The Fixies ★ Fixies Best Episode Compilation ★ Fixies English 2017 | Videos For Kids

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Can you believe that Fixies are Such itty-bitty creatures? Even when they’re magnified It’s hard to see their features. They’re tiny, infinitesimal, So small it makes you doubt. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Flashlight Where is that thing? Hi Tom Thomas! What are you looking for? The flashlight. Oh! Here it is! Why do you need it? Katya. I wanna talk with her. Why not use the phone? This thing's a flashlight, it's not a telephone. No, you don’t understand. Me and Katya came up with a secret code. If I flash just once, then it means: "Hello there!” Oh! And Katya has also said "Hello there" to you! And two flashes, what's that? Katya 's asking if everything's alright. Now I’ll tell her that everything's good. Oh, what’s wrong with this? I think it's not working right. I see, Nolik! But what's wrong? Any flashlight is nothing more than a battery and a light bulb, connected by some wires that are used to make a switch in between them. To turn on a flashlight you flip on a switch. That lets the electricity flow through the wires from the battery to the bulb so it lights up. And if it won't light up, that means that the battery is dead, the lightbulb is burned out, or the switch is broken. And now, let’s put all this theory into practice! I'm sorry but I don't have time right now, don't you get it? If I don't signal back she'll think… that I don't want to talk to her, and that would just be terrible! - Just don’t get all worked up! - We'll help you! But first we need to get the mack-o… the pack-o-mat and come right back! See you! Did you hear that? Masiya! What a weird sound! Uh-huh. That's new. Now we know what the noise was. Papus, can we use a pack-o-mat? To fix a flashlight! Really? Did you say a flashlight? Do you know the story about when Granddad had to travel for miles on top of a dog? It's true! He was sent on a very important mission - a huge flashlight repair! What kind was it? A special kind called a lighthouse. A lighthouse is a tall structure with a huge flashlight on top of it that is used to help ships and planes find their way. People have been using lighthouses since ancient times. The most famous of them all is the Lighthouse of Alexandria. It was built in Egypt more than 2000 years ago, and it was more than a hundred meters tall! The Ancient Greeks considered this lighthouse one of the seven wonders of the world. In ancient times people would burn big fires on top of lighthouses. Today the light comes from powerful electric bulbs. Many of today's lighthouses not only give off light, but they send radio signals too. Yes, thanks to lighthouses, ships and planes for miles around learn where they need to sail or where they've got to fly in order to stay safe. And thanks to that heroic deed of your grandfather, that big old lighthouse started working. Since then not a single ship has ever gone astray. Simka! And what if we don't just fix the flashlight, but we do something heroic?! Like Grandpus did? Uh-huh! Alright! What do you say? Let's jump on the back of this dog and get moving! Stop ducking! Grab hold of my hand! Chewsocka! No! Get out! Right now! Tideesh! That was really some heroic deed! Now it's time to go get that lighthouse fixed! Tom Thomas, hand the lighthouse over! - What kind of lighthouse? - The one that's you flashlight! - I have no use for it. - What do you mean no use for it? But then how are you gonna tell Katya what she needs to know?! I already told her. Watch this! No, that wasn't the deal! Yeah! You want to tell us our heroic deed was in vain? Well, if you need some heroic deed, then sure, fix it! -Hurrah! - Hurrah! They take care of our machines, Irons, phones, and toasters, MP3s and TV screens, Even rollercoasters! Without them clocks stop ticking; Without them lights go out! But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Prosthesis Simka, over here! Take a look at what I found! It's a bear! What bear did you find, Nolik? You know, it's the one Tom Thomas told us about. He was his best friend in the whole wide world. Until he became friends with you and me. Uh-huh, let’s try to wind him up! Come on, come on, come on. There you go! Now walk, Teddy. Go on, Teddy, yeah! Oh no! Poor little teddy bear, they ripped his leg and didn't care. We didn’t rip his leg. It was already broken. It’s all clear. A compound fracture. Then why don't we fix him? Tom Thomas will be so happy! Wait. It's not going to be that easy to repair it. We’ll need a prosthesis. The human body is built around a frame of bones and joints. And if you break one of the