The free game that stole my tears: Genshin Impact

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in the previous archon quest this is a high quality cutscene wow i feel very intimidated what is happening this woman just pulled a sword out of her chest this is absolutely incredible like i am i am i'm in awe like look at this are you serious oh my goodness you feel like she's evil and now for the best archon quest in gentian impact history yes i am wearing a pie mime sweatshirt can someone explain gench an impact to you it's just like a it's like a cozy game like an open world game where you get really cute characters and there's like a story and you can pull but be careful because it can get pricey um but it is free um yeah i need to watch the ball trailer we're gonna start off by watching the trailer um and then we're gonna play um i am not pulling for ball because i want kakomi because she is a mermaid princess um i'm a little bit concerned though that the ball trailer or character quest will make me want her because that's what keeps happening but i'm going to be strong and i am going to save for kokomi she looks down upon her realm at mortal joys and woes oh that's cool and sees a world mired in impermanence only through eternity are you closest to the heavenly principles excuse me [Music] lightning is eternal somebody could make an entire compilation of me watching these trailers an entire compilation of me trying really hard to not want the character because every time i watch these it is painful i don't even know why i do this to myself reality is the stillness very deep girl this is eternity oblivion this got me feeling some kind of way i gotta turn it off okay yeah that's pretty epic yeah not gonna lie kind of epic actually very epic i hate it come on i can't watch these any longer my kakomi primos are sweating they're sweating are they ever gonna come out with a trailer where i'm like nah i'm good i'm good i don't i don't care no it's always gonna hurt it's always going to cause me actual pain but you know what i'm strong i am strong i will not pull for the ride and shogun nobody no one wants kokomi i want kokomi am i no one what how dare you okay we're gonna start off by trying the shogun you you guys just want me to pull for for the ride in shogun you just want me to pull for ball that's why you're saying stuff like that you're trying to use some weird psychology on me well guess what growing up i always wanted to be different so if you tell me that no one wants kokomi i'm gonna want kokomi even more so nice try buddy oh wow that's a pretty okay that was pretty cool the sword move is cool it is she's she's pulling it out of her bosom and it's nice well i have razer and he's a c6 so my saw you pulls are uh i have 10 of these i got them from ascending my characters last stream i'm a little nervous all right so we're going to start off the stream pulling for sawyu and do i think i'm going to get saw you probably not no i don't have saw you i got you a mia which is awesome but i didn't get saw you all right we're gonna start with this because i i worked really hard to get these no no no no no no no no no what what is what what what is this who is this gonna be i what what is happening what is happening what what no what did luke you ruined everything is is is the does this count towards the pity on the other banner or or no does it oh it doesn't oh thank god never mind to luke i'm sorry i love you i just see wendy luke now that's pretty awesome can i can i get say you okay well i got to luke okay conviction so wait what does this do duluth deals 50 more damage to opponents whose hp is about 50 that's awesome nice you you know you know what this is actually this is a milestone for me because this is my first five star that is c1 swordfish resistance okay cool i can't believe we just pulled another luke like what in the world and what oh yeah there's fishing can i just fish wherever the heck i want but you can use one if you need oh that's a cute voice line she hasn't stopped the storm wait i can stop the storm wait you mean to tell me i can stop the storm it's a quest oh okay we should probably do that first because this is this is not a good time don't it will take so long all right you know what we're just gonna deal with the storm i'm just just leave it it's okay if i get struck by lightning i get struck by lightning i i don't know what to tell you guys i aha there you are good to see you good to see you too your appointment with sangonomia is fast approaching we should get going are you ready we'll start by heading to the camp on watatsumi island and then we'll go meet her excellency together from there if you start to feel seasick at any point during the trip let me know straight away ready and away we go he is so sweet what a sweetheart can he be a five-star character i think he deserves it i would absolutely pull for him whoa okay we're going all the way over there just just a nice cozy boat right how's everyone doing this music is so pretty oh wait can we go down this can i go down this waterfall do you know how fun that would be whoa i'm sorry i assume that's where kokomi is doesn't that make you want kokomi even more i thought we were going down i was i was so down for it though i was ready this is so beautiful what in the world oh my god it kind of reminds me of xenoblade