The First Fight I Won In Prison... ( Prison Story )

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what's going on everybody welcome to after prison show in the first thing that I want to say today is thank you to everybody who checked out yesterday's video about the craziest things that I saw in a prison kitchen and also who smash that like button letting me know exactly the kind of content you guys want to see and because we definitely reach that goal of 4,000 likes yesterday we are now beginning a 20 day marathon of prison story 20 days straight of prison stories and with that I figured there's no better way to start this off than with a bang and in this video I'm going to be telling you about the first ever prison fight that I actually won in fact throughout the entire course of all the time that I've been locked up since the age of 18 I've probably gotten in something like 15 or 20 fights and to be completely honest with you I've probably only one about three of those fight so it certainly looks like there'll be no UFC career for me but you know what they damn sure make for some good stories to tell now before we get into this video I do want to say two things real quick first of all after Prison show is back on snapchat so come Rockwood have to present show on snapchat and who knows maybe you could get personalized snaps from yours truly here and the second thing i want to say is with this 20 day marathon of prison stories that we are doing if you rap with and support after prison show then please smash that like button because keeping the lights high on these videos will show not only me that it's prison stories we should be doing pretty much all the damn time here but it also shows YouTube that people want these prison stories as well with all of that being mentioned what do you say we just go ahead and dive headfirst into this prison story video you know while serving any amount of time there's a pretty good chance that you're going to have to do some fighting and in some cases you may not even want to fight some of the people that you might have to fight but like I said before believe me even in those cases is better to go ahead and take that whoopin than to not do anything at all and depending on how you decide to spend any time that you might have to spend locked up could also play heavily into just how much fighting you'll have to do for example in my case I chose to tattoo now you would think tattooing would be a great way to try to avoid problems in conflict because everybody in prison is going to want to get some tattoo work done but that's not necessarily the case because anytime that you're dealing with anything dealing with money while locked up whether it's gambling or running a store box meaning you've got commissary items prisoners can borrow until they're able to get those commissary items to pay you back with a little interest on top or whether it's selling things that you're really not supposed to have in prison like drugs and also some good old porn pictures or whether it's tattooing any time that you're dealing with anything dealing with money in prison there's a pretty good likelihood that fighting is going to come along with that at some point because for some strange reason money plus prison usually tend to equal problems in this very first fight ever that I won while locked up dealt with exactly both of those money plus prison equaling a problem that I had to deal with now where this fight actually took place at was at a level-one facility this was my first ever level one facility that I went to and this was also during the first prison sentence that I ever served and yes old Joe did serve two different prison sentences I know that makes me sound damn bad but please let me explain the first prison sentence was for a year and a half for a probation violation the second prison sentence being the last one that I will ever serve this seven year prison sentence that I served from the end of 2008 till the end of 2015 and I can assure you I'm never going to prison again at least I hope not another fight took place at a level-one facility during that first year and a half prison sentence then I served and I really just want to give you guys an idea of what a level-one is first of all a level-one in the state of Virginia that's a minimum security facility now you would think being at a level one that you're really not going to have that many problems there level one kind of sounds soft it kind of sounds like it's not that bad for real guys they're probably don't have a lot of time probably don't have bad charges but you would be surprised there's guys who have been locked up for 10 15 plus years who have just worked there leveled down because they haven't gotten any trouble and they could have some pretty crazy charges including certain types of murder charges but there's something else to add to the atmosphere of a level one facility and that is that in a lot of cases the guys at these level one facilities try to go like extra hard they try to portray this super macho super thug life persona because of the fact that I mean I don't even really know maybe it's because of the fact that a level one maybe they think they're not going to get in any trouble maybe they think nothing's gonna pop off at a level one I mean I don't understand the justification for why a lot of these prisoners at these facilities act the way that they do but they do and I have to throw this out there as well and this is pretty damn embarrassing to admit but there's a part of this story where Joe was just like that thinking that I was going extra hard extra thug life ready for anything to pop off and even though I won the fight that this story is about that victory that glory that macho man feeling that I had thinking that I was just this extra tough prisoner that was short-lived so when I first got to this level one facility it took me no time at all to