How can I fix this?

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hello mr head here today is the 4th of july yeah no firecrackers except for these guys right here as you can tell we're we're going to do the removal of the comb that's beneath this this hive and you remember in the video a couple weeks back that where we showed this this external hive where the bees had moved down below the hive itself the box itself and started building the comb underneath it and at that time the beat the hive itself was getting robbed out well three days prior to that the hive was getting robbed out and the bees decide to make a stand below it and that's where they are today here it is it's probably been two weeks maybe a little more than two weeks since then and the number of these on the comb down here is substantially less i mean dramatically less and my suspicion is that our queen may have had been killed however just judging from that it does look like and i don't know i haven't even looked inside of our box yet it does look like the bees may have started to come back inside of this box that i left up here but all that stuff all that stuff i don't know is we're gonna you're gonna see this as i see it for the first time but regardless of that we are definitely going to remove all this comb replace our screen bottom board and get these bees inside of a box once again because there's no way i can allow this this situation to persist it's just not it's just not right for my bee yard and uh and it's very very they're very very susceptible to robbing it's just they're easier to defend inside of a box like this there's so many hives around here so our boxes i've had these boxes off since that that that first initial robbing out and in fact let me show you they've been sitting here just like this out in the open i mean and it's been two weeks and you know any kind of cone brood comb that's that's not being worked on by bees the moths are in it within two weeks they're in it two weeks these guys have been sitting out here here's a frame of brood and not a wax moth in it and that's that's because the daylight goes through the frames and the moss can't stand the daylight so it's just a really good way i mean this is real proof in two weeks this thing would have been covered with the moss but two weeks nothing nothing on it so the idea of exposing our hive standing on edge to allow daylight to pass through it and then the bees can finish cleaning out the box and this box now i'll freeze it one more time i'll freeze these frames one more time to make sure there's nothing alive in there but after that i'll set them outside and these guys are good to go getting back to this guy right here i don't know you know the condition if the bees moved up inside of it but we're going to get this comb moved out i may vacuum them i still haven't made up my mind how i'm going to do all this i'm just going to see how it goes as i do it and we'll we'll make the adjustments but i can see bees on the entrance right here so i think they are in the box so by the grace of god i'm hoping in about an hour because the rain is coming and so that's why charlie came out here real early we're about seven o'clock in the morning right now get this job done before all that rain sets in on us how about liz wrangling up a new box of bees we're all set up i guess um i'm using a brand new bottom board because i don't want any comb from over there to be on that one so we can't use this green bottom board i got to use another one so we got this set up and what i'm going to do first thing i'm going to do after i lift up my top i'm going to move the box right here onto this and we're going to find out whether we have bees in there or not and if we do i'm going to go through frame by frame and i'm going to see if we have our queen up there so let's go ahead and start doing that right now and i'm going to try not to use any smoke on this so we get a lot of these black carpenter ants in here and so they're they're really a nuisance the ants will they love to move into hives that especially these black ones move into hogs that have low volume of bees in it where they can't uh patrol the area so that's why these guys like to to move in unprotected so the bees have not moved into the um the box there's a few of them on there but basically there's nothing no bees inside of this box so i'm gonna go ahead and pop this box and we're gonna set it on top of this box right here right now now let me get charlie to move the camera and come in and show the comb on this board right here the bees have not only built comb from the top of this board to the top of this six by six but they've also penetrated through the space in between it and i'm not just i'm not able just to lift this whole thing up i'd love to be able to lift this whole thing up and set it into the box uh and and i saw i saw joey rawls he's got a uh a youtube channel joey ryle's got a youtube channel he's a he's a really good friend of mine and he had the same issue with bees drawing comb underneath his box and that's the way he handled that situation he simply lifted up the screen board and set it on an empty deep box and then allow the bees just to migrate down on their own i don't have that luxury of being able to do that because the way the bees have built the comb on here i'm going to actually have to separate the comb from the screen bottom board and and then get the bees into the box and what i think i'm gonna do i'll use my everything be vac and i'm gonna vacuum the bees off of the comb simply be to make the operation less i don't know dramatic for the bees and for me and and then after we vacuum up then i'll just dump them into the box when we get them moved so let's go ahead and start removing some comb and vacuuming up some bees so what i'm going to do since i'm going to be have having to stay on the ground i'm going to take this piece of cardboard and i'm going to slide it underneath all that comb any bees that are falling off particularly if the queen falls down i don't want her to get into that grass where i can't see her so if she's on a hard surface it'll be really easy to see it so i'm going to start first by taking this sheet of cardboard and sliding it underneath all that cone yeah you got them mad they're mad i'm going to get the the bee back right now and i'm going to start vacuuming these bees off the base of that cone and as i'm doing that i'll be looking for a queen even though i know she's not going to be on the face if she's still in there she'll be on the inside [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] the robin is is going on right now so i'm pretty much finished with all of this stuff right here we pulled a piece of cardboard out to see if our food had fallen on the cardboard it wasn't there and i i mean i've looked really well in here she wasn't here but with all the massive bees right here we're gonna we're gonna work on this we're gonna vacuum the bees off of this hopefully our queen is on this piece of comb in here and then after we get the bees off this we're going to take this along with all their other stuff and we're going to go back into the honey hunt because this robbing is just it's out of hand so we're going to go ahead and look for our queen and this mass right here here she comes up she's coming out right now get ready thank you jesus good deal all right let's go and finish backing these things up move these bees into the honey house and get this thing cleaned up this this is finished there's so many robber beads here they're finished we got our queen and the robber bees are going to start moving up here now that i'm backing the bees off so we're going to grab all our stuff load it up in the buggy head back to the honey house finish vacuum off inside and frame up the sign so