The God that surprises us - Bobby Conner (2013)

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[Music] I really mean that I'm glad to be here there's a there's a the verse the Bible says this is the day the Lord has made I'm gonna rejoice and be glad in it say it with me this is the day the Lord has made I'm going to rejoice and be glad in it now put a little bitty emphasis on it you know why all the money in the world all the money in the world stacked up couldn't buy back back one single second of yesterday it's gone it's gone it's history you'll never really of yesterday and if you've studied the Bible the Bible says boast not yourself up tomorrow you have no comprehension what one day will bring so that's why this is the day the Lord has made we need to learn how to live in the now learn how to really maximize the moment a lot of people intend to get closer to God later than they are right now you don't intend to meet God like you are right now there's some things you want to get cleaned up fixed up shined up polished up have you ever noticed that now I know it's true in all of our lives if we get word that somebody's coming you know will clean the house different won't we you know it's fine for us to live it but when companies coming we talk about cleaning the house this doesn't have a thing to do with the message but uh years ago years ago my wife she she got a flu bug or something and so she was she was in the bed and so she's back there and so she's back there in the bedroom and so I'm off down in the study and I hear she says Bobby that's her Bobby so I go in there and there she is she's laying in the bed and she said would you do something for me you know I says well sure I thought she might want some water or some soda or something you know you know Bobby would you do something for me she's just got the flu or something like that and so I said yes I will I don't know where women get this here's what she said will you clean off the top of the refrigerator for me what yeah I mean you know we had a top of refrigerator I'm always looking at it not on top of it but can you imagine that just laid there long enough to realize that'll be a task for him to do why would you but I thought it that's something let me tell you another time my wife went off when we got I got two sons once 46 now and once 41 but this is when they were little they were little my wife and a whole group of ladies golf to a woman's conference somewhere so I told her go ahead I'll tend to the boys uh-huh yeah can't you see disaster coming go ahead I'll tend to the boys so it's pretty pretty bad uh so uh I decided I cooked for him and I don't know how to cook so I thought you know I'm gonna cook something that'll go a long way and I thought rice so I got me a pan of pan about this big around about that tall and I fill it full of water and I read it said you put some salt in it get it boiling so I got the water boiling got the salt in it and all that and I thought well there's three of us so I got down a two pound bag of rice and poured it in oh man in a moment it enlarged it ran down the pot and the stove that I was using was a electric stove and it got down in the grill smokes going everywhere smoke alarms are buzzing the little boys are going what does it daddy it was dinner but uh it was pretty awful good lord ah goodness well I got a lot of stuff to talk about but not in a big big rush but we're gonna have a lunch later so I guess I better carry on and kind of do something normal I don't do something very normal to you I like the God that surprises us don't you he surprises us he surprised to Max chapter 2 verse 1 didn't he they were all in one place one Accord and what happened Wham suddenly say suddenly suddenly there came a sound heaven you and I better prepare herself for some subtle ease listen this little blase have been there done that seen it all God's about to really shake us up you believe that everything that can't be shaken is going to be shaken and one of the things that's going to be shaken is this little smugness that you and I walk around in acting like we really know what God is up to listen he's going to shake that and we're gonna go my god I don't know but I'm not missing it you know what I mean he's gonna bring back the aw to the house of God they all the holy reverential fear of the Lord that all where we go Oh God he can do anything kami listen I am Telling You he one time he told me said you better tell my people I'm not near as easy to get along with as some preachers that made me out to be yeah remember it said it's a fearful thing to fall in the hands of a living God got a little plastic one you can do whatever you want to with him put him in your yard put him on your car but a living God that's the only kind you and I have I've had preachers go well I'll tell you I'm not afraid of God well you're dumb I'm more afraid of God than I am the devil we better have a holy reverential fear of God now I know we can call it a bond that we can all do I know that but there's two sides to God you believe that I want you to know that we're about to be introduced to the holy reverential fear of the Lord and it's really important there's a great verse about it it's second Corinthians chapter seven verse one I love it in the amplified version it says we need to understand more about the city here sort of says having these precious promises beloved let us peer fire self from every bit of the contamination of the flesh and of the spirit perfecting holiness in the reverential fear of the Lord say reverential fear it says bringing our consecration to completeness I like that don't you we can get closer to God than we are now can't we say yes at least I hope we can we can get closer say closer that's really what I want can you can you put that verse up is there any way to do that you know they were doing it like if you put that second Corinthians 7:1 the amplified version up if you don't mind we'll try and see that works that's good there it is therefore since these great promises are