Prison Snitches and Gang Signs ( prison story )

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what's going on everybody welcome to after Bertha show and today is day number eight of our 20-day prison story marathon now yesterday we did something a little bit different we're showcasing exactly what it's like to get released from jail we did a real-life prison story video yesterday and I really hope that you guys enjoyed that seeing what exactly it's like to get released after serving a year and just what exactly that first day after being released is like and I do hope to be bringing all of you more of yani stories that he has from while he was locked up I'm telling you this is a very animated guy just like me and this guy definitely has some stories he could tell and also what his life is gonna be like trying to transition and adjust back out here into the free world and just like what we did with Yanni yesterday Dave also has his court date coming up very soon we're actually going to that court date very very soon and hopefully everything is gonna work out in his situation so we could do something similar with him as well and one last thing to mention real quick before we dive into this prison story video I'm getting ready to do a video responding to every single comment on this one particular video that I said if we got 8,000 likes on it I would and with the fact that there's now over 5,000 comments on this video I was trying to do some math here to figure out like how long exactly this would take me and even if I was able to respond to ten comments per minute that's only 600 comments in an hour so this is potentially gonna be like an 8 plus hour long video of me responding to all of these comments this is probably gonna be like the biggest Q&A video ever but with all of that being mentioned what do you say we just go ahead and believe headfirst and today number 8 of this 20 day prison story marathon in this prison story I want to tell you about a guy that I knew from the free world that I ended up being locked up with a guy by the name of Brad and this guy was kind of a friend to me before we got locked up and he kind of was a friend to me while we were locked up as well and you know I really thought Brad was an okay guy but I learned while in the jail the jail where I spent 25 months awaiting my transport to prison to serve out the remainder of my 7 year sentence that Brad he really wasn't that okay of a guy at all and the reason I end but this new outlook on this guy Brad is because eventually he does end up telling me that he like so many others in the jail in in prison is a snitch ain't no real quick we've done a lot of videos here on after prison show told a lot of stories about people who were snitches who snitched who told on someone who told on me I mean the many many times I myself was told on by some other ret prisoner but again I know we've told a lot of stories you don't have to present show about snitches and the one thing I got to tell you is that Wynn locked up you will realize that there's a lot of guys locked up in there with you who will snitch and you know when I came to this realization when I was locked up and was seeing firsthand just how many people were locked up right there with me who wore snitches I mean this was pretty shocking to me especially considering I lived by what I thought was the code you know don't be a snitch it was just absolutely mind-blowing seeing how many people were willing to do whatever it took tell on whoever anybody just so they didn't have to serve any time for whatever crime they committed themselves but I'll never forget getting to this jail getting booked going through classification which is a cellblock that you sit in for like 72 hours and then being classified to the cellblock where this entire seven year journey would begin for me and it was as I was being escorted to that very first a medium custody cellblock then I would begin this journey in as you're being escorted down the hall by these guards to your cell block you're gonna pass my other cell blocks and you're going to wherever they're taking you to and as you're passing by these cell blocks there's these windows that look right out into the hallway and anytime anybody knew or anytime anybody's even being escorted for whatever reason you're gonna have prisoners right there at those windows beating on those windows don't rush me what's your charge is you ask me what wall and you're dealing with all of these dudes beating and banging and screaming at you as you're in handcuffs and being led to again whichever cellblock you're gonna be going to you know trying to paint this picture a little more vividly of what this experience is like if you've ever seen that TV show beyond scared straight where the kids are being escorted by the different cell blocks and housing units and all the prisoners are banging on the windows and screaming at the kids being a new guy in jail is a lot like being on beyond scared straight Wichita but as this was taking place in these guys are banging and beating and screaming at me and I'm in handcuffs being escorted down these hallways I'm looking at these dudes and I'm just like wow these guys are pretty crazy and I'm gonna end up in one of these cell blocks my damn self and you know just to go ahead and throw this out there in case anybody was wondering like Joe were you scared during this time I would definitely be lying if I said I wasn't yeah I was pretty scared but again as I'm looking at these guys were screaming at me and thinking that I'm gonna be in a cellblock with guys just like this I'm also looking at these guys trying to see if I know anybody at all because there's one thing that could potentially help you win getting locked up when you're first going into a new jail or prison and that is if you know somebody who's already in that cell block housing unit or wherever you're going that you're gonna be that new guy in there and as I'm looking at all of these guys I'm really not seeing anybody that I that I know trying not to look anybody in their eyes that guy just blew a kiss at me but then all of a sudden I do see somebody that I know and that person ends up being this guy that this video is about this dude that I knew from the free world by the name of Brad and in fact Brad was one of these guys who was actually beating and banging and screaming at me until he actually realized it was me he was like oh wait a minute hey Joe I know that dude and as I see Brad and Brad sees me and stops banging on the windows it's almost like a little breath of fresh air oh there's a guy that I