The first honey harvest from our horizontal hive.

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foreign foreign fall day in Southeast Louisiana today is October 22nd yeah 22nd and today I'm going to be doing something that man I'm just like pumped to do because I'm actually going to be pulling honey out of the horizontal Hive you're not going to believe it but Good Time Charlie made this Hive for me and Mona for Christmas last year and we put and we put a swarm of bees in it and we're pulling honey from it this year so by the grace of God we're going to find out how much honey these bees have put in here and hopefully these come on sting me and we're gonna get some honey and I'm gonna show you how I harvest the honey uh the old way of doing it let's Wrangle some honey all right now before we actually open it up just want to give you a front view of what we got the entrance he's got right there we've got two little holes for their main entrance and he's really done a really great job on on this box on right here he's also added a another entrance if I want to put two hearts in there where he's can do it like this but this one is strictly a one-hive one you know I've always talked about I love keeping my eyes Under covering so this Hive is right on our back porch it's just sitting on the back porch oh yeah I didn't have a shed yet so I put the Hive on the back porch to get the bees going in there because I just love what the bees do when they're undercover all right let's take a look at the other side now this is the the business inside of the hot and you can see right there like he put a really nice Saint Benedict metal in there for us because uh I'm a big fan of Saint Benedict from The Abbey and he's got he's got the box hinged so that you can work it just like this and look at this look how he's got this thing's so nice now all of all of the openings that he's got screens on they've propolised them completely up they propolis now this this opening right here you can you can put a feeder on [Music] there they are inside you can put a feeder on this one and on the inside look at that so mud daubers built a little Nest up in there but if any bees should get inside both the ends are open for the bees to escape and when I started putting the frames in there we never got to 30. I think we've only got 27. so here's our end board right there and these These are really nice this is all cedar boards right here and underneath the the boards well of course there's going to be frames underneath there I'll be harvesting um from this point right here to this point right here and this I I won't I'll probably open it up just to to show you um what it looks like and let me tell you about the story on the bees that now occupy this hive it was in late May late May middle of May late May Charlie said Jeff I forgot I got a swarm for you let's go ahead and set them up in the long Hive I said great great so I brought him over and Charlie Charlie his traps they're those deep traps um I don't know the size of them maybe they might be 16 inches deep something like that and he left the bees in there for about two weeks and maybe three weeks and when he brought him over to me and we took him out the bees had built the comb underneath the frames instead of inside of the frames so what we had to do was cut the cut it off on the bottom it made it easy for us because we had the frames already open we could just cut the comb and set it in the frame and they drew it out to almost fit that 9 5 8 frame because they're all deeps in here and we cut out probably six or seven of them and and I'm really sorry I never made a video on us installing those bees in here so we we used all of the wax that was in there and we placed those seven or eight frames in these first two sections it might have been three first three sections place them inside of here and that that was it and there was brood in these in this comb it was all set up ready to go and the bees didn't miss a lick because when we transferred all that stuff it didn't even slow them down at all and it was a really strong Hive it probably covered five or six of the frames so there were a lot of bees in there and about two or three weeks after that I went back in there and I added seven or eight more frames in there now those frames I added in there were drawn cone they were drawn comb but I put them in there and another two or three more weeks maybe probably three weeks later then I added the rest of the supers in there and that was the only two times that I opened up this hive I I mean I didn't do anything and so in here we are in October and that swarm that we put in here in May we're harvesting honey off of this off of this Hive I mean this honey that that I'm taking is not going to The Abbey this this is actually going to be bonus of my honey that we're going to keep for the rest of this this year and I'm really looking forward to tasting what kind of Honey these bees have produced for so let's go ahead and find out what these bees have been doing since they've been installed at the end of May all right we've got the smoker lid let's go ahead and put on my suit all right got the armor on now this first one now we can just start opening this thing up and they have bees even all the way down here so let's go ahead and just blow a few things of smoke in there and and you know I I don't like using smoke because I know it does stress bees so I use a very sparingly so here's the end and bar right there and this is the inner brain look at that and this is what you'd expect to see at the end you see the high beetles on that this Frame right here I'm not even going to worry about this Frame because as spotty as that honey is right there I'm not going to worry about that but