"Turned Out": Sexual Assault Behind Bars (Full Crime Documentary)

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the reigning Queens the boys punks turn out Aaron Runners I was looked at to be turned out you know but they call Fresh Meat I've had knives pulled on me uh I've been told that I'd be on TV you know my folks would see me on TV dead you know murdered in Limestone penitentiary limestone is the largest Lockup in the nation's poorest prison system [Music] 98 of the inmate population is dirt poor so there's no such thing as Pleasures in prison sure I might be able to eat me a hamburger once a week if I know the right people but that's nothing that's nothing compared to sleeping up on the air conditioning there's nothing compared to watching the NBA finals on the widescreen TV this is a world within the world you've got you've got everything under the sun here you got homosexuality run rapping you've got gambling you've got gangs you got you got everything three miles [Music] junk food and toiletries from the commissary serve as legal tender in prison cash money is illegal and any item not purchased from the prison store is contraband so bags of instant coffee and candy are the money in the underground economy the old rules that govern exactly how business is transacted in the penitentiary are as precise as NASDAQ the hustling party is because people don't have any money this is how the game works no I ain't got no means of money I got a box full of candy back there cookies those and Wham whams is what they call it uh I'm gonna loan it to another inmate I'll let you get a pack of cookies for two packs back next week if a man bars too much stuff it gets too far in debt and let him know I'm not going to plague you so me and you just gonna have to whoop each other's ass and we're gonna go to lock up and we're gonna go back here and [ __ ] just whatever how you want to do it that's that's the way it works that's he might have barred 10 soups and ended up [ __ ] out his ass the rest of his life while he's here on the count of ten soups got him that way because 10 soups if you can't play it this way it's going to cost you 20 soups next week and week after that it's going to be 40 suits so sooner or later the man's gonna stay up to you and tell you hey I'm tired of your [ __ ] Mindy was prayed upon by convicts who used the boo game The Bull game consists of Terror tactics and loan shark and you turn a guy out one of the first things they going to throw up is the stuff they've given you you know you owe them for that and then they kind of put the boo down with it the boot gang and to where you own that plus interest you know may try to get you in a bind race gang membership smarts Black Market profits all determine who's on top Mark Moore serving 20 for a gang shooting was feared and respected at Limestone Correctional mark would become Mindy's man Mindy has his nickname I gave him that nickname all and he was my baby I was comfortable with in prayers and your boys or your sisters that's like your wife or your woman on the street on the streets green money get you whatever [Music] the more coffee you have the more cigarettes and [ __ ] you have it gives you what you want to record that it's going down for the new [Music] the news you thrive in limestones Wild West atmosphere let's go on the AG wall didn't drove on [ __ ] you know me I have more candy on my ride creases [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as far as all me being ashamed or having a complex about it I don't because I'm a strong believer if y'all you got to be ashamed of something that you do you shouldn't you shouldn't this Society away from society mirrors the actual Society out there we have religion we have schools we have uh drugs we have sex we have all types of vices and I'll tell you I wouldn't want to work in a prison that didn't have some vices and and sometimes those things keep them busy that keeps them out of our hair now there again I don't condone it and if we catch them we'll punish them but I know it goes on and it probably does have some element of helping us keep control [Music] the more [ __ ] you know like coffee and cigarettes things like of that nature that I got the more I wanted the more boys that I picked up the more I wanted oh it was like a it became a challenge to see a pretty little young boy all coming in and uh everybody's shooting at him everybody trying to get him everybody trying to pull him in they became a a challenge it made my dick hard to chase him to see if I could get him before anyone else I met mark on the Chain Gang I would say it was in 98. I wouldn't talk to him for the first couple of days because I was too scared but then after that I kind of loosened up a little bit I got got high with him he was running the stove and I had a person I was looking out for as far as loaning and stuff so I'd go to Mark and get stuff and loan it out for a money order whatever and I'll just pay mark off so that's how we got acquainted was just through business he came to me Mindy came to me and requested to be with me you know what I'm saying which was rather strange because this is like the first guy that ever pull up on me and say Amen all can I be with you you know so it was rather shocking so we ended up doing a a business transaction on some money and he asked me if if I would do something for him man so I told him yeah of course at the time I said that I didn't have that in mind but that's what it ended up being so you know uh from that point on I didn't really kick it with nobody else for a little over two years Mindy was not the only one to join Mark's makeshift