Raw Video: The President visits Main Street in Parkville, MO

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The President: What's your name? Female Speaker: Ella. The President: Good to see you, Ella. I like that panda bear you got on you. What grade are you going into in school? Female Speaker: Second. The President: You're going to be in second next year? Female Speaker: Yeah. The President: You excited about that? Female Speaker: Yes. The President: Summer's pretty fun, though, isn't it? Male Speaker: I think -- The President: Where's your office? Male Speaker: It's right across the street there. It's car -- I'm an automobile broker. I can get you a deal on one of those cars out there. (laughter) The President: Oh, really? Male Speaker: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. The President: You got one of these? Male Speaker: Hell no. I can't afford gas. (laughter) The President: Are you sure that's coffee in there? (laughter) The President: He looks pretty relaxed. When you think it's hot and it's warm outside, it's quite nice. Female Speaker: It's a very nice day. The President: It's pretty nice for an iced tea, right? Female Speaker: Iced tea? Yeah. The President: You sure you guys don't want anything? Refill here. Five refills. Gentlemen? You're sure? Male Speaker: Chai tea. The President: Chai tea right there. How about -- Female Speaker: The oatmeal raisin's really good. The President: Oatmeal raisin. Classic. Might be too healthy for him. I don't know. Male Speaker: Oatmeal raisin would be great. The President: All right. Male Speaker: You could be an architect when you retire. The President: I might. (inaudible) Male Speaker: Oh, well you -- The President: I got tired. Hey, how are you doing? Male Speaker: Good, good. The President: I'm going to go in here. Come on. Sorry, guys, but I decided I wanted to go and see vintage watches. Isn't this a cool store? Male Speaker: It's a cool store. The President: You know, because I'm -- when Christmas comes around, this would be a great place to go -- Male Speaker: You could get anything here. The President: -- to go Christmas shopping. The typewriter I'm not going to buy, though. I think the -- now that's one area that I don't miss. I don't feel nostalgic about having to tap things out and then take my white out and all that stuff. That was terrible. I'm glad they invented computers. Can I just come in here real quick and take a look? I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything. Be right back. I'm trying to delay this as long as possible, because I'm having fun. Male Speaker: Yeah, we got some -- The President: Hello, everybody. Female Speaker: So we have patterns and fabrics. The models are to inspire you to make a quilt. The President: I see. These are some really nice quilts. Female Speaker: Well, thank you. The President: Yeah, so I just look at this and the fabrics are all along that wall. Female Speaker: (affirmative) The President: And I'd find the fabrics so that you then cut the amount that I need. Female Speaker: Correct. The President: Now what do I do? Female Speaker: Then you take it home and sew it up. (laughs) The President: Oh, I see. So what if I don't know how to do it? Can you teach me? Female Speaker: Sure. The President: I mean, not right now. (laughter) The President: I hope everybody has a great rest of the summer. Audience: Thank you. You, too. The President: All right? Thank you so much. Female Speaker: You're doing a good job. Female Speaker: Say hello to your lovely wife. The President: Appreciate you.
Channel: The Obama White House
Views: 1,578,492
Rating: 4.8606887 out of 5
Keywords: raw video, United States Of America (Country), cool watches, Live, White, barack obama, House, Parkville (City/Town/Village), Missouri (US State), quilting, vintage watches
Id: knRgWvrznFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 32sec (152 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 31 2014
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