Unreal Engine 5 in Archviz Crash Course Pt1 + (Community Challenge Announcement)

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[Music] if you're looking for a class course to get you started in archways and unreal engine 5 then this one is for you habibi we will learn about organizing mood boards blocking out our scenes and the very basics of unreal engine 5. before we get started make sure to sign up for our unreal engine in archfizz vr division community challenge diamonds are created under pressure so don't be shy about giving yourself some competitive energy your work can inspire others and the other way around and you might even win an amazing price there will be more info on discord subscribe if you're not already leave a like and let's get started [Music] so when it comes to design i always like to collect my reference first here's a pro tip never start design without looking at some pictures that inspire you collecting some pictures and putting all of these pictures in one place one of my favorite websites to find inspiration is pinterest depending on what i am trying to achieve if i'm trying to design a user interface i would type here ui designs if i'm designing new futuristic city i love pinterest for our tutorial today we're making a nice little apartment so we can search for something like modern minimal apartment you will find stuff and when you hover on any image you can click save make a mood board pretty self-explanatory do not create something out of your head like just don't do this and then create it's not practical you need inspiration you need pictures to look at why you are creating i love pinterest and i love saving pictures however my problem with pinterest when i save so many pictures is that i have so many pictures and to medicate this i use an amazing piece of software called pref and it's free to download basically with this tool you can collect all your reference images and save them all in one place so i support pictures text and the click and drop feature from anywhere i love it because i can do that directly from the web browser let's say i like this picture i can simply click and drag this picture and it will save for me right and let's say this picture click and drag no problem this and where pure f shines it's a shortcut so for example ctrl f to maximize your view and let's say we collected these pictures we could spend five minutes like just doing this just bring this as well or you can select everything and for example hit ctrl p and it will arrange the pictures for you in the most optimal way to learn more about the shortcuts you can press ctrl h to get the help or you can right click then just go between these buttons here if you don't use puref start using it today i really can't live without uref so the main reason i use pureref is to collect just few pictures that will inspire me enough to work on specific projects and these pictures all of them are from one design the studio who made these are called whole design shout out to these guys amazing design and i thought i would do something like this in unreal engine i like purif because i don't have to open the web browser as well when i'm working because sometimes you could go and research something and then oh you spend like 30 minutes scrolling facebook or instagram what i do after i collect my pictures is just battle royale these pictures and few winners would stay here that's it you can actually go to google and copy the image address then go to images then you can paste the url and google as a good guy will do its best to help you you can click here all sizes you can find hopefully higher quality images after i gather my reference i would like to start somewhere so before i open 3ds marks or blender or sketchup or anything i have no idea what the floor plans looks like so i blank so i bring my pen i bring my papers and i start looking at these pictures here and i start analyzing them so i start looking at my reference from all the angles and i try to understand what are the floor plans of this apartment this is a great practice so i bring these guys here and like start doing hail this could be something like this so here's a sofa here's a bedroom here's just start doing this literally to get you started like sketch the floor plans here before you do anything on any other tool now if you're feeling fancy you can do this you can go to autocad and draw the plans shout out to zahi by the way who made this the next step is blocking out your scene so let's go here we are in 3ds max the modeling i approach it in three parts big medium small i asked myself a question hey what is the biggest element of my project to start 3d modelling usually it's the floors ceilings walls floors you can just simply click and drag a box let's just make a new layer for that and that's your floor let's give it thickness of 20. after you make the floors you can ask yourself a question hey what is the next big element of my project well usually that's the ones to make our life easier let's just hide the floor and there are so many ways you can make the walls it's really up to you in 3ds marks i like to enable the snapping options on the vertices so vertex and midpoint and then i just start snapping boxes to next to each other so let's set a height of 280 and then click another box like so approach my projects like this so here's the architecture for example i already finished the 3d modeling of this apartment the download link for this apartment is in the description below you can find the unreal engine project to track back what i did here after the floors we have the walls and they also include the closet after that there is the kitchen and the kitchen usually is just a bunch of boxes very simple stuff and the same for the other elements of the project like the skirt boards all around the house then the table and if you look at the reference something similar to this after that there is the spotlights and then the doors and the windows so now why don't we export this to unreal engine 5 to export anything to unreal engine you need to download datasmith exporter datasmith is magic 100 before data smash we used to spend days just exporting projects depending on their scale of course it used to take so much time sending projects and assets and files between your digital content