The Freecss Family RANKED and EXPLAINED!

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in the universe of Hunter Hunter there are a lot of things that are still very mysterious who is Going's mother what is kilo up to during the succession contest Arc what is happening on the entirety of the Dark Continent but throughout the entirety of Hunter Hunter there seems to be one stripe of similarity when it comes to mystique and that one stripe of Mystique that runs through the entirety of Hunter Hunter is the freaks family see for a long time we believed that gone was the main character of Hunter Hunter and for 300 or so chapters he was however Togashi is anything but a regular mangaka While most mangako would shiver at the idea of taking their MC out of the story that's exactly what Togashi has done leaving gone now basically neendless just to reside on whale island has gone has accomplished everything he wanted to do he met Jake but upon meeting Jing we could argue that the freak's family Mystique was passed from Gone to Jing and even in the first 300 chapters of Hunter Hunter when we were following gon Jing was this shadowy figure that we were chasing after we knew nothing about him except what was told to us through Whispers In rumors but at the cone is no longer the central point of interest in Hunter Hunter and Jing has taken a step forward we see that Jing is on a very similar journey to gon he's chasing after another freaks family member except Jing is chasing after Dawn freaks an ancient ancestor to both Jing and gon who could be about 300 years old currently a man who went on an expedition to the Dark Continent was so successful in the Expedition he managed to write a book about what half of the continent was like well Hunter Hunter as a universe might be one of the most full and complex we've ever seen in manga outside of obviously the likes of One Piece there Still Remains one family that's an enigma and ironically that's the family the story focuses on so I figured since we've already talked about the other most prolific family in Hunter Hunter the zoltic family today we should talk about the most enigmatic family in Hunter Hunter the freaks family but obviously when it comes to Feats the freaks family has way less than the zoldik family so we can't tackle this video like we did with the zolvik family video well I am going to be talking about about how strong these characters are or are theorized to be this video is more just gonna be me trying to explain to you who these characters are and how they play into the great fold of the hunter hunter storyline so with no further Ado let's get into ranking and explaining the freaks family but before we get to Wrecking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that note about if you're like me talking about freaks then you're gonna love my brand new anime podcast to talk is anonymous where me and Danny Mata break down everything that happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Apple podcast and Spotify unfortunately when it comes to truly understanding any of the members of The Freaks family of which there's only three that are confirmed we only have a truly solid amount of information on go as even Jing who's supposed to be playing a major role in the succession contest Arc has kind of not been around as he's more operating in the background trying to keep periston in check but the fact that the person that we know the best out of the entirety of the freaks family is gone is gonna make this next part a little awkward because when it comes down to power or displayed gun is absolutely the strongest character we've seen so far as the freaks family goes but when it comes down to the potential that all of the freaks family members hold in terms of power gone is probably the weakest and this is nothing against gon he's just been through substantially less than Jing and definitely less than Dawn so let's open up by talking about the character in The Freaks family that we know the most about go going is a rookie hunter in the son of Jake but he didn't always know that second part I guess he didn't always know he was a rookie Hunter but I'm driving at something here so I'm going was two years old he was returned to whale Island by Jane this was the first time in 10 years that Jing had returned to whale Island and considering the fact that whale Island was a very small community and Jing was now a world famous Hunter it was a big event for him to return however people are also curious about this child he was carrying where the mother was most importantly to which Jing simply stated that they had separated and therefore she wasn't involved in gone's life anymore now one could make the argument that because technically Going's mother exists somewhere out there that there's four members of the Rick's family with Cohen's mother quite possibly being the most mysterious out of the four as we don't even know her name but here's the thing we do know gon's mother's name in fact we're gonna be talking a lot about gon's mother today and that's because gone doesn't have a mother now I'm not making the roundabout point that Auntie Mito is Going's mother even though he does believe her to be his mother even going so far as to stop Jing from telling him who his mother was because he stated that Auntie Mito is his mother and therefore it doesn't matter who gave birth