Nephilim: TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Nephilim

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the skulls and artifacts in this video are authentic from sites all around the globe feel free to share but please do not download and respect the copyrights here in viewer discretion advised so tell me straight rabbi have any powerful people attempted to bury this knowledge this video is about the Nephilim a mystery that goes back even further than Babylon enjoy the ride Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also after words when the sons of God went in to the daughters of men and bore children by them these were the mighty ones of old famous warriors of ancient times this guy here was found in Peru and here's a little baby one from Peru take a look at that right there your little fingers on going up that that long head this of course is Siberia Russia look at the size the mallet on that one from Peru he almost doesn't look friendly fuzzy and this one here is from the sands of Iran this is one of apparently about 20 from a dig site in Germany would you say there's anything at all about that guy there it doesn't look I don't know human this one was found in Bolivia hold on to your seats we're gonna go over some unique features on these long heads in just a minute also found in Russia Peru the sheer mass on the back of some of these is astounding here's a child being held look at the size of that one in the middle this may be the largest one in terms of head volume out of Peru now we're really starting to leave he it looks human range this guy here was one of 13 found at a dig site next the word Nephilim often gets translated as giants it is true there have been actual giants in history this is Robert Wadlow he's the tallest man ever officially recorded in this modern time period at 8 feet 11 inches this photograph was taken by Roy Chapman Andrews during an expedition to Mongolia in 1922 the image ran one time in National Geographic magazine was never published the magazine again [Music] [Music] [Music] it is curious where the trail can begin to lead when looking at ancient bloodlines when talking about the word Nephilim what we're dealing with is a little bit deeper and darker and larger in scope than giantism a really tall guy or your favorite basketball player the term Nephilim became synonymous with Giants because that's what they tended to be it is by no means limited to that meaning in fact the word Nephilim is more of an umbrella term for the hybrid children creatures of any high strangeness which are actual flesh-and-blood biological products of the B'nai ha Elohim the Fallen Angels [Music] the Fallen ones the term sons of God or the B'nai ha elohim can mean angels fallen angels or in the Book of Enoch the Watchers so at this moment without going off of any of the physical evidence and before taking a really deep look at these skulls or peering into the history and just using the texts alone in any authentic text whether you're dealing with actual angels or you're talking about fallen angels these are not Hallmark card creatures these are extremely powerful entities angels often get depicted in artwork with wings now the Ark of the Covenant does have two cherubim depicted with wings over the mercy seat but key term here these angels are representing the cherubim at the throne of God in heaven but I can't find one spot in the entirety of the Greek or Hebrew biblical text where angels dimensional beings Benet ha Elohim stepping through into this reality had wings from the Angels at the tomb of Jesus Christ no wings all the way back to Genesis 2 the angels that visited Abraham - the angel that dropped the chains from Peter's wrists and said get up and come with me every iron lock door opening before their path and soldiers seeming to fall by the wayside unconscious Peter had some clout with someone somewhere that night the soldiers that had fallen asleep woke up to be executed the very next day the truth is there are Wealth's of these throughout the techs the helping hand that seems to arrive in extremely particular moments when all hope might otherwise seem lost or messengers appearing to announce highly specific events in human history events and moments that would change everything you know it almost reads like someone sort of guided how all this comes out one of the most stunning discoveries of the 20th century is that the entirety of the universe is finite that's actually extremely powerful knowledge reality can appear solid but in truth it's 99.9 percent empty space the base framework of reality itself at the deepest quantum level is not made of matter but of little statistical probabilities appearing wherever they need to appear next even the majestic ticking minutes of time itself are quantized at 10 to the negative 43 seconds and every single 3-dimensional particle pixel of this place is not random in fact they're 10 to the negative 33 centimeters the fabric of reality is finite almost like a pure data live stream and it's not random that's extremely powerful it was Albert Einstein who once said reality is merely an illusion when you hear the physics guys talking about the universe as a hologram or saying that our reality is a simplified projection of a much more complex reality or saying that time space and matter are synthetic I don't know if I like the term projection it seems far too limiting or mathematicians who might say that the whole place appears to be a product of mathematics which our mathematics are extremely inadequate to describe it is true that a created thing can never understand the full scope of who created it bottom line that this place is couched in a much larger spiritual and dimensional reality these are the words of Paul when writing to the Hebrews do not forget to entertain strangers for some have entertained angels unaware how can a spiritual being an angel or even a whole set of fallen angels give actual birth to its own genetic line of anomalies how can something spiritual dimensional interact with something physical I'm not sure that the lines are quite that blackened it was Jude the half-brother of Jesus price mind you this comes right before Jude quotes from enoch 1:9 inna would be the seventh from adam the great-grandfather of Noah in the book of Genesis Genesis 5:24 and Enoch was not for God took him don't really like phenom and so Jude is saying even the angels which kept not their first estate angels there is talking about fallen angels the term kept not their first estate has a dual meaning in that sentence not just that they left the heavens but their physical bodies for earthly flesh and material bodies Jude continues but left their own habitation he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day these are actual fragments from the Book of Enoch found in the caves of quarren in Israel dating anywhere between 100 to 400 BC and of course the most famous document and record to come out of those caves was this actual image of a scroll of Isaiah found in those caves which had scholars literally holding their breath until they found out that every single word has an exact precision matching our current tax that is uncanny this applies to all of the Hebrew text by the way even the Greek Jewish text the fragments from the Book of Enoch matched up perfectly with copies found by Explorer James Bruce and completes Ethiopian Bibles in 1773 the Book of Enoch is divided into five SEC it's in the book of the watchers where the bulk of the qualms Ron fragments come from that Enoch is telling you that a set of 200 fallen angels made physical entrance to this place this would have been prior to the flood of Noah as Enoch was the great-grandfather of Noah in fact this would have been more than a thousand years before Noah as Methuselah the longest living man ever recorded in the biblical text lived 969 years if you do the math on it Methuselah actually died the very year or seven days before the flood curiously the name Methuselah means his death shall bring or perhaps more precisely his death shall bring the judgment speaking of strange skulls skulls like this one here are what the archaeological community often referred to as Neanderthal skulls like this actual image of a Neanderthal skull on the screen here now there are all sorts of variation shapes and sizes of monkey bones on the planet Earth monkeys and humans are grandly different in their bone structures this is a human skeleton and this is a set of monkey bones like this actual bone structure of a gorilla on the screen right here out of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands if not millions of both human bones and monkey bones such as the infamous skeletal structure of the small monkey Lucy seen on the screen here on the end err face of the whole planet Earth there are exactly zero mixtures of half human half monkey or monkeys becoming humans or the more commonly used terminology there are no missing links this doesn't come as terribly surprising to me because genetically speaking within the DNA of any living breathing organism animals are restricted within their animal times they have certain body plans for example horses can breed other variations of horses within their body plans same thing with dogs they can have subtypes underneath that body plan and variations but dogs cannot breed rabbits or horses taking the genetics one step further