THE FINALS Tracking Dart Is Severely Underrated (Here's Proof)

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so I was taking a look through the leaderboards in the finals looking at the best players in the world checking out their streams and seeing what Loadout they were using there were a lot of medium builds a lot of Recon senses surprisingly a lot of f cars but what really surprised me the most was the sixth player in the world ranked on the leaderboards right now is using tracking Dart now you hardly ever see anybody use tracking Dart so seeing such a highly rated player using one really got me thinking why I did ask in chat and I got a response saying that he just finds it more useful than mines nades and other utility I had to try out for myself to find out is it actually good is it underrated and I have to say we went on quite the journey in this tournament we did in fact win with a tracking Dart so that kind of speaks for itself but I'll have to let the game play out and you can see it in action and see my life thoughts I'm not going to overhype this is the best thing ever it definitely has some cons which you'll see later especially in the final round of the tournament but was surprisingly useful especially for certain play starts so here it is in action all right here we go tracking Dart jump pad now we got two vaults really far away from us which is a bit of a shame no early money for us no problem no problem I'm going to climb on this roof and then we can potentially use the tracking Dart I thought about one thing right like we can just zoom in and like have a little bit of a closer look of where people actually are H you know you combine the scope with the uh Recon senses interesting there's one look at him hiding dude does he know that he's being tracked I assume he does he's so low dude oh no oh my that's horrible bro yo a thank you you just saved my lifeo all right he's going for the res for sure for sure hit him again hit him again look at that look at that info yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah look at that look at that oo the wi let's go let's go come on get the money get the money that was kind of clean you know like sometimes just having that tracking allows you to have better aim On Target as they move through cover going through all the different doors and windows there pretty cool we're in a situation now where we can actually use a tracking do quite effectively because we're at range right longer range is going to be more important oh oh there we go I need to break down I need go go go go go he's still being tracked here look at this look at it's coming in he coming in it's coming in it's coming in it's coming coming in nice that track can helped out massively dude look at that I love it I love it let's go help our team nice job all right one got wiped here and he's probably resing there he is back out my team here back out my team don't go that way don't go that way it's dangerous dude still two of them I'm going to jump down below Maybe all right it's three of them now there's invis going around somewhere on the stairs on the stairs look at this he's coming up he's coming up he's coming up all right uh I may have forgot the fact that there's multiple people there yo the they're quick where the res is here all right all right all right we're doing a lot of damage to them nice okay brilliant brilliant I held that angle so tight and it almost got us killed all right yo the fact it's like it's better than Recon senses right people here I think we're good I just need to Res my team all right look at that H interesting well I'm going to keep playing before I share like thoughts on it and whether it's met or not you know it's too early it's too early they're obviously coming back here we go here we go here we go that's one right out in the open Dude any mines here like anything at all that guy would be screwed I track and do on him then they just like I mean to be honest this is the easily most easily defended point in the game I'll be honest it's not hard so uh you know let's see what it's like up in close quarters but long range pretty cool pretty cool boys ow you trying to they're trying to Lim us now quite clearly you get two shots as well which is quite interesting oh you wiped them they did not stand a chance all right okay well St go for that Vault I'm going to have a little look at what's going on over here we can have a little zoom in you know okay there's a dude there I quite like that bit weird when you zoom in though it thinks that you're close to the Target so the vision goes blurry again interesting uh our our little friends are back over there they're going to be camping it there there they are there they are look at them oh they hit me with a gas bro we do want to go there right we're going Cash Out C that's interesting going to beat them to it we're going to beat them to it yeah they're still fighting over it smart play they defended that one doesn't matter we're over here cool cool cool I like that I like that I don't want it to be a double cash out it's going to be a bit scary they're probably sitting there thinking well what do we do now oh they are coming over here though they are coming over here oh oh oh oh okay that's fine not much damage there look at that tracking dude useful got gas mes on me oh Pink's dead Okay interesting woo up there real quick there we go so