Rick Joyner Standing in the Council of the Lord Part 1

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well it's good to see so many of you hungry I hope you are ready to catch what's coming because I think that Tom hit it on the nose I think there's gonna be an awful lot coming at us during this time that we need to we need to catch thank you we are we're in desperate need of an advance of the prophetic we need to see it advanced we need to see it go forward we've got to go far beyond where we are right now and the theme of this gathering is standing in the counsel of the Lord of course this is from Jeremiah 23 where he asks but who has stood in the counsel of the Lord that he should see and hear his word who has given heed to his word and listened now the rest of that chapter relates how many were prophesying that the Lord had not spoken to and I believe that today much of what parades his prophecy the scripture calls flattery and you know there's not one good thing said in the scripture about flattery now there was you know in Jeremiah's time in his life most of it he had to stand alone prophesy and the opposite of what others were saying who were all claiming to be prophets as well and I think this is also common throughout the other without with most of the other biblical prophets are we speaking what the people want to hear are are we really getting our word from standing in the counsel of the Lord are we speaking his words now you know John 718 says he who speaks from himself seeks his own glory now that word glory could have been translated recognition those who are speaking from themselves from their own inspiration are usually doing so because they're seeking their own recognition why are we prophesying why are we speaking you know I think we also need to consider that in the New Testament there were far more apostles than prophets prophets were actually extremely rare I believe they had the real remains so to this day now we have a lot of people that I think have prophetic gifts but that doesn't make you a prophet all of God's people should be able to hear his words all of them should be able to get prophetic revelation that doesn't make you a prophet and there are certain things that I think have skewed the prophetic ministry that we need to look at today that it would not continue to be this way but that a true word from the Lord would go forth now it says but he's seeking the glory or the recognition of the one who sent him he is true and there is no unrighteousness in him you know first thing if we understood the real prophetic you'd have to be pretty close to insane to want to be one if you're the real thing as I'm going to show you in the scriptures you're not gonna get a lot of praise from men matter of fact you're gonna have almost everybody mad at you all the time nobody is going to call you a prophet until you're dead and no longer a threat you're gonna be called a false prophet you're gonna be called ever every other thing that comes with the territory of being the real this is not a job you seek for any kind of personal recognition or honor are we still willing who is still willing now I believe in a sense the whole body of Christ is called to be a prophet to our nation's the body of Christ in each nation is called to be a prophet to that nation where's the prophetic word going to our nation do you realize the level of debauchery and corruption that has come into our country in just the last five years let alone then that was the last 10 years we're unrecognizable as a country anymore we've fallen to the ultimate depravity that Isaiah dressed in chapter 5 when he said you know an ultimate depravity is when you start calling good evil and evil good start honoring the dishonorable and honoring the dishonorable you start honoring the dishonorable and dishonouring the honorable we're there and then what is his first judgement when you fall into that depravity I will give you capricious children as your leaders have you watched what's going on in Washington now have you watched what's going on in our nation's capital the meltdown of civility I mean these where are the adults we've been given capricious children that is a judgment from God thank the Lord he's still judging us that means he hasn't given up on us the Lord disciplines those whom he loves but where's the prophetic voice where's the outcry the outrage of what's going on have you seen the perversion that is being taught to our children in kindergarten have you seen the perversion that is being imposed on our whole country you know one of the things I watched and I tried to get off the internet and it disappeared off the internet really quickly was Putin's address to the g20 the last time they met he was a more righteous voice and I think you've heard coming from the West and a long time when he was chastising the West he sounded like an Old Testament prophet he said you're even afraid to use the name of holidays because it has the name of your God in it he says now you're so confused you don't even know which bathroom to use he was crying out he was beckoning them don't you understand this meltdown that has gone on it's beyond crazy that we need a new word for crazy we need a new word for insanity for what is being imposed on our country what is being imposed on the nation's and guess what it is almost as much in the church as it is the nation now why because there are no prophets and righteous men to stand against what is being raised up what is being imposed on us at this time where are the shepherds who will protect the sheep where are the Watchmen who are going to sound the alarm now I do the Tishbite who was of the settlers of Gilead said to ABA have the