there's there's areas in xenoblade that look like that this is like this this might be like my new favorite area this is so pretty are you kidding me look at the waterfalls oh my god i just wanna like i just wanna like take it all in between the music and just like the atmosphere here like it's so nice to de-stress exactly it's distressing well not not distressing one day we'll get to the archon quest oh no no stop brace yourself i love using venti to cheese my way up a mountain i love it they go in here no let me in yay oh it's even pretty on the map this is this is hands down the best area in the game i will not take any criticism towards that statement this music really could make you cry you really could if you played this music during a sad scene i would saw this is kokomi land it makes me want kakomi even more it really does here we are the training grounds for wadatsumi islands troops did you use the train here too yep unfortunately i had to join the fight into tarasuna before i'd had the chance to impress the instructors so they had me start off by helping in the logistics division i love tepe is sarah good at boss fights don't ask chat that don't ask don't ask uh i'll have to show you around while tatsumi is so excited for now let's get ourselves over to sangonomia come on did anyone else get here and and declare that it's their favorite area in the game already food supplies are the absolute top priority period we cannot afford any losses oh my god her voice with the conflict between us and the shogun's army getting more intense by the day we must prioritize the stability of the rear guard understood i will think of a way take heart we have a fresh batch of supplies in hand and i'm working on expanding the army huh tepe what are you doing back on what's up so cute wait so are you the new recruit everyone's been talking about strength of 20 men splitting arrows i love the zooms skin as hard as diamonds that's you seriously the way her cape is like is like a mermaid tail she is precious the mere existence of the vision her little voice [Music] attitude just doesn't seem to add up and neither does the shoguns are you still willing to fight with us it only gives me one option i'm not i'm not willing to fight with you sorry don't you yes i won't give up either then here is your assignment i hereby appoint you as captain of the watasumi island special operations unit swordfish too whoa whoa what swordfish too is this the same swordfish special ops unit that i'm thinking of it's hard enough getting into a special ops unit at the bottom rung let alone jumping the captain in one fell swoop this is incredible i love tepe where's my cat i don't actually oh i said where's my cat he walked in i'm not joking i don't know what are the odds the special ops unit comprises what tatsumi island's elite soldiers they can be a little rough around the edges but i have every confidence that you will win the music um what about me your excellency any battles you need me to get involved in i want to make a contribution to the resistance too of course i'll arrange something and brief you shortly all right one successful operation coming right up you may have swiped the captaincy of swordfish too but watch this space cause this guy's on his way up tepe should be a five star i don't care what anyone says i will talk to you oh sorry ah he looks a little feisty swordfish too her excellency briefed is in advance your reputation precedes you and the appointment letter is all in order but i still have my doubts hmm about what i'll be straight with you i want to know whether you have what it takes to lead us you mean like a doer normally a duel would be the quickest way to settle the question but this time we've got a better way this guy talks like like he's a main character he has main character energy let's get down to business isn't that adorable isn't that so cute how was it did your initiation go smoothly the colors i know right the pink and the blue it it it all coordinates hey where did tepe go give him an assignment he's taking part in a surprise attack against the shogun's navy he expressed the desire to be on the front line so i honored his wishes is tethy really gonna be okay he has a tendency to dive into action without thinking things through oh hyman can't help but feel a little worried about him oh why don't we go wait for him at the training grounds yanfei vibes from kokomi really i don't see that that was the quickest thing i could like they really put that up there for like a millisecond what was that thanks to my outstanding achievements in the recent naval battle i have officially been made the captain of my very own special operation hey tape you deserve it we love you tepe good job so proud of you good job it's a brand new unit herring one what do you think pretty awesome right swordfish two and herring one okay i spoke to her excellency and she says our uniforms are in production let's go collect them together can't wait to put them on we're really gonna look the part he's so cute everything's going great our mystery sponsor supplies have really helped turn things around well pie might get a uniform too of course you're a recognized member of the watatsumi island resistance captain a new assignment has come in i want to go fishing yeah she likes to name the the groups after fish i want to be part of the