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all right what's going on guys it's Chev and welcome to PO world this game actually ended up dropping on Early Access yesterday and basically everybody had described it when we initially saw the trailers for this game uh during I I forget which award show we ended up seeing this during but everyone just basically described the game as Pokemon with guns this game at the moment has over 800,000 people playing the game it's top in the charts over on Steam charts it's absolutely incredible how big this game got overnight I figured hey I got to try out everyone's playing it I have to I already started getting comments and tweets and stuff about the game so if you guys want some more po world in the future let me know down in the comment section and by leaving a like on this video If this video gets enough like I'll continue all right and this is the character creator now I have already seen some absolutely terrible Abominations created I guess we'll start with this guy um hair I mean not really but kind of I mean also this but not [ __ ] man and what the [ __ ] it changes his whole face when you're trying to put the thing on there look how gorgeous he is look at him these faces are hilarious you go from like this to this holy [ __ ] I mean you only got two full beard guys I mean we'll just do this whatever change the eyes all right that's cursed torso size what the [ __ ] we're built like Joe Rogan God damn okay uhhuh I I'll go with the last one all right start game this is the best I got we cannot change our character's appearance it's fine it's all right what is up with these games and you just spawning on beaches there's a tablet the towers are the key the tree holds the truth can't tell if I built my character wrong or if I'm just that's how I walk okay no it seems normal wait there's there's Pokémon already or Pals sorry I need to call them Pals uh let's go up here first pick up Fallen branches or hit trees for some wood open the survival guide open the build menu unlock fast [Music] travel okay how deck it's like Pokemon and breath of the wild and fortnite and Ark who is this they have a gun this island is a living hell take some basic supplies it gave me 10 wood wait I could just primitive workbench oh [ __ ] okay wait I I need to find a good location to build though people said that I should try to find a flat surface this looks very flat I like this all right let's put that right here build hold oh that's a cool timer okay I leveled up holy [ __ ] wait there's like a whole menu thing pal spere unlock pal spere I need palum fragments and stone what do I go over here pick the club start production okay simple enough oh [ __ ] okay let me try to craft a pal sphere let me hit these rocks I guess I'm getting Stone I forget how much Stone I needed I'm going to get five okay when do I get a gun I don't know how I feel about shooting these absolutely adorable animals that's terrible oh is this that aridium [ __ ] palum oh sorry it takes like half my stamina bar to even get one of these pickaxe would probably work a lot better is there durability on make it what the [ __ ] is that mam rest level 34 I don't think I can fight that yeah I'm going to avoid that wait there's another one dinome what the [ __ ] we got like a Ivysaur hybrid and whatever the [ __ ] this is okay uh so now I guess I go and attack Pals to weaken them oh here we go uh which one do I want to capture first all right we're going to look for a level three lamb ball level two all level two oh there's an egg level three lamb ball there we go they just let you beat the [ __ ] out of it like that there you go 100% capture rate got him easy and then I can press e to summon them oh no way and then I call them back with e all right I'm level three now damage Del increases as attack power increases is that damage for me that I do or is it damage for the pals I'm going to go HP 700 oh [ __ ] okay yeah unlock PO Box okay so I got this level three lamb ball yellow stat called ferocious attack plus 20% wait this little lamb Ball's a beast okay so they recover HP while in the inventory oh I got to scroll over here okay so the surrounding area becomes the main area around it okay um I guess we go like right here okay all right yeah so the building area goes all the way over here hops over here a little bit in the water in the corner over here which isn't good I don't think you could build on this I mean I place it generally all right all right I need a pickaxe and a regular Axe and [ __ ] now PO Box management Pals at base oh [ __ ] it just okay this is our boy now in good condition so they're used for battle but they're also used mostly for like Base building and [ __ ] PS without beds will get stressed it seems a visitor is heading towards the base I'm not ready a visitor weapon is damaged where do I see that at okay