How to build a simple HORIZONTAL BEEHIVE for UNDER $50!

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welcome back to the homestead guys today I have a special video for you I'm gonna be showing you how to make a horizontal beehive [Music] so this is it this is one that I previously made Valley about two weeks ago something like that we had a major a couple swarms from our old beehive over here on the left and I had to do some screen and I built this in a hurry so I learned about a length this is actually called a length Shroff horizontal hive because it can fit Leng straw frames inside of it so you don't if you have a length you're all set up like I have over here and most of my setup is length straw sizing you can take this and put your length straw frames inside so it was super convenient for us I learned about this actually from off-grid with Doug and Stacey awesome channel you can check it out link it in the description below they had this guy come out from actually the right around here in Kansas City he's from the Ozarks and he basically teaches a method of beekeeping that's basically natural it has less input from the beekeeper to the bees which I love that idea and I love that concept I checked out his website I'll leave a link in the description blood you can check it out as well he's got a bunch of plans for layings hives and like I said this horizontal hive and frames and all of that so that's where I learned all about how to show you what I'm gonna build today so let's check out the horizontal hive and see what I got inside right now I'm actually because we had so many swarms I have two hives in here I have one on the left and one on the right over here and then I have dividers separating so they don't they can't commingle on the center but the concept with this is that this is supposed to be devoted to just one bee hive that can fit up to 30 I think 31 frames in this box but so far I love this method it's just easier to work with everything's right there you don't need to take boxes apart and move I mean everything's right there accessible for you so hopefully we don't get stung today I'm not gonna wear it in my gear and I'm gonna open up the top just so you can see how this looks inside alright so here it is from the inside I just took the top off you can actually make hinges for these tops and they come open a little bit more easier than that but right now this is how I have my horizontal hive setup this in frame is a divider frame that I was talking about and then this is just a makeshift top cover I haven't fully completed this highs on the top covers are supposed to be slats that you lay in you can take off as needed this was kind of like an emergency situation so I just use these little pieces apply what is top covers so you can see how I have a hive over here and a high of over here and the only reason this board is down here it's because it's blocking the center Insurance right here today we're going to be just building the most basic version of this hive you can at you can do all sorts of add-ons to this horizontal hive so eventually I'll come back and I'll do the top cover add on another add-on you can do is you can do a screen the bottom instead of what I have here all of this you can find on the website that I linked in the description below so go ahead and check out that website and kind of explore what you want to do let's go over here and get started so instead of putting a supply list on this video I'm again gonna just refer you to horizontal hive comm it'll be in a link in the description below you can go there and check it out he has plans for all sorts of stuff like I said and the plans for this specific project that I'm doing is for the Lang straw horizontal hive so you can check out yes materials list cut list and all of that stuff I'm just going to show you my experience of how to run through and and and do this build so what I got behind me is most of his materials list I did change some things up three and a half inch deck screws two and a half inch inch and a quarter and then obviously a drill motor impact drill and then have like a more precise ruler like a metal ruler chisel a larger measuring tape square course and then this is probably one of the most crucial tools that you're going to need that most people might not have we had to go out and buy one so this is a router and then we also had to buy guide with it so make sure if you get a router you go ahead and get a guide with it because it's extremely hard to use this thing without a guide you end up having to rig up kind of like a board to make sure you're going in a straight line which I know because I did but this using a guide with the router is a hundred times easier so this is one of the most crucial tools you're going to need and then you're going to just need a circular saw for cutting your plywood and we'll move on to the wood so you're going to need one two by two or two by twelve by twelve I switch this part out from his design I use a 1 by 2 by 8 and this is for the top cover and he uses plywood for his frame for the top cover I just don't see that it's very strong so I and this is way easier it's like 97 cents for this board and then it there it requires one 2 by 4 by 10 and this is for the legs so I also one tool I missed was a miter saw so the miter saw is crucial ideally you use a miter saw with a sliding miter saw so you can cut through this 2 by 12 but for me I'm just gonna cut one side flip it over and cut the other but a Meyer saw is pretty crucial instead of having to use a circular saw with a fence or something like that the last material that I forgot was actually the for bait she'd apply wood do you need a 4x8 sheet of plywood that is 15 30 seconds and thickness and that's going to be for the top cover and for the bottom board so we're going to go ahead and jump in to the first step and obviously that's to make our cuts for the box itself I'm actually going to be making two hives today and I'll keep one hive a step ahead so I can show you what I've done and then we can jump right into it so behind me is the first box that I did so I went ahead and made my cuts and basically