bones, it will usually heal by itself. The broken bone will grow back together and you’ll be back to normal. But sometimes bones or joints can break so badly that it’s impossible for them to heal. When this happens they have to be replaced with an artificial part called a prosthesis. A prosthesis can replace more than a bone or a joint, it can be made to replace a whole arm or a leg! And where are we going to get a prosthesis? I'm positive we can get it from Professor Eugenius! You’re right! Help is on the way! Hello! Professor Eugenius! I'm pleased to see you dear children! - How do you do? - Hi there! Professor Eugenius, can you make a prosthesis? What, have you broken something? No, not us! It was the bear. He broke his leg. What bear? The teddy bear that used to be Tom Thomas' friend. Ah! Now I see. Today with the help of modern prosthetics, more is being replaced than just arms and legs. For example, if you lose a tooth, it can be replaced with an artificial one. That’s also a prosthesis. And there are times when a person starts losing their vision, because the lens in their eye gets foggy and can't focus. For this there's another kind of prosthesis - a new clear artificial lens. A prosthesis can also be used to help people with poor hearing. A tiny device can be put inside of somebody's ear so they can hear what's going on! And that's not all! People have even learned how to treat a sick heart by replacing its worn-out parts with prostheses! What fantastic inventions these prostheses are! It's amazing what they can do! They help people live a full life! Professor, is it working out? We'll know soon enough. Done! Here you go. Thanks so much for your help, Professor Eugenius! Not at all. Take care kids! In gadgets and devices Our work will never end, Appliances are fickle, They need a loyal friend. At morning, noon, and midnight Of every single day When there is an emergency You know we’re on our way! One, two, three - Tideesh! Inside we’ll be - Tideesh! All day and night - Tideesh! We fix things right. Well now this old friend of Tom Thomas' will be just like new, Nolik. Simka, if Tom Thomas makes friends with the bear, then what? Will he stop being friends with us? Hi everybody! Hi there! Oh, my teddy bear! You’ve found him for me! And you’ve fixed him! Oh, thanks a lot! Yeah. It's just like Grandpus said, "A friend that's old is better than two that are new." Who's new and who's old? Well the bear is old. And we're new. Nolik, it's not true! You’re the fixies, guys! You are my very, very best friends in the whole wide world! - Tideesh! - Tideesh! Can you believe that Fixies are Such itty-bitty creatures? Even when they’re magnified It’s hard to see their features. They’re tiny, infinitesimal, So small it makes you doubt. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Clocks Go around! Left side! That's crazy! You'll crash! No, I won’t! See? I told you! What? Huh? Nothing. Now you talk with your computer like it's your friend. Listen, that's enough playing for today. Mom, just a little more! I’ll give you half an hour, while I cook dinner. And that'll be enough for today with the computer. This stinks. I'll never get through all of these levels in half an hour. No way. Hey, but what if we could stretch out the half hour? How? We could take the hands on the clock and move them back a little. Mom will catch us. Fine, then let’s slow down the speed of the clocks. Yeah, but how? You've got to know things like that! Since olden times, many clocks run with the help of a pendulum. The pendulum controls how fast the hands of the clock turn. If you make it longer, the pendulum will start to swing slower, and the clock's hands will slow down. If you make the pendulum shorter, the clock will tick faster. Most clocks that are made today don't use pendulums. They run with the help of springs or with an electronic chip instead. But even so, there are ways to change the speed of these clocks too. Push it! Wow, you did it! It's amazing how much slower it is! That will give you lots of time to play! But now you need to slow down the clocks in the kitchen. Yeah, and every other clock you got! I just have to turn this to make the pendulum longer. Uh-huh! And now the clock will go slower. - Tideesh! - Tideesh! Fire, now that clock over there! Let’s go do it! That’s it. We slowed down every clock and your mom didn't see a thing! That's great! Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah! Wow, Tom Thomas, you’re cool! Amazing! He got another one! Awesome! You're unbelievable. Way to go! That's strange. Hurrah! Incredible! Yey! I did every level! Oh, thanks! You both just… The time masters of the universe! Yeah, but I'm getting really hungry and Mom hasn't called me for dinner. Cause a half hour hasn't passed on the clock. Hey, do you smell that? Something is burning! What happened? A fire? I don’t get it. I was just waiting for thirty minutes like I always do, but everything burned this time. Maybe the clock stopped? No, take a look! They're working! Eh, I'll make you some oatmeal. Oatmeal for dinner? Mom, I need to… I’ll be right back. You see what you’ve done, time masters of the universe? You've got to go speed those clocks back up! Ok, ok! We’ll speed them up. They'll be caught up in no time. Humans have come up with lots of different ways to measure time. For example, if you stand a stick in the ground, you can measure the time of day by watching where it’s shadow fall. That's a very simple clock called a sundial. Another simple and ancient clock is a water clock. It keeps track of time by measuring how much water has poured out of it. And if the clock uses sand instead of water, it's called an hourglass. But humans weren't able to accurately keep track of the time until they invented mechanical clocks. They come in all sorts of sizes: from grandfather clocks to watches worn around the wrist. Today we also have easy to read and accurate electronic watches and clocks. But the most accurate clock of them all is the atomic clock! It tells the entire world the exact time. Tom Thomas, why is your alarm clock ringing in the middle of the night? Really, is it still night out? Look, Tom Thomas. But the clock says that it's morning. Interesting. Yesterday Fire and I sped up all the clocks, so that’s the reason the alarm went of. Sped them up? Are you crazy? Tom Thomas asked us. So what do we have to do now? Don't you know? Get to school! It's time I’m joking. Go back to sleep! Don't worry, I'll get all the clocks working right again. Can I go and fix them with you? Huh! Fix them? You boys are the ones that always make the problems! Fixies go to Fixie schools And study to be masters. There's so much they need to learn To save us from disasters! There isn't one appliance That they don't know about, But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don't let their secret out! The Fire Extinguisher So, who can tell me, in the home, what is the greatest danger of them all? Chewsocka? Well, dogs are dangerous for us. But what is very scary for us and for humans? Fire! Where?! I was just answering what you asked us. Although your joke was awful, Fire, your answer was actually correct. Nothing can be worse than getting caught inside a house on fire. Don't know much about chemistry, but I can handle circuitry… That is an interesting idea. I have to try it out. And that's why every pack-o-mat has a fire extinguisher inside of it. And how do you turn them on? Well, I’ll show you at the end of the lesson. Nolik, listen, yell “fire!”. How come? I just want to find out how the professor turns on a fire extinguisher. Forget it, Fire. I won’t do it for you. Fire! You again! I was joking. It’s a stupid kind of joke! And I want you to leave! Right now! Actually, I should call you parents to discuss this terrible behavior. Fire is no joke at all! Remember, never fool with fire! Of course you should never play with matches or with lighters, everybody knows that, but those aren't the only things that can cause a fire inside of a house. So can a stove, or a fireplace. And don't forget electrical appliances like electric burners, space heaters, and irons. If you act carelessly around any of these appliances, they can cause a fire! And we should never forget to take extra special care with sparklers, candles, and fireworks. Sparks can jump off of them and set fire to highly flammable things like paper, wood, or cloth. So, what do you do if a fire suddenly breaks out? That's right! You call the fire department by dialing the number for all emergencies - 911. What's going on? No way. No way! Fire? It’s burning, for real! Fire! What do I do?! Oh yeah. I need a fire extinguisher! Where are you?! And that’s how a pack-o-mat can become a fire extinguisher! Do you understand? We understand. There’s a fire! It's over there! Enough! You don't know when to stop, Fire! I'm not joking this time! Please believe me! It’s there! Nice try, Fire. Oh, look, he even used smoke this time. No, Simka. That smoke is from a fire! Uh-huh. I'm sure that this time it's for real! It's the truth! I swear I'm not lying! This time I think it's true, he’s not joking. We've got ourselves a real fire here! Toola, Simka! Turn off the soldering iron! Uh-huh! Got it! Be careful, kids! You have to stay back here, away from the fire! And what can I do to help? Take out your fire extinguisher! Long ago, people used to put out