Calling Team USA

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The President: Hey, coach. Jill Ellis: Mr. President, how are you? The President: I'm not as good as you but I'm pretty good. (laughter) Jill Ellis: Well, we're all sitting here and just so excited that you're calling us. The President: Well listen. So I turned on the game and you guys kind of took the suspense out of it, you know. (laughter) Ten minutes and then -- Jill Ellis: Well, that was the aim for sure. The President: -- That's all she wrote. (laughter) Jill Ellis: Yeah, it was a heck of a performance. We're all so very, very proud and excited to come back to the U.S. with this trophy. The President: Well, listen, the -- it was so much fun to watch and, you know, I want to congratulate you for great coaching and I want to congratulate Abby and Megan; way to go. (laughter) Jill Ellis: We're all sitting right here. Female Speaker: Thanks, Mr. President. We appreciate your support. The President: Listen. You know, I love what you guys have done and the culture you've built and, you know, Alex and Tobin and Julie. You know, terrific, and then Carli what have you been eating? (laughter) Carli Lloyd: Wheaties. Jill Ellis: She's right here, hold on. Carli Lloyd: Hey Mr. President. The President: I want to do what you're doing. (laughter) Carli Lloyd: You can come out and run on the field with me if you want. (laughter) The President: Yeah, you know, I'll do that for about thirty seconds -- (laughter) -- and then I'll stop but -- so that whole visioning thing though; you ended up one goal short. Am I right about that? Carli Lloyd: Yeah, I think it was a tie. The President: Yeah. Carly Lloyd: (inaudible) -- last-minute so I should have been sent off maybe. (laughter) The President: Yeah, well, that never was close, you know. Carli Lloyd: Yeah, it was close. The President: It was close. But, you know, three's not bad. (laughter) Three's pretty good. Carli Lloyd: Good (inaudible) The President: So, anyway, listen; the -- couldn't be prouder, everybody here, and the next time I see the men's team, I will have to remind them that you guys beat the men in viewership. (speaking simultaneously) Yeah! The President: No American -- no soccer event has ever drawn more Americans than this one and, you know, and you guys just made a whole bunch of new fans and, more importantly, I think, inspired a whole new generation of young women to make sure that U.S. women's soccer continues to grow. So you guys -- you guys done good. Female Speaker: Well, thank you, so much. The President: How late did you stay up last night? Did you sleep yet? (speaking simultaneously) No. The President: No? So I want to invite you guys and the team to the White House to celebrate the championship and I can't wait to meet you guys and see you all here and -- with the cup and please just bask in -- bask in the glory. You guys deserve it. You guys worked really hard and you made us all really proud. Female Speaker: Well, thank you so much Mr. President. We can't wait to for you to rock of our jerseys. We'll be there. The President: There you go, okay. (speaking simultaneously) The President: Thank you guys. Bye-bye. (applause)
Channel: The Obama White House
Views: 3,089,937
Rating: 4.9106636 out of 5
Keywords: United States Of America (Country), FIFA World Cup (Football Competition), world cup, obama, Abby Wambach (Olympic Athlete), Hope Solo (Olympic Athlete), Alex Morgan (Celebrity), Carli Lloyd (Olympic Athlete), Football (Interest)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2015
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