they're over here this guy's kind of close oh look they're stealing it bro no way don't let him do that they dead oh you were they die to the gas or what oh people coming up stairs the oranges that helped us a lot dude the orange abilities there nice I don't like this gas get it out of here all right thanks orange appreciate it well not really orange brown isn't it I don't know what that pink was doing team's over there that's kind of neat I think we got this cash out so far this has been going pretty well um I'm going to wait you know I'm not going to lie we had a great setup that team just kept running at us they didn't really stand a chance and nobody else really bothered us this game so we can't say that this is like overpowered or something we don't know how it's going to be against good players uh so that's what we're waiting for here but we are we are sitting good right now we are chilling don't think we need to worry too much I might go have a little sneak peek at these guys to be honest with you another Cash Out could start which is what I'm bit worried about oh well that's annoying anybody around around I think we're good yeah I think everyone's going to go to the other cash out cuz they got 1 minute left uh Brown could be sneaky or orange is not going to come here pink does have a reason to fight for that cash out interesting interesting W brown just got wiped again there pink Fe orange and then they're all going to run this way underground right now lots of things all right yeah they have one chance to make this s dude stealing it okay put pressure on them cuz can I guess look at that look how long it lasts dude look at this guy I've just got conscient vision of him the whole time that's crazy [Applause] yo he uh he died and there's one pink left not that it matters oh why do we start a cash out no why do we do that that's a terrible idea oh no okay interesting choice not going to lie and now we're getting pushed oh my God if we die now this is the worst worst thing to happen to us oh God there's definitely people behind us oh my God jeez jeez jeez not a good idea boys not a good idea why did we start that oh no if we get team WIP and pink steals it we're out oh we had it bro all right we're fine luckily we'll still be fast as long as this guy doesn't die no why we're still first just about that's extreme that was scary I've had too many instances like that where we lose the game there was no need to cash out there oh well at least we're through all right first impression so far pretty useful I think it's nice to focus on one job like instead of having to think about defending the cash out with mind my mind placement Recon uh coming if they got mics on I just have one job Recon try and give information to my team and try and eliminate people and the tracking Dart is definitely uh really long and really easy to spot people I will say now after this challenge this video I'm definitely going to use it more like that's what I'm going to say so far here we go boys here we go Vault two is so close oh look at that nice that's an easy one to start with uh that seems going tool one so we're going to have orange nice little hit on him look at that dude look at the tracking oh no that's crazy so there's one left one left somewhere they're obviously going to come in here ow bro nice job nice job right let's go B let's go B already on a go go go nice start that track and dart really helped our teammate there to get the kill I feel like one really important thing that a lot of people don't realize is kills are really important in this game team wiping is the best team wiping changes everything dude you team wipe and you chill you know what I mean oh the cash out's kind of close oh interesting look at that look at that Dron you can't shoot for that but imagine you could dude we have a little angle on him what we need to worry about is people coming behind us now let's get their attention there's two teams here yeah this is the easier one to attack so it makes sense we got two teams honestly one dude left he's almost dead let going to Res let's stop that there we go oh we died oh dude I'll get my teammate up come on this is what the defibs for right I can't do it now we got to get to the thing we're way too far from it bro where are they are they dead there's one heavy left oh okay doing a good job then boys another team they're going elsewhere they got be find each other surely that dude on me oh my God whoa that was close all right I think we got this to be honest I think we got it nice good job boys let's go straight to the next Vault let's not worry about that cash out they're going to be all the way over on the other side of the map anyway all right I'm actually liking this is someone who really likes Recon sense this is good this is working well for me that's all I'm saying dude it's working well think they're going Dev four which is a bit a bit awkward if we can get both faults for a bit of extra cash I mean why not all right yeah they didn't okay okay Cash Out D all right now let's just have a little look inside I like that you can reload Two Shots into it at once a lot of people over there fighting oh we got a moving platform interesting okay let me grab that oh you're here you're here okay just Wast to the tracking Dart I don't know if he's going to be able to get here in time thr to me buddy there we go I'm a little bit worried about