RIck Joyner Standing in the Council of the Lord Part 2

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you know we I really we normally have tables set up here so that kind of promotes better interchange and all between people coming and but we just we're kind of maxed out in the registration and we are maxed out and then we always have a lot of people come without registering just think they register at the last minute but we're already full we will squeeze in as many as we can we believe people with that hungry we're gonna try to do our best but it is going to be kind of tight a lot of more people are coming today and so you know it says Jerusalem is a city that is compacted together and sometimes the Lord just likes to squeeze us closer but we're trying to make it as comfortable as we can we also have seats out here for those of you who have these we call them sky boxes so on the atrium rooms on the atrium you get see you those are kind of the best seats in the house you can see everything from up there and welcome to use those we have others around but we're gonna be kind of tight I'm thankful that this many people are that hungry and let's get hungrier let's leave here hungrier then we came that is one of the greatest gifts we can have hunger for God desire for him passionate for him of course you wouldn't be here if you weren't that way we understand that people that go to conferences there they pay their money they buy their tickets and hotels and those that are that hungry God meets and that's why we have tend to have such a special grace on these but some of the most important things he wants to do with these gatherings are at the lunch table you may get the most important word from the Lord you get here in the elevator or just standing around or whatever interchange and we have things going on here but we have cafes and place where you can just hang out one of the most important things God is doing is the divine connections that we're supposed to have and that we need for our own ultimate purpose so it's Larry Randolph likes to say one of the names of God is Jehovah sneaky he likes to sneak up on us and so be ready in season and out of season not just to give a word which we should always be but to receive one from whoever I think he likes to do it more from the most unexpected sources unexpected people he and I think that keeps us you know perpetually on edge for God sneaking up on us and that's a good way to live always he's gonna speak to us at anytime anyplace I've had him speak to me profoundly in movies billboards animals now I didn't have them speak in words to me but but I'm ready for that you know so you know I think the true Christian life is the greatest adventure we could ever live is the most exciting life the greatest adventure it just can't get any better and it's going to get better and better when things are melting down in the world and we know that's gonna happen we have the the word of the Lord the biblical prophecy the sure word of prophecy is clear about that but at the same time the mountains are melting like wax at the presence of the Lord his mountain is going to be growing as the kingdoms of this world begin to collapse his little mountain his little rock is growing into a mountain and it's going to keep growing till it takes over the whole earth so what have we built in our lives on where is our hope now I had an experience in 2014 on my motorcycle it's one of the greatest experiences I ever had and I had never had that kind of close personal encounter with the Lord I had had encounters I've seen him I'd had him lay hands on me in one case and I'd seen him a number of times and visions and dreams and I'd seen him twice face to face but I'd never had a better time than I did that ride on the motorcycle because it was all personal all the other was give me orders tell me what to do and I'll do them and and and that's what he was there to correct that day on the motorcycle he said you're no longer servant you're a friend now and I didn't know how to receive that I didn't you know what I did tell me what to do that wasn't my whole way of relating to him give me a job and I'll get her done and he said no it's not the way it's going to be anymore and we anyway he he talked to me about being a friend and I didn't know how to do it I'm still five years later trying to learn how to be a friend relate to him as a friend but I can't say it's gotten better and better and better 2014 I thought was the best year of my life 2015 went up 2016 went up 2017 2018 this year already is the best year I've ever had it's getting better I have never had such a good time in the Lord I've never had such revelations never and on the other side he keeps giving me harder and our words to share I don't care it's worth it it's worth it but listen can we understand that in the world you have tribulation but he's overcome the world and we have a kingdom that cannot be shaken if we have built our lives on his kingdom we should fear nothing that comes upon the world nothing and we know it's all gonna end out well but one of the things he began to speak to me about on my motorcycle that day was his love for our country and showing me things about it and I had probably 10 years before that maybe even longer started to search out did God really have a purpose for our country is there a special covenant between the Lord and America and all this and and and I felt like I had seen his hand I've seen the clear work of