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[Music] ruth chapter one and verse four matthew 1 verse 5 and the two wives of the women of moab the name of the one was upper and the name of the other was ruth and they dwelt there about 10 years move your bible move your place to matthew 1 and verse 5 and salmon begotten because jesse impact despite background impacts despite background impacts i have discovered that great men who always take their world and their generation by storm you always stand out to carve a niche on the signs of time are men who naturally their backgrounds don't favor them great men always have opposite and contrary family background [Music] when you see a man that is great in life sometimes when he tells you his story it begins to tell you where he's coming from what he has been through what he has experienced you are wondering coming from this kind of background how did you make this kind of impact i thank god i don't serve a god that consulted my pastor to determine my future i thank god i don't serve a god by considering my yesterday to determine my tomorrow i thank god i don't have a god i see you making an impact in your generation [Music] jesus was a man that made impact mark chapter 1 verse 45 the bible says that by reason of what happened to him people came from every quarter every quarter by reason of the impact he was making mark chapter 1 verse 33 the bible says so much people gathered at the door the whole city got that at the door because of the impact jesus was making matthew 14 14 the bible says a multitude this is impact great multitude matthew chapter 15 that if you read verse 30 the bible says a multitude came best 31 he said they won that multitude won that best 32 he had compassion and multitude he was a man of multitude they kept coming but the impact he was making indelible impact the disciples in the bible made impact acts chapter 14 verse 11 when they were describing the disciples in acts 14 11 they said the gods have come to us in the likeness of men in other words this impact they are making is too terrible it's like god has come down in human form [Music] acts chapter 16 verse 20 they describe the disciples as the people that turned the world upside down [Music] hebrews chapter 6 verse 10 paul was talking to the hebrew church he said god is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love hebrews 6 10 to forget your labor of love that you have had towards descent in that you have ministered and do minister impact first corinthians 15 verse 58 paul was speaking he said be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of god so long you know that your labor of love is not invading the lord impact you have already said this over the years over the years but your background is not the reason why your back is on the ground am i talking to somebody here am i talking to somebody here amos was talking about chapter 7 verse 14 he said i'm not a prophet or a prophet son amos 7 14 an outstanding impact emma said to amaziah i was not prophet neither was a profession i was a head man and a gatherer of sick common fruit but i made impact i'm not the son of a prophet i was not raised i didn't go to the school of prophets he said but i made impact many of us most times when we look at our lives and we look at the promises that god has given us we begin to check who we know we are checking where we are coming from we are checking who knows us what god is saying there is a way you can make impact despite your background i see an anointing for impact coming upon somebody's life impact best bites [Music] you
Channel: CelebrationTV
Views: 151,827
Rating: 4.8661923 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle, Johnson, Suleman, 2016, 2015, messages, prophesy, prophecy, grace, glory, bible, church, God, Jesus, good, great, celebration, tv, bishop, pastor, rev, lizzy, papa, mama, america, europe, nigeria, edo, state, auchi, prayer, word, preach, preacher, prophetic, declaration, manifestation, power, politics, ministry, anointing, voice, of, fire, new, rebroadcast, live, Sunday, service, invasion, crusade, program, outreach, ministering, upper, room, he, touched, me, ministers, without, blemish, omega, latest, message, 2016messages, 2016prophecy, 2015message
Id: 3ESsP6EichI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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