to him because Auntie Mito is the person who raised him but what gun was about to find out wasn't that he had a mother that's somewhere off in the world or who's possibly dead what gon was about to find out is that he has a mother and a father who are the same person am I saying that Jing is gone's Mother yes yes I am this information comes from a highly popular and highly possible Theory that's been revolving around Hunter Hunter for years now see we know that immediately before Jing went back to whale Island he was creating Greed Island we know this because gone's name is registered in the Greed Island registry before he even arrived well at least arrived there for the second time during the Great Island R Cohen makes the inference that he was brought there as an infant and while this technically isn't incorrect it's not the whole truth sigon wasn't brought to Greed Island gone was born on Green Island see we understand that of all of the people that we've seen that created Greed Island Jing was by far and away the best nen user therefore it's not crazy to assume that Jing was responsible for creating most of the cards cards like teleport and the paladins necklace all cards that when used use powerful nun abilities and there's a couple of cards out of all of the cards in Greed Island that are a bit suspicious the most suspicious of which being the pregnancy Stone see this card when converted into its actual object becomes a stone that if you keep on you for 30 days you become pregnant now if the description of this card wasn't written so sketchally we probably wouldn't have thought anything of it women hold on to the stone for 30 days and they get to become pregnant yay but in the description of the pregnancy Stone it says it doesn't matter if you're male or female which feels like a weird thing to write into the description I mean after all the pregnancy Stone was kind of a throwaway car that popped on screen for a couple of seconds making the unnecessary caveat that it doesn't matter whether or not you're a male or a female you can still get pregnant feels as though it has greater plot implications so the current theory as it stands is that Jing either purposely used this Stone to make himself pregnant so he could have a child or did this in kind of a testing capacity to see if these cards would actually work at their most extreme when it comes to net abilities as the pregnancy Stone when it comes down to it is an insane inability you are creating life in either a biological female or a biological male simply by holding onto a stone for 30 days and therefore because of the possible level of preposterousness that the pregnancy Stone brought forward Jing wanted to make sure that these cards would in fact work and therefore is one of the devs for Greed Island he decided to hold on to the pregnancy stuff and in 30 days lo and behold he was pregnant however the pregnancy Stone isn't the only thing that points Us in the direction of gone being born on Green Island as there's also other cards like the panda nurse which is essentially just a wet nurse that's a panda to keep an eye on children which is weird we consider the fact that there's really no need for a nurse that's good with children on Greed Island after all how would a child get to Greed Island in the first place in order to get to Great Island you need to have net and you need to acquire a copy of Greed Island if you have the money to acquire a copy of Greed Island in the nen to get in you're beyond needing a nurse and therefore people believe that things like the panda nurse were created to keep an eye on going while Jing finished up great Island in once Creed Island was finished that's when Jing took on to whale Island where he tried to leave Goan with his own mother and Auntie Mito however Mito got so infuriated with Jing's pension for trying to abandon gone that she actually took him to court in one custody of gum at which point Jing left whale Island never to return for a long time gone believed that his parents were both dead as Mito didn't like Jing and Jing was never around on whale Island therefore Mito told gone that both of his parents had died it wasn't until going was nine years old and he stumbled upon an angry fox bear that was later killed by kite that he realized that Jing his father was actually alive sikai revealed to gon that he was on a journey to find Jake so Jing would acknowledge him as a full-fledged Hunter and going upon seeing the admiration for Jing in kite's eyes awoken own admiration for Jing within himself however in order to accomplish the goal of finding Jing much like kite was trying to find Jingo and realized he would have to become a hunter he was doubly fascinated with the idea of becoming a hunter because Jing found being a hunter so interesting that he would abandon being a parent to continue being a hunter and honestly I can't necessarily blame him for wanting to get off whale Island as there was only one other child his age and that was noko on the entire Island and because gone had nobody to play with he spent the entirety of his childhood in the woods fighting with the likes of fox Bears which not only gave him Keener senses but also made him much more physically strong than your average 9 to 12 year old not to mention that according to go and every single time that in all all-female ship pulled up on whale Island he