let me knock these beetles off and squish them all right let's pull this next one and see what we got not much on this one either a little bit but no beetles on that one well it's not looking so good so far not very much on that one either at this rate it doesn't look like me I'm only gonna have much honey [Music] yeah yeah a little bit more but still not very much yeah decent but I'm not I'm not gonna be grabbing that stuff I have all this all right so now we're starting to get a little something that's not bad at all but still ain't the full frame that I'm wanting to find this one looks really good [Music] look at that I think what I'm gonna do is just take two frames this one and the next one because it looks really nice and let them have everything else look at that oh that's that's really nice oh look at this next one too I might get we're gonna go ahead and open up the whole hive and that is nice again another beautiful frame I'm not worried about the bees having enough stores in here to get them through the winter that's for sure yeah now we're getting more into the into the bees as well and that's a big heavy frame of Honey right there look at that style yeah this this Frame right here it's got to be eight pounds easy eight pounds that is a heavy one oh man this is another nice one but as you can see it's all honey not a lick of brood on any of this another heavy frame though and then here's some uncapped nectar in there so they're bringing stuff in right now and that's that Golden Rod that's blooming right now they're going through this so now we're already into Brew look at that went to brood and I could as soon as I picked this Frame Up the weight of it significantly less and look look at all that pollen stores right in there and these bees are really doing well now you all might see that Queen she's on that side if she is I'm looking over here right now a lot of rude I don't see you of course this is old older brood and I'd always expect to find her on the newest or on cat breed all right y'all see you on that side I see some uncapped brood over here a whole lot there she is right there look at it let's see it right here she doesn't look like a really big Queen does she but I know I saw the the brand new brood uncapped brood down here and then she was on this side all right let's put all these bees back together we don't need to go anymore let's see the rubber bands right there and right here the other ones they must have drugged them out because they were rubber bands on all of these blue hair and board in there just hang everything up see a high Beetle down there look at that great let's close this thing up all right great so I'm gonna grab these three frames right here and it's gonna be enough for us and head up into the garage we're gonna take care of this stuff right now because I only got three three frames of honey there's just no way I'm going to dirty up an extractor so it's just the simplest way of doing it is just scraping the honey right off of the foundations and that's all I'm going to do I'm going to place the comb inside of the colander and scrape it away oh all right okay man I have got to taste this stuff you could have tasted again because it ain't okay now I got it to work is it good I've got to get a taste of this stuff man just a little bit but it's too good just because me and Mona is just for us I ain't worried about putting that in there it's gonna drain out oh great job on that there it is all cleaned off now this along with the other two they're just going to go back outside and let the bees finish them off instructions and there it is this stuff I'll just let it drain pretty much overnight and I'll show you what this stuff looks like come tomorrow all this honey that's up here it's going to be in the bottom all right we'll check back with this tomorrow and I'll show you how much Hunter we got now about 18 hours later all of our honey well not all of it but the majority of our honey has drained by gravity through all that wax and has gone into our drum below now it's time for me to get the honey that's in the tub right here and run it through the filter into my little bucket foreign now I did want to show you that I did scrape out that drum really really well and you can see all the cappings that we've caught inside of our filter is the main filter and then the one underneath it and it's really fine particles of wax in there so all this now it's going to be set outside and let the bees start robbing it out and here it is folks product frames of Honey about three quarters of a gallon right there not bad just goes to show you don't have to have all that fancy dance equipment that you to process your honey you can do it in your garage you can do it in the outside you can do whatever you want to do it but you don't have to have that really fancy high-class stainless steel equipment to get you some good old bee honey and you know as that famous saying goes right I can't remember the guy's name you know being a hobby beekeeper it's just a way of life so thanks for watching keep on watching and I'll be making more God bless me and these bees back here we're out of here until the next video God bless everybody [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 71,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The first honey harvest from our horizontal hive., harvesting honey from a beehive, harvesting honeycomb, harvesting honey without an extractor, Long hives, horizontal hives, top bar, top bar hive, straining honey, feeding bees in fall, custom built horizontal hive, jeff horchoff bees youtube, jeff horchoff youtube, swarms of bees
Id: ngwicsFRrR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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