Master the LIGHT Class in The Finals (In-Depth guide by the #1 LIGHT)

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everyone hello everyone I'm piggy if you're unsure of who I am here's a short recap I have won two fwl kill race tournaments played closed and open Beta And I have beaten all the good players in tournaments like listic let's do it and balis and one twitch travels in hyperscape a game super similar to the finals and this is my in-depth guide of the light class so whether you're rookie or a seasoned beta player this guide is packed with tips and strategies to help you become the true Master of the light class before we dive into details let's talk about what makes the light class so special the light class is the definition of high risk High reward low skill floor and a super high skill ceiling with many different play Styles but I will mainly be focusing on the competitive side of the light cloud chapter one let's talk about abilities weapons and gadgets so what abilities should you run on light the strongest ability in my opinion is Cloak it offers the best outplay potential and scouting potential Dash is also a good option I don't really have much experience with Dash but I can see its uses the main issue with Dash is that you can't really Scout as effectively or toss glitch grenades unexpectedly I'll touch on glitches later grapple is also a good ability for Pure Mobility you have players like Nate using grapple and stomping with it but for purely competitive I don't really see the use for grapple you can grab statues Vault boxes and grapple away or Dodge stuff but I personally don't see the use case for grapple so what are the best light weapons the good weapons are xp54 L1 and the vss9 the xp54 is one of the best weapons because it's easy to control better than the vss9 guessing that the vs9 got nerfed and if you enjoy tracking it's 100% the weapon to use then we we have the L one this weapon is giga broken if you can aim it has the fastest ttk in the game high headshot multiplier the only drw bik of the weapon is The Recoil and the visual recoil of the gun lastly the vss9 the vss9 was dominating in open Beta I'm assuming it got Nerf to launch and it's still good but I think xp54 is just a better option overall these three weapons are the best light guns currently tldr LED one is best if you can aim xp54 is the best all round weapon and vs9 is good if you enjoy the weapon this is just my opinion and my takes on what guns are the best so what are the best gadgets for light glitch grenades is what makes lights viable against other classes if glitch didn't exist light wouldn't be good at all so why glitches glitches completely disable all utility abilities like medium healing beam heavy Shields heavy RPGs just to name of you what I'm trying to say is if you're playing light and you're not using glitch grenades you are kind of handicapping yourself the second gadget for light is the stun gun also known as the taser it can be used in many ways like stunning a medium healer stunning a heavy about to RPG you or stopping a steel from happening the taser is basically something you always got to run as well since it's another way to disrupt the enemy tasering glitch is basically a must pick it offers so much value compared to the other gadgets the third slot is a flex pick here run basically whatever I feel like either regular grenades or gas grenades this slot is pretty much a slot where you just pick whatever is meta so it kind of depends on what the devs do like what kind of thing they're adding in the future here's a little overview of the load out I like running when I'm playing ranked or against good players I tend to swap out the MP5 for the L one from time to time chapter 2 here I will talk about the in-depth usage of cloak and the gadgets I like running let's start with cloak so why pick cloak over the other abilities like Dash or grapple simply put cloak allows you to get the position you want without exposing yourself Ive lost count of how many lights just run up close range with clock use taser and die and later question why it's not working working cloak strength doesn't come from being able to get up close and shoot it gives you the freedom to scout get positions you wouldn't be able to get using other gadgets like Dash and grapple for example here are a couple examples of how to use cloak in the correct way right here we were camping the cash out because we knew that they were going to push this way if I was using anything other than cloak they could have seen me on the roof and predicted that I was going for a sneaky glitch and played differently this also allows me to communicate with my team so I can tell them what's happening and what the next play for the enem is here's another example of how to use clock we're once again defending a cash out and we see the enemy take the jump pad the enemy can't see me so they don't expect the damage coming this early damage allows my heavy to one shot the enemy heavy another thing is if you watch me closely I'm always cloaking while reloading this is something you should always do and incorporate it into your own gameplay last example of how to utilize cloak in this clip I'm using cloak to break line of sight and pop out unexpectedly let's talk about gadgets and I'm going to start with everything every light's favorite Gadget the glitch grenade I likly touched on glitches earlier but when I say you need to play Glitch I mean play Glitch this single Gadget is what carries the light class can disable anything gas mines on the cash out glitch them triple medium team constantly healing glitch them if you're struggling with anything just glitch it here's a great example of how good glitches are this one glitch completely denies this entire push and their healing and this is what makes us win the fight if we didn't have glitches here we would probably have lost against their comp which is double medium with like healing uh beams here's another great example of how to use glitches we have full team pushing up on us and the heav is going to use a shield it's also a glitch this glitch is going to hit the heavy Shield this allows us to break their entire formation last example of how good glitches are here I'm expecting that the enemy heavy is going to use Dome or M Shield so I toss it preemptively once they get on top of the cash out me and my heavy coordinate a glitch RPG push to instantly wipe the team if this doesn't convince you to use glitches I don't know what will now for the remaining gadgets that I use the taser and the grenade there isn't much to say about the taser and the grenade but I can give some quick tips on how to utilize it so for taser always always save it for important abilities like defibs RPGs or using it to stun important targets like good players or someone stealing cash outs you should