would take them all out on dates and they would teach him lots of stuff like to remind everybody that he got his hunter's license at 12. jail for every woman in Hunter Hunter maybe that's why there is so few women in Hunter Hunter cone then uses the collective knowledge of his relatively rough upbringing to become an incredible Hunter he goes on to get a hunter's license with relative ease he goes on to retrieve kilowa from the zoldick Mansion get a copy of Greed Island from the York New City auction become the first person to beat Greed Island acquiring all 100 cards with kilowatt and then most importantly to go on to defeat the Chimera ants however in his titular battle against Pito he makes a binding vow with himself where he asks for all the power he will ever have in an exchange he'll give his life now going upon achieving all of the strength he'll ever have is easily able to destroy Pita one of the royal guards of Maryland probably the second strongest out of all of them with Pito going so far is to say that Gohan's fangs could even extend to but still and therefore pito's only goal was to make sure that he would never find marouette however upon the completion of this binding vow using this power to defeat Pito gone should have died and only didn't die because kilo was able to get alaka to go inside to heal him however surviving this ordeal alone is an undertaking in itself see even Jing states that going should be happy he's alive in the first place however gone is alive and without Aura gone has officially become a normal person a normal person who accomplished his goal of finding Jane Jane went on to tell cone that should use the time that he now has to discover who he truly is as a person implying that he could continue his life as a normal person on whale island with antimito and his great grandmother or they could attempt to reawaken his Aura and become a hunter with a new set of goals a new set of goals that don't apply to finding his father and currently as it stands in the manga right now gone is catching up on all the homework he missed while adventuring as a hunter getting to be the normal child he really never got the chance to be sigon's story as a whole is actually one of my favorite stories of an MC ever and it's wildly under appreciated a lot of people call gone uninteresting when it comes to the conversation around greatest MCS of all time he's too simple he's too lighthearted he's too childish but what people don't realize about gon's story because they don't dive deep enough into it is that gone for the entirety of the Hunter Hunter manga where he is the main character is walking a tightrope going was most likely created through nen which explained his Affinity with net tie that into the fact of the person who created him with nen is probably the world's greatest hunter and you have a ticking Time Bomb of potential gun was then abandoned by this world's greatest hunter where he didn't get to live a normal child's life he was in the woods fighting Fox Bears he was pulling out the biggest fish in the entire Lake of whale Island he was honing Hunter senses before he even knew what he was doing this then impressionable and young child was thrusted into the most complicated parts of the world where he had to meet people like karapika who have dealt with familial genocide Fiorio who's trying to become a hunter to fund healing the poor in kilowatt another talented child who comes from a family of Assassins everything that going met throughout his journey was supposed to make him jaded was supposed to push him one step further into the darkness he watched Friends die in York new in Greed Island in the Chimera antarct and every single time he got up and brushed himself off at his Intel kite died with kite's death we see the first time that goon takes a step forward into the darkness and In This Moment he is supposed to serve as a foil to maraweb see throughout the duration of the Chimera antarct gon is becoming a monster while marowen is becoming a human with the irony being that in the end of the Chimera antarcton monsterizes himself to kill the Chimera ants losing all semblance of his smile emotion or any want to save those around him while mayorwem who's trying to make a better future for Humanity albeit through the wrong means is killed by Humanity's most diabolical weapons this monsterization should have been the end of go except the people that he made connections with the people that loved him like kilowatt and Alucard and the Oreo and karapika brought him back and now he gets to live his own life he's established what it means to be human and a hunter to himself because finding Jing was never about finding Jing it was about finding himself but in that Journey for self-enlightenment cone did acquire a lot of powers when it comes to really anything gone can do it better than any hunter or human out there gun is able to establish minute differences between two kitty KO going so far is to even identify their sex when everybody else who had met them thought they were exactly the same goan's hearing is so good he can fight in the pitch black being able to hear things like a bat's Wings slice through the air and determine its immediate location his smell allowed him to track down the Oreo through his cologne from Miles Away not to mention that gun is was able to detect melioron whose specialty is erasing