Clan there was hips a forger he began as a prison wife it's really not just a sex thing it's about having a companion somebody that you know is is your friend I got hips um through a partner mind hips went to the street and come back to prison when he got to the camp he owed that like three four hundred dollars worth of [ __ ] when he first got there from before when he was in Paris and we were business partners okay when I left and he left we met up again here at Limestone in 2000. okay and it was the same scenario Mark had a boy David Mendenhall okay and I run tattoos run a store and it's puzzled all right so me and Mark started running the store again together hustling trying to make more money and more money and more money and more money before you know it I ended up with two boys and he ended up with two boys and we called it a family and when he wasn't around I watched all of them and when I wasn't around he washed all of them [Music] we party together we had sex together and you know we we fought together and we was there for each other the relationship that we shared was all really like the relationship I had with my child's mother I mean we were so compatible you know what I'm saying we had so so much in common we developed great feeling for one another he was like my shadow everywhere you seen me you seen him we were best friends it wasn't the relationship wasn't based on sex you know me [ __ ] him in his ass it was it was it was it was more than that you know I'm saying I cared deeply about him and we was there for each other to do this you know whatever situation uh so that that caused me to have feelings about it because as good as he was you just you know you don't find too many people it's going to be that good to you not in this place so that was something new to me that's something I respected I woke up first thing I wanted to see was him before I went to bed at night the last thing I wanted to see was him I love you [Music] in a sense Mark had been turned out by his own boy he fell in love with Mindy and in prison that made him vulnerable and uh David men how he worked on radios and uh he'd fix my radio and everything we got to talking eating together you know drinking together we do a little drugs together and we became friends I had never turned the boy out or had a boy or anything and that wasn't my objective you know I was just supposed to pull him away from the other people he was kicking it with and to kick it with us they never threatened me and basically they give me anything I wanted you know watches clothes boots shoes anything I wanted I could get his family had cut him off mail calls came with no letters from home and no money on the books survival was looking grim [Music] when my folks quit looking out for me I felt betrayed [Applause] felt like a I didn't deserve that I was at the my lowest self-esteem so I had to find a way to pick me back up make me happy you know make the best out of a bad situation you know uh Mark and many how they did that I turned out basically he he he said he wanted someone to be real with him so I want to give him my attention and affection and uh he's seeing how I treated Mindy and my other boys you know he just wanted to get in so we did so uh we called him youngin he just trusted me you know with his feelings and everything else more whatever he thought about you know he felt that he could talk to me a prison World whiskey make it out of yeast orange juices and uh I'm gonna be so close to some Jim Bean whiskey rice until uh I might I might make Jim Beam soon it'll get you drunk pretty good pretty much like free world alcohol we got the drinking that night and uh both of us was pretty tipsy we're just laying on the bed back there he was at one end of the bed and I was at the end of the bed and uh he just started rubbing on my leg automatically by me being a pretty well drunk I had a began to come erect you know and uh I didn't have any complex about it you know I already liked him he's a good looking dude everybody liked him everybody still likes him part of the family now and he was looked after by Mark's gang especially by an older Wheeler Dealer Jerry Gaskins JG I'll make sure he has something to eat every night you know I make sure you have it some smoke uh make sure you have some some coffee but I'm not never giving it to him directly he's getting it from one of my boys and and for me my boys get my boys you know what I'm saying they tell them the type of person I am you know what I'm saying the benefits that they have being with me say like if a new guy came today and I just pull up on him start talking to him spending time with him giving him advice he would owe me I got some gas I got some gas got some money yeah I got some money smell like Bell come on now don't get your nose all in what you want to do man I'm telling you some gas what you want to do JG all like my righteous dog yeah [ __ ] huh it's like he's like the older brother that I never had yeah hey foreign you know I'm saying now I give them time to think about it you know what I'm saying he was getting free though he was getting free whiskey he was he was eating every night he was smoking every night and then he was getting free sex now he don't get none of that no more and to be able to get that then this is what he got to do I know if they could get me and they could invest a little bit the way the game goes I owe them then because you know I could let them go out and hang out yeah you know flirt a little bit you know and come back with some forward come back with some cigarettes or come back with some coffee or whatever you know what I'm saying I need