Super Kawaii - Minecraft 1.20 Hardcore Ep. 2

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hello everybody Welcome to episode 2 of Minecraft 120 hardcore make sure to like the video subscribe to captainsparkle Studio to stay tuned for more episodes of cabin Sparkles you want to catch these live we're jumping right back into it that's the thing with hardcore is um you kind of gotta show everything on stream otherwise you may just die in between the episodes and that would be bad like it's actually kind of a risk of me getting on to make a thumbnail because what if I die while I'm trying to make the thumbnail wouldn't that be just like Omega embarrassing if I died in between streams while offline because I'm just trying to get a thumbnail oof that would be real freaking bad ah anyway so I want to like expand this area a little bit um I did go and bring up just the the video that I made back when the Cherry forest was introduced um the snapshot update video because I just wanted to I kind of want to go off my my template that I made there and uh kind of replica right I kind of want to replicate that just seems like a good way to go about doing things because I like that house granted it was a little small so don't know if I make the top of that house like make it expanded or if I just do me and dig out a basement once I build the top and make the top look really cool then just dig out a basement because that is the thing that I uh am good at is digging out basements right so no no basement so you're saying I have to make it like a bigger house than I otherwise would that has room for like an enchantment table and stuff later on hmm I don't know if I can extrapolate well me trying to improvise building on a live stream is going to be a lot of silence and contemplation and me being like hmm does that look good nope breaks the block does it again does that look nope breaks the block crazy does that look at nope breaks the block does it again so we'll see what we can come up with here I gotta clear the area of all these pedals and stuff before we can place blocks down but I'll see what I can do no basements everyone's this is a big old like this is a strong opinion on the no basement thing my goodness gracious what do you guys have against my beautiful basements huh I'd like to think that my basements are very pretty some of the prettiest basements that anybody has ever developed in all of Minecraft but whatever you say whatever you say I guess um democracy will decide or something like that all right what we can do is we can make kind of the Kawaii portion of the house here and then we can expand an area out to that direction towards the side maybe that can house like our inventory and stuff I just need I want to sleep pretty ASAP so we don't get any mobs spawning and I can build my house the full day in peace I'm gonna have to chop down a bunch more trees and stuff as well come on let me sleep I do not wish to be demolished by a bad guy there we go the basements are banned by chat wow wowie zowie that's some strong language okay where do I where do I choppy some triage um preferably like further away because I'm so what I did with the um oh I am actually going to need to make uh some shears so I can grab some of the leaves so we can use that as a little bit of decoration so let me do that really quick and uh pull some of the uh pull some leaves off the trees that we're about to choppy choppy and then that will be good I just want to go a little bit further away so it's not like we're uh losing any of the trees that are gonna be right now oh my goodness it's a pink sheep wow what do you know that's so cool dude that's so awesome all right so there's a lot of stripped logs that I used for my super kawaii house in the snapshot video so that means we're gonna have to chop a lot of trees because otherwise We're not gonna have enough wood because I need to like I can't even convert them into planks other than the floor I think I used Frick what did I do on the floor no maybe I did something else on the floor I may have actually I may have actually done some kind of like interlocking pattern on the floor or something like that that ah frick dude it may actually be it may actually be a little bit tricky dude maybe a little bit tricky let's get this over here cherry trees they got all the branches going in different directions not making it the easiest thing for me to chop down all right I hope everybody is here for this incredible building Extravaganza who needs to make progress towards all of the uh dragon wither guardian and Warden when instead we can build super kawaii house I will of course re-rack my trees I just gotta wait for some of the leaves to Decay you know is that it is that it okay we got access to all those right there hey see there's a sampling nothing to worry about I replant I re-racked my cherry trees we love cherry trees here um oh is that on its own okie dokie and uh M the trans go with 13 months any thoughts the recent changes with twitch and their partner program um I talked about stuff in a uh YouTube video quite recently actually so you know you can always go watch that if you are interested and stuff like that Tana probably covers the situation better than I would just be able to re-improvise right this second while live and trying to focus on building a nice house um that would be my that would be my thoughts ah there we go more saplings more saplings get another tree and another tree and replace the trees and then I should actually you know I'll keep some of the sampling so that I can plant some trees next to the house and then let's keep chomping some down get more of the wood get more of the wood be pretty cool destructive Kia with 32 months tiny Spud cubes with two months of subbidge there we go oh is that it for that one easy something's pretty easy to Chomp down even though um now there's just gonna be a bunch of floating leaves here would you look at that oh another sampling oh there's so many saplings going down we're going to be able to re-rack so good I don't actually remember if oh God it's raining why why would it rain in my perfect Cherry forest biome honestly it should be illegal to reign in a beautiful biome like this why would they do this to me what is it about me and my existence that just like causes rain you see I think what happened this year in California is that they California finally realized that I exist here and it was like oh we haven't been