BAGAPIE - All In One Free Addon!

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this video is sponsored by sketchfab stick around to see how you can get high quality 3d models for free hey what's up guys and welcome back to ask ankit today we're looking at bugapi modifier free addon now this addon is something that you should get i mean even if you're not going to use it just simply grab it and try it actually it's extremely impressive to see the kind of things that you can work with and things that you can do with this so with that said we're going to dive directly into blender and take a look at how this one actually works so once you download the add-on all you need to do is go to edit go over to preference and install it and once you install this unlike any other add-on that you've actually worked with before these you don't need to press n on your keyboard all you need to do is start up with a hotkey since it's a pi menu tool and you can start working with it and to get that once we have an object within our viewport selected we can tap j on the keyboard and you can notice all of the stuff you can do with bugger pi so first off we'll start off by taking a look at boolean so once you hit the j key and you go over you simply click on six you can go over to boolean and you can start doing some pretty cool stuff so one of the things is this so let's say you want to create or you want to boolean things so we're just simply going to just click and drag you know it doesn't really matter right now so i'm also going to go ahead and do the very same thing here so click and drag all the way out and you can see that and i'll also go ahead and do the same thing right over here so let's click drag all the way out and you can actually see this thing in action now in several cases you might also see that probably you're trying to boolean the satin part and that part didn't boom properly then what can you do what you can do is simple select the object tab l on your keyboard make sure you have all that selected select the scale tool and scale through this and of course you would also notice that we'll have some boolean operation happening and once you're done with that simply jump over to your object mode and you'll notice that you have a very clean looking boolean object now you can also boolean by simply using different models so let's go ahead and get rid of this one and simply delete that so with this here if we type j on the keyboard as well go over to boolean we can choose to change this to something else so let's say we want to use a cylinder to do that boolean right now we you know simply hold down shift and click and drag we can also boolean like so we can also do the same thing like this and then you can go in and boolean this bad boy however you choose now boolean is just one of the things that you can do with it and once you're done next thing you need to do is go over to your modifier and simply click on accept and that will be done and these are the ones you can go in and accept them if you want to simply select them and hit the delete key and get rid of them and you have a very clean mesh that you can work with so like i was saying boolean is just one of the things that you can do with this there's also a whole lot of things that you can so in this case let's believe that we have a simple plane like this and you probably want to create things like walls you want to create like probably your into architecture right and you want to create walls you want to do some very crazy stuff yes you can so if you go over to your edit node and you right click and simply dissolve the vertices just to make sure that you have one let's take a look at this from the z point of view and if we tap e on the keyboard we can extrude this i'm just gonna make some very random extrusion all right don't judge me so i'm just gonna make some very random extrusions like this probably get one to be this way get one to be about the point like so and finally i'm just gonna go in and lock this one right there so once we have something like this we can also jump out to our object view and with this object selected if we tap j on the keyboard and switch to wall what do you get all right so you get some cool walls and you can play with the heights depending on what you want to do and you can also play with the depth okay and i think maybe you can get something as cool as that and you can also offset this however you want so we can offset that and get some very cool results and we can also get something like this you can also choose to apply or add windows to your scene so let's say we'd like to add some windows if we like to add windows to this simply select the object tab j on the keyboard go over to where you have windows click and drag to define your window like right now i want some windows like this and then maybe might want a smaller window somewhere like here so we can also grab a small window somewhere like here just simply place that and maybe we might also want to get another window maybe as big as the other one okay like we did the last time and yeah so we have something like that so once you're done jump back to your object view and you've got yourself a couple of windows and this is awesome okay so this is really really cool now for tool that is just totally free there's just a lot of things that you can do with it so we can also go in and scale this all the way up you know grab that as it is and then if we tap j one more time on the keyboard you can see there's a whole lot of things that you can also accomplish with this so i haven't actually tried the displace i kind of got a couple of errors while working with it but then i did try this cutter and this handles scattering very well and for this we're going to go ahead and import some models that we got from sketch valve so with the models here let's actually make sure that they don't have any form of transform all right so with the models here what we can do is we can have them selected go all the way to object go all the way to where we have a supply and apply or transform so what happens once you hit apply all transforms let me show you guys is if you already have any form of transformation like right now you notice that the scale of this object is 0.01 and we also have that all the way down and we have this at this location what we can do is we'll go over to object go all the way down to where we have as apply we can apply all transforms and this would apply all the transforms so we can have that there and the next thing which we can do is if we like to scatter this particular one on this surface we can have this selected and then select the surface tap j on the keyboard and hit on the word scatter and once you do that you would notice that it scatters around and then you can go in and play with how much density you like to get and what is the minimum and maximum skill that you might want to get so in this case for the minimums or for the maximum scale we can set this to 0.1 and then for the minimum scale we can send it to 0.01 and press enter key and at this point we can now go in and increase the density as much as we want let's set this all the way to 800 and see what we can get that looks a bit small let's add an additional zero to this and see what we can get and for the distances we can also proceed to just reduce that all the way down so with that there you now notice that we have a huge huge pile right you'll notice that we have a huge pile of grass around the building and just in case you're worried about it you like to tweak it because this is running on the geometry node you can always go over to the modifier panel so if you go over to the modifier panel you can set the distance to 0.1 for example and get something like that or 0.01 to actually get even more grass in there so with this you can start scattering stuff and start creating some amazing scenes and start doing some very very lovely things with this and for those considering scattering more than one thing of course you can so what you can do is you can also proceed select the two assets that you'd like to scatter select the surface tap j on your keyboard and hit the scatter