it I need it you know what I'm saying to make it through the next day it happens all the time they could pimp me out you know and make you know triple you know make more money like that than what they've invested so for me to live clean and uh have what I like I guess uh when I started hanging around mocking men how they did that limestone is a place filled with men who have spent their lives searching for families Mark JG Mindy hips and Eddie formed a family at Limestone Correctional right and that's the way we looked at it we had a family after Mark had found out that uh I slept with many he became anxious he wanted to himself then when I was spending time with him Mendenhall would be jealous so it was causing turmoil and say in the family that's where we were with a family let's call it warm somebody was always mad we're removed from our natural families so we have to we we make bonds and friendships Leonard Singletary an inmate confined to the HIV Ward at Limestone has watched makeshift prison families come and go over time we're closer than a lot of families on the street we live together we sleep together we shower together we use the bathroom together most families can at least close the door with a broken heart out my babies by my side [Music] it's been hard for me to have my kids in my life power and lust get all twisted up together behind bars in Alabama Mark has gotten addicted to both I like power matter of fact I love power I love being in control I love to be the dominant one and I practice that and enforced that in every relationship that I've been in Imperial Mark had an Empire of boys but he wasn't satisfied he spotted Matt I had strange feelings for him and I can remember one day white team lost a basketball game so I Used to Be Blood Brother a white guy he uh took the basketball and kicked it over the fence so when he makes this move he had other gang members so they they wanted to do something to him harm him bring physical harm to him right so uh myself as well as mother blood we stepped up without us they would have probably killed and slaughtered him he should have understood the love that myself as well as always had for him to what he did [ __ ] that jeopardized the whole family all right for a white guy going into the penitentiary it don't matter if he's [ __ ] rock hard and 300 pounds and it's just whoop everybody in that [ __ ] they're coming at him again for a young white guy like myself that was real skinny it wasn't working out and wasn't real healthy and [ __ ] been doing drugs and [ __ ] it's not just one or two people coming at him it's just boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom every five minutes this is boom boom boom you know it's constant uh they either want you for your money oh yes one Mindy and Matt were both doing hard time by the age of 19. Matt has gone from born-again Christian to Satanist and then was invited to join the Bloods Mark and JJ's gang after two years of just every day waking up go play basketball we ain't gonna play baseball and then go to the chapel and go here and go there I mean he just got old and then when you when I joined that game I could go over here and just chill with these [ __ ] and and that was cool man I liked him you know I didn't need to be in a gang I wanted to be a be cool you know what I mean just chill when Mark got transferred out of limestone many began to take on the role of a man in charge of the boys whenever they shift him and that's whenever pretty much responsibility landed on me to make sure they're all right and to make sure nobody messes with them you know you got to in Alabama as an elsewhere the boys don't really have a choice if a man wants them they're gonna get took but there are other ways to get turned out if you come from an inmate or it can come from a prison guard and in Florida ex-navy medic Robbie Craig got sentenced to eight and a half years three strikes and you're out I wrote a prescription and got caught breaking in the window in the Jewish Community Center passed out in the front seat of a vehicle Robbie was worried about getting even more time if he got into trouble trouble started soon after he arrived after your visitation his standard procedure for the inmate to be strip searched and there was a certain there was a sergeant that was in charge of the visiting Park to stay Sergeant Anderson and after my visit was over with we go into what we call a Shakedown room it's a small room about six foot by eight foot turn around spread your cheeks and bend over and cough and what I did Sergeant Anderson made a throaty noise like like this and and uh he masturbated from inside the control room at me and uh Sergeant Anderson didn't stop there he used blackmail to get what he wanted if I were placed in this same situation in what we refer to as the Free World I could have simply walked away or if he would have gone to place his hands on me I could have defended myself I could have broke his jaw all this was going through my mind I mean thoughts just went I mean when something like that happened and you don't expect it to happen and it's just there and it's all of a sudden it's not happening like you thought it would happen in prison another inmate you know to where you could you know defend yourself or go down fighting or or or go let you know or die you know that's you know that's what you tell yourself is nobody's ever going to do that but when it's somebody standing in the uniform and all you see sergeant stripes and a whistle hanging there and an ID and and and these are the people that run your life I didn't I didn't know what to do so the only the only thing