every living organism it's digital software coding its actual DNA is losing coding over time it's weakening deteriorating it's not just animal species that we are systematically and slowly losing not gaining in the order of a thousand to ten thousand different creatures annually depending on whose numbers that you listen to but we're certainly losing things as opposed to gaining them and following suit with that the DNA the actual digital software of life itself for every type of creature is also weakening with every generation the same as would happen is if you make a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of anything you're going to see it weakened not strengthened a Neanderthal skeleton and scull is absolutely identical to a modern human except for a few key features the bones are thicker stronger more fit also the wisdom teeth down here fit absolutely perfectly these thick brows can vary in size from skull to skull a small detail that a lot of people may not know the human brow of any individual this bone right up here continues to grow just ever so slightly through the entirety of a person's life missing on an old man's brow he's got a very defined brow so if you were to live 2 or 3 or 4 or 500 years then that much larger brow that you see indenting up right there is precisely how your skull would look when we peer back in history to our oldest written tags we're finding redundant accounts of very long lifespans in the biblical text most absolutely indefinitely in the Sumerian Kings list as well as records covering what amounts to little more than settlements following the Great Flood as is recorded here in the Epic of Gilgamesh along with the extended life spans both before and briefly after the flood this is the oldest written epic in the entire world the actual records of King Gilgamesh of Urich one of the first Kings following the Great Flood these Neanderthal skulls have varying sizes of large brows in short what you're looking at with these niandra all skulls is eerily identical to what a human being would look like if they were much more fit than we are today and had lived varying amounts of hundreds and hundreds of years from a genetic perspective no one actually knows what causes death or initiates the death process capping us out and anywhere between a hundred and a hundred and twenty years almost as if someone flicked a switch off inside the coating every single cell in your entire body is programmed to regenerate and renew itself but when dealing with the topic of the nephilim we are by no means talking about the long gated years and larger brows stronger bodies and wisdom teeth that fit perfect like a glove the extremely long years resting on the Lord's brow of the forehead nor are we fiddling around with old monkey bones the truth however is that there are a lot of human esque bones on this planet which can very easily even to trained experts blur the lines between was it human or was it something else now there are a lot of tribes have done varieties of things their bodies to achieve a number of different effects including the binding of the skull to produce this elongated shape on the back of the head there are some significant differences however between even the best of clearly modified skulls like this skull on the screen year and skulls that appears significantly larger and much more naturally formed than that like this actual elongated skull being compared against the bust of either Nefertiti or Akhenaten's daughter leading many to ask if these tribesmen originally began binding babies heads in an attempt to copy something that was perhaps a whole lot larger in scope like this actual skull found in Peru some of these are just absolutely massive there are hundreds and hundreds of them wildly massive including children that already have the features one of the first red flags that you're dealing with something that is incredibly strange is that the actual head volume of the elongated skull is at least 25% larger in its head volume than a regular human or even an old human skull these are in fact quite different but it's not just that they absolutely have to be enormous ly massive there's another difference on just the skulls themselves which is even more puzzling than that every human skull on every single human being should have these two plates in the back of the skull that are clearly divided between the two of them by this crease running towards the back of the head this elongated skull however is not like that with the crease and the two plates in the back this skull has one long crease very defined here a crease coming back this way and one very large skull cap binding a little baby's head should most certainly not change the genetic bone structure but it's not just elongated heads we're talking about we're also talking about giants like this Thailand image holding the enormous sword and the two fangs or tusks coming out of the mouth now I do believe that's a Babylonian Ishtar right there depicted as a circular disc which these three gentlemen are bringing before this very large character Babylon particularly ancient Babylon plays perhaps a critical role in all this just second down from Babylon would be Egypt after the Hebrews were in the wilderness during the time of the tabernacle and about to enter the Promised Land in numbers 1333 it says this and there we saw the Giants the Nephilim the sons of anak who were of the Giants and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers before them now there are some tribes where God told the Hebrews just conquer the people and then there are other tribes where God specified wipe them all out as if there's some type of a gene pool problem as in the case of the Canaanites the Rav fights the ammonites all of which are listed as Giants and then you've got other types of tribes like for example the Amalekites features Deuteronomy 3:11 only King aaaghh of Bashan the giant was left remaining of the wrath i'ts the ammonites or so the Hebrews believed but the truth is Giants have been reported in archaeological finds all across the globe particularly in the United States which is what most every one of these news articles right here going down the screen are about many of them from the New York Times some bones are still available however like this actual image of a jawbone recovered from a giant skeleton in Nevada that's being compared to a human jaw bone on the screen how large do you think that skeleton actually was or the Indian legend of the redheaded Giants interesting about Indian legends the symbol of the hound is often said to an sure that the other guy does not have six fingers or the famous serpent mounds in Ohio where in the 1800's it's reported the skeletons of enormous Giants were found around this site that has the shape of an enormous serpent that they mysteriously built which can only truly be seen well from the air following the 1950s in the defeat of Nazi Germany in eugenics same time period that Americans begin pumping out movies about space invaders and Men coming from other planets and deeply religious views of the occult such as those of Blavatsky instrumental in the occult beliefs of Adolf Hitler himself sort of take a sidestep into the shadows articles such as these begin to dry up and disappear in roughly about the 1950s and the skeletons seem to vanish many make the strong case that the bone structures disagree with the political formulation of the theory of evolution whereas that may be true there are others who would argue that it's somewhat deeper than that speaking of a cult if I shift my attention over in the direction of ancient Egypt the place that occasionally had kings with very unusual skulls like this actual imagery here done using the skull of King Akhenaten here's the skull of the 18th dynasty king Akhenaten without any digital effects on it this piece of artwork is female believed by many to be Akhenaten's daughter here is his son the child king in this x-ray on the screen here the very infamous King Thais who also had this rather this family had very unique features long head in all of the drawings of himself like this actual drawing of Akhenaten notice the crown is very elongated and the strange shape of the body and this is the wife Nefertiti carved in stone this King moved the most powerful Palace in all of Egypt to rule over an area called Amarna to take the pentacle of power and throne of the empire from Thebes and Abydos and the land of the old gods all the way up here to a newly prospering place called Amarna which is directly across the Red Sea from Sinai curious thing about the ruins of this particular dig site it has a reported 365 outdoor altars the practice of worship of one God a mesmerizing place stretching into the horizon and it's an entirely well drawn community all three of which are not Egyptian practices their Hebrew practices one thing that Akhenaten and his son King Tut both proved is that even God Kings and I both were killed with remarkably similar bashes in their long heads I personally think that the visor I did it in cahoots with the head military general Ramsey's great-grandfather of Ramses the great but I wasn't there and the statute of limitations has run out Akhenaten shown here with these serpent coming out of his forehead and his son Tut were the final kings of the 18th dynasty later giving rise to the 19th dynasty king Ramses the great