THE FINALS Best Weapons & ALL Guns Explained With Tips

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the best weapons in the finals I've played this game since before Clos beta basically uh during a test I played it a bunch so I understand what weapons are good and what are bad for all three classes so I'm going to pick out two weapons for each class that I feel like are arguably the best and I'm going to explain why and give some tips so first up let's start with the sa 1216 which is a shotgun for the heavy now this one's really interesting it's got a four bur so you shoot four times and then you got like a little pump action and then again right uh it's really really powerful it's it will just like absolutely wreck every single player even other Heavies it's really good obviously in close quarters but you can make it work if you pair it with the mes Shield right if somebody pushes you okay and they get close to you you can just quickly put the down the shield and then pop them like that it's really really effective and basically all you need to do it's pretty straightforward it's probably the easiest weapon to use in the game if you're going to pick someone right you have cover you piek out 1 2 3 4 go behind cover but look at this right we have one bullet left I don't know where my gun's gone that's kind of weird we have one bullet left in our shotgun so if I shoot now I have to pump again so that's another tip you have to watch out for here with this one if you go one 2 three run away and then get ready to shoot you're going to have to pump so when you're getting behind cover if you haven't used all four pumps I don't know where my gun's gone that's really weird uh then make sure you either pump one more shot to do it or if you got enough time reload the reload isn't super slow and yeah that's basically the the matter of the shotgun just play in indoors hold angles pump them make sure your uh four shots have done and then if they push you like this you just get close and then bam bam bam bam and then you can just put it back up again right once you full pumps are down so pretty effective really powerful really strong against all classes now the other weapon we're going to choose for the heavy before we go to the other two classes is is the um Lewis gun now I'm going to talk about the ls gun and the mgl what is going on with this dude okay so the Lewis gun only has 47 rounds whereas the M60 has 70 so you may wonder why not choose the M60 over the ls gun well the damage profiles are actually pretty similar but take a look at how this gun feels to use look at that horrible recoil okay that's not me uh really pulling down or anything and then let's take a look at the ls gun in comparison it's just basically straight up right you you do have that curve there but with the M60 it's straight away like this this goes up first so it's really easy just to beam players long distance and then just pull to the left once you kind of get that uh initial recoil so let's wait for this guy to spawn right pull down and then pull to the left right so I'll show that again that's just basically one of the tips you pull down and then to the left and you have pretty good aim right uh pretty straightforward Lis gun has a very long reload it's like 3.5 seconds same with the M60 so basically you don't really want to reload unless you have to right uh so make sure you keep an eye on that like 30 bullets in this is still enough even like 15 bullets in this is going to give you enough stopping power uh that's pretty much the only tip for this is pretty straightforward really easy gun to use reason why I choose this as the other best gun for the heavy is flamethrower is really Niche it's really close range it's hard to make well the grenade launcher can be really good as well but you lack the distance and you may as well just take the shotgun the sledgehammer is really hard to make useful it's kind of just a mean weapon in my opinion and the leis K just has the best handling for a long range weapon giving you a bit more versatility for the heavy now what is the best between these two right L gun and shotgun I think it's hard to say cuz they both offer different play styes I'll hear some people argue that the shotgun is better than the Lewis gun because you can just hold up your shield and then you're safe you don't have to worry about long distances but once players start to use more glitch grenades uh this is just going to get instantly knocked down with the glitz grenade right so that's going to ruin your whole plan so I would definitely have this weapon and this weapon on reserve like you just want these two weapons it's that simple they are the best arguably you could take other ones if you want to have fun I guess um but both of these are really easy to use weapons okay now medium class let's talk about what we're doing with the medium class I think it's a little bit more of a complicated story for medium besides maybe rot Shield which once again is a bit of a meme Choice really uh but the akm F car the shotgun sorry the grenade launcher and the shotgun and the revolver all can be pretty good you can destroy people with the grenade launcher you can absolutely destroy people with a shotgun and even the revolver can be really good in the right hand it's really hard did like aim in my opinion which is why I'm really bad of it but um it can be good uh it can be good and unlike the heavy where most of those choices are just so nce it doesn't make sense to use them in those situations you can get by with a shotgun grenade launcher and revolver so don't get me wrong they are very good but I definitely think the best choice in the game is the akm the akm has a large magazine for uh a shot rifle so you got a lot of ammo to just shred through Players right really easy reload isn't too long and what I really like about this choice is take a look at this right really easy to use long range or mid-range we're talk about long range in minute and up close it's really easy as well the HP fire is great right so you have a very versatile weapon that's good up close mid-range and even long range right the Optics uh may not be the best right you got like basically iron sights but with some practice you can make it work the recall for this gun is a lot more forgiving than the lmg these uh honestly if you just pull down you're you're good to go like you don't need to worry and everyone's just going to have a hard time cuz it's uh really versatile all ranges decent damage decent mag you can't go wrong with it most versatile weapon in the game arguably the best weapon in the game now I actually would argue that the second best choice is the F car now a lot of people complain that the magazine size on this is too low and that is definitely true however this weapon has really nice Optics which to me just makes visibility so much easier to actually hit more shots so yeah you