salmon four wow this is a surprise i just got back from delivering some supplies to the front line i figured i'd stop by and clear anything okay on the way back are you all right there buddy you're looking slightly the worst for wear i'm fine it's nothing huh i must have caught a cold a couple of days ago while i was out at sea something strange about this place like a turning into a zombie or something take care of yourself don't worry about me peak condition pepe yeah sure made some big progress if he's already dealing with shogun at samurai pyramid can hardly believe can we get can we get pepe to the hospital like what let's report back to kokomi we're back oh look girls here too uh what happened they look so serious approximately how many people are exhibiting these symptoms i haven't had the chance to do a full count yet cochlear coral uh what's going on recently some of our soldiers started showing symptoms of accelerated aging [Music] that's why his hair is gray wait a second speaking of soldiers with symptoms we gotta go get tempe right now surely he can't have uh let's go check on him i i'm actually really nervous because i need him to be okay oh hey guys what are you doing here what is going on they better fix him just a moment let me let me get up it's weird i don't know where all my strength's gone pepe you have to tell me oh right yeah i haven't had time to give you the full details oh well i made a lot of great contributions to the war effort lately of fighting the shogun's army at sea and taking on shogunate samurai all by myself rescuing my comrades from from an ambush things i never would have dreamed i could do when you first met me if only i were stronger still the stronger i am the more i can do for the resistance wait a sec where's my secret weapon gone oh god listen we better there better be a cure for this i swear to goodness i'm not ready for this i don't want to continue this i think i'm gonna i think i'm gonna leave the game i think i'm gonna exit this is unacceptable tell me about this weapon um it wasn't long after you were made captain of swordfish too i met these mysterious people said they were with our supporters mysterious people they gave it to me and said that as long as i have the will to become stronger his secret weapon will answer my [Laughter] call it's just like a vision isn't it i'm back of course i i've never used division so i wouldn't know the difference he's gonna look like this on his banner stop stop we have to come up with a cure this is not okay this is a delusion illusion oh god that doesn't sound very good so what's the difference between a delusion and a vision so they didn't give him a vision they gave him a delusion i've been getting more and more tired over the past few days and i have this strange sense of dread at first i'd find i was a little more beat than usual after a battle didn't think anything of it but today i i got back and suddenly my vision was going blurry this is a real shame there i was thinking i was catching up with you guess i didn't receive the favor of the gods after all fix him now hey would would you do something for me when our uniforms are ready grab mine for me bring it back here and we can change together [Music] what's that look for don't worry partner as soon as i've rested up i'll be right as rain right as rain i tell you as soon as i messed it up [Music] what hey where are you going hey i mean he's not dead yet right he's breathing is getting and weaker this is not okay what is happening house-to-face condition not good i'm gonna need you to fix him right now i'm gonna need you to have some kind of a spell i don't know some kind of magic mermaid thing that you can do um you're gonna have to fix him right now because he is one of the best characters in the game hey guys i think we could take this conversation somewhere else and maybe have some kind of like a sense of urgency okay i'll leave you to deal with the situation i have to get to the front line this whole fiesta was certain to be a blow to morale if the shogun's army attacks now while we're scrambling to recover it could well undo everything we have achieved so far what are your thoughts my thoughts are we need to hurry no it's too dangerous pepe is not dead but tepe is not doing well if we want to stop them we have to destroy the factory where the delusions are made but it's sure to be heavily guarded it's dangerous to go alone penguins take some troops with you was that like a zelda uh reference i feel like it was my eyes are burning we have lost too many courageous fighters already i don't want to lose you too okay let's go uh you mean to the delusion factory we're gonna go destroy all the delusions and then we're gonna get something to fix my man tepe really you ain't gonna think it over first ah fine oh no next on the agenda oh whoa okay i'm fighting behind sketchbooks with ice as always you actually managed to find this place oh my god what is happening barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead of course of course it's him of course you're manufacturing delusions so that's what this is about oh my god i think you've got the wrong idea i know how this looks but i'm just here to follow orders oh my god this is so juicy it's the way of the world human life is worthless they were always going to die with or without a delusion i'm stressed