but I couldn't resist when I first saw it the plan was to Simply see how long it could survive or for that matter could this be as last an entire wipe it was time to start filling this piece up with some loot though and I would have some help to do that hello say hello to Cal he would be our primary teammate for this adventure and our first task would be to get more stuff for the base we just didn't have to go very far there's a bit sir well there's another base here as well and this thing over here a big piece wow [Music] wait can't we dismantle our way in oh it's upside up yeah oh my God right operation find a hot [Music] oh I got one I got when I got one all right okay I'm dismantling oh there we go I'm in [Music] bro there's actually stuff in here there you go bro oh nice there's a bunch of stuff in here we can take this military crit for a star is really good somehow we had managed to break inside a rather large base and so we loaded up our inventories and took as much back to the hidden base as possible it wasn't much in terms of items but the stories we got would save us time and money it was also a good excuse to go home and Show Carl the base for the first time just on here bro and we go through this little door and this is it what do you think what do you think I love it with Carl no acquainted with the beers and some new upgrades we decided to do the key we got from the equal red okay that's literally north of us bro so I think we could do that oh okay I got a FN SCAR uh just a good pop helmet of the ship suppressor nothing else in here right nope okay go go go let's go our first three wheel of the wife this is when me and Kyle decided we would do a run to the Air Force Base in the far south of the map and I was sitting on top of Arby's waiting for Cal when I got a nasty surprise oh I'm dead I just died that's not good bro we can't let people know we live there please don't send me flying it sent me five oh it's across there it's not even like shoots me I'm good yeah yeah you should let me right now bro just get get up and get them [Music] online prone what direction is he yeah somewhere one tap for me please let me on please let me on please let me on okay I'm good I'm in the base Hong Kong oh my God why are they there someone's swimming over [Music] you guys um potentially up to chat I suppose you suppose look I'm just trying to talk about I'm just a little dude trying to survive out here okay I don't want no trouble uh you guys know yeah we just started today we heard many gunshots over here from earlier AKA yeah that wasn't us bro but we've been hearing them as well um they're they're mostly around the black market and like uh how do you say girlingston what is your name Rusty toenail okay well I am Duty what's your name sorry and we will leave you alone okay bro thank you and you are new yeah we just got started so we thought you were good people I apologize all right all right well we're like you we're just trying to get by apologize for killing people we thought you would get okay see you in a bit man thanks for not um camping us see you later it was a case of trust this guy said he wouldn't do anything and we were lucky he didn't as we weren't really that well equipped so on that matter we headed to the Air Force Base to re-kit and although it started good we would quickly be reminded what kind of server we were playing dead [Music] I don't know he I'm dead I'm dead he's he was very Kitty bro [Music] oh that's so unfortunate [Music] I'm dead guy right there is super good yep bigger teams and more gear players so we would have to find another way and we were on our way back to base when an opportunity presented itself oh there is a 10 in there bro I was just dumb enough to break my leg and so it was down to Cal to check out this space on his own whilst I covered the outside I'm in what do you mean you're in in their base uh no yes and no seat guns I've got like a double gun rack here I can see it but I can't get access to it about 10 I've got Miller we've got military Locker on the floor there's loads of sleeping bags this is like an eight-man group space really yes I can see so many sleeping bags oh my God no no no you do not know what I've just seen what for some reason my screen my screen my screen which and I can get into that I can learn I've got I can see C4 no way bro see if you can join that I reckon it's well possible together I got it I got it I've got it I've got it no way we have to get back to base bro you need to take this and you need to run straight to be a sprawl go [Music] when my leg fixed I got Carl to show me how he got inside so you see here what I've tried to build on this floor here look literally just Foundation they have a metal Foundation I mean have you got a hardship you don't need to this is how I got him last time this is how you got in oh yeah I had it had it oh now although this didn't exactly get us inside the base it got us close enough to this team's first mistake and if we got in a certain position we could exploit it [Music] oh there's Nails in there for days oh yeah I see that gun poker let me try to grab that I got it I got it [Music] okay he's online well this made things a whole lot more complicated or so we thought we made our way outside and stashed the gear we go up before meeting our third team mate Hawk who would show us that we could in fact soft side our way through most of this space there's a metal door that's a wall over there can we just want to laugh from above this is why I mentioned earlier when building orbius that it was crucial not to have it poking above the boat's surface the tiniest bit too far and players could dismantle just like we were gonna do to these guys oh I had it again I had it again okay I can dismantle this wood wall it's a start cover that door car yeah doors doors doors okay I'm coming down there was only one door and we were inside these guys's loot room but we couldn't get it it was just