ours beloved let us cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates and defiles body and spirit and bring our consecration to completeness in the reverential fear the Lord now I don't know about you but there's a question that verse causes to rise what promise having these promises what promise is going to promote purity on a level like that apparently we hadn't seen it yet because I know of no church that's completely sanctified body soul spirit to you so what promise having therefore these promises these great awesome gigantic say what promise it is is found in 2nd Corinthians 6 being identified as the true mature sons and daughters of Almighty God that's the promise coming to a point of maturity to where God can turn over to us family business family business doing business is in his name exactly like he would do it remember he said as my father has sent me even so now I'm sending you remember the Bible said as he is so are we in this present world I don't like to deal with people that are confused about their identity 2nd Corinthians 5:20 says now are we ambassadors for Christ what are we now ambassadors for Christ so I don't know about you but I want to know what the heck is an ambassador if that's what I am what is an ambassador when Paul wrote it he wrote a Greek word that means senior representative sent out with authority that's who you are right now a senior representative sent out with authority next question how much authority do our house same amount as the one that sent me how much disorder does he have Matthew what 28:18 all power all authority given unto me and in heaven and in earth so listen we've got to understand God has commissioned us with Kingdom controlled God's original intent is found in Genesis 1:26 Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 you get to hear a conversation you know there's a big deal right now and in our in our nation concerning the government he's dropping in on everything people say and do God has always done that you believe that he's acquainted with all of our ways but he'll use the knowledge of much better than our government will but anyway a listen I'm telling you it's really important to really understand that God wants us to understand that he's got a commission for us and he's got something for us to do now look look what it says here then this is we get to listening to God's conversation then God said this is God talking to the Holy Spirit and to Jesus and then God said let us see sis and the Holy Ghost let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let them have what Dominion and that word Dominion means kingdom control over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over all the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing he says give it all to him did you know did you study the creation story every time he would create something he would go it's good it's good it's good it's good one time one time I lease it whoa it's very good when was that one when he gave them kingdom control it's very good guys I'm telling you it brings God it you know it really does give God a delight to see his children growing to the place where they take over kingdom control did you know somebody's going to get back everything Adam gave ask three questions all of the earth if not now when if not here where if not you who you believe you believe God's gonna get somebody to take up the kingdom he really is he's looking for it I quoted the verse last night 2nd 2nd chronicles 16:9 the eyes of the Lord are roving to and fro throughout the whole earth looking for people whose heart is upright towards him he our pastor friend from Bulgaria what I used when the comest walls first for them I made a beeline how about I would carry teams into Bulgaria one of the cities would go into was travná travná Bulgaria good lord mining miracles broke out and this is on television film mighty miracles broke out we were out in an open-air meeting in travná and the God started healing and the people went wild they started throwing their children on the platform and it got so chaotic I kept backing up backing and backed all the way off the platform I'm standing on nothing I'm standing on air in front of everybody Wow I jump back on the platform and said God what was that he said that was me keeping you from being really embarrassed I would have just fallen off the platform but it they weren't really wild throwing the children up and I like why I like that don't you oh man it's something I would have to dig through some old archives of the television footage but there's programs about that all men wanted one one of the program's you cannot watch it without it ripping your heart out man yeah and then the program who had a TV crew over there with us and we're on the platform preaching about Jesus about the redemptive plan of the cross we're willing and begging the people to come to Christ and in this in this crowd is a man they're all he's ever heard is communist communist indoctrination never heard about the freedom of the cross the power of Jesus and the cameras zeroes in on this man and you can see you've never see he's an older man and his skin is dark and wrinkled but he's listening I'm in the background preaching about Jesus the freedom of the cross and this man the camera kind of freezes on him and you can see it you can see the war of the whole of the mind as this guy's thinking and I'm willing begging them to give their life to Jesus and in a moment in a moment I'm asking them if you want Jesus raise your hand and in a moment this man and comes up so slow so slow like this and I said repeat this prayer after me and I'm going through the translator you know Lord Jesus I know you the Son of God and I'll tell you the camera still on this man frozen on him and all of a sudden when he said come into my heart all of this gray dark just vanishes away from him a year later I send another camera crew over there and we find this man and all of his life he had been a blacksmith boom you know and that's why he was so dark