take your friend on the resistance for example there's nothing you can do now that's what i'm saying don't you dare mock pepe i will defend tepe with my life hey know [Music] [Laughter] that's it just like that embrace the anger oh my god the wrath of the gods fills this factory and it feeds on your anger oh no oh wait what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what why what what i was like is she bad is she is she bad what okay that's positive your brain seems relatively unscathed this is good news did she kick his butt i hope so it's just as well really with the amount of effort it took me to get you back here honestly it was like you were glued to the ground back there this feels so abrupt i'm like well i'm still processing what just happened how did you save me so focused on the traveler that pieman didn't notice what you did to get skara mush off our backs scar a moosh what if i told you it was a secret art from the grand narukami shrine and that i had the balladeer down on his knees begging for mercy listen i wish i could have seen that you believe me maybe some of your neural circuitry is less intact than i thought hey the delusions they're still on your mind aren't they you know what's on my mind right now and that's like is tepe okay and like can we please go see him because i'm concerned you've met her right uh you mean the writing shogun i'm not talking about the puppet wait i mean her what do you mean the puppy you've met her yes you mean in science the true ryden shogun who meditates endlessly in the plane of euthymia to preserve her being her name is a oh are you saying that the one we met at the ceremony was just a puppet before pursuing the eternity of her nation she had to reach eternity for herself since the physical body will eventually turn to dust so that place that she carved open with her sword the plane of euthymia essentially the world inside her mind okay a place that typically only allows her existence oh but we were in uh zhang lee also mentioned erosion you mean morax hmm it's been a while since i last saw him a surprising decision by always met the grand notion of eternity she once held has long since given way to the eternity of her own definition and ultimately her eternity is defined by fear with 20 loss which one of you huh which which one of you did my ruining my immersion the ryden shogun literally assassinated like kazuha's friend like i i'm confused about like the the morals of like everyone here anti ryden shogun training what i've prepared a special program just for you anti-writing shogun truth come on focus i don't really know what i'm doing oh stop we're way behind schedule i'm really struggling here so i guess i'm not supposed to attack i wish this game had block okay i'm sorry i'm sorry let me let me try that again okay thank goodness wait it was a little challenging how come you know so much about the writing shogun you mean me perhaps it's because i'm the electro archon servant oh what like the violin is to barbados oh huh never would have guessed by looking at you it sounds like you'd be more persuaded if you found me on my fox i would love to i'd like to see that in your dreams [Music] in my dreams she said in my dreams ma'am she's lucky she's so pretty so my plan is to incite rebellion in the ten rio commission when i say rebellion i don't mean betraying the shogunate i mean oh inciting a certain someone to betray the tenrio commission oh if we managed to convince her i'm quite sure we'll be able to get you another audience with the ryden shogun who are you referring to i'll give you a clue she's currently in charge of the shogun's army she visits the shrine at this time every month and she is our guest today she also appears to be standing right behind you oh don't move a muscle right you've got some nerve showing up here in the shrine when there's an active warrant for your arrest don't even think about trying anything surrender now you're coming with me to headquarters seize her okay come come calm down a little bit could you stop down it seems that you're forgetting this is the grand narukami shrine use of force here is strictly forbidden before you proceed which of you would like to face criminal charges for dishonoring the shogun all of you outside as you wish she is definitely a sundre i kind of want cujo sarah just because it's ggi similar to my name i'm curious does it not also dishonor the shogun to hide a wanted criminal at her grand shrine [Laughter] you're the same as ever kujosara no one can match you when it comes to loyalty to the shogun have you been kept in the dark or are you the only one left in the light ah lady gucci i need you to be direct tell me exactly what you mean the vision hunt decree is a trap part of a fatoui plot to bring inazuma to its knees and your masters the cujo clan of the tenryu commission they are the ones keeping the truth from reaching the shogun you're saying the cujo clan betrayed the shogunate yes that's exactly what i'm saying ever since i was adopted by the cujo clan i have seen and heard nothing but pure devotion toward the shogun three days come back here in three days and i will show you the evidence if we want to get our evidence we're going to need some help now come with me we must awaken the professional the professional i've been exploring and stuff hey huh isn't that that toy tanooki