The first things you MUST do with your Meta Quest 3!

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in this video I'm going to give you a ton of ideas of what you can do with your quest 3 but guys stick to the end of the video because I'm going to give you some tips to help you with some of the biggest issues that you can have in VR now I love VR I love the community I love the tech and I love the way that virtual reality can just pull you from your world into new worlds now I've had about five VR headsets now and still every time I jump into a new VR experience it blows my mind but I am all too aware that when you first get one of these it can feel a little bit daunting you're kind of just thrown in so here are the things I recommend you do first now the quest actually brings a load of things straight into the headset pre-installed so you can just jump straight into some games now there are three of them and I recommend you try them all out because it gives you a pretty good understanding of how your headset works and what the capabilities of the headset actually are it also helps you slowly climatize you to VR and the first app I recommend you boot up is called first steps for the Quest 2 now I know it says Quest 2 bear with me I I know I know now it isn't the best game in the world but it very quickly shows you what the capabilities of VR and Standalone VR actually are it sort of holds your hand through a bunch of different experiences so you can work out how your controllers work but also so you can work out how you can interact with the virtual world around you you basically get to play with a bunch of virtual gadgets you can dance with a robot and shoot guns it's a pretty richual virtual reality experience next you can look Lo up first encounter this now adds mixed reality into the mix it gives you a taste of how the new mixed reality capabilities on the quest can interact with virtual reality it shows how VR can actually integrate with the world around you and really well shows off the new mixed reality capabilities of the quest 3 it's a pretty good experience I recommend you keep your room quite bright because the pass through is always better in the bright room but it shows how things can actually interact with not just the space you're in but also with your furniture and with tables and stuff like that it's very cool now the last meta preloaded game that you get is called firstand now this is almost similar to the first steps thing but actually it's going on on how you can play and interact in decent immersive games just using your hands and no controllers that's right this thing has got pretty good hand tracking and you can use that hand tracking to be able to play in interacting games and this game shows it off really really well now I will be honest none of those games are the best games in the world they're fun they're interesting and they show off the capabilities and the tech I think you want to play them because it will introduce you to the quest 3 and the capabilities and how you interact with it but once you've played them let's move on to some real fun now that you have the hang of your quest 3 you want to really get into some proper paid games now I'm not going to tell you exactly what you should play because there's a m variety of games but what I will do is recommend some Classics there are two you have probably seen super hot VR is usually a good place place to start it uses a mechanic that as you move around in the world time also moves around you this gives you some great VR Gunplay a bit of action also some sort of almost like puzzly type scenarios you get to sort of move around in Matrix like bullet time and Dodge bullets is very very cool and it makes you feel like an absolute badass beat saber is another classic it's like a cross between Star Wars Guitar Hero and Just Dance it's tons of fun and you can expand it with popular music by adding on add-ons if you're really into the game and it must be good because it's been one of the most popular and most downloaded apps in VR forever now there are tons of other paid games and I'll quickly throw out some of my favorites Thrill of the fight if you like boxing and working out in VR walk about mini golf is a really fun and mind-blowingly realistic mini golf experience but also it's just like the most wild crazy mini golf that you've seen it's really really cool Walking Dead Saints and Sinners is a pretty good zombie game so sort of get you into that Iron Man VR is a pretty cool VR experience where you get to be Iron Man fly around use your sort of propulsors and stuff again another experience that's just amazing in VR the Vader mortal games they come in three parts they're not the most expensive games but you have to get it three times if you want to play the whole story which is a bit annoying but if you love Star Wars and you want to use a lightsaber that's the way to go something like blade and sorcery works really well it actually performs particularly well on the quest 3 especially over the Quest 2 that's like a sort of hacken slash sword medieval type game you have a variety of different weapons and people that come up to you you can do like a Sandbox where you can just fight people in VR it's very cool and it's got a great modding ability built into the app on the quest so you can just pick the mod you want click it restart the app and then suddenly you have lightsabers and Thor's hammer and all that stuff in VR it's very cool now there are tons more I've just recently played Assassin's Creed Nexus again if you're if you've got your VR legs I'll get onto that in a minute what a game it's probably one of the biggest AAA Games available on the quest and I'd 100% recommend checking it out especially if you're a fan of Assassin's Creed and one that I am super excited for and I've heard only amazing things about is Arizona Sunshine 2 again it's a zombie game but it's of a light-hearted zombie game I'm definitely going to be buying it and if it's terrible I'll stick it in the description and tell you not to do my recommendation but I'm pretty sure it's going to be pretty awesome so check that out now all of those games cost money and you've just spent a lot of money on a VR headset you might not have lots of money to spend on loads of different games the good thing about the quest store though is that there's tons of free content tons of free games and honestly one of these free games is actually maybe my favorite game on the quest it's something that I always go back to and