his skin was so and so so I got the camera crew and so we got the old footage of him better than nine to get saved this is a year later you can't hardly recognize him all he's bright and he's full of life and so I asked him I said sir and I showed him the footage I said that's you and yes yes and I said what happened to you that man and more he said in the most explosive terms I came alive isn't that something listen listen the gospel brings people to life you believe that I came alive oh hey I'll tell you another thing happened in traffic you want to know okay they called me up to the mayor's office yeah they were still cognizant holding the Congress had tentacles in there and so here's the deal you only only this is all true so they're making me have this interview in the mayor's office and the the woman doing the interviewing is very hostile and so the Lord says sit down in the chair don't look at them till I tell you to look at them but just simply answer their questions this is go over this is going over all of Bulgaria so I'm sitting there and they're putting out questions like this tell me why are you so interested in getting the message of Jesus to the children that's a good question and then I quoted the verse Jesus says allow for meant little children to come unto me for such as the king you know okay so I'm answering their questions why are you here and what is your perp and so I'm talking about I'm here to present the freedom that's in Christ all of this okay now she's hostile and all of a sudden I saw the microphone start shaking like this and I looked up and she squalling and bawling she said can't God heal me I meet up with cancer I go yeah so that she was eating with cancer across her breast and God healed her just like that in the mayor's office in a hostile interview see that's the truth yeah pretty well well I like a wild God don't you I'm tired of people just thinking well you know church is kind of boring and I'll agree with you Church shouldn't be boring but it's just really boring I'll take why a lot of people don't come they've been here yeah I'll take don't go to a dead church well you know granny used to go grannies dead dog listen don't stay in a dead church jesus said let the dead bury the dead come on follow me I'll tell you what just to be really honest if your church doesn't have signs and wonders and miracles they disqualify himself from being a New Testament church the early church had miracles that's the pattern were to follow mark 16:20 today the early church will not preach and God validated what was happening who signs following yeah who are you girls from El Salvador that's good you from El Salvador also I've been there good Lord that I've been a lot of places yeah I intend to go to a lot more don't you God sends you places I've been to two places at one time hey that will mess with the theology but I have been to two places at one time I don't know how it works but it's kind of fun yeah I like you shirt like that matters yeah I like it though it's nice gotta love to talk about what's your name boy I like your hair curly did it come out natural lawyers how'd you do that that's natural good gracious that's kind of nice first time I wife ever something has shaved every hair off my head with the razor and I put vaseline Onis with shine that's the truth this yeah how you doing what's your name Joyce Joyce god bless your heart that's it's not the destiny of God for you in that wheelchair you know this guy told you last night there's got to come a day in the church when every person gets about the wheelchair every sick person gets well and God's gonna pull that off God's gonna pull this off pull that off there's got to come a day when every sick person gets well it says when Israel left Egypt there was not one sick or feeble among them so there has to come a day you pop out of there and do a little jig that's true I want it to be today I do I want it to be today I tell you what as far as I can decipher in the Bible there's not one thing standing in the barrier I think oh it could happen I really did I expect you to happen that you know that's really big to expect things to happen if you don't expect it happen it won't happen but you have to you have to expect it he's able to do exceedingly abundantly above anything we could ask our imagined and the wording imagine does expect I expect two miracles don't you I'll tell you what if you'll talk about him you'll get him well I won't talk about some stuff today okay so y'all got a bunch of t-shirts on the life that's nice today I got a friend that makes t-shirts yeah he does I wish I'd have thought of it one of his t-shirts here's what it says eternity smoking or non now that's that's a cool shirt in it I mean that kind of covers it all doesn't he then he runs his titles by me sometimes and so one of the titles he's and I clean it up since we've got people watching one of his t-shirts says don't be a Balaam get off your donkey and do something yeah yeah I told him that'll have a very small market yeah yeah that's good so I want to talk to you about this while we were setting there I said Lord what's the thing you want to get into the people today here's what he said tell them the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart here it is if we don't search for him seek for him with all our heart we won't find him Jeremiah 29 2013 and here it is Psalms 139 verse 23 and 24 sums 129 139 verse 23 and 24 it says search me O God and try me see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way that's everlasting see the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart if we have sin hidden sin covered sin in our heart God won't talk to us you go is that true yeah there's a verse search me O God and know me try my what know my heart try me and know my anxieties and see if there's any wicked way in me but he's going to ask him search my heart and I remember the heart of the matters no matter the heart somes 66:18 psalm 66:18 I said a while ago if we had sin in her heart it cuts off our