The Craziest Prison SHAKEDOWN I Ever Experienced... (Prison Story)

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because anytime two in jail or prison and you start to hear some chairs moving doodoo or some feet slipping and sliding around here something like that you automatically know what's going on everybody welcome to after prison show and today I want to tell you guys a prison story about the craziest shakedown I ever experienced while locked up you know what the fact that I spent most of my adult life locked up I've experienced quite a few shake downs and I've seen quite a bit of crazy stuff take place during those shakedowns as well hell I've even gotten caught with quite a bit of contraband myself especially during the course of my last incarceration where I would spend seven years locked up and you know we've talked about shakedowns before he went after prison show but this prison story I'm getting ready to share with you this without a doubt is an exclusive prison story that I can guarantee you is pretty damn crazy yeah it's pretty much just that so it's worth mentioning all that we had those four that what do you say we go ahead and die Oh headfirst into this video you know going through a shakedown in prison is going to be a very crazy experience especially if it's your first one I mean you probably are not gonna know what to expect you are gonna be absolutely scared to death you're gonna be dealing with some of the worst of the worst guards storming into the housing unit these guards are oftentimes referred to as like the goon squad and these dudes are gonna be screaming at you and everybody else barking orders and in most cases it's gonna be absolute pandemonium inside of the housing units or cell block but after you've served enough time which I don't have any wouldn't knock on but knock on wood I pray and I hope that none of you ever have to experience if you have experienced this already I hope and pray that you never have to experience this again but after you've served enough time you'll start to realize that these things come around either like two times three times maybe even four times a year and there are some pretty telltale signs then we'll kind of give guys like the heads-up as if there was a shakedown on the horizon and looming and some of these telltale signs could be things such as waking up in the morning seeing that the telephones are cut off and they're not coming on the Prison movement on the yard whether going to work or going to class has been cancelled or just hasn't taken place these are certainly some telltale signs that there is that lock bound that's probably about to take place and in all likelihood probably a shakedown as well sometimes guys might get the heads-up from like a cool guard maybe there's a guy whose positions at the window of the housing unit like in every single housing unit you're gonna have this guy's gonna be standing up there like a century or a soldier just watching everything that's taking place outside of that window and this guy sees the goon squad marching into another building that there is definitely a telltale sign that there is a shakedown that's about to take place but with all of these telltale signs that you could potentially have letting you know that there could be a shakedown coming in some cases and in the absolute worst cases the worst shakedowns that you'll ever experience are the ones that come absolutely unexpected with no type of heads-up whatsoever and in this video the shakedown story I'm about to share with all of you deals with a shakedown exactly like that with no heads-up whatsoever just the goon squad busting into the housing unit guys not having no chance at all to get rid of all the contraband that they most certainly have and absolute pandemonium and chaos breaking out immediately you know sitting back and thinking about all that I've said to us for that sounds like a damn good trailer for a blockbuster movie a Hollywood hell that after prison so I'll add your boy I could sell you guys some monster scripts what happens when prisoners are none the wiser about a shakedown looming on the horizon and the goon squad just breaks into the housing unit causing absolute pandemonium and chaos will prisoners become with excessive amounts of contraband will they end up getting in trouble going to the hole maybe even catching additional time added on to their sentences and is there the possibility that some prisoners might actually snitch in an effort just to save their own ass after prison show this summer in a theater near you you know I may be a little biased saying this but I can actually see that being a thing someday so this shakedown that would take place without any sort of heads-up or warning would stem ultimately from the prison commissary you know there shakedowns to take place over all sorts of things whether things come up missing across the prison whether these are just annual shakedowns where maybe the powers-that-be got some information about some illegal substances floating around the prison there's all sorts of reasons why you're gonna deal with shakedowns while serving time but this one in particular stems solely and completely from the prison store now you know when you think about a prison commissary or the prison store this place is like the Fort Knox of a prison you're talking about a place with super high security and also a place where there are some prisoners whose prison job it is to work inside of these prison stores and you best believe that when prisoners come to this job and when they're leaving from it they are definitely getting searched if that strip searched every single time also the prisoners who usually get the jobs working inside of the prison store