the Lord in laying our foundation in the inspiration for our Constitution and founding documents and and all of that and and I had come to say no we really are but one of the things I was prophesy on way back then is we've not even begun to fulfill our purpose as a nation yet and you can point to a lot of great things that America has done and accomplished I think greater than any country in history and our kids don't believe so because the history books they're given today has nothing good to say about America it's one of the most dishonouring things that could be done to God and to our founders and to our fathers and mothers the only commandment were the promises that we honor our fathers and mothers that it may go well with us it might be well with us and there are days might be long upon the earth so to say there's nothing good with them that's the most dishonouring thing we could could do and way back over ten years ago Lord gave me a dream in which he said he would bring revival to America if we would honor the fathers and he showed me you know that Malachi he says restoring the hearts of the father's to the children not the mothers now the commandment is honor your fathers and mothers but to be honest most children don't have a problem with their mothers they get along great with their mothers it's their fathers they've got a problem with it and with fatherhood and that you know this is what I was shown was some of the biggest gates of Hell into our country were opened which gates of hell are where held has access gets in but some of the biggest gates of Hell in our country were open by the dishonouring of fathers and fatherhood now nowhere did he say honor your perfect father's he didn't even say honor your good ones just how many of you had a father I'd like to see hands all right it's about 2/3 here had a father but how many of you know nobody can be a father without a mother present yeah how many of you had a mother few more than had a father but you know I think there's something fundamental that we've got to do to recover this of course we always want to honor mothers I think that one of the highest callings there is on this planet is mothers motherhood and I think that is the answer to really see an abortion abolished his esteem in mothers and motherhood the way they deserved the incredible gift and calling that that is but there's been a special focused attack on fathers and fatherhood and from the fifties on fathers are belittled ridiculed if they're portrayed in entertainment movies or anything they're either either really evil or they're really stupid and there's been a consistent attack well guess what that's because the devil attacks what he knows is a special purpose and you know they're understandably you know there's some really bad examples of fathers and fatherhood there's some real bad examples of men and the things we've done no question about it but I tell you I will never apologize for being Caucasian for being a man for being an American for being anything else God made me because for me to apologize for that I'm saying God made a mistake I'm not ashamed of any of that I am not ashamed of being an American I am thankful to be an American I am thankful to be a man I'm thankful to be my race whatever God made me I'm going to be thankful for that now I'm also not going to cover up issues we've had we've had some terrible things in our history that need to be addressed but if you do it in a way where you it's all bad and not good that's one of the you've departed you severed a tie with the Lord a very basic topic listen if you had a bad father you get more martyr points for honoring them you get it's even better for you you know and if we have bad examples of bad teachers whatever God allowed that for reason I know a lot of people don't even know have a clue who their father was I don't care honor them pray for them find some way to honor them and we always start with that honor yep you know I mentioned earlier about the emerging the youth where in Scripture does it say honored the youth seen by know of a scripture we love the youth everybody loves their children you love them more than you love yourself listen they're not very smart they have some of the craziest ideas and they're getting crazier with every generation you know and I'm gonna love them and I will find some way to honor every one that can you give honor to whom honor is due and you understand what I'm saying but you know we need to learn to 100 the elders anyway one of the things I was shown to honor was our founding fathers that we need to honor this and every country does I believe and some countries had some really bad founding fathers some heads those that I think were some of the greatest ever some nations and we were blessed with an extraordinary group they were not perfect they had serious flaws things they had done they did had never been done before some of the courageous things they did you'd never see a courage like this before some their willingness to sacrifice all the other things here we have the only revolution in history led by the top 1% the wealthiest not the disenfranchised not the disgruntled when they said they were gonna risk their lives their fortunes and their sacred honor they had something to risk those who signed our Declaration of Independence were all within the top 1% of the country with the exception of possibly two as far as wealth property and everything else two of them that sign knew the moment