this because usually you want to kind of well defend this one with a lot of traps cuz there it's really easy to use long range you know what I mean I mean it's it's really easy to defend it's really easy to diffuse ra steal oh my God I couldn't find the word it's easy to steal this one and we kind of need to stay up close so the min's really help Galaxy is going in he's in another galaxy right now this guy but whatever he's doing it might work so let him do it so far so good so far so good come on boys we almost got it here they come here they come this is going to be our first Ninja definitely going to try and take it that ain't good there's still a chance they can steal it could be fine though to be honest we're fine oh my God off the now go no the reason I jumped off the edge I was a bit too late with it there kind of a sad situation I jumped off the edge because I want to team WIP before we get the cash out so we don't lose as much money but instead well yeah we didn't work out at all did it interesting we're coming in here this is going to be an interesting fight could take this yo what the that guy was good all right maybe we shouldn't take this we need to get out there should be the focus here a dude we need to get out of there it doesn't matter if pink comes first you know but if we get keep getting team wiped like that uh now if orange or well we're still first luckily but if another Cash Out starts it's going to get a little little dangerous well bit of a mess up in near the end this guys got 15 they got so many elims that's crazy just defend let defend the The Vault come on oh there's a vault there ooh okay now they don't have time nobody has time well we're fine to be honest even if we get wiped again there's no way they can get enough money so yeah let's have fun with it boys that pink team is a scary sight to be honest yeah I don't know about that man don't know about that interesting oh no we're going to face them in the finals oh dear [Applause] we still go through but um wow at what cost we go through with the [Applause] pinks I'm not sure if they even know that they're being traed oh I we still alive but I need to wait for my health to recharge they're all alive so this what it mean man map just so important you know what I mean just tracking that through the wall we get a little angle on it maybe oh they got healing beam though look at that dude constant pressure on that no oh that was unfortunate that guy was really low this is a hard one to attack I have an angle on him know exactly when he Peaks dude n this like I said earlier this one is so hard to attack and really easy to defend have this massive Bridge it's just not worth it the fact that purple has 10K kind of makes me feel like I mean 4K already they're pretty efficient what they're doing here oh yeah I mean this could be a steal though this could be a steel for us potentially as well try boys may as well try one team just got wiped that guy has insane aim doesn't he they're going to be hard there's one left there's one left dude there we go there we go there we go wait for the gas there we go we got this we got this they're going to come back though but nice good job guys good job they're definitely going to be back on their way here we just need to stay alive it's literally all we need to do all we need to do [Applause] bro we got it we got it nice that was a good steal brilliant give away here we go here we go we can try like if that Vault hasn't started we got a free attempt to do this cuz by the time we team wipe we can just go to the next cash out there's a lot of action on this one as well okay nice there's one purple left another Steel in the books boys another Steel in the books no way all right that's wonderful and they're coming back now we got purple back alien evasion causing Mischief there's no they don't have time brilliant that's great it's looking very likely we'll get in here oh dude looking very likely we'll make it now into the finals into the finals we go with this purple yeah I'm down for that nice here we go into the finals then they did do a lot of damage there but the aimed at the pink guys had I'm glad it's not them so this is going to be great we might join maybe here we go what tracking do I feel like has some value look at this ready nice St strong shall we nice I'm going to get one of you and then going to start the cash out it's really important we start this this as soon as possible boys and we're going to go to be I don't want to be on the moving platform not when I'm I just don't want to do moving I don't want to do it I don't feel comfortable I'm going to end up falling off the edge of the map or something usually what happens all right now this would be a really good option for having mines who the orang all right I like it I like it we got a hole in the roof now what I want to probably do is get like height on these guys maybe I don't want to die but I want to have like an angle they are indeed back over there got one I that was useful the guy's alone bro hit him again is that the one that's that's the one with one respawn token as well right they're all coming in look at this guy going to be a bit s isn't he he's got track out as well nice nice he's on it he's on it that was smart putting the turret up there that could have been a nice little steal but I was ready looks like we got this one then looks like we got this one