raining enough lately so we need to we need to fix that we need to we need to get with the program here that was the issue um okay hey at least you know we don't know the particles so that's all good and stuff like that um I gotta go reference my video and see what pattern did I do for the floor okay so what we had was we'll get a bit of plankage but yeah basically it was um move this out of the way so here's what I'm thinking let's move this move this here over a little bit move this to here and then what I'm thinking I'm going to kind of kind of uh replicate recreate reimaginate things here so I know we had like a little front deck I think the house is like seven blocks wide probably um so it's like okay that's five and then was it seven blocks okay so is that and then on the outside it would have been probably just like this kind of you know and like this kind of over here um oh wait but I fricked it that's got to be the uh it's gonna be the deck it's gonna have like a little deck over here I think I do think that the deck was kind of like this sort of a little bit and then okay so we're gonna have that and then this was on the outside and I think that the things kind of were like recessed but I basically I did a lot of like stripped I did a lot of like stripped cherry wood so I think kind of like um I did a lot of a lot of stuff like this I'm gonna I'm gonna have to end up like breaking some of the stuff but I believe I did kind of like a lot of a lot of this here sort of and it was like a cherry door in the center of things I think what's gonna happen is I'm gonna be like holy frick I need to chop down like every single tree in this entire Fortress Fortress Forest this is a this is a fortress everybody in case you weren't familiar with the proper terminology you want to eat this house so bad I do you know all right so let's do like you know kind of alternating checkerboard and the issue is though I'm gonna have to build out an extension over there right so I can't do it the exact same way as before and then in between it was basically like this kind of frick balls I bet this house would would taste pretty good tastes like Cherry God Cherry is just unequivocally the best candy artificial flavoring and don't at me bro you know I'm right you know I'm right I am absolutely 100 correct wait so do I shoot did the elev did the home elevation like get higher back here one sec all right so yay so it was like um one two three four five and then on the sixth spot here I had like that and then also I had I think it was like was it one above there so it was like one two three and then here and then we we have a little bit of that there yep yep yep and then we got that there okay cool is that kind of like that's a little that's a little template now the only thing is the the house that I built for the video I had dark oak stairs and we have not run into a dark oak forest so that presents a wee bit of an issue there as to what I'm gonna do because I like the dark contrasting of like having the stairs kind of like kind of like this but I don't know I don't know how I'm gonna do it I know I had some like cool little accent buttons and stuff going on like like here and here um Birch would be cool you think Hmm I'll think about it okay so I'm thinking like let me I'll be able to save some blocks here if I actually just like kind of bring up a little bit of dirt here on this side and like on this side uh I should have maybe I should have actually like built the whole thing down one so that it's kind of going up here but I think it'll be good I think it'll be fine why can't it just stop raining oh this is me trying to do a best artificial flavor blue raspberry one blue raspberry is pretty good I like I stand by that as a it's a good choice that's a good choice I just um I don't know Cherry is just so good dude how could you not like cherry flavor it's just I don't understand how you couldn't like cherry flavor I understand if you maybe have other preferences along with it but but just not liking it kind of weird kind of weird strawberries better that's that's just no dude I have this go all the way to the I don't know how I had it exactly but like that looks pretty good there I can't even tell when it's about to be nighttime man and then I know I had like a nice little bed kind of bed frame going on which was pretty cool you know I just like surrounded the bed with some slabs so that it would be really pretty and stuff like this and then I guess I could save it out any anything that I can do in order to oh I should Shear the sheep and then I get a pink bed and it'll be so cute rain be gone I want my son back in my beautiful cherry forest biome thank you thank you so much all right so I know we had I know we had these kind of like going all the way back to the back and that was like recess should I bring maybe I should bring the whole thing back a little bit I don't know let's see did I did I have that maybe I do a headboard you know maybe do a cool like freaking headboard up here like this you know God you're about to watch me just like having to make design decisions on the Fly and it's gonna it's gonna be rough it's gonna be it's gonna be real okay that's maybe too high of a headboard um okay cool very cool put lights behind the headboard uh we'll see I could do like a lantern hang from the ceiling or something like that um yeah you know what's gonna be really sad is if I go through all of the time building this and then I explode wouldn't it just be like the worst I think that'd be pretty much the worst um oh what am I gonna do like how am I gonna add Windows back here if I have the headboard kind of obstructing the thing it'd be funny it would be funny they say that's sadistic I'm just gonna throw it out there that's like quite sadistic that you think that it would be funny if I simply exploded so I realized that this actually goes in by ones this is flush it's just the um just the ones going horizontal that are it extended out I did that there we go much much better now now yeah because I was like how am I gonna how am I gonna do this thing and make the walls work and stuff like that it just wasn't it just wasn't working for me all right all right hold on I gotta get some more dirt where am I going to get some more dirt from uh perhaps over here and then got right I'm actually gonna have to shop down this entire freaking force in order to get out of wood for this thing you know maybe maybe what we'll