"I Found Some Missing People in the Wilderness of Oregons Crater Lake" Original Creepy Story

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Crater Lake one of the most beautiful places Oregon has to offer located in Crater Lake National Park it is one of the top five oldest national parks in the United States and the only one in Oregon therefore it is one of the most popular destinations when it comes to my beloved state many Oregonians have been taken there by either their parents or their school when I first visited the place when I was 7 years old I went with my grandparents and two of my cousins we had an amazing time and the next time I visited the place was with my parents when I was 10 and my school also took us there when I was 14 years old and well this year at 21 years old I decided to go there with a couple of friends my friends had never been there before and since two of them were from the south and the other was from California I thought it'd be a cool place to visit my friends and I loved a lot of things like hiking and climbing trekking through the woods and swimming a Crater Lake National Park was a great destination my friends Harley Scott and Melissa went to the same University in Southern California as me Harley and Scott and I knew each other since the beginning of our studies and Melissa started dating Scott a couple of months before the trip and all of us were young and active people who studied the same things and had a lot of hobbies in common Harley Scott and I had previously done different trips the Death Valley Yosemite the Channel Islands amongst many many others so when it was time to choose a new destination for our trip being a good or go naeun I suggested we should go to crater lake my friends immediately googled the place and had no doubts at all this is where we wanted to go so we started packing our things and as soon as vacation let out we traveled there we wanted to stay on budget but Scot who had a lot of money decided to book two rooms at a fancy hotel that was very close one of the rooms was of course for Scott and Melissa so the other room was for myself and Harley to share no I love Harley she's kind of like my best friend but it felt very awkward to sleep in the same room as her funding the place was very easy and once we got there and my friends are very happy because it was such a different place compared to the ones we went to before it was the end of June which means the weather was perfect and we were able to access all the trails and facilities around one of the reasons why we decided to travel during this time was because we were able to swim in a certain part of the lake if we took a certain trail no unfortunately the first day was too late to do anything by the time we arrived it was evening already so we decided to chill by having a meal and a few drinks at the bar of our hotel and the next day we were not as lucky as we thought we would be and although it's unusual for a beautiful summer day and it started raining my friends and I woke up early so that we could go explore around Crater Lake sadly the rain didn't stop until late in the evening it was a very unfortunate but we still had hopes that the rest of our vacation wouldn't be ruined and wouldn't you know it the following day was just as bad heavy rain again it was particularly odd since according to weather calm and every other tool we used to check the weather it was not likely to rain at all and once again we had the person that was going to take us swimming to the lake cancel due to the bad weather the man said he would take us the next day of the weather improved and I say this because crater lake is actually very difficult to swim in there's actually only one place where it is safe and legal to do so however my friends and I were starting to feel a bit impatient all we wanted to do was to explore and have a good time we had spent quite some money coming here and we only had a few days left to enjoy it it had been there for three days and still did nothing aside from spending time at the hotel and maybe walking a small portion of the park but it was not good enough around 5:00 p.m. that day Scott had a risky yet good idea he asked me if I still knew the place well and I told him yeah sir so I thought and then he suggested for all of us to do the trail ourselves and go to the lake and at first I was a little hesitant but since the rain had pretty much stopped and the day seemed to clear up we decided to make it go for it we had everything we needed with us Google Maps some old fashioned map our swimwear music and beer we wandered around the National Park now first there were some people around but the more we walked the emptier the place became and even though the weather was nice because it was late we knew people wouldn't be around and that was actually very convenient for us we were having a lot of fun being loud and obnoxious while listening to Melissa's Spotify favorites and the view was amazing but when we finally got to the lake it got even better the Sun was shining and we put our bags and towels on the ground and decided to go into the lake we knew that we were supposed to swim only in a certain part but we decided to do with things our way scott tested the water first and it seemed safe so we followed him our time at the lake was great we were only there for around three hours completely on our own and nothing bad had happened however towards the end of our stay my eyes started feeling very weird I felt extremely I earn I started feeling so dizzy to a point that