creations tools and unreal engine and if you're trying to work with someone who's uses another tool oh that was painful so data of math solves all this as you can see here this picture is explained at all from 3ds max cinema 4d reveal sketchup basically all these tools and more to unreal engine easy peasy check out the link in the description or go to unrealengine.com or just google datasmith go to this page then go to get the plugins then install the plugin for the tool you use in our case is 3ds max and don't worry yet if you don't see address engine 5 here that's completely ok because it's going to work anyway after you download datasmith and install it open your project again then go to file export export again that's why i like shortcuts find a place to export your project to usually in my working drive i have a folder called dt underscore temp so datasmith temp i can just clean this every now and then and then let's make a new folder call it architecture or whatever layer you have because this name is important unreal engine is going to create a folder with this name click save you will get data export options and here it says hey include what visible objects or only selection in our case visible objects and if you have any animation you can export that as the active time segment click ok once exports is finished we're going to do what i always love to do is ignoring all these error messages because i'm going to fix all of them in android engine now that is something to keep in mind even though it's totally possible to export everything at once like this the house with the furniture i don't do that because let's say you exported the complete project as one datasmith export and then the customer or someone had to do a modification on something then are you going to export everything again especially when it comes to large projects try to export i don't know what is the word for this in this case i'm gonna export the furniture separately as well for later based on the scale and the size of your project the export could take from few seconds to few minutes and here we are with another more error messages i'm going to do my favorite thing to do which is ignoring all of them all right let's go to unreal engine if you have unreal engine check out the timestamps in the timeline if you don't let's go download unreal engine i'm not gonna download it but i'm gonna show you how so just google it unreal engine then make an account at epic games then click download and this will download epic games launcher where you get free games and free android engine once you download the epic games launcher and sign in you will be welcome to the weekly news here you can see stuff like where is free for the month or what's up for example unreal engine 5 is released that kind of stuff learn tab it's a collection of projects that you can download for free to download unreal engine 5. now it's an early access just click here where it says ue5 then click on download early access then here you will have something called install you can set a drive if you don't have so much space you can go to options and you can disable some of the target platforms that perhaps you don't want to develop for then just click apply and uninstall once you finish downloading the engine click on launch and this will open unreal project browser for you then you will have templates for games then film video live events in your case you may need to choose the blank template from the architecture construction and engineering and make a project additionally there is automotive product design and manufacturing you can also choose a template here if you're doing a product configurator or something so what i would recommend doing is actually going through these templates and just learn more about unreal engine and what it has to offer for the sake of this tutorial i'm going to select games plan once you do that set a project location and then give your project a name go get some water or something because it's gonna take a couple of minutes before it opens hopefully less than that once the engine opens i'm gonna show you how to use it hey quickbooks sorry i interrupted the music to tell you about our android engine mastery class but this is the only way we can make more youtube videos if learning unreal engine architecture is something interests you check out the link in the description and i'm gonna put the music again take a deep breath and let's continue the lesson all right so welcome to unreal editor the first biggest thing you see here is our 3d viewport and you can think of this as a window to the words we are creating inside unreal engine if you right click you can look around and then while you're right clicking you can press asdw to move around can press q to go down or e to go up so that's the basic navigations and this will feel natural if you play apex legends or any game actually and yeah if you hold alt and then left mouse button you can orbit around the center of screen and if you keep holding alt then left mouse button no left mouse button you can zoom in and out here on the right we have the word outliner and you can see these icons everything in this 3d viewport is listed here in the word outliner and the details panel is details panel so when you click on an actor you can access the details of that actor whether it's the transform information so you can rotate it like crazy whoa scale what type of static mesh is this what material it has and so on here on the top corner of our 3d viewport you have a burger menu where there are some useful shortcuts like g to toggle the game mode and this is what the players are going to see when you export your project and this is you as a developer is what you see these nice icons i like the new design of unreal engine 5. the ui is so beautiful f11 for immersive mode and perspective you can switch to other orthographic views or you can go back to the perspective and there are view modes like let where is the default view mode unless where we see the word with the light doing nothing to it so if you delete all lights nothing is going to change wireframe and so on all these good stuff what i recommend doing as well is just clicking around and exploring what the engine have to offer and this is the best way to learn by trial and error exploring these three