The BEST Loadout for EVERY BUILD in The Finals 2024

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after playing the finals almost every day since his release and trying out everything the game has to offer I believe I have found the best loadouts for every build in the final of course this isn't set in stone as everybody plays a little bit different these will be some important pointers to help build your own contestants that suit your play style drop a like And subscribe if you enjoy the video and without wasting any time heading straight into the light build for specializations the best pick has to be the cloaking device you go invisible and in the finals it's actually very hard to see cloaked players then if you take a look at all the weapons the light class has to offer they're almost all back best used in close range battles having the cloaking device as your specialization allows you to get up really close up to the enemies without them seeing you and getting close with these weapons helps you put out a lot more damage I also love the cloaking device for scouting enemies for your team as before pushing a team you want to know where they are positioned so you can put yourself in the best spot possible the cloaking device allows you to investigate your enemies without them seeing you and then if you are a team player you can relay this information to your teammate then the other specialization I would recommend is the evasive Dash now for 95% of the player base I would say just stick with the cloaking device but if you have exceptional movement and solid aim to back it up then the evasive Dash might be a good pick for you but the key is you have to have some high level movement otherwise your 150 Health points will get drained very quickly the idea is that you want to be dashing back and forth so enemies blow through all their ammo trying to shoot you then you can easily take them out when they're stuck reloading the other benefit to the evasive Dash similar to the cloaking device is that allows you to get up close to your enemy to deal burst damage you can quickly Dash right up to your enemy with a shotgun a melee weapon or an SMG and quickly eliminate them before they realize what happened but this is where good aim is essential if you miss these important shots after dashing into an enemy it will most likely turn you into a trophy especially with heavy players being as strong as they are one well-placed RPG rocket can take you out if you aren't being careful now the grappling hook does have some utility and having the ability to quickly Dash by using the grapple hop trick is nice but it just isn't as beneficial as the other specializations and honestly at this point if you're choosing the grappling hook just switch to medium and use a jump pad you will have 100 more health Health points and you can use literal wall hacks on top of it then for your weapon the go-to for most players in high ranks is the XP 54 it is a super easy to use SMG as The Recoil pattern is straight up to the right and it has a scope on it making it much easier to land your shot now the other SMG option that you could use is the M11 in theory this weapon is very good as it can deal a lot of damage fast and it has 10 more bullets in a clip than the xp54 and its reload speed is much faster but it is simply way harder to use first off it has less range she have to get up really close to your enemy then the iron sights and the shake makes it really hard to see where you're shooting at and The Recoil pattern Zips back and forth making it difficult to control so if you do want to use an SMG just stick with the xp54 then the other weapon I would recommend for the Le class is the sh1 1900 the double barrel shotgun you can twap any player in the game including heavy and in combination with a cloaking device or evasive Dash you can get up right next to your enemies and basically insta kill them the one thing you do have to keep in mind is that as soon as you shoot your two shots you need to get out of there as soon as possible possible and change position if you stick around just a little bit too long you will be an easy elimination now the other weapons are certainly fun to use but they have no meaningful place in a competitive setting right now for the gadgets one that I highly suggest using is the glitch grenade one of the most OP things in the game right now are Shields and heals one glitch grenade is able to completely deny the other team's abilities making them sitting ducks for your teammates to capitalize on I also recommend using the stun gun as it makes whoever you stun an easy target as they can barely move can't interact with anything can't use abilities in the can even aim down sight now for the last Gadget I would either suggest running a breach charge you can destroy walls and create new openings to use gas grenades to block off an area of the map and make it difficult for the enemies to steal the cashio or I would use the pyrro grenade as it takes away gas and the gas grenades are a huge counter to the light build to being able to take it away with a power grenades is a huge plus now onto the medium build for specializations the best pick hands down is the healing gun it allows you to keep your team alive and in combination with the shields from the heavy class it is very hard for enemies to eliminate you it also Al cancels out gas damage so if you are healing your teammates they can still steal a cash out that is covered in gas now the other best specialization is Recon sensus it is literally wall hack and as long as there isn't fog you can see the enemies across the entire map Recon sensus allows you to get a lot of free and easy eliminations as you can always pre- aim wherever the enemies are going to be and if you communicate with your team Recon sensus is incredibly strong as you can see where each team is going so you know exactly which cash out to steal or which Vault you should be