The Windows of Heaven Are Open Over Tithers

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(Singing) I know my God has made a way for me. I know my God has made a way for me. ANNOUNCER: The windows of Heaven are open over tithers. Pastor George Pearsons is Gloria Copeland's guest today. Join them as they share how a tither can expect a great flood of provision next on the Believer's Voice of Victory. GLORIA: Welcome George. GEORGE: Thank you Gloria. GLORIA: I always enjoy studying the Word with you. GEORGE: It is so good to be on the Believer's Voice of Victory and welcome to you as well. We are so glad that you're with us. GLORIA: I'm enjoying it. GEORGE: And Gloria and I, we are on our 333 day of teaching of prosperity together. All of the notes, all of the notes are available to you, not just these that we're teaching but, Gloria, all the notes that go back to 2010, when we started teaching on prosperity. GLORIA: That is a wonderful thing George. GEORGE: And I thought about this right before we went on the air. I've been teaching a series in church on tithing and these are the notes that I've been using. My notes are just a little bit different from these television notes but this would be great, pastors for you to take these notes, this series that we're doing and do a five week series on the tithe. GLORIA: Do you suppose there's any pastors that don't tithe? I just had that thought. GEORGE: Well. GLORIA: They better shape up. GEORGE: They better. You heard it here. Pastors, if you're not tithing. You know, you're right Gloria and I've heard stories before about pastors saying that pastors don't tithe, the people tithe. GLORIA: Somebody made that up. GEORGE: No, yeah, somebody made it up. It says in Malachi three, bring ye- GLORIA: Ye, ye, that's right. GEORGE: Ye, are he or her, uh-huh. GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: So we begin this week on Monday, talking about tither's rights and how tither is the foundation to prosperity. You can't grow, spiritually, if you're not a tither. And you can't fulfill the greatness of what God wants for you without tithing, without giving Him back the 10% that belongs to Him. GLORIA: You don't want to be a God robber. GEORGE: No, you don't. GLORIA: No. GEORGE: You don't want to be a God robber. So today Gloria, what we're doing is, today we're going to talk from Malachi 3:10. Tomorrow we're going to talk from Malachi 3:11. But today we're talking about the windows of heaven. GLORIA: Oh, let's do it. GEORGE: The windows of heaven and that's one of the tither's rights. Read for us, Gloria, there Malachi 3:10, there at the top of the page, let's get started. GLORIA: Bring ye all the tithes, all the tithes- GEORGE: All the tithes. GLORIA: Into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open to you. You do this, I'll prove myself to you. If I wont' disprove. If I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Have you ever known the Lord to exaggerate? GEORGE: No. GLORIA: I never have either. GEORGE: No. GLORIA: I believe this, I fully believe this. GEORGE: And I like what you just said, you were just reading that, and you said, "Bring ye all the tithes and the storehouse that there may be meat in my house, prove me now." Then you said, "If you'll not open the windows of heaven, pour you out a blessing." And you said, "And you do this, and He'll do that." GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: How simple. GLORIA: How simple it is. We never got anywhere financially until we faithfully became tithers. You know I wasn't raised in a church. I never heard the word, tithe, when I was growing up. So I had a long way to go. Now Ken was, he was raised in the Baptist church, he knew. GEORGE: He knew about that. GLORIA: But- GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: Knowing is not enough, you have to actually do it. GEORGE: You have to do it and again, you were just talking a moment ago about pastors not tithing. This is, if you read all through Malachi, it was the priests or the pastors that God was getting on because they were bringing the polluted bread upon the alter, they were bringing the blind for the sacrifice. He said, "Is that not evil?" And so we have to do the same thing. As a pastor, I tithe. I tithe on everything that comes into our household, so there will be meat in the house, saith the Lord. GLORIA: That's what everybody has to do, whether you're a pastor or not a pastor if you want ... You don't have to, I mean if you don't want to be blessed and you don't want blessing poured out on you and the windows of heaven open, you don't have to tithe. GEORGE: The windows can be shut, if you want them to be. No, I want the windows of heaven open. And Gloria and I have talked about this. GLORIA: Let me say something. GEORGE: Yeah, go head. GLORIA: That's not just about money, either. I mean it's about God being where you need Him to be. I was thinking about that little girl that got her hair caught in the drain of the swimming pool in Mark Barclay's congregation and she was drowning. Well that wasn't, it was not because they weren't tithing, but it was that they had to have God on the spot right now. Her hair caught in the drain. GEORGE: Yep, caught in the drain. GLORIA: And the Lord saved her. GEORGE: Yeah and his son-in-law stood over the grand baby and said, "We have tither's rights." GLORIA: That's right. That's why it reminded me of that. GEORGE: We have tither's rights. He said, "We are tithers." GLORIA: She was dead. GEORGE: She was dead, for five minutes, she was dead and she got raised up. That was such, what a miracle that was. And when you are a tither, there is a confidence on the inside. GLORIA: The windows of heaven are open. GEORGE: Yeah, the windows are open all the time. They're open all the time. And there is such a confidence on the inside. I remember Kenneth saying this some years ago. You can come before any situation in the name of a tither. GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: Do you remember that? The name of a tither. GLORIA: I do, I do remember that. GEORGE: And that's what that son-in-law was doing. He came in that situation. GLORIA: She was dead. GEORGE: In the name of a tither. GLORIA: That's right. People will get a hold of that, that's good. GEORGE: What I did here is, I broke this down in different pieces and studying that Malachi 3:10. So the first one here, it says, "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts." And if you'll look at point one, under A, it says, "Okay, bring all your tithes into the storehouse." And I looked up the word, storehouse and the word storehouse in Hebrew is the word, depository, treasure house or a magazine of weapons in God's armory. How about that one? GLORIA: How about that? GEORGE: How about that one? A magazine of weapons in God's armory. So you bring your tithes into the storehouse- GLORIA: What is one of the biggest enemies of anybody? Christian or not Christian if they won't act upon the word? Finances. GEORGE: Yeah, well that's true. GLORIA: And this works where that's concerned, sick but if you've ever had a sick child, you'd be a tither, you'd have tither's rights. GEORGE: Tither's rights. GLORIA: As Mark preached and that little girl was raised from the dead. GEORGE: Exactly. GLORIA: Glory to God. GEORGE: And then it talks about the meat. So that there is meat in my house. In the offer that we're giving this week, Brother Copeland teaches that meat is the spiritual revelation of the word. GLORIA: That's right, that's what we live on. If we go to a dead church, that doesn't preach the word, we will not have faith, if that's all we have. We can go to a dead church then go to a live church, but if you just go to a dead church, don't ever get anything, you're not going to have faith. GEORGE: And you don't put your tithes in a dead work. That, in Deuteronomy 26, all of Deuteronomy 26 is talking about how to handle the tithe. Tithing the tithe. And one of the things it's talking about there is, don't put it in a dead work. Don't put it in something that's dead. GLORIA: How does it say it? I forget how it's worded but that's essentially what it means. GEORGE: Yeah, not in something that's dead. Well, you're going to put something, you're going to put your tithe in a place where you're getting fed, where you're getting built up, where you're getting equipped in the Word of God so that there is meat in His house and that meat is spiritual revelation. Your tithe goes where the Lord has stored up wisdom and revelation for you. GLORIA: That's where your growth is. GEORGE: That's where your growth is. GLORIA: If you're going to a dead church, you're not growing but this explains that meat is spiritual revelation of the word. GEORGE: That's what it is. GLORIA: You go where you go in and you learn things about the Word and it gets in your heart and it stirs up your faith and it makes you want to do what's right, what God says. GEORGE: Will the people that come out here- GLORIA: If you go to a dead church, nothing happens. GEORGE: Right. Well the people- GLORIA: You've got to have some word preached. GEORGE: You've got to have some word preached and that's why as the pastor of this church, I studied very diligently for the last 20 now six years, pastoring this church. My Saturdays have been devoted to study and prayer. GLORIA: Well, you can tell it George. GEORGE: I don't go out, I don't go places. That is a holy day. To be able to prepare and actually, you know I got this from Pastor Nichols, before he passed away, what a tremendous pastor. GLORIA: Precious man. GEORGE: Just tremendous and he just so fed me and one of the things that he talked about and this is true, when a pastor gets done with a Sunday morning message, he may take five minutes for a break and then next Sunday's starting. Next Sunday is already working in me. It's already there, it's already, you get into a rhythm of that. And so here, it's talking about that spiritual meat that people need to have. We need to have people and that's the whole purpose of Kenneth Copeland Ministries, taking people from the milk of the Word to the meat of the word, so they're able to stand on their faith and believe God and receive the things that belong to them. GLORIA: Yes, thank God. GEORGE: So, your tithe goes where the Lord has stored up wisdom and revelation for us. And right when I wrote that down Gloria, the Lord gave me Proverbs 2:7, He lays up sound wisdom for the righteous. So your tithe goes