are gonna be your more trusted prisoners maybe their snitches maybe these are guys that have some sort of rapport with prison staff this is definitely the sort of job where you really need to know somebody to get this position so I can guarantee you like 99.9% of any prisoners who work inside of the store and they're gonna be absolutely aboveboard completely by the book these dudes are following every single rule to a tee inside of the prison and these dudes ain't dealing with no funny business no contraband ain't involved in nothing these are your exemplary exemplar exemplar mint Terry whatever the word is these are your lead by example type of prisoners you're tested I'd warded look at me my shirt is but I'm dead I'm following all the rules and I work in the snow yeah that's pretty much the type of prisoner who's gonna get a job handing out your canteen but don't think for a second you won't have some kind and conniving type of prisoners who might be able to weasel their way into one of these type of jobs and that is exactly we're all of this story about this craziest prison shakedown begins from now you see during this time I probably had something like six or eight months left before I was about to be released and it was during this time where there were these two prison commissary workers who both were housed in my housing unit who had somehow miraculously ended up in this super-sweet position working in that prison store and both of these guys are pulling off something similar to the likes of like the prison Italian Job now don't ask me how they were getting back or what they were getting whether he was getting sent out the window whether they were getting it bagged up in their own commissary I have no idea how they were doing what they were doing but what I do know is these dudes were robbing the prison store absolutely blind and what they were taking wasn't just some tsums tsums and when when were you talking about the ramen noodle soups no sodas there no honey buns and these dudes were taking some of the most high-dollar items and with those items war were rechargeable batteries some of the most expensive items that you could purchase from the commissary I think a single pack of four of these batteries cost something like $20 and these dudes were stealing hundreds of these batteries doing this for months somehow I'm not getting kind of doing so working in the most high-security prison job Fort Knox of the prison and also surrounded by other prisoners working that same exact job who have seen these guys doing this would absolutely tell on these dudes again I don't know how they were doing it but these dudes were tearing the prison commissary to pieces and they were able to maintain this for a couple of months and with the fact that somehow they were able to do this for so long you've got to imagine that there were hundreds of these rechargeable batteries floating around the prison these dudes were stealing these batteries that would go for $20 on prison commissary and then resell them out on the yard or through some sort of third party hustle man for $10 a pack now you might think the batteries aren't that important in prison but let me tell you something they had just started selling with a little jp4 players the little portable like mp3 player where you can have all of your music on and these things took four double A batteries an entire pack of batteries just to be able to play these and dudes were listening to these things 24/7 hello I was doing the same exact thing and with the fact that I was listening to my jp4 player just as much as the next guy who you best believe I was buying plenty of these stolen illegal rechargeable batteries at $10 a pop well I knew that was half price he was getting a brand-new pack of batteries for half all I would actually end up with more of these batteries than I knew what to do with because during this time as well I still have my prison hustle going pretty successfully so I had all sorts of commentaries and I could spend but without second-guessing anything at least not at that time I wasn't it wasn't B but soon after I would definitely be second-guessing everything and then I had done you know it's funny it's not until right when you're about to get caught or when you're getting caught that you really realized the error of your damn way this matter of fact when the other shoe dropped that's pretty much the exact way that I was acting it's actually pretty pitiful to think about but you know like any good person hustle that one might have it won't be but a matter of time before the bottom falls out of that and you get caught and most likely the way that you'll end up getting caught is because some other prisoners some snitchin prisoner is gonna end up seeing what you're doing and telling on you and I'm pretty certain that is exactly what happened to those two prison commissary workers who both were housed in my housing unit you see once the cat finally came out of the bag months after these dudes have been stealing hundreds of these rechargeable batteries and also other things these dudes were also stealing rolls of stamps as well they probably stole thousands of dollars from this high-security high trust job that they had but when these dudes ended up getting caught nobody knew anything about that it was just a regular day around the prison I was sitting in the housing unit minding my own business watching TV everybody else was just doing whatever it is that they were doing we had no idea that across the prison at that prison store that prison Fort Knox these two dudes were being handcuffed and then taken to the hole we had no idea any of this was taking place and though I don't know exactly how they got caught or exactly what they