The Forsaken Westerns - Cavalry Patrol - tv shows full episodes

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howdy I'm Bob Terry welcome to forsaken westerns up next we've got another series pilot that never aired it looks like the first attempt at boots and saddles but this is from 1956 and the title of this series is cavalry patrol and even though it has John Picard in it the star of this series Dewey Martin Dewey Martin's character is lieutenant Riordan and he's in charge of a fort in Arizona Territory and this is supposed to be 1868 it also has Bing Russell and Sheb Wooley and Paul Richards sit back relax kick your boots up and enjoy this and we'll see you after the show this is the territory Arizona 1868 this is the fort such as it is these are the men X mutineers deserters Confederate prisoners but mixed in with those are a handful of the finest regulars on earth all of them soldiers at $13 a month my name is written it's our detail form all present or accounted for all right side it take it post to his left like you can take the point when you got out about a mile [Music] [Music] well like more the same no signs and I'll give me anything more the same lieutenant I think it easy listen some Apaches broke their reservation they killed three settlers with medicine well we should have cut their trail at least two days ago now why haven't we you know why I don't believe it another Apaches backtrack other Apaches go out of their way to break branches for a false trail that test didn't do this he gave me his word you keep the peace now I know I don't say I know like that still don't thank you chat does retro he's the only one who never used rags and that's why we haven't found any tracks but other Apache would have the patience to keep this up for two days look I say it's not just as you say it is let it go like that could you tell me where we're heading mr. Sargent to the nearest waterhole drinkin's one thing even an Apache has to do and where he drinks is bound to be signs sake posed up drop that mr. when you're addressing me the man can get children we're going you want to get children we're going on a Yankee uniform rev look Yankee I killed a parcel of you at Chancellorsville what kind of a man changes uniforms and comes out here to fight Indians instead of stayin and a nice safe prisoner of war camp after he was captured you'll see what kind of a man yank you'll see all right [Music] that is lieutenant don't a waterhole than 50 miles is that better go on in person go ahead be careful lanky [Music] citing Gilchrist and first set of two's lead out and cover language we went on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you did real wet find anything maybe I ought to have lieutenant red and come in when Tanner passed the word before after I have a drink you know the lieutenant's rules we're not going to touch it either might be Yankee water boy [Music] lieutenant Reardon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I been poisoned I want to go half a day maybe Chet has never poisoned water now but there's been somebody here since then don't nobody move just stay right way out [Applause] the army the dirty stinking murder and army I'm gonna begin by killing you lieutenant I come down close so they could see you suffer Thank You soldiers let us do and now I'm gonna kill you what do you know nothing sir what's your name I said what's your name John Clarke Jordan my wife's up yeah I think she's dead come on YouTube is she thanks in the water forked Stockley the army killed her she's such a little things you want hardly big enough to fight you soldiers I'm sorry mr. Jordan I'm sorry your wife's dead you're sorry you're wrong wrong no no I ain't wrong your patches that's what I mean we never had no trouble with them before not till the army started messing with them now they're off of blood cuz you're trying to starve them we fed the Apaches all last winter out of the fort why they ate better than we did mini G here he said the Apaches ate better in him last winter well this ain't last winner this is summer and they're starving you think you can give Indians like shat tears a sack full of seeds and a plow and expect miracles why don't you ask many how that works out I don't write the Army's orders but I know this if we can get those Apaches to start raising their own that'll bring many back to life lieutenant no see now I guess not but they'll start putting an end of things like like mini I'm sorry sir you full of fine talk fine army talk for the future but what about my family and now two hours ago shot as Ernest Braves hit our ranch burned it to the ground run off all my stock and kept my boy what a pilot on me can you bring him back can you bring my little boy back to me can you bring mini back what can't you harm me No [Music] it was right Oh [Applause] [Music] you'll remember chef Dez never left much sorry sir look around see what you can find left arrows hoof prints footprints anything come on like jet to see which way they had it laughs dream is major Gilchrist er Sergeant guilty jawar on length when I was a major war is over I wasn't broken that what they call turn back sorry too many officers peacetime is what they called each time no this mic over here [Music] [Applause] what's wrong move down there down by those rocks [Music] it's too early in the morning for jokes Wellum wouldn't joke you mister sergeant there was somebody out there I saw him honest it's kind of important for you to be right about it keep your eyes open don't be afraid to use that carbine if you have to I'll get the lieutenant on you [Music] [Applause] Oh you know how to follow a dead man until it wants to follow that Apache [Music] I think that Apache wants to be followed [Music] [Applause] spelling a while Oh still all right sir yeah welcome getting along all right kid was lucky taking that knife in the arm wound hasn't even started to bleed again he wouldn't tell you if you did he's alright that boy starting to soldier like he means it I guess he is he signed up for 20 years you noticed what's getting closer yeah saber m-chat does stronghold [Applause] [Music] you know what you're doing Johnny remember one chapter is dead I'm down like a bowl to one we'll go up here yo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like dill [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think it's good sir are you thinking is major guilt Custer sergeant Gilchrist just Gilchrist I think it's good we're going up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you were the leader here this the White Eagle knows he has eyes to see the markings of a Mescalero chief the Mescalero chief whom I know is shattered as he who gave me his word there would be peace between his people and mine that was three years ago how is it you have done all things that shatters would do them where is the chief of the muscularis he is here before you chatez doesn't stand before me shot his life second time his day has ended it is I mango who struck at medicine Wells which is I who have made the dog soldiers eat dirt for four days not chatters it is hi who tell you life you have set for us cannot be born it is I who order you to throw down your arms surrender to me return without honor to your port and let it be known that mango will kill all who oppose him I do not know you but it is not you who gives orders to the United States Army you have made bad trouble you have killed when there was a piece for that you must be punished i order you to throw down your arm and return with me as a prisoner a prisoner who will receive a fair trial [Music] Oh your fire [Music] [Music] [Music] it has been three years that is years and the piece husband broke yes sir by him by my son no sickness comes often to the very old yes sir but I am here [Music] Santa's tsatsis hospice for you such as your chief we thought I was ill and dying that is why you followed my son and broke the peace I proclaimed have you anything to say my son only this I have done many things in your name I thought I was doing as you would do in all things you have [ __ ] in the name of the Apache who has made my word wishes ruined you know the penalty for this all around you it is you who are broken you know what the penalty I know I did what I had to do [Music] [Music] what he has done I have painful ladies maybe with my shop [Music] in despatches that will be written up routine patrol mission accomplished without it casually private Glenn Weldon age 19 Jill and line of beauty [Music] sixteen thousand miles of enemy frontier to be Patrol a handful of men to do it this is what has to be done [Music] what a wonderful appearance by the great royal day no you know this was a good pilot and it wasn't picked up well the reason it wasn't picked up is because it lost out to dick Powell's Zane Grey theater thank you for joining us for the Forsaken westerns we hope you'll join us here again next time my name is Bob Terry have a great day [Music] [Music] Oh
Channel: WesternsOnTheWeb
Views: 216,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watch, rare, television, westerns, The Forsaken Westerns, Cavalry Patrol, tv shows full episodes, Dewey Martin, Royal Dano, John Pickard, Paul Richards, Bing Russell, Sheb Wooley, Bob Terry, tv, series, shows, free, online
Id: RrMQXdGk6y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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