do is we'll make it so this is kind of an ongoing thing rather than investing the entirety of an episode or two into making it absolutely perfect we can kind of like ease our way into it that way if I do die maybe I won't have invested all my time because what would what would happen knowing my luck is I'm gonna do all of this and then the first time that I decide okay time to go underground adventure maybe mine some diamonds or something like that I'm gonna get exploded and then I'll be like oh cool I don't even get to enjoy the house and I have to delete the world folder I just built the house in so I don't know we'll see we'll see how we want to um approach this but in the meantime I just wanna grab some more dirt maybe uh how dare you how dare you invade my beautiful cherry forest biome I did not invite you in here I do not appreciate your attendance all right let's get some more let's get some more we just we just Farm wood that's all we do here is it a different sound effect for the cherry wood than like other kinds of wood dude I have a we got saplings in the inventory ready to go I can re-rack before I even fully chop down the tree bro that's so cool that it has its own sound I'm just again I probably commented about this when I was actually making the snapshot video but then I uh then other things happened and you know I got sidetracked and stuff you know something interesting though I feel like every now and again I have like wonky short-term memory forgetfulness like I'll be sitting at my PC and I'll say to myself okay let's let's go check something let's go do something and then like five seconds later I'll forgotten what it was that I was planning on doing um and I was I was reading this uh thread a couple days ago and it was someone commenting about how they were diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency and it seemed like one of the things that they had described was like kind of forgetfulness and I was thinking to myself hmm I wonder if that could be me I don't really go outside too much I don't get too much sun exposure so obviously you know not not always the best to self-diagnose yourself but it would line up with uh you know me not going outside very much maybe I need to put more of a focus into um trying to have some vitamin D supplements or something and see if that would actually like have an effect or something like that you know um I I feel like the vitamins that I take on a daily basis they do have vitamin D in them but I should check the dosage amounts and see if they're you know anything that's actually a significant amount or if it's just like 10 daily or something like that um I just what I need to do is I just need to make it so that my computer monitor Brian uh shines bright like like the sun um so that it gives me all of the uh vitamin D that I need um yeah you know also I've never actually looked it up it's probably you know quick easy question but vitamin D like the sun does not transmit a vitamin to you via photons is it more like just exposure to sunlight facilitates the the processing of vitamin D in your cells like like you are human photosynthesizing essentially [Music] um so yeah it's just you're basically you are photosynthesis right cool cool I love I love human photosynthesis it's it's kind of a cool thing you know It's Kind it's my it's my favorite thing to do as a human is to go be to go be doing photosynthesis um the UVB rays interact with the skin proteins got it got it so yeah um definitely photosynthesis no but I I genuinely I don't think that the forgetfulness thing even though sure I'm sure it lines up with like ADHD symptoms and stuff like that I I don't believe that is the case because um it's more it is genuinely something that started happening more um since I started streaming more regularly and starting to stream more regularly probably also coincided with going outside less and I don't even go you know I previously I'd have to go to the leave my house to go to the gym right once a day and maybe I get a little bit more sun exposure there um whereas I don't even do that anymore you know what about just turning 30 yeah maybe honestly maybe I am just decrepit there's there is a good chance that I am simply decrepit although remember Twitter does think that I am actually like uh 12. so there is there is that to uh to consider get a window I actually have big Windows over there the problem is if I raise up the blinds then the lighting becomes all inconsistent it actually makes it harder to see the monitor because it's like super bright behind it and so the monitor starts looking dim and then if you thought I was bad at PVP before imagine me trying to do PVP when I can't actually see anyone all right so we're just gonna do like uh I think there's just this all the way across basically in frick maybe go mining for you know what's going to get us to Adventure some more is when I run out of iron and I actually just need to go and uh re-up on my resources and stuff like that but until then I suppose I could just strip wood with this that's probably a more economical way to to do things um and then I do I do need to actually grab some sand uh I may have to go down to the bottom of the river over there because uh this way I can actually just get the sand kind of like smelting well hold on I'll wait for it to be uh I'll just bring the bed with me bro I should go Shear the Sheep though so I can get a super quiet pink bed um let this go room let this go vroom and okay I have the water bucket I hope there's some sick caves around here I can just dive into and get some sick resources and material just make an iron farm cool yeah no good idea good idea all right here we go here we go here we go this is this is the real reason why I made the bridge you will love it we love it doesn't 1.20 allow you to die beds um it it does in fact you could dye beds before 1.20 but 1.20 allows you to take an already dyed bed and then dye it differently that is one of the features that I remember uh greatly well probably because it was one of the later features added but also because that is genuinely something that I have wanted to see in the game for such a long time I was like why can't why can't I and die something that's already been dyed where's the logic in this you know because I'm all about logic as a logical person can I I can't sleep yet the frick is this no that was not in the game before it was definitely not okay can I sleep what the frick