communication channel with God look at psalm 66:18 if i regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me Wow serious indictment if I have regard if I regard iniquity in my heart so I guess we ought to look at the word regard what in the world does it mean the word regard that is written right there is a word that the same word for what a woman's body does to a fetus what does a woman's body do to a fetus nurtures feeds protects shelters if we do that was sin in her life it cuts off our communication channel with God the Lord will not hear me is there any other verses in the Bible that deal with sin on pregnant terms the Apostle James says in sin when it has conceived remember that oh and lust when it has conceivable lust when it has conceived bring us for sin and when sin is full term it bursts death remember that so we need to get rid of that don't we say yes yes I want to give you some sugar on the forehead is that okay with you why sure god bless you she's around her I like that you know I don't know what all that means but I just pretty excited about it that's true what it does I don't want to just go along with the crowd do you God called us to stand up and stand out I want to be like John the Baptist he didn't look like the rest of guys didn't dress like the rest of the guys he had something they didn't have an Ordnung he had a living relationship with God did me yes so the heart of the matter so we got to ask God to search his tries examine us and then when he finds something in our heart instead of trying to conceal it confess it if will confess it first John 1:9 says he will forgive us Bible says he put it as far as the East is from the West never to remember it again when trans one verse says he will drop it in the sea of his forgetfulness now let me tell you something if you confess a sin and forsake that sin if you ever hear about it again is from the devil not from God see there's a great difference between conviction and condemnation Holy Spirit brings conviction the devil brings condemnation when the Holy Spirit brings conviction there's a shadow comes into your heart you feel bad about the sin that you're in and you want to confess it you want to forsake it but when condemnation comes there's never a way out there's guilt shame you know second fiction is from God condemnation is from the devil so you need to find out who's dealing with you if it's the Holy Spirit instead of concealing it confess it and here here's the greatest confession ever recorded in the Bible Psalms 51 every other Psalm in the Bible every other Psalm in the Bible is what's called poetic it flows kinda in a portrait a portrait kind of way but not Psalms 51 Psalms 51 theologians tell us it's written in what's called a jack Latorre terms now that means this have you ever tried to converse with somebody that's overwrought with emotion maybe there's been a sudden death in a family and people that's the way the whole 51st psalm is written every severy phrase of it start with Psalm 51 verse 1 mercy upon me O God according to your loving-kindness the whole 51st Psalm is that way because David realizes the heart of the matter is a matter of his heart he's pride he's and look at it boy let's throw that one up there song's 51 verse 1 have mercy upon me O God according your loving-kindness and tender mercies wash me thoroughly for my sins and cleanse me from boy it's really amazing have mercy upon me O God according to your loving-kindness and according to your multitude of your tender mercies blot out my transgressions verse to wash me thoroughly watch this verse to wash me thoroughly and repeatedly from my iniquities and guilt and cleanse me and make me holy pure for my sin boy look at the next one fry acknowledge look at this for I am conscious of my transgressions and I acknowledge them and my sin is ever before me did you know there's pleasure in sin but it's a very shortly a pleasure okay go ahead he'll get to verse 6 a lot I like verse 6 Psalms 51 verse 6 this is pretty nice behold you decide truth in the one inner being the heart make me therefore to know wisdom in my innermost heart verse 7 and again purity appear find me with hyssop and I shall be clean ceremony wash me and I shall really be whiter than snow I like that purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean boy if you should know there anything about the Bible that here's what he's saying deal drastically with my sin the word hyssop is a it's a weed like a strong very bristly weed they would use it if somebody had advanced leprosy they would take that hyssop weed and scrub away the rotten putrefying flesh down to new flesh and that's what he's saying purge me what does purge purge starts on the inside and makes it way its way out see religion tries to clean up the cancer of sin from the outside but this the heart of the matters the matter of the heart you have to clean up from the inside out you see that purchase is a naturally clean wash me and I'll be whiter than snow make me to hear joy and gladness that the bones which thou has broken may rejoice what was David before he was king shepherd okay have you ever read the Bible you go my god I don't know what the bones which thou has broken maybe jaws say David was a shepherd he was he was drawing from his Shepherds knowledge a shepherd of a sheep he had cared to staff remember that approximately seven and a half feet tall thus the stick with a crook on it he used it for protection and direction for the sheep and so if the little rebellious lamb wouldn't say with the flock where's the worst place for a lamb away from the flock away from the Shepherd predators out there wolves bears okay so the Shepherd would take the stick and he would put it around the lambs a little neck and bring him back but suppose a little lamb didn't like if he just keep on running away the bones which thou has broken may rejoice here's one of the duties of the shepherd he would take the little rebellious lamb pick it up lay the staff across his leg and take the little lambs leg and bow