actually know he's got a t-shirt tied around his head right here like some sort of a do-rag but there's old Brad I know that guy there's a good sign but it wouldn't end up being the cell block where Brad was that that I would go to in fact I would go into another cell block where I knew absolutely no one in here and I would basically have to fend for myself as that so white guy in that cell block again not knowing anybody in there but I would end up doing like relatively okay in the cell block I only got in like one or two fights while I was in there I ended up tattooing a hundred miles an hour which made pretty much everyone in there like me I guess and it wouldn't be until like a year and a half after I'd been in this jail and I ended up going to isolation because I got caught with all of this tattooing stuff during the shakedown and also what the guards considered a knife yeah that was a really crazy situation that's also a story I've told here on after prison show already but it wouldn't be until I'm coming out of isolation for all of that that I would end up in a cellblock with this guy Brad and anytime that you go to jail or prison and you see somebody that you know whether it's from the free world or whether it's from doing time or whatever anybody that you're cool with that is not cool with how do you say it cool hwhip cool hwhip I don't know like a Family Guy thing seeing anyone that you're cool with in there at least it's always a good thing to see somebody that you know and when you see somebody that you know you end up spending some time catching up with them hey man how the hell have you been funny running into you here Oh me what about locked up for I'm just facing football numbers behind from nonviolent drug offenses what about you though what I mean what's been going on man you look great do you got some sort of a disease cuz you look like you lost a hell of a lot of weight to describe Brad a little bit I mean he did look kind of sickly but while catching up Brad ends up telling me what he's locked up for his charge there's a little little more serious than mine even though don't get me wrong my charges were definitely serious but brad had this robbery charge it stemmed from responding to some craigslist ad or Facebook ad for some sort of like a diamond ring I can't remember how much this diamond ring was worth but he ended up going and meeting this person robbing this person taking the ring it was it was a really bad thing that he did there was guns there were people on the ground all behind this ring and when Brad tells me the charge that he's locked up for him I mean this really isn't surprising to me I always knew Brad is like this super thuggish type of dude always ripping and running in the streets and doing anything that he can for a come-up trying to make money in the most illegal and easy way he possibly could so what he's sitting in jail for right now again it's not surprising to me at all embrasure Lee wasn't the sharpest shank duct taped underneath the toilet either you like that one right there use it it's gold Brad ends up telling me that he's facing a boatload of time for this not only did he face this robbery charge but he also faced a probation violation is found guilty where if he was he could face an additional 10 years because it was 10 years that hung over his head with probation and you know as he's telling me this I mean I'm really feeling bad for them I'm like damn Brad damn man you're facing a lot of time do you think you can beat this I mean cuz if you don't do you were gonna be gone for a long time so with that I mean I really hope you got a good lawyer or you know you got a chance of fighting this when you go to court and I will never forget what Brad said to me next he said dude they are gonna find me guilty of this there's nothing I can do but I'm gonna be alright well you know I'm really sorry to hear that but at least you've got your mind prepared for the fact that you're gonna be doing a lot of time oh no no you're definitely reading this whole situation wrong Joe it's not the fact that I've got my mind prepared to do any sort of time whatsoever hey you know what the fact that I had already been in this jail for a year and a half and had seen how much guys in this jail were snitching and who were so flavouring with the fact that they would do anything to make sure they didn't have to do any sort of time for their own charges I already knew what Brad was about to tell me next and my respect level for Brad immediately went from here grant tells me he says man I can't do this time I'm looking at at least like 25 years for this and I'm thinking to myself I'm like well god damn brat maybe you shouldn't have done what you did did I mean if obviously you're not gonna be willing to do the time if you get caught but it it's like 2009 2010 and he's telling me this so I guess snitching is just one of these things this trending right now now once all of this has been revealed to me I really don't want to know anything else about this I really don't care don't tell me anything the less I know the better because I already have zero respect for you at this point so please don't make this go in the negative I don't want to know but because of the fact that we were in the same cellblock I would eventually and unfortunately learn all about what old Brad was trying to do in an effort to gain information so that he could snitch on some people and I got to tell you everything about this is just crazy you see in this jail there were more people who wore snitching than who actually were not and I myself was one of those very few people who was not I don't know if that makes me the odd ball or whatever but again I come from this mindset that I did what I did this is the reason why I'm locked up and what happens in this situation I'm just gonna take mine and do my damn time but with the fact that there were so many people snitching in this jail there were also a lot of gang member dudes who were doing this as well and in this jail the predominant gang were the Bloods and I don't even know if these were real Bloods or not because you know whatever you join a gang you have to be beaten or beat out or it's your in that gang until death and a part of that whole getting beat in processes you're gonna sell you get beat up for like X amount of time and then I guess it's like wah wah you're a gang member but at this jail I mean I saw countless dudes who would join and get down with these Bloods and in a lot of cases it would basically just be like hey uh you want to be a blood okay cool good I'm glad you want to join this