I knew only thing I kept thinking was another 15 years if I put my if I hurt this man I'm going to be in prison for another 15 years nobody's going to believe me nobody's ever going to believe this if he's capable of doing something like that he could pull drugs out of his pocket and said look at what I you know look what I found on you you know ripped his shirt and said you know you just assaulted me my work Squad Sergeant Sergeant McLemore who I had a great deal of respect for he was my drill instructor father all in one and Sergeant McLemore told me he says we're going to get that SOB he says I believe you he says I knew something wasn't right about him I knew there was something there I'm going to get him don't you worry about it I'm going to get it and as soon as I knew Sergeant McLemore was in my corner I felt I felt a great weight lifted from me but I can't tell him exactly what's happening it's like be sitting down like talking telling my father that you know that something like this has happened you just can't tell him [Music] [Music] Mindy's Father David Mendenhall senior was a trucker and a guitar player show [Music] me forget all this pain [Music] come stir my memory again I was usually home two days out of the week and of course a big part of that I was catching up on some sleep yeah you might as well say I really wasn't there but I didn't study on it as to what effects it was having Mindy's grandmother helped raise him she brought him into the ways of the Holiness Church yeah these 50-pound bags I David Jr not here to do them for me so I have to get them all back here I have a keep my feet clean cheeky cheeky artist agonized what to do when her grandson first went to prison there we go and he was afraid to go to the authorities because they had threatened him and he didn't know what to do so he called me it was nearly to a nervous breakdown and he wasn't able to to eat and keep it on his stomach and he had a a homosexuals there so forth I called a lieutenant immediately and then moved David to a sale to himself as many nights I remember walking back to my dorm after they cleared the count and I I'd cry on the weight you know ask myself how would I get into this you know and sometimes I'd ask God how could how could this happen because there's something at the time I didn't understand at all today that we have taken out this service here to ask God to help her brother David menden called who has been in trouble and served how many years has he served going on six years [Music] feel it clear through your core and those kind of experiences being pimped out and the homosexual activity and such as that that he's had to deal with in there uh honestly sincerely hope it's something that he's just had to adapt to that will go away on its own that he doesn't enjoy that when he gets out he can put behind him do not have to talk about it or bring it up sure would be nice to have David Jr home by myself and not as young as he used to be and had everything the baby could possibly want the church and I'll give him a beautiful shower and everything seemed to be going great but he would just work to death he says I really he hardly knew what happened because it was half awake and all but he bumped his self and kind of lost his balance he threw the baby back on the bed uh they brought it against him as child abuse and murder first the immensely and then they called it murder if he's if he's learning uh things that he should be learning from some of these prison daddies or whatever wonderful I hope the things he's learning in there that uh that a person doesn't need to know he forgets or doesn't take to heart BPS is on her stomach uh standing for black p Stone and she's holding a dope sack over here foreign on this side here my mother Betty my sister Brenda my grandmother Alberta and my nephew life JG Mark's partner got busted for burglary JG was born in Pleasant City a dangerous slum in the heart of West Palm Beach I grew up in a family of nine brothers and four sisters my father he was he left you know when I was like nine years old my mother you know I'm saying because I was the only child and the things that I was getting involved in I mean I was a baby so she brought me up here to uh the Dothan Alabama and I started feeling my way around and found out they had disciples and they had Crips but they didn't have many Bloods so I started the uh black pea Stone blood Nation Dothan sit back and run on my birthday [Music] [Music] [Music] I got 20 years for it lamarca had that charge from the very first day he made the choice to do what he wanted to do we never denied him nothing I grew up in Prichard with my grandmother my mother um give that all my life slum area ghetto full of drug prostitution murders basically just the straight ghetto mother signed them over to his great grandmother and she she had control of it there was no man in the house for him growing up so he was around a bunch of ladies if I didn't grow up with a father or uncles or nothing like that no Father Figure so I looked up to the Bloods it's like role model my joined at a young age it was more so like a family to me you know what I'm saying see I wouldn't know where the blood is uh what I've never dealt with games you know I know so I don't I was blind about all that I would go and try to pick the ball up on weekends not one weekend went by that he came stay with me that that his great Grandmama didn't call my house as soon as we got him to the house she never gave him the chance to stay with him and once he got up 12 13 then she wants to go and call me want me to chastise the child or something that I would have had