The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER...

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oh my gosh guys is that the diamond Ender Dragon OMG that is insane these are the funniest fake Minecraft speedruns in history so this first speedrunner spawns in near a village and honestly everything appears to be pretty normal the world generation looks good doesn't have any XP in his hot bar and he appears to be in survival mode but as he goes to loot one of the village houses he makes a very obvious mistake he accidentally presses Tab and reveals that he's playing with one other person something obviously not allowed during a solo speedrun but it doesn't stop there because after getting some hay and looting a few more houses he forgets to mute his mic and you can clearly hear him talking to his friend the same one on the Minecraft server with him let's take a listen yo you put the diamond in the chest right and it's no surprise when he finds this exact diamond in the next village house that he loots it's pretty obvious he's using his friend to get op loot but this isn't the only help he receives in the speedrun because as he makes his way to a nearby lava pool he finds a random water bucket on the ground and this guy has terrible acting okay guys basically there's a new feature where water buckets randomly spawn so we're just going to use that really quick but wait rewind the footage and take a closer look at this tree where the same friend we hear him talking to is trying to blend in by using a wood skin in I think it's pretty obvious he's the one who dropped the water bucket there so he uses the water bucket to begin crafting a another portal and enters the nether now it would appear that he's traveling in a random Direction but he's actually following these strange particles in the air and these particles are clearly coming from his friend we saw earlier in the Run using an invisibility potion and this is confirmed when he's unmuted and we can hear him asking his friend to lead him to the Fortress let's take a listen bro you're leading me to The Fortress right this guy needs to learn how to mute his mic so he reaches the Fortress kills some blazes and gets seven rods but he doesn't go to a Bastion to get ender pearls like in a normal speedrun because he actually finds an Enderman spawner something that definitely doesn't exist in a fortress and I'm pretty sure we all know who place this spawner here so he heads back to the Overworld and it's time for him to locate Theon but notice how he doesn't actually follow this eye of anger that he throws and actually goes in a completely different direction where he somehow magically finds the stronghold but he makes a huge mistake you may have missed because in this Frame you can clearly see him using the/ locate command which reveals exactly how he knew to dig down at this block so he finds the end portal room but make note of the fact that there are zero eyes in the portal which is a problem for the runner because he only has 11 eyes and because you need 12 to finish the portal he can't travel to the end but after the speedrunner loots this chest and turns back around there's been an eye mysteriously placed in the portal now I would be suspicious of the friend we've seen throughout the run but there's no particles in the air that would point to him being there but let's take a closer look remember when the speedrunner tried to blend in with the tree earlier in the Run you've got to be kidding me he's trying to blend in with the wall well I guess we know where that extra Pearl came from so the speedrunner enters the end but notice how he doesn't have any beds something very commonly used to kill the dragon but not to worry because he finds a building called the bed house what explanation is he going to give this time guys let's just go use the new bed house feature They just added in Minecraft yeah uh I bet my life savings that this isn't a real feature so he goes inside the house where there's a sign saying deposit obsidian and out comes all the beds that he needs to kill the dragon while this speedrun was clearly fake our next speedrunner might be even worse this next speedrunner is so confident he believes he'll somehow get a world record today's the day I'm going to get a world record for Minecraft speed running so let's take a look right off the bat notice how he doesn't show any World Generation and skips straight from the loading screen to the spawn very suspicious but giving him the benefit of the doubt his spawn does seem fairly normal he's in survival mode he selected the first slot in his inventory and he's even provided us with a timer to track the speedrun but nothing can quite prepare you for what's about to happen is that Jesus this must be a new update that I missed out on so Jesus spawns in and breaks a sand block leading to a chest which of course contains some of the most overpowered loot in the game so the speedrunner continues by looking for a spot to build a nether portal using the obsidian he received from Jesus but in this Frame we can clearly see he changes Game Hunter Survival meaning there was a cut in his footage my suspicion is he was looking for the best coordinates to place his nether portal but forgot to hide this message so he enters the Nether and yet again the chat exposes his cheating but instead of looking for a Bastion to get the gold needed to trade with piglins he magically gets all of the gold he needs from you guessed it Jesus so he tries to find a piglin to use this gold and it seems as though he finds one but take a closer look in slow motion you can see that the piglin makes this very fast and unrealistic movement which is very different from the movement mechanics of a real piglin also the shape of the the piglin looks slightly different from a real one all this points to the piglin being an actual player most likely one of his friends simply using a piglin skin so he gives this quote unquote piglin his gold and hopes to receive some loot but instead of blaze rods his piglin friend accidentally gives him sticks how can you be this bad while cheating so he eventually gets his blaze rods and heads back to the Overworld and it appears as though he's actually trying to speedrun for real because he starts throwing his eyes of vender to try to find the strongholds but as he's doing this he finds a rather interesting mom or shall I say Sonic how many updates did I miss so Sonic blesses the runner with a speed effect that's apparently level 1,1 and I guess that's so fast that he just teleports straight into the end now even though the speedrunner got insanely overpowered loot earlier in the the Run you'll notice that he doesn't remember to bring any beds with him something used by almost all speed runners in a speedrun but I guess this guy had some feeling that he would magically find dream in the end wait that's not the real one is it and dream givs the speedrunner a netherite axe with sharpness