got caught with when they did get caught all I do know is what would end up happening next without any type of heads up without any type of warning alarm nobody at the window seeing none of this what must have been that one time when there's not a prisoner sitting up in that window being absolutely nosy paying attention to everything going on outside of that window without warning all of a sudden the goon squad just bust through the front door of the housing unit and began screaming and barking orders at everyone shake down shake down get back to your bunk area don't move if you move you're gonna get a disobeyed order charm and you will also be charged with being an authorised area shakedown flat dog what how did we not know about this how was there no type of heads-up or alarm or nobody standing at the wittman why was that guy not standing up he's always at the window you know anytime there's a shakedown that takes place you need that little bit of heads-up warning or just a little bit of time you have to have because I can guarantee you something like 75 to maybe even 90% of all the prisoners in that cell block or housing unit definitely have contraband that they need to have it at least 2 to 5 minutes to put in those hiding places if it's not already there and a lot of cases you would think if you got something that you ain't supposed to have you're gonna have it in a good hiding spot but most of the time you really don't it could be some porn that you're not allowed to have you just got to sitting out underneath your mat because you just got back from the shower going on a little prison day it could be some onions or some green peppers smuggled out of the kitchen that you just got sitting your locker cuz you're about to make you a prison meal most of the time and as crazy as it sounds prisoners don't really get that contraband put up as well as it should be and with the fact that we had absolutely no heads-up or no warning to anything that was taking place until this goon squad was standing right there in the front of the housing unit right in the day room screaming at all of us to say that the housing unit erupted in absolute pandemonium chaos is it it's an under state in this place literally went from zero to 60 [Applause] you know I gotta be honest with you I was going pretty damn crazy myself I knew I had all sorts of these batteries that I had bought illegally off of the yard for $10 a pack and the one thing about batteries that you got to keep in mind is they keep a very tight tab on the amount of batteries that you have because you got too many batteries you can stuff those things on the side and start ripping that around but you got you a weapon right there they really keep track of how many batteries you have and also how many batteries you're supposed to have any time you buy batteries you're supposed to turn batteries back in and if you buy those rechargeable batteries those are all the batteries you're supposed to have for rechargeable batteries and that is the math I probably had something like 20 of these damn batteries five packs of these damn batteries no one damn well if they cut me with these batteries I'm gonna get me a dumb ass contraband charm and you know I know that sounds absolutely pitiful you're probably listen to this like choke a contraband charge for some batteries who cares it sounds like a super minor charge and don't get me wrong it is but in my position being that I only had like six months maybe eight months left until my release you gotta understand one thing when I first started that seven years sentence my original release date was July the 6th 2015 I would pretty much immediately after getting to prison run my level in my time up catching all of these charges tattooing fighting even getting caught with some pills which were only ibuprofen but that would be a drug charge my release date would go from July 6th all the way to February of 2016 it would take me years something like two years of not getting in any trouble to get my release date back to the absolute best that I could possibly hope that it would be October 13th 2015 and after working so hard to get my level back down in my release date back inside of 2015 somehow miraculously I went two years without catching the charge I'm sitting here looking at these five packs of rechargeable batteries these stupid batteries y'all gonna be the reason love I release dinkles damnit and you know I had no idea what to do or more so what to do with these damn batteries these guards that just came in here screaming and barking at us talking about you have to remain in your bunk area or you're gonna catch a charge for being in an unauthorized area and get a disobeying a direct order charge so that's going to be three charges I'm gonna catch just in an effort to try to go hide these batteries somewhere because at the same time I'm thinking about what I'm doing these batteries everybody else around me is thinking the exact same thing so they're what no different [ __ ] it gets a job also batteries I'm trying to get rid of these batteries myself you know we wouldn't find out until later that this whole shakedown stemmed from these rechargeable batteries and those to commissary workers who we would later find out got rocked up in the hole and also got additional charges these dudes actually had to go back to court for theft charges for stealing these damn batteries but with all of that with nobody really knowing what this shakedown stem from a me being super concerned about getting rid of these rechargeable batteries that I had and a couple of other guys being just as concerned and you best believe they were dudes who were worrying about a whole lot worse than just some damn bad dudes who had drugs