got to be careful you're not going to One Clip with this all the time unless you're really careful with your ammo but that red dot optic just for me personally gives me the visibility to make sure that I can like hit head shot and if you get a few head shot the ammo count is not really a problem anymore it's just so easy to tell and it's so good handling right let's go to this range here let's see this target all the way down here right like even at that distance you're you're you're able to One Clip people some practice it's really not hard obviously little bit further is a bit harder but yeah very easy weapon to use so for me that extra visibility makes up for the lack of ammo and I think that sometimes I'd rather take the F car especially on maps of like longer distances or low visibility I would prefer the F car I feel like I'm actually one clipping people more consistently than the AK cuz I can just see what I'm shooting at which honestly makes such a big difference all right so that's the medium obviously like I said earlier medium is a bit more of a complicated story a lot of these weapons are still pretty good then we go to the light and I think here it gets even crazier um I think the dagger sword and throwing knives honestly in ranked you're going to have a hard time with them uh you can have fun with them and you can do well and if you got incredible aim maybe you could pull something off uh with a throw knives but I think they are far too um niche and hard to make work the M11 in my opinion the damage profile is just not as great as the other weapons I want to talk about so I'm not really going to talk about this one I feel like it just takes too many bullets to uh eliminate a player with this so personally I would get off this as soon as possible like it's not a bad choice but the damage profile is just too bad so that leaves you with two options if you want to go for like sort of close range to mid-range options you either have the v9s or the xp54 39s is in my opinion the best choice if you can deal with uh like the visibility you get with it right uh has faster reloads it has got enough it only has 20 bullets instead of 24 now uh but it has really good damage profile and you're going to find that it's really easy to control even with the new recoil as well it's basically non-existent to be honest it's just a really uh versatile fast space quick close range option so if you're able to get up in people's faces and use movement to play around around cover you got a vasive dash or whatever then you're going to have a really good time with this um you may struggle a little bit when it comes to longer range uh and in a lot of times like if you're playing the best you can I think this weapon is the best that's how I feel right that is how I feel however I think the xp54 is sort of like the AK of the light build it's more versatile you get longer range with it but up close it's really good as well look at this right it's so easy to up close even in Hip fire and I'll show you on the Range in a minute it's really good long range as well but decent Siz mag uh a lot of damage output really easy to use and so much versatility which makes it really easy to get like a lot of damage off uh on basically any Target you can shoot people across the map with this cuz it's got an AOG on it right and it does work the damage is not great compared to like an AK long range but um it works you know and with some practic ice you're going to be beaming people so let's go back to here and talk about these weapons again I would say these are the two best options considering their power sorry the v9s and the xp54 the power at sort of the engagement distances you would probably be involved in with light however I do have to point out this shotgun can ruin people's day especially if you pair it with cloak you can do really well of this and just absolutely eliminate squads with good cloak uh and good shotgun usage absolutely I also think the sniper can be good if you are ready to kind of take a more long range rle it's um hard to make work to be honest because I mean when you get up close it's kind of scary but I've seen some really good sniper players and they've caused me a lot of damage not going to lie the lh1 is also a really underrated weapon it kind of got some balancing uh it now does less damage per shot but fast no more damage per shot but less fast uh sorry less fire rate I don't know how that means in terms of time to kill but this weapon used to be insanely good time to kill and the crazy thing is it's kind of good up close it looks like something you use long range but it is actually good up close I would probably not hit fire with this too much it can work but it's not great but even at long range you have this sort of like really nice uh iron sights in my opinion to get some long range shots that otherwise wouldn't be able to do so I don't know it's really hard to kind of point out the best weapons for light because there's so many great choices but I will put it like this I think in most situations the v9s and xp54 are going to get you through the game without feeling like your weapon is missing something they've got the most versatility um although the v9s lacks at range unless you got you know some decent practice with it shotgun here obviously super amazing close range really great paired with cloak the SR8 4 in my opinion can work well probably if you got a grapple because you can get height on people and cause a lot of pain if you can set up right you got your cash box down and you set up somewhere on high like one on one of the cranes for example you can ruin people's days with this absolutely M11 not so much uh so that's pretty much a look at all those weapons and the lh1 is really underrate as well it's so hard to CH choose but if if if you want like a sort of fast-paced uh run and Gun type play I go v9s xp54 if you want a weapon that's just going to give you a lot of stopping power all ranges except really close lh1 and then you have these more vers sort of really Niche options shotgun and sniper which are both really good but uh yeah I'll just reiterate I think v9s and xp54 are the best choices um for sort of all styles of gameplay whereas you got more nce choices with these uh so yeah that's all the weapons uh for light medium and heavy my best choices and explaining every weapon in the game essentially hope that was useful let me know uh and hopefully you'll subscrib to see more content like this and I'll see you in the comments cheio
Channel: The Gaming Merchant
Views: 386,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THE FINALS, the finals tips, the finals best weapons, the finals guid, the finals guide, the finals tips and tricks, the finals weapons, the finals tier list, the finals weapon tier list
Id: _LA1oVgjrVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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