dude it should be sleepy time unbelievable uh deadly amaryllis thank you for the sub Brock's birth certificate with two two months of subbage uh bison with seven months and Exile with three years you know part of me wonders why in hardcore mode do they even like have the message that says respawn Point set why even bother do you think that's on the bug tracker that there's a bug in Minecraft hardcore when you click on a bed during the day it says respawn Point set except I can't do that because it's in hardcore and that's not gonna happen all right here we go let's go get a little bit more sand over here and oh that's true you know what yeah it is super true respawn point for coming back from the end you know what I'm dumb you're smart and I made a dum dum um Phoenix Rising with 27 months elicit Renee 40 months my favorite multiple of eight and five that's so awesome are there other multiples of eight and five when you do eight times five or are you just saying like other things that are divisible by both eight and five like 80 or something you prefer 40 to 80. John understandable like you know 80s it's a bigger number and it also means that you're like older and I'll be there in a few years but actually though like when I'm 80 . I feel like a lot of you guys will be pretty old too know and at that point we can all just laugh together about how old we've become won't that be fun I think that'll be pretty fun we'll have to uh Adventure into the Pillager Outpost at some time very very very soon by the way did I mention um you should check out our sponsor Apex hosting via the link in the description and grab yourself 35 off through the end of June before it goes back to 25 off your first month of server hosting with code captainsparkles code captainsparkles is your best friend buy it basically everywhere you know I bet if you were just walking into a movie theater trying to go to a movie and you're buying your ticket and you're like code Captain Sparkles they'd be like oh yeah 10 off we know code Captain Sparkles here code Captain Sparkles is so cool it's the universal 10 discount but also mostly just for um Apex hosting and and Astro and my foot massager turned off unbelievable all right where were we there's our house now I've got glass now our sand now we can melt it up oh I hear somebody I hear a bad guy I hear a skeleton where is he don't you dare ruin my day don't you do it don't you do it I have a 10 discount for you with uh McLarens bro I wish that would be that would be big money savings that's for sure okay so if we're gonna like leave this into another portion than it does mean then I'm gonna have to um I'll do something on this side but I can't do stuff on the other side I can't believe that you guys are gonna force me into like doing a whole expansion instead of just going into a basement because it's going to make things so much more difficult for me to actually you know figure out how to do things pink glass no I think I I think that might be like excessive we need we need some amount of like contrast you know um oh wait I did boom boom and boom Oh I made this one longer made this one longer but you know what maybe we make it another one longer and that'll make it so it's just bigger and we can store more stuff and it'll be more functional that way um let's see yeah like I'll do this extend it out the back and then yeah that way that that and that it gives us more real estate to have our expansion in this direction jardon surviving a thousand days is gonna be Jarred on building a house it may be yeah it's possibility it's a very distinct possibility that it could be me spending a thousand days uh building a house here because I'm not necessarily the uh best home builder in the world you know maybe not I'm gonna do this kind of have those going in as like a foundation of sorts and then there we go I hear the skeleton it's just kind of it's kind of freaking me out man you can't do that to me so we just do this right and then I can just bloop that sort of thing you know I gotta put Windows in those so what am I gonna do about that I believe it was kind of like that or something and then for this because this is now now I'm like yeah I've elongated my template house here so I gotta I've got to adapt I've gotta adapt it and see what I can do you know what I'm gonna do I do like that I do that right and then I get some windows in here which will be super pretty we do panes all the way across right and we're going to have like panes there pains there it'll be super awesome heck yeah two-story two-story you're crazy dude we can't get this ambitious on oh my god dude oh my God what if I did oh wait this is the play this is the play here this is the play and then I do like that that yeah that's what I'm talking about right there bro that's what I'm talking about now that's good we do like that yeah dude and then we're gonna have to make a bunch of like uh we're gonna have to make some freaking trap doors which you're not gonna be like actual trap doors but they're it's gonna be like that you know it's gonna be like that and it's gonna look super duper freaking pretty um oh man but how am I gonna do okay how am I how am I gonna extend this out to the side that's the real question how am I going to extend this out to the side in a way that doesn't look real poopy like what am I gonna do with the what am I gonna do with well I guess let me just check her board let me outline the floor let me outline the floor and that'll be one way to do it I think just bringing this out to the side probably well I can do this right I can do this kinda here and this can kind of go into like a a storage area of sorts cool and like that right and then I just got to figure out like where from here it'll go so if I wanted like chest Gap chess then it would come from here something like that maybe maybe something like that and then those are going to extend one out so maybe like I know it's not going to be an exact match because obviously these but it's gonna have to work this way it's gonna have to be like that cool that is going to be my house template thing of sorts and hopefully it shall work yeah I do need to go and find that pink sheep hold on let me go get that pink sheep and see if I can get some wool for for the bed hello sheep where is where is my favorite pink sheep there you are yo three wool at the gate my man my man dude can we keep her I mean I'm gonna let the Sheep roam free here in my beautiful