leader of his nation as the Lord the God of Israel lives before whom I stand surely there shall be neither do nor rain these years except by my word nobody had ever heard of this guy before is this boldness or what of course they thought he was a lunatic but I believe he was a most sane man in the nation of Israel at that time why he says where I year why as the Lord the God of Israel lives before whom I stand he was living his life before the Lord not men he's basically saying 2 a.m. you're just a king you're just a man I lived my life before the Lord he's the one I stand before I believe that is the foundation of authentic prophetic ministry we see I want to go on I'll come back to that Jesus turned said to Peter get behind me Satan you are stumbling block to me for you're not setting your mind on God's interests but man's how would you like to be called Satan by the son of God that wasn't very edifying kind of harsh wasn't it I submit to you we've got a very distorted picture of who Jesus is many of us have been worshipping a god we made in our image not who he is think about this here I mean he he chose twelve of the roughest characters you could imagine he chose twelve Donald Trump's as his disciples these are tough characters I hear people all the time complaining about Donald Trump hell roughy is an edge and how you know uncouth some of the things he says are have you been to New York lately he's one of the kinder gentler ones from I'm just saying but I think he's more honest than anybody we've had in that office in a long long time he says what he thinks what he believes listen he came up in the New York development business I believe on the toughest settings but that's who the Lord chose as his disciples these were tough edgy characters I mean the night before the Lord is crucified they're still arguing over who's the greatest now you know we we want to think of Jesus as someone who's just full of grace and mercy and he is more than any human being has ever been he is also more severe than any human being that I think we care to consider it so I Paul said behold now the kindness and the severity of God we don't see him as he is if we don't see both think about how tough these characters were they've been with him for three and a half years and on the last night they're still afraid to ask him a question remember Peter says John you asked him he called me Satan he was severe he's intense I think CS Lewis says he is a wild lion he is not a tame one now who do we who do we worship do we worship someone we've made him out to be my children do they all have their perception of what he wants what they want him to be and that will not do them any good in the days to come because he is who he is listen he came as a lamb the first time he's coming back as the lion Paul said in Galatians 1:10 if I were still seeking to please men I would not be a bond servant of Christ I believe the degree to which we seek to please men that's the degree to which we compromise our service to the Lord why are we doing what we're doing why are we saying what we're saying Luke 16 15 he said to them the Pharisees you are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men but God knows your hearts for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God think about that we want to be saying the things that men like that please men we're gonna be saying what is detestable in the sight of God we got to decide who are we seeking who are we going to please God or men and you know what the reverse is true if we do that which is highly esteemed in the sight of God we're gonna be what doing what is detestable in the sight of men somebody's going to detest what we're doing who do we want it to be we've got to make that choice she said woe to you when all men speak well of you for in the same way their fathers used to treat the false prophets we want everybody to like us to speak well of us James said you adulteresses do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility towards God listen that's becoming increasingly true every day we fit in with the world we want the world to like us to respect us we're making ourselves enemies of God what are we approving what have we allowed where is the outcry for what is happening he goes on say therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God of course this Paul wrote to Timothy for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but wanting to have their ears tickled they work will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths have you seen the crazy doctrines coming out of the church today have you seen the bizarre things being said and written it and how multitudes are following them why I believe there's been a conditioning by the devil of Christians to only be able to receive what makes them feel good if it doesn't make them feel good they can't handle it listen we have a generation now we have generations conditioned where that they cannot hear anything that would in any way challenge them or challenge the propaganda that they've been given and listen our children in our schools have not been educated they've been indoctrinated there has never been a more deceived generation than the generations from the Millennials on I hear often people come to me don't you understand how offensive you are to the Millennials I say thank you that is that was great encouragement because if they are appreciating what I'm saying I'm afraid that I'm not speaking the truth not all are it that way but most are I'm not trying to reach the Millennials I'm not trying to reach anybody I'm trying to speak the word of the Lord I'm trying to be obedient wherever it reaches it reaches the word of the Lord will not