we had to wait a little bit until we could go back to the hotel my headache was so strong I started having visions yeah I know it sounds pretty scary but images I've never seen before we're playing in my head my mind was warped but as I looked up I could see a couple a man and a woman off in the distance staring at me Harley started speaking to me and gave me some snacks and I asked her she saw them she didn't after eating arresting I felt better so we headed back to the hotel no I wanted to talk at least to Harley about the people I had seen earlier so confused because I never experienced anything like this but during the way back Melissa and Scott were right there and I knew they would just make fun of me especially since they were completely wasted when we got to the hotel we went to the bar there was only a few people aside from us so Scott and Melissa got quite loud I'm so glad we went to the lake today was awesome you know what screw the tour guide let's just go back to Marv around the same time Scott screamed as he and Melissa kept making plans now that moment I knew the bartender had heard what we did today and what we wanted to do tomorrow and because I was the most sober one my friend sent me to the bar to order more drinks but I felt intimidated I didn't want to deal with a bartender but I had no choice so I went to the bar and ordered the drinks while trying to have as little eye contact as possible you probably think this is none of my business but what you did today was highly irresponsible I hope you don't do it again tomorrow the old man said this is the one time thing sir I nervously answered we won't do it again I added as I grabbed the drinks and tried to leave but the man held my arm that's the same thing that beautiful young couple sinned and it's been two years and nothing and you know what it wasn't just them which couple I asked him and at that moment the man was going to tell me something but my friends are being very intense so I excused myself and headed to where they were nevertheless before I left the bartender he gave me a newspaper handed back to me tomorrow please he said I gave my friends their drinks and sat to read the newspaper without knowing that as soon as I opened it I would find a surprise there was a headline that read missing couple and Oregon's Crater Lake National Park below the title there was a picture of the couple it was the same couple that I thought I had seen in the distance I told my friends I needed some rest and headed to the room and once there I read the newspaper apparently young couple of newlyweds were missing and the last place they were seen was crater lake national park more than 2 years ago their bodies were never found now like every other normal person I decided to go online to corroborate this information and not only that I find out this information was true I also found out they were not the only people who had gone missing at Crater Lake if you look for the right information you're going to come across different information regarding disappearances and even deaths but at that moment I understood what the man at the bar meant that night I couldn't speak to my friends about not going on our own and just stick with the tour the Scott and Melissa went straight to their room and Harley didn't understand anything either so I decided to wait until the next morning when I woke the next morning had a text message from Scott Melissa and him had gone somewhere else it read I'll meet you at Crater Lake at 4 p.m. he said same places yesterday and all my attempts to respond failed we also tried calling them from the hotel's landline but weren't successful we had no other choice than to meet them at 4 o'clock as the day passed I decided to show Harley the newspaper it told her what I read about online and just as I expected this made Harley feel even more excited she kept repeating that we totally needed to go there and when the time came Harley and I went to crater lake this time I kept having thoughts of the young couple however not tell that to Harley when we finally got to lake scott and melissa were already there they had gone for a different tour around a nearby town apparently was old and historic and Harley told them about the disappearances they of course it didn't take these things seriously they even joked around saying the place must be haunted when it was time to swim I wasn't too excited about it and even told them not to go into the lake because I had a bad feeling they didn't hear man they didn't care I sat on the ground looking at them the whole time and all of a sudden started raining the rain however was not strong but since I used glasses it was getting difficult to see I decided to turn around for a second when I saw a woman looking at me and I don't know why but I couldn't even speak at the time I stared at her for a second and noticed that something off her facial expression didn't seem real then I got up and started following her as I heard my friends scream my name and asked me where I was going the woman kept walking fast but as I got closer I noticed her jeans were ripped off and she had some scratches on her legs I ran as fast as I could but she was even faster at some point I got irritated and managed to tell her to stop and she did I then asked her to turn around and when she did it I noticed she had a familiar face but I couldn't tell where from her face was pretty but her forehead was covered in blood there was something unnatural about the way she looked at me like she was trying to imitate my facial