that bit below where you couldn't dismantle but we could dismantle this other one and that might beat him to open the door thinking we were dismantling his main door open the door get ready to spray them why is he not dying he's dead he's dead is the door open I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming from careful there might be one more yeah yeah come in yeah clear the HQ the authorizer yeah yeah I'm oh yeah just the authorize right where is the HQ [Music] we've done it we need to seal [Music] let's go [Music] easy oh my God I can't believe we've done this is that someone above it is there's someone here we may have become the biggest rats on the server and we knew for sure these guys weren't gonna let their beers we've wrapped it this easily there's one there hold on I'll hit one somehows we'll go back up yeah he's picking left now right I'm pushing it I'm dying he's headshot he said shot he might be dead Thunder stairs downstairs I died behind the door yeah I met your body now I think Paul killed the last one well we had managed to keep control and this time we wasted no time we grabbed all the best gear to start with and started the first transfer run all right let's go we're pushing the clock yeah over the next hour or so we transferred the rest of the gear on storage before calling it at night and ending our first day on the server [Music] um okay I think we're good the best survived the first night I hopped on alone in the morning of day two and whilst I waited for my teammates I decided to do some upgrades to the inside of the base specifically build a vault room for our best Loop and after organizing at all which took a significant amount of time Carl hopped on along with our other teammate Tommy who would be replacing Hawk for the day as she got sick we as a trio then headed to the nearby military base to get some PBP yeah yeah he's pushed into cow he's pushed into come and there's more yeah I'm building I'm a Barrack yeah I'm a Barrack contact he's dead he's dead he's dead I'm gonna write back I'll see him soon he's dead nice all dead all day this little PVP session got us some good items including sheet metal to upgrade the base I'm just gonna upgrade our front door to sheet metal yeah um we are a much harder reader and now with a much stronger base we decided to go get some much better supplies and that meant doing a key in the far south oh this is good or 6B can be nice I'll grab that coma oh my God there's so much in here so far this start today too was going extremely well and slowly but surely we were starting to fill up our loot boxes with better gearing and after waiting out the night back Abyss we would continue this streak of gaining gear oh that wasn't me was it yeah I miss him [Music] I hit him once I hit my game again we should push that [Music] I've hit once he's buying a tree over there damn he's dead nice there's another one there's another one there's another one about 20 minutes behind him [Music] he's dead he's dead oh my God two cold Watts storage back 5K 338 bro oh my God grab oh grab oh grab on I'll get the other one after depoing all this gear back at the base and re-gathering ourselves things were about to attack a turn when Tommy got into a fight just north of our base nice I'm pushing you hard pushing you hard once hit once hit all right foreign multiple times you're not there I think I killed him nice oh Remington our sauce although it seems things were still good as we technically had won this fight they were not as these guys we had just killed took her upon themselves to follow me home I'm gonna shut up I'm getting shot up I'm getting shot at I'm getting shot out in the water guys need help I'm not in Jamaica I'm hit twice I'm gonna die okay I'm on our base no I'm there I died right on the base shut up I'm running back inside with the rsas despite not losing anything we had just painted a Target on our backs and based on what we saw from these guys they were definitely not messing around and they made sure to keep us in the grasp by not leaving our area yeah yeah [Music] oh my God the lie bro [Music] okay there's more than one I'm on corner there's two bro I shouldn't have shot him these guys are gonna be annoying right um I'm back I got some more sheet metal fetch for me bro okay we've got some more seat belts we've got nine though um and a fireworks launcher whatever that does literally just sets off a firework display oh we can use that eventually after getting re-kitted in the base with the team we head out in search of better gear and on our way came across a potential real oh there's actually Abyss in here [Music] but we could read this I mean if we get the crafting thing we can read this so I'm going to mark this on a map with this piece in mind we continued on our journey only to be greeted with what could only be described as a string of bad luck [Music] [Music] I wonder [Music] it seemed the our luck in PvP had finally run out we were low on team morale and decent kits for that matter we had to find another way of gaining gear so once again we grabbed what keys we had and went off on a very important keyword I think it's the whole police station it is [Music] and no alarm Bitcoin nice when we made it to the Airfield we did the key like we had intended but it was garbage so we turned our Focus somewhat seemed to be a large fight oh he's up before I killed one I've killed one nice nice guys there's one up there he's gonna be there's another one in the top top of the stairs I'm hurt I need to go down hold I can hold him hold it I'm healing thank you I need help get up here now once I need to push it I'm shooting [Applause] coming coming I've hit him twice once or twice I killed the guy on the stairs always pushed the stairs right now cut the ground instead the top step up nice up up top up up and down let's go down he's dead he's dead coming coming yeah my gun collectors two more okay I've killed one killed one without