cherry forest biome we let the sheeps continue to live their lives free there we go our Kawaii pink bed Ah that's more like it right there dude that's more like it look at that thing look at this look at this housing template all coming together I just need to make the whole checkerboard floor over in this area this is going to be a whole it's gonna be a whole undertaking right um oh that doesn't need to happen okay so hold on yeah it's gonna be this it's gonna be this sleepies sleepies I'm gonna need to chop down more trees I gotta chop all the trees down dude they're a monster this freaking skeleton is underneath my house you're kidding me dude okay fine that's how we'll do it actually you know what oh frick I've had a total I've had a change of heart here I've had a total change of heart um I want to do something where I'm gonna I wanna make it so I have more vertical storage on this side I want to actually put the floor into like the same level as the dirt here so I want to actually bring it down with some stairs and yeah I think it'll be better that way so instead we'll have stairs here and then we'll bring the floor into the floor so that the floor is made of four and that will give us more vertical room right and then if we wanted to we can even have like a back porch I love it when the floor is made of floor personally so I hope you can understand so if we do that uh how do we wanna so I guess it'd be on the same because if we're keeping the checkerboard it counts where the stairs would be so Captain Sparkles not the destroyer of floors the Builder the Builder of floors wow he's truly he's truly evolved since his roots of evil and now he constructs instead of destroying truly a character Arc for the ages there we go and then see we can just do this yeah like that bro oh my goodness gracious that's what I'm talking about now I have to chop down more trees God dang it um yeah I gotta go I gotta go choppy choppy some more trees because man it just doesn't stop um as far as freaking needing more wood I need all the wood in the world gosh dang it any more storage in there nope not much more hey what I should do is I should get this stuff smelting too cool um yeah no I would really like to use some dark oak stairs the issue is I I just haven't found a dark oak forest yet so I'm probably gonna have to find one but I don't know where it is right I don't know where it is it's just a little it presents a wee bit of a problem uh I don't know it might be very very very very far away alternatively I could try to find maybe like some Spruce or something like that see how that goes for us um but yeah we're gonna have to figure out kind of an alternative I didn't make this easy on myself by making it so that everything is made out of logs instead of blanks but the stairs that we used for contrast for the roof and stuff those were dark oak planks so slay the scally but what if the Skelly sleeves me and then I lose my beautiful hardcore world yeah this is just like this is really I'm laying it all on the line by building a nice house here man imagine those people who do the 1000 million days series all condensed into I survived 1000 days in Minecraft hardcore but it's like a 20 minute video and they've built like they've recreated the entire civilization of planet earth in every single City that they built like they they built every city in the world New York Tokyo La one to one scale in one thousand days in Minecraft and and that's all in hardcore and if they lost it that's it it's gone forever imagine imagine that imagine like that high stakes laying it all online fully transform a biome yeah turn the Cherry Forest into the end have that good have that good old before and after dot dot dot line with the arrow thumbnail let's go dude big plays big plays um okay wait gotta re-rack got a tree rack really though I I've thought to myself a lot lately about just like you know where Minecraft content is as a whole on YouTube and I feel like just from a viewer perspective it's like and it's just crazy incredible space in that like you have so many channels these days that they put out a video like once a month but they've spent the entire month working on that video but there's so many of the channels that do this kind of content that like if you are subscribed to a bunch of them then you basically are getting daily videos but each of those daily videos is something that someone worked on for an entire month um from a Creator standpoint though obviously that creates a very very competitive environment where if presented with you know a video that's like me episode 20 of create above and beyond let's play or it's you know I did something that took me an entire month in order to organize and arrange yeah it's pretty hard to convince someone to click on create above and beyond episode 20 versus the thing that somebody has spent there the life doing for an entire month um so anyway it's uh it's an interesting place to be in from a Creator standpoint but you know means there's just better videos than ever that are going up um but it's hard to it's hard to compete if you're trying to put out videos on a super regular basis and that's why I think like more and more it's the the channels out there doing Minecraft are just like very very infrequent videos that have just had a gigantic amount of work put into each and every one of them um so anyway uh let's see how do we want to continue now I'm kind of improvising this here so how do I want to do it bro how do I want to do it do I want to can I keep the trend going maybe um I just kind of keep the trend going right like doing doing this stuff here doing that stuff and then I could have like bigger with the windows in this might just be obstructed by chests eventually um but it'll be it'll be what it is and it is what it do so do kind of like what if I did two windows yeah yeah that'll be that'll be a play that'll be a play right do kind of like this Frame It Up the amount of trees that I'm gonna have to mine you know what let me just grow some grow some extra Trees close by here really really increase the density of the forest in the proximity of our beautiful home without obstructing The View we don't want to obstruct The View right basement no I can't I'm it's illegal people like nope you can't do a basement not allowed even though the chests are just going to end up obstructing the windows but they were like no no no no you can't do that not allowed literally