we're just gonna assemble it like a little rectangle there's no there's nothing complicated about this part just make sure you follow the cuts that he gives so we'll go ahead and get started here so we're gonna have four cuts on our two by twelve by twelve so these sides are going to be forty four and thirteen sixteenths and these ends are going to be twenty one and three-eighths so let's get these cut up if you don't have a sliding miter saw you can just use a regular miter saw that obviously can need to find one that can go six inches in but once you have all your cuts I just went through and did my cuts all along the boards the right measurements and then I'll come back with a square and I'll mark just the one edge or the front edge of this measurement that I've already cut on this side down here and I'll take a square and just mark my line so I know when I come down with the miter so I get on this side I'm gonna come down straight all right so we got our cuts but before we assemble the box itself you're going to want to do your rabbit cut here on the top edge so to make these measurements have a little square ruler here and we're gonna come three quarters of an inch over there come three quarters of an inch over all I have is my square ruler set up like that and then we'll just make our mark this is just for a visual that's three quarters of an inch over then we'll come take our router and we will make sure that our guide we use that line that we just marked as a guide to know where to place the guide for the router so we're loosen up our god here move our bit over lock down our god so now we know we have that measurement down the next measurement would mean we need to get is the depth of the router way that I do that is I'll take my square ruler here and I will find 3/8 there lock it in place and then I'll just flip it around use the edge that's about right so creates of an inch in depth all right now that we got our guide right in our depth right on a router we'll go ahead and make our rabbit cut here now you're going to be cutting further in and then you're gonna have to come and cut the excess off of the outside you'll see when I do the first length here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that's what you'll end up with on your first pass again this is if you're using this size bit which I'll have to find out what size bit that is but you're gonna have to come further in and then you're going to come back on your second pass and cut off the excess here on the outside edge so let's go ahead and finish this up and then I'll show you the final result won't once we're done [Music] [Applause] all right and there's your rabbit cut on the side this is actually what's gonna hold your frames inside the hive they're just gonna be placed right on the edge here so we'll get the second one cut up and then we will assemble the box all right we got a rabbit a rabbit sides cut for the ledge and obviously all our cuts down so the next thing we want to do is assemble the box so we're gonna make sure that we drill pilot holes for everything because we're going to be drilling on the edge of these boards here we don't want anything to crack so we're gonna make sure everything's squared up as we go along so we'll take our Pete speed square and just make sure we're good and then make sure we're flat on the bottoms here and flush once we're flat and flush well go ahead and set our pilot holes and we're gonna be using three and a half inch screws on the ends and there's gonna be three one two three before we tighten it up all the way make sure we're flush on the bottom here set our pilot hole and drill the bottom on it sink everything down a bit all right so we'll go around the hole the whole box and get everything drilled together and then we'll move on to the next step here all right now we got our box together so the next thing we're gonna do is cut out our rabbit for the bottom plywood so this is the bottom of the hi box and basically we're just going to make this router cut to inset this allows us to inset the 15 30 seconds of plywood inside the bottom here so for this rabbit cut here on the bottom to inset our plywood we're gonna go 1/2 inch in depth and then 3/4 over here so we'll go ahead and set our router and guide and we're gonna cut this whole thing from the outside so that we don't run into our ends here and you'll see how I do that [Music] all right for the entrances we're gonna go two inches over and we're not going from the edge of the overall hive we're going to go from the edge as to just this board here so we're going to go two inches over and then we're going to go an inch and a quarter up that will be our start edge right here and then from here we'll go six inches over six inches inch and a quarter up right there six inches right there and then the overall height of the entrance is gonna be a half inch obviously use the plans that I linked in the description below to figure the next the center entrance and the other entrance I'm just gonna show you this how I cut this one entrance here all right so there is the routed entrance and basically the way I did that was just by little by little going deeper and deeper every single time with the router if you take off if you try to take off too much at a time you'll get chunk out and all sorts of crazy stuff and you get some wobble in the router so you need to take that cut pretty slow that's all I am gonna do this from here on out worked out way better than the first time I tried so yeah so we'll go I think it's eleven sixteenths over to the center and we'll put another six-inch entrance and then we'll do the exact same thing on this edge over here and then we will be moving on to the bottom board all right our router cuts are done they're nice and clean and flush that's what you get with just using a router instead of a lot of people will do a different method will they'll drill a hole on each side and then they'll jigsaw the center out if you have a router go ahead and push it and make knock it all the way through it looks way better so those are done so the good thing is now you've made it so if you've made it this far in the build then