they might have a little bit of a chance here we'll see we'll see they are back no they're not not yet nice job guys R is working ren do is working the targeting is just great I think I saw my teammate using one as well oh they're here already yeah I'm going to try and be quick with this aren't they need to not die though I got stuck in the goo dude the goo gun coming in strong come on you got to stop the heavy stop him stop him he's got it dude no way that awkward dude no got to do it no oh no that is awkward no he doesn't have tracking dot we just died to that that is rough that is really rough oh dude it's in moments like this where you think if I had a mine like just a gas mine on that I I I jumped I jumped in there way too early my mistake but I felt the pressure and if I had a mine that's the only issue that is the only issue like you do use lose some utility hard to say man it really depends on what your team is running as well like we don't have any defense on the cash out at all our team is using something uh a zip line and a jump pad like double oh he's on the roof okay 2V1 2V1 come on come on nice all right we can Team these guys we're doing it pretty effectively I'll be quick though come on oh this one's easy to defend come on come on come on come on take that money let's go let's go yes nice wonderful wonderful wonderful okay we can get this one really need to destroy that bridge though how long do we have like I know not going to have a chance to do it here no they all got destroyed they are back now in here already oh well okay nice one left good job they have that a chance to just kind of quickly wipe though which is a bit of an issue they spawned really close to us as well which really threw me off go back no we got 10 seconds okay it ain't over yet boys it ain't over yet so far so good yeah we need to break that as it they came up there right I'm going to get up on the roof are they back already wow they spawn really close don't they one that tracking really helps though we can go take them out nice oh we're wiping them good I got to say the track and do does feel pretty handy at times I like it there are moments where I'm like oh I wish I had a mine but maybe with the right setup we can uh use just barrels like a barrel like this could be good enough I don't know oh well never mind they got one sec they still have a chance to steal this could be like a last minute steal like last time oh finally they spawn far away I think that guy's giving up look at that tracking dude like just helps out a lot doesn't it obviously they're going to go for that again I'm going go help the teammate right that tracking through the wall there we go there we go nice nice okay be careful I got one HP here oh no way that's them that's them oh we we all died that's hilarious okay fair enough it happens happens to the best of us boys this has been a great game so far though I just like the extra power it gives me as a solo CU player and I'm going to release a video talking about this but as a solo player I feel like it's really important to have the ability to find players and deal as much damage to them as possible I think that's really important a the heav is one but yeah no communication here which makes it difficult but it's fine the V only just started even if we get team we like this not really a big deal they got to go all the way over there by the time they get there wow I guess they could use this one they do a floating cash out is going to be a bit trickier for us not a fan of that but with the tracking D we might be able to get some cheeky picks long range yeah they're definitely going for a they're going to cash out before we respawn look at this look at this a almost they 1 second sooner that would have been awesome right here we go I'm thinking we get on this building right get a tracking guy hit on them and just get some cheeky angles and knock them need to deal with the mediums to be honest the heavy hasn't been much of an issue isue there we go this is what I'm talking about they're not on board wait where are they oh there's one there nice he's not on here he's not on here yeah get a little snipe on him the edge no way this is what I mean man I'm so happy it was this team that called and not the uh the other team that was hilarious you like Superman dived off the edge can you believe that oh that was great I thought something really evil but that there like that anyone else got any uh in the back AR they that's so bad like over there this is where track and do is going to come in handy bro there's one he's Landing straight on me nice get this guy out then there it is I think we won this yeah we have nice good job I mean underrated severely nobody's really using it and I can kind of see why the top six player in the world is using it right now definitely give it a try if you're using Recon senses already and you're playing that role of trying to provide info to your team uh it's going to do really well for sure so um yeah that was a great game look at all that
Channel: The Gaming Merchant
Views: 204,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the finals, the finals gameplay, the finals medium build, the finals tracking dart, the finals tracking, the finals recon, the finals best medium build, the finals pro loadout
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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