immortalized in the statue here who many believed was the Pharaoh at the time of the Exodus myrn kata depicted here standing next to wrong with the disk encapsulated by these serpent men Fatah was the next king to take the throne of Egypt after Ramses he was also the thirteenth son of Ramses the great on his victory stele depicted right here makes a strange statement the people of Israel is laid waste their crops are not I have no idea what that means just because your dad Ramses hands you an empire missing at least half of its army and all of its slaves you can't go getting all bent out of shape about that but if I am to hop way backwards in time that 200 fallen angels recorded as having come in prior to the flood which is really what's being referred to when you hear terms like mystery religion notice the star inside of the golden jewel-covered present covered in the Book of Enoch alluded to in the book of Genesis as well as many parts of both the old and new Testament as well as ancient tags and hieroglyphs that we'll look at and writings all across the ancient world being recorded in large scale prior to the flood and then in a smaller trickle of a scale following the flood there are at least 277 flood stories from cultures stretching every conceivable part of the globe some of them bringing you right to the front doorstep of that flood like the Epic of Gilgamesh from 2700 to 2900 BC every mountain range on earth contains fish fossils marine life and even seashells found on top of Mount Everest in the Himalayas extending to include mass beached whale graveyards turning up in the middle of deserts like this classic example here of the mass whale graveyard in Chile the most arid desert in the world and here's another whale dig site from the other side of the globe in the sands of Egypt look at the size of that whale buried in that desert there plant and animals are found buried and fossilized in every single layer and strata of the top layers of the earth creatures of every possible kind of animal that we see every day are found mixed in underneath the earth along with mammoth size creatures which don't seem to be around anymore and these animals of every genre and flavor are often found in mass graveyards like this actual dinosaur graveyard seen on the screen here as if the animals were hurting and whatever happened happened fast hit all at once and was unexpected strangely when dealing with strata it is sifted by sediments exactly as one would expect there were a lot of water pumping around on the surface of the ground one of the enormous challenges of dating anything is that you have to know what the pre-existing conditions were for example this dragonfly fossilized on the screen here has a two and a half foot long wingspan dragonflies take in perfectly the amount of oxygen that they need to fly if one were to assume that atmospheric conditions oxygen levels and carbon levels in the past were like this when they were actually way up here like this that would indeed pump out numbers that were very large all across the board this dragonfly on the screen could not lift up off the ground and fly today we find extremely high oxygen levels in little bitty air bubbles trapped in ancient tree sap even buried in common things that we might not think about look at the size of this modern-day elephant in comparison to this giant animal here a Brachiosaurus much of this stuff requires an entirely different and much more lush environment this elephant is about the size in girth as the base of the neck of this animal Brachiosaurus would have a terribly difficult time lifting its body today and that is but one tiny example of an Everest sized mountain of thousands the most common method of dating in this present day is using fossils to date geological layers and using geological layers to date fossils but some would call this circular reasoning one thing that I find fascinating not only are the mass burials of animals underground but there are mass burials of trees going all sorts of different directions some of them interestingly enough going vertical what this means is that you would have trees that would have had to have been standing up for millions of years while the layers of strata form around the tree no one really knows how many of these there actually are buried all over the place underneath the ground this is believed to be the oldest living tree on Earth it's name is Methuselah and its age is believed to be four thousand eight hundred and forty years old give or take which is interesting because if you're using the septuagint or the Masoretic tax and even using Gilgamesh as well as the Sumerian Kings list as a reference point you're going to come up with a flood date a pinch more then 3,000 BC maybe a few hundred years more an old Methuselah have been born just a little bit afterwards I wasn't there but I know this that enormous whales really should not be turning up in deserts and thousands and thousands and thousands of seashells to not be backpacking through the Himalayas trees don't generally stand up for tens or hundreds or millions of years while layers of sediments build up around them I'm thinking that maybe real big flood did it occasionally I'll hear commentators state that ancient India is tens and tens sometimes even hundreds of thousands of years old and I've tried to chase the rabbit trails on what they mean by that it's not just India you'll find this pulling dates out of an blue sky particularly in media stuff a lot I can't find what they're referencing the Empire of India began following the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC you begin to see the rise of the first Empire of India the Muir yan dynasty going back even further into the far east the rise of the first dynasty of ancient China the Jah dynasty its inception at 2,000 BC bringing us full circle to our first empires which would rise right down here in Mesopotamia where Babylon would become in the ancient city of ancient Urich where Gilgamesh rule land of the star which is rested inside of the Crescent Babylon in Egypt the two opening players of occult empires right after the flood and then dropping down right over here following alongside the nile river banks where egypt would become and where step pyramids and the first attempts at actual pyramids would begin to rise under de Chasseur in the third dynasty of egypt about 2600 bc land of the eye of horus and disk between the horns of the most ancient path or both stretches of land dropping down along the fertile land the so called cradle of civilization where little bitty settlements would begin to take shape with your first tiny fortified cities like Urich in roughly 2900 to 3000 BC coincidentally both newly developing locations dropping down from right up here in the same area where the boat the saved all mankind is said to have landed so those 200 angels covered by Enoch prior to the flood does not represent all of the Fallen Angels that there are it represents a small portion of the total number of fallen angels the ones which made entrance to this place came in and interbred with human beings this created all sorts of little uglies and unfriendlies including the Giants there's also indications in the text that this wasn't necessarily voluntary what some of your oldest pages and little bitty scribbles on earth including Enoch in full detail are telling you is that before that flood something unfriendly made entrance to this place and was genetically breeding itself creating its own offspring turning mankind into a blood bathed circus of its own unimaginable and twisted design spreading like a virus generation after generation after generation for more than a thousand years until the flood came along wiping the slate clean taking everything back down to zero but then afterwards another little bitty door opened and perhaps what was in the past might slowly creep its way back in for a final show it's my extremely strong opinion that the bulk of the hundreds of truly strange bones and enormous skulls unlike man in this video came after the ancient flood Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward Genesis 6:4 breeding generations look at the scope of the size this child's head and then breeding even more generations the size of the eye sockets are enormous moving up this large skull and then dropping down to breed some more generations and here's another little baby one and then breeding even more than that and look at the eye sockets in comparison to the size of the skull atop that tiny skeleton Enoch seven three and when men could no longer sustain them the Giants turned against them and began to devour mankind it really is absolutely astounding it's almost impossible to believe that what you're looking at really is real this one commonly gets called the royal red head a special thank you to Brian Forrester [Music] well as his team in Piratas Peru for making the footage as well as the elongated skulls seen in this video available that is one strange head Enoch continues and they began to sin against the birds and the beasts and the reptiles and the fish I have absolutely no idea exactly what that means but it doesn't sound good and to devour one another's flesh and drink the very blood it is curious that whether in a biological or a spiritual sense that is equally as deep if not deeper then even the mysterious thing that we call consciousness