Refuse to Think the Devil’s Thoughts

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KENNETH: Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Let's have a Word of prayer. We'll get right into today's Bible lesson. Father, we thank you and we give you praise and honor. We lift our voices, we lift our hearts, we lift our mind of community to receive revelation from Heaven, a revealing of yourself, a revealing of the kingdom and how it works. The revealing of the Word and we praise you and we thank you for it. In Jesus' name. Amen. Glory to God. Let's welcome all of the people out there, thank you Lord Jesus. Praise God forever more. Thank you. Our golden text for all last week and this week in Romans eight one, there is therefore... That's too weak. Now! There's therefore now you can't say now while ago. It always updates to right now. And you think about it, you just talked about it in so many different ways, but it's gone. It's gone. What are you going to do with your mind? Oh, Brother Copeland, I can't do anything about it. Well, who's mind is it? Yeah, it's yours. It's time you did something with it. Now thoughts fail when you're fighting thoughts with thoughts and particularly if it's something that's just really ripping into you. I mean, some incident, some thing that just, we just can't get off of your mind and you're just worried about and you're carrying the care of it. Well, in the first place the Bible said, and, and um, first Peter Five that, that's pride that you should be turning that whole thing. All anxiety of all kinds. Don't care what it is over to Jesus. You're not qualified. I'm not qualified to carry it, but it's just on your mind it's on your mind. Your mind is on your mind, night and day, it's just there and he just, and you think, you think about all the things you wished you say and all the things you wish you hadn't said. And I'm just going to give them a piece of my mind. Well, it sounds to me like you ain't got much of it left. You better... it's just tearing you up. Medical science knows, and have scientifically proven that the physical human body should should last 120 years. They don't know nothing about Genesis six three. Most people think God said, um, you know, threescore and 10 or 70 80 if by God didn't say that. No, that was a curse that came on a disobedient people out there and that wilderness, God had already said it in the sixth chapter of Genesis. You understand? That's pretty well the beginning, the days of man shall be 120 years. So they know that this thing supposed to last 120 years. But I've learned from the Bible. I've learned from people that that know the reason, the main reason, the main reason is damaging the brain with worry and fear and strife good people. I'm not talking about the rest of the world. I'm talking about born again, people. I'm talking about good people. You understand I'm not, I'm not criticizing people, but I am very critical of myself. Where this is concerned. I know this. So I took communion. You remember what the Bible said? Let not the sun go down on your wrath. Give no place to the devil. All that's one statement. The numbers weren't in there when the apostle Paul wrote it. Let not the sun go down on your wrath. Give no place to the devil. So don't let the sun go down on your worry and you care. Don't you go to bed afraid? Don't you go to sleep afraid I'm talking to you out there now. Yeah, but you don't understand. But it's, it's my, it's my child. Well then that even the more you need to get ahold of it, the best thing you could possibly do is roll the care that over on your Father. You're not qualified to carry it. You certainly can't heal him. You certainly can't heal. Back when John was just a little boy. He, um, we were, we were on a, in a, in a meeting and, um, he just, he, he's, he just, his skin is turned bright red and he wasn't, but about, oh, he wasn't even going to school yet. He was probably five. And he was just his, his skin felt like of crepe paper and just, and just the sunlight, just, he just couldn't hardly cried so bad. Well, you know, Gloria and I, we laid hands on him and prayed and he got better and then it came back and on all that kind of thing. And, uh, I got up in the middle of the night and went in there to check on him and then went on back to bed and, and uh, and the thing just kept getting worse. And I had no idea what it was, but it wasn't good. Whatever it was and whatever it was under the curse. And I knew that we were dealing with the curse. And is it was the oh, about, I don't remember now exactly that, that three days of that. And I said, Lord, I missing it here. What am I missing, you can't miss it. What? What, what, what, what? What's happening here? And I heard this, He said, you need to roll the care of that over on me. And I said, well, I thought I did. He said, well then why did you get up in the middle of the night and go in there and check on him? Now Brother Copeland, you're irresponsible as a parent if you going in there and check on him. Really? Irresponsible is not turning it over to God. Now the natural carnal mind thinks that