to fight him and always here to get him and I just couldn't see it I mean it wouldn't happen it'd been worse than I think with me and him than it is now unlike Mark's father Robbie Craig's dad was around in the early years but Randy Craig a former and feared Penitentiary Captain was not adverse to Knocking his son around and disowned him at the age of 14. he ran our household like he ran the prison he was in charge of riot control at the institution he was working at uh he would dress up in riot gear and practice movements with his baton with me you'd set up surveillance here at the maintenance shop inside the cabinet shop was an inmate by the name of Robbie Craig they came in and told me that they were going to set up hidden cameras and that if they seen Sergeant Anderson break the law in any way that they would be there to stop it well as soon as he exposed himself I'm like ha got him this man's being caught red-handed but they don't come out they don't rush in we ended up being like 22 minutes but finally when they came running in you know and inspector pacioli with his badge held high you know Sergeant Anderson with his pants down putting the cuffs on that was that that was a good feeling and it made me smile when we found Anderson he insisted he was only trying to be a friend of Robbie Craig he now lives 10 miles Downstream from the prison making ends meet as a fishing guide um still having heart problems the publicity and all that went along with everything it just destroyed it like to destroyed my family he had to give up his state certification to work at the correctional facility here I find out this man didn't spend one night in jail he didn't go to jail he didn't go to prison he did nothing happen to him he got his hands slapped he lost his job and he's still out there on the street things happened that screwed people up and I can't believe that someone that should try to help would actually stabbed me in the back um so this particular guy was here before he was a he was a blood in in Alabama you know what I'm saying a lot of places you know what I'm saying they don't believe in a white guy being a blood that situation now was uh really [ __ ] up the guy he was a blood true enough when I arrived at the prison I was introduced to him I had feelings for him lust at first it kind of struck me you know what I'm saying they tell him hey man this white dude he's Blood also you know what I'm saying so I felt like well hell he he had to show some type of uh heart but by us acknowledging him as a blood I pushed those I pushed that lust to the side as far as floods come they wasn't with that [ __ ] they had told Lamark and JJ time and time and time after again you know you need to quit [ __ ] with them sisters because you know you're gonna that's making us look bad it was football season you know when every [ __ ] prison watch football a lot of satanic stuff on the wall inside one of the dorms here the captain and uh the lieutenant they come around to do daily inspections of the whole Dawn so they go in the closet and they see all this [ __ ] painted on the wall and they go off I mean they have a Fit until we find out who vandalized this room and we know football but he is a blood so nobody can't go clutch him out another blood comes to me say hey man all you know who put that [ __ ] in that room he said no who so he tells me say uh blood did it the little white boy I'm like what once again Mark sees the opportunity to begin his mind games I walk him around the prison compound we talk I basically let him know you know I'm saying how I felt betrayed by what he did basically I just made him feel guilty I started to put my plan into making it so I I I I let him know that I want him to be with me I let him know that I want to have sex with him I let him know I want to I want to lay with him and drinking been smoking some Reef or whatever and I go to my the brother sale oh I call him a little brother Mark this is my righteous righteous dog you know you know what I'm saying he comes in so I asked him I said uh man you know what you did could have got a lot of people messed up so he like yeah he doesn't make it any better he he jumps right in I said what if uh weather for we rape you right now how will you like that he started crying and begging and pleading you know what I'm saying Mark I don't want to be like this I don't want to be gay I don't want to but at this time you know I'm saying I'm out of control I don't want to hear nothing no talk I'm a little brother he jump up and he slapping real hard and he didn't got serious because he he really wanted to be with this person all alone I tell him to turn around until he turns he moves slightly I tell him to turn around again he still doesn't want to turn all the way around so I said [ __ ] if I have to tell you to turn around one more time I'll break your jaw so he turns around like put his hands against the wall like spread them like the police are making spread I tell him take his pants off he doesn't want to do it I punch him in the face you know what I'm saying I squeeze his ass cheeks two handfuls oh he tenses up you know so um I take my pants off I mean he's just sitting here the whole time I had to pay off red and white Jordan with some red shoe strings I ain't got nothing on with these tennis shoes in my under short I give him to Greece and all I tell him then put some on his finger sticking in his ass and you know I'm saying kind of like [ __ ] yourself to loosen itself up because I know he had never been penetrated before it was his first time just old penitential trick that I learned from some old convicts if he scream rate