fires with just water or sand. Today people also use fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers are cylinders with hoses. They are usually painted red, so they're easy to see. The cylinder is filled up with a special powder or foam. If someone needs to put out a fire, they point the hose at the fire, pull out the safety pin, and squeeze the handle. The foam or powder shoot out of the extinguisher and put out the fire. Our fire extinguishers are just too small for this fire! We have to find Professor Eugenius to put it out! I already did! Alright! Where’s the fire? Hurrah! We put out the fire! You Fixies are just the greatest! Thank you, you saved the whole laboratory! Not at all, colleague. If not for you Fixies, I can't even fathom how this could have ended. And what I'm wondering is how the fire got started at all. Fire? I had nothing to do with that! Yes, sure! Then who was yelling, “Fire! Fire!”? You know what? Maybe it was you that set the fire! Well if that's what happened, don't even think about coming back to school without your parents! Colleague! Colleague! Wait! It’s all my fault. I didn't turn off the soldering iron. Forgive me. Now we know whose parents the school should be calling! Can you believe that Fixies are Such itty-bitty creatures? Even when they’re magnified It’s hard to see their features. They’re tiny, infinitesimal, So small it makes you doubt. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Magnifying Glass Case number one. Let’s begin. Well, well. I see evidence of the criminal! The criminal’s fingerprints, to be exact. He won't get away with it! Why do you think she's just looking at us instead of chasing us? Oh! Maybe she can't see us and we're invisible. Then how come I see you? Simka, Nolik, be careful! Don't destroy the tracks! What kind of tracks? Whose tracks are they? I have to solve a crime! A crime? What kind? Someone stole a wing from this plane. But I'm on the trail. Take a look at that fingerprint. I'm looking! Well? And so? Each fingerprint is unique, so if you can find fingerprints, that means you have a good chance to find out who left them. Class! It’s been known for quite a long time that all humans have their own unique fingerprints. It's true! no two people have the exact same fingerprints, and this fact helps the police catch criminals. It starts by finding fingerprints at the scene of the crime. Then the police compare those fingerprints with the fingerprints of someone who may have committed the crime. If they match, they've found the criminal! This method is called dactyloscopy. Besides catching criminals, fingerprints can also be used to replace ordinary keys. When you press your finger against a special electronic lock, the lock recognizes your fingerprint, and then it's, "Please, come on in!" By the way, unlike humans, we Fixies don’t leave fingerprints anywhere. And that's why even the police can’t find us. Now we'll put a dog on the scent of the criminal. Chewsocka! Sniff! Pick up the trail! Now go find! Hey! What's wrong? Chewsocka's broken! We've got to fix her then! How? She's not a vacuum cleaner, she's a real live dog! Fixies know how to fix it all! Not true. Almost all. The first thing we have to do is a thorough inspection! Let's see now. Her eyes are looking quite healthy. Good! Tail's in one piece. Ears are clean? Yeah! Tongue - rosy pink. Tom Thomas, stand her up on all four feet! No. Paws I mean. Uh-huh! Chewsocka! Go on! You're fine! Now I understand. Here's what's out of order. It's her right paw! But I can’t see what's wrong. I wonder if something's broken on the inside? Wait. Maybe something really small is stuck in her paw there? Tom Thomas, we need your lens. Here! In order to examine a small object, you need a lens. A magnifying lens is a special piece of glass that is thicker in the middle than on the sides. It bends the light that passes through it. And that is why, if you put this kind of lens between your eyes and something small, it looks like the thing got bigger! If you put two lenses in a frame, you get a pair of glasses. And if you add a handle to the lens, you get a magnifying glass! There it is! A splinter. It’s glass, I think! Looks like it. You're right. It’s possible it's from the lamp in the hallway. It broke yesterday and I guess not every little piece got swept up. Chewsocka, hey there! You're all better now! Looks like we’ve fixed her! Tideesh! She's all repaired and working! - Maybe we shouldn’t have cured her. - Ungrateful dog! Simka, Nolik, here it is! The wing that was lost! Yeah, that's great only you still have to figure out who hid it underneath the bed there. Yeah, you still need to match the fingerprints. The fingerprints on the wing are the same as on the plane. But whose are they? And did you check your fingerprints out? All the fingerprints are mine! So I guess it was really my own fault. I just lost it somehow. So it turns out that you were the criminal? Hurrah! The crime's been solved! And you, Tom Thomas, are the criminal! I almost caught one yesterday, I chased him but he fled. But if I told my dad he’d say, “It’s all inside your head!” You really cannot catch them, Or find their whereabouts. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Zipper Hey, Nolik, look! Why did Tom Thomas go to sleep like that? Maybe it was some kind of homework for one of his classes? Uh-huh. Gym class homework. Good morning. Good morning! Hi there! You're looking good! My parents just bought it for me. Isn’t it a cool jacket? And what, you slept in it all night? Yeah, once I tried it on I didn’t want to take it off, and I fell asleep in it. Yeah… Life’s never boring with you around. I think the zipper got stuck. And so what? You can leave you coat on, no problem. You're about to go to school, right? And you think I could sit in my class like this? How could I have broken the zipper?! Don't worry. You haven’t broken it. Not yet. Here is a simple zipper. It is made with two rows of small teeth that pass through a slider. The slider has two holes on the top and only one hole on the bottom. When we pull the slider up along the zipper, the teeth grab on to each other, and the two rows join together into one. And... zip! The zipper is closed. To open it all you need to do is pull the slider in the opposite direction. Then the teeth will come apart. But on mine they stuck together. And now what? What do people do in the morning? Do what they do. Exercise. And I'll have time to think it over. One, two, three, and four… And then what about me? Go exercises too. And one, two, three, four… Simka, come on! Think of something. I’m sweating already. Soon, OK? Go get washed up in the meantime. Do you think I can help you think? I think not! I think you'd be better off washing. How's it going, Tom Thomas? Did she think of anything yet? What? Did she think of anything yet? Ah, gotcha! No, she hasn’t though of anything so far. It's so hot! Just pretend you’re a polar scientist! They always work with their parkas. And you know what? I'll be the penguin! Hey! Where are you going? I can’t take it anymore! Alright, just sit right here and I’ll try to find a problem. You see, that polar scientists game's funny! That's not it, it’s Simka. She's tickling so hard! Stop squirming! And you stop tickling me! Uh-huh! So that's why it won't open all the way. It's only a piece of thread stuck in there! Pull the slider up! Tideesh! You can unzip it now! Thanks so much! Here it is, a thread. That's what the whole problem was. You're kidding! So I've been sweating because of some piece of nothing?! In technology every little thing matters. I remember when scientists built one of the first computers around 60 years ago. It was a giant machine! It filled up several rooms and had more than a million parts. It was a technological wonder! But all of a sudden this technological wonder went “kaboom!” and broke! And no one understood why. The computer just stopped working and that was that! The scientists were going crazy, they couldn't find the problem! It turns out that this huge computer broke because a little butterfly had flown inside the computer and got stuck in-between some contacts. Yes, it's true! This huge machine went crazy because of a little butterfly. And that's how it goes. So you see, every little thing really does matter! Tom Thomas, breakfast is ready. What are you doing in your jacket? It's because I… was playing polar scientist! Simka, what took you so long to figure it out? I just… Just thought it would be funny to see Tom Thomas do his exercises and brush his teeth in his coat. That's all! That was your plan? Well, yeah. Can't I joke around a bit? Can you believe that Fixies are Such itty-bitty creatures? Even when they’re magnified It’s hard to see their features. They’re tiny, infinitesimal, So small it makes you doubt. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Lie Detector Simka! Quiet! I’m on a stake out here. Who are you staking out? Tom Thomas. We've got a bet that he won’t be able to survive three days without any TV. Really? Can I be on the stake out with you? Simka! Uh-huh! I got you! What? Who? You lost the bet, Tom Thomas! Just tell me you didn't! I didn't! Why didn't you? It's because I... I’m not Tom Thomas! What?! I’m Tom's brother! That's totally not true! We know Tom Thomas doesn't have a brother! I meant his first cousin. Then how come you two look so much alike? It’s because our mothers... are twins! So what should we call you? Who, me? John Johnson. And who are you, by the way? As if you don't know who we are! This room is beautiful. Sure is bigger than mine. I don’t believe you! - You’re telling a lie! - And what is your proof? Maybe he’s not lying? There's a way to check it! How? Yeah, how? With a lie detector! You'll see! A lie detector is a device that is used to help figure out if someone is telling the truth or if they are lying. You see, when someone is lying they always get a little bit nervous. Even though we might not see it, we know that a liar’s heart beats a little faster, his breathing changes, and he sweats. A lie detector can pick up on all of these little things. And that's how a lie detector can be used to help find the truth! But you don’t have a lie detector! But we know how a lie detector works, don't we?! Or are you scared, Tom Thomas? What's that for? To listen to your pulse. How come? So I'll be able to check how fast your heart is beating. And Nolik? He’s going to keep an eye on how often you blink. And what are you doing with the egg? The egg is an old African method. If you’re not telling the truth, your hand will automatically squeeze the egg. And so, the egg will crack! Well my egg won’t crack. We’ll see about that. Humans have tried to come up with all sorts of ways to find out the truth! For instance, in Ancient China they would put some dry rice in a person's mouth when they told him the crime they believed he committed. Then they'd check the rice. If the rice stayed dry, they believed he had committed the crime. In Ancient India, a person had to bang on a gong while answering a judge’s questions. If he started banging the gong louder, then it was believed that he was trying to hide the truth. And in Europe if one knight accused another of lying, then they would just take part in a duel. Whoever won that one was said to be on the side of truth. No, it’s not easy to hide the truth, but sometimes it can be even harder to find it. Answer yes or no. You got that? Do you have two ears? Don’t you have eyes? Just yes or no? Yes. Answer, are you a girl? Hey, come on! Yes or no? No! Where do you find such dumb questions! We just have to check what happens to your heart when you tell the truth to us. Alright, now answer this: Do you know the Fixies? Yes or no? Yes. No! I forgot. His pulse is speeding up. Are you TomThomas? No. Oh! His pulse is racing! And his eyes have started blinking! And the Fixies, tell us where you learned about them? From Tom Thomas! He couldn’t have told you about us. It’s a secret! He could! - Not true! - It's true! - It's not true! - Yes it is! Hey! Look, the egg cracked! Just give up, John Johnson. All right. I'm Tom Thomas, guys. Tideesh! Is it really possible to know if you lied just by measuring your pulse? With pulse you really can. But you probably couldn't with the egg. You tricked me then. That wasn't nice. You weren't tricked, John Johnson was. You know what? I think you've got to get checked out on this lie detector! I don't think so! You need to get ready to give me my wish. Because you're the one that lost the bet! Fixies go to Fixie schools And study to be masters. There's so much they need to learn To save us from disasters! There isn't one appliance That they don't know about, But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don't let their secret out! Tubes Today's lesson will be on pipes and tubing. Right here inside of this laboratory you can see them all over. Look! Over there! And there. Some more over there. And there's another one. So, who can tell me some different uses for tubes? Digit. They're used in plumbing! To carry the water! Nolik, in school we don't give an answer without being called on. Digit. - You can… - And for carrying waste! I am talking to Digit now! Gas goes through pipes too! Stop interrupting us! And don't forget about smoke in a smokestack! Nolik, that's just rude behavior! Out! Right now! Alright. And a shower hose, that's also a tube, right? - I told you to get out! - Yikes! And a vacuum cleaner's got one too! And those spyglasses that pirates use when they're sailing! Hey, what do you say we all go and sneak out of here? Great idea. Let him call out to himself. And a trumpet is a tube you blow through! Nolik is my younger brother. There's a lot he still doesn't know, but that doesn’t stop him from getting involved in things he probably shouldn't. Unfortunately that can get him into trouble, so every once and a while me or my parents have to rescue him. No, I wouldn't call Nolik a pest, he's just a bit curious. That's why he broke the number one fixie rule – hide from