which seems in a very real way to plug us in the reality at all there's always something uniquely special about the blood the life of all flesh is in the blood it is important to note that after death the blood is no longer usable as if it's lost something every living organism on this planet is constructed of three-dimensional digital coding like zip vials pure data zero junk code in every single strand tit for tat line for line which opens up click by click by click to become a living biological organism all of it fitting together like a perfect glove and deeper inside the genome the framework of pure biological software and precision operating system file folders containing actual body plans digital instructions coordinating every strand every cell every little bitty part pulling the molecular fabric of every piece together to create a biological masterpiece literally written birthed into reality itself from scratch and seemingly plugged in to neurologically and consciously control every single system of the entire biological masterpiece it's not just consciousness the intangible controlling the tangible which is a paradox the living blueprint for what you call you is alive in every single drop of your blood one could quite easily come to believe that there's something a lot larger in scope pulling on here it does say in Genesis 1:26 that God Himself created mankind in his own image and likeness it's a powerful statement when you're dealing with the ancient past or things which may have emboldened physicians let no detail no matter how seemingly trite slip through the fingertips to truly understand Babylon the time periods lasting to this modern age the more recent past from which these skulls likely come one could easily make an extremely strong case that we are merely infants running loose and very short-term little bodies biological machines through which we peer out consciously into this thing that we call the material world built and constructed right out of thin air by digital coding light-years more sophisticated in each and every single strand then all of the computer software made by man can find all the way back to the very first computer with the pages of Enoch are saying as well as the Hebrew texts and cultures all across this globe is that something has tried to plug itself in and insert itself into all of that Enoch is not just talking about a set a very dark fallen beings and producing their own hybrid children it goes a lot deeper than that what he's telling you is that these fallen angels which produced the Nephilim neither completely angel or completely human but something in between saying is when they die their souls come out from the race sometimes that came from this Union gave way to a brood of evil spirits the Nephilim die they become or get added to the number of demons beings which later cultures would call the underworld gods the shadow creatures from all of the ages of history things and creatures that can possibly bleed through from a realm that might be just as close as the air between your fingertips now it is always eggs and semen that things like this are after right or be summonsed notice the little baby down there in the image there's a big part of me that thinks that that thing there might not altom utley want to be friends almost like whatever it is it's close enough it can see you you don't use the term the Watchers but in terms of evil the deeper darker more twisted and McCobb the better and the higher the place of the carnage these are fallen angels if you cast another fall angels can go they can go to the high places but these aren't fallen angels these are these are demons these are Raphael don't forget that I brought up the high places sure is a lot of red way up there and this drawing the more vicious and brutal the more bloody that yet venomous terrifying and precise ceremony as if intoxicating things that dwell in the darkness one of the most respected names in the field of UF ology his opinion shared by notable others such as J Allen Hynek was none other than dr. jacque's valet instrumental in Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind commonly stated his belief that the UFO phenomenon was in fact demonic human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception was Aleister Crowley a self-proclaimed black magician at the top of a great many of the most predominant secret societies to give the first drawing during the 20th century of one of these large headed entities a character that Crowley claimed stepped through into physical reality this entity would ultimately become what Crowley would describe as a spiritual guide to him after an extensive battery a very intense black magic rituals you may find some similarities between Crowley's drawing and thousands if not tens of thousands of other such entities drawn by people from every walk of life all around the globe Crowley is quoted as stating today they call them angels and demons tomorrow they'll call them something else the UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial visitors it actually molds itself in order to fit a given culture John Ankerberg John Dee the head intelligence officer under Queen Elizabeth in the 1500s he would do the deepest of inner layer occult rituals popularizing such ideas as the crystal ball alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone these long hours of ritual occult on behalf of the Empire of England were done with fellow black magician Edward Kelly Kelly would ultimately leap to his death from a castle tower window John Dee however would go on to catalogue extensive lists meticulously detailing out a vast array of entities which he claimed not only could communicate but could also physically step right through into the material world itself though the public position and statement of the Empire was there Dee was communicating with angels Dee's diary discovered following his death told a different story recording that the entities were becoming more and more evil notice the serpents stating more more emphatically these things are lying to me they're not angels they're Demon's UFO knots and the demons of past days are probably identical dr. Pierre Goran in looking at accounts of claimed aliens all roads seem to lead to the occult more specifically either Egyptian or Babylonian Ephesians 6:12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood the claimed mystery religions themselves but against principalities powers rulers of darkness whether you're talking about something that just appears in the skies spiritual wickedness in high places which really does beg the question where is it when you don't see it one theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are interstellar space ships with sir arthur c clarke or physically step through into this reality your ancient tax are taking you at least ten steps further down the rabbit hole than that i have yet to meet one person who has come out of the occult that does not have in some cases terrifying and extremely tangible and real accounts to give I also find it particularly interesting when I've gotten to sit down with people who have had life after death experiences most especially if they're legally dead for any number of minutes and have actual medical records hell or ancient Sheol whether it be from someone in the occult or someone from an after death experience some strikingly eerie similarities these Bland's sort of expressionless pull you in tight characters was sort of varying degrees of sinister evilness scribed almost like a diminished alternate version of Earth that the person steps as if the ground level is being described as lower or different or falls right inside of with things that literally grab hold and heard the people into actual pit like cages where and at that point the descriptions of the creatures get even worse things much more disturbing and twisted than what made channel in to be portrayed as physical artwork and representations of something through the imaginations and the minds of men Ephesians 2:2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world what fascinates me is when people look up and they describe and the ruler of the kingdom of the air like the sky city type of apparatus is the spirit who is now at work in the sons of disobedience toward of hover in a murky or black dark scarred horizon whether in personal accounts or even in Enoch you get these hints of things that are in the air and things that are that are moving but diving below where the people are quickly snatched and drugged to the side by the apparent welcoming teams they'll talk about a lot of serpents ranging from enormous creatures to these more or less human sized things often with man-like or human-like features similar to the wisdoms serpents or serpent gods found in every single major ancient culture with uncanny similarities look at that big old serpent crawling inside of the crescent-shaped moon between the two Babylonian Ishtar stars I do believe you're gonna find the serpents like the one these three fine fellas are praying to in nearly every belief and religion on earth the serpents no matter what size or shape they're described as just like any of the other characters within the place always have this ancient old one yet vicious and precise kind of highly intelligent twist it's also noteworthy to point out the similarities historically of