just dive right into the tattooing scene and the reason for that is because there was only one other guy who was tattooing there when I got there and this guy was from the same set of cities that I was from you got to imagine like when you're in a prison guys are coming from all over the state and the area of the state that I'm from as an area called Tidewater or Hampton Roads and when you go to some of these prisons you might only meet like a handful of people who are from the same area of the state that you're from and that couldn't be any more true than at a prison like this level one that only housed 150 prisoners so out of 150 prisoners there was probably only like five of us who was there from Hampton Roads and this guy who was already there tattooing he was from this area as well and when you get to a prison and you meet people from the same area that you're from of the state you know it's easier for you to become cool with those prisoners oh you're from such-and-such where should I live in the next city over so because me and the tattoo guy who was already there his name was Ben because me and him that cool it was nothing for me to get my foot in the door to start tattooing as well and plus there were enough people at this small prison who wanted tattoo work they've been didn't care that I just slid right in there and started doing work myself hell he even gave me my first tattoo gun in ink which I ended up paying him back for after I started doing work but he gave me that so I could begin running work myself and when I started doing work at this prison I mean I went non-stop anybody who wanted to tattoo I didn't care how much money you had to spend what you want your whole back done you only got five dollars [ __ ] let's do it well maybe not exactly an entire back piece for five dollars but I'm just trying to give you the idea that I was doing pretty much any kind of a tattoo that people wanted for the low and with the fact that I was virtually a hundred miles an hour with the tattooing I mean that kind of stuff can lead to problems sometimes when you're moving too fast you might end up in a situation you might not have ended up in if you have been taking your time a little bit more and that's exactly what happened to me which led to this fight that I had to get in that I won but there was this prisoner who wanted his back tattooed and what he wanted was his nickname across the top of his back like right across his shoulder blade and what his nickname was was dirty deed and it's pretty easy for me to understand why he got this nickname dirty deed because this guy tried to do me dirty old dirty deed comes up to me and says hey look I want to get dirty D across my back how much you're going to charge me to do that I want to drawn up real nice and some fancy cursive words I want some real sweet gray wash shading around this tattoo how much you're going to charge me to do it and I told him I said yeah sure no problem dirty D across the shoulder blades that's easy enough I'll charge you 20 bucks for this tattoo I mean it's going to be kind of big you're talking big letters dirty D across the back Plus this gray wash shading that you want 20 bucks you can't beat that deal at all in fact if you were to try to get this tattoo anywhere else I could promise you you're going to pay at least double that or if you were going to try to get it in the free world in a shop god knows what they would charge you for a tattoo like that but twenty dollars I mean you can't really pass that deal up Kenya Oh dirty deed was cool enough with this and he said yeah sure go ahead draw this tattoo what give me a list of what you want I'll order it for you and then I got one commissary day you know little did I know that at that time when he's telling me he got me on commissary day I didn't really know then that he meant that he was going to get me you know like try to get one over on me we end up doing this tattoo no problem at this level one facility I mean it was really easy to do tattoo work the guards barely ever came into the housing unit and most of the ones that did come in there I mean they really didn't care about anything going on in there so again we do the tattoo and it's no problem whatsoever I do have one little confession to make right now though now when I draw up the tattoo dirty Dee I kind of arched it on the paper so when we put it on his back it's going to kind of arch across his back I end up putting the stencil on his back I feel the stencil off I stand back I look at it trying to make sure that it's straight and I must have done this kind of quick because after I got done tattooing dirty bee across this dudes back I like stood back and looked at it it was just slightly and I mean slightly just slightly a little crooked I mean dirty Dee it was kind of just like a little but not that much at all I mean really not that much at all and in fact because he wanted this great wash shading around this tattoo I was actually able to use that shading to kind of like straighten this thing up a little bit you would not realize that this tattoo was just a little crooked unless you really knew that that tattoo was crooked like if I had told you it was crooked and then you looked at it the chances that you actually noticed the tattoo is crooked here I mean there are those chances but I feel like in most cases nobody would ever notice that tattoo was just a little off and you know at this point it really doesn't matter that the tattoo was crooked because when commissary day came and it was time for me to get paid that $20 that whopping $20 for that big ass bat tattoo I had just done dirty deed comes up to me and he says hey man uh yeah they messed up my order all those items that I ordered for you they magically just didn't give them to me you're telling me they didn't give you any of the commissary items you were supposed to order for me I don't know what happened man I