so we get stone pickaxe oh wait this guy can build it for us oh [ __ ] lift wait I can pick him up wire okay we got the pickaxe and uh now I don't have enough for a stone axe but now I can get this much faster oh yeah that's way faster much faster okay cool and I'm getting fragments now all right now we get an axe as well does he work on this with me it does it speeds it up even faster dude get out of the way all right so how's the axe on the trees beautiful okay yeah it's kind of got like a little bit of like a Minecraft thing going on oh [ __ ] the trees do come down okay and what is this this is something else or I don't know what this is for but I'll use it okay wait so this weapon is damaged does it do as much damage as the uh other thing y what's up 15 damage 67 damage ow it hit me again 67 damage oh they're all [ __ ] me up I don't have any spheres get him yeah oh [ __ ] wa who's this guy wandering Merchant what what's he doing I've got some good items in stock okay what does he at hat schematics pal spheres oh he takes gold electric organ Venom gland flame organs okay this guy just sells like materials and [ __ ] high grade medical supplies oh he's got like armor schematics along with like other [ __ ] okay that's nice I have an idea bear with me I'm going to get a pal sphere here hey buddy you're a Wandering Merchant yeah I can actually [ __ ] him up wait he can't move he's stck are they going to let me capture human no no no where you going wait I lost the ball now I don't have enough [ __ ] wandering Merchant you're not wandering anymore buddy 177% 49 a captured human you can capture people I can just summon them dude okay this guy's helping working on it so what does this human have massicus defense up attack down Nimble increase to movement speed they only have a punch Attack Base upgrade upgrade okay build a bed I keep getting scared that my Merchant is going to randomly like attack this giant Mammoth guy wait I'm freezing and I'm hungry how the [ __ ] do I eat how do I live campfire we need this guys help me build it where's the other one at there we go all right we're cool we're not freezing to death anymore foundations I guess we'll start by uh we'll put that there that there I don't want to make a building too large so we'll start small like a little cabin I'm leveling up oh okay I could do it that way much faster got it open all right cool boom boom all the pals are like sleeping at night well probably a lot of them anyway right now we'll build the uh the bed right around uh put it right here in this corner is he helping me build it through the wall so if we go to sleep it'll be daytime again right sleep oh cool easy oh okay now they're eating wait this is adorable oh they love me you're so ferocious I'm going to make a couple beds for everybody and then we're going to go hunting now the thing is this Merchant can't really fight for [ __ ] he's just going to be here working on things come here buddy wait why is it so [Music] tanky wa don't kill him all right all right we're getting a cat all right we got a cat guys base upgrade speed B box straw pal beds need three of them I want everybody to like be sleeping near each other it feels safe boom boom and boom good job everyone man this Merchant is completely useless I was mind blown that I could capture a human being to begin with I was like wow this is dark now we need to go and capture lamb ball is that a giant [ __ ] hold on let me finish building this we got to get it we have to fight it all right everyone let's get him it's targeting me all right lamb ball let's [ __ ] him up ow boom I sted him yeah [ __ ] him up I have balls to capture him he Shin oh my God what happened now we're getting a shiny already all right capture 82% 92 holy [ __ ] we officially have a giant [ __ ] on our team you've captured a lucky pal see what special abilities they have wait can I put him at base I can he's lucky and Runner and then he goes right to sleep to go and heal let me see what all that means oh here we go lucky work speed up attack up Runner increase movement speed oh [ __ ] hey buddy it's brutal I can't imagine when you get a gun let me see what this green stuff is over here house spere oh just on the ground okay pick up lift monk Effigy offer them to a statue of power to improve your ability to capture Pals I don't even know what that is can I go in the water oh I can oh [ __ ] this game is weird because it there's moments where you're like wait can I do that and you just can hanging trap catches Pals that pass through only effective on small Pals and humans I remember when I was younger and people were upset about some Pokemon [ __ ] like oh dude they're capturing Pokemon and making them fight each other they should take a look at this game all right feed box now this could go like right over here I guess all right now we can add another one here you're