I've been playing it for ages and I constantly go back to it whenever I'm bored that game is population one now if you are a fan of fortnite this is essentially fortnite VR it's obviously packaged a bit differently but it's all the same mechanics you got Battle Royale and funny costumes and you run around and you pick up Loot and all that stuff but you do it in virtual reality and it works so well it's really really good and as much as it's not necessarily Miss gritty realistic games it's so much fun really you need to check it out another Super popular free game I'm not going to go through all of them don't worry but another Super popular free game is something called gorilla tag now gorilla tag I've played it and it wasn't really for me I don't think but there's a huge community that really love this game but essentially you run around as a weird monkey that has no legs and you sort of swing from trees and some people are like amazing at it and I go on and I can barely walk it might just be because I'm a bit older maybe I don't know but it's always worth checking it out especially because it's free now there are some great social apps as well and these are also free one of the biggest most popular ones is something called VR chat again I'm not really haven't really gotten into that one to be honest but again that's probably just me because it's by far one of the most popular things and if you want to hang out with strangers over the internet and you want to sort of just socialize in VR that's a great app for it a couple of other ones you've got rec room which is sort of I think cater more to sort of younger people I'm thinking sort of teenages and younger I went on that and it's a little bit intense if you're a bit older like me and but if you're young it's probably quite good fun there's tons of games and stuff like that and there's places to hang out with other people there's another one that's a little bit controversial people always talk about how much they don't like it and that is Horizon worlds no I think Horizon worlds is pretty good I think people just aren't keen on meta doing their own things cuz it's a little bit Mark Zuckerberg metav versy but Horizon world is actually can be quite a bit of fun you can go into different places and do standup routines and hang out in bars and stuff with people and there's again tons of different little free games on these apps that you can play in virtual reality honestly it makes tons and tons of sense if you're wanting to get some really good free content jump on those cuz there's tons of Games built into those games now I'm just going to put gaming to one side for a second and talk about some other amazing experiences you can have in virtual reality that being you can essentially experience and test loads of stuff you can go to this International Space Station and look at footage and 3D virtual reality of the space station and be in space with astronauts if you head over to the meta TV app or on the explore app there's normally tons of different virtual reality videos and stuff like that that you can see straight from there if those aren enough for you you can also get the YouTube VR app and on the YouTube VR app you can experience anything that people have uploaded to YouTube whether that be 2D videos like the one you're watching now or 3D immersive virtual reality videos you can watch them on the YouTube app as well it's very very cool and that means you can essentially experience anything that anyone's recorded in virtual reality on your headset in your living room you can go and travel around the world you can see Shar and things swimming underwater literally anything is at your fingertips now one of the big selling points of this app and something that we briefly spoke about was the mixed reality capabilities now mixed reality is something that I really enjoy and I think actually has got quite a lot of use cases I don't think it's been perfected and I think more people need to bring more mixed reality content onto this device but at the moment one of the things I really like doing is just taking my mixed reality experiences around with me around the house whilst I'm doing things that are otherwise boring you can cook your dinner and have recipes put up on the wall in virtual reality that you can watch whilst you're cooking your food you can be doing washing up and enjoying YouTube videos whilst you're doing the cleaning you can be doing boring mundane things in real life and have virtual things happening around you building furniture and you need a tutorial if you're trying to do DIY around the house you can use mixed reality to be able to put a screen up somewhere and then leave it and you still have your hands free to be able to do the thing now not only can you do stuff like that but there are also mixed reality games available there's the new Lego game that might be out when you're watching this video but it's not just out yet but you can play with Lego in mixed reality and build sculptures that animate and come to life there's a great game that I really love called demio which is essentially like a 3D board game that you play in virtual reality and they've made that a mix reality game so you can put your board game into the room with you and you can play that and I'm pretty sure if you've got more than one headset you can actually play that in like local multiplayer mode how cool is that that's awesome you can use this headset to learn something now there's been certain apps that have been around for ages for doing things like learning stuff whether it be actual official apps for anatomy and being able to explore the body and the internal organs of a body for surgeons and stuff like that that's very cool but even just for me and you in your day-to-day life if you're want to pick up something new for for example you want to learn to paint you can do painting in VR with a canvas um using an app like villan and you can also use the mixed reality capability of that to be able to do painting whilst you're with people you can be looking at someone in mixed reality and paint them how cool that there's also a couple of apps for learning musical instruments that I think are really good and I'd want to recommend to you and one app I've actually tried on the channel is something called paradiddle again that's VR or mixed reality you essentially set yourself up a drum kit and you can play drums in VR you can even plug in actual pedals into your headset so you can use things like a Kick Drum and stuff like