President Obama meets "Little Miss Flint"

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The President: How are you? Good to see you, sweetie. How you doing? You doing okay? Amariyanna Copeny: Yeah. The President: Yeah. Amariyanna Copeny: You know, I wrote to you. The President: I know! That's why I decided to come. And I'm going to talk about you in my speech. All the good work you're doing. Amariyanna Copeny: (laughs) The President: That's pretty cool, huh. Come on. You and me, let's get a good one. Multiple Speakers: Cheese. The President: There she is. (applause) I would have been happy to see Mari in Washington, but when something like this happens, a young girl shouldn't have to go to Washington to be heard. I thought her President should come to Flint to meet with her. (applause)
Channel: The Obama White House
Views: 2,989,537
Rating: 4.7597485 out of 5
Keywords: little miss flint, president obama, michigan, speech, raw
Id: JPO99TwLgrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 51sec (51 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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