just turned into a human it saw you ah what's going on hyman's never seen one of these before so i use the professional i'm not a tanooki i'm a muchina so cute i love this i'm so happy um is this the professional you were talking about she doesn't look very professional at all she is a member of the shumatsuban a genuine bonafide ninja adorable i once saw you so bad so bad i still don't have saw you good for mayaka and toba of the current situation i see you have been through a lot since we last met i kind of think so far this is like my favorite part of the story this inazuma stuff has been so good the shogun's army has been at war with the resistance for a long time now but not once has the shogun ever inquired about it i used to think that she simply didn't care but looking at it now perhaps the problem all along has been what the tenrio commission's reports yeah they're lying uh what do you mean the tenrio commission presides over domestic military affairs if they ever had any intention of concealing information in their reports we would have no way of knowing if we had access to their reports it would confirm everything true but as i recall the only person authorized to access that kind of official documentation is kujo takayuki it's heavily guarded too even with sayu's help swiping a document from under their noses is no easy task if only there was a way we could distract the guards just for long enough a distraction you say me as fireworks that's a very tomas sounding suggestion but it's a reasonable one ah it feels like it's been an eternity since we last sat down and talked like that food looks so good the rice balls in the dongle this is the new streamer sorry guys i gotta go i gotta go my position has been taken i have to leave but uh he'll he'll he'll do a great job for you uh wait you want who's your favorite character who do you want to play us oh okay okay [Music] need my help as usual gotta give the streamer some pets hold on everything is good mia extra large fireworks you sure came to the right person as it happens i made this really souped up one just a couple days ago check your inventory for the description of the firework okay yo mia's pride and joy is the current owner of not gonna horror fireworks it still seems to be in an experimental state nothing's going to go wrong right [Music] all right excellent you the warrant is for your arrest freeze [Music] thought they would have been over that by now honestly hmm pretty much how i thought so cute there are loads and loads of people if one of them spots me i'll get caught we need to get rid of them or i won't be able to sneak inside it's too perfect lily was born for voice acting also if i do get caught oh please come rescue me i hope she doesn't get caught that's really a good idea you think she's going to get caught i think she might i'm going to get caught i made it oh yeah that was very stressful hey doggie woof who is a handsome doggy you are let's wait for news from saiyu hopefully sayu's okay i really hope so yay she made it i know exercise helps you grow but this was a little too much exercise it feels so dizzy everyone is spinning here you go i'm going to sleep now what a moon my lady what are we looking at this sealed envelope must be an official report that the tamriel commission is preparing to present to the shogun in addition we have correspondence with the fatoui it seems that gujiya was right they have been fomenting unrest behind the scenes this should be ample evidence please take them to gujiya i trust you will have a plan for the next step lady gucci here i am as promised have you managed to get any sleep at all i i you're quite mistaken i would never doubt the leaders of my clan i think you did where is your proof [Music] here huh how wonderful so the tenrio commission they are deliberately deceiving the shogun well the things you wanted to see but also wish not to see are here before you surely you aren't planning to turn a blind eye to them so everything i've ever held on to it's all how could they ah this betrayal is unforgivable takayuki you've got some explaining to do ooh seems pretty angry that was the plan though looks like arterial rebellion is successfully underway if you can get the ryden shogun to open her heart to you once more before the statue of the omnipresent god you will have the opportunity you need i will do my best take this with you as a farewell gift what is it the omamori from the grand narukami shrine are very potent indeed i thought i'd put one aside for you ah i will treasure it if you find yourself at your wit's end take it out and see what happens maybe your prayers will be answered and all your problems will disappear in the blink of an eye you followed me here you've got guts i'll give you that since you are a witness i suppose i can shield you from a rest at least until i have received good nation from takayuki stop zara have you gone insane how dare you disregard my orders master i go on ask him don't let him intimidate you master takayuki i've seen the report to the throne and the letter to the fatoui please tell me why so this is how my documents went missing from headquarters you stole them should i take your words to mean that these documents were not forgeries they were really penned by your own hand please tell me master i need to know has the tenrio commission really