break the Lambs leg you see a cruel shepherd right the contrary because then he cares a shepherd's pouch have you ever seen Indians swaddled their babies that's a shepherd's pouch he would put the broken legged lamb in the Shepherd's pouch everywhere he went against his body rubbed the wounded lamb and lamb's leg heals and these Shepherds tell us the Bedouin Shepherd tell us lambs that have gone through that process never won't the leads that leave the Shepherd again the bones which thou has broken let me tell you something you better thank God praise God hold on the God every time he deals with you he deals with you because he loves you I'll only tell you something and those of you watching and those of you right here if you can habitually continue to sin and get by with it you've never been born again if you can habitually constantly sin and get by with it and you don't have the bone breaking dealings of God you've never been saved the Bible said if you'd be better be without chastisement you're illegitimate illegitimate means no birth papers see the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart well okay what happens when he renews you restore to me the joy of that salvation upon me with that free spirit then then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners are gonna get converted unto you see when you get your heart right you're happy and then you want to tell everybody about it that's what it says restore to me the joy of thy salvation upholding that free spirit then then I'll teach Tran great transgressors your way we need to be happy hearted now what's the benefit of having a happy heart longevity of life a merry heart does good like a medicine what's the benefit of getting into the secret place of God in Psalms 91 verse 1 I like the process of getting into the secret place don't you yes what's the process how do we get in the secret place Psalms twenty-four three and four I love the Bible you never ask a question without releasing an answer I don't like human philosophy it always raises questions with no answers but the Bible never raises a question without issuing the answer here's the question sums twenty four three and four who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord question answer he who has clean hands and a want pure heart say the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart see if you're getting into his holy hill it's with clean hands your heart now I like that I like that we can ascend into the hill of the Lord but there's something better than ascending to the hill of the Lord what in the world could that be oh I'll tell you it's Psalms 15 verse 1 abiding in his holy hill one is visitation others habitation I love visitation but I long for have hear this John John 15:1 Lord who may abide in your Holy Hill who may dwell in your home I want to don't I want abide I love visitation but we long for habitation it may be fee since 2:22 we're a holy habitation a house built for God to dwell in yea then see the matter of the heart you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God's Spirit I wanted to live big in here don't you I don't want to define anything in here that's repulsive to him create in me ax and are renewing me a right spirit I want that don't you it's really important and now let me tell you about conceal sin sometimes it can be there you not even know it it's really true so what we need to do is ask the Holy Ghost to search us and then when he puts his finger and it just say go God please extract this from me and guess what he will the shame ago the guilt ago and boy you'll just be alive with the vibrancy of the Holy Ghost I want that don't you do you think people can tell if you're walking with God I don't want I don't want an anointing that leaves when I walk out of the building I'll tell you what it's happened thousands of times I walk into the elevator people just fall out I'm not praying in tongues I'm gonna check out another and I'm just trying to get to the room honest to God if you can turn it off I don't believe it's the Holy Ghost that's true yep did I tell you when I went to well I'll just tell you I was over there at a and I think it's abbotsford and the Lord Ito he said I want you to get a watch now I had I got watches but the Lord said won't you get a watch I said okay so III want to get one that had that little beaver on it that brutes looking things so anyway so I go to the I go to the mall there and uh so we're there at a watch counter just I'm just there at the watcher counter and there's a lady a wonderful Canadian lady and so I said ma'am I'd like to look at that watch over here wasn't it expensive was just twenty maybe twenty dollars I'm not sure and she said to me you're not from around here are you I don't know where she got that but anyway she said to me you're not from around here are ya now I'm there's a glass case between me and her and I said to her no ma'am I'm just passing through when I said no ma'am I'm passing through the Holy Ghost hits her knocks her down well she hits the floor and she's drunk just drunk and laughing and giggling just like that and her worker comes running out of a little cubicle over there and the ladies on the floor going he's not from here he's passing through and she said your want I said in passing Pam she's down honest to god so help me God in a moment six or seven of their workers are down behind the counter absolutely drunken Holy Ghost I could have got the watch for free and I turn around and there's maybe sixty to eighty people that have gathered watching this see I mean the Holy Ghost he gets on you and in you and you need to let him out you know what see me people ask me they asked me they go harvest the Holy Ghost use you and here's the way the Holy Ghost has no hands till you give him yours so I say to the Holy Ghost of Holy Ghost these are not my hands they're yours Holy Ghost has no eyes and I say Holy Ghost these are your eyes yield your members to him but have your members clean and pure he won't come upon a contaminated