Honeybee Long Hive Build.

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all right welcome back to honeydew Acres in this video we're going to be making a long hive uh there's gonna be some voiceovers as the audio didn't come out as well as us hoping it was going to and quite frankly I forgot to put some commentary in there uh but before then we're gonna do a little update walk the animals real quick say hello to the pigs and just kind of check out what this winter wonderland is I'm not sure if it's going to show up in the video or not but uh it is snowing we're supposed to see another three to six inches of snow tonight so should be pretty good and then we'll also going to test out the Audio I got a new camera that I'm recording on right now we're going to see how the audio comes out hopefully pretty well here you can see Carl using a dado blade to cut the ledges that the frames and the top covers will be sitting on The Hive body is made out of a 2 by 12 to cut down the length goes right there two screws per side I'm sorry two two screws per corner I typically do four oh I think three would be more than ample it's not like there's a lot of pressure trying to pull this apart once it's together all right actually that's done I'm one of those if a little does a little good I eat but do it you feel good bottom or drop uh I think I'm gonna go right here to start with what would it work for medium frames yes yes it would yeah and I'm going to make one out of that's a good idea [Music] there you go perfect see that still gives you a little side room um if it gets shifted all the way one way or another it won't fall down in there because I looked at one that a guy um purchased and if you didn't have these perfect this was too wide too wide and it would it would fall down in there but I think that's perfect cool all right one more screw then we got one ass symbol well it just locks in really yep cool yeah now slide it all the way down it all just fit just fine yep beautiful so really like this is the first one all you all you really have to have on these is a bottom top you can do as much as you want to to them I typically put a vent in the ends the smaller one and when I put the bottom in I put a vent in it I put legs on them and when I put my Tops on do hinges back there raise it that way away do it on that side and raise it this way the hinges go here that way when you're working your bees you're on the back side of the entrance yeah yes you're on the back of the hive I like that so when you do the vents on the sides do you plug them in the winter or leave them open in the winter um usually by the time I get to plugging them do fair enough um but let's say I've crammed them all down to this much this one I'll plug because nobody's coming down here anyway um but that's just my own thinking it doesn't mean anything to the bees I guess but I figure if the bees have access to that one all the time because I've noticed in the spring they'll pop it open again yeah when they need more ventilation yep so here I'm going to start cutting out the bottom and top of the hive this is done using three-quarter inch plywood we're installing the bottom of the hive here from the piece that I just cut out we had glue to all of the seams to prevent wind from blowing through the hive foreign what the heck did you miss no because that would need longer no it stopped shooting nails even though it's got nails oh thumbs up yeah now I was going through this I'm like why is this board still wobbling around I don't know where narrow there nail there no nail there stop right here okay weird oh you know why I don't know what I thought you're going to say something insightful that was it that is an insightful to get that didn't sound like nails either but it either okay here you can see on the right hand side is a natural defect in the wood that goes all the way through we'll use what we're doing is [Music] or poking out so that way they should next we're going to start installing the legs we do this while the hive is still upside down [Applause] all right welcome back so it's the next weekend we're gonna continue working on these beehives long hives right that's what they're called yes and we got to burn the insides so that'll be our next step so you're going to put a couple holes in it what are those holes for at an entrance at either end gotcha um that one we from where a lamb protruded and now this one's gonna be two holes and I am angling up so any water that hits there and what's the purpose of burning them like this well the bees like it dark the darker the better um other than that it doesn't do a whole lot it's been proven but a lot of people just like it I the one that just likes it but if you think about bees in the natural world they look for a place to go they go into a cavity in a tree half of those but where lightning abstract and burn the tree that's true so basically we're trying to mimic nature correct need one of those uh weed torches just taking a look at the bee box beehive you can see this is what it looks like after it's been burnt all right what's the next step all right next step is to build our frame for the roof Okay so front back and two sides front back two sides fair enough I gotta put my glasses on to even see this it won't stay over I love doing them right on top of here and the reason I like doing them on top of here because I've been asked this before often you've got those little like right there there's not an eighth but over a sixteenth inch Gap so my thinking is when you do it on top of here like this just get a better seal if since this board's a little lower this one's going to be a little lower so it closes up a lot of that Gap all right now we're going to add some screens to these holes we don't want the bees to use these as entrances and we don't want anything to be able to climb into it now I'm going to add hinges to the lid as you can see I'm working on the front side of the hive so you want the lid to swing towards the front of the hive so that way when you're working your bees you're on the back side of the hive it's another good view of that natural entrance as well there is a total of three hinges here Carl's cutting out the top covers for the hives all right so now we have the top covers to our beehive and just put some visuals so you guys I can understand how this works here's a standard frame here's a standard frame for a beehive those go right in here they said in this inner Rail and then this cover will go right over top of it so you'll have four different covers that you'll have access to but I'm getting ready to do is drill a vent hole in the top of them [Music] all right so the screens are on they're downside and then the nice thing about it is when you're working on your hive and you open this lid up they actually can't come up and see you the next thing is we're going to add these little handles the top so that way we can grab these cover boards off Phillips bit trying to go backwards it's not going to go down just so you know I don't know if you know that or not yeah foreign I think the correct term was screw it screw it yeah I've said that a lot and the point of the glue is just to help seal it up a little bit yeah yeah everything to make you feel better yeah yeah ready we're adding the plywood brew from the pieces I cut out earlier that's the right size right there you think right here I must have hit it we're adding a wooden handle to lift the lid up that Carl cut out of a scrap piece of 2x4 there you go it's a really good idea it works really well foreign nice good cheap handles yeah that's actually a really good idea I didn't thought about that all right let's get the roof I didn't capture this in video but if as you can see here we added a chain this chain is to catch the lid as we open it up to prevent it from holding too far you did you're I learned that from a guy yeah bet you he's awesome though isn't it yeah let's go with that you got to play with these to give them the way you want them I don't think I don't think anybody's going to be able to see both sides at one time I can can you well magic eyes you want it rid of the edge or you want it in further and I did I usually go in one side but all right [Music] we're cutting off the excess metal from the roof [Music] so now what's the point of doing this because I have a tendency as a lot of people do walking into the corners and it keeps from keeps from gutting you so it just makes a little bit safer yeah yeah that's the main thing of it so now we're adding a little bit of uh Styrofoam insulation at the top this is a one and a half inches thick I believe it's an R7 is what it comes out to yeah I like the hive as well so this is our completed Hive there's some finishing touches obviously we got to take and caulk the the seams and we're going to go ahead and paint it so that way it's a little bit more weather resistant got a nice little handle here Pop It Up Sand holds the lid like I said access your inner covers easy to get into the nice thing about these style hives is it puts everything at working height so you're not hunched way over working on anything and you're not going to have to pick up a 70 to 90 pound super full of honey I'm just gonna pull individual frames out as you eat them foreign and you should be done watching the video now so I hope everybody enjoyed I want to say thank you for subscribing sharing liking watching come back and join us on honeydew Acres we got uh chicks on the way I believe they should be here at the end of the month we should have referred to 40 meat chickens we got another chicken tractor to build we're gonna build uh the skeleton style I believe it is gold so we can compare the two uh we'll have Cavs coming and then eventually we'll have piglets this fall again thanks everybody
Channel: HoneyDewAcres
Views: 8,375
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Id: 43hLH-CGspk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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