they signed they were paupers they had nothing because British Garrison's were camped right next to their states as soon as they signed that declaration of independence their estates were seized they had nothing they signed anyway they gave you know why the star of David's on our dollar bill a lot of people think loads the Masons or whatever to honor hime Solomon a Jewish man who gave his entire fortune to fund the revolution to fund George Washington's army and especially to raise the money for him to be able to march south to Yorktown where the war was actually won you know what the u.s. never paid him back I mean we have unbelievable heroes now I believe the u.s. is paying him back by all that we're given to Israel which is I believe his payback - I'm Solomon with interest I'm happy about it I'm very happy about it God will repay the oppressed by the way I believe that unbelievable salaries for athletes today is a part of God repaying the oppressed couldn't repay those that who were slaves he's gonna repay their children with interest now I believe there's a higher way to do it but he's gonna be sure gets done God repays the oppressor I think when Israel left Egypt with all the treasure of Egypt you know what they were carrying out their pay to the penny God will make things right he is more devoted to justice and I think any human being has ever been he is going to settle every score and make everything right if we don't do it the way we're called to do it he'll do it some other way but let's align with him be a part of him doing it right being able to do it right so if we've got some serious issues in our history we need to address and they need to be addressed and we need to say this was a and but we also need to acknowledge the Honorable but here's my point we've still not done what we're called to do as a nation now you may have heard I've shared been sharing this for this whole year just about the dream that the Lord gave me in December about a coming second American Revolution / civil war the Lord said in this dream it was inevitable it was right and it will be successful I until that dream I did not think it was inevitable by the way most of the revelations major revelations I've got many um where I was thinking in my heart almost the opposite of what God showed me that's how out of a line I've been in many things in many times prophetic revelation I've heard people even teach that prophecy will always be confirmation to what's in your heart find that in Scripture find that in Scripture I think you'll find almost every case no it comes because they're so out of whack they're going the wrong way and he's trying to correct the way they're going there are things that talk about confirmation but this is not in relation to prophecy I'm just saying there are a lot of things I think we teach out of human idealism my own opinions rather than God's Word but anyway I would have said up until that dream you know what we're headed towards a civil war and it doesn't make a profit to see that there's plenty of time to change plenty you know you know if you don't change your direction you'll end up where you're headed and that's where we're headed but we got plenty of time to change our direction that dream everything changed for me since then I have seen it more clearly more deep deeply than ever before yeah it's coming and it is coming faster than I would have projected even after that dream it's upon us we are going to experience that we're in it we're in the first stages right now but you're gonna see it and it's gonna get really tough so my purpose since then is find out okay how is this right he said it's right I want to know how it's right what is right my immediate first assumption was going to be the left versus the right I've been shown it's way beyond that and a lot of my assumptions about it immediately seeing it my first assumptions I think had been corrected but he said it's going to be successful would have success me now in this dream I was shown us history from Heaven's perspective and it was different from any perspective I've ever had after spending almost five decades studying history and a whole lot of it spent in US history I did not have the perspective that haven't had of our US history for example I thought that you know that was an amazing victory that Revolutionary War to defeat the most powerful nation on earth and we're just a little colony and you know what percentage of the colonists actually fought the British a lot of people would say thirty percent what five percent I mean this was an incredible incredible feat just their endurance after loss after loss after loss and I don't quit they're losing everything they own everything's threatened they still don't quit then they win I thought what an incredible feat the Lord one of the first things he showed me was from Heaven's perspective we did not win the Revolutionary War we won some things but our independence was not our main purpose yeah I didn't see it from Heaven's perspective our main purpose was what we declared in our reason for declaring independence that we believe all men are created equal there's not going to be any discrimination here anymore and we forgot that and you know because we forgot that the Civil War was inevitable how could there possibly be slavery in a place where we believe all men are created equal what hypocrisy so that made this civil war inevitable I always thought well at least the rights I won that I'm not