illegal the police are going to come and arrest you if you built a basement like oh God okay well whatever you say if you say so but then I can do like Frick that is not what I wanted to do I don't have silk touch that was the wrong thing what I wanted to do was I wanted to grab the Cherry trap door and then I could do that I can do like this and I can do like that you know well look at that get a little bit of that going right there but chest and windows kind of ugly you don't know what you want from me then man what do you want me to do all of a sudden everybody is saying that I I should be making a freaking basement it's like this can't be happening this can't be happening you can't you can't go and then tell me no no actually you know what you should have done a basement because chess you can't go and tell me this but I will I will I mean if you want me to do it I will second floor slash attic it's not gonna be tall enough it's not gonna be tall enough for that dude um is not going to be tall enough for that let's see you know what let me do this do that and then do this actually I put a link in the middle like so undo more of these kinda something like that looks kind of uh Kawaii unless oh you know what alternatively alternatively what if I made this into a back porch to kind of break up the monotony and then I do more of this on that side yeah I think that might be better that might be better do like a do a back porch um I don't know like what the best way is going to be maybe just some like kind of slabs coming out kind of like kind of porch it up like this perhaps and then we'll have like an exit out the center this it does mean to break the windows rip you're not allowed to sleep there are monsters nearby go Frick off okay something like that something like that and then we can kind of like dig this out and so it'll be kind of an elevated patio area out of the back you know I'm gonna need to light this up but I want to do it with lanterns but I normally I don't want to use up all of my iron on that when I need to use my iron in order to make stuff like tools to replace the tools that are going to be breaking every two seconds here okay how do how do let's do this let me just I probably should just make a crafting table over here to have kind of like this sort of yeah you know kind of like this and then I don't know how far we want it to extend but maybe maybe just like out to here could look nice and then we connected on top via some fences right so it'll be like that like that and like so and then we get some of our do we still have any leftover fences we do not that's okay though I'm doing great oh thanks guys you're so kind one two is that enough probably I'll need more fences all right no problem it's kind of cool that's kind of cool I do think maybe we could use a little bit more of like a you know v-ish shape on top of that but what I could do is I could have the kind of same sort of thing here you know the leaves or kind of falling down right a little leaf a little leaf accentage kind of like try can I use the trap doors in order to get up Frick this um that's not gonna work wait can I just uh is there yeah I guess the decoration is different so they are they are uh side dependent whatever I'll just use dirt to build up yeah I agree I think what we do is like do a little bit of maybe this kind of um frick reach take it something like that maybe know you just have a little bit of leafage flowing over the place you know you know it's kind of it's looking it's looking pretty pretty Kawaii very cool very cool um let's see let's see I mean maybe this could look like it has some additional support like that yeah there we go then things can crawl underneath the deck and it can it'll get kind of gross under there every now and again but oh well is what it is uh to put on the Kawaii pretty pretty pink kikoku uh skin in order to to yeah stupid zombies ruining my life here though that's so annoying all right all right here it's time to Let's complete the front facade okay okay so it was like it's like this kind of well uh what is it hold on it says come like this I think and then like a glass pain sort of and then it was like that and that and then I think we just did a little upside down pink stare kind of like that and then it was this stuff on either side um kind of like that and then and I think I trap adored those something like this then I had a lantern uh hanging down I think I think right right right right all right well here we go time to use up some of my iron uh oh I don't have torches on me foreign is filling up bro uh let me make an oh maybe I want to keep the spruces possible accents God I didn't I didn't think I should have collected more of the spruce while I was on my way here ah man and then I would have been able to have some uh more nice and stuff like that my chest is filling up Frick no connect you fool oh all right anyway I think I just did that right there right sort of did that and then the stairs kind of covered the rest all right all right let's see so okay that's looking pretty good there and then I think we need a little bit of like accentation on the back maybe of this something I guess similar to what I did on the sides probably so just more of the uh do let's see maybe like Rick maybe like this and do like leaf leaf leaf and then get a couple glass panes going there and there I don't like so did I have the bat I might have had the back windows taller may have had the back windows a little taller uh let's see yeah kind of like that's probably a little bit better and then got it uh wait hold on Expert gamer moment expert gamer got it okay I think so cool something like that you know that's looking pretty good and we're kind of at this point we're really just missing having the uh dark oak as an accent um it's the only bummer okay gotta go out here now put their ass down let me sleep okay at least it doesn't say there's monsters nearby or maybe we'll say there's monsters nearby soon this will be annoying okay we need to do that there we go and then this side I guess this side we yeah we just kind of do the same thing over here and over here right now you're supposed to figure out how to connect that monsters nearby No Monsters nearby they need spawn let's go frick steel the Darko from the Pillager Outpost oh [Music] oh that might be a little that might be a quest for us that's not a bad idea actually it's not a bad idea at all I kind of link that I like the