you know what I'm saying he had grease on his fingernail so he greets his own self up you know what I'm saying I'm just gonna basically lie and tell him I've been [ __ ] he's been my boy hell they gonna buy it you know what I'm saying hell I'm gonna go I'm gonna go to the extreme and get four or five other guys the lion say I've been [ __ ] him too been taking care of him he's been my boy I said what if I take this knife and stab right through your face I say we like that so he like he's scared now when you see this night you know what I'm saying they uh had a knife to my eye and one in my throat right here in my Jiggler and until I can just feel them you know stick him in flight they put in pressure on it's gonna cut me wide open you know I go to [ __ ] him you know what I'm saying slowly at first you know what I'm saying and try to loosen him up and it was tight I'm saying like uh he was definitely a version he's groaning and you know what I'm saying moaning and then and then telling me how it hurts so you know I bag out a little bit at this time uh my dog he had to he hit the door you know I'm saying he's standing in front of the cell so he's like man come on man God damn don't you hurry up man let me I want to get straight too I said well come on I get up off of him I'm in the middle of it now I'm left so I can't I can't well child now you know what I'm saying I got to go and go through with it you know what I'm saying so I'm like stuck stuck there in here with him he greets himself up he shows him uh no mercy oh he [ __ ] him for real you know since I had to tell him hold up man you know slow down chill out man you know what I'm saying you don't want to hurt him for real you know what I'm saying you have to go to the hospital and you know what I'm saying that's gonna automatically he's gonna automatically have to say what happened he he have sex with him first then I have sex with him then he have sex when I have sex with him then he has sex with him and then that was the end of it so I didn't finish it first you know what I'm saying so I [ __ ] him and all I come off I get my dude next day you know what I'm saying y'all he goes to say uh in prison that's lockup so I'm like in my heart I'm like damn we threw we didn't got us a rape case they was telling me [ __ ] about like you know if you get in trouble so we're gonna go there in line so you brought it on yourself and [ __ ] like that I was believing them they had me in a position where they had me spooked you know what I mean because I was looking to make parole and everything and I wasn't trying to get in no conflict I say you got two choices you can either be with me or you can go pack your [ __ ] and go tell them folks to lock you up you go back to lock up reluctantly Matt agreed to become another one of Mark's boys only thing I ask of is don't try to make me be like a assistive a girl inside of prison we hook up you don't say everything with lovey-dovey you know what I'm saying uh relationship with gravy all good um I transferred the warden had marked shipped out of limestone again but everyone knew Matt had been turned out the other men all wanted their shot and he got this other dude you know what I'm saying he wound up having sex with him he was doing so bad so he wound up selling to another dude when that dude wound up selling to another dude and all this what he was going through was a result because nobody messed with him he's a blood he just went crazy he just went to sleeping with different guys I mean just just tossing the ass up you know what I'm saying then everybody [ __ ] it was just something that happened in the penitentiary that I left in the penitentiary I mean even the girl I got now I mean she's a [ __ ] Fox I can't I mean I can't lose her about some humbug [ __ ] you know I mean if I can keep it for my family for I've done four and a half years and then now I'm out six months and they still don't know have any idea I don't think it'll be a problem and they asked me questions all the time how was College like [ __ ] I guess the penitentiary made me a real good liar if he stayed gone for five six years or whatever if he ever come back to prison and that's someone in prison that remember him from then he will always be a boy [Music] thank you [Music] 36 32 please I'll try these on see if they fit ah thank you Robbie Craig filed a suit against the state of Florida I said I'd like to be Interstate compacted to closer to my family I wasn't interested in any money I went out of the state of Florida settle for a transfer to the Iowa State Penitentiary system a chance to leave his past behind here we go dog yep there's a young a boy that's here that's 18 years old they call him the kid and the kid I've seen a few different times in the wrong crowd I've extracted the kid from that crowd done what they call taking him under my wing if he needs something but see I'm not a daddy I'm doing this for my heart I'm doing this for him because I know that um somebody's gonna try how are you doing today I'm doing fine I think Sergeant Anderson he believed that my my respect for authority was so intense and so obvious of that he could use his authority to get me to do things uh he came to us as you saw in the records from Florida he has been on medications prior to coming here so I'm not sure just what we're all able to discuss right now because we do have another type of inmate I was locking my heels standing up straight like I was in the Marine Corps I was I was standing in front of my father in Iowa Robbie still lives with this shame I have a friend a dog we call him come on we've been pumping iron running and uh we spend