The First Family Takes in a Baseball Game in Havana, Cuba

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(music plays) (cheering) The President: Hola! (cheering) (inaudible) (cheering) Joe Torre: When I came here, I was curious and anticipated something really positive but it's been so much more than that. And I want to really be grateful of President Obama for making this possible. I feel it creates an opening for us to be here. Because this doesn't happen. This is such a passionate group here. I think the two countries, the one thing they agree on, for sure is how much they love the game. (cheering) (inaudible) (cheering) The President: Thank you guys! Hey!
Channel: The Obama White House
Views: 1,713,243
Rating: 4.7291703 out of 5
Keywords: cuba, joe torre, jeter, obama, baseball game, havana, castro, baseball
Id: klG6Q7daivc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 55sec (115 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2016
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