my game froze up nice nice another one I'm dead what before I'm dead there's no way dude yeah don't ask me why we did that but we end up hitting a rock bottom and I was literally on my way back to our base to log off when I spotted some players and thought I have nothing to lose [Applause] cut down trees here are they building here oh maybe what are they building though oh yeah oh me no wait is this a one door real [Music] they're in there they're in there yeah yeah [Music] door [Music] one of them [Music] I've got a two minute base I'm gonna respawn he had a Springfield an AAC I think they've readed this check the door they close the door after me yeah yeah all right yeah the fact these guys didn't respawn and try to push me from this base made me think that they must have rearded it and that would give me enough time to grab absolutely everything regroup with Cal and head back to our base oh my god let's get back in the house let's get in the rat then oh [Music] okay another day another Dawn all right [Music] um I guess we uh need to go do a cell run huh when me and Carl logged in the next day we had the intention of doing some kind of read but we would need a craft and upgrade for the territory kit in order to craft more C4 so a cell run to the trader with all our valuables was the first task of the day Bitcoin 220k okay we got half a mil bro that is crazy right okay we need to go this upwards our best supplies storage I think it's in here territory workbench upgrade how much is 250k oh all right home sweet home oh yeah look at that and then it gets upgraded that's cool uh and now we can craft stuff wow this is cool um but what we're interested in is the um charge which is handgun powder wait it's ten what it was fine I thought it was fine we're gonna have to grind for GP bro when we realized we would need more gunpowder we knew we would have to grind to find some but then we thought maybe it could be purchased at the black market thank you oh yeah Bandit Red Tools okay we can buy up there's a 100K each being able to buy gunpowder would make this a lot easier but it was expensive and so we headed to a military base if we controlled this for a while then we could get a bunch of guns attachments and other valuables to sell at the trailer and make the money we needed in a fairly short amount of time not to mention we could have the chance of finding some Gunpowder too it was during this looting that I realized an airdrop Landing right on us an airdrop coming here bro well on this island I literally just opened the map there's an airdrop on its way right I'm gonna stash Lou in the bar I'm going for it [Music] I got it good versus a good gun although it wasn't exactly what we were looking for it did give us some stuff to help defend this military base from any Intruders as we continue to loot around and control it guys and get into the stash quickly our loot was building up and soon enough we would have exactly what we needed in order to head to the Twitter it would only be fast tracked a little by the few people that started coming across to our military Island oh guys swimming across bro [Music] that's swimming across over here on me [Music] except once [Music] he's dead he's dead find you dead [Applause] this guy well this guy had everything to build a base bro it was after killing these gear top players that we estimated we had enough to go over to the trailer and get the money we needed and when we got inside the trailer I ended up selling the meals from the guy we killed to some people for 30k before selling the rest to the vendor and when mixed with what Cal sold and with what we had back in base we had enough for all the gunpowder we needed oh look at the money we just had to do a safe run to the black market so we grabbed the 400k we needed put our best kits on and got over there foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] there it is second C4 now the question was who do we read that's when I remembered the base we came across the day before and so me and Cal put our kids away to go check it out [Music] oh no they put a code lock on damn it okay well we can no longer afford to read this unfortunately our desired read was no longer possible for us but not to worry because on the way back from the black market with the gunpowder Cal had come across another one door raid and it was right on our doorstep no is that a one by one yeah wooden door oh right here this was not our new rear Target and with the added help of Hawk who are now logged in to help us we would remove this threat to our hidden base [Music] [Music] it's one second one should go up in a second okay go go go oh no is it locked not slime [Music] oh no well you win some and you lose some this was just one of the most horrendous losses we could have had but at this point in our story we had accomplished everything we wanted to the hidden base had survived our entire wife apart from the two teams that did manage to find it we had remained hidden to the entire server I would call that a success so we bought a boat to get away from this island that we had called home for the past few days and gave our hidden base the send-off it deserved [Music] thank you it's not this way out this way oh and you're going back [Music] nice [Music] okay let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I promise [Music]
Channel: Xclusion
Views: 3,118,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dayz, dayz movie, dayz base building, dayz tutorial, dayz base raid, base raiding dayz, dayz building base, building secret hideout, dayz hideout, building farm dayz, dayz standalone, dayz pvp, building hidden base, dayz hidden base, building dayz hidden base, xclusion movie, dayz xclusion, xclusion, xclusion dayz, DayZ Underwater Base, dayzunderground, dayz underground bunker, dayz underground base
Id: cPhrazqSew4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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