The Flash - A Weird Paradox

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[Music] all right here we go very recently was the oneyear anniversary of the release of Andy musetti's The Flash movie that was in development for like 9 years and not only was the movie really split and it bombed really badly at the box office but it's controversy with the main star Ezra Miller was insane if I were to put it lightly and I thought it would be interesting to revisit this film one year later after its release and share my thoughts and opinions about it so yay it's my turn to piss people off in the internet my future's looking up uh oh [ __ ] and I know a lot of people know the controversy of Ezra Miller and what they did like he's basically the reverse flash in real life and I know a lot of people hate this movie but also blindly hate it and refuse to watch it like come on the numbers show you so despite all this what do I think of Andy musetti's the FL movie I actually like it well somebody's about to get shot get the out get the out controversial take I know and I don't care there are many things in this movie that I really like heck even love and there are things in this movie that I definitely do not like like at all so let's begin at the start of the running track shall we so for those of you who do not know what this movie is about I'm going to break it down for you so the flash is a movie about well the flash while being laid for work because the ongoing joke about the flash is that even though he's the fastest [ __ ] in the world he always shows up late Batman calls him for help with saving a hospital building from falling while he chases down the son of FAL cone across Gotham the building collapses and a nurse of like 10 CGI babies and a service dog falls and Barry saves them afterwards Barry visits his childhood home where he lived with his parents Norah and Henry Allen before Henry's wrongful imprisonment for Norah's murder on the day of her death Norah sent Henry to the grocery store for a can of food that she forgot to buy leaving her alone in the kitchen where she was killed by an unknown killer overcome by emotions Barry accidentally uses the speed force to form a cronal bull and travels back in time to earlier in the day despite Bruce's warnings of time travels unintended consequences Barry places the can in Norah's C at the store so that his father will not have to leave the house as he returns to the present Barry is knocked out of the Cronin Bol by an unknown Speedster and arrives in alternate 2013 where Nora is alive he encounters his parents and his past self and realizes he messed up and this is the day he originally obtained his [Music] powers to ensure his past self gained superpowers the two berries go to the Central City Police Department where Barry reenacts the event of how he got his powers for 2013 Barry to be struck by lightning but during an argument both end up getting struck by the lightning giving 2013 Barry Powers but causing Barry to lose his own as Barry struggles to train 2013 Barry they learned that General Zod is preparing to evade Earth in an effort to fight Zod the berries attempt to assemble the Justice League but are unsuccessful because in this timeline never existed they traveled to Wayne Manor hoping to find Bruce but instead find an alternate variant who has long retired who is also the iconic 80s Batman from Tim Burton's Batman film they convinc Bruce to return as Batman and help them find Superman the berries in Batman located kryp Jesus Christ Kryptonian po discovered in Siberia upon going there they instead find cel's cousin Cara zor El who is Supergirl imprisoned in the facility they rescued Cara and return away in Manor not trusting Humanity Carl leaves Barry enlists Bruce's help to regain his power once more the first two attempts fail until Cara comes back to fly Barry Into the Storm where her gains his powers car and Batman joined the berries to fight Zod and his forces during the battle car learns that Zod had intercepted Superman's Escape pod from Krypton and killed him while attempting to exract the Codex needed to repopulate the cronian species Zod reveals that the Codex is actually with vanara they fight and Zod subdues and kills her then extracts the Codex from her blood meanwhile Batman sacrifices himself in an attempt to destroy s ship ship the berries heartbroken repeatedly time travel to save Batman and Cara but keep failing Barry realizes that this sequence of events cannot be changed but 2013 Barry keeps trying much to Barry's dismay as 2013 Barry travels the Multiverse starts to implode the unknown Speedster who initially knocked Barry out of the speed force returns and is revealed to be an older future version of 2013 Barry he still believes he can defeat Zod and save his Earth he becomes angry when Barry Reveals His intention to reverse the changes he made to the timeline by letting their mom die the Elder 2013 Barry attempts to kill Barry but instead impales young 2013 Barry there's so many berries who sacrifices himself to save Barry and wipe his future self from the timeline heartbroken Barry reverts the timeline and accept his mother's death however he subtly Alters the past by moving the Tomato cans to a higher shelf returning to the present day Barry attends Henry's court hearing where the security footage now reveals Henry looking up to grab the soda can allowing for his release an alibi Barry is then contacted by Bruce whose appearance has changed once again as a result of the timeline change and that's basically how the movie ends so if you're not familiar of the comics this film is Loosely adapting the comic book flasho where the story is more or less the same but instead of 80s Batman helping it's Batman's father Thomas who is a more violent and broken Batman who in that world Bruce Wayne dies instead of his parents in the comic the road is broken in torn apart as Aquaman and Wonder Woman wage war against each other instead of Zod coming to Earth looking for Supergirl and speaking of in the comic