we're going to pick it up inside of the honey house and what i'm doing is i'm allowing that spot over there to be completely robbed out it shouldn't take long i mean an hour hour and a half and everything over there that was over there the honey that is it's going to be gone and the reason i want to do that is i want to clear that site of the robber bees because what i'm going to do is this these bees they're going to be sitting exactly on that same spot and the reason i need to set those bees right on the same spot is that all the field bees everybody's oriented to that spot so yeah we'll change out our bottom board and then add another super on top of that very little brood in it there is some new brood in it and and i think that's a bounce back from two weeks ago when the high was being robbed out she kind of went to shock but now she's laying again i'm gonna add some more frames of honey in there as well as give them everything that we took out of there and you know these girls ought to be okay so let's go ahead and frame up some comb and we'll show you how we do that now what's really really important in framing a cone when you do a cutout is getting the orientation of the the comb in place you have to know what was facing up and what was facing down the reason you need to know up and down is because the cells inside the cells the cells are not flat they're angled like this and that angle is so that honey doesn't roll out of there and probably has got something to do with the the brood developing it properly whatever but they're they're angled and so you need to when you put that piece of comb back in a frame you need to put it in the proper orientation of up being up and down being down so we were pretty lucky on this one everything was it's obvious what was up and what was down but a lot of times when you do cutouts and you have to cut sections off you don't know what's up and what's down so what my trick i use i have one set side of the ice chest that i put the comb in and i always put up to one side of it and that way when we come back here and frame it up we know which side was up even though it may not look like that but we know it this is the top of it right here this is the bottom of it right here and these are the two ends so when we frame this comb up it's going to be framed up just like this in the in in the frame and more likely we'll probably get two or three of these pieces of comb in one frame to get it framed up and there you go i only needed four rubber bands on this one there's no stores in this at all but what i'm trying to achieve is to get brood on there because the bees they're always more likely to stay when their brew is on there so that's our first frame of cone and we'll frame up as much brood as i can and then we're going to frame up as much honey as we have in there we've got all our other cone framed up now we're working on the part of the cone that was underneath the screen board to begin with so what i'm trying to do at this moment is to give myself a little room that i can work in where i won't make a real mess of this wax and then start all that honey to drain because i really don't want it to drain i don't i want to be able to keep this stuff as dry as possible because by keeping it as dry as possible and when we put this hive back out on the stand that will definitely minimize uh any robbing that would would go on so by keeping it dry we're going to minimize that robbing part so i've got a good spot right here it's all broken away so i can now come underneath it and i've got enough room in here i just take my hog tool and i'm i'm laying it on the screen itself and i'm just sliding it underneath that comb almost like feeling a fish and then look at it look how dry that is so this one i'm trying to keep all this stuff like that [Music] do [Music] [Music] now the comb has been cut off and you can see the oh the way the comb was and what i'm going to do is i could either take the screen off and and rescreen it or just get my blowtorch and just melt all this wax out of it and pop it and it'll just all clean this stuff up so i mean i'd rather not take the screen off and just use a torch and we'll get it cleaned up that way and get it all back to normal again but we're not going to be using this board for these bees we're going to put a different board on there as you can tell the robbing is over good thing and the whole place is back to normal pretty much so what i'm going to do right now is now i'm going to remove all this comb that's that was left behind and now it's completely dry and i don't want i don't want to leave any of this stuff around here so which is why i'm trying to collect it and i really do want to do a good job i want to clean as much of this stuff off as possible and not leave any of it behind which is why i'm i'm catching it below me but it's all there's no honey in here that's for sure they that all that's robbed out all right got all our comb out of there now we're gonna set our board exactly where it was before and the reason we're going to do that because all those field bees that are in that be back they know this spot now the hobbies they don't but we're gonna be dumping that vacuum onto their our box right here with the comb on it and we're gonna then once we do that we'll drop our queen onto them close it up and release a queen as well great all right next thing you do i'm gonna grab the queen i'm not gonna release her yet i'm not gonna release her until the uh i've dumped the bees out here then i'll set her on there and once everything calms down after a minute or two then i'll release it and she'll get in the box so i'm going to go ahead and remove the lid there's an interior lid on this that's got screen on it so that it can let the heat dissipate from it from the from the bees and generally when you pull this off there's going to be a big cluster of bees so i'll take that big cluster and i'll bounce them into the frame and then dump the bees right on top of them so you got the bees on there and the bees right here that's good enough for that because the other bees i'll let them come out and we're going to put our queen right here i want i want them to know she's here the bees are spreading out that's really good go ahead and turn her loose now i want to see her go into that brain there she's coming out there she is right here boom she just went down perfect perfect we can close it up now put our lid on and these bees i'll come back in about a half an hour the back will be completely empty i just want to bounce that in there because there's debris in the bottom of it i didn't want that following in following into the our box the bees will walk out get out here and start coming up into the box you know that's really the first time i ever did a a removal one of our bee boxes here at the abbey now i've done i've done removal in one of the dormitories before but this is the first time i've ever done one uh on one of our bee boxes pretty interesting stuff and i'll check back with these bees probably on on monday when i come back and make sure everything is okay but the way that charlie and i did this it it the process should work really well so that's all i got for you in this one thanks for watching keep on watching and me and charlie we'll see you on the next video god bless mr ed we're out until the next [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 65,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How can I fix this?, bees, honey bees, bee removals, bee vacs, Everything Bee Vac, portable bee vac, framing comb, using rubber bands to frame comb, removing bees wax, queen bees, catching a queen bee, robber bees, 4 wheelers, bee suits
Id: Dw8CIEb4xIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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