vessel biggie claimed that bared the vessel of the Lord the Bible says you yield him your members he'll use you you believe that you're the vehicle don't don't you I've always loved fearless people don't you I love people that are bold and listen I don't like little wussy weepy yen you better be building right here's one of the boldest bravest people I found in the Bible Mary the mother of Jesus Mary the mother of Jesus here she is fifteen and a half years old that's right and she's out in the backyard I'll paraphrase she's out in the backyard to whom a being from another world flies in and goes hello there girl you've been chosen by God here's what's gonna happen to you honey the Holy Spirit is gonna get on you and in you and you're gonna get pregnant but don't worry it's God say new thing never had there been an announcement like that what does Mary say let me call my prayer chain and see what they say what does Mary say be it unto me according to thy word she's going to take a fearless face to faith like that and a a womb open for God to birth something new be it unto me according to that word well you talk about abandoned radical faith that gal headed wouldn't you have loved to been in the bagel shop when she told Joe remember she was engaged to a boy named Joe remember that I'm pretty sure this generation she had a text hey Joe let's meet at the Starbucks or maybe Tim Hortons yeah came to Canadian Tim Hortons hit me let's meet at Tim Hortons and so they make down there Tim Hortons I've got some coffee and maybe a roll and you know you just can't slide into conversation like this she says Joe I'm pregnant but don't worry it's God did Joe go Chuck no he jumped up and tried to Google a lawyer to dump the name is this truth that's what it says he pondered how can he divorce her but what happened in a dream God convinced him but do you see what I'm saying fearless faith Randy Anna no here's a girl that's less than 16 years old and says I'll do it whatever you've instructed me I'm gonna do it well I'll take she learned that in she later on the first miracle Jesus does in Cana of Galilee John 2:11 remember that remember remember it said there was a wedding Jesus and His disciples were invited and he went and they did something strange they ran out of wine and so Mary the mother of Jesus remember then she's talking to Jesus I'll just paraphrase she says to him hop to it boy and then here's what he says to her you may have birthed me but you will not manipulate me see what skilled every move of God till this present moment whoever got used to birth it they think they own it you may have birthed me but you will not manipulate me well what have I to do with the woman my hour is not yet come remember the story and then something strange happens she goes ping and then the Lord told me one time he said Bobby that's me would you like a prophetic word you could give to anybody in the whole world if they would obey it he would guarantee them great success would I like a prophetic word I could give to anybody and the whole world if they help ad that would guarantee them yes I would and it's the next utterance from the lips of Mary the mother of Jesus anchor he was rebuked she was rebuked by her son you may have birthday you won't manipulate me then she goes okay so she goes to his disciples and hears the word whatever he says to do do it that's it you do that oh there's there's kind of a little don't kill him what's under there see if I was real prophetic I'd know you know whatever he says to do do it what did he tell him to do something strange remember the disciples what'd he tell him to do there were six waterpots over against the door how many six and all theologians go well they were stone parts they were no no no they were earthen vessels what was what was the first man created in his name what was his name how done them Adam means red dirt that's exactly what those pots were made out how many worthy six that's us man they were empty waiting longing and that is the Lord Jesus told his disciples go fill them to the one very brim with water waters the word now here's the problem the disciples knew what they poured in had no clue what they poured out they poured it in poured it out and he said carried this to the governor of the feast so the governor the feast took a little sip out of the crock and he goes whoa it's a new thing most people serve the best at the beginning but he's done a new thing he saved the best for or you're to rejoice if you realize were the last days but I liked it say our problem is we know what we pour in but we have no clue what he's trusting us with you think Hey you like mr. ed yeah that's good what's your name I wouldn't eat god bless you what do you do do you that's a good thing yeah that's good you enjoy him and I work at the church to the church all over and I do enjoy it really I'm having the time of my life honestly it would take a turn every day so help me God every day I get stacks of invitation to go somewhere in the world every day it would take lifetimes to fulfill it here's what the Lord told me said don't go unless you sin then don't go unless you stand so that's a good one I scheduled to go to 28,000 people and 13 people don't but nothing the Lord said I want you to go over here I said God it looks like I'd reach more people at 28,000 then 13 not thirteen thousand ten plus three thirteen people and I said god I figure I'd reached more people and he said that's why you need me to do your scheduling you don't know how to figure so he sent me to 13 people and great things happen for the kingdom it's true you believe great things are going to happen for you that's right that's exactly right you don't believe me he really hears you he hears you while you're crying out he's going to answer you did you know here's your purse you ready pop this one on the board please in the amplified John 1624 it says up into this point of time you've not asked ask now you'll get what you're asking so you'll have a happy heart here it is John 1624 here we go up to