Barry teams up of Thomas and Cyborg and find not Supergirl but Superman being held captive in the facility and he's very pale and skinny because he has never been in contact with the son and basically flash inspires Thomas to help him fight both Aquaman and Wonder Woman as the world goes to [ __ ] the biggest difference I would say is the inclusion of eard Thon the reverse flash who's been taunting Barry and his mother throughout the story and as Barry fights him believing him to be the cause of flash point and the events of this world Thon reveals that Barry was the one that caused the these events and he makes Barry remember the day he found out that thwn was the one who killed his mother and Barry goes and Alters time to save his mother's life which caused flasho leaving Barry freaking out Thomas kills thawn as everyone in the whole world is dying around them Thomas tells Barry to fix everything gives him a letter he wrote to his son Bruce and flash runs back in time to stop himself from saving their mom from their death who the hell get away [Music] [Music] mom I'm so sorry then he appears in his world and he talks to Bruce Wayne about what happened and he gives Batman the letter his father wrote for him as he tears up he thinks Barry for a letter that's how flasho ends there are some similarities and a lot of differences between these two stories and this is my take look I [ __ ] love flasho it's one of my favorite DC Comics of all time and honestly one of of my favorites period and there is an animated movie that has adapted the comic book and by the way this movie is fantastic and fun fact Michael B Jordan voices cyborg in this movie and he's really good and honestly it does the story better than the comic but here's the thing my thoughts and feelings are conflicted on this subject because I was not expecting a direct adaptation of flash points to be The Flash movie because one there is the animated movie and two the DCU and its World itself has barely been introduced like we've had the Wonder Woman Justice League and Aquaman movie and yeah we could have had the war between Aquaman and Wonder Woman but the context in the comic is very important and since these characters have been around for decades and the DC CU has been around for only one decade we can't expect them to pull off why there was a war in the first place because there has only been one Justice League movie if we had more time to develop the relationship and codery between Aquaman and Diana then yeah it could have maybe worked but this is the DCU we're talking about so I do really like that they Incorporated The Story of Man of Steel into the The Narrative because it makes more sense we saw Man of Steel we had time with that movie and since Barry is stuck in 2013 the year Man of Steel takes place it makes perfect sense as to why he has to face Zod and I loved Michael Keon's Batman in the movie and honestly this is the best his Batman has ever been like I enjoy the original Tim bur Batman movies but I don't love them but here he's so badass and his death was actually pretty emotional Ken's Batman was one of the best parts of the movie for sure but as much as I love Ken's Batman in this movie I would have [ __ ] love to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan to portray Thomas Wayne's Batman in The Flash movie since he is Thomas Wayne and Batman v Superman and having flash point Batman in the movie would have been narratively stronger in my opinion because Ben Affleck Batman is a very damaged and broken version of the character and in my humble opinion Ben Affleck Batman here is the best iteration of his character he shows up to be a badass he has a really good conversation with Barry about their pain and it's actually something Batman would say and this is my opinion but his Batman suit is pretty cool in this movie I don't know why people even said that's the worst Batman movie suit they've seen when this [ __ ] exists like come on let's be real guys and speaking of him I actually laughed so hard when I saw Clooney's Batman appear in the end but it also opens up new questions like what the [ __ ] are they going to do now I don't know it was funny but now I'm confused because we just got to wait and see what James gun does I guess if he even does anything and I'm going to say it my only main issue with this film was the Multiverse stuff in this movie just does not work I really love the whole movie until the dark flash pulls up at the end for me that's where the whole movie falters like I'm going to be 100% real with y'all I saw this movie at an early screening like a couple weeks before it came out and a studio exec of one of Brothers was there and during the whole Multiverse shanin at the end he was literally looking as like it just doesn't work and honestly except Nicholas Cage's Superman all these classic versions of these characters legitimately look like Ai and the whole dark flash thing just doesn't work like the first time we saw him was pretty badass cuz homie G literally just spawned and wanted to smoke and he [ __ ] slaps Barry into 2013 if anything I think having younger Barry go crazy and have him fight araar in the end or just have reverse flash be in this movie honestly like his inclusion to flash point and overall the Flash's story and lore is very important so honestly confuses me why they didn't have fwn in this movie like at all and by the way James gun please please cast Anthony Star as hearon he'd be perfect my G also Sasha Kay [ __ ] killed it as Supergirl CW Supergirl heck no The Flash Supergirl heck yeah she was accurately betrayed from the comics because she's a warrior who only cares about her cousin Superman and her people I really liked how she leaves the group but then she comes back because she was inspired by Barry saving her life and how even though she was abused by Humanity she decides to trust Barry and have faith in humanity again because of him I thought it was really smart and funny to have our present Barry team up and put up with younger Barry because