humans! Nolik's the one who first became friends with Tom Thomas. Well, I was there too, but Nolik started it! Actually… First it was Grandpus! Many years ago he befriended Professor Eugenius. And after that the professor let us have our school in his laboratory. So, it turns out that Nolik is just like his grandfather! Digit, go on then. Tubes are… Wow! Just look at all the tubes in here! There's rubber ones and glass ones that are curvy! Oh yeah! Pens! Parts of them are tubes too! He stopped talking. He ran out if ideas. And those tube slides at the waterpark! The barrel of a rifle and the shell of a bullet - those are tubes. Oh! There's a tube with a serious crack! And it's also dripping. And hissing! It's dripping? Where?! How can I show you when you kicked me out of class?! What’s going on? Take a look! The tube up there's leaking. That's acid dripping out! Is that dangerous? It's awful! Any second now, it will... explode! Where did Professor Eugenius go? He went to eat his sandwich. So what do we do? It's a disaster. Don't panic! Fire, Verda, go to that hose and shut off that valve. Simka, go get a pack-o-mat! We’ll fix this pipe ourselves. It’s very important to be sure that a pipe won’t leak! But making pipes that won't leak isn't so easy. Pipes can be made by rolling up a sheet of metal and sealing it up. Unfortunately the seam can break, and that’s why people have figured out how to make pipes without seams. They do it by stretching out hot metal on special machines. And PVC pipes are squeezed out of hot plastic like pasta. When the plastic is cooled down, it hardens into a pipe. We fixed it just in time. Nolik, way to go there! Hey, Simka! Where is he? Don't know. Heh, he finally left. Here I am! Nolik, I want to thank you for being alert! And I'd like you to join our class. Tideesh! Only don't forget: In my class, students can not answer unless they're called on. Now then, pipes and tubing. Digit, please continue. Well? But Nolik said all of 'em already. Nolik! Not all! A straw for drinking a shake is a tube! And some noodles are tubes made out of dough! And what's it called, that thing… a hole in a mountain. Wait a second, I'll get it. A volcano! That's not it. They go this way. I mean the kind that go like that. They're tunnels. You got it! Well done there! Yeah. Can you believe that Fixies are Such itty-bitty creatures? Even when they’re magnified It’s hard to see their features. They’re tiny, infinitesimal, So small it makes you doubt. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Draftsman Huh? What? Hi there, Tom Thomas! What are you drawing? I’m not drawing, this is called drafting. What’s the difference? Tell me, is that a circle? Sure is! And that? It's a circle too! Only it’s a rounder one! Of course! That's because I drafted it! With a compass. And now I've got a real target. So now I'll load my dart gun. Why'd you shoot that thing at me? It was the gun! I didn’t even pull the trigger! What? Did it break? Let’s open it up and see. There! This little part broke. Let me go find Papus. He can help you. He can make another one, a brand new one. Wait! I can draft a technical drawing. Will Papus understand how to read one of those? Are you kidding? Papus is an expert at everything. Done! Wow, Tom Thomas, you're a real technical drawer! A draftsman, Nolik! That's what they call it! Try drawing a perfect circle by hand. Can’t do it huh? Well, with the help of a drafting compass your circle will turn out great! Just put the needle point in the center and turn the compass, and it’s done! A compass is only one of the many different tools for drafting. For example, if you need to draw a straight line, use a ruler! And if you need to draft a frame for your picture, you can use a triangle! First draft one side and then – the other. And then to finish your frame, just turn the triangle upside-down and draft the two remaining sides. You’ll get a perfectly squared frame. There are also drafting instruments for making curved lines. They are called irregular curves or french curves. But actually, now people use computers more and more for drafting technical drawings. Papus! What? What happened? We really need your help. One of the parts broke in Tom Thomas' dart gun. Could you make it? What kind of part exactly? Look! Here's a technical drawing. So, you've even got a technical drawing? Very good then, let's take a look at it. Here you go! Super! Let’s see. It's not gonna work. You see, it sticks out here on the side. I need to draft another technical drawing. Papus! Nolik, you scared me again. Forgive me, but the part has to stick out over on this side. And you're sure that's all? That's all, for real! Tom Thomas! It’s done! Listen, while