Top 5 Meta Quest 3 Shooter Games!

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is going on YouTube it's Tyler from Mission VR where it's my mission to bring you guys good quality VR content today we're going to be going over the top five meta Quest shooters that are on the meta Quest store for Quest 2 and Quest 3 um this list uh was a little easier than making the top 10 list which you guys can find in the card above um the top 10 list was definitely pretty hard to make because just rating top 10 games in all the genres like there's a lot of really amazing Quest games right now on the store and so many good games still coming so it's a good thing for VR right now no doubt but we're going to be going over the top five Shooters um that you can currently get on the quest store and if I missed your game please do leave that in the comment section I do like to hear what you guys say and I do sometimes occasionally find games that way so make sure you leave that in the comments drop a like on this video subscribe to the channel and um and a word from our sponsors kiwi designs if you guys are looking to upgrade your VR Gaming experience then look no further than the Kiwi designs full Suite of VR accessories these accessories are absolutely incredible and very high quality made they make everything from Quest 2 to Quest 3 accessories including battery straps to increase your play sessions Comfort straps just to increase the comfort of the headset controller grips to prevent you from throwing the controllers and much much more if you guys are interested in upgrading your VR Gaming experience please do check out the referral Link in the description every sale does help the channel so I do appreciate it and I hope you guys found the accessories you're looking for right here okay guys so with our first pick here um I do want to talk about a game that I've known about and has been around for a long time but before I do that I do have to say something these games on this list are shooter games and when I mean shooter games I'm talking PVP like shooting guns at other people with guns we're not talking about sci-fi or zombie games or survival games that have guns in them like there's a lot of VR games that have guns in them I'm talking about a true shooter game where there's multiplayer of some sort and you're fighting against other people with guns or even an a PVE situation but the this is all like real true true to true to knows Shooters is what I'm talking about so if I missed a game like AKA after the fall or something like that I yes after the fall is technically a shooter but it's a zombie shooter so I would categorize that just a slightly different than actual shooter so with that being said onward onward is a military Sim in VR that um has been around for quite a while and downpour interactive have just updated the game into a state where it's just really an amazing title all around and I have a lot of hours on onward onward was my first love in VR it was the first game as the reason I bought the touch controllers back whenever like 2016 like when the touch controllers weren't even out yet I had a VR headset and I was playing flight Sims and um stuff and then I I saw onward I was like okay I have to go out and buy those touch controls I think I got them like the first week they were out or something like that and it was just an incredible title it was such an incredible experience um being able to do that it was the first time I had really played like a free open game like that in VR and onward has a special piece of my heart it still does have a community to it it still has some fun it's the most realistic out of all the shooters if you're really looking for something real and realistic onward is going to do it for you I have some of my best VR Gaming memories from back in the day from onward it's an amazing title there is Co-op there's PVP there's a community in onward it's a good game overall and it's definitely worth you checking out if you're looking for a milsim all right and at number four I had to put it on this list too it's population one um it despite listen I I got I have like 2,000 hours on this game so like I it's my it's my game it's my game I'm biased towards it I always love pop one it'll always hold a place in my heart it's it's been my favorite game for years now I've made friends that I've actually met in real life on this game I I just the this this is an incredible title it's got a community and when I say the the community is the game like the game's good kind of but the community is better and the the game itself is still a good game and like the mechanics of the game are so good um I have my gripes with it I think that the Developers definitely are not updating it um you know what they need to do like they're letting the game slip and it's a shame because it is the only Battle Royale currently that is of even this caliber at all on the medic platform which I I just don't know how you can neglect that I mean maybe they're just getting away with it that is going to be changing in this coming year uh AKA contractor Showdown and gravity Royale I'm going to be doing some videos on those later on this year um you know in this next month or so but yes population 1's the only BR right now that is on the meta platform and it's basically like kind of a fortnite clone and like what are they doing how are they fumbling this they're fumbling it but the shame of it is is it's still a good game like at its core like I still would recommend it like if you're looking for a social experience that is also a good shooter with great mechanics and a lot of fun and a lot of people you can play with and a lot of you know there's so many memories that can be made in this game it's a great game and the foundation is fantastic the climbing the flying the movement is just it's it's better than any other VR game I've ever played the movement wise like they pioneered they they when this game came out in 2020 like if it was ahead of its time and they had all these plans and it was going so well and it was amazing and it got everybody just hooked into this game and the gameplay Loop is so addicting and then meta bought them and it's just been kind of all downhill since they really just haven't taken care of the game and it's really a shame that being said though it is free so check it out there's no reason not to check it out it's a free game so you can just download it and I'm telling you it's it's an amazing title still despite all the gripes I have with it and you know I've been playing for a long time so I've seen the stages of the game I know can be a way better game than it is and it's just being neglected so um I personally don't give them much money anymore because they don't take care of the game but it's free and it's pretty good so I definitely recommend checking it out here at number four okay so with our next pick on this list we have a game that I took some heat in the comment section on for not putting it on the top 10 Quest games list and okay fair enough it is a great game and and you know what the only reason it didn't end up on that list is cuz it is on applab it's not a traditional game and you know meta has to put it on applab even though it's better than like half the meta Quest store but like you know whatever it is what it is and that's ghost of Tabor this game is basically escaped from tarov built from the ground up for VR with a whole VR community and you know VR mechanics do I need to say anymore no okay well I will um regardless the game's got a community the game is a challenge the game is fun there's a lot of replay value in this game the game runs pretty good the game looks pretty good the game is good it's just that simple it's