where you're being rooted, grounded and established in the Word of God. GLORIA: Yes, amen. GEORGE: That's where it goes. Now, in Deuteronomy 26:2, it says, Take it to the place where the Lord your God has chosen. I thought that was very interesting. The place where you're going to be fed. The place where you're going to be built up. The place where the Word of God is so alive in you. That's where it goes. In order for the church or in order for this ministry, it really is a win-win situation because you're bringing that tithe to a place that is producing the Word of God for you to be able to be successful in your life. On Monday, I read a testimony from a woman, a single mother who having a hard time financially. Well she started watching the Believer's Voice of Victory, our broadcast in particular and it's so lit a fire on the inside of her, revelations started to come- GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: And money came to her. She had no money and money started coming to her. Well see that's the case and point for what we are doing here, we're producing the Word of God so people can be fed and built up, that's what the tithe goes for. Faith comes by hearing. If you shut that off, if you shut off the valve of the word, everything around us is going to dry up. GLORIA: Wither, it'll wither. GEORGE: So that's why the tithe is used for the production of the Word of God. GLORIA: Amen. That's vital. We have to have it. Don't quit George. GEORGE: And that's the first time I've ever said that, that the tithe is used for the production of the Word of God, to get the Word of God out there, to feed the people so that they can grow financially and make. They can be healed- GLORIA: Yes, amen. Good job. Amen. Hallelujah. GEORGE: Woo-woo. Wow. Then, look at number four there. That says, Prove me now. The Lord said, Prove me in this. It'd be like me coming to you and saying, "Gloria," and this is many years ago but, we had a pastor at the church and the pastor was leaving and you guys were looking for pastors everywhere to fill that slot and I finally came to you one day and I said, "Gloria, why don't you let me coordinate the church?" Coordinate. GLORIA: That was smooth George. GEORGE: Yeah, that was smooth. So you said, "Well George, we're having a meeting with Kenneth in a couple of days, why don't you tell him then, what you want to do." Okay, so we went into the meeting. Well between those two days, the Lord dealt with me. We had the meeting, Kenneth got tired of the meeting that we were having, business meeting, so he got up and he was leaving the room. He stood at the door of his office and you said, "Ken? George has something to- George has something he wants to tell you."And Kenneth looked at me and I just stared at him. GLORIA: Did you think you were in trouble? GEORGE: I stared at him. And he said, "What?" I said, "I want to pastor the church." And he said, "It's a- GLORIA: I don't remember that. GEORGE: He said, "It's about time." And your jaw dropped, you were like, "Oh?" But basically, I was coming to you both and saying, "Let me pastor the church. Let me prove to you, let me prove to you that I can do this." GLORIA: Yes, was it ever a great decision. GEORGE: And so 26 years later, I'm still pastoring the church. GLORIA: 26 years later. You're going to make it George. You're going to make it. GEORGE: On the other hand, God is saying to us, "Let Me prove it to you. Let Me prove to you that I will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing." This in the Good News translation, we're looking at number four, little A in verse 10, Put Me to the test and you will see. GLORIA: Yes, amen. Absolutely. GEORGE: When you tithe, the Lord is saying, "Put me to the test, I will show you what I can do." There is a whole new world for you, available to the tither. GLORIA: That's really what we did. GEORGE: Yeah, you proved it. GLORIA: When we learned about tithing, it really felt like we needed the money more than God did, but we'd already decided that we're going to do what we saw in the word. And so we became tithers, and we became more prosperous, and more prosperous, and more prosperous. GEORGE: Praise God. GLORIA: Glory to God. As long as you do what the Word says and walk in faith, you'll keep getting increasing in your financial. GEORGE: The Lord said, Prove Me. GLORIA: And then we said, "Well, we're going to do ..." Are we out of time yet? GEORGE: No, no. We've got to go to the second page. GLORIA: We were into this, we were going for it. And we said we're going to do whatever we see in the Word of God, that's what we're going to do. GEORGE: And that's what you did with the tithe. GLORIA: Yeah, but there was a step there in between. And then we saw in the Word where it said, Owe no man anything but loving. You know, Ken wanted an airplane and I wanted a house. GEORGE: And where was that going to come from? GLORIA: And how were we going to do that without money? But you know what, we put it to the test. GEORGE: You put it to the test. GLORIA: We put God's money in the church and the blessing came. GEORGE: Well, I heard it this way. You put the money in and the blessing came out. GLORIA: That's exactly right. GEORGE: Go to page two. They've given us barely