his presence while his presence was erased and we've seen tons of instances where Gohan has shown off his insane strength before cone was even a hunter he pulled out the master of the swamp in whale Island a fish that five grown men weren't able to reel in on whale Island he was able to in Heaven's Arena to grab the tiles they were fighting on which were massive and fling them at opponents like hisoka he was able to defeat nobunaka ranked ninth in the Phantom troop in terms of strength in an arm wrestling competition but genuinely the most impressive thing we saw in terms of strength from Gone is when he punched a chimera ant using his Rock technique into a different country when it comes to speed gone during the Greed Island Arc was able to become as fast as kilowatt no obviously this was before godspeed but still very impressive his reaction time is so fast he was able to see through goto's coin game by the time that the Khmer antarct came around gon was able to keep up with the likes of kite not to mention that Gohan has almost Limitless stamina being able to battle against the likes a beanult for 10 days straight but gone's true strength comes from his Nan sigon is an enhancer in an incredibly proficient one at that sigon has three techniques that he uses all based off the rock paper scissors game sigon uses code to focus Aura into his fist and because he's using code to focus all of his Aura into his fist there's an inherent risk involved as the rest of his body isn't covered in nearly as much none because of it because there's a risk involved this actually makes this technique significantly more dangerous as risk makes nenability stronger going with the power of this technique before he made his binding vow was able to knock knuckle out he knocked Hollow the Chimera ant into a different country and when gon uses technique when training with moral while thinking about how angry he was at Pito moral broke out into a cold sweat believing that that technique would be able to kill him and mind you moral is one of the strongest Hunters we've ever seen gun also has scissors and paper now scissors is a transmuting ability that requires going to extend his rock into two scissor-like Blaze that he uses to slash through opponents while paper is an admission technique that has gone firing his rock at enemies however Going's true strength comes from his binding vow the transformation he underwent in his battle against Peta in this form gone was able to easily Dodge pito's terpsichora and kicked Pito several dozen meters into the air before performing a Jaja Ken that would cave their face in gone then proceeded to use Jaja Ken rock until pito's body was a bloody pulp and it wasn't until Pito was actually super boosted with postmortem nen that Pito was able to cut off one of gun's arms which is heavily theorized that gon allowed them to do before Gone grabbed that arm and impaled pito's corpse with it mind you post-mortem and then is one of the strongest things in Hunter Hunter and the ability that Pito used with this postmortem then is actually thought to be a specialist ability meaning that gon was able to defeat a royal guard using post-mortem nen with a specialist ability meaning in this form it's not crazy to assume that gond was comparable to marouette but if I'm saying that going in this form was comparable to how am I saying he's the weakest person on this list well because we've seen what gon's maximum potential is that was quite literally the point of The Binding vow but we haven't seen the maximum potential leave either Jing or Don freaks well we actually haven't even seen Don freaks but we have seen jig and he's our number two spot now Jing is a double star hunter even though it's been said that he should be a Triple Star Hunter he just hasn't applied yet but it said that if he did apply he would easily pass and become one of the 10 Triple Star Hunters on Earth you see there is 600 Hunters on Earth at only 10 of them are Triple Star Hunters the only three that we know of are Cheeto periston in botabai all of who at one point or another were zodiacs with botabai being said to be the only person comparable to nederro in strength in order to become a three-star Hunter you have to achieve remarkable results in multiple different fields meaning you can't focus singularly on doing one thing like hunting down Outlaws something that Jing has absolute accomplished therefore this implies right off the bat that Jing is within the top 11 nen users in the entire world as nen use in becoming an incredible Hunter kind of go hand in hand but Jane wasn't always one of the world's greatest Hunters his beginning was very similar to that of Gomes Jing was born on whale Island where he and Mito grew up alongside each other however right before he turned 12 he left whale Island to take part in the 267th Hunter exam however right after leaving for this Hunter exam mito's parents died in an accident and Jing's own father was lost at sea see that's the thing we don't even know Jing's father's name so there's a possibility that there is in fact another freaks family member out there we don't really know but what we do know is that Jing was the only person to pass a 276 Hunter exam and then after he became a hunter he devoted himself to saving archaeological sight and restoring them to their original Beauty so everybody in the world could see