this time you have not asked a single thing in my name as presenting all that I am but now ask and keep on asking and you will receive so that your joy and gladness and delight might be overflowing we're in a season Guylaine chief her next one please second Corinthians second Corinthians six I want to go to two but go to one first second Corinthians 6:1 amplified please [Music] can you match look laboring together as God's fellow workers with him it means we're laboring with him okay I'm screaming just but I'll read it for he said no no back back up let me finish that first one please yes there we go laboring together as God's fellow workers with him then we beg of you not to receive the grace of God in vain that merciful kindness about which he exerts his holy influence on souls and turning them to Christ keeping and strengthening them do not receive this for no purpose see the gifts and the graces you get you've got it for a reason and here's the reason for he says in the time of favor of an assured welcome I have listened to you I've heated your call and I have helped you on the day of deliverance the day of salvation behold now is truly the time for a gracious welcome and acceptance of you from God behold now is the day of salvation what's the first three words for he says anytime you find for he says it's quoting somebody wonder who's Paul's quoting you know the Bible he's quoting Isaiah 49 verse eight he that's what Paul's quoting for he says he's quoting Isaiah 40 pop that one in please I'm just ordering please if it's possible could you please present Isaiah 49 verse eight look he got it right thus says the Lord in an acceptable in favourable time I've heard and answered you and in the day of salvation I have helped you and I will preserve you and give you for I covenant to the people to raise up and establish the land from its present state of ruin and the appropriation and calls him to inherit the desolate moral waste of hedonism that's their destiny are their inheritance to turn mankind to the saving knowledge of Christ he said that's your that's your is that's your design that's your do you said and this is the acceptable time to do that though it's about oh it's a acceptable time for lunch for y'all's meeting I think we're coming back we're having is there a two o'clock meeting or did this they're soaking I like soaking Psalms 91 soaking don't you know what the Lord told me once he said I shout my truth but I whisper my secrets security Billups I'm very animated Psalms Psalms 91 verse 1 talking about this soaking here it is he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand when you soak and abide under his presence no no - the devil fashions can hinder you do you believe in Christ you're invincible yeah there's a lot about that you gotta go man what do you do sales and marketing how's it going good good what are you saying just hot tubs I already like that hot tubs yeah that's good a lot of things I'm thinking about but none of them will do to talk about but uh hot tubs yeah I like the relaxation don't you that's what we need to learn how to relax before the Lord and that's one of the that's one of the words it's in it Psalms Psalm 55:22 casting all of your care upon him because he cares for you casting your burden on the Lord releasing the weight of it and he will sustain you he will never allow the righteous to be moved made to slip or fall or to fail so you're invincible in Jesus that's rad I was good I enjoyed the praise town that was fun their songs in you and Rodham now don't just sing him ride him that's well there we gotta go you're doing good me too she's got her own headphones hello oh that's wonderful she's got some little pink headphones she the babies go my doggies over Ginny's loud my little grin said we got we got three grandsons we finally got a little granddaughter she's the first girl in the family and she's four so she calls me the other day and she says Pat go preach would you get me a pink 22 hey that's a that's a little gun now you know you're a redneck if you four year old granddaughter want you to buy her a pink 22 and I said yeah I will honey and her daddy said you're not buying your pink 22 she's four years old well I am he just won't give it to her you know but yep that's the honest-to-god truth belfry's found me a pink twenty-two yeah well it's like you say it sometimes it's just okay yeah one of the one of the one of the names of God is the God that's more than you'll ever have need of el-shaddai the God that does for you what you're incapable of doing for yourself you can come to him and you'll never ask him something too big listen it's just pleasure to give you the kingdom that's right yeah good what's your wife's name Ilyana god bless you you're smart as a whip that's a good thing I see you with a can of oil that's a good thing she's Alling the wheels man and that's good well that's good I'm just sad shouting it folks as we go we got to leave though because you all are got a banquet are you going to the banquet that's good I know I'm supposed to quit but I don't really want to I tell you I feel I feel very mischievous at this moment I really mean that I feel a bit mischievous I don't know why but I do I feel I feel like God could do anything anything anything he's going to recreate bones in people's feet somebody's had some deterioration of bones and their feet and God's going to recreate those bones here's your great verse right now heaven is screaming I mean heaven is screaming he's screaming Joel 2:25 I will restore I will restore you know last night I almost said it's a you know when I I said I thought and I was gonna say it's a wonder they let you meet in this place now you know what I was walking through this morning and if they keep monkeying around God will give you this place look out now I'm telling you you say God yes he will he'll raise up training centers like this I'm telling you listen you go on don't well yeah he will it's your father's good pleasure yes right man you know yep he will that's what I felt