a lot of time kicking the Bobo you know of how I came from Florida up here and it hurts me because I have to lie to people I want to be able to and I put myself in the position and made my mind up and and taking him taking my dog out and said on the on the bleachers and to tell him before he goes home the truth and I can't I want to because I don't want him to because I'm a liar you wonder if you ever get seriously intimate with someone a woman what she's gonna think you wonder if they're they give you a hug do they feel like they're hugging somebody that's ugly that's dirty uh you know I've I felt shame I'm embarrassed all that so after a while you get used to it once you start something in here you don't change it and they don't they don't too easily let you do that once you're one way you're always that way it's sad to say but at one point I stopped caring about the outside as long as I had a boy as long as I had plenty of prayers and money I was a what would I say institutionalized [Music] and the fact that I didn't have a lot of contact from the outside world that just helped me with adapting to prisoner lifestyle I I guess I'll say y'all I fell in love with the lifestyle that's before I found myself oh I should say started to find myself and wanted to be a better man you're gonna meet thousands of people you know and especially if you're a boy or [ __ ] everybody knows you everybody this is the whole campus if your name said they know who it is so that's gonna go with you wherever when Mark got transferred out of limestone the family began to crumble from harassment by guards and other inmates jealousy and a little too much living it up I went to lock up you know I stayed 33 days you know how by the time I come out he had uh he hooked up with somebody else he always worried about him when he was going to get high the next time you know I just couldn't deal with that I don't like being around them type people there's not many times to where I just wanted to look at reality what's around me what's happening I try to stay messed up so I don't have to see it at first it was fun you know having all these prison made holes you know that's what they call them right [ __ ] bars or whatever I was the only one for a long time you know that we was together so it was it was kind of hard to accept other people you know with his attention more boys it brought me more money you know what I'm saying so it brought me more trouble it basically just turned into something really too stressful for me and I had to just get back away from it him looking out for them money going there and to them and you know so it's it's changed and ain't nobody really like change especially in a relationship they call you to the ship Commander's office and if um they didn't feel like we could live together really move one of one of us to another dorm all the cookies and and coffee and cigarettes we had they were divided 50 50. they call it a divorce court and tell us you go your way and you go his way you know what I'm saying you know I've been through that several times in order for for a boy to leave me or the person I was with believe me you know what I'm saying they had to give me back everything that I ever gave them you know what I'm saying if they couldn't get me back what what belonged to me then I was going to sell them or they wasn't going anywhere until uh I got my money JG got sent to a maximum security facility Mark is in the monogamous relationship and he quit the Bloods it he became a full-blown [ __ ] a year after the filming Mindy is alone in a drug treatment dorm hip's mom visits just about every Sunday like going to work and drinking coffee is a normal thing on the streets having boys and Prison wives is a normal thing in here the same things go on here as goes on out there where they go to work and make their money we do our hustling and make our money where they they you know they might trick a car salesman into selling him something cheaper we'll trick the poker man into giving us more chips for our money after going through this you don't see all these long lonely years and here without a woman you know I'm saying standing by my side oh hell I could definitely see being with another man on the street I never thought be with another man period in no way I thought I could love another man or have affection towards another man but over the years you know what I'm saying uh I don't know it just prison Turned Me Out until sort of a freak yeah y'all don't play pop to the left play him to the right and uh I'll get one of these certificates y'all know when you need a little money y'all calling me always there you look out for you so just don't think about it you know thank you [Music] [Music] major funding for this program was provided by the Sorrows documentary fund the Massachusetts foundation for the humanities the threshold Foundation the future Generations Foundation Carlin Charon and Rosen Edward potris Boston film video foundation and the LEF Foundation
Views: 1,786,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Women Real Stories, Danny Trejo, crime documentary, Turned Out, Sexual Assault, prison rape, state prisons, prison sex, male rape, male rape victims, inmates, Prison Victim, Prison rape, Rape in Prison, sexual assault, male sexual assault, United States Worst Prisons, jail documentary, prison documentary, male sexual violence, male rape survivor, prison police, corrupt officer, danny trejo, Full Crime Documentary, Alabama, raw documentary, Danny Trejo Machete
Id: xP7OfxBppqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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