West Wing Week 05/23/14 or, "Straight A's? Woah!"

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The President: Is the game about to start? Alright. Group: Shake Shack welcomes you to West Wing Week. Narrator: Welcome to the West Wing Week. Your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and beyond. The Vice President: So actually it will be on TV. Children: Yeah! Narrator: It's May 16th-22nd. Straight A's? Woah! The Vice President: Straight A's? Woah! Narrator: Since everyone likes a casual Friday, The President and Vice President dropped into a local Shake Shack, a hamburger chain that has chosen to raise the minimum wage above $10.10 an hour for their employees. The Vice President: Are you next in line? The President: Are you buying everybody lunch now? (Laughter.) Male Speaker: Hey man, how's it going? Do you need some help with those french fries? Narrator: While there, they visited with other customers, and grabbed burgers with four workers who just completed a local infrastructure project, and talked about how infrastructure investment is the key to America's long term economic success. Meanwhile, the First Lady traveled to Topeka, Kansas, to talk to education, ahead of the 60th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court case, Brown v. Board of Education. Topeka is home to the historic case in which the Supreme Court's decision outlaws racial segregation in our nations schools, declaring education must be made available to all on equal terms. Mrs. Obama: Surprise! Narrator: While on the tour, she dropped in on High School student participating in Wichita States Gear Up, a Department of Education funded program, to help prepare more low income students for higher education. Then she went across town to address the graduating class of the Topeka Public Schools. On a Sunny Monday afternoon, the President surprised a field of Little Leaguers by dropping in on their pregame preparation. Male Speaker: Alright, Mr. President, you know you've got to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. Children: Yeah! The President: Am I throwing out the pitch? Children: Yeah! Narrator: On Tuesday, The President brought leaders in America business together to discuss Select USA, an initative that the President established by executive order, which seeks to highlight why America is ripe for business and investment opportunity from companies all around the world. Later that day, the First Lady met up with the President for a photo shoot and sit down interview in the Oval Office with Parade Magazine. The President: We'd like to photoshop the grey hair out. Narrator: Meanwhile, on the other side of the globe, the Vice President, Dr. Jill Biden arrived in Bucharest on day one of the three day trip to Romania and Cyrpus. The Vice President: Good to see you. Male Speaker: Mr. Vice President, welcome to Romania. Very good, sir. Very nice to meet you. Narrator: The next stop was Otopeni Air Base, where the Vice President took a tour of the military exercise Carpathian Spring, and greeted the joint U.S. and Romanian participants before addressing the international communities continued response to Russia's illegal military intervention, and destabilizing actions in Ukraine. Later, they stopped by a pre-memorial day barbeque at the U.S. Embassy to thank the staff and their families for their service. The Vice President: I can take off my glasses here; is that okay? Do you want to put my glasses on? (Laughter.) There you go. Narrator: On Wednesday, the Vice President held a series of bi-lateral meetings. First, with the President of Romania at Cutrochenny Palace, then with the Prime Minister at Victoria Plaace, before addressing civil society groups, students, and political leaders on reaffirming America's commitment to strengthening democratic institutions all across the region. Male Speaker: We have a present for you. The Vice President: Oh! Thank you! Narrator: Later, the Vice President and Dr. Biden traveled to Cyprus, the first Vice President since Lyndon Johnson to visit, he took a moment on the tarmac to reaffirm the U.S. support for a path to unification of the Mediterranean island nation. Meanwhile, stateside, the President addressed the White House Press Corps about the review currently underway to ensure America's veterans have access to the VA services and health care they deserve. The President then welcomed the Super Bowl Champion Seattle Seahawks to the White House to honor the team and their Super Bowl victory, continuing the tradition begun by the President of honoring sports teams for their efforts to give back to their community. Later in the afternoon, the President was heading over to the nearby Department of the Interior, but he decided to break with tradition, and take a springtime walk. On the way, he got a chance to meet with all sorts of people who weren't expecting to meet the President of the United States. Female Speaker: Someone's going to think you're like Wax. (Laughter.) Narrator: When he arrived at his destination, he used his executive authority to protect more of our pristine landscapes by designating the Organ Mountains Desert Peaks region a national monument, the second national monument he has designated this year, and the 11th overall. On Thursday, the President traveled to Cooperstown, New York, to the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, where he discussed the administration's new travel and tourism agenda. Meanwhile, back at the White House, there was a first day of issue dedication ceremony for the Harvey Milk stamp, while on the other side of the world, the Vice President met with Cypriot leaders, and Dr. Biden visited the United Nations buffer zone. There, she took a tour of the demilitarized zone separating Greek and Turkish Cypriots, also known as the green line. So from the hallowed halls of Cooperstown, to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, thanks for traveling alongside us in this straight A's edition of your West Wing Week. Female Speaker: Is this on TV? The Vice President: Is this on TV? I don't know, I don't think this one's on TV. Yes? Male Speaker: I only asked you because that camera is there. The Vice President: Oh! Wait a minute, actually, that's a White House camera man, so actually, it will be on TV. Children: Yeah! The President: You guys ready? Audience Members: Yeah! (Applause.) Female Speaker: Yeah, come on. The President: Am I allowed to slide over (inaudible) ? Male Speaker: Over the counter. Audience Members: Thank you! (Applause.)
Channel: The Obama White House
Views: 720,816
Rating: 4.8119774 out of 5
Keywords: White House, President Obama, Vice President Biden, First Lady Michelle Obama, Dr. Jill Biden, Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, Shake Shack, Parade Magazine, Romania, Cyprus, Wichita State, GEAR UP, Little League, SelectUSA, Ilie Nastase, Richard Sherman, Earl Thomas, Steve Holland, John Podesta, Veterans Affairs, Seattle Seahawks, Organ Mountain Desert Peaks Region, National Baseball Hall of Fame, Harvey Milk Forever Stamp, UN Buffer Zone, West Wing Week (TV Program)
Id: _U9wZLZmoLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Fri May 23 2014
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