that that's just epic and one up I really like is one called Piano vision and essentially what you do is you get um a virtual piano and you can learn to play piano on your desk but you can also attach it to a real piano and then it basically turns your your actual piano into a virtual Piano that you can see your hands and you can play but you then get like a Guitar Hero style this is when the keys need to be played and you can learn songs a very different way to how normal people learn music it's very very clever very creative and really really interesting now I do want to quickly go over one tip especially if you are new to Virtual Reality now there's a big problem with virtual reality and it is experienced massively by someone in my life and that person is my mom now I once showed my mom virtual reality in fact I've done it a couple of times and she foolishly made a ter and this is when I was new to VR as well um so I was also a bit foolish I showed an app called epic roller coasters it didn't end well a big problem with VR unless you are very used to it you can get really bad motion sickness especially if you're already susceptible to it so it's something to Bear REM mind if you are put someone who suffers really badly with motion sickness you need to factor that in to whether you you want to get one of these headsets and if you're someone who can have it you need to prepare yourself because even the best of us suffer with motion sickness sometimes on these headsets now there's a couple of culprits um apps running in a sort of jagged low frame rate or with a bit of delay that can cause you to get a bit of motion sickness just moving around smoothly but not actually moving in reality so apps that allow you to use your thumb sticks to move around they can cause some pretty bad B motion sickness and even when you're turning side to side if you can got smooth turning on on any of these apps if you're turning around like that it can very much get you to chug up but do not worry because I have a few tips for you to make your life a bit easier and as time goes on it will get better sometimes you have to push through I'll get on to this in a minute so bear with me for these people that are saying no no no no no okay you need to be patient with your body because over a period of time few days weeks months it will get much much better some of the apps some of the best games in VR you should wait to play them because you can experience the best version of these apps by just preparing yourself and slowly working your way into being able to be a VR veteran so what are the tips what can you do to reduce motion sickness so first of all a lot of apps have some really good motion sickness accessibility features that means instead of smooth walking and smooth turning you can do snap turning so you just basically snap around when you use the motion stick to be able to turn around and you can do the same thing with um movement you just do like a Teleport movement which means you basically point to the ground where you want to go and you teleport there those two things make a huge difference to motion sickness and should be your first steps the next one is something called a vignette that is essentially where the edge of your vision gets smaller and your field of view reduces and you get this almost black shadow around the outside side um and because if you're just seeing directly in front of you and you don't have any of that it makes your motion sickness a lot better as you sort of get more ed to your movement on VR and stuff like that you can get rid of that I don't ever use it most people who play and play a lot tend to not have any sort of those features anymore there are two physical things you can do in your environment to actually make motion sickness better one is to put something on the floor that sort of centers where you are so something like a mat or just a slightly different textured flooring and that sort of gives you an idea of where you are in your room and that can help with motion sickness if you sort of know which direction you're facing and you know you're not sort of wandering around aimlessly in real life and another thing is maybe having a fan facing you essentially It Centers your body and gives your body a subconscious sense of direction which means you tend to not be getting all of this motion sickness as well I'm not 100% clued up on the science of it but it works now two things you should 100% avoid doing if you have any of these motion sickness symptoms the first thing is if you're new to it work your way into it roller coaster VR for my mom was the worst app she could have tried cuz she gets motion sickness just driving her own car so putting her on a virtual roller coaster with no vignette or anything like that and she was just being swung around it was like it ruined her day motion sickness as well it doesn't just go if you start feeling motion sickness and you get it gets really bad and you push through it and it just gets really bad that will be with you for the rest of the day which leads me on to the last thing you should 100% avoid whatever you do if you start feeling motion sick in any way stop and take a break you might think oh if I just push through I'll get used to it and I'll be fine you won't if you start feeling motion sickness it's coming there's no going back it's only going to get worse so stop now let yourself calm down recenter yourself have a 20 minute 30 minute an hour break and come back to it later or come back to it the next day now as much as you will get used to the motion sickness and you get will get better over time and you need to push through it in that regard do not push through with it at the time if you start feeling it stop so guys that is the first things you should do when you get Quest three is there anything I missed is there anything you think actually other people might find useful if you got any other tips to throw down stick them in the comments below and guys if you enjoyed the video and you found anything helpful on here I'd love a like come on engage with the video it's good for the YouTubes but guys thank you very much for watching I'll see you in in the next one
Channel: Samuel Jones Tech
Views: 40,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quest, Quest tips, quest 3, oculus, meta, oculus quest 3, meta quest 3, vr, Tips and tricks, quest 3 idea, quest 3 getting started
Id: CZ-Y46ahOS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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