them more often than not bonding these undertakings with his own fortune and more than that it was revealed to us when Nero was talking to biscuit that Nero believes that Jing is one of the five best nen users on Earth which can feel hard to believe because we haven't really seen him in action but with little we have seen from Jing definitely points in the direction of him being insanely powerful we know that Jing is massively faster than gun as Jing was able to scale the world tree so much faster than going that he said he got tired of waiting for him at the top not to mention that Jing was able to dodge gunfire from three gunmen while casually having the conversation with periston he faked the punch at a dude so fast that the dude believed for a second that he had been punched several times but a lot of jinx power doesn't come from his raw athletic ability even though he is probably one of the stronger and faster people in the universe it's from his intellect as he was able to perfectly predict exactly how gon's Journey would go leaving tips along the way knowing exactly where gun would end up in his journey to find Jing the Zodiac collection are Jing outmaneuvered the rest of the zodiacs ensuring that the election would go exactly the way that he rigged making sure to manipulate somebody like Leorio in order to hinder periston's ability to be elected as the new chairman which is just one out of the two times that Jing has completely outmaneuvered periston it was claimed to be one of the most intelligent people in the hunter hunter Universe with the second time being when Paris didn't set up a scenario for him and Jing to get attacked by henchmen but in reality these henchmen were just trying to push Jing to the point where he'd have to use his net abilities and reveal them to Paris but Jing immediately saw through this and called periston out on it and here's the thing we just like parastin are kind of in the dark when it comes to Jing's net ability it's widely believed he's either an admitter or a manipulator but we've also seen to be incredible with transmutation and enhancement see we saw in the beginning of the succession contest Arc that Jing was playing a game known as pip play a game where you make bubbles out of your aura and you have those bubbles separate from your bodily Aura now the more bubbles or the different sizes of bubbles or the different directions you can move these bubbles in make you better at pip play and Jing was being taught pip play by a self-proclaimed master of pip play Jing proceeded to outclass the second he learned what the game was being able to create more Bubbles at different sizes at different speeds and different shapes than the self-proclaimed Master considering the fact that changing the shape of your aura is a transmutation ability and controlling your aura when it's separated from your body is an admission ability the fact he was able to outclass somebody who is a master of this game means that he is also a super class admitter and transmuter however outside of that he was also able to put Aura on a recording that would tell gon all about Greed Island and not only make that aura strong enough that kilowatt couldn't break through it 10 years later but also made that aura strong enough to destroy the recording 10 years later which if you know how nen Works means that for 10 years Jing was maintaining this Aura on this recording at such a level that he would be able to manipulate it into destroying itself and protect it from being punched by the likes of somebody as strong as kilowatt by that into the fact that in the beginning of the succession contest RT reveals to Paris in that he's able to repeat any striking ability he sees so long as he's hit by it which is why he allowed himself to be hit with liorio's remote punch because he was able to copy liorio's remote punch the first time time he tried perfectly which is an emission ability but this isn't the only thing he's figured out the first time he's tried Jing had the idea that he released his Aura like ultrasounds he would be able to detect where people were around him and so he tried it and he nailed it on the first try the reason he did this instead of his n is because n is highly detectable so you know he perfected n but on top of that he's also able to use an ability called phasing bullets or by placing his hands on an object he can shoot nen bullets through said objects without damaging it to hit people beyond the object which is also an admission technique so do the Feats that we've seen from Jing put him anywhere near transformed gun now do I believe that Jing without the use of a binding vow would be able to defeat meruim in a fight also no however Jing were to hypothetically make a binding vow that would give him the entirety of his life's power for the sake of his life then he would probably be stronger than the version of gun we saw not to mention as just a general nen user Jing is by far better than go who's probably one of the greater enhancers we've ever seen but once again I will remind you you that Jinx Aura was strong enough after 10 years of Maintenance to stop kilua from being able to break a relatively breakable item kilo when angered while returning to the zoltic mansion was able to open before learning nen four of the testing Gates of the zoltic Mansion I think it was four it might have been more but at