not a good fighter so you can go in there suntan lover what does that mean decrease to incoming fire damage oh okay wait he's just mining by himself what and then these guys like move them all the way they just move it over to the Box oh [ __ ] they all like have their own little things that they do wait this is adorable ber Plantation yeah I was looking at that Berry Plantation we need more wood and stone okay so the beginning of this game is definitely a lot of farming and stuff I'm going to assume to like make your whole base like self-sufficient you have like a whole group of them that are just designed to just sit there and Farm off of each other rest and eat and then Farm more stuff off of each other and then rest and eat and just keep farming more and more and more while you go out and do all this other [ __ ] makes a lot of sense to me so the beginning of the game is a lot of setups hold on wait I need all these Berry Plantation just snug right in this little corner right here boom planting and watering I can see it there is so much on this game holy [ __ ] wait am I getting addicted nothing crazy even happened yet and I'm assuming they can't help me seed it's crazy how the cats are somehow mining rocks I I don't get it but go ahead can I give them weapons like can I give all of my different pal Glocks and [ __ ] and just shoot any Intruders all right and then watering is its own thing pal team is hungry and I'm hungry well then go eat the food right there I'm just I'm making the berries guys don't worry the cat just killed some random chicken that was walking by and the chicken dropped an egg and then they go and drop it in the food pile Pal's sanity decreases doing work yeah I don't blame him build a hot spring or other facilities to get them back on the job a hot spring there is so much [ __ ] all right and now it's going to grow and then it should just do its own thing right all right now everybody will have a bed I don't know why this body is just still rolling around our base uh upgrade boom now he can get more palar workbench a statue of power wait I can make a shield yeah I'll take that that'll help me in combat oh see they got berries now they should be able to feed each other right actually maybe the guy's not that useless he does have items I don't know if they're like finite though all right it's getting dark just sleep guys let's just go to sleep all right a part of me wonders if we can fight this dinome thing it's level 15 no way we can do that we still have to go and capture five lamb balls I'm going to go and do that that's one oh there's a chest I didn't even think about chests in this game open golden coin Arrow so we can buy things off of of uh the dude now right which one's actually seed though cuz I have to manually seed this then it doesn't automatically do it itself I have to figure out some kind of pal that actually seeds it I feel like that green pal over there probably does seed and then I need a water pal that'll go and water this whenever it's ready so then they can build off of each other and then they just have to wait for growth and then they can Farm it I think that's how it works this whole thing is like a Workforce it's barely Pokémon really you capture them and you got like base Pals and then you have fighting Pals lock on laser wait a minute I think I actually want to go and take this bit big ass guy here what does the chicken do again they lay eggs I mean this guy is going to do a lot of damage though all right lamb ball number four oh then they all come and help me that's nice oh I leveled up off of picking up berries and [ __ ] I'm sorry buddy it's a way of the world all right that's all five boom all right now since I captured those guys and it gave me XP all right now we got the PO gear workbench I don't know what that does and a statue of power makes saddle to ride Pals or make a gun for Pals to use dude no way why is this game actually good I'm I'm having fun and I haven't even accomplish [ __ ] it's teamwork everybody I'm sorry I had to capture you to make this happen but you know they want me to do a statue of power yeah I remember that like right here I guess all right everybody help build it on over the workforce okay while they do that hold on put this guy in here all right and then the statue I need pal okay so I don't think it's important like where it's really sitting so I'll set it like right over here it's facing the wrong way enhance Pals what does that mean oh okay so you get some kind of weird thing for that uh enhance player stats capture power life monk My Cat in real life if I ever found my cat mining a random Rock I I don't even know how to react another base upgrade build a Crusher a stone pit and a logging site what the [ __ ] oh it knows I'm sorry Kitty it knows get back here they're coming back wait this guy got pissed that I beat up his friend hey