betrayed the shogunate yes i have dealings with the fatoui and yes the report you saw was penned by my hand he just came right out right i was just thinking about that diplomats from promised a very generous reward indeed and all they requested of me in return was to see that the vision hunt decrees upheld says naya so i'm going to tell the shogun the truth about it uh-oh if nothing else my conscience will be clear the shogun is at tenshukaku receiving a schnezenaien diplomat a harbinger by the name of signora white this is so amazing oh no okay saffiroth what is that lost in yora the way people charge in here as they please so uncivilized sorry if i didn't know this was tenshukaku i might have mistaken it for some kind of street market have you learned your lesson now what oh no ugh [Music] right to punish inazumans for their crimes is mine alone not your senora then i apologize almighty shogun i know i know you can't get me out of your mind but you really don't need to call my name all the time so you came to expose my crimes in front of the shogun for all who have lost their vision stop talking about people and things that i care nothing about they were nobodies to begin with and their names will be forgotten but now at least they get to be building blocks in the grand revolution to realize eternity i challenge you to a duel before the throne [Music] proceed my you're full of surprises today so you've learned to make the law of the land work for you too hmm i'll admit that i never expect i love when we get voice lines i love it it's rare but it's great when it happens you are awake i wasn't expecting it though i was like loser must die are you sure this is what you want the loser must die okay rest in peace senora then i will deign to share this last dance with you till death do us part oh oh uh a lesson on harbinger power and elegance as you wish oh my god oh no detestable oh i'm nervous [Music] what what is happening [Laughter] whoa okay this is cool the crimson witch of embers oh my god okay now she's fiery it's really cool okay this is like this music is wow long overdue yes oh my god that was so good that was such a good fight that was so funny wrong but but how huh [Music] i'm intimidated i feel intimidated diplomat you know what happens if you lay a finger on me swear if you strike me i will make sure [Music] the patooie will make sure that your precious enosuma stop i order you and you filthy rats all of you [Applause] why would you even try to fight her why would you even try what you are the enemy of eternity but as the victor i acknowledge your honor therefore i shall allow you to leave tenshukaku alive [Music] oh the air feels suffocating it must be the writing children's almightiness i'm flustered chin up let's get out of this place my mom feels unsettled what is happening so to recap wants us to go back inside the plane can i move by the statue of the president this is creepy but so cool maybe we could put this plan on hold for a while there's the sound of electro zapping in the air can barely breathe traveling are you okay i'm overwhelmed it's so noisy outside what is going on whoa okay guru kazuha huh [Music] what there will always be those who dare to break the lightning's glow [Music] what in the world i'm emotional i'm like tearing up i don't know why [Music] we're back oh my god [Music] that part with kazoho is so good i'm gonna lose it what the future uh yeah we'll just say that surely you didn't rouse me from my state of eternal meditation only to tell me this if so then you underestimate me i am quite well informed about the vision hunt decree you know everything that's going on outside so only everything that pertains to eternity the vision hunt decree has my tacit approval the fatoui's actions thus far do not constitute a threat to eternity otherwise they would have been purged long ago but the vision hunt decree is damaging individual ambition is inherently incompatible with eternity those who have lost their lives are the ones who insisted on pursuing their own aspirations listen hey traveler existence is unique in my eyes there seems to be limitless uncertainty in you i'm here to demolish that so be it well then you who would defy eternity time for you to enlighten me what is are we gonna fight again no way no way you wish to become the enemy of eternity travel what no i know i what i i this is like the best archon quest ever i'm gonna lose it it's so good i'll shut up now oh this is the practice this is the practice we gotta hurry up hurry up no no all right no oh [Music] extremely serious and barbara just dances and sings oh no not my healer not my healer miss goodness gracious strike dead no sister oh no no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait lately i was trying oh i pressed the wrong way and i was trying to switch the gun i don't think i can do it i can almost rest i can almost rest barbara help [Music] it's pretty much like the same thing as last time i didn't think we'd be able to actually kill her i could just kind of tell me aren't you cutting it rather close hmm mikko this was your doing now now don't forget who taught you how to place your consciousness in objects surely you don't think your ambition alone is enough to shake a's will do you though you alone are here they too have ambitions which they long since entrusted to you oh my god