return void I'm not trying to reach any group any age or anything I don't want to skew my ministry that way I'm not trying to develop something here that is especially accepting or desirous of any group I want to attract the Lord the Holy Spirit he's the one we won here and we believe that those who truly worship young will end up here - I'm just saying and listen there are some delusions that get into the prophetic you know I've spent over 50 years studying history nearly 50 years study in church history to some degree I don't study it all the time but I've always got books I'm reading on it I'm always searching it now but I believe some of the greatest prophetic voices in history went off-track for periods of time so I never give up on somebody because they go weird some my greatest heroes in history went weird for a period of time you know even Paul the Apostle admitted to having been foiled by Satan as soon as you think it can't happen to you you're doomed it will happen to you you've already set yourself up to it for it so it can happen to anyone but I'm I want to speak the truth that if possible they might wake up and I pray that those will do that to me when I need it but I think one of the ultimate delusions that many prophetic people fall to is when God uses them gives them some revelation then they fall to the delusion that everything they're thinking is what God must be thinking that God thinks just like them we don't understand how far we can be even when we're given extraordinary prophetic revelation we can still be very far from having God's mind on things in his heart then they start prophesying what they think and what they believe as the word of the Lord this is this can be a serious departure point that's why I think impressions should never be shared as thus saith the Lord anything that comes on such a low level of prophetic revelation can be bent it can be distorted it can be distorted by our own prejudices our own wounds you know some of the worst doctrines ever promulgated in history came out of certain people's rejection wounds that were not yield I see a lot of sermons I see a lot of teachings I've I've read I get a lot of books I don't know how I get a lot of books sent to me I tell you there's so many um that are written from a wound instead of from Revelation a wound they have not been healed of that's that is one of the I believe most fruitful breeding grounds for deception our unyielding that's why Satanists call bees above Lord of the Flies flies in prophetic revelation almost always represent lies and when you're wounded flies swarm to wounds and they bring infections so that the wounds cannot be healed and I don't care what kind of wounding you've been through you will be disqualified from your priesthood in the Lord if you're not healed of your wounds even under the Old Testament the the priest could not have scabs they were disqualified for having scabs because scabs were unyielding if if you have an unhealed wound people can't touch you they can't get close to you you can't be the priest you're called to be but not only that that is a breeding ground for deception and evil we have no right to be wounded no Christian has any right to still have a wound I don't care what was done I don't care what the betrayal was we have no right no right there was no one wounded more than Jesus more unrighteous li more unjustly never will there ever be any one more unrighteous li and unjustly wounded than them and what did he say Father forgive them I remember when I was a young Christian I was taught that the Lord will fight your battles but you've got to forgive first so I would work really hard to forgive anybody he did wrong so that the Lord could get him I wanted him to smite him good but I forgive them Jesus had knew that he wanted a father to forgive him he said Father forgive them that's an ultimate forgiveness but you know in the very place Jesus was wounded he received Authority for healing others by His stripes were healed and that's why the Lord allows us to give wounded why he allows us to be betrayed like he was and to go through the things that he was so that we can receive Authority for healing others who were wounded that's why you see you know we're told in 1st Corinthians 10 and other places that everything that Israel went through in the wilderness was a message for us who the ends of the ages have come upon and he went on to list many of the events in their history you know following the rock and then and things like that but you know there were tests that Israel had to pass to get through the wilderness to their promised land what was the first test they had to pass I believe it's the first thing we've got to get his Christians if we're gonna make it to our promised land walking the promises of God remember it was the waters of Marah three days in a desert without water you know we've been doing a lot of fasting around here and pray incorporate fast with extraordinary results but one thing we've never done is a you know it's always been at least drink water if you think fasting is hard try going a day with no liquids one day I can't even imagine three days and then in a desert with two million people kicking dust in their face if there was ever a trial and here's the first test they got a pass then to see water how their hope must have risen there I mean you can't they were on the edge of death you can't live much longer than that without liquid and then get there in the water is poison they didn't have the Bible they didn't have all the testimonies and all that we have of God's goodness so they knew he was powerful but they didn't know he was good you can understand them thinking he just brought us out