in then I was back there when I got to feeling mischievous and the Lord said you know nothing's impossible for me you know when these executives start saying well I don't know if these kind of conferences are beneficial because you monkey around God will make you give them this place that's true wouldn't that be neat yeah you'd get a job you could have a job doing something yeah I was in well cause I was in Houston Texas full time they had the fastest real estate market in America at that time that's when all was at his highest point and I'm standing in Houston Texas and God said oh and by the way tell them I'm going to crucify the all God in Texas and they'll be giving real estate away but I'd already said it guess what happened bottom fell out all market people shot themselves people jumped off a bank buildings and they started giving real estate away in Houston Texas a big malls had built nobody become occupied so the mall started giving the mall spaces away to churches into ministries to keep the thugs out yep well that's it goes see God can do it remember Marilyn Hickey she wanted buy some property across from the mall to build a church and the whole town rose up and didn't want a church around the mall remember that they were stood here Marilyn Hickey so guess what happened the mall went broke she bought it for pennies on the dollar she moved into the mall got a church called happy Church don't have a sad Church have a happy Church yeah that's true well I gotta go now what are y'all doing now I will craft a couple of ministries one in Israel and one here in northern Canada that's where y'all did I tell you an angel followed me from Israel to Canada I'll watch your angel so help me God you're number one calling Canada is to pray for Israel number one call in Canada is to pray for Israel so that we got an angel followed me from Israel to Hamilton Ontario honest to god he said you know my name I go No and he used a Hebrew word he said you know what it means I go no and he said it means watcher that's where I'm screwed so I said what's this about he said I'm calling Canada to stand in the gap and be a watcher for Israel you're number one initiative from heaven is to pray for Israel and God God wouldn't have sent those angels if he hadn't intended to Commission you for it one of our reasons we're in our nation is so devastated right now is because we've distance ourself from Israel well if we continue it's going to get worse and worse so we're we're really really trying to raise our people up well anyway god bless you let me do not will pray for people 7 o'clock we're going to have an impartation service here's one thing God's been doing is praying over pieces of cloth we've seen dead people raised with this we've listened so to not bring something bring a handkerchief a nap don't steal the hotel stuff but you know bring something and we're pray over we prayed we announced that we was going to pray over cloth in Korea they sold out every napkin every handkerchief in Seoul Korea you could not buy a piece of fabric this is the truth and my wife and I prefer thousands of people and so I'm telling you can I tell you one story about the napkin okay my momma my mother she's got raised her from the dead twice I didn't bad for a Southern Baptist you know but uh that's true God raised my mother from the dead twice he told me it's my will to keep her the second time but your prayers overrode my will but anyway my momma got a hole in her stomach and her food started leaking out into her cabinet so the doctor says this is very serious so we got to do something so they cared my mother to the hospital and me and my wife go there and they cut my mother in a chair so like a dentist's chair they spray some stuff in her mouth and they make her swallow a camera a little Sony camera on a on a string looking thing so she swallows a camera and they turned the light on the camera light only nine mommy's tummy and there's the TV a sonic TV and it's vivid color in the guys the doctors manipulating the camera with the joystick and it crawls up this way and there's the whole you can see the holy my mommy's tell me about the size of two golf balls horrible looking rotten two-tiered flesh hanging off and so you can see it very clear and the doctor said boy this is very serious we're gonna have to do something to Carter eyes this whole daughter and my mother starts going oh she's got a tear down her throat Oh oh god it's hurting you're so I get closer and I'm trying to come I'm trying to consoled or you know and she's gonna oh I turn like this and she starts digging in my pocket she digs out my handkerchief throws it over the place and write their own television the hole starts growing up Hey the doctors start taking steal pictures of what's happening on the video and in a moment the hole is completely grown-up just as smooth as baby's skin they pulled that camera out of my mama's mouth guess what she said my god boy what took you so long that's what she said yeah now that's the truth yeah so if it happened in God's in Paul's time it can happen in our time it says they took off the body of Paul anything that had touched his skin and they sent it out and miracles happened Amy that's what it says adios how do you say adios adios okay adios how do you say friend amigo I am bilingual yes did you know I went to London England and had to have an interpreter that's the honest-to-god truth I went to London England and had to have an interpreter they said what language are you speaking I said English and he defended him now here's the deal just to be honest with you when you hear God speak he speaks just like me yeah no I'll tell you how I speaks you want to know he speaks exactly like you listen John 10 3 John 10:27 god bless you [Music]
Channel: Frontline Church
Views: 2,782
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: r_48-4MNfV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 13sec (3673 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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