the very least that is 16 tons so once again I'll say is the strongest version we've seen of Jing stronger than the strongest version we've seen of gone no but any adapt reader of Hunter Hunter will be able to recognize that Jing is stronger than gun in any adapt reader of Hunter Hunter will understand that Dawn is stronger than James see Don freaks is really only a name that Jing freak seems to know see Don freaks is the author of The Journey to the new world a book about the Dark Continent that wraps around the archipelago of islands that make up the V6 countries in this journey in this book were written over 300 years ago now this journey to a new world is just a traveler's Journal of everything that Dawn went through and he split his journal into two sections the East part of the dark continent in the west part of the Dark Continent see while the East edition of this journal is in the hands of the V6 countries and therefore is kind of used as a guide to all things on the Eastern side of the Dark Continent the West Edition has never been found which leads Jing to three possible conclusions either the West Edition was lost it was never written because Dawn died or he's still writing it which seems to be the theory that Jing believes in the most now while this would technically make Don freaks over 300 years old there are items on the Dark Continent like Nitro rice that could have kept Dawn alive for this amount of time I mean Nedrow without the help of legendary items from the Dark Continent was able to stay alive for almost 200 years regardless of whether or not Don fries is actually still alive and actually still writing it doesn't matter because simply being able to write the Eastern edition of a traveler's Journey Through The Dark Continent makes Don freaks probably the strongest person in Hunter Hunters ever those who travel to the Dark Continent die at pretty much in 99 clip with Expeditions of a thousand people returning with only 10 people left alive as things like the i in the hell bell kill anybody who dares step foot on the Dark Continent even Isaac netaro took a trip to the Dark Continent that he narrowly survived being one of only three survivors on his trip the dark continent is so dangerous that the V5 countries originally were founded basically to just stop people from trying to go as not only every Expedition who went out was wiped out but also every time survivors came back they would bring back a new Calamity with them like the eye or the hell bell or a disease that makes you eat your own skin and these are just the calamities that we know of Humanity's strongest hunters for as long as Hunters have existed have been trying to conquer the Dark Continent and every Expedition that we know of has only been trying to get one item like Nitro rice and then upon Gathering that one item they'll return to the V6 countries in no massive wealth because these items are basically Priceless but Don Frakes isn't trying to get one item Don freaks is exploring the entire continent meaning that he ran into the eye in the hell bells in all of the calamities that have wiped out thousands of people either in the V6 countries or in the dark continent and not only did he survive them he survived them well enough to write about them it was Don freak stronger than Jing in gong absolutely he's stronger than zigg's old xenosolic silvazole dick marowam netero anybody Chimera ants are only considered a B level threat while things like Pap the hell bell and I are considered a-level threats in fact all of the five calamities brought back through the Dark Continent trips are considered a higher level threat than Chimera ants meaning that dong freaks on the dark continent has been dealing with things stronger than Chimera ants as a baseline more likely than not he's still alive writing about the western side of the Dark Continent and it is now Jing's journey to find him as the true meaning of being a freaks family member is exploration more important than anything finding exactly what you're looking for unfortunately Togashi has resumed creating Hunter Hunter we've unfortunately been in a two or three month Hiatus but we learned a couple weeks ago that Togashi and Shonen Jump have split and now Togashi will simply release Hunter Hunter at the rate at which he's comfortable with him revealing that chapter 401 is on the way which is huge so maybe one day we will see Don Freaks and we will see Jing freaks meet Don Freaks and I will have to completely remake this video because everything that I've said about the freaks is either not enough information or just blatantly raw all across that bridge when we get there did you like all the information I was able to give you about the freaks family if you did tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please spur me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell I'm gonna be fully real with you I just put the shirt on this morning and then I was on a call with my editor and he was like we should do a video about Hunter Hunter and I was like fitting thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 515,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, hunter x hunter, hxh, gon, ging, don freecss, freecss family, nen, nen abilities, dark continent
Id: WopQaHL9uXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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