mean I put the order in and they gave me all of my other commissary but they didn't give me none of that commissary I was supposed to order for you and the way that he's telling me about the fact that they didn't give him any of commissary he was supposed to order from me I mean he's basically telling it to me like I should just read between the lines like he's just not going to pay me but me being really young and dumb at this point I'm kind of green to the fact that people will just try to pull one over on you in prison you know I try to work through this problem because again money plus prison in a lot of cases can equal problems so I tell D I say to him I said well okay well how about this how about you just order it again for me next week I'll give you the same exact list you'll order those same exact commissary items and we shouldn't have no problems next week I mean if they messed up your order this week that's one thing but I really don't think they'll do it two times do you I can remember this guy was kind of like laughing about this like okay yeah sure give me the list again and I'm trying not to pay so much mind to this I'm trying to actually give this dude the benefit of the doubt because in prison everybody is a good person right so the next week rolls around and again this time D doesn't have these damn commissary items and he tells me this time he says hey guess what man those items they income again but you've got this big bag of commissary right here how would the hell did these items not come again and what he tells me after that is he says you know we should probably just go ahead and forget about those commissary items because obviously they're not coming now you know this is like the first time that I've done a tattoo where I did it before I got paid and with that I'm not getting paid with that this person is actually just trying to buck on me basically meaning they're just not going to pay me and they're telling me that in so many words and as this is taking place I really don't know what the next move I should make is because I always knew that a situation like this could arise but I guess I never really thought through what exactly I should do the moment that happens should I just try to hit this guy right now when it's faced and just go for what I know which isn't very much about fighting I mean I do have a pretty sorry fight record when it comes to fighting while locked up I'm probably something like oh and five at this point but again I'm just not knowing what to do so what I end up doing is nothing right this second at least I just walk off I'm pissed I don't know what to do I don't know what to say I man whatever and then I just walk off I go back to my bunk I'm sitting on my bunkin I'm just thinking about this and I'm feeling like almost ashamed or embarrassed at this point because as I'm sitting on my bunk I'm realizing I have to do something about this because if I don't do something it's not going to take long before everybody at this little small level one facility gets wind of the fact that dirty D didn't pay me for this tattoo and other prisoners at this facility are probably going to think they could do the same exact thing so I'm knowing I have to do something about this I know I got to do it and I got to do it soon the problem with this is again I'm like oh in five when it comes to fighting and also beam it what is dirty D have to be one of these prisoners that I'm looking at and already knowing in my mind I'm not going to be able to beat this guy he's bigger than me he's probably stronger than me he could probably fight better than me and he damn sure is a little bit more intimate okay a lot more intimidating than me you know again when you deal with money while locked up you can easily find yourself in a situation where you have to do something and sometimes it'll be things that you really really don't want to do I tell myself that I can't let this fester for too long I can't I cannot continue to dwell on this because the longer I dwell on this the more scared I'm going to get and I'm going to probably end up just not doing anything at all so I tell myself right there in that moment I'm like Joe we're gonna go fight this dude and we're gonna go do it right now we gaint got no choice I go ahead and put my shoes on I'm tying my shoes up now mind you all of this is happening on that second commissary day so all of this is transpiring in the matter of like 15 minutes again I tell you I could not let this fester for too long at all and during this time as I'm putting my shoes on and getting ready to go do what I know I have to do but what I don't want to do this do dirty D is over in his bunk area right now his lockers are open and he's putting his commissary items away in his locker I get my shoes on and I walked right over to DS bunk area while he's sitting back there putting that commissary away and when I get over there it's like I'm not even myself because most of me does not want to be going to do what I'm going to do so it's almost like I'm just a passenger in my own body walking over here to do this with God knows what kind of result it's going to come from it but I go over to DS bunk area and I walk to finish cut right up on him while he's sitting in his chair putting his items away and all I say to him when he looks up at me is so you're just not going to pay me hmm I hate this do with everything I have before he ever gets a chance to utter one single world when I hit this guy I don't even know where this hit came from maybe this was like strength that I had in me that I never even knew I had maybe this was pent up from all of those losses that I had taken where I just knew at this moment in time I had to do this when I connected I mean that basically took all the fight out of Dee right there and in fact this guy put up virtually no fight whatsoever making me feel like this first hit the connected really did