bones or warped protrusion like horns as in this recreation of Egyptian artwork notice the extra set of horns on top is empty whereas in this rendering between the horns you've got this little disk resting on top an environment described at the core that's beating hard decrepit almost with this vibe of mechanical madness combined with living dead organism of tentacles and fangs what some might have been calling the second heaven the said diminished realm well beneath heaven and decrepit much more than the earth littered with sophisticated type things in its skies where the fallen angel Lucifer himself is said to rule for a short spans almost like hitting the show code key the virus side of reality and cavernous needing a breath and drop of water flames probably the most terrifying part of all of it is that the things they're wanted you there in their clutches for some reason it's a prison that collects things that no one will ever come to help I'm not going to physically or personally go in to check any of that out I'm willing to take other people's word for it was Jesus Christ who described heaven as a place full of many mansions and likened hell to this actual place here Gehenna outside of Jerusalem where the trash was burned he was giving this analogy to come and Men to sheep herders couched in a way that they could understand it as if the human body itself is nothing more than a shell a vessel a confining temporal instrument binding one to a specific location in both time and space of those who have tried to describe heaven though there are so many from every possible age range background and culture Enochs pre-flood account is extremely precise people commonly talk about this unusual event called the rapture in the Bible they're technically seven of them by my count Enoch is the first one on that list and he is the seventh from Adam wonder if that has a meaning he stumbles forwards at least a dozen times in his document stating to you I wish I could describe what I'm looking at and then afterwards talking about this place as if it doesn't even feel real anymore now to understand these things called Nephilim or the origins of physical evil or to recognize the entire scope but perhaps before taking a critical look at that pre-flood world of Genesis or the Kings with enormous life spans before the worldwide flood in the Sumerian Kings lists or analyzing the pages of enoch great-grandfather of Noah I want you to notice the Greek Titan creatures part God part man in this image with his arms like a crescent holding the large disk in the middle same as what Gilgamesh claimed he was in the Epic of Gilgamesh the oldest written epic on the face of the planet earth the titans the sons of Saturn were sons of Satan and this isn't just Babylon or ancient Sumeria the place of the Anunnaki the biblical sons of anak kings and rulers of ages past reaching out their hands to summons the deepest regions of darkness in an effort to beckon things that bite the very hand that feeds into this place the sacrifice of little children deeply seeded derangement shedding of innocent blood to Moloch or Bale working darkness into a frenzy playing the drums louder to drowned out the screams almost like a virus reaching out to grab its own desires through an extreme naive hosts to mass ritualistic human sacrifice notice up here above that the serpent is waiting it's almost as if the idea is that they're feeding something at the moment his eyes roll close that there's something on the other side waiting for him to come through notice how the serpent is used as encapsulation as if to define ownership it says something really fascinating in genesis 3:15 right after the eating of the fruit and the serpent in the garden if says I will put in emiti between you the Serpent and the woman the serpent is coming out from the forehead the place where the third eye or the mind's eye would be placed the eye of horus or the all-seeing eye floating mysteriously above the pyramid of bricks built by men's a side note it is curious how strikingly similar the Eye of Horus looks in comparison to a human pineal gland inside the brain and dimensionally peering into this world through the glass darkly and of course the Inca with the symbol of this little bitty owl sort of peering through and between your offspring the seed of the serpent and her offspring he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel now take a good look at these symbols that look like little horns with a circle inside them on top of the head of these two serpents here's an enormous version of the same symbol you're gonna find quite a lot of these in ancient Egypt perhaps quite often on the head of an Egyptian goddess and there's the little serpent but it doesn't always have to be represented like that for example this golden cow's head here see here even the cows got a little serpent with the two ears or horns that make sort of a cradle stars always representing angels inside of it with the sun shining light out from behind the ears inside of the cradle but the Sun also sort of looks like it makes an eye shaped appearance going around it or a crescent moon with a star now when you're talking about stars like this large representation of a Babylonian Ishtar sitting couched inside of its crescent the stars when used in ancient tacks are extremely often symbolism for angels or perhaps even a very particular fallen angel the answer goes all the way back to the temple of hathor to the mega complex of Djinn Dara Hathor goes all the way back the king Narmer himself in dynasty 0 that's king Narmer right there from the norma palette found in the temple of horus notice up here the long crown on the head of the king and at the top of the palate of the first king of egypt the first symbol of the face of hathor a literal temple for storing the history all the way back to the inception of ancient Egypt itself with the symbol of hathor crown to tie the Serpent's heads the Egyptians believed that the kingship of all Egypt started with one named Osiris a dead man who would be brought back to life by Isis Osiris would be infilled and reanimated by the spirit of an underworld God notice the wings on the goddess and then up over here the little horns with the disc in the center the flesh of the reanimated Osiris is generally a murky bluish green this union of a resurrected dead man and a winged creature would give birth to what they called Horus notice the disc in this image no longer is encapsulated with horns but instead is simply wrapped with a serpent this shape is not two horns it's the shape of a woman's womb which is why it's on the head of a fertility goddess and the solar disc or Sun disc in the center is just like the star was for the Babylonians and the Sun in their hieroglyphs is owned by the serpent the symbol for the ruler of the air inside the Crescent the birth canal or the moon being represented in the feminine in which the Sun symbolically has rested inside of and producing Horus the new little eye that is peering through and watching notice down here the serpent again with the little disc on its head in fact at the entrance to the temple of hathor where this enormous symbol is there are actually 17 little bitty serpents underneath that humongous symbol it's like a little identifier this Plus this equals this it's like a post-it note for the ancient beasts popped right on top of their heads move out of the way we're making underworld God's here alright they're a bunch of demons and of course serpents in every possible and spiritual sense whatever may have been the exact details of what the Egyptians were trying so dearly to express the underworld gods are not being displayed as just basic common day-to-day knowledge on their walls but more than that the focal point of the entire empire it was an oppressive place here's a character from the walls of Egypt that you may recognize or perhaps you're more familiar with his updated version the star in the middle of the two horns even got two serpents down here coming out the goat of Mendes this text is from the Egyptians most treasured document The Book of the Dead chapter 175 where Adam would later combine with autumn raw hearin listed as the high Supreme God states there then I will be what will remain just I and a sore when I will have changed myself back into the old serpent who knew no man and saw no God the pain poverty and hardship common people does seem to follow that star Cambodia you have the Naga serpent kings in Hindu vishna sleeps in the cosmos Nirvana with the Serpent's perhaps King Solomon was right there's nothing new Under the Sun most all ancient cultures particularly Babylon and ancient Egypt believed that their gods which could be physically summonsed to manifest were in the underworld when you hear Luciferians and the cultists throughout every age talking about the ability to summons little Spooky's things that most certainly do not have your best interest at heart or entities very tangible things not only does it hate you it wishes that it could be you it's my extremely strong opinion that they are not making that up this was believed to be a dimension running parallel side-by-side with the earth and equally as real a place full of hate anger bondage terror total lack and despair place where mankind is herded up and cast the fangs of a vast array of frightening thing but in the very halls of Pentacles of