here to kill us make sport of us what was the first thing they had to learn how to turn the bitter waters into sweet how did they do that they threw the tree in the cross the tree almost always represents the cross I think the first thing if we're gonna walk in our and what God has called us to I promise the first thing we've got to get is how to turn every bad thing that ever happens to us into sweetness into authority for healing helping others well we don't carry our wounds we don't care I mean I almost every Christian I talked to why I would churchy I don't go to church anymore most Christians don't go to church anymore why because they were wounded that one point is costing them their inheritance and you'll hear many um when the church gets its act together I'll come back no you won't you won't even find it it'll be so far down the road you'll never even ever catch up it's going through all the processes all the irritations and frustrations betrayals everything else that is normal Church life believe it or not that's meant to work in us what we're called to be if you don't go through that struggle in relationships for his people when it does get to where it's going to be you will be so far behind you'll never catch up we have to go through that listen we need the wounding if it happens we need the disappointments we need the frustrations and we need to use every single trial that comes our way as an opportunity we're gonna grow in love we're gonna grow in patience we're gonna go on everything but we're not gonna quit on God in on his people his word makes it clear you cannot love the Lord whom you have not seen if you do not love his people who you can see and you don't quit on people you love you never quit on people you love you may leave them and say you love them and all this but you don't that's contrary to Scripture and you cannot be joined to the head and not also be rightly joined to his body doesn't work I think church is far from what it's supposed to be I think we're less than 10% of what we're supposed to be in general the church today but listen the other 90% can come fast when we're positioned right or the other 50% if just another 10% comes the church will instantly be recognized around the world as the most powerful and threatening entity on the planet we ever aligned just 10% more with God it's going to be unbelievable I remember Harry Bozell a friend of Robins and now that Robin grew up under really and remember one time a guy came back from a conference and Harry said how was that conference he said well it was about 10% God Harry goes dad gone I knew I should have gone to that conference I've never seen thing that was 10% God that was they had that much God in it and I personally think that's where the church is I'm not discouraged by it I'm encouraged look at the upside look at the upside the church wakes up in America we will instantly throw off the darkness the devil will flee in the nations of the world will take note and listen you know who I'm saying the churches about 10% of whom we tend to think the churches God doesn't need a lot either find 12 good people watch what I can do it's what he said he doesn't need a majority he doesn't need 50% of it but he doesn't need a vote he's the king he's the king he's gonna align with his kingship he's going to align with him now again I think there's a lot of confusion about what is prophesied and prophecy because sometimes we have real impressions but I think on that level we need to share them as such and that's why you see the scripture Paul would say I have decided I think I am of this opinion he's making clear this is not revelation but this is my opinion and you know what his opinion carried weight but I think when we get things on a low level of Revelation which are impressions and things like that we need to be a lot more in treatable with the way we Sherman not share them is Fedak as prophecy they can be divinely inspired but usually on that level they have a mixture sometimes it's caffeine withdrawal give person a cup of coffee and their prophecies will change but I think if we're prone to share our thoughts and our feelings as gods were never gonna be trusted with the really important stuff we've got to esteem and honor his word more than that so John saw Babylon until he was carried to a high mountain then what did he see now I've complained to the Lord I do believe in complaining to the Lord I don't believe in complaining to you but sometimes I can share my complaints to the Lord I've complained to the Lord why do you always give me the hard words John Wimber used to introduce me as a prophet who never said anything good about him I never gave him to my knowledge a positive happy prophecy the very first time we talked on the phone when I had no clue who he was he asked me if I had a word for the vineyard I thought well this guy must own a wine vineyard literally I did not know who he was and so he asked me if I worked for the vineyard and I'm thinking in my mind what kind of word do you have for vineyard and then the Lord gave me one he said tell him scandal is about to be released in the vineyard now how would you even if it's a wine vineyard that doesn't sound good that was the only word the Lord gave me so I gave it to him in John he said okay can you put jack back on the phone and I didn't care anyway I had no clue who this guy was but uh then the next day had happened and his the worst scandal they had in the history of their ministry I appreciate John addressed it with incredible boldness straightforwardness didn't I covered up did not hide it I think and he took care of the issue in a way that I thought was one of the best demonstrations of such authority