you've pretty much accomplished all of the really difficult parts if you've never used a router before I hadn't used a router really before this and so I had to learn how to use it and how to use the guide and do the measurements and all that stuff so this was by far the hardest part of the build for me the next steps are basically just putting the base on and then we're going to be putting the landings on in front of the entrances and then we'll put the legs on and then we'll do the top so let's go ahead and put the base on all right so our base is forty six and three sixteenths by nineteen and three-quarters [Music] all right so there's our base so we'll just knock that in with our inch-and-a-quarter screws and the base will be done so like everything else on this project you're going to want to drill pilot holes but one key thing is when you're drilling this base in or when you're screwing the base in you want to make sure you don't put a screw right through here into your entrance so I just do them we're just right now and then right before it I'll do probably just all right so I had to figure out and rework some measurements because in the in the horizontal high comp lands he like I said uses the edges of the top with the plywood so I'm not gonna use the plywood I'm using a 1 by 4 or a 1 by 2 so anyway this is kind of like what it'll look like but I had to rework the measurements so my measurements if you want to use a 1 by 4 would be 23 and a quarter by 49 and 3/8 that would be your plywood cut and then your edge for your 1 by 4 would be 47 and fifteen sixteenths for the ends and then obviously the this ends over here would be the same width as the plywood which would be twenty three and a quarter I'm making the long sides but up against the edges like this so that's where I'm getting my measurements for the top cover so for this we take our speed square drill and impact driver and we'll just square this up as best we can they do sell square clamps we're not using them you can buy them at the store [Music] all right your top cover frame so to assemble this you can use your inch and a quarter screws I have a brad or a finish nailer in the garage I'm gonna I'm just gonna use that so they do recommend that you glue around the edges so you put just a bead of glue around the edges and now I'm gonna finish nail it in and I'll come back out and show you how it fits alright so the top is good to go for this step obviously a miter saw really comes in handy because we're going to do some 45 so I want you just to forty-five the top off just for looks it's not if you if you don't want to do it you don't have to so we're gonna forty-five the tops and cut these legs down and then we'll knock them into the box all right we got our legs done and like I said that's how much you got left over from your 2 by 10 or 2 by 4 by 10 so let's get these so let's get these on here alright we're gonna attach our legs is if you just lay your hive on its side and you can just measure 2 inches down from the top make your mark go ahead and do it up here too we flip the box over so now you know the top of your angle right here make sure your on a flat surface here I'm gonna shift this around make sure I'm on a flat surface it's pretty important that you're on a flat surface because we think to me these are in legs when you attach them they're on there you don't want them all over the place all you do is lay it at your mark your two inch mark and this is super easy we're gonna do a three and a half inch strip two and a half inch screw how'd it go alright that's it we're gonna do the same thing on the other side and then we'll flip the box over and we'll do it again and then our legs will be on okay so the legs are on and our final step is to put the landing pads on for the entrances so we'll jump down to the basement and we'll cut up our landing pads and then we'll come back and put those on so just to make it quick this is what I do obviously I said this is a one by two and we're gonna go ahead and cut I've set our fence at ten inches so I'm gonna make three cuts here and just get our links done and then we'll do the angle so for the angle obviously what we're gonna do is obviously adjust our fence but we're gonna just our arbor honor table saw to 15 degrees [Music] so one thing I do to make sure everything's lined up is a march 3 inches on a on the 6-inch opening for halfway and then I do the same for 5 inches on the landing itself so I make sure I'm centered all these landings are centered on the entrances typically what I would do is take the inch and a quarter screw and go through this landing pad but I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna drill and go through the front part it seems to be easier I'm gonna use a two and a half inch screw so let's see how that goes oh yeah that works way better I kind of have to drill your hole and obviously your screw that's along with the angle of the wood there's our landings I like it way better in the front here like I said the other ones I drilled through the angle which may be my angle was too much and I couldn't drill into it I don't remember but that looks way better all right that's it guys we got it on the hill right next to the other one but that's it I hope you guys enjoyed the build we are super excited to transfer some of our traditional lengths trough hives over to our horizontal hives and then obviously we have two hives in here so one has to get out of there so we'll get our other box bring it up here and we'll have three horizontal hives so anyway guys hope y'all enjoyed the build and if you haven't already hit that subscribe button stay connected with us by hitting the notification bell and hit all and you'll get all of our notifications when we release videos also check us out on Instagram at Goshen farm and Gardens and we will see y'all in the next video you
Channel: Goshen Farm and Gardens
Views: 132,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beehive, beehive build, horizontal hive, long langstroth hive, how to make a beehive
Id: yolZrF_jlSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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