power throughout the ages of Earth men from nearly every age of empire both great to small in pursuit of mankind's age-old hang-ups lust greed power or the really big one that goes all the way back to the serpent and the garden itself you shall become as gods softly whispered lies almost like the whole thing is a test trinkets in exchange for everything now if we go back just a pinch before the first step pyramid in Egypt under the Joe's er and I hop back over here to the land of ur Samaria later Babylon to the little tiny settlement of Europe called by many the oldest city in the world and by some the rise in New York City of the ancient world is just outside ancient Europe where Nimrod the first King the one recorded as having been in defiance to the Lord God one of the great great grand sons of Noah drawn here deified in this 4000 year old recreation of an artifact an artwork from ancient Nineveh or in the Sumerian writings the legend of an Mercker the king of uric who actually built the great tower that has come to be known in history as the Tower of Babel the name meant gate of the God you can view the Tower of Babel like one enormous mega info patien ritual they're recorded as inviting something from the darkness to step up from its lair was at that point that they described something sort of human-like interred 2nd Corinthians 11:14 even Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light the Sumerians called it the inky has seen on this actual inscription he's making entrance through this little doorway with these lines around it surrounded by these two characters with heads that looks something like this and the inky was called the Lord of Earth the giver of knowledge or the Morningstar sometimes the word Abzu or the symbolism like these little wiggly lines here it's translated as waters it's not quite correct the word of zoo means abyss which is where the inky being summonsed here is coming forth out of this stretching scape of land right here is believed to be the remains and ruins of the Tower of Babel the place where in either the Sumerian texts or the biblical texts the tongues were confused and the people began to fan out were the ancient ziggurat of era do just 12 kilometers outside of Earth and of course the very word battle today means confusion if you take all of your pages and hours of history you're dealing with a tale of two cities Israel and Babylon spiritual light or conversely spiritual darkness everything in this place has a lower level meaning and a higher level meaning after the Hebrews left Egypt the land of Osiris raw the Eye of Horus and entered cyanide following the plagues of Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea the Ark of the Covenant and the mercy seat between the wings of the two Archangels placing the ark inside the Holy of Holies at the very center of the temple where the high priest would go in once a year he would sprinkle the blood of atonement on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant speaking of power in the blood once a year in the center of the tabernacle in the heart that's the unspeakable name of God by the way in the Holy of Holies while putting the blood on the Ark of the Covenant the high priest sprinkling the blood once a year would be sang behold the hand behold the nail surrounded by the encampment of all of the Israelite tribes God gave some very tedious instructions on the setup of this camp in the wilderness with the Levite priests dead in the center in fact itemizing out with the exact population numbers were of each of the tribes that were camping sometimes the most curious things are buried right in plain sight I saved some time for you this is what exactly that camp would have looked like does the shape of that precisely calculate it out layout look familiar this image here is precisely with the shape of the Israelite camp would have looked like of course the Levites and the tabernacle itself were right in the center the heart right there and deeper inside that middle in the heart of the holiest of Holies where the priests would stand before the mercy seat itself and say the unspeakable name of God behold the hand behold the nail this is more than 1500 years before Jesus Christ was a moving cross out there on the desert floor that would have been so mesmerizing to have seen looking down with all the little campfires going from the sky and night let's see if we can take that a step deeper curiously if you the names from Adam all the way down to Noah in the book of Genesis and you look at the roots meaning of those names this is what it reads man appointed mortal sorrow the Blessed God shall come down teaching his death shall bring the despairing rest and comfort you'd have a terrible time convincing me is some Hebrew scribes concocted that in the Genesis text nonetheless let's go deeper than that pre-flood book of enoch he goes further than just fallen angels and hybrid offspring Enoch is redundantly prophesying the coming of this son of man laying out that at a time in the future not only will what has been done be undone but further that through his name they shall be saved there are at least 365 extremely specific prophecies of the coming of that child and the sacrifice of a savior the Passover began before the final plague in Egypt before the Israelite slaves marched out of the largest empire on earth fulfilling every single rule of a Passover sacrifice no less and before the final plague of Egypt they were to put the blood of the Passover lamb on their doorpost curious what meanings can be found in things when you're willing to scratch one curious detail the symbol of the Tov during any Canaanite or pre Canaanite time period would have looked something like this it is true that the ancient Tov meaning sign or mark perhaps covenant look something exactly like this Bruce of fiction would not even become a practice until five ages of empires later under the Romans it is interesting that the blood would be saving their firstborn sons God would be giving up his in fact even done on Passover day while the kings of Earth were throwing babies on to open fire pits and flames sparing no expense to build the grandest of towers and ziggurats to feed darkness their subjects lives satisfy and appease the unending thirst of their little-bitty otherworldly underworld gods something tells me that in a minute here the underworld gods and the shadow people are gonna have a role to play in all this before we get to the end what greater love could one have then to lay down their life for the friends here's the empty tomb where Jesus was for three days that 365 specific prophecies about Jesus Christ by no means includes the fabric of patterns there are at least four times that many for the second coming the hours when all the old score cards get tallied up then there are for the first restoration and the entrance and Return of the King but out of all of those prophecies there's only one other person other than Enoch who use this term son of man that would have been Daniel who survived the lion's den while in the very heart of Babylon no less it's astounding how these things work out was Daniel who interpreted the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the five empires leading to the end including Nebuchadnezzar zone and not including the two before it that makes a total of seven wonder if that means anything but an angel would appear in the later years of Daniels life more specifically Gabriel the same angel that came to Mary prior to the birth of Jesus Christ as well as believed to be an angel at the tomb after the resurrection and not only give him a tit for tat sentence-by-sentence line for line walk through of coming history and we know that none of that precision was done after the fact because the Septuagint which included Daniel was put together under Ptolemy during the third century BC as is seen in Daniel 11 beginning with the kings of the north and the kings of the south the Seleucid and Tomek empires predicting even the unlikely rise of the little-known underdog which would later come to be known as the Empire of Rome those are some really impressive guesses but by far the most impressive of the entire bunch is that Daniel would predict the exact day and date that Jesus Christ would enter the front gate of Jerusalem on the back of a donkey fulfilling zechariah 9:9 that the people rejoice is the King cometh on the back of a foul donkey this would be the 10th of Nisan or more precisely April 632 ad four days before the crucifixion daniel is giving you the exact starting point Daniel 9:25 states know and understand this from the time that the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One the King comes the date that a Persian King gave the decree of artaxerxes on March 14th 445 BC to restore and rebuild Jerusalem after the Persians had defeated Babylon in exactly the way by exactly the guy Cyrus that Isaiah had predicted two hundred years in advance countdown leading to the precise day and writing this more than 500 years in advance it brings new meaning to when Jesus Christ told the Pharisees you think that in those scriptures you have eternal life but it's those very pages that speak of me because of the mass reports of healings and blind eyes open on many occasions the masses had wanted to make him King but he never allowed them to praise him and declare him out as King until one