guys here so now what's this 10 so this is the snap value on the grid so now it's snapping the location of my light on the x 10 increments so this is amazing for modular design later so this is 500 units which is five meters in unreal engine every one unit equals 170 meters so for example this floor if you hold alt you can make a copy of it it's so much easier to snap it unless like if we turn it to one and then it's gonna be kinda hard to snap this stuff together so let's delete everything and let's go back to the topic and the same here this is snapping for rotations so let's just bring this back to the old value and you can turn it off by clicking here so when it's blue it is activated when it's gray is not the rotation snapping so now it rotates stuff by 10 degrees you can chain that and you can disable it and here is for the scale so scale whoop right we have like two numbers here if you turn off the scale you can have more control here on the tab we used to have a very large toolbar again i love this minimal design and here on the left we used to have a panel we could create stuff now all of that is just here so create we can now create lights shapes cameras visual effects volumetric cloud exponential height fog so if you're wondering where is our stuff that used to be here on the left now it's here in the create menu and the content browser so we can basically click here click on it to get your content browser and if you click somewhere else it disappears i love this because we have more space to work with there is no need for the content browser anymore i'm glad you asked the shortcut for it is ctrl space so ctrl space to toggle it ctrl space to hide it again or you can click here content drawer if you want to dock this guy just click here and it docks and you can have another one i love the new ui you go away you can middle mouse button to make that content browser go away quicksilver bridge is now integrated with an unreal engine 5. you can open the marketplace from here you can open the blueprints from here cinematics from here and so on we are now in the select edit mode which the shortcut for this is shaft one and this is the most used mode average while you are working with your android engine projects and here is the terrains modes so on the landscapes when you want to create a landscape like this create and like make a landscape we will get into that in the future tutorials foliage and so on again just feel free to explore stuff and if you have any questions if you want me to cover anything just leave me a comment and i will now if you started your android engine project using the aec template you can click on content and you will find datasmith somewhere here go to edit plugins and search here for datasmith so if you're using cinema 4d you can enable this and you can import native cinema 4d files directly to unreal engine which is totally amazing the same for cad files and so on fpx jltf and here's our gui datasmith importer so this guy is going to import datasmith files click on enable then it will ask us to click yes on something and restart the engine so let's restart the engine here it's saying hey do you want to save this map the one we were at and like nah all right now if you click on content import assets you can see our datasmith button here before we do anything though i'm going to press ctrl space to get my content browser right click somewhere make a new folder underscore projects so here projects i'm going to call this one class one and then i'm going to make a new folder call it dt or datasmith that's where i'm going to save my datasmith export and then another folder for the level we're going to create call it maps or levels double click this guy then right click and let's go to create basic assets and make a level so the level you can think of it as a container that will contain all of our actors whether lights meshes blueprints anything inside the word outliner basically so let's go to projects class maps levels and let's call our level main level if you don't want to create a level by right clicking and creating a level you can actually press ctrl n and here you can choose a default level like this an empty level which is what we made time of day which is awesome day night cycle if you want that stuff and vr basic which is i think this is new in unreal engine 5. keep surprising me hey do you remember when we exported this apartment it's time to import it so let's go ahead and do that let's open our main level let's add some stuff so let's go to content datasmith and this is the file we exported architecture click open then let's set a location first data smith and what we get next is data atmos import options you have the ability to import the geometry the materials the lights the cameras the animations basically almost everything and if you're planning on baking your lights if for some reason you don't want to use lumen you can go here to show advanced and in the static mesh options you can set the lightmap resolution the minimum and the maximum quality so this is kinda adaptive it will look at the matches of your apartment or whatever export you did and if there are large pieces like this wall it will give it 512 or whatever max value you give it here usually i just like to set these both to the lowest possible option i have because when i want to build the light i just want it to be done as fast as possible and just keep generate lightmap uvs enabled once you set your lightmap resolution and whatnot you can click import however there is something in my case i don't want the materials or the lights or the cameras or the animations i just want the geometry of my project so i'm gonna click import import is finished took few seconds usually it should be completely black where you can't see anything especially if you like toggle the game mode however to be able to see something press alt 3 to switch to the unless mode and hey this is our apartment nice one thing i would like to discuss look at the mapping here i forgot to mention this when i exported my project from 3ds max but it does not matter what software you're using to 3d model your stuff it's really a good idea before you export your architectural projects to select all the static meshes and assign uvw box map on the mesh so you won't have stretched uvs and like