all right so we put this cat over here coward and fragrant foliage what does that do increase a grass attack okay what does Diet lover mean increase in hunger is less likely oh nice challenge the boss at rain Syndicate Tower no I'm good can make regular cloth armor so now we don't look like a caveman anymore uh I appreciate your help man but you pointing at it is not helping that much oh it puts it right on oh [ __ ] I want to see if I can find a grass type or a water type oh my God he's going to laser him do it boom I didn't know it was going to do that much damage okay hold on wait this thing is a beast I'm just going to capture this by myself 99 100 cool oh wait there's a ball over here I can still get the blue guy I think the grass guy can seeed the area and then this guy can water it and then the fire guy I guess could work with like I don't some kind of cooking or something maybe if I can think it it's likely the case oh boy blank [ __ ] come here 77 don't break out no all right well I'm just going to kill him then wait you can dodge roll in this game holy [ __ ] wait a minute it's dark souls the game does a very it doesn't tell you everything but it does a really good job of like at least pushing you in the right direction of like just building [ __ ] so you don't end up having things that you can't do anything with I don't think this person really does anything so I'm going to put them in here and then I'm going to put gum Moss here let's go over here oh my god look how goofy he looks oh it requires watering yeah I really need a water type then what did what did the chicken do to it it knocked it underground shoot him boom it one shotted him oh my God the penguin's just running away underground I think we can do this stop running come here oh yeah laser him it doed oh my God he [ __ ] my chicken up oh no I'm dead [ __ ] dropped all items in equipment oh it's just not here all right I'll just go [ __ ] myself it laid me out and left me here I need a bow and arrow I'm going to lose my mind I'm chasing these [ __ ] things around with a club like a caveman capture please 99 got him a rocky egg I needed to be in an incubator okay what does this do okay watering right he's going to do it he's going right towards it watering he's going to do it oh I have to put him inside of this because he's incapacitated got it boom watering complete and now it'll start growing now he's just going to move ship oh my God this is adorable also there's a UFC event tonight Sean stricking against drus dup C I actually got drus I think Styles make fights and uh yeah I just don't think it's a good match up for stri I think drus has got this get his [Music] ass he's dead all right he didn't drop the gun well that's really unfortunate what is that PF guards what the [ __ ] I'm just going to run oh [ __ ] I'm on the run who are these guys I got to make it down to our camp I got to go to sleep everybody inside you can't oh no wait I'm super dead who are these people I've never seen them in my life they're all fighting what is happening guys wait are we good they left we're going to sleep we're cool all we have to do is wait about 30 seconds and our crimes are forgiven good job everybody he's going right over there he's going to plant oh this game is so sick boom he spreads the seeds and then this guy will water the seeds and then they'll wait again and then it just it keeps going self- sustaining beautiful all right now see this guy over here the level 16 dinome we're going to try and kill this thing it's uh grass and I I guess that's dragon or something go down there oh that ain't doing any damage that ain't doing any kind of damage at all we can't do it we can't do it we can't do it we tried we failed we can't do it that was a massive mistake luckily we survived a logging site and a stone pit okay where am I supposed to put this at I guess right here I'll chop this tree down and then we put the stone pit right over here oh this [ __ ] is so so fun I can only imagine how fun this [ __ ] is with friends I got to stop though I'm going to end up recording for like hours and hours and hours I have to actually get this video up today holy [ __ ] yeah I'm definitely going to keep playing I don't know about making videos and spamming videos on it but uh yeah I'm definitely going to play this all right so we got a stone pit required mining so what mines and what Lumbers and [ __ ] but yeah anyway that's pal world uh I'm still at the early stages of the game I haven't even gotten to shoot Pokemon yet or Pal sorry but if you guys do want more let me know down in the comment section and by leaving a like on this video and uh yeah it's been Jeb guys later
Channel: FaZe Jev
Views: 1,138,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: awf03p8W2zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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