I'd seen all I get are the bad ones and is the Lord I was with Glenn Beck last month at his place in his at his house and he was complaining the same thing he said why do I always get to hard warnings why not I have to address everything you know there's all these problems that are coming in everything I'm one of happy things to talk about you know Churchill used to complain same thing he was the most despised person in Britain until one day the whole nation woke up this guy's been right all along and he went from being the most despised ridiculed man and possibly the nation to will you lead us now there's a price to pay but I understand that you know hey you know one thing I can't comprehend is how Jeremiah did it you know he only had two relatively minor spiritual revelations prophetic revelations in the sense I mean received the word of the Lord he spoke the word Lord but as far as really great I have all these heavenly experiences I have seen heaven enough now where it doesn't bother me too much about what's going on here I'm provoked as I should be for my children and our children and for things like that but I know the kingdom that's coming I've seen it I know the king who's coming I have all this encouragement I was sitting on my porch one day and all of a sudden the joy of the Lord comes upon me it was such a joy it was so thick and lasted about eight hours and there was one point when I went inside and I sat down and I tried to think of the things or the people that should make me angry to see if I could get angry at him and I couldn't get mad at him I could not be mad at anybody or anything I was just so happy now I think that's the way we're supposed to be even when we have to give the hard words that I I'm thankful I'll take all the hard words now you know if that's if I only get to give hard words of problems come in crises and disaster I'm fine with that just keep pouring on those experiences I asked the Lord one day late lord I just have one scripture those love of God was shed abroad will be shed abroad in our hearts I said Lord what does that look like please you know I want to experience your love being shed abroad in my heart and boom it happened and I of love came upon me to such the degree everything I looked at I was captivated by I could not believe I'd look at a post and say this is the most awesome poster ever made this is the most incredible tree this is the everything I looked at it was overwhelming finally I said I'm gonna go to the store and do something dry I went down to get my car and fell so in love with the steering wheel I said it's gonna be dangerous for me to drive went back in this is true and then I had to adjust my prayers the Lord says you cannot handle my full love right now you cannot you know there's a way that Levites had to be conditioned to minister in the presence of the Lord you know when the manifest presence of the Lord comes in everybody wants to fall down now word went out for a long time I didn't believe in being slain the spirit people's interpret things through their own filters I've never get been against people being slaying the spirit would have been against her people slain in the flesh or faking and things like that which is always obvious always clear and it hurts the real but I did tell our team I did tell our staff we cannot do that the Levites they probably always wanted to fall flat in the presence of the Lord fall on their faces they had a job to do they had to learn to stand and keep functioning we've had times when our worship teams would go down and stuff happens but I would tell him okay that was good this time we've got to learn to stand we've got to learn to keep doing our job even when he comes in in this kind of way do you get what I'm saying now I don't like it when somebody the presence of the Lord comes in and everybody tries to use him I think first let's worship let's let's turn and then determine what does he want to do here where we don't just jump up okay the Lord's here let's heal people let's no let's really first stop and acknowledge you and then be led by you let him do what he wants to do we're told the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness and peace and joy and the holy spirit now if we're you can I have the peace of God without the righteousness without living a righteous holy life and he defines that pretty clearly you're not gonna have his feasts you can have a false peace a lot of people pretend but you're not gonna have the real thing without abiding in his righteousness in his holiness and by the way he said without sanctification which is holiness no one will see the Lord but if we are doing what is right in the size of the Lord we are like Elijah living our lives before him not just people we're gonna know a peace that the world cannot know it's gonna be beyond anything that the whole world can be falling apart and we're not gonna be shaken and then we're gonna have a joy in the Holy Spirit there's beyond any human joy I've had taste of it I've had tastes like the one experience said would last I think about eight hours and I want to walk in and Robin came in this morning to happy I said it's too early no Robins like that he the Lord called him joyful Phillip but where does this joy come from in your presence is fullness of joy there is no to happy there's no to joyful but get this if we ever start getting depressed if we ever start getting discouraged it's because we have drifted from his presence he never leaves us never forsakes us he didn't he is not the one who moved we are so anytime those things start coming upon us our first response should be I have drifted from the Lord I am getting back with the Lord whatever it takes