level 255 and it's clear that the Ender Dragon stands no chance against this speedrunner this next speedrun spawns in and immediately goes to mine some wood he then collects some rocks and then gets into a fight with the spider wait this is the wrong footage so this next speedrun begins and take a very close look at the world generation in a real speedrun the screen must show this number reaching 100% but in this speedrun you can see him cut the footage at 98% so when he spawns right in front of a village we know he's using a set seed and edited the world generation to make it look real but giving him the benefit of the doubt everything looks legitimate out of first glance he doesn't have any XP he's in survival mode and doesn't start with any weird items in his inventory until you look closer at the roof of this village house which has clearly been marked by the speedrunner with this slightly different colored stair to Mark out the fact that this house has a chest with bread apples wait is that a rocket launcher remember this for later so he leaves the village and begins his search to find a lava pool to build a nether portal where he suddenly stops and digs straight down at this random block magically leading him straight to a lava pool but how is it possible he knew to dig down at this exact block well if we slow down this footage from just a few seconds earlier you can clearly see the position of the bread and apples in his heart toot bar switch meaning there was a cut in his recording which allowed the speedrunner to go off camera and find the location of the lava pool in spectator mode so he begins to build his nether portal but ends up running out of lava with just one block short of finishing the portal but somehow he actually manages to light the nether portal and I'm not even going to try to explain how he does that so he enters the Nether and immediately spawns in front of a fortress but instead of head straight into it the speedrunner oddly just stops moving his character and stands completely still while the timer is still running uh let's just take a listen to his audio to figure out what's going on Jimmy get off Minecraft and go to your homework I kid you not he literally changes his tab from Minecraft to Con Academy and starts doing math equations you cannot make this up 5 minutes later anyway he finally returns to the game and heads into the Fortress where he's able to get seven blaze rods fairly easily he then makes his way over to a nearby Bastion and ends up getting pretty lucky with the piglin trades getting 16 pearls very quickly but that is not what's fake about these piglin trades because he also ends up getting a compass something that is impossible to receive from a piglin trade now you're probably asking why would this speedrunner fake getting a compass because how could that even help him in the speedrun well when he goes back to the Overworld and opens his crafting table he uses this exact Compass to craft something called a stronghold finder and with just one click of it a message appears saying stronghold located and the compass directs the speed runner straight to the stronghold and now it's clear why he made it seem like he got the compass from a piglin so he finds the end port portal room and begins to fill the portal but ends up just being one eye short but hold on take a closer look at this block this block is smooth Stone when in a normal stronghold this block is supposed to be a stone brick and when he breaks this smooth Stone he magically finds a chest with the last eye of vender he needs to finish the portal he clearly tried to Mark out the spot of the chest by using a different block hoping we wouldn't notice so the speedrunner enters the end and here's where things get crazy you're probably expecting him to fight the dragon with maybe some beds perhaps even a bow oh no no no do you remember when earlier in the run the speedrunner got a rocket launcher from this chest well he equips it and I think the footage just spoke for itself so this next speedrun begins with the runner mining some wood crafting some tools and finding a nearby Village where he enters this house and finds a chest with some pretty normal items some iron some bread is that a dragon egg remember this for later so the speedrunner then goes to kill the Iron Golem but along with dropping iron the Iron Golem also drops flint and steel something that is impossible as flint and steel can't be dropped from Iron Golems so the speedrunner travels to a nearby ruined portal and uses the flint and steel he got from the Iron Golem to enter the nether okay so the speedrunner is in the Nether and take a very good look at the area surrounding him when he spawns because he goes to this wall and when he turns around he's magically in front of a Bastion but if we compare this to the area he was at just seconds before we can clearly tell there was never a Bastion there meaning he used turning around at the wall as a distraction to make a cut in the speedrun this is further proven when he accidentally opens his chat revealing he used a slash locate command but even with all of this cheating the speedrunner decides to completely ignore the Bastion and never go inside of it even though in a normal speed run the Bastion is used to trade with piglins and get ender pearls but this decision will make some sense in a second so he then finds a fortress and begins to kill some blazes but these blazes not only drop blaze rods but they also drop ender pearls meaning the speedrunner not only messed with the loot drops of the blazes but now it makes sense as to why he completely ignored the Bastion so he collects all of the rods and Pearls that he needs and wants to head back to the Overworld where he finds a very specific spot marked out to build a nether portal but if we take a closer look at the speed runner's inventory he has zero obsidian so how is he supposed to craft a Nether Portal okay well I guess he's deciding to build it with Nether Bricks not really sure how that's supposed to work wait how did that work so the speed Runner heads back to the Overworld and ends up finding the stronghold and enters it so the speedrunner fills the portal and makes his way into the end and the first thing you'll notice is that all of the end crystals are mysteriously gone and the second thing you'll notice is wait is that a threaded Ender Dragon this world is so cursed now in a normal speedrun beds are usually the preferred way to beat the game but I'm not sure if measly little beds will be able to handle Le the threaded Dragon well do you remember earlier in the run when the speedrunner found a dragon egg well he uses the egg to spawn in his very own fire dragon that he can actually [Music] ride if you you enjoyed Please Subscribe bye
Channel: Camdeeno
Views: 3,411,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tjCt-o0tchs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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