now then close your eyes [Music] [Music] this is so cool this is so cool i hope we can abolish the vision hunt decree oh my god [Music] no no no tricks the music oh we're actually doing damage oh this music is so good [Music] hey [Music] wow [Music] you've lost eh oh my god yes i have why can you not trust your people and in the power of their ambitions these ambitions have transcended space and time they are something that no one can snuff out that part was like very uh kingdom hearts i don't need the key blame my friends are my power my friends are my power eternity is the only way when lightning flashes it casts a shadow this is beautiful as always my name means shadow [Music] with my blade i perched all obstacles to progress and yet something was lost with each step forward [Music] in the end i even lost her the tales are still retold in the shade of every thunder sakura but the wounds left on our nation by that terrible loss still ache never stop searching even if only for a brief flash of light if nothing else we have the present moment she said that once but i've seen a nation strike forward and lose everything to the heavenly principles perhaps only if time stands still will the lightning's glow never fade the present moment is a fragile illusion only eternity can bring us closer to the heavenly principles i am no longer the shadow let power over the realm be vested within me in this form shall i honor my subject's dream for a land of eternity unchanging forevermore so good i'm like overwhelmed my senses are like irrelevant nonsense as far as i'm concerned not only have you stopped paying attention to the world but you have stopped paying attention to yourself it must have been terribly lonely here all alone for centuries on end but it is necessary he will miss much by refusing progress you seek to prevent loss but have you considered all you are losing by remaining here in stasis for all eternity you are obviously lonely and yet for the sake of eternity you choose to stretch your loneliness out to infinity tell me this why is the sky here that was once so dark glowing again why now this is your plane of euthymia it's your inner world so it can only mean that you are happy to see me again oh you have found the loneliness here unbearable for a long time now haven't you i have nothing to say to that but i have so much to say to you let me tell you all that has happened over the last few centuries as promised the ryden shogun abolished the vision hunt decree finally her people's wishes penetrated her locked heart [Music] beyond the plane of euthymia she saw what eternity means in the eyes of the world this is so good when one's fervent ambition burns brightly the gods will cast their gaze upon you [Music] some ambitions have the power to heal wounds girl to bring victory to inspire hope [Music] but some ambitions [Music] outlive their masters long after the soul ascends they remain as they were in the beginning [Music] burning bright and true so good we're all eternal oh my god i knew that was his vision do i get i don't even get to say goodbye to tepe i we couldn't let him put on his uniform before he died like i am oh that was tepe's house where kokomi was i didn't know bring pepe back wait a second did you say gnosis as in the little thing that looks something like a chess piece yep that's the one you see one too no sees belong to the seven there we keep them connected to celestia oh what's wrong i handed that over you did right now how else was i supposed to save your skin from the balladeer exactly the balladeer is number six of the fatoui harbingers in terms of strength he's superior to senora i'm not the kind of person who risks life and limb for any old reason perhaps the reason you do not possess a vision i'm so good such an ambition has yet to be engendered within you it's a possibility continue on your journey and maybe that moment will come to pass i would love to get a vision oh that was phenomenal like seriously that was so good i they just set like a really high standard for our conquest after that another or at least like archon like finale type quests okay so what exactly is striking a pose that's cute [Music] like that oh my god look at it wait i didn't fish you're still catching another pie mine one what is it some kind of fish it's a sort of wondrous seafood that i managed to catch last time hey when did pymon go from emergency food to wondrous seafood here we go oh cool oh wait oh it's like it's like stardew it's like stardew valley you've got it you got it wow oh this is a stressful one whoa nice catch i got a puffer fish okay what a great way to end the stream fishing love that um okay thank you all so much for hanging out i really appreciate it i had such a good time today [Music] you
Channel: SarahKey
Views: 222,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sarahkey, keybladesarah, gaming, kingdomhearts, vlog, lifestyle, games, twitch, style, kingdom hearts, kh, kh3, kh2, square enix, square, nomura, animal crossing, ac, acnh, nintendo, nintendo direct, reaction, genshin, genshin impact, playthrough, let's play, walkthrough, video games, reactions, Omnipresence Over Mortals, archon quest, archon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 41sec (3701 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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