it humbles our Barry and makes him a more mature and smarter hero I love how this movie makes fun of the way e her runs because before the movie I was like nah bro this man is ice skating and I do like how the Flash's lightning color changes when he's wearing regular clothes or no clothes or his original Justice League suit it's blue but his new suit that comes out of his ring emits orange lightning I like that and the scene where younger Barry runs in the street and he catches on fire was hilarious I really like the scene where Barry and youngberry argue in the Batcave and he keeps alluding to their mom's death but he doesn't want to tell his younger self so it makes their conversation very complicated and I thought it was a good scene and I'm going give credit when it's due but the scene where Barry goes back in time for the first time with the blue aura and the way his face stretches out looked really cool I'd say the scene that hit me the most emotionally was when he talked to his mom at the store and he used the super to say goodbye I thought it was very emotional and Powerful because we spent the whole movie with him refusing to give up on his parents but he had to learn that what's right for the universe and time itself is for his mom to die and this is a rant on the CW flash Show and The Flash I lowkey get mad and got carried away I just thought I let you know and a lot of people were saying that they wanted to CW Flash in this movie and I'm going to get a lot of [ __ ] in this segment but no like I'm sorry but the CWS flash has no reason to be in this movie and a lot of people were saying Grant G's flash should be the flash of the DCU and no hey that that was funny I really like Gran Gustin don't get me wrong but I really do not like his Flash and before anyone attacks me hear me out the flash show genuinely pisses me off because I really love the show up until season 4 and after that it's the most wasted potential of a show I've ever seen and somehow it just got worse and worse like what happened why does the running look like that why is everyone it's Speedster and most of all why the [ __ ] do they have lightsabers when did this become acceptable I'm just going to what the [ __ ] is this grant gustin's flash was at his best in season 1 and heck he was good in season 2 his flash is horrible after that because his character never progresses or develops in every season he has the same character Journey he gets his ass beat he complains and whines someone gives him a pep talk telling him to chill the [ __ ] out and then he saves the day and then when a new Speedster joins the team he takes them in he trains them something happens he loses his patient he acts like a dick the new person gets upset they run off he apologizes they make up it's the same thing and don't even get me started on them and people [ __ ] on Ezra Miller's flash because one it's Ezra Miller which I get and two because they just don't like him and I'm sorry but Ezra Miller is a way more of a capable flash than Grant gustin's flash Ezra's flash only has like two pep talks in total while CW flash has won every single episode and it's the same thing can do this now run Barry run run Barry run then run Barry run run you know I know I got it I got the concept gustin's flash is one of the most inconsistent characters I've ever seen homie literally runs so fast he creates a second H while running but he can't stop a regular ass human like come on hate Ezra Miller's flash all you want but his flash is consistent and he has a pretty good character Arc in his movie and he actually gets [ __ ] done wow that was actual frustration that wasn't even in the script I'm just going to take take a deep breath okay all right okay but at the end of the day I'm literally just a nobody on the internet whose opinions don't matter anyway if you love a flash show that's great man if you love Grant gustin's flash that's great I really like Grant Gustin as the flash I just I just don't like his Flash but like I love reverse flash and zoom in the show they're both really badass and honestly the best part of the show in my opinion but if you dislike or even hated what I say that's totally cool if you agree then that's also cool but at the end of the day these are fictional comic book characters we all have a right to an opinion man they're going to find my house aren't they am I missing anything else about this movie oh yeah the CGI look I personally do not mind the CGI as long as the story is good and the characters are good then that's all I ask like I've seen worse Shark Boy and Lava Girl exist guys and Atman Quanto Mania and yeah this movie has been in development and production for a long time so I completely understand why people do not like how this movie looked honestly this movie is very split a lot of people hate and despise this movie and a lot of people think it's very mid I have to be honest and true to myself I don't know why I like this movie I understand that I am very mixed and biased and dramatic but everyone is different you know is this the worst superhero movie of all time no is this the best superhero movie heck no is this the best DC movie no but it's a movie that I enjoy even of all its flaws and honestly even appreciate that it came out so I'm going to give The Flash movie a 7.5 out of 10 well that was something if you have any thoughts or comments then please let's keep it civil in the chat i' love and I'd be interested in knowing what you think of this movie and even your experience with this movie anyway have a good one thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one and also Warner Brothers stop messing around and make a Batman Beyond movie everybody wants a Batman Beyond movie whether it be a liveaction or animated movie James gun please make a Batman Beyond movie okay bye [Music]
Channel: InTerGaLact1c NoB0dy
Views: 3,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Le2YXynNnwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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