dudes who had cigarettes dudes who had pieces of metal yeah they were dudes who had a lot more concerns than just some funky old rechargeable batteries and the only good thing I had going for myself during this whole crazy shakedown was the fact that where my bunk was located I was somewhere in the middle of the housing unit but for the guys who slept in those first couple of bunks they were absolutely hit they had zip zero time to do anything at all and them guards went immediately to their bunks and that's where they began shaking down so anything that they had they were getting caught with but for everyone else who had a little bit of additional time it was almost to no avail because though you had time to try to hide things where was you really gonna hide a bunch of batteries or even bigger things like them cigarettes or those pieces of metal dudes was wanting to get that contraband as far away from them in their bunk area as they possibly could but the problem is your guards had already said if you move you catching you to additional charges plus whatever they're possibly gonna catch you with and because of this do we're losing their damn minds and a couple of guys even tried to test the waters this one dude tried to walk right past these guards and go to the restroom and this dude immediately got picked up and scooped boom by one of these guards saying I told you to stay in your bunk area when this guy hit the ground whatever contraband he had that was inside of a sock down his pants immediately shot out his pants leg and immediately went rolling down the aisle a couple of her chargeable batteries and a couple of little states shampoo bottles full of cleaning supplies and this dude just caught him three fresh charges over some rechargeable batteries and some cleaning supplies that he wasn't supposed to have which really if the guards would have seen that it would have been like a 50/50 crapshoot whether they would have even cared about that those were chargeable batteries though though we didn't know at the time that was exactly what they were looking for might not have been that big of a deal either I mean he only had like four of them whereas I had like 20 it was all but guaranteed they were gonna see those batteries and realized I was getting those in a way I really wasn't supposed to begin now you know once I seen this guy who it just got slammed by this guard getting handcuffed and escorted out of the building once I saw how this went down I realized that it was probably not a lot of hope for me at all I didn't know where I was gonna put 20 batteries which were gonna be out of my possession outside of my bunk area when these guards had made it apparent and that we were not to move at all and with that type of thinking I am immediately going into panic mode I start to feel like I'm dealing with a panic and anxiety attack at the same damn time because at this point it seems all but certain I am guaranteed to get comedy's batteries to catch some additional charges and to lose what a little bit of good time I've been able to get back did I have worked so hard to acquire you know as silly as all this may sound over just some rechargeable batteries it is a scary situation to be sitting in when you're in prison and you realize you're in a situation where you are guaranteed to get in trouble and there ain't nothing you can do about it you just have to sit there and wear whatever is about to come to you but you know the damage thing would end up happening and it was almost like a sign of fate or like some kind of an omen some kind of like a really good sign and though this would be a good thing for me it certainly wasn't a good thing for the other people that this involved but as I'm sitting there freaking out over these stupid rechargeable batteries not knowing what to do feeling like I cannot get away there's nowhere I can go where I can hide these get them away from myself and not have them in somebody else's area as I'm sitting there dealing with all of this going through my mind right now thinking I'm not gonna get released until 2016 behind these batteries yeah it was absolutely that serious but as I'm dealing with all of this all of a sudden out of nowhere all I hear behind me is some chairs begin to move and you know that's almost like a little prison saying hey you try to move some chairs and what they mean when they say something like that is are you trying to fight because anytime you're in jail or prison and you start to hear some chairs moving dude or some feet slipping and sliding around my sound effects are really off today but I really hope you get the idea of what I'm trying to say here anytime you hear something like that you automatically know there's some fighting that's going on I heard some chair I don't know what sparked it I don't know what caused it and I didn't even see the initial chair being thrown but I certainly heard it hit and then I heard some feet get to moving slipping and sliding I heard two sets up and when I turned around you had this young little white dude in this Oh head black dude absolutely throwing down in the back of the housing unit and now these two dudes slept across from each other you've got an aisle that goes down the housing unit you've got bunks on this side you've got bunks in the middle you've got bunks on the opposite side of the middle and then you've got bumps on the far wool but anytime that you've got your bunk right here in the middle and you've got a bump by the wall you're gonna be sitting there facing a guy when you're sitting in your chair you're gonna be sitting your chair just like this and there's gonna be another guy who's sitting opposite of you across the aisle sitting in his chair looking directly at