way, but we're not supposed to be thinking carnally mind. What does it say? There's therefore now no condemnation to them was you're in Christ Jesus who walk not after the five physical senses, but after the Spirit or after the Word. So I said all right. And sure enough, I woke up right in the middle of the night and had my feet out on the floor about to go in there and that other room check on John and I remembered what the Lord said and I remembered I'd gone in first Peter Five cast the whole of that care over on him. I said, nope, not going in there. No Sir. Cruel the Spirit of condemnation. What kind of a parent are you? I said, ha ha. Not me. I'm not going in there. Yeah, but he's kicked his cover off of himself. I said okay then ministering Spirits. First chapter, the book of Hebrews. Are they not all angels, are they not all ministering Spirits to minister for those errors or salvation? I said Ministering angel just go in there and cover him up. They didn't have any cover on and I went back to bed, just slept well. I got up the next morning and got ready, getting ready for my morning service and, and uh, the, you know, kids were still asleep. So I got on up, went on the service and, uh, after the morning service I was visiting with some people there and it's back in the days when our meetings went to three weeks at a time and I felt a tug on my, on my coattail it was John. I said, son, just a minute, I'm talking to somebody and I turned back around and he tugged it again, Daddy. I said, son wait a minute, Daddy, look at me. I'm healed. And he jerked his shirt up like that, and said look. Can you see it? Can you see where the Spirit of condemnation did it's best to get a hold of my mind to get my mind off the Word? To what I knew the Word of God said what I knew by, I knew it by faith and I knew it by experience, but I was disobedient to it. And now you're going to understand people that don't know that and don't know the Word, but still but still the Word of God and the laws of faith and the laws of fear still work. I don't care who you are. Amen. Now my mother, bless your heart. Somebody sent me, they had some cassette tapes of my mother's Bible class where she talked about this. They sent this to me. Just a few weeks ago, I heard my mother's voice again and she was talking about this very thing. Now I told, I've told this story a lot. She prayed for me first 13 years. Doing her best to get me, to keep me from going to hell and now listen to this. She did this not knowing, oh, she knew the scripture, but she didn't have a revelation of it. Of First Peter Five casting your care. She didn't know really to do that. She did it by being led by the Spirit. She one day she just threw her Bible down on the kitchen table. She said, I've prayed the last prayer I'm going to pray for him If he goes to hell at your fault. I ain't praying another prayer, Gloria got saved in two weeks. I got saved in three. 13 years. She said, if I had just known to do that, I could have done this a long time ago. See what, what it means to have revelation of the Word and to know the kingdom and how the kingdom works. I heard Gary Kassee say this and it just, it really marked my thinking. Jesus did not say seek ye first God, he said see ye first the Kingdom of God. Amen, and his righteousness of what? His way of being right. How it works. You already know God. You're born again. Amen, you already know him, but what we need to know is this kingdom works. Cause we're responsible for work in it. God is not, understand this in the beginning. God created his man and his wife and gave this whole earth and all the authority in it over to him and it can't be reversed. It can't be reversed. It's that way now. You remember in the 18th chapter of the Book of Matthew? No, I'm not. I'm not off my subject here. We're still talking about not yielding to condemnation, not yielding to your mind and the pressures on your mind from fear, fear base. All condemnation is fear based. Failure based, all of it based on Adam's failure and way back there then. And it's on everybody's mind. So and I said, you cannot fight thoughts with thoughts. That's where we're headed. So, um, 18 chapter, Matthew, let's turn over there. I can quote it to you, but I don't want to do that. You need to put your eyes on Matthew 18. I want you to notice earth has to move before heaven can. It isn't that heaven don't want to, they can't. But because of the Spiritual laws that had been established, they are forever. It will always be this way through out eternity it will be this way. Notice the 18th verse. Matthew 18:18 verily I say unto you, whatsoever you shall bind on earth, you see where earth is first? Shall be bound in heaven. Whosoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Now I'll say it again to you. Notice what he said, again, I say unto you, if two of you shall agree on earth, on Earth, two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything they shall ask It shall be done for them and my Father which is in heaven. So it is, it's so important to understand that heaven has already done everything they