you were gone, I realized that the part needs to have a hole. Right here. Papus! Again?! Sorry about this. But there's a hole in this thing too. A technical drawing is a special kind of drawing. It has to precisely describe the thing that needs to be made. To do that, the drawing must be very accurately drafted and include all of the measurements. And that's not all. If the object is complex, it must be drafted from at least three sides including the front, the side, and the top. You see? The object looks different from every side. So if you don't want to work over and over again, learn to draft correctly! Ka-boom! It works!!! Bullseye! And all thanks to our technical drawings! Yeah, after three tries, right? Some draftsmen you are! Now I can draft all sorts of technical drawings! Even one of you if you'd like. No, don't bother. - Hey! - Great! - That tickles! - Now do me a favor and turn. Hey, what are you doing there? Just stop! - What's going on? - Now I think I got it. It's done! And what's that circle for? That's the top view. You know what, Simka? That's what you really look like from up here. Nolik, take this over to Papus. He can use is to make another Simka. No, thanks, Tom Thomas! For me, one Simka is enough. I almost caught one yesterday, I chased him but he fled. But if I told my dad he’d say, “It’s all inside your head!” You really cannot catch them, Or find their whereabouts. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Internet Well, maybe it's a… Don’t think so. It’s probably a… You called for me, children? What's the matter? Take a look. I've never seen anything like it. What in the world could it be? Maybe it’s a bathroom scale? Or a clock with a digital display? Wait a sec! Are there instructions around here for this thing? I couldn't find them anywhere. That’s a problem. Well, then let’s try to figure it out. What are you trying to figure out up there? What a huge hockey puck! It's big enough for a monster! And the name is so silly! "T-rollbot" Why don't they just call it the “Trollbot”? Or… I got it! The “Troll boat”! Please, stop the racket! So, what could this thing do? I have no idea. We could try finding it on the Internet. Where? Just run along you two. We don't need any internets, we can handle this. Go on, go! Don't interrupt us! Sure, whatever you say. Come, Nolik! We'll find it out by ourselves. Yeah! How? So! You remember what it was called? Ah… Troll Boat! No. Trollbot! You're right! Hop to it! That's not it. Oh! “T-rollbot”! You’re right! There it is! A robotic vacuum cleaner! You mean it vacuums by itself? It's a robot. So yeah. Class! There's just so much cool stuff in this computer! Nolik, this information is not on this computer. It's on the Internet! From your computer you can send a letter to another computer. You can also download a song or a photo from another computer. That’s all possible because most of the computers in the world are connected to one another as part of a huge web. And this World Wide Web is what we call the Internet. Thanks to the Internet, we can take a peek at just about anywhere in the world and find information we need about anything! It’s an electronic... vegetable slicer! No. It’s a printer for round sheets of paper! There's no way! Grandpus! We found out what they do with it! You're back again! You mustn't interrupt the adults! Just wait a second! Nolik, turn it on! Turn what on? Don’t you turn on anything! Ready, set, jump! Help me! No, no, no! Hold on! What was that?! It's a robotic vacuum cleaner! It runs itself! And where did you find the instructions for it? On the Internet! Just ask and it tells you. You can really just ask and it tells you? Uh-huh! If you want, we can show you. We'd love to see it. Sure, why not. Hm. On the Internet... Hey, hey, hey! Wait for me! What’s an elephant weigh? What’s an elephant weigh? What’s an elephant weigh? The answer’s easy to get. It says it weighs 5 tons. It says it weighs 5 tons. It says it weighs 5 tons, Here on the Internet. You send a letter to me, I send a letter to you. You send a letter to me, It's just so easy to do. We're writing letters now, They fun to send and to get, We're writing letters now Through the Internet. Who? What? Where? And How? Who? What? Where? And How? Who? What? Where? And How? The answer's simple to get. Every fact you need, every fact you need, Every fact you need is on the Internet.
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 8,624,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: 6kxF0YnPDyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 50sec (3470 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2017
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