saying the the Confederates should have won either we did not accomplish he said if we had accomplished our purpose if that had been accomplished there have been no need for civil rights movement there have been no need for in these things all men would be created equal this was a main purpose for America this is a place where all people are treated equally and justly under the law it doesn't mean everybody has the same amount of smarts or good looks or all these things but it means under the law everybody is equal and we've gotten more and more unequal some things have been righted thank God we don't have slavery like it was but we still have slavery believe it or not there's still oppression when it was summed up in this heavens perspective of my America I was shown one word Liberty Liberty and then in small letters of a side that was injustice for all not just some well you know what robbed the revolutionary commanders of the full victory politics was not politically expedient at the time to do away with slavery we've got our hands full fighting the British and everything listen we would have rallied far more people to the fight if we had stood for the righteousness and justice that God was seeking to establish here the same in the Civil War this is going to be a nation where there's righteousness and justice for all no discrimination no more bondage no more oppression it's we're going to be free and we're going to understand what Liberty really is now we were called Liberty where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty there's something fundamental about this now listen there's bondage and there's slavery throughout the church it's spiritual may not be natural but it's just as much there the control spirit right now the control spirit the religious spirit and the political spirit have more authority in the church than the Holy Spirit does by people following them those are Satan's cord of three strands we're gonna get free we've got to get free for the country to get free we've got to throw off these yokes of slavery this yoke of bondage of racism is an ultimate evil bigotry is an ultimate evil that reveals an ultimate corruption of the human art because slightly you know racism bigotry are built upon the two ultimate evils pride where we think we're better than others because of externals because of our race because of our spiritual bigotry is the same way we think we're better than others because the movement we're whatever this is our bigotry or we become racist or bigots because we're afraid of those who are different from us fear and pride fear caused the first fall in virtually every one sense pride cause the first of all of fear keeps us in bondage keeps us from seeing we're called to live by faith not by fear to the degree that fear controls us it is our Lord in place of Jesus you know we're gonna be free from fear we're gonna get free from peer fear we're gonna get free from the religious spirit we're gonna get free from the political spirit and we're gonna get free from the control spirit and it's gonna be there is going to be a terrible conflict in our country but the ultimate end of it is we're going to be a free country and a standard of what freedom looks like in the way we treat one another the way we esteem and honor one another regardless of what we look like our culture all these other things because every person doesn't say as we treat the least of his little ones that's have we treated him what would happen if we started treating one another as if we were treating the Lord what does that look like well we're gonna find out we're actually gonna do this thing yeah I've got a lot more to share over the next few days I hope I get some of it I usually don't I get in little shots here and there but we have some tremendous messages that are coming forth and what I don't share I get plenty of time to share on prophetic perspectives television and other places and but my main purpose right now in ministry is to see that we're ready for what is to come I believe some of the messages coming forth now are going to help position us to be ready for what is to come not just to survive it we've got to have a much bigger vision than just surviving what is coming we want to see the victory we want to see the complete victory where what if we've got to go through another conflict like this where the job gets done and no political spirit gets in and robs us of it because it's not politically expedient no we will see it done because it's the right thing to do and we're not going to quit until that job's done now we got to get free ourselves first there's no greater free and freedom that you'll ever know than in the presence of Lord and if you are abiding where you're supposed to bide you can be walking in his definition of righteousness not a distorted one from men from people if you do that you're gonna have a peace that cannot be shaken by circumstance on the earth if you do that you're gonna be so happy that people are gonna think you're really weird you are really peculiar you're probably in delusion you may be doing drugs you may but I tell you what ultimately they're gonna understand the joy of the Lord is our strength don't ever lose your joy you
Channel: ReverberatingRainbow
Views: 12,312
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: Rick Joyner, MorningStar Ministries
Id: tfCJoKJX3kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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