need to do. Now the ball is in our court according to what we believe according to what we say according to what we do. If you shall ask anything if not, let me back up, if my Word, if you abide in me and my Words abide in you, you shall ask whatsoever you will. It shall be done unto you. Lift up to God. He's already said it. He's already done it. Amen, so an answered prayer is over here in our area and I want to tell you something folks, begging won't get it. Hey, if it did, everybody had had their prayers, it just won't. Begging is fear based. It's a lack of knowledge. People die not because God is unwilling. That's where that, that's where it erroneous doctrines come from. Well, I tell you what, I did it every way I knew it. My baby died, sweetheart, listen, I'm hurting for you. I'm hurting with you. but that doesn't work. You really just got whipped is what happened. Now we're going to deal with that. Break the power of grief. Because the Word says sorrow not, and it's not easy, but you can get the joy of the Lord on your face and you can begin to praise and worship God. I'm telling you, God. Well, he took my baby boy. He did not. He didn't. You can't find that in the Bible. You only find that in religious books. He didn't do it. I had the Lord say, this very boldly to me one day he said, Kenneth, I obey my own laws. I don't kill. I don't steal. I'm not the thief. I don't steal, kill and destroy. I'm the one that brought life. Only one man did he ever send the hell and it was Jesus. That will straighten your day up. Praise God. So now what do you do with your thoughts? We read last week in the 12th chapter of Romans where we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. That has to be done with the Word. Do you have to find the Word? Scriptures. Promises, uh, Bible facts that cover your situation and you put them in your heart, your eyes and your mouth and your ears and you begin to meditate on them. Now you, Jesus gave us a clue. Big Clue why. Take ye thought saying and he was talking about worry about what you're going to wear. What'd you going to eat? What'd you going to put on he said as if that, that's what the gentiles see. You seek first the kingdom and all these things will be added to you. So how you take that. Therefore, there are no now no condemnation which are in Christ Jesus, okay, I take that thought. There is no condemnation to me. I'm in Christ Jesus and I mean things may be just beaten me over the head over this thing, but I take that thought and say it. I'll take that thought. Say it. Yeah. I take that thought and say it. They don't do any good if it's just a thought. Cause you given the devil equal time. His thoughts of just over barriers. Take that thought and say it. Take that thought and say it, therefore there is now no condemnation to Kenneth Copeland. I am not the condemned. Ha. I've been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. That's who I am. Shut your mouth, Satan. Hallelujah. Take the thought. Say it. Take the thought to say it. Now how do I know when my mind is renewed when it starts coming out my mouth without me having to think about it. That's what all that worry was doing it. It's coming out your mouth without you even thinking about it. You'd be doing something else and then realize, oh man, I got that debt on my mind again and I've rolled the care of that over on God. Yeah. Let me, let me tell you something. You, oh, stand up here brother. Now you come to be and say Brother Copeland. I need to borrow your pen. Well I can't say I don't have a pen. I have cast that pen over on my brother. You notice how quick he gave it back to me, it's mine. That's how quick, the Lord doesn't have any He didn't that he, he cannot hang on to your care. It belongs to you. The second you go back oh Jesus, I'd just. You just took it up again. Repent. Repent. You do something with your mind. You say this, my mind is my mind. I refuse in the name of Jesus, to think the devil's thoughts. I will think God's thoughts in the name of Jesus. And then 10 seconds later, but no, didn't do it again. I've done this exercise with you before. We're going to do it again today. And you'd do it there at home. And don't just sit there and look at me. Cause if you don't enter in, that's probably you probably problem yet. You're not obedient. I'm, I'm, I'm not being funny about this. Do you believe the call of God. We only got 30 seconds. Go to do this quick. Start counting from one to five silently. Now out loud. Tell me your name. How many of you didn't do it? You didn't say your name out loud. I got you. What happened when you said something out loud? Your mind had to stop and see what your mouth had to say and that's what happens when you begin to speak the Word. Hallelujah. ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth Copeland Ministries, and remember Jesus is Lord.
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 34,536
Rating: 4.7974682 out of 5
Keywords: doubt, fear, guilt, kenneth copeland, worry
Id: aB2_iEnnHb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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