expressions I asked her if she was okay and she shook her head saying no I asked her if she needed help she said no again the only thing she said was I'm sorry about them I just wanted to help you I could only help you after saying that she freakishly ran off into the woods on her hands and knees I got so scared I decided to run back to my friends while screaming for help but I couldn't hear that man stirring back when I finally got back to where my friends were they were no longer there they were no longer swimming in the lake they were not anywhere around that I knew they didn't just leave me there since all their clothes including their shoes were still on the ground I screamed their names but nothing and all of a sudden someone touched my shoulder you need to leave said I turned around and noticed that it was the same woman I saw earlier who are you and why why do I need to leave and where are my friends screamed at her you need to leave before the rest come for you she answered back to me I didn't know what else to do so I listened to her and ran back to the hotel the trip was exhausting I didn't think I was going to make it but I guess adrenaline helped me when I got back to the hotel I ran into the bar and desperately told the bartender what had happened and I could tell everybody around me looked at me as if I were going crazy except for the bartender he calmly listened to me while having a blank face and then he called the police I knew this was going to happen stupid kids he told me and as we waited for the police to come the old man took me to her room in the back of the bar there he told me something very important do not tell the police about these things whatever they may be even if it's true they will think you're crazy your friends are missing and you don't want to be a suspect so you have to say that your friends were drinking while swimming you need to say you left to explore the place because you didn't want to swim and when you came back they were no longer there understand if you answer this I'll help you figuring out what happened the man seemed so sincere he looked like he wanted to help me in fact he already tried to help me the day before so I figured I would trust him I told the police exactly what the man said I remember a police officer telling me it's not the first time this happens to toxicated people around the area the police looked everywhere for my friends but never never found dead or alive before I left the place I decided to ask the bartender some questions and he told me there was this local legend and the legend said that there were plenty of spirits from different people around the area trying to get a body he said some people who visited crater lake sometimes claim they hear or see things and some of them claimed to have seen strange people in the forest but something was always off about them their faces didn't look right they would have drooping skin where they wouldn't be able to walk normally the man told me that he believed that my friends along with some other missing people have gone missing but they're not completely dead he claimed their bodies had been taken and their minds had changed and then they remain around the lake looking for new bodies to take I didn't believe this I thought what he said was just absolutely crazy but I did see something and the person that I talked to on the trail that day it seemed very strange and off anyway the bartender warned me to be careful these creatures can easily snatch up unsuspecting victims whatever I needed to get some fresh air so I walked to a nearby town that was close to the hotel it was probably the same town that Scott and Melissa went to that one day and as I was walking to random things happened the first one is that I remembered where I had seen the woman who helped me the day before she was one of the girls who had gone missing and a quick internet search confirmed it the second thing was even worse I saw a man with sunglasses and a cap walking very fast I knew the man the tattoo on his forearm gave away who he was Scott I screamed but he didn't turn I kept calling for him nothing so I ran towards him and grabbed his arm Scott where are you going where have you been I asked him and he just looked at me he said what do you mean but instead of an answer he punched me in my face everything went dark and I remember falling and feeling weak for a couple of seconds and I tried to look where he was going and I saw him meeting a girl who looked like Harley but I couldn't be sure she looked at me and didn't even seem to recognize me her face was all distorted and then they both dropped on their hands and knees and quickly bolted away into the forest now I know I saw my friends bodies but I'm convinced they were not my friends I believe they were somebody or something else you
Channel: Creepy Ghost Stories
Views: 131,424
Rating: 4.6286297 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, Deep Woods, narration, Reddit Story, Cryptid, creature, mystery, monster, woods creepypasta, nosleep story scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, Original Horror Story, Exlusive Story, True Scary Story, Creepy Ghost Story, Aberration, Legends, Urban Myth, folklore, Supernatural Story, nosleep, national state park, I Found Some Missing People in the Wilderness of Oregons Crater Lake, I found missing people, Missing, FleshGait, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
Id: TuYFHw3QahM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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