escaped from tarov but in VR in its its own VR version of it you know and what I love so much about it is that you know it's not a port right like it's a it's a full VR game built from the ground up for VR and and these again these are the type of titles we're starting to see come more to VR and that alone is just amazing because there's something for everybody now this game isn't for everybody I will say if you're a fan of a little bit more hardcore core Shooters with some Scavenging and you know the fact that your your loadouts reset and you have to kind of you know you have to collect stuff and then you know at a new season there's you know you lose all that stuff and you got to go out there and do it again and you know it's not really a story it's more about you know playing with your friends and fighting against other people then I think this game's going to be for you and if that is your type of game you're going to probably sink a tremendous amount of hours into this title a lot of hours in this title this is not one of those games that you know you're going to pick up and only play one time through if you like this game this is going to become your game you're going to put thousands of hours in no different than me with pop one like that's my game I've got thousands of hours in pop one a lot of people are going to have thousands of hours and GH to tort it's a good game it's really solid I highly recommend it all right here and at number two I had to put it on this list it could not be on the list and that is contractors contractors is a great game guys I it it's got it still has a player based to it the mods are amazing in this game you can play on Halo maps you can play on Call of Duty maps you can play on Star Wars maps with Star Wars guns with Halo guns with World War II guns on World War II there's there's a lot going on in this game not only that the mechanics of the game are really good the reloading feels this is the best reloading I've ever seen in a game by the way like still to this day for Shooters like the reloading in this game just feels so good like you pull a magazine out you put a magazine in and just the way it sticks it just feels so satisfying to reload and kill like three people and then reload again and you just you feel like a you know a Commando playing this game but I really like contract a lot I think the dev team's done an amazing job hint hint why the contractor Battle Royale coming out later this year is going to be incredible but contractors is a good game it's basically the Call of Duty of VR and it's it's I've had a lot of fun playing contractors I've played for a lot of hours in this game I think it's a really solid shooter overall and definitely worth your time all right and at number one I'm I don't know I I mean it's so good it really is I got to put breachers here and and the reason why the reason why I got to put breachers here is because I think that out of all the games I've listed on this list it's it's I don't want to say newer because there's some other games like ghost of to war is relatively new as well um contractors onward pop one those are older games and I I don't know how much more is going to be coming especially for a game like contractors we just talked about right like that game you know probably is done being updated for the most part because they're working on another version of it the Battle Royale version so yeah pop one I mean we already know the state of that game and then onward it's been around for a long time and they they've continued to add but I mean it's definitely probably you know with the back half of its if its life cycle right reachers on the other hand only came out early this year breur probably plays the smoothest out of all these games it's just great and they're updating it and there's so much coming to it it's Rainbow Six Siege but in VR and it's built from the ground up with VR with a lot of VR mechanics and just the game itself plays amazing I I've had so much fun especially when you get into a good Lobby like that that's the game can get so intense rounds you know when you you're going up it just it just climbs the next thing you know it's tied 66 and you're going into the final round and I just I love it I love the strategy that's involved it really does actually involve strategy in some military aspects I think that in the game's you know a little bit more realistic I think um definitely more towards like an onward type so you know it's definitely not running and gunning but it's just enough like you can survive a couple shots so it's not like insta death but like it's just enough it what I love most about breach is it's paced correctly the pace of the game is perfect it takes 30 or so minutes to complete a full match I like that it gives you the chance to settle into a game to really learn your opponent to really grind it out if you guys are in a you know you're down three 0 and all of a sudden you know one you know you you you figure it out right or you know a new player joins like you know I was actually pretty good at preachers I put some hours in and I got kind of good at the game you know I would make a difference right I could kill their whole team and then all of a sudden we're back in it we're fighting from the back up like it's a great game I think it's the best shooter currently on the meta Quest store I think there's something here for everyone um it's it's like I said it's not quite as hard as onward is when it comes to like hardcore but you know it's it's not super difficult to pick up it's a it's got great mechanics the guns feel good the game looks amazing it's a really good game and I think it deserves to be the number one shooter but like I said I'd like to hear from you guys so with that being said that's today's list guys I hope you guys found a shooter game you like I know I left some good shooter games off this list I mean we can think about a couple like zero calibers not a bad game could sneak could sneak in somewhere in a top 10 list for sure not a top five list I don't think there's there's not enough multiplayer oh Medal of Honor above and beyond more of a story based game but really solid game there's a lot of shooters that um you know are on the store and let let's face it Shooters play really well in VR so there's going to be a lot of shooters that are going to be available but these are kind of the best five that I could pick but I do want to hear from you guys please do leave those in the comment section below I do want to hear about that um I do I do enjoy reading them and on top of that sometimes occasionally I'll find a new game that I never heard of before and I'm like oh my God I got to try that game out so appreciate that drop a like on this video subscribe to the channel if you guys are looking for Quest accessories please do check the link in the description um for the Kiwi design stuff it does help my channel out every time if you guys order something from that link I do get compensation which does help me and I appreciate that so but with that being said I will see you guys in the next one peace
Views: 171,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meta quest 3, quest 3, oculus quest 3, oculus quest 2, quest 3 review, quest 3 mixed reality, quest 3 passthrough, meta quest 3 games, best vr games, quest 3 gameplay, meta quest 3 review, meta quest 3 mixed reality, best quest 3 games, oculus quest, quest 3 games, meta quest, quest 2 games, quest 3 vs quest 2, best oculus quest 2 games, oculus quest 2 games, meta quest 3 gameplay, meta quest 3 passthrough, vr games, new quest 3 games, mixed reality quest 3
Id: m56p9Tw3KPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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