five minutes for this, so go to this second page, Gloria is you would and see how much of this we can cover in this- GLORIA: You can do it George. GEORGE: In this little bitty space of time. GLORIA: This is the last page, you can do it. GEORGE: So, it says there at the top, in this scripture, I will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing. And Gloria, the word windows in Hebrew, it's the word floodgates. Floodgates, and I looked up the word, floodgates and a floodgate is the last restraint holding back an outpouring powerful or substantial. GLORIA: Oh, I like that. GEORGE: Oh, man and then I looked up another definition of it. Something serving to restrain an outburst. So when the windows of heaven are open, its like a floodgate that opens up. GLORIA: Like the dam breaking. GEORGE: It's the dam breaking and the water just coming and flooding, and I'm glad you mentioned that, because if you look at point two, that is the very same word used when the earth was flooded in Genesis 7:11. GLORIA: Is that right? Wow. GEORGE: Floodgates. The windows of heaven or the floodgates of heaven were opened up and what the Lord showed me about this, He will pour out a flood of blessing on the tither through the same windows He poured out the flood of water. GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: The floodgates have opened up for the tither, it is a great flood of every kind of provision. GLORIA: Praise God. Now where does it say, pour? GEORGE: Pour. It's here in verse- GLORIA: Pour ye out a blessing. GEORGE: It's Malachi 3:10, and it says, And He will pour you out a blessing. GLORIA: Then I see you've got here in the Hebrew, it's empty out. GEORGE: Empty out. GLORIA: Empty out a blessing. Woo, glory to God. GEORGE: Empty out a blessing. It's so good, that is so good. It says in this translation, I will open the windows of heaven and flood you with blessing after blessing. In another one, NIV, See if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing, that you'll not have room enough for it. GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: And I like this quote down here, look at this quote from Jerry. Don't let Satan's excuses keep you from faithfully honoring God with your tithes. The windows of heaven represent an outflow of God's blessing, showering you in every part of your life. It is God responding to our obedience to His word. Why would anyone want to closet those windows? GLORIA: I'm not going to close them. Praise God. Isn't that good? GEORGE: Two minutes Gloria. The last part down here, it says, There shall not be room enough to receive it. So the ESV, the English Standard Version says, Put Me to the test, says the Lord of hosts. If I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need, no more need left- GLORIA: No more need, now I like that, that's good. Instead of no more room- GEORGE: No more need. GLORIA: Everything is filled up. GEORGE: And in the New American- GLORIA: Everything is taken care of. GEORGE: It's all taken care of. For the tither, it's all taken care of. GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: I can come to the Lord in the name of a tither, knowing my needs are met. GLORIA: I'm going to write that down, it's all taken care of. GEORGE: It's all taken care of. GLORIA: Isn't that good, George? GEORGE: The New American Standard Bible says, I will open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it over flows. Over flows. And then in this International Standard Version, I will pour out on you, blessing without measure. Oh, don't you like that one? GLORIA: I do. Would you write a song about living in the overflow, George? GEORGE: I will write a song about living in the overflow. GLORIA: Thank you. I would like to hear it. GEORGE: I will make a note. GLORIA: Okay. I'm sure you can do it. Living in the over flow, doesn't that sound good? GEORGE: It sounds good. Now I have, I've got Gloria's page and we'll include Gloria's page of her Bible, from Malachi three, in these outlines but in her page, written down here, it said, A flood of blessings can't be contained. Don't try to contain it. Let it go through you. It will pour out until there is no more in heaven. If necessary, we will create more. You wrote in your Bible notes here, this is God speaking. I will pour out until there is no more in heaven. If necessary, we will create more. GLORIA: Does it say no more room, it just says, no more. GEORGE: It says, no more room, in the King James but no more, I'm not sure where you got this quote from, but I like it. GLORIA: Heaven empties out, in other words. GEORGE: Heaven empties out. And I know that it's not going to be like this, but I can just see God pouring the blessing on us and then somebody saying, "Hey, we just ran out of such and such," and God going, "Well, just create more, here it comes." Praise God for the tithe, Gloria, praise God. GLORIA: George and I will be right back. ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 18,579
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Keywords: blessing, finances, george pearsons, gloria copeland, increase, prosperity
Id: stU4H9MtvII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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