very particular day that Daniel had given the math for more than 500 years in advance arriving at the front gate of Jerusalem the religious leaders the Pharisees told Jesus you have to shut these people up this is heresy jesus replied to the Pharisees if I were to silence these people indeed I tell you even the rocks of this place would cry out if you do the math from the decree of artaxerxes to the triumphant entry this point here 69 times seven times 360 using the identical calendar system of the ancient world most especially Babylon making provision for the 24-day difference between March 14th and April 6th as well as your 116 days at it in 4 leap years you're going to come up to exactly 173,880 days on the money Daniels margin of error more than 500 years beforehand from that angel's lips was precisely zero but if I hop backwards much before Daniel before even the young King David stamped into the pages of history for the highly unusual miraculous defeat of a six-fingered giant named Goliath but going back past even David the one often called a man after God's own heart beyond the days and the wilderness then even the time in Egypt back to our first little starting gate cultures down here in Egypt and over here in Sumeria the place of ancient Europe - where Gilgamesh depicted here is Statue ruled right here to the land an area of her now that is a giant holding a lion right where Abraham the father of all the future children of Israel was living many believed that Abraham could see the base of the Tower of Babel while growing up and then it begins a little something like this get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show unto thee Abraham would ultimately travel over here to exactly where modern-day Jerusalem is and I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse earth thee that's a very big promise one night he woke up with hot sweats and Wars that the Lord had shown him that his descendants would be slaves in a foreign land for 400 years but that God himself said that he would judge that nation and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed Genesis 12 1 through 3 what those pages are telling you is that the Hebrews Israel was the delivery system for the savior of all mankind leading full circle to the most well-known passage in the whole masquerade of particles that makes up the planet earth for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that who so ever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting and eternal life and every single possible thing sort of the kitchen sink tried to stand in the way of that what those pages are saying all of them is the qu no matter who you are on the other side of the screen were born above even the Angels someone asked me the other day how I truly thought that the entire universe was held together I was stumped by the question there's my answer it's love totally undeserved love never listen to snakes because the snakes you were born to be free in every possible sense in both this life and the next it's my extremely strong opinion that the shadow people but not your friends go on your own journey to ask these very same questions your life is worth that Oh before I forget Jesus did say another thing to his disciples Matthew 24 says so it was in the days of Noah so also shall it be in the day of the return of the Son of Man one can only wonder what exactly that might mean it is true that the grand finale of any fireworks show is always at the end I'm Trey Smith and I hope you enjoyed the video there's some fireworks for you of the friendly kind look at how that skull actually does have an enormous skull cap on the back that it is genetically different in its bone structure than a human skull it's not just that the head is longer it's actually that a different structure coming this winter soon or maybe even available now depending on when you're watching this video all the Nephilim video you just watched on DVD in high quality with over 45 minutes of extra commentary with Trey Smith on Nephilim aliens demons and the coming future a DVD you won't want to miss we are not responsible for any Nephilim which may have been injured in the making of this video special thanks to Michael Donner as well as Trevor Damir for the music that you heard composed in this video as well as Brian Forrester for providing the video footage of the elongated skulls that you saw inside the Nephilim video as well as to Rabbi Brian Hall who provided much more information than was possibly covered in the few clips where he was talking as well as Rik Hummer and also the largest dedication of the entire video to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ without whom this video would not have been possible at all had I not been able to hit my knees every single morning and talk to him before I started doing any one of these clips [Music] you just watch the nephilim by the got in a nutshell project stay tuned I've got a few more things tucked into the back of the video for you click the subscribe button it's found right down here on your YouTube screen there's a lot more to come so make sure you subscribe to this channel but more than that if you go over to the gotten a nut shell project that's God in a nut shell calm video the theory of everything which looks something exactly like that is out and available the video is about three hours long a little less than that it's also free to watch on YouTube see there I am right there and a slightly lower quality than the DVD special thanks by the way through everyone that gets a copy of the DVD theory of everything you can find out more about that DVD that's on the screen right there at gotten a nutshell calm or and also the coming release of the Nephilim video that you just watched with some extended content inside the video as well as some other videos that we've got on the burner to kick out here in the shortly coming future also if you're someone who enjoys to write or blog or post news articles online come over to god in a nutshell comm we're looking for writers and bloggers so come on over to the website and post a submission to become a writer on gotten a nutshell calm and I am the author of thieves one dirty TV pastor and the man who robbed him this is a true story in 1999 when I was a stupid kid I committed a safe robbery on a television ester named Mike Murdock this is an article done by D magazine about the book that's made on their running from Mike Murdock would be safe on my back this is Mike with his standard goatee up there coming through that to me it all sort of feels like it happened in a different life at this point through the television screen he looks a little bit angry in that picture there but if you're curious what could happen to a man's mind that would drive him to commit a safe robbery on a television pastor and then end up in the desert of Mexico you're in luck here's some clips thieves by Trey Smith Amazon Barnes & Noble anywhere books are sold I've been on radio in TV for 20 years and trans first as far as the book itself I'll give you an example my producer will dummy his wife Danielle was in the hospital to give birth and they had some time so will is reading aloud thieves and not only his wife becomes addicted to it people in neighboring rooms these was me pouring literally my heart out day after day these were all written in a jail cell and guards used to pay me when they were on ship they would give me extra lunch trays to read them this book suffuse was originally paid for the jailhouse lunch trays and then after the safe robbery when I'm on the run from a television pastor in Mexico it really kicks into high octane sometimes I would just stop and say to myself there's not a lot of really great ways for any of this to end [Music] crazy as it seems though promise thank God today I'm pretty certain that you're not going to find anything like this anyway I wanted to tack a note on to the end of this video and stay to you that that book thieves from start to finish no matter how fun it might be to read does not in any way represent Who I am today and more than that I've not only asked forgiveness in my own heart but from a great many parties who are in that book and we're not in that book that I needed to ask for forgiveness from more than that I'd like to give a special thank you to ministries men and women of faith churches and organizations all across this United States because they are not represented the hearts of the people are not represented by the few that are just take take take take take I have seen so many both great and small ministries no matter who they are they would give you the last shirt off of their back and I want to thank them I'm Trey Smith god bless every one of you [Music]
Channel: Trey Smith
Views: 6,254,161
Rating: 4.6427865 out of 5
Keywords: Nephilim, Fallen Angels, Angel, Demon, Ancient Alien, Ancient Aliens Debunked, Genetic Hybrid, Giants, Ancient Giants, Demons, Aliens, Elongated Skulls, Skulls, Enoch, Lucifer, Luciferian, Shadow People, Hell, Underworld, Egyptian, Babylonian, Babylon, Book of Enoch, Theory of Everything, Anunnaki, Archons, Steve Quayle, David Icke, Jesus, Revelation, Prophecy, Biblical, Satan, Neanderthal, LA Marzulli, Ancient Aliens, Ancient, God
Id: 1zz8_MxcnzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 56sec (6896 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2013
Reddit Comments