going to then whenever a team respawns you can quickly activate Recon senses to see which direction they are so your team can set up accordingly for weapons there's only really two options I would focus on the akm and the F car if you look at the F car it has an easy recoil pattern to master and good optic to see where you're shooting it also deals a ton of damage but of course it has a very small magazine you only have 20 bullets before you have to reload so if you are confident in your aim and can hit consistent head shot the F car is really good otherwise I would suggest the akm the akm has a MAG size of 30 36 almost double that of the F car The Recoil and the iron sights are certainly harder to use than the F car with a few minutes in the practice range you shouldn't have any real trouble with it now one of the big benefits of running the akm over the F car is the damage you can do to Shields you can quickly dump one mag into a heavy player's mes shield and completely destroy it then as you're reloading your team can deal the followup damage for you or if you have two akms on your team there's a ton of Firepower the enemies have to walk into so both assault rifles are great you should try them both out to see which works better for your play style for gadgets there is a clear meta always be using the defibrillator having the capability to revive a teammate in the heat of a battle is so incredibly strong and if you aren't already using it you need to start using it now now do keep in mind the defib provides enemies with around half of their Total Health I believe it is 40% so if you have a heal beam you should be using it on them right away the other Gadget I would use 100% of the time is the jump pad allows you to quickly get up to High Ground when necessary then if you put it on an angle you can quickly bounce towards or away from enemies also you can't forget that heavy players don't have much Mobility at all so you need to be using the jump pad had to help enable them to get around the map you can also place a jump pad right under cash out to make it bounce and enemies will have a very hard time stealing it there are just so many uses for the jump pad so I recommend always having it in your load out then for the last Gadget you have a few different options depending on your play style an easy pick is the explosive mind you can place some on the cash out in doorways or on the enemy trophies to deny the revive then there is also the aps turet that can help you defend an objective by destroying any incoming projectiles there's also the zip line that allows you to gather around the map quickly then the gadget that I run most often is the gas grenade allows me to force enemies out of a position and you have more control over the gas grenades than you do with the gas mine the gas also goes through walls and Floors making it very hard for enemies to see it coming and it gives you hit markers whenever you're dealing damage to an enemy which helps give you a rough idea of where they're plan then we have the heavy build for the specialization most of the time you should be using the mes Shield blocks incoming damage if with medium players behind you the enemies will have a lot of difficulty trying to take you out the goo gun and the charging slam both have their moments but the mes Shield is almost always a better pick for the weapons you have two options that are very powerful firstly there is the sa 1216 an automatic shotgun that I believe has the highest damage per second of any weapon in the game Heavy with an auto shoty in close-range fights is almost impossible to out gun then when you also have a medium player healing him at the same time he is even stronger when you use the shotgun with the mes Shield allows you to deny damage from range but then when they get up close they get deleted by the high DPS the other great pick is the ls gun it has consistent damage with an easy to control recoil pattern then it also has a MAG size of 40 s you can keep shooting for quite a while you can never go wrong defaulting to the ls gun when you aren't sure what you should be using the first Gadget I always recommend using as a heavy player is the RPG it's a good way to get some quick damage on your enemies and it is the perfect counter to any light players running around the next Gadget I always use is the C4 that's because it allows you to do the most overpowered trick in the game by attaching the C4s to explosives then throwing and exploding them in enemy faces it will literally one shot Heavies if it is close enough I believe it does around 4 to 500 damage if plac perfectly and considering heavy players have 350 Health it is a lot of damage hopefully this Tech will be Nerf soon but as of now it is extremely strong and you should be abusing it to win your game the other Gadget I always use is the Dome Shield it allows you and your team to shoot through it however the enemies can't shoot through it it's perfect for clutching up a few kills without taking damage or to force enemies to get up close to you and then when the closer you can either use your shotgun your Sledgehammer or an RPG to quickly eliminate them it might seem a bit overkilled to run the mes Shield and the Dome Shield at the same time but Overkill is exactly what you want Overkill is what makes it so difficult for enemies to defeat you now you need to be using these loadouts if you want to be winning consistently but there is a lot more to the game which is why you need to watch this video up on your screen now thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Esidi
Views: 214,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esidi, the finals, the finals tips, the finals best weapons, the finals best loadout, the finals best loadout light, the finals best loadout heavy, the finals best loadout medium
Id: fiB8Ss0L4tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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