button and that way you will be able to scatter these things the minimum distance can also be changed so at this point we can also go ahead and change this back to 0.1 for example and you can see this and you can also proceed to do some very interesting things with it so if you're also thinking about changing the rotation of course you can so you can also change the rotation of these things and you can also randomize the positions and also play with the aligning to normals just to get these things to work another thing which is very possible with these two is just in case you're also thinking about painting so we've already taken a look at how you can scatter things what about if you like to organize these things maybe you would like to scatter this by a given pattern you would like to paint some areas and you know control how the scattering works so for that one you need a plane or you need a surface with several vertices or with a good subdivision so right now what we need to do is go over to the modifier section and then we would add a subdivision surface so within the subdivision surface we can crank this one all the way to six and set this to simple and once we have this that simple what we can do now is we can apply this and then select the object would you like to scatter select the surface tap j on the keyboard and switch to scatter paint so once you have this ready you can now proceed to start making the painting and you would notice one thing that once you're painting this because this makes use of the vertices painting you would notice that as you paint these things rarely pop up so how can you actually make them pop up more so like what we've talked about before the distance minimum is very responsible for that so we can set this to 0.01 and press the enter key and also increase the density of what we'd like to see so let's increase that density reduce the scale down and also reduce this other one so i'm just going to set this one to 0.01 and set this one actually set this to 0.1 and then set this to 0.01 and let that be so once we have that ready i can increase this all right so let's go ahead and increase that and we can also proceed to increase this or let's reduce that just about the point like so and so it is so now we can proceed to make that painting and you would notice that they just simply pop up as we paint so depending on what you like to work with these is definitely going to come in very very very handy so you can increase these things as much as you want so in this case we can actually go ahead and make that about 2 000 and you can see how crazy that is and once you're done with it you can go and switch over to your object mode and start creating some beautiful stuff this isn't the only thing that you can actually do with this add-on you can also do some more stuff so let's actually just go in and set this all the way to 0.1 so that we don't trust all the pc right working on this and we'll proceed to add some cubes all right so let's take a look at this other one so right here i'm just going to go in and scale this one down all right and i'm also going to go ahead and make another copy and i will proceed to bevel this one in let's roll that bevel a bit and keep it right there scale it down a bit and jump all the way out good so with this here what would like to take a look at is arrays so this also offers some set of tools like arraying and you might want to check that as well so if we tap j on the keyboard you'll notice that we have array right here so if we click on the array tool you'll see what the array tool looks like so we can choose to have a number of counts all right you can see that i'm just going to go ahead and bring this one all the way down and you can choose the different types of arrays that you might want to get so if you like to have arrays based online you can get that if you like to have arrays based on grid or maybe you like to have arrays based of circles you can also get this so we can also go in and increase the radius and also increase the count so this way you have all of the flexibilities of things that you might want to create by simply using the array so we can also crank this one all the way down and also reduce the number of counts that we have and in terms of skill you can also reduce the skill and you can play with the maximum and minimum skill that you like to work with and i'm also going to go ahead and increase this count like so so it's quite impressive to see that this add-on is actually free and you can grab it right now and start making some amazing and beautiful designs with it so this is more like it for those who like to play with this probably you like to take a look at it see how it works and you might want to actually tweak it to your liking right now the scatters the arrays and also the scatter pains they all work with the geometry node and you can take advantage of these things and start creating some beautiful masterpiece and for those who are thinking about getting some professional looking add-ons we've also seen a couple of them before so previously we did talk about scatter and scada is a very cool addon that you can work with and the scatter 5 is actually within its open beta as well so in case you like to grab this you can actually go over to the link which is going to be in the description and check it out and for those who are also looking for things like plans you're looking for trees there's also some very cool ones as well so we've also talked about the folks at botanic creating some very beautiful tools that you might want to check out and right now they actually have a coupon so just in case you're thinking about grabbing their stuff and the botanic add-on actually supports things like wind animation if you're into working with trees and you like to also scatter stuff they also have a very good scattering tool set as well which you can also take advantage of and we've also talked about vegetation having some very cool updates as well and it's also interesting to see that all of these tools they have coupons and percentage off so just in case you're thinking about checking on these things i'm going to put these links as well in the description so you can do well to check these things out and that's about it bugapi is right here and for those who are into scattering stuff or probably you're into creating booleans you're into architectural things you might consider taking a look at this and playing with it and of course for those who are looking for amazing models that you can use or maybe you're thinking about trying out with the model that we've just used the white flower is right here on sketchfab so you can proceed to grab it and it's very interesting to see that sketchfab has a whole lot of things that you can grab for free and with that said they actually have a summer sale that is going on right now and you can get any of the models that you want for 30 by simply using hello summer within your checkout and that's about it i'd like to know what you guys think about this one in the comment section and of course if you like this video or you learn something from this you can go ahead and give a like and don't forget to share with a friend and if you're new here it's going to be amazing for you to hit the subscribe button and also turn on notifications so that you don't miss the next video or the next update and apply see you guys again with your tutorial update free friday tutorial tuesday tips and tricks things like this peace [Music] you
Channel: askNK
Views: 114,977
Rating: 4.9460239 out of 5
Keywords: asknk, maya, Reviews, Texturing, 3d Tutorials, Houdini, Arnold, BLENDER, asnk, blender2.9, blender2.91, blender 2.92, blender 2.92 new features, blender 3, blender 2.92 released, character creator, blender 2.93, blender 2020, blender, blender 2.93 new features, bagapie, addon, free addon, blender free addon, blender addons free, blender addons, blender addon for, blender addon for architecture, blender addon for cloth, free vegetation addon for blender, vegetation addon for blender
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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