Time to downvote this video into oblivion people of reddit

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/mahoneysrus 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2014 🗫︎ replies

This is skull binding practiced around the world over the centuries. A child would have their head tightly wound by some material and the skull would grow into this shape. The same form of forced deformation growth can be seen in the binding of women s feet, popular historically in china where small feet were seen as attractive, in which the foot was bound so tight when the child was growing that their feet were deformed.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Chukter 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2014 🗫︎ replies

I'm just glad I live in a part of the world where this sort of shit is not prevalent. It still pisses me off to see people buy into this crap and be so proud of their ignorance.

I realize that a lot of people are idiots and believe anything they hear but the amount of ignorance you have to attain to believe utter bullshit like that is just astounding.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/OoTMM 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2014 🗫︎ replies

Could he do anymore hand gestures..

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lastkhan210 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2014 🗫︎ replies

I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/UberChrisOfUltraWah 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2014 🗫︎ replies

It's the Youtube community, what do you expect?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2014 🗫︎ replies

Well to be fair, not a lot of evolutionists watch the creationist stuff as it's silly. So the creawtionists get a false, self reinforcing viewpoint that 90% of the people agree with them, when that's not the case at all.

"90% of retards agreeing on something" isn't exactly a resounding endorsement.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/waylaidbyjackassery 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2014 🗫︎ replies

I tried to comment on it, ended up arguing with about 7 christians..

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2014 🗫︎ replies

Thanks OP, that video was a good laugh.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/brjto 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2014 🗫︎ replies
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