weird mapping so the thing i do in max here's my meshes for example i'm gonna just hide the lights because i do it only on the surfaces that like are large like this ceiling for example so basically you need to select your meshes just say the walls right all the walls i want uvw box mapping on them 100 by 100 by 100 so when i export this to android engine my uv mapping looks good if you count on using crystal bridge assets a lot then it would be a good idea to use 200 by 200 by 200 because many of their materials and textures are 2 meters by 2 meters so keep that in mind and the next step let there be light to add lights to our project let's go to create then to light directional light this is going to add a sun to our project so if you select and move the sun little let's go to the side where we have some windows w to move your actors e to rotate and r to scale so e to rotate the sun a little bit i'm going to turn off the snapping for the rotation and i'm going to do this so we have some light now if we enter the apartment auto exposure is going to kick in and look at this the indirect lighting thanks to lumen i love lumen there is something i really just said is the auto exposure so let's go to create to visual effects and let's go to add a post process volume all right for this volume to work across our project we need to go all the way down to where it says post process volume settings and then click on infinite extent and to disable auto exposure let's scroll up go to lens go to exposure and then go to min and max brightness so let's do this enable these and set them both to the same so this is the range between the minimum brightness and maximum brightness if you want to get rid of that range just select the mean and the max set them to the same number if you're using the aec template this number here should be min ev 100 and max ev100 so it won't be mean brightness and max brightness it's just different type of exposure to control the exposure now we can go to the exposure compensation and we can play with it from here so we can make it a higher number for higher exposure or the opposite just keep in mind if you don't turn on infinite extent unbound then the auto exposure is going to work only inside this box so here if you go inside then auto exposure is disabled and if we leave things went back to normal so enable this to make it global and you should be good to go in the world outliner it's a very good practice to keep things organized so right click create a folder call it meshes just move our architecture there and then right click again and let's make another folder call it lights and let's hold ctrl select the direction light and the post process volume and move them to lights the next thing i would like to add to my project is some sky and to do that go to create visual effects sky atmosphere it added sky atmosphere for us i'm going to move this also to lights to keep things organized look at this it's so neat so good but where is the sky yeah but well select the directional light the sun in your project then scroll all the way down or search for it the atmosphere sunlight so if you don't want to scroll all the way down you can just type here in the search details sunlight or atmosphere sunlight and now look at this when we enable this boom we have physically accurate sky now the auto exposure is too much so let me reduce that a little the exposure combination sorry so it's in the lens exposure to something like one and now look at this i love this i'm gonna select my son press e and then wow if you don't want to move your sun like this with these actors you can actually hold ctrl l and then move your mouse up and down up or down so to move the sun in that direction or left or right so you can do that if you want to move your mouse in all directions it's gonna be like kinda hard so i really recommend moving your mouse first up and down first then left and right this will just make it easier when we enable the atmosphere sunlight look at the color of the sun as well so i'm gonna press ctrl l again it's changing which is extremely beautiful so here's like sunset sunrise you know to this so cool and because now we're inside an interior we need to select the post process volume and raise the exposure compensation again so let's say 3 right what i love about lumen is the indirect lighting we get in real time the next thing i would like to do is a skylight because now we have blue in the sky that's beautiful but where is it in the project here it's like let's add a skylight let's set it to move on and you can activate or reactivate real-time capture however in this scenario it's kind of hard to see what's going on we can always increase the indirect lighting intensity of the skylight still kinda hard because let's move the sun up a little bit so i'm gonna press ctrl l and move the sun up select my sky again and i'm going to press on real time capture and you can see now we have that blue tint we spoke about so this is without skylight and this is with the skylight hey it's did you enjoy today's tutorial i'd love to know what you learned today and if you're joining the community challenge there are ways you can help us make more videos i'd love it if you can leave a like and share this video with someone close to you who might learn something and use it in their work imagine that we both will thank you the ultimate way you can support us and learn much more about android engine is by getting our android engine architectural mastery class i look forward to seeing you in the next part of this course take care stay productive and i will see you soon [Music] cheers [Music] you
Channel: VR Division
Views: 29,630
Rating: 4.9097743 out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 4, unreal engine 5, ue4, ue5, archviz, unreal engine architecture, sketchup, sketchup to unreal engine, architecture, unreal engine, unreal engine tutorial, realistic 3d, unreal engine crash course, unreal engine tutorial for beginners 2021, lumen, photorealistic lighting in unreal engine 5, 3ds max to unreal engine, cinema 4d to unreal engine 5, unity to unreal engine 5, lighting, epic games, vr division, vrdivisionacademy, unreal engine 5 architecture, UE5 lighting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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