never waste taser on Pointless Stuff now for grenades grenades are mostly used to finish off enemies that are low on HP or out playing opponents example of this is making the enemies walk into the nades you throw behind you or use them for entry damage chapter three I will do a V review of how I think when I play against good teams this game was against two St teams consisting of these players some good uh some good teams yeah it's going to be fun now before the game even starts we are already talking about what team is a threat to us let's do do team had two players first coming light so the only threat in that Lobby was bis's team so to start of the game we're taking High Ground of church the reason for taking High Ground of church is so we can easily contest the enemy team playing Below on the Vault cuz the Vault spawns Below in the church so most lights we just enter the fight and just walk up close range and try and engage like if I was engaging here with no utility I would have been dead 10 out of 10 times as soon as I see the heavy Shield I'm instantly glitching out cuz that's my first priority as a light then I see the heavy Dome up here and I'm going to instantly glitch that as well also if you look closely I'm angling my glitch so it lands on top of the Dome and bounces behind so it hits people behind the do as well once the fight is done I'm going to look for picks and secure the Vault and make sure it's safe for my teammates to rotate and I end up picking up a free Kill from a light just running round so fast forward a minute we're now contest thing Cash Out b it got double stacked which is kind of risky if you're going for the win as you can see I'm splitting left side instead of going right side with my team the reason for doing this is so I can go for glitches uh at the off angle another thing is you should always use your utility like always always before you enter a fight my n ends up hitting someone for like a chunk of damage and we just wiped them easily last you're D I can't it's in front of you no no fast forward 30 seconds we're still defending Cash Out b so what I'm going to do here now is Scout and look for picks I end up hitting a glitch here but the glitch doesn't land early enough so they jump on me so instead of staying and trying to one V3 them that's just not going to happen if you're playing night I'm going to drop below try and use cloak and use my movement to try and avoid them the thing with cloak is that you can't really run around and do whatever you want you need to play line of sight to outplay people the cloak just makes you harder to see so you can outplay easier so over L we're losing Cash Out b now it's kind of hard to defend this objective so it's pretty common and we're double stacking as well so so my only objective now is to kill the red team which is the team we're worried about so make sure that they don't steal a cash out is like number one priority at the moment I walk up and I hit a massive glitch grenade of three people so they're just dead now if if you hit a massive glitch they they're just dead and if you look super closely I also glitched your Dome it's fine that we don't get the cash out cuz we still have attempts later I'm just making sure that the one team we don't want to let through is not getting cash out after losing Cash Out b we need to get money somehow so we're contesting Vault number three and the team is already on vault number three so we're going to try and outplay them I hit the taser on one of the mediums and one clip him that's already a 2v3 situation after looking back at the W I should be tossing glitches on the Statue so they can't rest my medium also ends up dying here so we have to play slow and patient until he get rest up loading so right here we get one kill on the heavy and that one kill we should capitalize on so I'm instantly going for a taser and we win the fight and we get the Vault so right now the red team is taking Vault number four to cash out C and this is the team we want to make sure is not qualifying that is a reason why we abandoned Vault number three just to try and stop the red team from qualifying always at the start of the fight you should be looking for picks or uh damage if I had gotten the kill on this heavy this push would have been way different please come with me I'm back I'm coming coming wait for me you're going in without me so I end up wasting all my Gadget here and we just regroup on the roof and take it from there so right now my entire team is on the roof just chilling we have a medium with a jump pad and I'm going to go right side and look for a sneaky glitch always play off your cools right here I'm just chilling and telling my teammates to relax a bit just so I get my glitch grenade cool down so after I hit this glitch I tell my teammates that I glitched the enemy and they're going to jump out on their face and completely destroy them so the one glitch allows my entire team to just push up on the enemy and kill them for free so what we're going to see me do now is we wipe them and I'm going to play far back on the map like I'm not going to be right next to my team but I'm going to be close cuz I'm expecting the enemy to just walk towards the cash out and I need to be ready to uh hit that glitch and enemy ends up walking towards where I'm holding so this glitch is just free and we instantly wiped down yeah I all of them I all of the meds Med back here Med back here last him last me him back here somewhere I already went over this fight so it's pretty much we glitch them and we win there's not really much to say about this fight this fight in the building is a bit more special the first thing I see when I go into the room is the aps I instantly destroy it APS needs to be gone so I can throw frags and glitches the N I'm throwing here is going to chunk them for a bit and it's going to help my heavy so massively later so then my heavy RPGs us down below so we're kind of stuck and I throw a glitch grenade and uh my heavy is going to RPG and it's going to kill them because of the frag I threw earlier and this makes us win the fight essentially take who4 is that the enemy and afterwards we get killed by the pink team uh that doesn't really matter cuz uh we want them to win cuz we want the red team out so we are letting the pink team steal the cash out and this is essentially how you play light against decent teams and I hope you learned from it if you found any of this helpful or you learned something new about light leave a like And subscribe if you want more content go follow my twitch I'll be live pretty much every single day grinding the finals I hope to see you in the arena
Channel: Piggy
Views: 185,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cieXg4vAbfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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