way you're thinking okay now over here okay I can do the I can do the same thing I was I was thinking on the back side that I kind of built out but then abandoned because I decided to do the uh back deck so we can do it that way yeah yeah yeah um and then we do this perfect no windows on this side no I'm gonna do I'm a new basement because everybody seemed to have a change of heart and they're like no you know what on second thought you should do a basement I'm gonna do a basement all right and I won't have to worry about running out of space either you know no not a basement that looks good yeah so we can have that on the interior it doesn't show on the outside that's actually that's pretty cool right there dude that's pretty cool look at that look at that that's looking nice uh I need to cook chop down more trees or should I start actually working on going to the Pillager Outpost should I risk it for the biscuit and uh see if I can get myself some dark oak over there I have a little bit of an adventure element to this episode oh boy all right how are we looking how are we looking I mean we got our full iron armor right we got our full iron armor we got a gamble just in case we got water we got blocks um and I have a bed surely nothing will go wrong here oh boy oh boy all right everybody it's done we got lots of food it's Village in time boys I gotta be careful though because what if I get bad Omen oh god dude what if I get back home and then I'm gonna be ultra fricked oh my oh my we got a little bit Oh I thought it was like a bigger bigger cave there but it's not oh God there's a banner carrier right there a freaking band I'm gonna get bad Omen whatever it's fine I'm sure I can get some Mulk right try me bud try me bucko dude what if there was alleys wait wait oh there's a sick actually there's cows over there I can I can just get rid of the Battlement immediately oh what if I get an armor trim here too dude I could get an armor Trend this could be so sick oh God got him got him got him whoa there's a tree growing into the freaking thing free wood free cherry wood that's kind of cool though it was like a tree growing into the Pillager Outpost together we good are we good I'll get someone's inside right oh there's even cherry on the floor all right uh dark oak we need dark oak logs I'm about to dismantle the frick out of this I like how I was building the house kind of with a view of the Pillager Outpost and I'm just like you know what farewell pillow you know what I could do I could turn the Pillager Outpost into a cherry Pillager Outpost the Kawaii Pillager a frick balls wow I'm gonna turn it into the Kawaii Pillager Outpost no I'm can't you see I'm making your base cute do you not want a cute base why would you not want a cute base you idiots They're Gonna Keep they're gonna keep coming at me even though I'm trying to make it cute this is terrible this is terrible have they no idea what they're doing have they no idea what it what sort of beauty they're trying to stop I should I should actually that'd be really funny I just make it a rule that every single log that I break on the Pillager Outpost I have to I have to replace with a cherry log that'll be great actually it's gonna be such an unnecessary way to spend the time but I think the outcome will be good and then it's something like because this is so close that I have to I have to look at this right I'm gonna have to live with the outcome of how this looks so to just have a completely destroyed Pillager Outpost in my view I don't think the HOA would approve actually I think we got to do something that the HOA would approve of ah frick my shovel don't worry I re-racked my trees I tree rack my wreaths this is actually so so fortuitous though because can you imagine if I actually had to go search for uh dark oak like that could take ages it could be I could potentially travel so far that the first dark oak forest I find is freaking it's a woodland Mansion you know seriously I don't you see that I'm freaking in the middle of this man I'm Kauai stop I'm kawaiying Frick miss me oh where they all come from what the frick is happening whoa whoa what's going on here folks what's going on here Fellers there's three of them holy frick holy frick oh my God the whole the freaking Cavalry is here Jesus I do have some arrows actually hit each other all right instead of me hit each other there's five of them what the frick dude shoot each other shoot each other shoot each other my Shield's actually freaked up bro one down one down oh my God my Shield's fricked one sec one sec one sec did I bring any iron with me I didn't oh my God oh my God they are not messing around here man okay I can use some of my arrows you know he's done no error usage no error usage Frick I need the cherry wood before it despawns and then by the time I left like they probably more respond yeah they did oh my God okay there we go there we go we good we good another this is not a great place to have to farm things huh I got a lot of stuff going I can oh frick that's gonna be a floater we can't have floaters around here dude no floaters in my vision actually there are a lot of floaters in my opinion you little freaking idiot there there are unfortunately a lot of floaters in my vision but what can you do probably only gets worse as you get older I keep forgetting to do that I like how you get a free bonus one right it's hidden underground and so I don't need to I only need to spend two to get three stunks stonks all right we need to sleep in that I should see a doctor about floaters it's like not that many it's just some and they'd like they evolve over time right so like the ones that seriously again the ones that I have now like they may not be there anymore pretty soon and then you know it's only really when you're looking at like a super bright white wall or something like that did it always do a full countdown I thought it actually I thought it would just go dot right asterisks when it was super long up until it hit about half an hour I didn't realize is that new to 1.20 or is one of them like mods right now actually oh it's new and they fixed it I did not realize that was uh done in one time sick that's sick you little Fricks oh my God are we doing uh okay our Armor's still pretty pretty good okay qualification of the raid Farm does continue okay we have those um yeah we have this oh yeah we got this stuff to mine this is gonna be awesome oh you oh whoa whoa what are we