I'm gonna draw near to him because he promises to draw near to us and if we are walking near to the Lord we are going to have fullness of joy the closer we are to them the more full of joy we are going to be and then then this scripture used to bother me in the year of King Uzziah death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne lofty and exalted with the Train of his robe filling the temple Seraphim stood above him each having six wings with two he covered his face two he covered his feet too he flew and one called out to another and said holy holy holy is the Lord God of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and I remember the first time I was a young Christian I think I was less than a year in the Lord when I read this I said that's not right how can they say the whole earth is filled with this glory with all the wars and the famines and the disease and the abuse and slavery and all the evil that is sickness and everything how could these surf and say the whole world is full of his glory and then the Lord spoke to me he said the reason they could say that is because they dwelt in my presence and if you dwell in my presence all you're gonna see is glory it's not like we're not seeing these other things these bad things but where we can see the ultimate conclusion of God's glory in them so you have a different perspective listen the whole message of God right now his whole message is restoration you take the first three chapters of the Bible in the last three they make a complete story everything between those six chapters deals with one essential subject restoration and God is going to restore everything that was lost by the fall in Genesis 3 at the end the last three chapters everything is restored included in that is redemption reconciliation sometimes restitution but ultimately restoration when John was carried to a high mountain he saw the New Jerusalem now up until that time all he had seen was the false Church Babylon the false prophet the beast all this stuff and then he saw the New Jerusalem but it was because of his perspective he got carried to a high mountain and what we prophesy from the valley can be very accurate and a lot of people actually prophesy the Devils will Bob Jones used to call it the second heaven revelation they would get caught up and see things that were coming and prophesy them and be accurate but not understanding that they were shown these things not to prophesy them but to stop them this was the devil's will and they were being shown to prevent them from happening now I believe a lot of things are that way until the Lord tells me different any negative thing he shows me I'm believing can be stopped or reduced at least reduced and they're usually two ways we can do that repentance is one intercession is the other even in the Old Testament when they were dealing with types and shadows Moses understood here comes a plague Aaron grabbed the sensor and the incense run into the midst of the camp and stop the plague he understood what is instance stand for in Scripture prayer and intercession how he was saying right there boldly a message to us how intercession can stop these plagues what would happen how different would our world be if we just turned our vain imaginations into intercession if we stop wasting all of the time dwelling on fears and problems and and other desires and things that we shouldn't not be using our minds for what would happen how would our world change our families change our churches change our countries if Christians start just using that time to intercede Jesus ever lives to intercede you want to be with him you want to be in his presence that's what he's doing are we united with him it's interesting that it was in the year of King Uzziah death that Isaiah saw this King Uzziah was Hosea's great hope he was a righteous King but he died how could God take the righteous away like that well Isaiah was shown a higher hope a greater hope I think we're pretty foolish if our hope is in Washington in the White House thank God I thank God for any good thing that happens up there and whatever and I think we need to do our best to intercede for them we're commanded to intercede for our leaders I think things could have been different if Church had interceded as much for Obama as maybe we have for Trump how different could things have been doesn't tell us just righteous leaders or would you agree with or anything about leaders have had all of our leaders how could things change anybody can see what's wrong and we need to address that but as someone said you know any jackass can kick a barn down but it takes a skilful carpenter to build one where people come in all the time it's pretty constant when you get in any kind of position invisibility people come in telling you what you're doing wrong and how to do it right I throw them out throw them out why they have no authority here you know Paul said I have authority for building you up and for tearing you down I believe he had authority for tearing down those who he had built up he did not have authority with those he had not built up you know Paul the Apostle was not an apostle to everyone even said if I'm not an apostle to others at least I am to you because you're my work he had a sphere of authority and when you presume to go beyond that you're on your own and Paul he had authority to bring correction to tear down to prune to do whatever in that work that was his fear of authority he had been given he did not have that word he was not called he was not called as an apostle to the Jews Peter was not called as an apostle to the Gentiles and looks to me like both of them got in trouble when they tried to go to those they weren't