you it might not happen all the time but it's guaranteed to happen at least some of the time and this little young white dude in this old head black dude these two dudes did not like each other and you would always hear these two dudes arguing like all of the time I don't even know what they would argue about I don't even know why they didn't like each other all I know is they didn't like each other and they was always arguing and the way that it would end up being told to me later is that these two dudes were sitting in their chairs on opposite sides of the aisle facing each other the young dude said something crazy to the old head dude the old head said something crazy and returned and there's bickering and arguing that had taken place for a pretty long time up until this point finally reached his boiling point as this gold squad was sitting in the housing unit shaking down and it would be when this argument finally reached his boiling point that the young boy would get up take his chair he threw it at the old head black dude hit that dude but before it even hit the dude I heard this guy was already up on his way over to the young boys cut the young boys living space or a living area in between the bumps and then commenced to beating the holy hell out of this kid for about the 10 seconds it took for the goon squad to get up realize what was going on and this was like the moment they had all been working and waited for their entire lives my god we are in here doing a shakedown and they got a fight going on in here boys get The Frisky feelings of the Taser sound whoo I got some action and again though this situation wouldn't be good for this young kid in his old head this situation certainly worked out for the better for the majority of the housing unit including myself who was praying that an opportunity would arise where they can get up from their little area and get to a location where they could get rid of whatever contraband they had and it would seem that those prayers were answered from the moment that chair was ah throw young boy throws a chair at the old head during the shakedown they immediately get fighting or more so the old head beating the holy crap out of the young boy the goon squad can't help but to immediately take notice in all of these dudes go back to the back of the housing unit in an effort just to get their hands dirty thank you young boy for throwing that chair at that old head because I myself just like everybody else jumped up out of their chairs with that contraband and it was like a damn mosh pit inside of this house you know I ain't never ran over to the washer-dryer inside of the housing unit so fast in my life but I did so taking with me all 20 of those batteries like see you later $50 I ain't even gonna miss you yeah I threw those batteries right there behind that washer and dryer just as everybody else was trying to throw whatever they had all over the place whether behind the washer dryer but nice machine inside the ice machine trashcan bathrooms toilets wherever they could get inside the microwave here put all these batteries in the backlog they don't catch you with it in your possession and it's in a common area such as the washer and dryer ice machines trashcan microwave toilet showers wherever long as it's in a common area it ain't yours and you can't be charged with it unless they see you putting it over there now of course when all these guards ran to the back I'm trying to break up this fight and immediately saw all of the prisoners jump up in an effort to try to get rid of everything they're trying to restore order it was too late just as it would take them about 10 seconds to realize there was a fight going on and to rush to the back of the housing unit it only took us about three seconds to get rid of everything that we had 90 something prisoners dumping all of their contraband in the matter of three seconds and there wasn't really nothing this goon squad could do about it plus they had bigger problems to handle they had to get this old hat off of this young boy who had just thrown a chair at him and I guess if they really wanted to push the issue they could have run the cameras back scene probably my play-by-play in slow motion Oh goodbye $50 I'm but for whatever reason and luckily they did and also just as luckily maybe it was fate maybe it was the gods answering our prayers I don't know maybe it was the young boy feeling like this was his only opportunity to stand up to this Oh head though after he threw that you got mud walked in that back cut of the housing unit I don't know exactly how or why all this played out the way that it did but all I do know is had I gotten caught with those batteries during this shakedown your boy might not have been home till 2016 so you know I'm pretty grateful and also really lucky that things worked out the way that they did Hey look that's it I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did so please leave a like and a comment letting me know exactly what you thought about it as always until next time enjoy length the free world never take a moment for granted and make the most of every day [Music]
Channel: AfterPrisonShow
Views: 582,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after prison show, afterprisonshow, the after prison show, aps, the craziest, craziest prison, prison shakedowns, ever experienced, prison story, prison stories, joe guerrero, what's it like, wanted to tell, things you didn't know, you wont believe it, in prison, unbelievable, first day in prison, what will happen, things you didnt know, true facts, you didn't know, stories, storytime
Id: osIlbRrQCeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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