doing what is this oh they're all they're all freaking here the heck oh come to me freaking there oh my Lord why wow you go and shoot each other you fools oh wait I need the ah frick I needed to strip everything hold on [Music] [Applause] what do you do to work what do you do to our house man we were only cool and edgy and like dark and you just put you made it to Hawaii what the freak I'm about to I'm I'm gonna have to book it out of here when I'm done they're gonna be so many that are just shooting at me from all angles no no balls stop there we go bro we got a ton dude this is actually sick we can come back for more 46 dog Coke is pretty good wait there's still uh oh there's a few more in here look at this yeah easy easy kicker and Easy Pickins [Music] bro this is good it's good it's looking good look at me using using wood stripping in order to in order to build or graduating we're graduating to professional aesthetic Builder man oh there's a little [Music] I'm not going straight back to my house otherwise they're gonna follow me over there and it's gonna be bad and then I will not be able to live in peace okay I got my bed cool cool nope don't follow me I'm going now I I didn't have a great luck with you know uh accumulating additional cherry wood but I think it Frick I think it was all for a good good cause really at the end of the day and then this will allow us to do some pretty awesome stuff here with our house and then we'll continue oh my god dude imagine I replace all of this and the qualification of the Pillager Outpost continues wow that would be pretty sick dude ah shoot I forgot I should have run the replay mod while I was over there now in between episodes I'm gonna have to risk a death to go run close to the pillagers in order to get a thumbnail with the replay mod dang it well anyway here so let me convert like half of this and then we're going to make basically just a ton a ton of stairs right and then um yeah it's so here I can just kind of frame it up what what was the look ing like right so basically I believe it was kind of like like this right sort of like that and then there would be an upside down kind of like that and then like so and then I'm just going to kind of frame what the outside is going to look like and then we can basically just you know expand off of that like that and yeah I think that's kind of how it was more or less yeah wait this and then the like like this I'm not sure what I'm gonna do at the bottom there this needs to go down more I guess kind of like that and then I don't know what we do at that joint right there but um okay cool that means I must have had some additional Cherry like on the inside of this I must have done like that and that um I gotta assume cool prick I need to make another shovel but yeah like that basically that should be kind of how it looks at the front you know not bad right not bad I think that's I think that's pretty cool looking right there pretty cool looking is a little bit of a start it's you know not complete it's kind of like a movie set just a front but um yeah oh wait oh my God there we go huh how could I forget that that would have been just that would have been just terrible hold on we can expand some stuff just a little bit more I guess across here right span it all the way out like so boom we are probably gonna need more of the dark oak I think we're gonna have to do it's gonna be a pretty full-on qualification of the Pillager Outpost but we're gonna be here for it it's gonna be awesome I mean we still have more dark oak I am we have more dark oak planks so here hold on a little bit more like that a little bit more like so a little bit more like that we can just like complete the uh I guess we get the roof kind of done here I don't remember if I I don't think I added anything additional on top I think I kind of just left it sort of flat like that there we go a little bit of that and then the only yeah the difficulty is going to be trying to figure out like what to do with the the roof joint you know I'll just do that we'll just make a bunch more stairs that'll be easy enough you know what yeah let's let's just get the roof kind of finished up on this side at least so yeah it'll be like okay how do I do this part right am I gonna make it so it like kind of comes at like an angle how are we gonna do that no cause it's gonna have to be like that probably and like that it's not gonna I'm trying to just figure out the engineering here it's gonna be a little tricky to do probably have to be kind of like this somehow you know at least the tree can help to uh obscure some stuff right make it make it a little bit easier right oh brick but yeah I mean probably be like this Rick I've done it again then maybe we okay we'll have to figure out how to like merge that into the uh cherry wood and stuff but I don't know that kind of It kind of works it kind of works yeah it kind of works let's see that it was like that and then that boom boom yeah this works can always fine tune it but it's like it's a start you know cool and then yeah I'll probably do another uh have another thing of cherry kind of running running down the center there I'll just have to collect some more but yeah I mean that kind of it's all right it's all right that's working did I draw I think I dropped some stuff down I don't want to waste it because otherwise uh you know dark oak is a it's a commodity I want to lose any of the stairs why does it feel like the ultra modded survival house I'll tell you why because that house was also made out of cherry wood so but we're trying to add like additional accents here and stuff like that so Yi can I sleep I can sleep there are no more mobs underneath all right cool stuff well um we'll make this kind of an ongoing project but for now thanks for tuning in everybody hopefully you've enjoyed our progress our little house and the qualification of the Pillager Tower we're no closer to actually um you know beating any of the four bosses but um it will look good while we're doing it so make sure to like the video subscribe to Kevin Sparkles too follow cabin Sparkles and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 60,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, 1.20, trails and tails, minecraft 1.20, minecraft update
Id: 4lJcTt1EGgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 17sec (4697 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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