gang we're just gonna go ahead and skip the whole beating in process and we're just gonna say you're a blood yeah so I mean I don't even know if these were real gang member dudes but everybody was claiming that they were blood and the reason this is important is because you remember those big old windows that I said you could look out of while sitting inside of those cell blocks well while in those cell blocks and looking out of those windows in a lot of cases you could look right across the hall and look right in through the windows of another cellblock and the way a lot of these gang member dudes would communicate would be at those windows actually throwing up gang signs to the guys in the other cellblock I mean these dudes communicated like via sign language except it was like a gang sign language and they had an entire alphabet that they would just sit there all day long feeding information back and forth between the housing units a b c i dont remember D what was deep I can't even do the e e f g or a G something like that I mean I don't I don't know the entire thing I saw it enough to where I picked up on a little bit of this stuff because again when you're seeing this all day long you're gonna pick up on things that's just how it goes and I'm sure that can be related to anything in life and a lot of what these guys would be communicating via this gang sign language would be information about cases that they were trying to snitch on and again with all of the time that I ended up spending in this cellblock with this dude Brad this dude that I was cool with in the free world and cool with up until the point where he told me that he was gonna do anything and snitch on anybody that he could in an effort to not have to do any time for that robbery that he was sitting in jail for somewhere along the line he told me that he had learned this entire game sign language alphabet and would just be sitting off in the corner for like hours at a time paying attention to every word that was signed through those windows between the gang members in our cellblock and from the cellblock across the hall so it was like he was doing this incredibly dangerous thing that you could do while locked up eavesdropping and not just like listening in on somebody else's conversation hey uh what you guys talking about over there talking about anything important any kind of case information I'm pretty sure it's a hell of a lot worse than what you're eavesdropping in on is the communication between gang members hoping that you might pick up some tidbits of information on a case that potentially he could tell on again pretty much everyone in this jail was snitching was a rat was willing to be a snitch was willing to tell on anybody that they possibly could in an effort to hopefully spare themselves and Brandt was no exception to this even going as far as the lengths that he went to learning this gang sign language alphabet and paying attention to this for as often as he could throughout the course of the day only in an effort to try to gain information that he could use to his benefit and you know maybe it had something to do with these gang member dudes probably being just as dumb as old Brad was but throughout the entirety of the time that I spent in this cellblock with Brad I would end up leaving from the cellblock at 3 o'clock in the morning when the guards came in saying Guerrero pack your you're going to prison but for the entire course of time that I spent in this cellblock with Brad these dudes were none the wiser that he was doing what he was doing paying attention to every letter that they signed through those big old cellblock windows and you know I really have no idea what happened to Brad after I left and went to prison never heard from the guy again I don't know if he ended up getting any information from all of the surveillance that he was doing on these gang member dudes in this cellblock or was ever caught for doing this and maybe even beaten within like an inch of his frickin life because I can assure you had he been caught while I was there that is probably exactly what would have happened to him but yeah I don't know what and to be honest with you I don't even care I guess the only fortunate situation for me during this time was the fact that I had already received my prison sentence I stayed in the jail for an additional like 13 months after being sentenced to seven and a half years in prison waiting to actually get transferred to prison but you know it really brings a thought to mine now like what if my case was still open and what if I was still going to court during this time that I was running into again this guy Brad I can only imagine that he probably would have tried to gain information on my case as well and to be honest with you I'm really glad I didn't have to deal with that because had I and had I found out that he was trying to gain information from my case to use to benefit him it most certainly would have been those little blood dudes he would have had to worry about because I would have certainly beaten his little sickly-looking ass myself you know jail in prison is a place where you most certainly should not trust anyone and most certainly when you're sitting in there with an open case whether it's somebody you know from the free world a best friend whoever when you've got a case and you're going to court and you're fighting or playing or whatever you're doing you can't trust anyone because as I'm sure this story probably illustrates to at least some degree snitching is a pretty big thing these days and you know with all of that all I can wonder is damn doesn't anybody keep it real anymore I most certainly did but maybe I'm the oddball or maybe I'm an alien hey look that's it I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did so please leave a like and a comment if you hate snitches as always until next time enjoy life the free world never take a moment for granted and make the most of every day [Music]
Channel: AfterPrisonShow
Views: 564,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after prison show, afterprisonshow, the after prison show, aps, joe guerrero, prison stories, prison stories afterprisonshow, trying to stay positive, learning from mistakes, story time, daily vlog, story time afterprisonshow, family friendly, storytime, stories, real life, helping, life, in prison, story, inspiration, unbelievable, positive, real stories, things you didn't know, friends in prison, wanted to tell, marathon
Id: mSoapFu5kys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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