some damage and I did not let up there I mean I gave this dude everything that I had when it was finally over and somebody was grabbing me pulling me off of them all right Joe Hyde he's had enough the entire time I'm saying I bet you never try to not pay me again I bet you never try that [ __ ] again and though even after that fight I still didn't never get paid there's this unwritten rule while in prison you either pay or you pay in another type of a way and this guy Dee definitely paid in a different type of a way and there's things about this that I guess I'll just never understand I mean here's this guy who bucks on me after owing me $20 and just must think that I'm just not going to do anything at all about this because he was definitely caught off guard when I walked right up into his bunk area and pretty much laid him out with that first hit pong so I guess all parties involved in this learned a lesson with this one don't ever underestimate anybody while in prison - if you do somebody wrong you better be on your guard after that and three the lesson that I learned in this was well [ __ ] not everyone who appears to be this big bad [ __ ] in prison really is at all but like I said at the beginning this glory that I had after winning this fight this victory this victorious feeling that I had I thought I was ready for the USC after this fight all of this did I was feeling this cockiness this level one super tough guy super thug life you can't do nothing to me you see what I just did the dirty D I do that to you to all of this super extra [ __ ] that I was feeling at this time yeah it pretty much went right out the window like the following month because for about a month I was able to carry around this air of confidence this air of macho tough guy in this [ __ ] that I had with me but the following month I ended up getting in a fight with another guy by the name of Shelton because of my super arrogant feeling macho tough demeanor that I was carrying about with me thinking that at anytime somebody was looking at me wrong or disrespecting me hey yo what did you just say to me showing where am I am I in prison yeah me and this other guy by the name of Shelton ended up getting into a fight it's not even a fight at all this guy hit me one time and knocked me out put me to sleep all because I was thinking I was this tough guy that I really wasn't and I was running my mouth I said what did you [Music] yeah I I won my first fight ever in prison and about a month later I got knocked out cold with one hit and I think the combination of those two things right there kind of helped to balance me out and those that wouldn't be the last fight that I would get in by a long shot while locked up I certainly learned a lot from that experience about how to do time Hey look that's it I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did so please leave a like and a comment and let me know exactly what you thought about tough guy Conor Guerrero Oh Joe and as always until next time enjoy life the free world never take anybody for granted or ever underestimate anybody at all and make the most of every day please let's give a few shout outs from yesterday's video from the comments section again for everyone who helped yesterday's video get so many damn likes please help this video do the same thing and we'll continue to do this Tiburon asked what are we going to see a video with your girlfriend I don't know that's a good question I mean we did a vlog not too long ago where we went to the zoo and I am starting to get more active on snapchat she's always with me so you guys want to see her she's right there with me snapchat after prison show but who knows maybe in the future you know she'll make a couple of guest appearance sasha sanchez says like like like like like shout out to you sasha that really means a lot old dirty Dan says man you looking small white boy Emma goddamn Barbara I really appreciate that thank you very much old dirty Dan Lonard mechanic I don't know if I pronounced that correctly Kristen stories are what you're really good at telling story thank you I enjoy telling these stories and I hope we can continue to do this forever Gaby Brocklebank says Joe looking as though he's been working out well I have I'm also trying to quit smoking and I've definitely cut back a lot in that regard so Gabi thank you very much for us for noticing the changes I'm trying to make Anthony Friedman jr. says stories are [ __ ] hilarious but yet I've done time myself and it is crazy well shout-out to you Anthony for being home and let's just try to stay out here in three worlds God knows when you serve time you definitely are going to come home with the stories to tell but shout out to being able to do that out here in the free world Tek Austin says I want to shout out but I probably won't get it well hey TK shout out to your brother thanks for rocking with after prison show and to everyone else as well we will continue to do these shoutouts we'll bring these back home Rockwood after prison show on snapchat after prison so I can't emphasize that enough Emily if you rock with and support after prison show and you made it this far go ahead and smash that like button and let's try to show you too that people really like these prison stories until next time /
Channel: AfterPrisonShow
Views: 1,126,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after prison show, afterprisonshow, the after prison show, aps, joe guerrero, prison stories afterprisonshow, prison stories, winning a fight, my first, I won, in prison, marathon, family friendly, trying to help, daily vlog, real life, trying to stay positive, learning from mistakes, what's it like, inspiration, full story, real stories, workout, gym, funny, funny video, storytime, story time, comedy, fun, funny videos
Id: gFYA43QpbAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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