called to I'm just saying do you give what I'm saying but those who have labored with us here those have been a part of the building the good the bad in the hardened there's always hardened there's those they have Authority with me they've helped to build I listen to now occasionally someone can come with is such extraordinary spiritual authority like Bob Jones entered my life he came kind of like he lied you did the very first thing he said to he was mind boggling my wife didn't know stuff he knew about my family and all Aidid questions about things that had happened in my childhood and all that I just kind of buried I thought I'll never understand these things Bob I went up to shake his hand before he even shook my hand he started telling me about these things that happened in my family why they happened what they meant and oh I'm just dumbfounded Jenna he right away had my attention and there's some that that are given Authority like that they come in but you know that no man could have shown this to him so I always listened to that and that doesn't mean that I listened to everything Bob said either I believe you test prophecy but over the years he had a major impact on everything we did through prophetic revelation and he was a part of the building do you give what I'm saying you know ultimately this is supposed to be a family and it's about relationships the whole earth is filled with his glory I would just encourage you how do we see that can we see that when you just see the wrong just see the bad without the glory it's going to get distorted and doesn't mean you don't point out the bad people can't repent without understanding the sin the debauchery and things like that we have to do all prophets that Jesus did that but you know they did Jesus didn't say repent because you're sinners he said repent because the kingdom of God is at hand do we see the kingdom do we see the New Jerusalem so I think there's a lot of prophesy going on today that is just frivolous human idealism coming from the human soul coming our people's desires and it's flattery it's whatever no bad thing is gonna happen and I think that's doing a terrible disservice because listen there's some really hard things coming I believe some of the hardest things of all Jesus even said it's going to be the greatest times of trouble the world has ever known then how did he tell us to deal with it he gave us three things today stand up stand for what you believe if we're not doing that I don't think we have any authority if we're not standing up for what is right for righteousness for truth for the Lord and His purposes regardless of the cost regardless of whether our standing up is going to be successful or not we do it anyway because it's the right thing to do and we're here to do that then he said look up second thing he gave us to do is look up look who's on the throne don't ever take your eyes off of him I don't care what it looks like I don't care what's going on here look at the one who's above all rule and authority and power and Dominion and we know it's going to end up well and then the third thing rejoice don't ever lose your joy don't let anything steal your joy because if it's stolen your joy it's stolen you away from the presence of the Lord how can we be walking with Him abiding with him and not be happy Lord spoke to me one time in a thing he said that in the end his people were going to be so happy that the whole world's gonna think we're they're gonna think we're in some strange delusion we don't really see don't really understand what's going on but really those are gonna be the ones who really see who really understand and they're gonna be happy they're not gonna be happy about the problems they're not gonna be happy about the things people are going through and stuff like that they're happy because the Lord told them to be happy when he said look up and rejoice your redemption is drawing near be happy don't be sad in these times rejoice that joy is evidence that we're abiding in his kingdom and that we're a part of his kingdom that is coming it's righteousness peace and joy if we lost her joy we're soon gonna lose our peace because somehow we've been disconnected from doing what is right in the sight of the Lord as well so how do we do all these things how do we how do we do it we can't you know Lord gave us impossible job it's beyond us there's only one way abiding the one in whom nothing is impossible our kids are not gonna like us sometimes our neighbors sometimes all men jesus said say if they hated you hated him how much more they gonna hate us he said that aren't you excited about being hated that everybody's gonna hate but you know many of those if you stand your ground and you don't lose your righteousness don't lose your peace don't lose your joy you're gonna help set those free who hate you and if we don't take our stand we're gonna get washed away in the flood that everybody else is washed away in citizen psalm 32 seek the lord in a time when he can be found for surely in a flood of great waters they will not reach him now it's the time to settle these things so I've got a lot more to share with you I'm gonna share a little bit more but I want to give you about a ten minute break first because I got a few more fast balls and then we want to finish this first session on high ground on a high mountain okay so come back at about 20 after you [Music]
Channel: ReverberatingRainbow
Views: 28,487
Rating: 4.7859778 out of 5
Keywords: Rick Joyner, MorningStar Ministries
Id: 5LT62ev8aWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 16sec (3616 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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